[cantarell-fonts] Tweak latin ligatures.

commit f1ee7c11c61a0e19a8b4753e734db45f7dc26c79
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Mon Oct 8 13:46:29 2012 +0200

    Tweak latin ligatures.
    Use a submitted gsub table from  Mohamed El Morabity for latin ligatures.

 otf/Cantarell-Bold.otf    |  Bin 50484 -> 50832 bytes
 otf/Cantarell-Regular.otf |  Bin 45944 -> 46356 bytes
 src/Cantarell-Bold.sfd    |  351 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/Cantarell-Regular.sfd |  366 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 4 files changed, 396 insertions(+), 321 deletions(-)
diff --git a/otf/Cantarell-Bold.otf b/otf/Cantarell-Bold.otf
index 80024b1..d5e820f 100644
Binary files a/otf/Cantarell-Bold.otf and b/otf/Cantarell-Bold.otf differ
diff --git a/otf/Cantarell-Regular.otf b/otf/Cantarell-Regular.otf
index f8d8b81..06bf9e8 100644
Binary files a/otf/Cantarell-Regular.otf and b/otf/Cantarell-Regular.otf differ
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.sfd b/src/Cantarell-Bold.sfd
index 14d7755..760d280 100644
--- a/src/Cantarell-Bold.sfd
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.sfd
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ OS2Version: 0
 OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
 OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
 CreationTime: 1236980653
-ModificationTime: 1347619687
+ModificationTime: 1349696770
 PfmFamily: 33
 TTFWeight: 700
 TTFWidth: 5
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ HheadDescent: -286
 HheadDOffset: 0
 OS2FamilyClass: 2050
 OS2Vendor: 'ABAT'
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1"  } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
 MarkAttachClasses: 1
 DEI: 91125
 LangName: 1033 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Dave Crossland" "" "http://live.gnome.org/CantarellFonts+AAoA"; "http://abattis.org"; "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.+AAoA-This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:+AAoA-http://scripts.sil.org/OFL"; "http://scripts.sil.org/OFL"; "" "" "" "" "" "Cantarell" 
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ NameList: Adobe Glyph List
 DisplaySize: -48
 AntiAlias: 1
 FitToEm: 1
-WinInfo: 912 19 12
+WinInfo: 64220 19 12
 BeginPrivate: 0
@@ -11512,15 +11513,17 @@ SplineSet
  127 482 l 1
  127 511 l 2
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f f
 StartChar: uniFB01
 Encoding: 64257 64257 383
-Width: 776
+Width: 700
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
-HStem: 0 21G<146 266 568 688> 379 103<66 146 266 458> 562 132<561 696> 591 107<296.209 479.734>
-VStem: 146 120<0 379 482 563.17> 561 135<562 694> 568 120<0 482>
+Flags: HW
+HStem: 0 21G<110 230 532 652> 379 103<30 110 230 422> 562 132<525 660> 591 107<260.209 443.734>
+VStem: 110 120<0 379 482 563.17> 525 135<562 694> 532 120<0 482>
 LayerCount: 3
@@ -11556,188 +11559,196 @@ SplineSet
-146 511 m 2xd8
- 146 584 148 698 351 698 c 0
- 379 698 420 696 479 678 c 2
- 496 672 l 1
- 476 575 l 1
- 456 580 l 2
- 442 583 412 591 383 591 c 0
- 300 591 266 561 266 515 c 2
- 266 482 l 1
- 458 482 l 1
- 458 379 l 1
- 266 379 l 1
- 266 0 l 1
- 146 0 l 1
- 146 379 l 1
- 66 379 l 1
- 66 482 l 1
- 146 482 l 1
- 146 511 l 2xd8
-568 482 m 1xca
- 688 482 l 1
- 688 0 l 1
- 568 0 l 1
- 568 482 l 1xca
-561 694 m 1xec
- 696 694 l 1
- 696 562 l 1
- 561 562 l 1
- 561 694 l 1xec
+505 694 m 1
+ 640 694 l 1
+ 640 562 l 1
+ 505 562 l 1
+ 505 694 l 1
+110 511 m 2
+ 110 584 112 698 315 698 c 0
+ 343 698 384 696 443 678 c 1
+ 460 672 l 1
+ 440 575 l 1
+ 420 580 l 2
+ 406 583 376 591 347 591 c 0
+ 264 591 230 561 230 515 c 2
+ 230 482 l 1
+ 512 482 l 1
+ 632 482 l 1
+ 632 0 l 1
+ 512 0 l 1
+ 512 379 l 1
+ 230 379 l 1
+ 230 0 l 1
+ 110 0 l 1
+ 110 379 l 1
+ 30 379 l 1
+ 30 482 l 1
+ 110 482 l 1
+ 110 511 l 2
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f i
 StartChar: uniFB02
 Encoding: 64258 64258 384
-Width: 772
-VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
-HStem: -9.90039 104.22<592.5 755.592> 0 21G<146 266> 379 103<66 146 266 458> 591 107<296.209 479.734>
-VStem: 146 120<0 379 482 563.17> 520 120.145<102.826 693.75>
-LayerCount: 3
-703.645 94.3193 m 4xbc
- 722.645 94.3193 738.895 98.4863 761 105.1 c 5
- 761 14.0996 l 5
- 743.645 8.09961 728.4 -9.90039 624 -9.90039 c 4
- 561 -9.90039 519.954 37.0928 520 105.1 c 6
- 520.4 693.75 l 5
- 640.4 693.75 l 5
- 640.145 163.32 l 5
- 640.145 126.1 642.046 94.3193 703.645 94.3193 c 4xbc
-146 511 m 2
- 146 584 148 698 351 698 c 0
- 379 698 420 696 479 678 c 2
- 496 672 l 1
- 476 575 l 1
- 456 580 l 2
- 442 583 412 591 383 591 c 0
- 300 591 266 561 266 515 c 2
- 266 482 l 1
- 458 482 l 1
- 458 379 l 1
- 266 379 l 1
- 266 0 l 1
- 146 0 l 1x7c
- 146 379 l 1
- 66 379 l 1
- 66 482 l 1
- 146 482 l 1
- 146 511 l 2
+Width: 735
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HW
+HStem: -9.90039 104.22<536.5 699.592> 0 21G<110 230> 379 103<30 110 230 422> 597 101<271.055 463.237>
+VStem: 110 120<0 379 482 559.26> 464 120.145<102.826 591.505>
+LayerCount: 3
+110 511 m 2x7c
+ 110 584 129 698 332 698 c 0
+ 445.5 698 508.56 685.444 564.5 677.05 c 2
+ 585.5 673.898 l 1
+ 584.145 163.32 l 2
+ 584.046 126.1 586.046 94.3193 647.645 94.3193 c 0
+ 666.645 94.3193 682.895 98.4863 705 105.1 c 1
+ 705 14.0996 l 1
+ 687.645 8.09961 672.4 -9.90039 568 -9.90039 c 0xbc
+ 505 -9.90039 463.819 37.0928 464 105.1 c 2
+ 465.28 587.988 l 1
+ 430.5 594.05 399.101 596.858 364 597 c 0
+ 281 597 230 561 230 515 c 2
+ 230 482 l 1
+ 422 482 l 1
+ 422 379 l 1
+ 230 379 l 1
+ 230 0 l 1
+ 110 0 l 1
+ 110 379 l 1
+ 30 379 l 1
+ 30 482 l 1
+ 110 482 l 1
+ 110 511 l 2x7c
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f l
 StartChar: uniFB03
 Encoding: 64259 64259 385
-Width: 1132
-VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
-HStem: 0 21G<146 266 516 636 939 1059> 379 103<66 146 266 516 636 829> 562 132<932 1066> 591 107<296.209 479.734 666.459 850.648>
-VStem: 146 120<0 379 482 563.17> 516 120<0 379 482 563.17> 932 134<562 694> 939 120<0 482>
-LayerCount: 3
-146 511 m 2xdc
- 146 584 148 698 351 698 c 0
- 379 698 420 696 479 678 c 2
- 496 672 l 1
- 476 575 l 1
- 456 580 l 2
- 442 583 412 591 383 591 c 0
- 300 591 266 561 266 515 c 2
- 266 482 l 1
- 516 482 l 1
- 516 511 l 2
- 516 584 518 698 721 698 c 0
- 749 698 790 696 849 678 c 2
- 867 672 l 1
- 847 575 l 1
- 826 580 l 2
- 812 583 783 591 754 591 c 0
- 671 591 636 561 636 515 c 2
- 636 482 l 1
- 829 482 l 1
- 829 379 l 1
- 636 379 l 1
- 636 0 l 1
- 516 0 l 1
- 516 379 l 1
- 266 379 l 1
- 266 0 l 1
- 146 0 l 1
- 146 379 l 1
- 66 379 l 1
- 66 482 l 1
- 146 482 l 1
- 146 511 l 2xdc
-932 694 m 1xee
- 1066 694 l 1
- 1066 562 l 1
- 932 562 l 1
- 932 694 l 1xee
-939 482 m 1xcd
- 1059 482 l 1
- 1059 0 l 1
- 939 0 l 1
- 939 482 l 1xcd
+Width: 1027
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HW
+HStem: 0 21G<-200 -80 222 342> 379 103<-280 -200 -80 112> 562 132<215 350> 591 107<-49.791 133.734>
+VStem: -200 120<0 379 482 563.17> 215 135<562 694> 222 120<0 482>
+LayerCount: 3
+464 511 m 2
+ 464 584 459 698 662 698 c 0
+ 690 698 724 696 783 678 c 1
+ 800 672 l 1
+ 780 575 l 1
+ 760 580 l 2
+ 746 583 723 591 694 591 c 0
+ 611 591 584 561 584 515 c 2
+ 584 482 l 1
+ 839 482 l 5
+ 959 482 l 5
+ 959 0 l 5
+ 839 0 l 5
+ 839 379 l 5
+ 584 379 l 1
+ 584 0 l 1
+ 464 0 l 1
+ 464 379 l 1
+ 406.044 379 l 1
+ 391 379 l 1
+ 225.044 379 l 1
+ 225.044 0 l 1
+ 105.044 0 l 1
+ 105.044 379 l 1
+ 25.0439 379 l 1
+ 25.0439 482 l 1
+ 105.044 482 l 1
+ 105.044 511 l 2
+ 105.044 584 107.044 698 301.544 698 c 0
+ 327.044 698 368.044 696 427.044 678 c 1
+ 444.044 672 l 1
+ 424.044 575 l 1
+ 404.044 580 l 2
+ 390.044 583 360.044 591 331.044 591 c 0
+ 255.645 591 225.044 561 225.044 515 c 2
+ 225.044 482 l 1
+ 391 482 l 1
+ 406.044 482 l 1
+ 464 482 l 1
+ 464 511 l 2
+832 694 m 5
+ 967 694 l 5
+ 967 562 l 5
+ 832 562 l 5
+ 832 694 l 5
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f uniFB01
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" uniFB00 i
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f f i
 StartChar: uniFB04
 Encoding: 64260 64260 386
-Width: 1162
+Width: 1122
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HWO
 HStem: -9.90039 104.22<981.5 1144.59> 0 21G<146 266 516 636> 379 103<66 146 266 516 636 829> 591 107<296.209 479.734 666.459 850.648>
 VStem: 146 120<0 379 482 563.17> 516 120<0 379 482 563.17> 909 120.14<102.826 693.75>
 LayerCount: 3
-1092.64 94.3193 m 4xbe
- 1111.64 94.3193 1127.89 98.4863 1150 105.1 c 5
- 1150 14.0996 l 5
- 1132.64 8.09961 1117.4 -9.90039 1013 -9.90039 c 4
- 950 -9.90039 908.954 37.0928 909 105.1 c 6
- 909.4 693.75 l 5
- 1029.4 693.75 l 5
- 1029.14 163.32 l 5
- 1029.14 126.1 1031.05 94.3193 1092.64 94.3193 c 4xbe
-146 511 m 2
- 146 584 148 698 351 698 c 0
- 379 698 420 696 479 678 c 2
- 496 672 l 1
- 476 575 l 1
- 456 580 l 2
- 442 583 412 591 383 591 c 0
- 300 591 266 561 266 515 c 2
- 266 482 l 1
- 516 482 l 1
- 516 511 l 2
- 516 584 518 698 721 698 c 0
- 749 698 790 696 849 678 c 2
- 867 672 l 1
- 847 575 l 1
- 826 580 l 2
- 812 583 783 591 754 591 c 0
- 671 591 636 561 636 515 c 2
- 636 482 l 1
- 829 482 l 1
- 829 379 l 1
- 636 379 l 1
- 636 0 l 1
- 516 0 l 1
- 516 379 l 1
- 266 379 l 1
- 266 0 l 1
- 146 0 l 1x7e
- 146 379 l 1
- 66 379 l 1
- 66 482 l 1
- 146 482 l 1
- 146 511 l 2
+497 511 m 2
+ 497 584 516 698 719 698 c 0
+ 832.5 698 895.56 685.444 951.5 677.05 c 2
+ 972.5 673.898 l 1
+ 971.145 163.32 l 2
+ 971.046 126.1 973.046 94.3193 1034.64 94.3193 c 0
+ 1053.64 94.3193 1069.89 98.4863 1092 105.1 c 1
+ 1092 14.0996 l 1
+ 1074.64 8.09961 1059.4 -9.90039 955 -9.90039 c 0
+ 892 -9.90039 850.819 37.0928 851 105.1 c 2
+ 852.28 587.988 l 1
+ 817.5 594.05 786.101 596.858 751 597 c 0
+ 668 597 617 561 617 515 c 2
+ 617 482 l 1
+ 809 482 l 1
+ 809 379 l 1
+ 617 379 l 1
+ 617 0 l 1
+ 497 0 l 1
+ 497 379 l 1
+ 428.044 379 l 1
+ 417 379 l 1
+ 247.044 379 l 1
+ 247.044 0 l 1
+ 127.044 0 l 1
+ 127.044 379 l 1
+ 47.0439 379 l 1
+ 47.0439 482 l 1
+ 127.044 482 l 1
+ 127.044 511 l 2
+ 127.044 584 129.044 698 323.544 698 c 0
+ 349.044 698 390.044 696 449.044 678 c 1
+ 466.044 672 l 1
+ 446.044 575 l 1
+ 426.044 580 l 2
+ 412.044 583 382.044 591 353.044 591 c 0
+ 277.645 591 247.044 561 247.044 515 c 2
+ 247.044 482 l 1
+ 417 482 l 1
+ 428.044 482 l 1
+ 497 482 l 1
+ 497 511 l 2
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f uniFB02
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" uniFB00 l
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f f l
 StartChar: uni022D
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.sfd b/src/Cantarell-Regular.sfd
index ad03e61..08bc9de 100644
--- a/src/Cantarell-Regular.sfd
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Regular.sfd
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ OS2Version: 0
 OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
 OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
 CreationTime: 1236980653
-ModificationTime: 1347619668
+ModificationTime: 1349696687
 PfmFamily: 33
 TTFWeight: 400
 TTFWidth: 5
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ HheadDescent: -286
 HheadDOffset: 0
 OS2FamilyClass: 2050
 OS2Vendor: 'ABAT'
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1"  } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
 MarkAttachClasses: 1
 DEI: 91125
 LangName: 1033 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Dave Crossland" "" "" "http://abattis.org"; "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.+AA0ACgAA-This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:+AA0ACgAA-http://scripts.sil.org/OFL"; "http://scripts.sil.org/OFL"; "" "" "" "" "" "" "Cantarell" 
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ NameList: Adobe Glyph List
 DisplaySize: -48
 AntiAlias: 1
 FitToEm: 1
-WinInfo: 925 25 15
+WinInfo: 64225 25 19
 BeginPrivate: 0
@@ -14215,47 +14216,47 @@ EndChar
 StartChar: uniFB00
 Encoding: 64256 64256 382
-Width: 720
+Width: 672
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
-HStem: 0 21G<105.952 187 405.952 487> 419 63<35 105 186 405 486 648> 619 60<292.015 370.517 592.385 671.4> 631.456 66.352<220.753 371.572 520.94 672.072>
-VStem: 105 81<0 419 482 598.066> 405 81<0 419 482 597.65>
-LayerCount: 4
-591.353 631.456 m 0xdc
- 533.811 631.456 495.538 599.201 488 559 c 4
- 487 552 486 541 486 528 c 6
- 486 482 l 5
- 648 482 l 5
- 648 419 l 5
- 486 419 l 5
- 487 0 l 5
- 406 0 l 5
- 405 419 l 5
- 186 419 l 5
- 187 0 l 5
- 106 0 l 5
- 105 419 l 5
- 35 419 l 5
- 35 482 l 5
- 105 482 l 5
- 105 531 l 6
- 105 573 110 604 120 622 c 4
- 148.782 672.368 197.379 697.808 265.791 697.808 c 0xdc
- 306.645 697.808 348.183 689.145 382 679 c 5
- 369 619 l 5xec
- 338.489 627.375 312.632 631.456 290.998 631.456 c 0
- 234.213 631.456 194.257 599.045 188 559 c 4
- 187 552 186 541 186 528 c 6
- 186 482 l 5
- 405 482 l 5
- 405 531 l 6
- 405 573 410 604 420 622 c 4
- 448.782 672.368 497.379 697.808 565.791 697.808 c 0xdc
- 606.645 697.808 648.183 689.145 682 679 c 5
- 670 619 l 5xec
- 639.489 627.375 613.274 631.456 591.353 631.456 c 0xdc
+Flags: HW
+HStem: 0 21G<95.952 177 395.952 477> 419 63<25 95 176 395 476 638> 619 60<282.015 360.517 582.385 661.4> 631.456 66.352<210.753 361.572 510.94 662.072>
+VStem: 95 81<0 419 482 598.066> 395 81<0 419 482 597.65>
+LayerCount: 4
+581.354 631.456 m 0xdc
+ 523.811 631.456 485.538 599.201 478 559 c 0
+ 477 552 476 541 476 528 c 2
+ 476 482 l 1
+ 638 482 l 1
+ 638 419 l 1
+ 476 419 l 1
+ 477 0 l 1
+ 396 0 l 1
+ 395 419 l 1
+ 176 419 l 1
+ 177 0 l 1
+ 96 0 l 1
+ 95 419 l 1
+ 25 419 l 1
+ 25 482 l 1
+ 95 482 l 1
+ 95 531 l 2
+ 95 573 100 604 110 622 c 0
+ 138.782 672.368 187.379 697.808 255.791 697.808 c 0xdc
+ 296.645 697.808 338.183 689.145 372 679 c 1
+ 359 619 l 1xec
+ 328.489 627.375 302.632 631.456 280.998 631.456 c 0
+ 224.213 631.456 184.257 599.045 178 559 c 0
+ 177 552 176 541 176 528 c 2
+ 176 482 l 1
+ 395 482 l 1
+ 395 531 l 2
+ 395 573 400 604 410 622 c 0
+ 438.782 672.368 487.379 697.808 555.791 697.808 c 0xdc
+ 596.645 697.808 638.183 689.145 672 679 c 1
+ 660 619 l 1xec
+ 629.489 627.375 603.274 631.456 581.354 631.456 c 0xdc
 Layer: 3
@@ -14295,93 +14296,151 @@ SplineSet
  65.918 419.434 l 1
  65.918 482.422 l 1
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f f
 StartChar: uniFB01
 Encoding: 64257 64257 383
-Width: 656
+Width: 572
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 21<95.9523 177 460 542> 419 63<25 95 176 337> 463 20<460 542> 586 83<460 542> 631.456 66.352<210.753 361.572>
 VStem: 95 81<0 419 482 598.066> 460 82<0 483 586 669>
 LayerCount: 4
-Refer: 4 105 N 1 0 0 1 400 0 2
-Refer: 27 102 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+280.998 631.456 m 0
+ 224.213 631.456 184.257 599.045 178 559 c 0
+ 177 552 176 541 176 528 c 2
+ 176 482 l 1
+ 430 482 l 1
+ 430 482.934 l 1
+ 512 482.934 l 1
+ 512 -0.0664062 l 1
+ 430 -0.0664062 l 1
+ 430 419 l 1
+ 176 419 l 1
+ 177 0 l 1
+ 96 0 l 1
+ 95 419 l 1
+ 25 419 l 1
+ 25 482 l 1
+ 95 482 l 1
+ 95 531 l 2
+ 95 573 100 604 110 622 c 0
+ 138.782 672.368 187.379 697.808 255.791 697.808 c 0
+ 296.645 697.808 338.183 689.145 372 679 c 1
+ 359 619 l 1
+ 328.489 627.375 302.632 631.456 280.998 631.456 c 0
+430 668.934 m 1
+ 512 668.934 l 1
+ 512 585.934 l 1
+ 430 585.934 l 1
+ 430 668.934 l 1
 Layer: 3
 Refer: 4 105 N 1 0 0 1 400.391 0 2
 Refer: 27 102 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f i
 StartChar: uniFB02
 Encoding: 64258 64258 384
 Width: 635
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 21<95.9523 177 476.4 556.4> 419 63<25 95 176 337> 631.456 66.352<210.753 361.572> 651 20<476.4 556.4>
 VStem: 95 81<0 419 482 598.066> 438.4 80<0 671>
 LayerCount: 4
-Refer: 10 108 N 1 0 0 1 373 0 2
-Refer: 27 102 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+543.646 65.2197 m 0
+ 562.646 65.2197 578.896 69.3867 601 76 c 1
+ 601 14 l 1
+ 583.646 8 550.646 -10 504 -10 c 0
+ 441 -10 401 37 400 105 c 1
+ 400.367 621.5 l 1
+ 361 629.5 310.5 631.456 280.998 631.456 c 1
+ 224.213 631.456 184.257 599.045 178 559 c 0
+ 177 552 176 541 176 528 c 2
+ 176 482 l 1
+ 337 482 l 1
+ 337 419 l 1
+ 176 419 l 1
+ 177 0 l 1
+ 96 0 l 1
+ 95 419 l 1
+ 25 419 l 1
+ 25 482 l 1
+ 95 482 l 1
+ 95 531 l 2
+ 95 573 100 604 110 622 c 0
+ 138.782 672.368 187.379 697.808 255.791 697.808 c 0
+ 368 697.808 446.583 675.145 480.4 665 c 5
+ 480.146 134.22 l 2
+ 480.129 97 482.047 65.2197 543.646 65.2197 c 0
 Layer: 3
 Refer: 10 108 N 1 0 0 1 400.391 0 2
 Refer: 27 102 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f l
 StartChar: uniFB03
 Encoding: 64259 64259 385
-Width: 932
+Width: 884
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
-HStem: 0 21G<136.952 218 456.952 538 778 858> 419 63<66 136 217 456 537 699> 602 92<770 865> 619 60<323.015 401.517 643.385 722.4> 631.456 66.352<251.753 402.572 571.94 723.072>
-VStem: 136 81<0 419 482 598.066> 456 81<0 419 482 597.65> 770 95<602 694> 778 80<0 482>
-LayerCount: 4
-778 482 m 1xc680
- 858 482 l 1
- 858 0 l 1
- 778 0 l 1
- 778 482 l 1xc680
-770 694 m 1xe7
- 865 694 l 1
- 865 602 l 1
- 770 602 l 1
- 770 694 l 1xe7
-642.353 631.456 m 0xce
- 584.811 631.456 546.538 599.201 539 559 c 0
- 538 552 537 541 537 528 c 2
- 537 482 l 1
- 699 482 l 1
- 699 419 l 1
- 537 419 l 1
- 538 0 l 1
- 457 0 l 1
- 456 419 l 1
- 217 419 l 1
- 218 0 l 1
- 137 0 l 1
- 136 419 l 1
- 66 419 l 1
- 66 482 l 1
- 136 482 l 1
- 136 531 l 2
- 136 573 141 604 151 622 c 0
- 179.782 672.368 228.379 697.808 296.791 697.808 c 0xce
- 337.645 697.808 379.183 689.145 413 679 c 1
- 400 619 l 1xd6
- 369.489 627.375 343.632 631.456 321.998 631.456 c 0
- 265.213 631.456 225.257 599.045 219 559 c 0
- 218 552 217 541 217 528 c 2
- 217 482 l 1
- 456 482 l 1
- 456 531 l 2
- 456 573 461 604 471 622 c 0
- 499.782 672.368 548.379 697.808 616.791 697.808 c 0xce
- 657.645 697.808 699.183 689.145 733 679 c 1
- 721 619 l 1xd6
- 690.489 627.375 664.274 631.456 642.353 631.456 c 0xce
+Flags: HW
+HStem: 0 21G<95.952 177 415.952 497 737 817> 419 63<25 95 176 415 496 658> 602 92<729 824> 619 60<282.015 360.517 602.385 681.4> 631.456 66.3516<210.753 361.572 530.94 682.072>
+VStem: 95 81<0 419 482 598.066> 415 81<0 419 482 597.65> 729 95<602 694> 737 80<0 482>
+LayerCount: 4
+592.354 631.456 m 0
+ 534.811 631.456 496.538 599.201 489 559 c 0
+ 488 552 487 541 487 528 c 2
+ 487 482 l 1
+ 737 482 l 1
+ 739 482 l 1
+ 817 482 l 1
+ 817 0 l 1
+ 737 0 l 1
+ 737 419 l 1
+ 487 419 l 1
+ 488 0 l 1
+ 407 0 l 1
+ 406 419 l 1
+ 176 419 l 1
+ 177 0 l 1
+ 96 0 l 1
+ 95 419 l 1
+ 25 419 l 1
+ 25 482 l 1
+ 95 482 l 1
+ 95 531 l 2
+ 95 573 100 604 110 622 c 0
+ 138.782 672.368 187.379 697.808 255.791 697.808 c 0
+ 296.645 697.808 338.183 689.145 372 679 c 1
+ 359 619 l 1
+ 328.489 627.375 302.632 631.456 280.998 631.456 c 0
+ 224.213 631.456 184.257 599.045 178 559 c 0
+ 177 552 176 541 176 528 c 2
+ 176 482 l 1
+ 406 482 l 1
+ 406 531 l 2
+ 406 573 411 604 421 622 c 0
+ 449.782 672.368 498.379 697.808 566.791 697.808 c 0
+ 607.645 697.808 649.183 689.145 683 679 c 1
+ 671 619 l 1
+ 640.489 627.375 614.274 631.456 592.354 631.456 c 0
+729 694 m 1
+ 824 694 l 1
+ 824 602 l 1
+ 729 602 l 1
+ 729 694 l 1
 Layer: 3
@@ -14431,60 +14490,61 @@ SplineSet
  888.672 0 l 1
  888.672 482.422 l 1
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f uniFB01
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" uniFB00 i
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f f i
 StartChar: uniFB04
 Encoding: 64260 64260 386
-Width: 991
+Width: 946
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
-HStem: -10 75.2197<869.457 975.438> 0 21G<135.952 217 452.952 534> 419 63<59 135 216 452 533 695> 619 60<322.015 400.517 639.385 718.4> 631.456 66.352<250.753 401.572 567.94 719.072> 651 20G<780.986 861>
-VStem: 135 81<0 419 482 598.066> 452 81<0 419 482 597.65> 780.6 80.145<74.7623 671>
-LayerCount: 4
-924.245 65.2197 m 0xa780
- 943.245 65.2197 959.495 69.3867 981.6 76 c 1
- 981.6 14 l 1
- 964.245 8 931.245 -10 884.6 -10 c 0
- 821.6 -10 781.6 37 780.6 105 c 1
- 781 671 l 1
- 861 671 l 1
- 860.745 134.22 l 2
- 860.745 97 862.646 65.2197 924.245 65.2197 c 0xa780
-638.353 631.456 m 0x2b80
- 580.811 631.456 542.538 599.201 535 559 c 0
- 534 552 533 541 533 528 c 2
- 533 482 l 1
- 695 482 l 1
- 695 419 l 1
- 533 419 l 1
- 534 0 l 1
- 453 0 l 1
- 452 419 l 1
- 216 419 l 1
- 217 0 l 1
- 136 0 l 1
- 135 419 l 1
- 59 419 l 1
- 59 482 l 1
- 135 482 l 1
- 135 531 l 2
- 135 573 140 604 150 622 c 0
- 178.782 672.368 227.379 697.808 295.791 697.808 c 0x6b80
- 336.645 697.808 378.183 689.145 412 679 c 1
- 399 619 l 1x3380
- 368.489 627.375 342.632 631.456 320.998 631.456 c 0
- 264.213 631.456 224.257 599.045 218 559 c 0
- 217 552 216 541 216 528 c 2
- 216 482 l 1
- 452 482 l 1
- 452 531 l 2
- 452 573 457 604 467 622 c 0
- 495.782 672.368 544.379 697.808 612.791 697.808 c 0x2b80
- 653.645 697.808 695.183 689.145 729 679 c 1
- 717 619 l 1x3380
- 686.489 627.375 660.274 631.456 638.353 631.456 c 0x2b80
+Flags: HW
+HStem: -10 75.2197<835.457 941.438> 0 21G<101.952 183 418.952 500> 419 63<25 101 182 418 499 661> 619 60<288.015 366.517 605.385 684.4> 631.456 66.352<216.753 367.572 533.94 685.072> 651 20G<746.986 827>
+VStem: 101 81<0 419 482 598.066> 418 81<0 419 482 597.65> 746.6 80.145<74.7623 671>
+LayerCount: 4
+604.354 631.456 m 0
+ 546.811 631.456 508.538 599.201 501 559 c 0
+ 500 552 499 541 499 528 c 2
+ 499 482 l 1
+ 661 482 l 1
+ 661 419 l 1
+ 499 419 l 1
+ 500 0 l 1
+ 419 0 l 1
+ 418 419 l 1
+ 182 419 l 1
+ 183 0 l 1
+ 102 0 l 1
+ 101 419 l 1
+ 25 419 l 1
+ 25 482 l 1
+ 101 482 l 1
+ 101 531 l 2
+ 101 573 106 604 116 622 c 0
+ 144.782 672.368 193.379 697.808 261.791 697.808 c 0
+ 302.645 697.808 344.183 689.145 378 679 c 1
+ 365 619 l 1
+ 334.489 627.375 308.632 631.456 286.998 631.456 c 0
+ 230.213 631.456 190.257 599.045 184 559 c 0
+ 183 552 182 541 182 528 c 2
+ 182 482 l 1
+ 418 482 l 1
+ 418 531 l 2
+ 418 573 423 604 433 622 c 0
+ 461.782 672.368 510.379 697.808 578.791 697.808 c 0
+ 695.55 697.808 762.183 681.145 796 671 c 1
+ 795.745 134.22 l 2
+ 795.745 97 797.646 65.2197 859.245 65.2197 c 0
+ 878.245 65.2197 894.495 69.3867 916.6 76 c 1
+ 916.6 14 l 1
+ 899.245 8 866.245 -10 819.6 -10 c 0
+ 756.6 -10 716.6 37 715.6 105 c 1
+ 715.964 619.81 l 1
+ 685.771 627.639 645.65 631.456 604.354 631.456 c 0
 Layer: 3
@@ -14529,6 +14589,10 @@ SplineSet
  898.438 0 l 1
  898.438 737.793 l 1
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f uniFB02
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" uniFB00 l
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 0-1" f f l
 StartChar: H18533

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