[gnote] Redesign NoteRecentChanges into embedable container

commit d4be3ebfb723c011ea8d1d8527994de564e63461
Author: Aurimas Äernius <aurisc4 gmail com>
Date:   Sat Oct 6 14:08:17 2012 +0300

    Redesign NoteRecentChanges into embedable container
    * Remove menu bar, add toolbar with show menu button.
    * Remove status bar.
    * Derive from utils::EmbedableWidgetHost
    * Remove the search combo, note and notebook lists, make
    into embedable window.
    * Embed SearchNotesWidget.

 src/recentchanges.cpp | 1627 +++----------------------------------------------
 src/recentchanges.hpp |  172 +-----
 2 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 1689 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/recentchanges.cpp b/src/recentchanges.cpp
index 09bacf7..ec2f0bd 100644
--- a/src/recentchanges.cpp
+++ b/src/recentchanges.cpp
@@ -23,18 +23,10 @@
 #include <config.h>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
 #include <gtkmm/image.h>
-#include <gtkmm/linkbutton.h>
-#include <gtkmm/main.h>
-#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
-#include <gtkmm/table.h>
-#include <gtkmm/treestore.h>
-#include "sharp/datetime.hpp"
-#include "sharp/string.hpp"
 #include "actionmanager.hpp"
 #include "debug.hpp"
 #include "gnote.hpp"
@@ -42,184 +34,57 @@
 #include "notemanager.hpp"
 #include "notewindow.hpp"
 #include "recentchanges.hpp"
-#include "recenttreeview.hpp"
-#include "search.hpp"
-#include "tagmanager.hpp"
-#include "utils.hpp"
-#include "notebooks/notebookmanager.hpp"
-#include "notebooks/notebookstreeview.hpp"
 namespace gnote {
-  bool        NoteRecentChanges::s_static_inited = false;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> NoteRecentChanges::s_note_icon;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> NoteRecentChanges::s_all_notes_icon;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> NoteRecentChanges::s_unfiled_notes_icon;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> NoteRecentChanges::s_notebook_icon;
-  std::list<std::string>    NoteRecentChanges::s_previous_searches;
-  void NoteRecentChanges::_init_static()
-  {
-    if(s_static_inited) {
-      return;
-    }
-    s_note_icon = utils::get_icon ("note", 22);
-    s_all_notes_icon = utils::get_icon ("filter-note-all", 22);
-    s_unfiled_notes_icon = utils::get_icon ("filter-note-unfiled", 22);
-    s_notebook_icon = utils::get_icon ("notebook", 22);
-    s_static_inited = true;
-  }
   NoteRecentChanges::NoteRecentChanges(NoteManager& m)
     : NoteRecentChangesParent(_("Notes"))
-    , m_manager(m)
-    , m_menubar(NULL)
-    , m_find_combo(Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel>::cast_static(Gtk::ListStore::create(m_find_combo_columns)), true)
-    , m_clear_search_button(Gtk::Stock::CLEAR)
+    , m_search_notes_widget(m)
     , m_content_vbox(false, 0)
-    , m_matches_column(NULL)
-    , m_no_matches_box(NULL)
-    , m_tree(NULL)
-    , m_entry_changed_timeout(NULL)
-    , m_clickX(0), m_clickY(0)
-    _init_static();
-//    get_window()->set_icon_name("gnote");
-    m_menubar = create_menu_bar ();
-    Gtk::Label *label = manage(new Gtk::Label (_("_Search:"), true));
-    label->property_xalign() = 1;
-    label->set_mnemonic_widget(m_find_combo);
-    m_find_combo.set_entry_text_column(0);
-    m_find_combo.signal_changed()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_entry_changed));
-    m_find_combo.get_entry()->set_activates_default(false);
-    m_find_combo.get_entry()->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_entry_activated));
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> model 
-      = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>::cast_dynamic(m_find_combo.get_model());
-    for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator liter = s_previous_searches.begin();
-        liter != s_previous_searches.end(); ++liter) {
-      Gtk::TreeIter iter = model->append();
-      iter->set_value(0, *liter);
-    }
-    m_clear_search_button.set_sensitive(false);
-    m_clear_search_button.signal_clicked()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::clear_search_clicked));
-    m_clear_search_button.show ();
-    Gtk::Table *table = manage(new Gtk::Table (2, 3, false));
-    table->attach (*label, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0, 0, 0);
-    table->attach (m_find_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1);
-    table->attach (m_clear_search_button,
-                  2, 3, 0, 1,
-                  Gtk::SHRINK, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0, 0, 0);
-    table->property_column_spacing() = 4;
-    table->show_all ();
-    Gtk::HBox *hbox = manage(new Gtk::HBox (false, 2));
-    hbox->pack_start (*table, true, true, 0);
-    hbox->show_all ();
-    // Notebooks Pane
-    Gtk::Widget *notebooksPane = Gtk::manage(make_notebooks_pane ());
-    notebooksPane->show ();
-    make_recent_tree ();
-    m_tree = manage(m_tree);
-    m_tree->show ();
-    m_status_bar.show();
-    // Update on changes to notes
-    m.signal_note_deleted.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_note_deleted));
-    m.signal_note_added.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_note_added));
-    m.signal_note_renamed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_note_renamed));
-    m.signal_note_saved.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_note_saved));
-    // List all the current notes
-    update_results ();
-    m_matches_window.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
-    m_matches_window.property_hscrollbar_policy() = Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC;
-    m_matches_window.property_vscrollbar_policy() = Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC;
-    m_matches_window.add (*m_tree);
-    m_matches_window.show ();
-    m_hpaned.set_position(150);
-    m_hpaned.add1 (*notebooksPane);
-    m_hpaned.add2 (m_matches_window);
-    m_hpaned.show ();
-    restore_position ();
-    Gtk::VBox *vbox = manage(new Gtk::VBox (false, 8));
-    vbox->set_border_width(6);
-    vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false, 0);
-    vbox->pack_start (m_hpaned, true, true, 0);
-    vbox->pack_start (m_status_bar, false, false, 0);
-    vbox->show ();
-    // Use another VBox to place the MenuBar
-    // right at thetop of the window.
-    m_content_vbox.pack_start (*manage(m_menubar), false, false, 0);
-    m_content_vbox.pack_start (*vbox, true, true, 0);
+    m_search_notes_widget.signal_open_note
+      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_open_note));
+    m_search_notes_widget.signal_open_note_new_window
+      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_open_note_new_window));
+    Gtk::Toolbar *toolbar = manage(new Gtk::Toolbar);
+    m_menu = manage(new Gtk::Menu);
+    utils::ToolMenuButton *tool_button = manage(new utils::ToolMenuButton(
+      *manage(new Gtk::Image(utils::get_icon("note", 24))), _("_Show"), m_menu));
+    tool_button->set_use_underline(true);
+    tool_button->set_is_important(true);
+    tool_button->show_all();
+    toolbar->append(*tool_button);
+    toolbar->show();
+    m_content_vbox.pack_start(*toolbar, false, false, 0);
+    m_content_vbox.pack_start(m_embed_box, true, true, 0);
+    m_embed_box.show();
     m_content_vbox.show ();
     add (m_content_vbox);
     signal_delete_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_delete));
       .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_key_pressed)); // For Escape
-    // Watch when notes are added to notebooks so the search
-    // results will be updated immediately instead of waiting
-    // until the note's queue_save () kicks in.
-    notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().signal_note_added_to_notebook()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_note_added_to_notebook));
-    notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().signal_note_removed_from_notebook()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_note_removed_from_notebook));
-    // Set the focus chain for the top-most containers
-    std::vector<Gtk::Widget*> focus_chain;
-    focus_chain.push_back(hbox);
-    focus_chain.push_back(&m_hpaned);
-    vbox->set_focus_chain(focus_chain);
-    // Set focus chain for sub widgets of first top-most container
-    focus_chain.clear();
-    focus_chain.push_back(&m_find_combo);
-    focus_chain.push_back(&m_matches_window);
-    hbox->set_focus_chain(focus_chain);
-    // set focus chain for sub widgets of second top-most container
-    focus_chain.clear();
-    focus_chain.push_back(&m_matches_window);
-    focus_chain.push_back(notebooksPane);
-    m_hpaned.set_focus_chain(focus_chain);
-    // get back to the beginning of the focus chain
-    focus_chain.clear();
-    focus_chain.push_back(m_tree);
-    m_matches_window.set_focus_chain(focus_chain);
+    embed_widget(m_search_notes_widget);
+    m_embeded_widgets[&m_search_notes_widget]->toggled(); //need initial event to show search widget
-    save_position();
+    while(m_embeded_widgets.size()) {
+      unembed_widget(*m_embeded_widgets.begin()->first);
+    }
@@ -257,963 +122,35 @@ namespace gnote {
-  Gtk::MenuBar *NoteRecentChanges::create_menu_bar ()
-  {
-    ActionManager &am(ActionManager::obj());
-    Gtk::MenuBar *menubar = dynamic_cast<Gtk::MenuBar*>(am.get_widget ("/MainWindowMenubar"));
-    am ["OpenNoteAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_open_note));
-    am ["DeleteNoteAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_delete_note));
-    // from notebook addin
-    am ["NewNotebookNoteAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_new_notebook_note));
-    am ["OpenNotebookTemplateNoteAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_open_notebook_template_note));
-    am ["NewNotebookAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_new_notebook));
-    am ["DeleteNotebookAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_delete_notebook));
-    // end notebook addin
-    am ["CloseWindowAction"]->signal_activate()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_close_window));
-    if (Gnote::obj().tray_icon_showing() == false)
-      am ["CloseWindowAction"]->set_visible(false);
-    // Allow Escape to close the window as well as <Control>W
-    // Should be able to add Escape to the CloseAction.  Can't do that
-    // until someone fixes AccelGroup.Connect:
-    //     http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=76988)
-    //
-    // am.UI.AccelGroup.Connect ((uint) Gdk.Key.Escape,
-    //   0,
-    //   Gtk::AccelFlags.Mask,
-    //   OnCloseWindow);
-    return menubar;
-  }
-  Gtk::Widget *NoteRecentChanges::make_notebooks_pane()
-  {
-    m_notebooksTree = Gtk::manage(
-      new notebooks::NotebooksTreeView (notebooks::NotebookManager::instance()
-                                        .get_notebooks_with_special_items()));
-    m_notebooksTree->get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE);
-    m_notebooksTree->set_headers_visible(true);
-    m_notebooksTree->set_rules_hint(false);
-    Gtk::CellRenderer *renderer;
-    Gtk::TreeViewColumn *column = manage(new Gtk::TreeViewColumn ());
-    column->set_title(_("Notebooks"));
-    column->set_sizing(Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE);
-    column->set_resizable(false);
-    renderer = manage(new Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf ());
-    column->pack_start (*renderer, false);
-    column->set_cell_data_func (*renderer,
-                                sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::notebook_pixbuf_cell_data_func));
-    Gtk::CellRendererText *text_renderer = manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText ());
-    text_renderer->property_editable() = true;
-    column->pack_start (*text_renderer, true);
-    column->set_cell_data_func (*text_renderer,
-                                sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::notebook_text_cell_data_func));
-    text_renderer->signal_edited().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_notebook_row_edited));
-    m_notebooksTree->append_column (*column);
-    m_notebooksTree->signal_row_activated()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_notebook_row_activated));
-    m_on_notebook_selection_changed_cid = m_notebooksTree->get_selection()->signal_changed()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_notebook_selection_changed));
-    m_notebooksTree->signal_button_press_event()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_notebooks_tree_button_pressed), false);
-    m_notebooksTree->signal_key_press_event()
-      .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_notebooks_key_pressed));
-    m_notebooksTree->show ();
-    Gtk::ScrolledWindow *sw = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow ();
-    sw->property_hscrollbar_policy() = Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC;
-    sw->property_vscrollbar_policy() = Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC;
-    sw->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
-    sw->add (*m_notebooksTree);
-    sw->show ();
-    return sw;
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::make_recent_tree ()
-  {
-    m_targets.push_back(Gtk::TargetEntry ("STRING",
-                                          Gtk::TARGET_SAME_APP,
-                                          0));
-    m_targets.push_back(Gtk::TargetEntry ("text/plain",
-                                    Gtk::TARGET_SAME_APP,
-                                          0));
-    m_targets.push_back(Gtk::TargetEntry ("text/uri-list",
-                                    Gtk::TARGET_SAME_APP,
-                                          1));
-    m_tree = Gtk::manage(new RecentTreeView ());
-    m_tree->set_headers_visible(true);
-    m_tree->set_rules_hint(true);
-    m_tree->signal_row_activated().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_row_activated));
-    m_tree->get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE);
-    m_tree->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_selection_changed));
-    m_tree->signal_button_press_event().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_button_pressed), false);
-    m_tree->signal_motion_notify_event().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_motion_notify), false);
-    m_tree->signal_button_release_event().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_button_released));
-    m_tree->signal_key_press_event().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this,
-                    &NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_key_pressed), false);
-    m_tree->signal_drag_data_get().connect(
-      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_drag_data_get));
-    m_tree->enable_model_drag_source(m_targets,
-    Gtk::CellRenderer *renderer;
-    Gtk::TreeViewColumn *title = manage(new Gtk::TreeViewColumn ());
-    title->set_title(_("Note"));
-    title->set_min_width(150);
-    title->set_sizing(Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE);
-    title->set_expand(true);
-    title->set_resizable(true);
-    renderer = manage(new Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf ());
-    title->pack_start (*renderer, false);
-    title->add_attribute (*renderer, "pixbuf", 0 /* icon */);
-    renderer = manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText ());
-    static_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer)->property_ellipsize() = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END;
-    title->pack_start (*renderer, true);
-    title->add_attribute (*renderer, "text", 1 /* title */);
-    title->set_sort_column(1); /* title */
-    title->set_sort_indicator(false);
-    title->set_reorderable(false);
-    title->set_sort_order(Gtk::SORT_ASCENDING);
-    m_tree->append_column (*title);
-    Gtk::TreeViewColumn *change = manage(new Gtk::TreeViewColumn ());
-    change->set_title(_("Last Changed"));
-    change->set_sizing(Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE);
-    change->set_resizable(false);
-    renderer = manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText ());
-    renderer->property_xalign() = 1.0;
-    change->pack_start (*renderer, false);
-    change->add_attribute (*renderer, "text", 2 /* change date */);
-    change->set_sort_column(2); /* change date */
-    change->set_sort_indicator(false);
-    change->set_reorderable(false);
-    change->set_sort_order(Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING);
-    m_tree->append_column (*change);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::add_note(const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    std::string nice_date =
-      utils::get_pretty_print_date(note->change_date(), true);
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_store->append();
-    iter->set_value(m_column_types.icon, s_note_icon);
-    iter->set_value(m_column_types.title, note->get_title());
-    iter->set_value(m_column_types.change_date, nice_date);
-    iter->set_value(m_column_types.note, note);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::delete_note(const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows = m_store->children();
-    for (Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = rows.begin();
-         rows.end() != iter; iter++) {
-      if (note == iter->get_value(m_column_types.note)) {
-        m_store->erase(iter);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::rename_note(const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows = m_store->children();
-    for (Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = rows.begin();
-         rows.end() != iter; iter++) {
-      if (note == iter->get_value(m_column_types.note)) {
-        iter->set_value(m_column_types.title, note->get_title());
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::update_results()
-  {
-    // Save the currently selected notes
-    Note::List selected_notes = get_selected_notes ();
-    int sort_column = 2; /* change date */
-    Gtk::SortType sort_type = Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING;
-    if (m_store_sort)
-      m_store_sort->get_sort_column_id (sort_column, sort_type);
-    m_store = Gtk::ListStore::create (m_column_types);
-    m_store_filter = Gtk::TreeModelFilter::create (m_store);
-    m_store_filter->set_visible_func(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::filter_notes));
-    m_store_sort = Gtk::TreeModelSort::create (m_store_filter);
-    m_store_sort->set_sort_func (1 /* title */,
-                                sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::compare_titles));
-    m_store_sort->set_sort_func (2 /* change date */,
-                                sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::compare_dates));
-    int cnt = 0;
-    for(Note::List::const_iterator note_iter = m_manager.get_notes().begin();
-        note_iter != m_manager.get_notes().end(); ++note_iter) {
-      const Note::Ptr & note(*note_iter);
-      std::string nice_date =
-        utils::get_pretty_print_date (note->change_date(), true);
-      Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_store->append();
-      iter->set_value(0, s_note_icon);  /* icon */
-      iter->set_value(1, note->get_title()); /* title */
-      iter->set_value(2, nice_date);  /* change date */
-      iter->set_value(3, note);      /* note */
-      cnt++;
-    }
-    m_tree->set_model(m_store_sort);
-    perform_search ();
-    if (sort_column >= 0) {
-      // Set the sort column after loading data, since we
-      // don't want to resort on every append.
-      m_store_sort->set_sort_column(sort_column, sort_type);
-    }
-    // Restore the previous selection
-    if (!selected_notes.empty()) {
-      select_notes (selected_notes);
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::select_notes(const Note::List & notes)
-  {
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_store_sort->children().begin();
-    if (!iter)
-      return;
-    do {
-      Note::Ptr iter_note = (*iter)[m_column_types.note];
-      if (find(notes.begin(), notes.end(), iter_note) != notes.end()) {
-        // Found one
-        m_tree->get_selection()->select(iter);
-        //ScrollToIter (tree, iter);
-      }
-    } while (++iter);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::scroll_to_iter (Gtk::TreeView & tree, const Gtk::TreeIter & iter)
-  {
-    Gtk::TreePath path = tree.get_model()->get_path(iter);
-    if (!path.empty())
-      tree.scroll_to_row (path);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::perform_search ()
-  {
-      // For some reason, the matches column must be rebuilt
-      // every time because otherwise, it's not sortable.
-      remove_matches_column ();
-      Search search(m_manager);
-      std::string text = get_search_text();
-      if (text.empty()) {
-        m_current_matches.clear ();
-        m_store_filter->refilter ();
-        update_total_note_count (m_store_sort->children().size());
-        if (m_tree->get_realized()) {
-          m_tree->scroll_to_point (0, 0);
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      text = sharp::string_to_lower(text);
-      m_current_matches.clear ();
-      // Search using the currently selected notebook
-      notebooks::Notebook::Ptr selected_notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-      if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::SpecialNotebook>(selected_notebook)) {
-        selected_notebook = notebooks::Notebook::Ptr();
-      }
-      Search::ResultsPtr results = search.search_notes(text, false, selected_notebook);
-      // if no results found in current notebook ask user whether
-      // to search in all notebooks
-      if(results->size() == 0 && selected_notebook != NULL) {
-        no_matches_found_action();
-      }
-      else {
-        for(Search::Results::const_reverse_iterator iter = results->rbegin();
-            iter != results->rend(); iter++) {
-          m_current_matches[iter->second->uri()] = iter->first;
-        }
-        add_matches_column ();
-        m_store_filter->refilter ();
-        m_tree->scroll_to_point (0, 0);
-        update_match_note_count (m_current_matches.size());
-      }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::add_matches_column ()
-  {
-    if (!m_matches_column) {
-      Gtk::CellRenderer *renderer;
-      m_matches_column = manage(new Gtk::TreeViewColumn ());
-      m_matches_column->set_title(_("Matches"));
-      m_matches_column->set_sizing(Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE);
-      m_matches_column->set_resizable(false);
-      renderer = manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText ());
-      renderer->property_width() = 75;
-      m_matches_column->pack_start (*renderer, false);
-      m_matches_column->set_cell_data_func (
-        *renderer,
-        sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::matches_column_data_func));
-      m_matches_column->set_sort_column(4);
-      m_matches_column->set_sort_indicator(true);
-      m_matches_column->set_reorderable(false);
-      m_matches_column->set_sort_order(Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING);
-      m_matches_column->set_clickable(true);
-      m_store_sort->set_sort_func(4 /* matches */,
-                                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::compare_search_hits));
-      m_tree->append_column (*m_matches_column);
-      m_store_sort->set_sort_column(4, Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING);
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::remove_matches_column ()
-  {
-    if (m_matches_column == NULL)
-      return;
-    m_tree->remove_column (*m_matches_column);
-    m_matches_column = NULL;
-    m_store_sort->set_sort_column(2, Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::matches_column_data_func(Gtk::CellRenderer * cell, 
-                                                   const Gtk::TreeIter & iter)
-  {
-    Gtk::CellRendererText *crt = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(cell);
-    if (!crt)
-      return;
-    std::string match_str = "";
-    Note::Ptr note = (*iter)[m_column_types.note];
-    if (note) {
-      int match_count;
-      std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator miter 
-        = m_current_matches.find(note->uri());
-      if (miter != m_current_matches.end()) {
-        match_count = miter->second;
-        if(match_count == INT_MAX) {
-          //TRANSLATORS: search found a match in note title
-          match_str = _("Title match");
-        }
-        else if (match_count > 0) {
-          const char * fmt;
-          fmt = ngettext("%1% match", "%1% matches", match_count);
-          match_str = str(boost::format(fmt) % match_count);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    crt->property_text() = match_str;
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::update_total_note_count (int total)
-  {
-    try {
-      const char * fmt;
-      fmt = ngettext("Total: %1% note", "Total: %1% notes", total);
-      std::string status = str(boost::format (fmt) % total);
-      m_status_bar.pop(0);
-      m_status_bar.push(status, 0);
-    } 
-    catch(const std::exception & e)
-    {
-      ERR_OUT("exception: %s", e.what());
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::update_match_note_count (int matches)
-  {
-    try {
-      const char * fmt;
-      fmt = ngettext("Matches: %1% note", "Matches: %1% notes", matches);
-      std::string status = str(boost::format (fmt) % matches);
-      m_status_bar.pop(0);
-      m_status_bar.push(status, 0);
-    }
-    catch(const std::exception & e)
-    {
-      ERR_OUT("exception: %s", e.what());
-    }
-  }
-  // called when no search results are found in the selected notebook
-  void NoteRecentChanges::no_matches_found_action()
-  {
-    m_hpaned.remove(m_matches_window);
-    if(!m_no_matches_box) {
-      Glib::ustring message = _("No results found in the selected notebook.\nClick here to search across all notes.");
-      Gtk::LinkButton *link_button = manage(new Gtk::LinkButton("", message));
-      link_button->signal_activate_link()
-        .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::show_all_search_results));
-      link_button->set_tooltip_text(_("Click here to search across all notebooks"));
-      link_button->show();
-      Gtk::Table *no_matches_found_table = manage(new Gtk::Table(1, 3, false));
-      no_matches_found_table->attach(*link_button, 1, 2, 0, 1,
-        Gtk::FILL | Gtk::SHRINK,
-        Gtk::SHRINK,
-        0, 0
-      );
-      no_matches_found_table->set_col_spacings(4);
-      no_matches_found_table->show_all();
-      m_no_matches_box = manage(new Gtk::HBox(false, 0));
-      m_no_matches_box->pack_start(*no_matches_found_table, true, true, 0);
-      m_no_matches_box->show();
-    }
-    m_hpaned.add2(*m_no_matches_box);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::restore_matches_window()
-  {
-    if(m_no_matches_box && m_hpaned.get_child2() == m_no_matches_box) {
-      m_hpaned.remove(*m_no_matches_box);
-      m_hpaned.add2(m_matches_window);
-      restore_position();
-    }	
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::show_all_search_results()
-  {
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_notebooksTree->get_model()->children().begin();
-    m_notebooksTree->get_selection()->select(iter);
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Filter out notes based on the current search string
-  /// and selected tags.  Also prevent template notes from
-  /// appearing.
-  /// </summary>
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::filter_notes(const Gtk::TreeIter & iter)
-  {
-    Note::Ptr note = (*iter)[m_column_types.note];
-    if (!note)
-      return false;
-    // Don't show the template notes in the list
-    Tag::Ptr template_tag = TagManager::obj().get_or_create_system_tag (TagManager::TEMPLATE_NOTE_SYSTEM_TAG);
-    if (note->contains_tag (template_tag)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr selected_notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-    if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::UnfiledNotesNotebook>(selected_notebook)) {
-      // If the note belongs to a notebook, return false
-      // since the only notes that should be shown in this
-      // case are notes that are unfiled (not in a notebook).
-      if (notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().get_notebook_from_note (note))
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool passes_search_filter = filter_by_search (note);
-    if (passes_search_filter == false)
-      return false; // don't waste time checking tags if it's already false
-    bool passes_tag_filter = filter_by_tag (note);
-    // Must pass both filters to appear in the list
-    return passes_tag_filter && passes_search_filter;
-    // return true;
-  }
-#if 0 // TODO seems to be unused
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::filter_tags(const Gtk::TreeIter & iter)
-  {
-      Tag t = model.GetValue (iter, 0 /* note */) as Tag;
-            if(t.IsProperty || t.IsSystem)
-              return false;
-            return true;
-  }
-  // <summary>
-  // Return true if the specified note should be shown in the list
-  // based on the current selection of tags.  If no tags are selected,
-  // all notes should be allowed.
-  // </summary>
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::filter_by_tag (const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    if (m_selected_tags.empty())
-      return true;
-    //   // FIXME: Ugh!  NOT an O(1) operation.  Is there a better way?
-    std::list<Tag::Ptr> tags;
-    note->get_tags(tags);
-    for(std::list<Tag::Ptr>::const_iterator iter = tags.begin();
-        iter != tags.end(); ++iter) {
-      if(m_selected_tags.find(*iter) != m_selected_tags.end()) {
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  // <summary>
-  // Return true if the specified note should be shown in the list
-  // based on the search string.  If no search string is specified,
-  // all notes should be allowed.
-  // </summary>
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::filter_by_search(const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    if (get_search_text().empty())
-      return true;
-    if (m_current_matches.empty())
-      return false;
-    return note && (m_current_matches.find(note->uri()) != m_current_matches.end());
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_case_sensitive_toggled()
-  {
-    perform_search ();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_note_added(const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    add_note(note);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_note_deleted(const Note::Ptr & note)
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    delete_note(note);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_note_renamed(const Note::Ptr & note,
-                                          const std::string &)
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    rename_note(note);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_note_saved(const Note::Ptr&)
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    update_results ();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_drag_data_get(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> &,
-                                                    Gtk::SelectionData &selection_data,
-                                                    guint, guint)
-  {
-    Note::List selected_notes = get_selected_notes ();
-    if (selected_notes.empty()) {
-      return;
-    }
-    std::vector<Glib::ustring> uris;
-    for(Note::List::const_iterator iter = selected_notes.begin();
-        iter != selected_notes.end(); ++iter) {
-      uris.push_back((*iter)->uri());
-    }
-    selection_data.set_uris(uris);
-    if (selected_notes.size() == 1) {
-      selection_data.set_text(selected_notes.front()->get_title());
-    }
-    else {
-      selection_data.set_text(_("Notes"));
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_notebook_row_edited(const Glib::ustring& /*tree_path*/,
-                                                 const Glib::ustring& new_text)
-  {
-    if (notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().notebook_exists(new_text) ||
-        new_text == "") {
-      return;
-    }
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr old_notebook = this->get_selected_notebook ();
-    if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::SpecialNotebook>(old_notebook)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr new_notebook = notebooks::NotebookManager::instance()
-      .get_or_create_notebook (new_text);
-    DBG_OUT("Renaming notebook '{%s}' to '{%s}'", old_notebook->get_name().c_str(),
-            new_text.c_str());
-    std::list<Note *> notes;
-    old_notebook->get_tag()->get_notes(notes);
-    for(std::list<Note *>::const_iterator note = notes.begin(); note != notes.end(); ++note) {
-      notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().move_note_to_notebook (
-          (*note)->shared_from_this(), new_notebook);
-    }
-    notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().delete_notebook (old_notebook);
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter;
-    if (notebooks::NotebookManager::instance().get_notebook_iter (new_notebook, iter)) {
-      m_notebooksTree->get_selection()->select(iter);
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_selection_changed()
-  {
-    Note::List selected_notes = get_selected_notes ();
-    ActionManager &am(ActionManager::obj());
-    if (selected_notes.empty()) {
-      am ["OpenNoteAction"]->property_sensitive() = false;
-      am ["DeleteNoteAction"]->property_sensitive() = false;
-    } 
-    else if (selected_notes.size()) {
-      am ["OpenNoteAction"]->property_sensitive() = true;
-      am ["DeleteNoteAction"]->property_sensitive() = true;
-    } 
-    else {
-      // Many notes are selected
-      am ["OpenNoteAction"]->property_sensitive() = false;
-      am ["DeleteNoteAction"]->property_sensitive() = true;
-    }
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_button_pressed(GdkEventButton *ev)
-  {
-    if (ev->window != m_tree->get_bin_window()->gobj()) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    Gtk::TreePath dest_path;
-    Gtk::TreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
-    int unused;
-    m_tree->get_path_at_pos (ev->x, ev->y,
-                             dest_path, column, unused, unused);
-    m_clickX = ev->x;
-    m_clickY = ev->y;
-    bool retval = false;
-    switch (ev->type) {
-    case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS:
-      if (ev->button != 1 || (ev->state &
-                             (Gdk::CONTROL_MASK | Gdk::SHIFT_MASK)) != 0) {
-        break;
-      }
-      m_tree->get_selection()->unselect_all ();
-      m_tree->get_selection()->select(dest_path);
-      // apparently Gtk::TreeView::row_activated() require a dest_path
-      // while get_path_at_pos() can return a NULL pointer.
-      // See Gtkmm bug 586438
-      // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=586438
-      gtk_tree_view_row_activated(m_tree->gobj(), dest_path.gobj(), 
-                                  column?column->gobj():NULL);
-      break;
-      if (ev->button == 3) {
-        const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection
-          = m_tree->get_selection();
-        if(selection->get_selected_rows().size() <= 1) {
-          Gtk::TreeViewColumn * col = 0; // unused
-          Gtk::TreePath p;
-          int cell_x, cell_y;            // unused
-          if (m_tree->get_path_at_pos(ev->x, ev->y, p, col,
-                                      cell_x, cell_y)) {
-            selection->unselect_all();
-            selection->select(p);
-          }
-        }
-        Gtk::Menu *menu = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Menu*>(
-          ActionManager::obj().get_widget("/MainWindowContextMenu"));
-        popup_context_menu_at_location (menu, ev->x, ev->y);
-        // Return true so that the base handler won't
-        // run, which causes the selection to change to
-        // the row that was right-clicked.
-        retval = true;
-        break;
-      }
-      if (m_tree->get_selection()->is_selected(dest_path) 
-          && (ev->state & (Gdk::CONTROL_MASK | Gdk::SHIFT_MASK)) == 0) {
-        if (column && (ev->button == 1)) {
-          Gtk::CellRenderer *renderer = column->get_first_cell();
-          Gdk::Rectangle background_area;
-          m_tree->get_background_area (dest_path, *column, background_area);
-          Gdk::Rectangle cell_area;
-          m_tree->get_cell_area (dest_path, *column, cell_area);
-          renderer->activate ((GdkEvent*)ev, *m_tree,
-                              dest_path.to_string (),
-                              background_area, cell_area,
-                              Gtk::CELL_RENDERER_SELECTED);
-          Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_tree->get_model()->get_iter (dest_path);
-          if (iter) {
-            m_tree->get_model()->row_changed(dest_path, iter);
-          }
-        }
-        retval = true;
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      retval = false;
-      break;
-    }
-    return retval;
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_motion_notify(GdkEventMotion *ev)
-  {
-    if ((ev->state & Gdk::BUTTON1_MASK) == 0) {
-      return false;
-    } 
-    else if (ev->window != m_tree->get_bin_window()->gobj()) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    bool retval = true;
-    if (!m_tree->drag_check_threshold(m_clickX, m_clickY, ev->x, ev->y)) {
-      return retval;
-    }
-    Gtk::TreePath dest_path;
-    Gtk::TreeViewColumn * col = NULL; // unused
-    int cell_x, cell_y;               // unused
-    if (!m_tree->get_path_at_pos (ev->x, ev->y, dest_path, col, cell_x, cell_y)) {
-      return retval;
-    }
-    m_tree->drag_begin (Gtk::TargetList::create (m_targets),
-                        Gdk::ACTION_MOVE, 1, (GdkEvent*)ev);
-    return retval;
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_button_released(GdkEventButton *ev)
-  {
-    if (!m_tree->drag_check_threshold(m_clickX, m_clickY, 
-                                      ev->x, ev->y) &&
-        ((ev->state & (Gdk::CONTROL_MASK | Gdk::SHIFT_MASK)) == 0) &&
-        m_tree->get_selection()->count_selected_rows () > 1) {
-      Gtk::TreePath dest_path;
-      Gtk::TreeViewColumn * col = NULL; // unused
-      int cell_x, cell_y;               // unused
-      m_tree->get_path_at_pos (ev->x, ev->y, dest_path, col, cell_x, cell_y);
-      m_tree->get_selection()->unselect_all ();
-      m_tree->get_selection()->select (dest_path);
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::on_treeview_key_pressed(GdkEventKey * ev)
-  {
-    switch (ev->keyval) {
-    case GDK_KEY_Menu:
-    {
-      // Pop up the context menu if a note is selected
-      Note::List selected_notes = get_selected_notes();
-      if (!selected_notes.empty()) {
-        ActionManager & manager = ActionManager::obj();
-        Gtk::Menu * const menu
-          = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Menu*>(manager.get_widget(
-                                       "/MainWindowContextMenu"));
-        popup_context_menu_at_location(menu, 0, 0);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case GDK_KEY_Return:
-    case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter:
-      // Open all selected notes
-      on_open_note();
-      return true;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return false; // Let Escape be handled by the window.
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::popup_context_menu_at_location(Gtk::Menu *menu, int x, int y)
-  {
-    menu->show_all ();
-    // Set up the funtion to position the context menu
-    // if we were called by the keyboard Gdk.Key.Menu.
-    if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) {
-      menu->popup (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::position_context_menu),
-                0, gtk_get_current_event_time());
-    }
-    else {
-      menu->popup (0, gtk_get_current_event_time());
-    }
-  }
-  // This is needed for when the user opens
-  // the context menu with the keyboard.
-  void NoteRecentChanges::position_context_menu(int & x, int & y, bool & push_in)
-  {
-    // Set default "return" values
-    push_in = false; // not used
-    x = 0;
-    y = 0;
-    Gtk::Widget * const focus_widget = this->get_focus();
-    if (!focus_widget)
-      return;
-    focus_widget->get_window()->get_origin(x, y);
-    Gtk::TreeView * const tree = dynamic_cast<Gtk::TreeView*>(
-                                   focus_widget);
-    if (!tree)
-      return;
-    const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> tree_area
-                                      = tree->get_bin_window();
-    if (!tree_area)
-      return;
-    tree_area->get_origin(x, y);
-    const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection
-                                             = tree->get_selection();
-    const std::vector<Gtk::TreePath> selected_rows
-                                     = selection->get_selected_rows();
-    if (selected_rows.empty())
-      return;
-    const Gtk::TreePath & dest_path = selected_rows.front();
-    const std::vector<Gtk::TreeViewColumn *> columns
-                                             = tree->get_columns();
-    Gdk::Rectangle cell_rect;
-    tree->get_cell_area (dest_path, *columns.front(), cell_rect);
-    x += cell_rect.get_x();
-    y += cell_rect.get_y();
-  }
-  Note::List NoteRecentChanges::get_selected_notes()
+  void NoteRecentChanges::on_open_note(const Note::Ptr & note)
-    Note::List selected_notes;
-    std::vector<Gtk::TreePath> selected_rows =
-      m_tree->get_selection()->get_selected_rows ();
-    for(std::vector<Gtk::TreePath>::const_iterator iter
-          = selected_rows.begin(); iter != selected_rows.end(); ++iter) {
-      Note::Ptr note = get_note (*iter);
-      if (!note) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      selected_notes.push_back(note);
-    }
-    return selected_notes;
-  }
-  Note::Ptr NoteRecentChanges::get_note(const Gtk::TreePath & p)
-  {
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_store_sort->get_iter(p); 
-    if(iter) {
-      return (*iter)[m_column_types.note];
-    }
-    return Note::Ptr();
+    present_note(note);
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_open_note()
+  void NoteRecentChanges::on_open_note_new_window(const Note::Ptr & note)
-    Note::List selected_notes = get_selected_notes ();
-    Note::List::iterator iter = selected_notes.begin();
-    if(iter != selected_notes.end()) {
-      present_note(*iter);
-      ++iter;
-    }
-    for(; iter != selected_notes.end(); ++iter) {
-      NoteRecentChanges::Ptr window = Gnote::obj().new_main_window();
-      window->present_note(*iter);
-      window->present();
-    }
+    NoteRecentChanges::Ptr window = Gnote::obj().new_main_window();
+    window->present_note(note);
+    window->present();
   void NoteRecentChanges::on_delete_note()
-    Note::List selected_notes = get_selected_notes ();
-    if (selected_notes.empty()) {
-      return;
-    }
-    noteutils::show_deletion_dialog(selected_notes, this);
+    m_search_notes_widget.delete_selected_notes();
   void NoteRecentChanges::on_close_window()
-    // The following code has to be done for the MenuBar to
-    // appear properly the next time this window is opened.
-    if (m_menubar) {
-      if(Gnote::obj().windowed()) {
-        m_content_vbox.remove (*m_menubar);
+    std::vector<Gtk::Widget*> current = m_embed_box.get_children();
+    for(std::vector<Gtk::Widget*>::iterator iter = current.begin();
+        iter != current.end(); ++iter) {
+      utils::EmbedableWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<utils::EmbedableWidget*>(*iter);
+      if(widget) {
+        background_embeded(*widget);
-    save_position ();
     hide ();
@@ -1242,474 +179,96 @@ namespace gnote {
   void NoteRecentChanges::on_show()
     // Select "All Notes" in the notebooks list
-    select_all_notes_notebook ();
-    m_find_combo.get_entry()->grab_focus ();
-    NoteRecentChangesParent::on_show();
-  }
-  int NoteRecentChanges::compare_titles(const Gtk::TreeIter & a, const Gtk::TreeIter & b)
-  {
-    std::string title_a = (*a)[m_column_types.title];
-    std::string title_b = (*b)[m_column_types.title];
+    m_search_notes_widget.select_all_notes_notebook();
-    if (title_a.empty() || title_b.empty())
-      return -1;
-    return title_a.compare(title_b);
-  }
-  int NoteRecentChanges::compare_dates(const Gtk::TreeIter & a, const Gtk::TreeIter & b)
-  {
-    Note::Ptr note_a = (*a)[m_column_types.note];
-    Note::Ptr note_b = (*b)[m_column_types.note];
-    if (!note_a || !note_b) {
-      return -1;
+    if(m_embed_box.get_children().size() == 0 && m_embeded_widgets.size() > 0) {
+      foreground_embeded(*m_embeded_widgets.rbegin()->first);
-    else {
-      return sharp::DateTime::compare (note_a->change_date(), note_b->change_date());
+    std::vector<Gtk::Widget*> embeded = m_embed_box.get_children();
+    if(embeded.size() == 1 && embeded.front() == &m_search_notes_widget) {
+      m_search_notes_widget.focus_search_entry();
+    NoteRecentChangesParent::on_show();
-  int NoteRecentChanges::compare_search_hits(const Gtk::TreeIter & a, const Gtk::TreeIter & b)
+  void NoteRecentChanges::set_search_text(const std::string & value)
-    Note::Ptr note_a = (*a)[m_column_types.note];
-    Note::Ptr note_b = (*b)[m_column_types.note];
-    if (!note_a || !note_b) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    int matches_a;
-    int matches_b;
-    std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter_a = m_current_matches.find(note_a->uri());
-    std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iter_b = m_current_matches.find(note_b->uri());
-    bool has_matches_a = (iter_a != m_current_matches.end());
-    bool has_matches_b = (iter_b != m_current_matches.end());
-    if (!has_matches_a || !has_matches_b) {
-      if (has_matches_a) {
-        return 1;
-      }
-      return -1;
-    }
-    matches_a = iter_a->second;
-    matches_b = iter_b->second;
-    int result = matches_a - matches_b;
-    if (result == 0) {
-      // Do a secondary sort by note title in alphabetical order
-      result = compare_titles (a, b);
-      // Make sure to always sort alphabetically
-      if (result != 0) {
-        int sort_col_id;
-        Gtk::SortType sort_type;
-        if (m_store_sort->get_sort_column_id (sort_col_id,
-                                              sort_type)) {
-          if (sort_type == Gtk::SORT_DESCENDING)
-            result = -result; // reverse sign
-        }
-      }
-      return result;
-    }
-    return result;
+    //TODO: handle non-search embeded widgets
+    m_search_notes_widget.set_search_text(value);
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_row_activated(const Gtk::TreePath & p, Gtk::TreeViewColumn*)
+  void NoteRecentChanges::embed_widget(utils::EmbedableWidget & widget)
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter = m_store_sort->get_iter (p);
-    if (!iter)
-      return;
-    Note::Ptr note = (*iter)[m_column_types.note];
-    present_note(note);
-    // Tell the new window to highlight the matches and
-    // prepopulate the Firefox-style search
-    if (!get_search_text().empty()) {
-      NoteFindBar & find(note->get_window()->get_find_bar());
-      find.show_all ();
-      find.property_visible() = true;
-      find.set_search_text(get_search_text());
+    if(m_embeded_widgets.find(&widget) == m_embeded_widgets.end()) {
+      Gtk::RadioMenuItem *item = new Gtk::RadioMenuItem(m_tool_menu_group, widget.get_name());
+      item->signal_toggled().connect(
+        boost::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::on_embeded_widget_menu_item_toggled),
+                    &widget));
+      item->show();
+      m_menu->append(*item);
+      m_embeded_widgets[&widget] = item;
+      widget.embed(this);
+    foreground_embeded(widget);
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_entry_activated()
+  void NoteRecentChanges::unembed_widget(utils::EmbedableWidget & widget)
-    if (m_entry_changed_timeout) {
-      m_entry_changed_timeout->cancel ();
+    std::map<utils::EmbedableWidget*, Gtk::RadioMenuItem*>::iterator iter = m_embeded_widgets.find(&widget);
+    if(iter != m_embeded_widgets.end()) {
+      if(is_foreground(*iter->first)) {
+        background_embeded(widget);
+      }
+      m_menu->remove(*iter->second);
+      delete iter->second;
+      m_embeded_widgets.erase(iter);
+      widget.unembed();
-    entry_changed_timeout();
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_entry_changed()
+  void NoteRecentChanges::foreground_embeded(utils::EmbedableWidget & widget)
-    if (m_entry_changed_timeout == NULL) {
-      m_entry_changed_timeout = new utils::InterruptableTimeout ();
-      m_entry_changed_timeout->signal_timeout
-        .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &NoteRecentChanges::entry_changed_timeout));
-    }
-    if (get_search_text().empty()) {
-      m_clear_search_button.set_sensitive(false);
-      perform_search ();
-    } 
-    else {
-      m_entry_changed_timeout->reset (500);
-      m_clear_search_button.set_sensitive(true);
-    }
-    restore_matches_window();
+    m_embeded_widgets[&widget]->set_active(true);
-  // Called in after .5 seconds of typing inactivity, or on
-  // explicit activate.  Redo the search, and update the
-  // results...
-  void NoteRecentChanges::entry_changed_timeout()
+  void NoteRecentChanges::background_embeded(utils::EmbedableWidget & widget)
-    if (get_search_text().empty())
-      return;
-    perform_search ();
-    add_to_previous_searches (get_search_text());
+    m_embeded_widgets[&widget]->set_active(false);
-  void NoteRecentChanges::add_to_previous_searches(const std::string & text)
+  bool NoteRecentChanges::is_foreground(utils::EmbedableWidget & widget)
-    // Update previous searches, by adding a new term to the
-    // list, or shuffling an existing term to the top...
-    bool repeat = false;
-    std::string lower = sharp::string_to_lower(text);
-    for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator iter = s_previous_searches.begin();
-        iter != s_previous_searches.end(); ++iter) {
-      if (sharp::string_to_lower(*iter) == lower) {
-        repeat = true;
+    std::vector<Gtk::Widget*> current = m_embed_box.get_children();
+    for(std::vector<Gtk::Widget*>::iterator iter = current.begin();
+        iter != current.end(); ++iter) {
+      if(dynamic_cast<utils::EmbedableWidget*>(*iter) == &widget) {
+        return true;
-    if (!repeat) {
-      s_previous_searches.push_front(text);
-      Gtk::TreeIter iter 
-        = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>::cast_dynamic(m_find_combo.get_model())->prepend();
-      iter->set_value(0, text);
-    }
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::clear_search_clicked()
-  {
-    m_find_combo.get_entry()->set_text("");
-    m_find_combo.get_entry()->grab_focus ();
+    return false;
-  void NoteRecentChanges::notebook_pixbuf_cell_data_func(Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer, 
-                                                         const Gtk::TreeIter & iter)
+  void NoteRecentChanges::on_embeded_widget_menu_item_toggled(utils::EmbedableWidget * widget)
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook;
-    iter->get_value(0, notebook);
-    if (!notebook)
+    Gtk::Widget *wid = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Widget*>(widget);
+    if(!wid) {
+      ERR_OUT("Not an embedable widget!");
-    Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf *crp = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf*>(renderer);
-    if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::AllNotesNotebook>(notebook)) {
-      crp->property_pixbuf() = s_all_notes_icon;
-    } 
-    else if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::UnfiledNotesNotebook>(notebook)) {
-      crp->property_pixbuf() = s_unfiled_notes_icon;
-    } 
-    else {
-      crp->property_pixbuf() = s_notebook_icon;
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::notebook_text_cell_data_func(Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer, 
-                                                       const Gtk::TreeIter & iter)
-  {
-    Gtk::CellRendererText *crt = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(renderer);
-    crt->property_ellipsize() = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END;
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook;
-    iter->get_value(0, notebook);
-    if (!notebook) {
-      crt->property_text() = "";
+    Gtk::RadioMenuItem *item = m_embeded_widgets[widget];
+    if(!item) {
+      ERR_OUT("Widget has no associated menu item!");
-    crt->property_text() = notebook->get_name();
-    if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::SpecialNotebook>(notebook)) {
-      // Bold the "Special" Notebooks
-      crt->property_markup() = str(boost::format("<span weight=\"bold\">%1%</span>") 
-                                   % notebook->get_name());
-    } 
-    else {
-      crt->property_text() = notebook->get_name();
+    if(item->get_active()) {
+      m_embed_box.pack_start(*wid, true, true, 0);
+      widget->foreground();
+      wid->show();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_notebook_selection_changed()
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-    ActionManager & am(ActionManager::obj());
-    if (!notebook) {
-      // Clear out the currently selected tags so that no notebook is selected
-      m_selected_tags.clear ();
-      // Select the "All Notes" item without causing
-      // this handler to be called again
-      m_on_notebook_selection_changed_cid.block();
-      select_all_notes_notebook ();
-      am["DeleteNotebookAction"]->set_sensitive(false);
-      m_on_notebook_selection_changed_cid.unblock();
-    } 
     else {
-      m_selected_tags.clear ();
-      if (notebook->get_tag()) {
-        m_selected_tags.insert(notebook->get_tag());
-      }
-      bool allow_edit = false;
-      if (std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::SpecialNotebook>(notebook)) {
-        am["DeleteNotebookAction"]->set_sensitive(false);
-      } 
-      else {
-        am["DeleteNotebookAction"]->set_sensitive(true);
-        allow_edit = true;
-      }
-      std::vector<Gtk::CellRenderer*> renderers = m_notebooksTree->get_column(0)->get_cells();
-      for (std::vector<Gtk::CellRenderer*>::iterator renderer = renderers.begin();
-           renderer != renderers.end(); ++renderer) {
-        Gtk::CellRendererText *text_rederer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(*renderer);
-        if (text_rederer) {
-          text_rederer->property_editable() = allow_edit;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    update_results ();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_new_notebook()
-  {
-    notebooks::NotebookManager::prompt_create_new_notebook (this);
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_delete_notebook()
-  {
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-    if (!notebook)
-      return;
-    notebooks::NotebookManager::prompt_delete_notebook (this, notebook);
-  }
-// Create a new note in the notebook when activated
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_notebook_row_activated(const Gtk::TreePath & , 
-                                                    Gtk::TreeViewColumn*)
-  {
-    on_new_notebook_note();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_new_notebook_note()
-  {
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-    if (!notebook || std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::SpecialNotebook>(notebook)) {
-      // Just create a standard note (not in a notebook)
-      ActionManager::obj()["NewNoteAction"]->activate ();
-      return;
-    }
-    // Look for the template note and create a new note
-    Note::Ptr note = notebook->create_notebook_note ();
-    note->get_window()->show ();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_open_notebook_template_note()
-  {
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-    if (!notebook)
-      return;
-    Note::Ptr templateNote = notebook->get_template_note ();
-    if (!templateNote)
-      return; // something seriously went wrong
-    present_note(templateNote);
-  }
-  notebooks::Notebook::Ptr NoteRecentChanges::get_selected_notebook ()
-  {
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter;
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection = m_notebooksTree->get_selection();
-    if (!selection) {
-      return notebooks::Notebook::Ptr();
-    }
-    iter = selection->get_selected();
-    if(!iter) {
-      return notebooks::Notebook::Ptr(); // Nothing selected
-    }
-    notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook;
-    iter->get_value(0, notebook);
-    return notebook;
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::select_all_notes_notebook ()
-  {
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> model = m_notebooksTree->get_model();
-    DBG_ASSERT(model, "model is NULL");
-    if(!model) {
-      return;
-    }
-    Gtk::TreeIter iter = model->children().begin();
-    if (iter) {
-      m_notebooksTree->get_selection()->select(iter);
-    }
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::on_notebooks_tree_button_pressed(GdkEventButton *ev)
-  {
-    if(ev->button == 3) {
-      // third mouse button (right-click)
-      Gtk::TreeViewColumn * col = 0; // unused
-      Gtk::TreePath p;
-      int cell_x, cell_y;            // unused
-      const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection
-        = m_notebooksTree->get_selection();
-      if (m_notebooksTree->get_path_at_pos(ev->x, ev->y, p, col,
-                                           cell_x, cell_y)) {
-        selection->select(p);
-      }
-      notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-      if (!notebook)
-        return true; // Don't pop open a submenu
-      Gtk::Menu *menu = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Menu*>(ActionManager::obj().get_widget (
-                                                 "/NotebooksTreeContextMenu"));
-      popup_context_menu_at_location (menu,
-                                      ev->x, ev->y);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool NoteRecentChanges::on_notebooks_key_pressed(GdkEventKey * ev)
-  {
-    switch (ev->keyval) {
-    case GDK_KEY_Menu:
-    {
-      // Pop up the context menu if a notebook is selected
-      notebooks::Notebook::Ptr notebook = get_selected_notebook ();
-      if (!notebook || std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<notebooks::SpecialNotebook>(notebook))
-        break; // Don't pop open a submenu
-      Gtk::Menu *menu = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Menu *>(ActionManager::obj().get_widget (
-                                                    "/NotebooksTreeContextMenu"));
-      popup_context_menu_at_location (menu, 0, 0);
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return false; // Let Escape be handled by the window.
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_note_added_to_notebook (const Note & , 
-                                                     const notebooks::Notebook::Ptr & )
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    update_results ();
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::on_note_removed_from_notebook (const Note & , 
-                                                       const notebooks::Notebook::Ptr & )
-  {
-    restore_matches_window();
-    update_results ();
-  }
-  std::string NoteRecentChanges::get_search_text()
-  {
-    // Entry may be null if search window closes
-    // early (bug #544996).
-    if (m_find_combo.get_entry() == NULL) {
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    std::string text = m_find_combo.get_entry()->get_text();
-    text = sharp::string_trim(text);
-    return text;
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::set_search_text(const std::string & value)
-  {
-    if (!value.empty()) {
-      m_find_combo.get_entry()->set_text(value);
-    }
-  }
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Save the position and size of the RecentChanges window
-  /// </summary>
-  void NoteRecentChanges::save_position ()
-  {
-    int x;
-    int y;
-    int width;
-    int height;
-    get_position(x, y);
-    get_size(width, height);
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Settings> settings = Preferences::obj()
-      .get_schema_settings(Preferences::SCHEMA_GNOTE);
-    settings->set_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_X_POS, x);
-    settings->set_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_Y_POS, y);
-    settings->set_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_WIDTH, width);
-    settings->set_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_HEIGHT, height);
-    settings->set_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_SPLITTER_POS, m_hpaned.get_position());
-  }
-  void NoteRecentChanges::restore_position()
-  {
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Settings> settings = Preferences::obj()
-      .get_schema_settings(Preferences::SCHEMA_GNOTE);
-    int x = settings->get_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_X_POS);
-    int y = settings->get_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_Y_POS);
-    int width = settings->get_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_WIDTH);
-    int height = settings->get_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_HEIGHT);
-    int pos = settings->get_int(Preferences::SEARCH_WINDOW_SPLITTER_POS);
-    if((width == 0) || (height == 0)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    set_default_size(width, height);
-    move (x, y);
-    if(pos) {
-      m_hpaned.set_position(pos);
+      widget->background();
+      m_embed_box.remove(*wid);
diff --git a/src/recentchanges.hpp b/src/recentchanges.hpp
index 6115d74..f85934c 100644
--- a/src/recentchanges.hpp
+++ b/src/recentchanges.hpp
@@ -24,37 +24,17 @@
-#include <list>
 #include <map>
-#include <set>
 #include <string>
-#include <gdkmm/dragcontext.h>
-#include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
-#include <gtkmm/cellrenderer.h>
-#include <gtkmm/checkbutton.h>
-#include <gtkmm/combobox.h>
-#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
-#include <gtkmm/menubar.h>
-#include <gtkmm/paned.h>
-#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
-#include <gtkmm/selectiondata.h>
-#include <gtkmm/statusbar.h>
-#include <gtkmm/treemodelfilter.h>
-#include <gtkmm/treemodelsort.h>
-#include <gtkmm/treepath.h>
-#include <gtkmm/treeview.h>
+#include <gtkmm/radiomenuitem.h>
 #include <gtkmm/applicationwindow.h>
 #include "note.hpp"
-#include "tag.hpp"
+#include "searchnoteswidget.hpp"
 #include "utils.hpp"
-#include "notebooks/notebook.hpp"
 namespace gnote {
-  namespace notebooks {
-    class NotebooksTreeView;
-  }
   class NoteManager;
 typedef utils::ForcedPresentWindow<Gtk::ApplicationWindow> NoteRecentChangesParent;
@@ -62,6 +42,7 @@ typedef utils::ForcedPresentWindow<Gtk::ApplicationWindow> NoteRecentChangesPare
 class NoteRecentChanges
   : public NoteRecentChangesParent
   , public std::tr1::enable_shared_from_this<NoteRecentChanges>
+  , public utils::EmbedableWidgetHost
   typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<NoteRecentChanges> Ptr;
@@ -80,144 +61,25 @@ protected:
   NoteRecentChanges(NoteManager& m);
   virtual void on_show();
-  static void _init_static();
-  Gtk::MenuBar *create_menu_bar ();
-  Gtk::Widget  *make_notebooks_pane();
-  void make_recent_tree ();
-  void add_note(const Note::Ptr & note);
-  void delete_note(const Note::Ptr & note);
-  void rename_note(const Note::Ptr & note);
-  void update_results();
-  void select_notes(const Note::List &);
-  static void scroll_to_iter (Gtk::TreeView & tree, const Gtk::TreeIter & iter);
-  void perform_search ();
-  void add_matches_column ();
-  void remove_matches_column ();
-  void matches_column_data_func(Gtk::CellRenderer *, const Gtk::TreeIter &);
-  void update_total_note_count (int);
-  void update_match_note_count (int);
-  void no_matches_found_action();
-  void restore_matches_window();
-  bool show_all_search_results();
-  bool filter_notes(const Gtk::TreeIter & );
-  bool filter_tags(const Gtk::TreeIter & );
-  bool filter_by_tag (const Note::Ptr &);
-  bool filter_by_search(const Note::Ptr &);
-  void on_case_sensitive_toggled();
-  void on_note_added(const Note::Ptr & note);
-  void on_note_deleted(const Note::Ptr & note);
-  void on_note_renamed(const Note::Ptr&, const std::string&);
-  void on_note_saved(const Note::Ptr&);
-  void on_treeview_drag_data_get(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> &,
-                                 Gtk::SelectionData &, guint, guint);
-  void on_selection_changed();
-  bool on_treeview_button_pressed(GdkEventButton *);
-  bool on_treeview_motion_notify(GdkEventMotion *);
-  bool on_treeview_button_released(GdkEventButton *);  
-  bool on_treeview_key_pressed(GdkEventKey *);
-  void popup_context_menu_at_location(Gtk::Menu *, int, int);
-  void position_context_menu(int & x, int & y, bool & push_in);
-  Note::List get_selected_notes();
-  Note::Ptr get_note(const Gtk::TreePath & p);
-  void on_open_note();
+  void on_open_note(const Note::Ptr &);
+  void on_open_note_new_window(const Note::Ptr &);
   void on_delete_note();
   void on_close_window();
   bool on_delete(GdkEventAny *);
   bool on_key_pressed(GdkEventKey *);
-  int compare_titles(const Gtk::TreeIter & , const Gtk::TreeIter &);
-  int compare_dates(const Gtk::TreeIter & , const Gtk::TreeIter &);
-  int compare_search_hits(const Gtk::TreeIter & , const Gtk::TreeIter &);
-  void on_row_activated(const Gtk::TreePath & , Gtk::TreeViewColumn*);
-  void on_entry_activated();
-  void on_entry_changed();
-  void entry_changed_timeout();
-  void add_to_previous_searches(const std::string &);
-  void clear_search_clicked();
-  void notebook_pixbuf_cell_data_func(Gtk::CellRenderer *, const Gtk::TreeIter &);
-  void notebook_text_cell_data_func(Gtk::CellRenderer *, const Gtk::TreeIter &);
-  void on_notebook_row_edited(const Glib::ustring& path, const Glib::ustring& new_text);
-  void on_notebook_selection_changed();
-  void on_new_notebook();
-  void on_delete_notebook();
-  void on_notebook_row_activated(const Gtk::TreePath & , Gtk::TreeViewColumn*);
-  void on_new_notebook_note();
-  void on_open_notebook_template_note();
-  notebooks::Notebook::Ptr get_selected_notebook ();
-  void select_all_notes_notebook ();
-  bool on_notebooks_tree_button_pressed(GdkEventButton *);
-  bool on_notebooks_key_pressed(GdkEventKey *);
-  void on_note_added_to_notebook (const Note & note, const notebooks::Notebook::Ptr & notebook);
-  void on_note_removed_from_notebook (const Note & note, const notebooks::Notebook::Ptr & notebook);
-  std::string get_search_text();
-  void save_position ();
-  void restore_position();
-  class RecentNotesColumnTypes
-    : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
-  {
-  public:
-    RecentNotesColumnTypes()
-      {
-        add(icon); add(title); add(change_date); add(note);
-      }
-    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> > icon;
-    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string>                title;
-    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string>                change_date;
-    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Note::Ptr>                  note;
-  };
-  class RecentSearchColumnTypes
-    : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
-  {
-  public:
-    RecentSearchColumnTypes()
-      {
-        add(text);
-      }
-    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> text;
-  };
-  NoteManager &       m_manager;
-  Gtk::MenuBar       *m_menubar;
-  RecentSearchColumnTypes m_find_combo_columns;
-  Gtk::ComboBox       m_find_combo;
-  Gtk::Button         m_clear_search_button;
-  Gtk::Statusbar      m_status_bar;
-  Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_matches_window;
-  Gtk::HPaned         m_hpaned;
+  void embed_widget(utils::EmbedableWidget &);
+  void unembed_widget(utils::EmbedableWidget &);
+  void foreground_embeded(utils::EmbedableWidget &);
+  void background_embeded(utils::EmbedableWidget &);
+  bool is_foreground(utils::EmbedableWidget &);
+  void on_embeded_widget_menu_item_toggled(utils::EmbedableWidget *);
+  SearchNotesWidget   m_search_notes_widget;
   Gtk::VBox           m_content_vbox;
-  Gtk::TreeViewColumn *m_matches_column;
-  Gtk::HBox           *m_no_matches_box;
-  notebooks::NotebooksTreeView  *m_notebooksTree;
-  // Use the following like a Set
-  std::set<Tag::Ptr>  m_selected_tags;
-  Gtk::TreeView      *m_tree;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>       m_store;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModelFilter> m_store_filter;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModelSort>   m_store_sort;
-  /// <summary>
-  /// Stores search results as integers hashed by note uri.
-  /// </summary>
-  std::map<std::string, int> m_current_matches;
-  utils::InterruptableTimeout *m_entry_changed_timeout;
-  std::vector<Gtk::TargetEntry>     m_targets;
-  int                  m_clickX, m_clickY;
-  RecentNotesColumnTypes m_column_types;
-  sigc::connection                  m_on_notebook_selection_changed_cid;
-  static bool        s_static_inited;
-  static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> s_note_icon;
-  static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> s_all_notes_icon;
-  static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> s_unfiled_notes_icon;
-  static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> s_notebook_icon;
-  static std::list<std::string>    s_previous_searches;
+  Gtk::VBox           m_embed_box;
+  std::map<utils::EmbedableWidget*, Gtk::RadioMenuItem*> m_embeded_widgets;
+  Gtk::Menu          *m_menu;
+  Gtk::RadioMenuItem::Group m_tool_menu_group;

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