[gcompris] explore activities, improved target positioning

commit 225d25f601a2ac824248196ef268b9cf777ebde9
Author: Bruno Coudoin <bruno coudoin free fr>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 01:21:59 2012 +0100

    explore activities, improved target positioning
    Remade from scratch a suitcase icon.
    Fixed the position of the target to be more precise.

 src/explore-activity/explore.py                    |    8 +-
 .../explore_farm_animals/content.desktop.in        |    6 +-
 .../explore_world_animals/content.desktop.in       |   18 +-
 .../resources/explore_world_music/Makefile.am      |    2 +-
 .../explore_world_music/content.desktop.in         |   30 +-
 .../resources/explore_world_music/suitcase.png     |  Bin 2379 -> 0 bytes
 .../resources/explore_world_music/suitcase.svg     | 2369 ++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 2402 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/explore-activity/explore.py b/src/explore-activity/explore.py
index 2c6c9c9..34e23c2 100644
--- a/src/explore-activity/explore.py
+++ b/src/explore-activity/explore.py
@@ -221,11 +221,13 @@ dialogue to\nenable the sound."), None)
         for section in self.sectionNames:
+            pixmap = gcompris.utils.load_pixmap(self.locationPic)
             item = goocanvas.Image(
                 parent = self.rootitem,
-                x = int(self.data.get(section, 'x')) - 20,
-                y = int(self.data.get(section, 'y')) - 20,
-                pixbuf = gcompris.utils.load_pixmap(self.locationPic)
+                x = int(self.data.get(section, 'x')) - pixmap.get_width() / 2.0,
+                y = int(self.data.get(section, 'y')) - pixmap.get_height() / 2.0,
+                pixbuf = pixmap
             gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(item, None)
             item.set_data('sectionNum', section)
diff --git a/src/explore_farm_animals-activity/resources/explore_farm_animals/content.desktop.in b/src/explore_farm_animals-activity/resources/explore_farm_animals/content.desktop.in
index 199575c..0551edd 100644
--- a/src/explore_farm_animals-activity/resources/explore_farm_animals/content.desktop.in
+++ b/src/explore_farm_animals-activity/resources/explore_farm_animals/content.desktop.in
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ music =chickens.ogg
 _shortPrompt = This animal lays eggs.
-x = 470
+x = 475
 y = 425
 _title = Cows
 _text = The cow goes "moo. moo.". Cows are herbivorous mammals. They graze all day in the meadow.
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ music = pig.ogg
 _shortPrompt = This animal likes to lay in the mud.
-x = 385
-y = 440
+x = 390
+y = 455
 _title = White Duck
 _text = The duck goes "quack, quack". Ducks have special features like webbed feet and produce an oil to make their feathers "waterproof".
 image = duck.jpg
diff --git a/src/explore_world_animals-activity/resources/explore_world_animals/content.desktop.in b/src/explore_world_animals-activity/resources/explore_world_animals/content.desktop.in
index f0ddd04..44732ef 100644
--- a/src/explore_world_animals-activity/resources/explore_world_animals/content.desktop.in
+++ b/src/explore_world_animals-activity/resources/explore_world_animals/content.desktop.in
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ locationpic = tux.png
 _generalText = Explore exotic animals from around the world.
 _TextMatchingGameText = Click on location where the given animal lives.
 textBoxX =105
-textBoxY = 180
+textBoxY = 150
-x = 273
-y = 271
+x = 263
+y = 221
 _title = Jaguars in South America
 _text = Jaguars are named after the Native American word meaning 'he who kills with one leap'
  because they like to climb trees to attack their prey.
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ _shortPrompt =  Jaguar
 x = 428
-y = 122
+y = 90
 _title = Hedgehogs in Europe
 _text = Hedgehogs eat small animals, like frogs and insects, so many people keep them as useful pets. When in danger, they will curl up into a ball and stick up their coat of sharp spines.
 image = hedgy.jpg
 _shortPrompt = Hedgehog
-x = 433
+x = 443
 y = 193
 _title = Giraffes in Africa
 _text = The giraffe lives in Africa and is the tallest mammal in the world. Just their legs, which are usually 1.8 meters long, are taller than most humans!
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ image = giraffe.jpg
 _shortPrompt = Giraffe
-x = 172
-y = 137
+x = 180
+y = 127
 _title = Bison in America
 _text = Bison live on the plains of North America and were hunted by the Native Americans for food.
 image = bison.jpg
 _shortPrompt = Bison
-x = 391
-y = 61
+x = 385
+y = 39
 _title = Narwhals in the Arctic
 _text = Narwhals are whales that live in the Arctic Ocean and have long tusks. These tusks remind many people of the mythical unicorn's horn.
 image = narwhal.jpg
diff --git a/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/Makefile.am b/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/Makefile.am
index 3aa2c2c..e255d41 100644
--- a/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/Makefile.am
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ img_DATA = \
 	middleeast.jpg \
 	middleeast.ogg \
 	orchestra.jpg \
-	suitcase.png \
+	suitcase.svg \
diff --git a/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/content.desktop.in b/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/content.desktop.in
index b30f888..c024016 100644
--- a/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/content.desktop.in
+++ b/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/content.desktop.in
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ background = worldmap.jpg
 backgroundx = 10
 backgroundy = 10
 credits =  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki, http://archive.org
-locationpic = suitcase.png
+locationpic = suitcase.svg
 _generalText = Explore world music! Click on the suitcases.
 _SoundMatchingGameText = Click on the location that matches the music you hear.
 _TextMatchingGameText = Click on the location that matches the text.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ textBoxY = 350
 x = 678
-y = 274
+y = 260
 _title = Australia
 _text = Aboriginals were the first people to live in Australia. They sing and play instruments, like the didgeridoo. It is made from a log and can be up to five meters long!
 image = australia.jpg
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ _shortPrompt = Where is the didgeridoo played?
 x = 449
-y = 247
+y = 200
 _title = Africa
 _text = Music is a part of everyday life in Africa. African music features a great variety of drums, and they believe it is a sacred and magical instrument.
 image = africa.jpg
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ music = africa.ogg
 _shortPrompt = Where is the drum considered a magical instrument?
-x= 537
+x = 500
+y = 134
 _title = Middle East
 _text = Music is a very important part of middle eastern culture. Specific songs are played to call worshipers to prayer. The lute is an instrument invented thousands of years ago and still in use today.
 image= middleeast.jpg
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ music= middleeast.ogg
 _shortPrompt = Where is music used to call people to prayer?
+x = 691
+y = 133
 _title = Japan
 _text = Taiko drumming comes from Japan. This type of drumming was originally used to scare enemies in battle. It is very loud, and performances are very exciting with crowds cheering and performers yelling!
 image = japan.jpg
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ music = japan.ogg
 _shortPrompt = Where do performers yelp as they play the drums?
+x = 382
+y = 90
 _title = Scotland and Ireland
 _text = Folk music of this region is called celtic music, often incorporates a narrative poem or story. Typical instruments include bagpipes, fiddles, flutes, harps, and accordions.
 _shortPrompt = Bagpipers, who often wear kilts, are from this location.
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ image = ireland.jpg
 music = ireland.ogg
 _title = Italy
 _text = Italy is famous for its Opera. Opera is a musical theater where actors tell a story by acting and singing. Opera singers, both male and female, learn special techniques to sing operas.
 _shortPrompt = This country is known for its opera music.
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ image = italy.jpg
 music = italy.ogg
+x = 425
+y = 90
 _title = European Classical Music
 _text = Europe is the home of classical music. Famous composers like Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart forever changed music history.
 _shortPrompt = Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart composed music in this location.
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ image = orchestra.jpg
 music = beethoven.ogg
+x = 185
+y = 170
 _title = Mexico
 _text = Mariachi is a famous type of Mexican music. It features guitars, trumpets, and violins. These bands play for many occasions, including weddings and parties.
 _question = At parties, people often dance to the Mariachi music. A Famous dance is:
diff --git a/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/suitcase.svg b/src/explore_world_music-activity/resources/explore_world_music/suitcase.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383c0ba
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,2369 @@
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