[chronojump] Encoder: grpah capture lot better
- From: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump] Encoder: grpah capture lot better
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:11:55 +0000 (UTC)
commit 9a6f44180f615ff59299a46eb73c9305f82a8eca
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: Wed Nov 21 12:10:53 2012 +0100
Encoder: grpah capture lot better
encoder/pyserial_pyper.py | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
src/gui/encoder.cs | 6 +-
src/util.cs | 4 +-
3 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py b/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
index 61f46ff..7800448 100644
--- a/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
+++ b/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
@@ -45,23 +45,24 @@ TRUE = 1
# ============
# = Variable =
# ============
-outputFile = sys.argv[1]
-record_time = int(sys.argv[2])*1000 #from s to ms
-minHeight = int(sys.argv[3]) #all is stored, but only display when vertical range is >= minHeight
-isJump = sys.argv[4]
-mass = float(sys.argv[5])
-smoothingOne = float(sys.argv[6])
-eccon = sys.argv[7] #contraction "ec" or "c"
-heightHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[8])
-heightLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[9])
-meanSpeedHigherCondition = float(sys.argv[10])
-meanSpeedLowerCondition = float(sys.argv[11])
-maxSpeedHigherCondition = float(sys.argv[12])
-maxSpeedLowerCondition = float(sys.argv[13])
-powerHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[14])
-powerLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[15])
-peakPowerHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[16])
-peakPowerLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[17])
+title = sys.argv[1]
+outputFile = sys.argv[2]
+record_time = int(sys.argv[3])*1000 #from s to ms
+minHeight = int(sys.argv[4]) #all is stored, but only display when vertical range is >= minHeight
+isJump = sys.argv[5]
+mass = float(sys.argv[6])
+smoothingOne = float(sys.argv[7])
+eccon = sys.argv[8] #contraction "ec" or "c"
+heightHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[9])
+heightLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[10])
+meanSpeedHigherCondition = float(sys.argv[11])
+meanSpeedLowerCondition = float(sys.argv[12])
+maxSpeedHigherCondition = float(sys.argv[13])
+maxSpeedLowerCondition = float(sys.argv[14])
+powerHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[15])
+powerLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[16])
+peakPowerHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[17])
+peakPowerLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[18])
delete_initial_time = 20 #delete first records because there's encoder bug
#w_baudrate = 9600 # Setting the baudrate of Chronopic(9600)
@@ -242,9 +243,20 @@ def calculate_all_in_r(temp, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now, smoothing
if play:
+ #screen.fill((0,0,0)) #make redraw background black
- update_graph(rangeList,meanPowerList)
+ graphsWidth = 792 #800-4-4
+ update_graph("Range", rangeList, heightLowerCondition, heightHigherCondition,
+ graphsWidth, 112, (200,200,200), 4, 40)
+ #vertical_height: 112, position it at 40 pixels vert
+ update_graph("Mean Power", meanPowerList, powerLowerCondition, powerHigherCondition,
+ graphsWidth, 440, (255,255,255), 4, 156)
+ #position it at 40+112+4 pixels vert: 156
+ #vertical_height: 600 -4 (lower sep) - 156 : 440
print chr(27) + "[0;47m" + phase + "%6i," % height + " " + "Discarded" + chr(27)+"[0m"
@@ -262,82 +274,79 @@ def calculate_range(temp_cumsum, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now):
# print(text,rmax-rmin)
-#range: Range of movement (height in some parts of the code)
-def update_graph(rangeList, meanPowerList):
- s=pygame.Surface((surface_width,surface_height))
- horiz_margin = 10
- vert_margin = 20
- max_range = max(rangeList)
- max_power = max(meanPowerList)
- if powerLowerCondition > max_power:
- max_power = powerLowerCondition
- if powerHigherCondition > max_power:
- max_power = powerHigherCondition
- power_lower_height = surface_height - ((surface_height * powerLowerCondition / max_power) - 2*vert_margin)
- power_higher_height = surface_height - ((surface_height * powerHigherCondition / max_power) - 2*vert_margin)
+def update_graph(paramName, paramList, lowCondition, highCondition,
+ my_surface_width, my_surface_height, color, horizPosToCopy, vertPosToCopy):
+ s=pygame.Surface((my_surface_width,my_surface_height))
- s.fill((30,30,30)) #color the surface
- screen.fill((0,0,0)) #make redraw background black
+ s.fill(ColorBackground) #color the surface
+ left_margin = 10
+ right_margin = 40
+ vert_margin = 40
sep=20 #between reps
sep_small=2 #between bars
count = 0
- fontBig = pygame.font.Font(None, 22)
- fontSmall = pygame.font.Font(None, 18)
- colorRange = (200,200,200)
- colorPower = (255,255,255)
- for meanPower in meanPowerList:
+ paramMax = max(paramList)
+ if lowCondition > paramMax:
+ paramMax = lowCondition
+ if highCondition > paramMax:
+ paramMax = highCondition
+ param_low_height = my_surface_height - ((my_surface_height -vert_margin ) * lowCondition / paramMax)
+ param_high_height = my_surface_height - ((my_surface_height -vert_margin ) * highCondition / paramMax)
+ pygame.draw.line(s, (255,0,0), (left_margin, param_low_height), (my_surface_width-right_margin, param_low_height), 2)
+ pygame.draw.line(s, (0,255,0), (left_margin, param_high_height), (my_surface_width-right_margin, param_high_height), 2)
+ if lowCondition > 0:
+ string = "%s" % lowCondition
+ text = FontSmall.render(string,1, ColorBad, ColorBackground)
+ textpos = text.get_rect(right=my_surface_width-10,centery=param_low_height)
+ s.blit(text,textpos)
+ if highCondition > 0:
+ string = "%s" % highCondition
+ text = FontSmall.render(string,1, ColorGood, ColorBackground)
+ textpos = text.get_rect(right=my_surface_width-10,centery=param_high_height)
+ s.blit(text,textpos)
+ for param in paramList:
if count > 10:
sep = 10
- range_height = surface_height - ((surface_height * (rangeList[count]) / max_range ) - 2*vert_margin)
- power_height = surface_height - ((surface_height * meanPower / max_power) - 2*vert_margin)
- if len(meanPowerList) == 1:
- width = (surface_width - 2*horiz_margin) / 2 #do not fill all the screen with only one bar
+ param_height = ( my_surface_height - vert_margin ) * param / paramMax
+ if len(paramList) == 1:
+ width = (my_surface_width - left_margin - right_margin) / 2 #do not fill all the screen with only one bar
- width = (surface_width - 2*horiz_margin) / len(meanPowerList)
- left = horiz_margin + width*count
- range_width = width/4
- #pygame.draw.rect(s, (255,255,255), (left, power_height, width-sep, surface_height-power_height), 2)
- pygame.draw.rect(s, colorRange, (left, range_height, range_width, surface_height-range_height), 0) #0: filled
- power_width = width - range_width - sep_small - sep
- pygame.draw.rect(s, colorPower, (left+range_width+sep_small, power_height, power_width, surface_height-power_height), 0) #0: filled
+ width = (my_surface_width - left_margin - right_margin) / len(paramList)
- string = "%.0f" % rangeList[count]
- text = fontSmall.render(string,1,colorRange)
- textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=left+(range_width/2), centery=range_height-vert_margin)
- s.blit(text,textpos)
- #string = "%.2f" % meanPower
- string = "%.0f" % meanPower
- text = fontBig.render(string,1,colorPower)
- textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=left+range_width+sep_small+(power_width/2), centery=power_height-vert_margin)
+ colorNow = color
+ if param < lowCondition:
+ colorNow = ColorBad
+ elif highCondition > 0 and param > highCondition:
+ colorNow = ColorGood
+ left = left_margin + width*count
+ param_width = width - sep
+ pygame.draw.rect(s, colorNow, (left, my_surface_height, param_width, -param_height), 0) #0: filled
+ string = "%i" % param
+ text = FontBig.render(string,1,color, ColorBackground)
+ textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=left+(param_width/2), centery=my_surface_height-param_height-vert_margin/2)
count = count +1
- pygame.draw.line(s, (0,255,0), (horiz_margin, power_higher_height), (surface_width-horiz_margin-sep, power_higher_height), 2)
- pygame.draw.line(s, (255,0,0), (horiz_margin, power_lower_height), (surface_width-horiz_margin-sep, power_lower_height), 2)
+ string = "%s" % paramName
+ text = FontBig.render(string,1, color, ColorBackground)
+ textpos = text.get_rect(left=10,centery=10)
+ s.blit(text,textpos)
s_rect=s.get_rect() #get the rectangle bounds for the surface
- screen.blit(s,(0,40)) #render the surface into the rectangle
+ screen.blit(s,(horizPosToCopy,vertPosToCopy)) #render the surface into the rectangle
pygame.display.flip() #update the screen
-#def update_graph_old(xmin, xmax):
-# subprocess.Popen([r"Rscript","graph.R",str(xmin),str(xmax)]).wait()
-# picture = pygame.image.load("graph.png")
-# pygame.display.set_mode(picture.get_size())
-# main_surface= pygame.display.get_surface()
-# main_surface.blit(picture, (0,0))
-# pygame.display.update()
# ================
# = Main Problem =
# ================
@@ -382,12 +391,25 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- #screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480)) #make window
- #surface_width=640
- #surface_height=440
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) #make window
- surface_width=800
- surface_height=540
+ pygame.display.set_caption("Chronojump encoder")
+ FontBig = pygame.font.Font(None, 22)
+ FontSmall = pygame.font.Font(None, 18)
+ ColorBackground = (30,30,30)
+ ColorBad = (255,0,0)
+ ColorGood = (0,255,0)
+ #print title
+ s=pygame.Surface((792,32))
+ s.fill(ColorBackground) #color the surface
+ string = "%s" % title
+ text = FontBig.render(string,1, (255,255,255))
+ textpos = text.get_rect(left=10,centery=14)
+ s.blit(text,textpos)
+ screen.blit(s,(4,4)) #render the surface into the rectangle
+ pygame.display.flip() #update the screen
for i in xrange(record_time):
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index 31195ce..40e2c04 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
"", //no graph ouptut
Util.GetEncoderDataTempFileName(), "", ep);
- Util.RunPythonEncoder(Constants.EncoderScriptCapture, es, true);
+ Util.RunPythonEncoder(Constants.EncoderScriptCapture, "my_title___without_spaces", es, true);
encoderTimeStamp = UtilDate.ToFile(DateTime.Now);
encoderSignalUniqueID = "-1"; //mark to know that there's no ID for this until it's saved on database
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
"NULL", ep);
- Util.RunPythonEncoder(Constants.EncoderScriptGraphCall, es,false);
+ Util.RunPythonEncoder(Constants.EncoderScriptGraphCall, "", es,false);
//store this to show 1,2,3,4,... or 1e,1c,2e,2c,... in RenderN
//if is not stored, it can change when changed eccon radiobutton on cursor is in treeview
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
"NULL", "NULL", ep); //no data ouptut
- Util.RunPythonEncoder(Constants.EncoderScriptGraphCall, encoderStruct, false);
+ Util.RunPythonEncoder(Constants.EncoderScriptGraphCall, "", encoderStruct, false);
private void on_radiobutton_encoder_analyze_data_current_signal_toggled (object obj, EventArgs args) {
diff --git a/src/util.cs b/src/util.cs
index a8b5a2f..08c66d4 100644
--- a/src/util.cs
+++ b/src/util.cs
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ public class Util
//python program
- public static void RunPythonEncoder(string pythonScript, EncoderStruct es, bool capture) {
+ public static void RunPythonEncoder(string pythonScript, string title, EncoderStruct es, bool capture) {
CancelRScript = false;
ProcessStartInfo pinfo;
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ public class Util
pinfo.Arguments = "-bg white -fg black -hold -geometry 72x34+100+40 -fn *-fixed-*-*-*-20-* -e \"python " +
pythonScript + " " + es.OutputData1 + " " + es.Ep.ToString1() + "\"";
} else
- pinfo.Arguments = pythonScript + " " + es.OutputData1 + " " + es.Ep.ToString1();
+ pinfo.Arguments = pythonScript + " " + title + " " + es.OutputData1 + " " + es.Ep.ToString1();
outputFileCheck = es.OutputData1;
} else {
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