[gcompris] play rhythm, major improvements, removed the ok

commit eba2d1dd8421daed43aa33897437aabc66b12965
Author: Bruno Coudoin <bruno coudoin free fr>
Date:   Tue Oct 2 23:26:19 2012 +0200

    play rhythm, major improvements, removed the ok
    Reworked the code up to the point that the OK button
    is no more needed. Now is the children won it goes to
    the next level.

 src/play_rhythm-activity/play_rhythm.py |  137 +++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/play_rhythm-activity/play_rhythm.py b/src/play_rhythm-activity/play_rhythm.py
index c17fbed..5dcc431 100644
--- a/src/play_rhythm-activity/play_rhythm.py
+++ b/src/play_rhythm-activity/play_rhythm.py
@@ -48,10 +48,17 @@ class Gcompris_play_rhythm:
         self.afterBonus = None
+        # Used to skip double clicks
+        self.record_click_time = 0
+        # Keep the timers we create to delete it before they happen
+        # when no more needed.
+        self.metronomeTimer = 0
+        self.updateTimer = 0
     def start(self):
         self.running = True
-        self.recordedHits = []
         self.saved_policy = gcompris.sound.policy_get()
@@ -77,6 +84,12 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
     def display_level(self, level):
+        self.recordedHits = []
+        if self.updateTimer :
+            gobject.source_remove(self.updateTimer)
+            self.updateTimer = 0
         if hasattr(self, 'staff'):
@@ -175,18 +188,6 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         self.eraseButton.connect("button_press_event", self.erase_entry)
         gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(self.eraseButton, None)
-        # OK BUTTON
-        self.okButton = goocanvas.Svg(parent=self.rootitem,
-                                      svg_handle=gcompris.skin.svg_get(),
-                                      svg_id="#OK"
-                                      )
-        self.okButton.scale(1.4, 1.4)
-        self.okButton.translate(-170, -400)
-        self.okButton.connect("button_press_event", self.ok_event)
-        gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(self.okButton, None)
-        self.okButton.connect("button_press_event", self.stopMetronome)
         self.metronomePlaying = False
         if level in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]:
@@ -206,10 +207,13 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
     def stopMetronome(self, widget=None, target=None, event=None):
         self.metronomePlaying = False
+        if self.metronomeTimer :
+            gobject.source_remove(self.metronomeTimer)
+            self.metronomeTimer = 0
     def play_metronome(self, widget=None, target=None, event=None):
         if not self.metronomePlaying:
-            gobject.timeout_add(500, self.playClick)
+            self.metronomeTime = gobject.timeout_add(500, self.playClick)
             self.metronomePlaying = True
             self.metronomePlaying = False
@@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
     def playClick(self):
         if self.metronomePlaying:
-            gobject.timeout_add(500, self.playClick)
+            self.metronomeTime = gobject.timeout_add(500, self.playClick)
     def getInitialRhythmOptions(self):
         level = self.gcomprisBoard.level
@@ -238,8 +242,6 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         return options
     def generateRhythm(self):
-        self.doNotRemoveFromList = False
-        level = self.gcomprisBoard.level
         newrhythm = self.remainingOptions[randint(0, len(self.remainingOptions) - 1)]
         if newrhythm == self.givenOption and len(self.remainingOptions) > 1:
             return self.generateRhythm()
@@ -249,7 +251,6 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
     def show_rhythm(self):
         self.givenOption = self.generateRhythm()
-        self.remainingNotes = self.givenOption
         self.songDuration = 0
         for item in self.givenOption:
             if item == 8:
@@ -268,18 +269,16 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         self.readyForFirstDrumBeat = True
     def compositionIsPlaying(self, x=None, y=None, z=None):
-        gobject.timeout_add(self.songDuration,
-                            self.updateBoard, 2)
+        self.updateTimer = gobject.timeout_add(self.songDuration,
+                                               self.updateBoard, 2)
     def checkTiming(self, rhythmItem, recordedHit):
         ''' returns true if the it is within the range for a rhythmItem '''
         def nearlyEqual(inputNum, correctNum, amountOfError):
             return abs(inputNum - correctNum) <= amountOfError
-        print "checkTiming " + str(rhythmItem) + " " + str(recordedHit)
         if rhythmItem == 8 and not nearlyEqual(recordedHit, 0.25, 0.2):
             return False
         elif rhythmItem == 4 and not nearlyEqual(recordedHit, 0.5, 0.2):
@@ -290,36 +289,22 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
             return False
         return True
-    def ok_event(self, widget=None, target=None, event=None):
-        if len(self.recordedHits) != len(self.givenOption):
-            self.doNotRemoveFromList = True
-            self.afterBonus = self.tryagain
-            gcompris.bonus.display(gcompris.bonus.LOOSE, gcompris.bonus.NOTE)
-            return
+    def check_and_win(self):
+        '''Check the answer is complete and if so display the bonus'''
-        print "ok_event"
-        print self.givenOption
-        print self.recordedHits
-        for rhythmItem, recordedHit in zip(self.givenOption[1:], self.recordedHits[1:]):
-            if not self.checkTiming(rhythmItem, recordedHit):
-                self.doNotRemoveFromList = True
-                self.afterBonus = self.tryagain
-                gcompris.bonus.display(gcompris.bonus.LOOSE, gcompris.bonus.NOTE)
-                return
+        if len(self.recordedHits) != len(self.givenOption) \
+                or not reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, self.recordedHits):
+            return False
         self.afterBonus = self.nextChallenge
         gcompris.bonus.display(gcompris.bonus.WIN, gcompris.bonus.NOTE)
-        if self.doNotRemoveFromList == False:
-            self.remainingOptions.remove(self.givenOption)
-        self.metronomePlaying = False
-        self.remainingNotes = self.givenOption
+        self.remainingOptions.remove(self.givenOption)
+        return True
     def tryagain(self):
         self.readyForFirstDrumBeat = True
         self.recordedHits = []
-        self.remainingNotes = self.givenOption
         for note in self.staff.noteList:
@@ -333,21 +318,19 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         if self.gcomprisBoard.level in [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12] and currentStep == 1:
             currentStep = 2
         if currentStep == 1: # the rhythm is being played
-            self.makeOkButtonVisible(False)
         elif currentStep == 2: # the student should enter the rhythm into the drum
-            self.makeOkButtonVisible(False)
-        elif currentStep == 3: # the okay button and erase options should appear
-            self.makeOkButtonVisible(True)
+        elif currentStep == 3: # the erase options should appear
-            self.makeEraseButtonVisible(True)
+            if not self.check_and_win():
+                self.makeEraseButtonVisible(True)
         if self.gcomprisBoard.level in [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]:
@@ -356,21 +339,22 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         if self.gcomprisBoard.level in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]:
             if currentStep == 1:
-                text = _("1. Listen to the rhythm and follow the moving line.")
+                text = _("Listen to the rhythm and follow the moving line.")
             elif currentStep == 2:
-                text = _("2. Click the drum to the tempo. Watch the vertical line when you start.")
+                text = _("Click the drum to the tempo. Watch the vertical line when you start.") \
+                    + "\n" + _("You can use the space bar to drum the tempo.")
-            text = _("1. Now, read the rhythm. It won't be played for you. Then, beat the rhythm on the drum.")
+            text = _("Now, read the rhythm. It won't be played for you. Then, beat the rhythm on the drum.")
         if currentStep == 3:
-            text = _("3. Click ok to check your answer, or erase to try again.")
+            text = _("Click erase to try again.")
         if hasattr(self, 'text'):
         self.text, self.rect = \
-            textBox(text, 400, 400, self.rootitem, width=200,
+            textBox(text, 400, 400, self.rootitem, width=400,
                     fill_color_rgba = 0x666666AAL)
     def convert(self, visible):
@@ -379,9 +363,6 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
             return goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-    def makeOkButtonVisible(self, visible):
-        v = self.convert(visible)
-        self.okButton.props.visibility = v
     def makeEraseButtonVisible(self, visible):
         v = self.convert(visible)
@@ -424,49 +405,47 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
     def record_click(self, widget=None, target=None, event=None):
-        print "===="
-        if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
-            return True
+        # Skip Double clicks
+        if event:
+            if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
+                return True
+            if event.time - self.record_click_time <= 200:
+                self.record_click_time = event.time
+                return True
+            self.record_click_time = event.time
         if self.readyForFirstDrumBeat and self.playingLine:
         if self.readyForFirstDrumBeat:
             self.readyForFirstDrumBeat = False
-            gobject.timeout_add(self.songDuration,
-                                self.updateBoard, 3)
+            self.updateTimer = gobject.timeout_add(self.songDuration,
+                                                   self.updateBoard, 3)
-        if not self.metronomePlaying:
-            if len(self.remainingNotes) >= 1:
-                gcompris.sound.play_ogg(gcompris.DATA_DIR +
-                                        '/piano_composition/treble_pitches/'
-                                        + str(self.remainingNotes[0]) + '/1.wav')
-                if len(self.remainingNotes) > 1:
-                    self.remainingNotes = self.remainingNotes[1:]
-                else:
-                    self.remainingNotes = []
-            else:
-                gcompris.sound.play_ogg(gcompris.DATA_DIR +
-                                         '/piano_composition/treble_pitches/1/1.wav')
+        if not self.metronomePlaying:
+            gcompris.sound.play_ogg(gcompris.DATA_DIR +
+                                    '/piano_composition/treble_pitches/1/1.wav')
         if self.recordedHits == []:
             self.startTime = time.time()
-            self.recordedHits.append(0.0)
+            # By definition, the first hit is a success
+            self.recordedHits.append(True)
             note_on_staff = self.staff.noteList[0]
             lap = time.time() - self.startTime
-            self.recordedHits.append(lap)
             self.startTime = time.time()
-            if len(self.recordedHits) <= len(self.staff.noteList):
-                note_on_staff = self.staff.noteList[ len(self.recordedHits) - 1 ]
+            if len(self.recordedHits) + 1 <= len(self.staff.noteList):
+                note_on_staff = self.staff.noteList[ len(self.recordedHits) ]
                 rhythmItem = self.givenOption[len(self.recordedHits) - 1]
                 if self.checkTiming(rhythmItem, lap):
+                    self.recordedHits.append(True)
+                    self.recordedHits.append(False)
     def end(self):
@@ -499,7 +478,7 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         elif keyval == gtk.keysyms.space:
         elif keyval == gtk.keysyms.Return:
-            self.ok_event()
+            pass
         elif keyval == gtk.keysyms.Tab:
             if self.gcomprisBoard.level in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]:

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