[dia] wdeps.py: implement SaveDB() (--db) to store in sqlite3 database

commit 285424674fdabf14a17059359ac0ac908934465a
Author: Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
Date:   Sun Nov 18 13:08:18 2012 +0100

    wdeps.py: implement SaveDB() (--db) to store in sqlite3 database
    Most of the data from the graph is stored and some VIEWs for further
    analysis are created. Up until now only tested with Dia on win32,
    with a more heavy program some database optimizations might be
    desirable. The database organization is not considered final.

 plug-ins/python/wdeps.py |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py b/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
index 41d7c8b..36cc9b5 100644
--- a/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
+++ b/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
@@ -882,6 +882,94 @@ def SaveDsm (deps, f) :
 				f.write (csv_list_delimiter)
 		f.write ("\n")
+def SaveDB (deps, fname) :
+	# create an sqlite database
+	import sqlite3
+	con = sqlite3.connect (fname)
+	cur = con.cursor()
+	# create a table containing data for reproduction
+	cur.execute ('CREATE TABLE Settings (Key text, Value text)')
+	cur.execute ('INSERT INTO Settings VALUES(?, ?)', ("cwd", os.getcwd()))
+	cur.execute ('INSERT INTO Settings VALUES(?, ?)', ("args", string.join (sys.argv[1:], ' ')))
+	con.commit()
+	# create the dsm to have all data easily available
+	k, m, levels = CreateDsm (deps)
+	# create and fill the Modules table
+	cur.execute ('CREATE TABLE Modules (Name text,' \
+		' ImportedModules integer, ExportedSymbols integer, Level integer)')
+	for y in range(0, len(k)) :
+		# the number of imports - module count
+		num_imp = len(deps[k[y]].deps.keys())
+		num_exp = len(deps[k[y]].exports.keys())
+		cur.execute ('INSERT INTO Modules VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', (k[y], num_imp, num_exp, levels[k[y]]))
+	con.commit()
+	# create an index of ModuleNames
+	cur.execute ('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ModuleNames ON Modules (Name)')
+	con.commit()
+	# create and fill the Dependencies table
+	cur.execute ('CREATE TABLE Dependencies (' \
+		'Consumer text, Provider text, Imports integer, Weight real)')
+	for y in range(0, len(k)) :
+		for x in range(0, len(k)) :
+			edge = m[y][x]
+			if edge :
+				cur.execute ('INSERT INTO Dependencies VALUES(?,?,?,?)',
+					(k[x], k[y], len(edge.symbols), edge.Weight()))
+	con.commit ()
+	# create and fill the table of Symbols
+	cur.execute ('CREATE TABLE Symbols (Name text, User text, Provider text)')
+	for y in range(0, len(k)) :
+		for x in range(0, len(k)) :
+			edge = m[y][x]
+			if edge :
+				for s in edge.symbols :
+					cur.execute ('INSERT INTO Symbols VALUES(?,?,?)', (s, k[x], k[y]))
+	# add unused symbols, too
+	for sm in k :
+		node = deps[sm]
+		for e, used in node.exports.iteritems() :
+			if used == 0 : # the used ones are already added above
+				cur.execute ('INSERT INTO Symbols VALUES(?,?,?)', (e, None, sm))
+	con.commit ()
+	# create a read-only table accumulating Symbols by Users
+	# SELECT Provider,max(Users),count(distinct Name) FROM Symbols GROUP BY Provider
+	cur.execute ('CREATE VIEW SymbolsByUse AS SELECT ' \
+		'Name,Provider,count(distinct User) AS UseCount FROM Symbols GROUP BY Name')
+	con.commit ()
+	# another view to sort Modules by number of Consumer
+	cur.execute ('CREATE VIEW ModulesByUse AS SELECT ' \
+		'Provider,count(distinct Consumer),max(Imports),min(Imports) FROM Dependencies GROUP BY Provider')
+	con.commit()
+	# yet another view to check how much modules symbols are used
+	cur.execute ('CREATE VIEW ModuleCoverageTemp AS SELECT ' \
+		'Provider,count(distinct Name) AS UsedSymbols FROM Symbols AS S WHERE User>0 GROUP BY Provider')
+	# merge it with Modules.ExportedSymbols
+	cur.execute ('CREATE View ModuleCoverage AS SELECT ' \
+		'Provider,Level,UsedSymbols,ExportedSymbols,100.0*UsedSymbols/ExportedSymbols AS Coverage ' \
+		'FROM Modules AS M JOIN ModuleCoverageTemp AS C ON M.Name=C.Provider')
+	con.commit()
+	# calculate FanIn (UsingModules) and FanOut (ImportedModules)
+	# ,1.0-(1.0/(FanIn+FanOut)) AS Complexity -- needs an extra run
+	# due to sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: FanIn
+	cur.execute ('CREATE VIEW ModuleCouplingTemp AS SELECT ' \
+		'Name,ImportedModules AS FanOut,count(distinct Consumer) AS FanIn ' \
+		'FROM Dependencies AS D JOIN Modules AS M ON D.Provider=M.Name ' \
+		'GROUP BY Provider')
+	cur.execute ('CREATE VIEW ModuleCoupling AS SELECT ' \
+		'Name,FanOut,FanIn,1.0-(1.0/(FanIn+FanOut)) AS Coupling ' \
+		'FROM ModuleCouplingTemp')
+	con.commit()
 def CreateList (s) :
 	"Return a list of strings either by split or from file"
 	lst = []
@@ -963,6 +1051,7 @@ def main () :
 	bTred = 0
 	bSaveDt = 0
 	bSaveDsm = 0
+	bSaveDB = 0
 	bSaveXml = 0
 	sOutFilename = None
 	sPickle = None
@@ -1027,6 +1116,8 @@ def main () :
 			bSaveDt = 1
 		elif arg == "--dsm" :
 			bSaveDsm = 1
+		elif arg == '--db' :
+			bSaveDB = 1
 		elif arg == "--xml" :
 			bSaveXml = 1
 		elif arg == "--reduce" :
@@ -1204,6 +1295,8 @@ For more information read the source.
 		SaveXml (deps, f)
 	elif bSaveDsm :
 		SaveDsm (deps, f)
+	elif bSaveDB :
+		SaveDB (deps, sOutFilename)
 	elif bDumpReverse :
 		DumpReverse (deps, f)
 	else :

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