[bijiben] Created tag BIJIBEN_3_7_2

The unsigned tag 'BIJIBEN_3_7_2' was created.

Tagger: Pierre-Yves Luyten <py luyten fr>
Date: Mon Nov 19 23:21:52 2012 +0100

    3.7.2 First release


Cosimo Cecchi (13):
      Fix some compiler warnings
      Don't try to draw an empty text string
      Plug a leak
      Cleanup initial note book loading
      Move app menu to a GResource
      Fix more warnings
      Cleanups for BijibenApplication window creation
      Remove unused code
      Use a smaller default window height
      Use GtkColorButton in the note view toolbar
      Fix background rendering offset in thumbnails
      build: don't forget to link in gresources
      Use gd_embed_image_in_frame() for the thumbnail shadow

Paolo Stivanin (1):
      fixed a bug if glib <= 2.34.x

Pierre-Yves Luyten (206):
      First commit
      Usable proto
      Add ignored files
      Initial move to GdMainView
      Fix GtkApplication property for window
      Initial Notes Pixbuf for main view
      First clean up of window base
      Display Notes Color on main view
      Save note when color changed
      Add small border for main view note icon
      Add clutter library
      Fix BjbWindowBase name and associated accessors (was : BijiMainWindow)
      Move BjbController window-wide to prepare more fixes
      Init clutter on startup
      Change Font for Notes search
      Fix src makefile indent
      bjb-app-menu : traling whtspc
      Do not add twice the main_view to window base when coming back from note editor
      Note emits a "changed" signal when color changed
      Fix NoteObj default color
      BjbController : watch for note book changed     (Fixes regression since controller moved to window_base )
      Notebook emits signal when note changes color
      BjbController : constructed() chain up
      Fix bjb-controller.c indent
      Fix search to be window-wide     From MainView to NoteView then back, search string is not lost
      bjb main view old comment
      bjb main view old comment - 2
      Move Completion model to BjbController
      GtkSearchEntry to propose notes title in completion model
      Update note pixbuf when text changed
      BjbController - NoteModel - Free stuff
      Update <n notes selected> label when selection
      bjb_main_view_new does not need book anymore
      BjbMainView : add window construct property
      bjb_main_view_new : clean using constructed() method
      NotesSearch : Borders for notes
      Initial move to Clutter NotesSearch & NoteEditor
      Fix comments of gd-main-toolbar
      Full clutter layout : main view     Window base provides a clutter actor to be filled by Search Notes & Notes view. This commit introduces regression on memory, performance, usability.
      First draft for Notes-Search Selection-Toolbar
      Initial Search Entry
      Initial Toolbar from gd-main-toolbar
      Remove BjbViewModeButton
      Layout fix : topbar with search entry
      SelectionToolbar : only show trash item
      Search toolbar has primary-toolbar class
      Fix Search Toolbar width
      ClutterBoxLayout orientation : remove deprecated func
      MainView : Fix Layout Remove constraints
      Remove stupid mapping to private data
      Use Clutter actor for NoteView     Again, this breaks lot of stuff and has to be fixed before master
      Note view : GtkMenuButton
      Fix regressions on Clutter Note view
      Delete bjb tool button (thanks to GtkMenuButton)
      Note main toolbar : Fix color button clicked
      Start rewrite on note view     Add Clutter Layout for note view. Swith to gd-main-toolbar for note
      Initial EditorToolbar
      Update AUTHORS
      Draft for editor toolbar     Almost all func working (linking is unstable). The UI has to be improved.
      Update of authors merged
      Move Notes Icon to libiji so it's own by BijiNoteObj
      Little clean up on Xml node switch
      small clean up on read tomboy coding guidelines
      MainView : Initial NotePixbuf frame     Stuff from ephy. Not uptodate with upstream which uses a property.
      Main view : list : initial small icon for list view     Size is not handled yet. Hardcoded 16x16. List model is not proper neither.
      EditorToolbar : tmp fix to remove toolbar in order to have no space     This is NOT correct later on since css style is not respected as with current coding
      BjbNoteView No more is_main_window gboolean     Since there is no more open in new window , and application menu is used instead, there is no more reason for this
      BjbNoteView Add window and note properties
      BjbNoteView cleanup use constructed     bjb_note_view_constructed is now used. current_note is now note.
      BjbMainView remove click signal
      BjbMainView fix bjb controller set main view call
      Fix crash when coming back to main view
      EditorToolbar : fix alignment
      editor-toolbar: remain visible when text copied from inside bijiben
      First last updated field, but without real value
      Update TODO
      EditorToolbar : fix link button and animation
      Update ROADMAP
      First Implementation for last updated value retrieval
      Libbiji : remove old debug
      Libbiji define libiji-inside
      Libiji : move editor part to biji note buffer
      libbiji: move biji note obj accessors to biji note obj
      libbiji: move note book accessors to note book
      libibiji : still cleaning
      libbiji - completely remove libbiji.c
      Add libgd git submodule
      autogen.sh Fix package name
      libgd : actually Build libgd
      libgd : finalize port     remove widgets hierarchy, add link and amend includes
      BjbMainToolbar - clean old warnings n comments
      Toolbars: clean up and finish removing deprecated clutter animation
      EditorToolbar Fix behaviour with rigth-click and no clipboard retrieval at all
      BjbWindowBase application property to fix crash when a second window closed
      BjbWindowBase: get rid of useless property, more stuff to init, fix warnings
      BjbWindowBase : remove useless get_app accessor
      BjbBijiben Create note directory if does not exist
      bjb-bijiben.c Fix missing semi column
      dependencies : gtk 3.5.19
      Webkit: Merge branch     Just adapt webkit branch to change on biji_note_obj_get_color     and do not g_free() raw text
      deserializer: remove warning
      BijiNoteObj Remove obsolete accessors
      CleanUp: Delete TagView. Move tracker to libbiji.
      EditorToolbar : show toolbar when key used to select text
      SearchToolbar: no EASE_IN_QUAD mode since animation breaks search entry focus
      EditorToolbar: do not set twice easing mode
      HTML: fix &amps; char writing/loading
      Remove g_warnings
      Deserializer : handle div
      Do not serialize not when opened
      Tomboy deserializer : handle \n to <br/>
      move zeitgeist skeleton to libbiji
      Save note when color changed
      Add bullets, list, undo and redo to note menu
      Tomboy deseriliazation for bullets
      Accelerators: bold italic strike undo close-note
      Initial note CSS stylesheet
      CSS : draw row
      Icons : use g_build_filename
      PATHS :always use g_build_filename
      Note color: slighly improve default color
      use g_clear_object
      Small cleanup
      Note editor: css: Align bullets and list
      No more GtkTextTagTable
      Deserializer : plug leak
      Initial GHashTable for replacing GList
      Initial UNUSED timeout
      Tomboy style UUID for notes - biji_note_book_get_new_note_from_string
      Tracker: push note when saving
      Clear book when quitting
      MainToolbar : add suggested-action to button
      Timeout : save note after 3s
      <div> make format safer xml untill something better happen
      Add biji_str_ : replace and _mass_replace
      Serializer : use biji_str_mass_replace
      _str_replace : free some leaks
      Icon : fix leak with non framed icon
      BjbWindowBase finalize controller
      WebkitEdtior owns it selection and finalizes it
      MainToolbar : update label when search performed     Add the signal to controller
      Small clean up, do not rename window only labels
      Set the title on window base and window base only
      Retrieve webkit settings - do not create one
      Deserializer: fix regression on lost end of line
      Do not loose search toolbar when coming back to note view
      BijiNoteObj: clean up some old accessor eg left margin
      First run : create the directory to avoid crash
      str_mass_replace : add sentinel warning
      Test : import tomboy gnote when bjb first runs
      LINK : copy the note color to new note
      NoteObj: make NoteID private - use note_new (path) and gobj property path
      Editor: toggle bullets - lists on click
      BjbEditorToolbar : fix finalize chain up
      Controller : fix glist leak untill better
      NoteID: start fixing accessors for memory, starting with deserialization
      Deserializer: free tag and node name
      MainView : initial drag and drop     Create Note from plain text.     More targets should be supported and guchar utf has to be converted to be correct.     Also, NoteBook has to be cleanup using new_note (title, text, html, ...)
      Serialize: make sure we serialize xml manually
      Editor: on_content_changed: use native func to retrieve raw text
      Editor:DragNDrop: first implementation for images link
      Tags: Move tags dialog to distinct GObject and file     Sort tags alphabetically     Do not destroy and re-create dialog when tag created     Dialog will be able to handle several notes
      BijiNoteID: standardize accessors func name
      Standardize accessors func name: biji_note_obj_set_title
      Standardize accessors func name: title
      En-masse notes color-button in selection toolbar
      NoteTagDialog Handle several notes     Use inconsistent selection when notes have different case     Switch to list store     g_list_copy tags     Simplify things
      Allow tagging notes from main view
      NoteObj::AddTag: fix
      BijiNoteId: clean up create date and set it when new note
      Title: fix book,obj,id note renaming
      NoteObj::set_title remove old accessor
      g_type_init: remove
      BijiNoteID: now has a GFile property
      UNUSED) ShellSearchProvider skeleton
      Shell Provider: initial (sync blocking) tracker implementation
      Deleted note is deleted from tracker
      Tracker:Note mimetype not decided yet
      Autotool: ShellProvider: don't need bjb-bijiben.h
      Autotool: Src Makefile: little reorg and add clean
      Merge pull request #27 from polslinux/patch-2
      Trash note rather than hard delete
      Project descrition: initial
      Description: clean up
      Description: clean up category
      Allows to drag window with toolbar
      MainView : remove duplicate call to tracker delete
      NoteView : remove duplicate call to tracker remove
      Tracker : get_all_tags => async version
      Tracker: remove get_all_tracker_tags
      Window base : remove old comment for old tags member
      Tracker: delete note is now async
      Tracker: Make all updates async
      Tracker : Complety get rid of sync queries
      Manuel : skeleton for pages
      Settings: dialog with font and color
      Settings : schema
      Preferences : allow to choose default font and color
      Rename Note Dialog : do not set up twice the same title
      Timeout : emit signal if apps quit
      Release: prepare for 3.7.2
      autotools: fix extradist for src and add it for data
      Import Notes: move to an initial UI (external data app menu item)
      ShowAboutDialog : update version

Piotr DrÄg (1):
      Updated POTFILES.in

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