[sysadmin-bin: 21/168] Add a new and better post-receive email script

commit 6590e7bb65c42623a498609cf85160dfcad703f0
Author: Owen W. Taylor <otaylor fishsoup net>
Date:   Mon Mar 2 15:52:58 2009 -0500

    Add a new and better post-receive email script
    gnome-post-receive-email: Python script to generate beautifully crafted mails
      dealing with all sorts of crazy corner cases.

 gnome-post-receive-email | 1010 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 1010 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-post-receive-email b/gnome-post-receive-email
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..56c3ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-post-receive-email
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+# gnome-post-receive-email - Post receive email hook for the GNOME Git repository
+# Copyright (C) 2008  Owen Taylor
+# Copyright (C) 2009  Red Hat, Inc
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, If not, see
+# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# About
+# =====
+# This script is used to generate mail to commits-list gnome org when change
+# are pushed to the GNOME git repository. It accepts input in the form of
+# a Git post-receive hook, and generates appropriate emails.
+# The attempt here is to provide a maximimally useful and robust output
+# with as little clutter as possible.
+import re
+import os
+import pwd
+from subprocess import Popen, CalledProcessError, PIPE
+import sys
+# Utility functions for git
+# =========================
+# (These are adapted from git-bz)
+NULL_REVISION = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+# Run a git command
+#    Non-keyword arguments are passed verbatim as command line arguments
+#    Keyword arguments are turned into command line options
+#       <name>=True => --<name>
+#       <name>='<str>' => --<name>=<str>
+#    Special keyword arguments:
+#       _quiet: Discard all output even if an error occurs
+#       _interactive: Don't capture stdout and stderr
+#       _input=<str>: Feed <str> to stdinin of the command
+#       _outfile=<file): Use <file> as the output file descriptor
+#       _split_lines: Return an array with one string per returned line
+def git_run(command, *args, **kwargs):
+    to_run = ['git', command.replace("_", "-")]
+    interactive = False
+    quiet = False
+    input = None
+    interactive = False
+    outfile = None
+    do_split_lines = False
+    for (k,v) in kwargs.iteritems():
+        if k == '_quiet':
+            quiet = True
+        elif k == '_interactive':
+            interactive = True
+        elif k == '_input':
+            input = v
+        elif k == '_outfile':
+            outfile = v
+        elif k == '_split_lines':
+            do_split_lines = True
+        elif v is True:
+            if len(k) == 1:
+                to_run.append("-" + k)
+            else:
+                to_run.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-"))
+        else:
+            to_run.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-") + "=" + v)
+    to_run.extend(args)
+    if outfile:
+        stdout = outfile
+    else:
+        if interactive:
+            stdout = None
+        else:
+            stdout = PIPE
+    if interactive:
+        stderr = None
+    else:
+        stderr = PIPE
+    if input != None:
+        stdin = PIPE
+    else:
+        stdin = None
+    process = Popen(to_run,
+                    stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin)
+    output, error = process.communicate(input)
+    if process.returncode != 0:
+        if not quiet and not interactive:
+            print >>sys.stderr, error,
+            print output,
+        raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, " ".join(to_run))
+    if interactive or outfile:
+        return None
+    else:
+        if do_split_lines:
+            return split_lines(output.strip())
+        else:
+            return output.strip()
+# Wrapper to allow us to do git.<command>(...) instead of git_run()
+class Git:
+    def __getattr__(self, command):
+        def f(*args, **kwargs):
+            return git_run(command, *args, **kwargs)
+        return f
+git = Git()
+class GitCommit:
+    def __init__(self, id, subject):
+        self.id = id
+        self.subject = subject
+# Takes argument like 'git.rev_list()' and returns a list of commit objects
+def rev_list_commits(*args, **kwargs):
+    kwargs_copy = dict(kwargs)
+    kwargs_copy['pretty'] = 'format:%s'
+    kwargs_copy['_split_lines'] = True
+    lines = git.rev_list(*args, **kwargs_copy)
+    if (len(lines) % 2 != 0):
+        raise RuntimeException("git rev-list didn't return an even number of lines")
+    result = []
+    for i in xrange(0, len(lines), 2):
+        m = re.match("commit\s+([A-Fa-f0-9]+)", lines[i])
+        if not m:
+            raise RuntimeException("Can't parse commit it '%s'", lines[i])
+        commit_id = m.group(1)
+        subject = lines[i + 1]
+        result.append(GitCommit(commit_id, subject))
+    return result
+# Loads a single commit object by ID
+def load_commit(commit_id):
+    return rev_list_commits(commit_id + "^!")[0]
+# Return True if the commit has multiple parents
+def commit_is_merge(commit):
+    if isinstance(commit, basestring):
+        commit = load_commit(commit)
+    parent_count = 0
+    for line in git.cat_file("commit", commit.id, _split_lines=True):
+        if line == "":
+            break
+        if line.startswith("parent "):
+            parent_count += 1
+    return parent_count > 1
+# Return a short one-line summary of the commit
+def commit_oneline(commit):
+    if isinstance(commit, basestring):
+        commit = load_commit(commit)
+    return commit.id[0:7]+"... " + commit.subject[0:59]
+# General Utility
+# ===============
+def die(message):
+    print >>sys.stderr, message
+    sys.exit(1)
+# This cleans up our generation code by allowing us to use the same indentation
+# for the first line and subsequent line of a multi-line string
+def s(str):
+    start = 0
+    end = len(str)
+    if len(str) > 0 and str[0] == '\n':
+        start += 1
+    if len(str) > 1 and str[end - 1] == '\n':
+        end -= 1
+    return str[start:end]
+# Used to split the output of a command that outputs one result per line
+def split_lines(str):
+    if str == "":
+        return []
+    else:
+        return str.split("\n")
+# Open a subprocess.Popen process object for sending mail. Write the
+# mail to process.stdin, and then call close_email()
+def open_email():
+    process = Popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t",
+                    stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
+    return process
+def close_email(process):
+    output, error = process.communicate()
+    if process.returncode != 0:
+        if not quiet and not interactive:
+            print >>sys.stderr, error,
+            print output,
+        raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t")
+# Short name for project
+projectshort = None
+# Human readable name for user, might be None
+user_fullname = None
+# Who gets the emails
+recipients = None
+# map of ref_name => Change object; this is used when computing whether
+# we've previously generated a detailed diff for a commit in the push
+all_changes = {}
+processed_changes = {}
+class RefChange(object):
+    def __init__(self, refname, oldrev, newrev):
+        self.refname = refname
+        self.oldrev = oldrev
+        self.newrev = newrev
+        if oldrev == None and newrev != None:
+            self.change_type = CREATE
+        elif oldrev != None and newrev == None:
+            self.change_type = DELETE
+        elif oldrev != None and newrev != None:
+            self.change_type = UPDATE
+        else:
+            self.change_type = INVALID_TAG
+        m = re.match(r"refs/[^/]*/(.*)", refname)
+        if m:
+            self.short_refname = m.group(1)
+        else:
+            self.short_refname = refname
+    # Whether we should generate the normal 'main' email. For simple branch
+    # updates we only generate 'extra' emails
+    def get_needs_main_email(self):
+        return True
+    # The XXX in [projectname/XXX], usually a branch
+    def get_project_extra(self):
+        return None
+    # Return the subject for the main email, without the leading [projectname]
+    def get_subject(self):
+        raise NotImplemenetedError()
+    # Write the body of the main email to the given file object
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        raise NotImplemenetedError()
+    def generate_header(self, out, subject, include_revs=True, oldrev=None, newrev=None):
+        user = os.environ['USER']
+        if user_fullname:
+            from_address = "%s <%s src gnome org>" % (user_fullname, user)
+        else:
+            from_address = "%s src gnome org" % (user)
+        print >>out, s("""
+To: %(recipients)s
+From: %(from_address)s
+Subject: %(subject)s
+Keywords: %(projectshort)s
+X-Git-Refname: %(refname)s
+""") % {
+            'recipients': recipients,
+            'from_address': from_address,
+            'subject': subject,
+            'projectshort': projectshort,
+            'refname': self.refname
+       }
+        if include_revs:
+            if oldrev:
+                oldrev = oldrev
+            else:
+                oldrev = NULL_REVISION
+            if newrev:
+                newrev = newrev
+            else:
+                newrev = NULL_REVISION
+            print >>out, s("""
+X-Git-Oldrev: %(oldrev)s
+X-Git-Newrev: %(newrev)s
+""") % {
+            'oldrev': oldrev,
+            'newrev': newrev,
+       }
+        # Trailing newline to signal the end of the header
+        print >>out
+    def send_main_email(self):
+        if not self.get_needs_main_email():
+            return
+        extra = self.get_project_extra()
+        if extra:
+            extra = "/" + extra
+        else:
+            extra = ""
+        subject = "[" + projectshort + extra + "] " + self.get_subject()
+        mail_process = open_email()
+        self.generate_header(mail_process.stdin, subject, include_revs=True, oldrev=self.oldrev, newrev=self.newrev)
+        self.generate_body(mail_process.stdin)
+        close_email(mail_process)
+    # Allow multiple emails to be sent - used for branch updates
+    def send_extra_emails(self):
+        pass
+    def send_emails(self):
+        self.send_main_email()
+        self.send_extra_emails()
+# ========================
+# Common baseclass for BranchCreation and BranchUpdate (but not BranchDeletion)
+class BranchChange(RefChange):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        RefChange.__init__(self, *args)
+        # Find the commits that were added and removed, reverse() to get
+        # chronological order
+        if self.change_type == CREATE:
+            self.added_commits = rev_list_commits(self.newrev)
+            self.added_commits.reverse()
+            self.removed_commits = []
+        else:
+            self.added_commits = rev_list_commits(self.oldrev + ".." + self.newrev)
+            self.added_commits.reverse()
+            self.removed_commits = rev_list_commits(self.newrev + ".." + self.oldrev)
+            self.removed_commits.reverse()
+        # We need to figure out what commits are referenced in this commit thta
+        # weren't previously referenced in the repository by another branch.
+        # "Previously" here means either before this push, or by branch updates
+        # we've already done in this push. These are the commits we'll send
+        # out individual mails for.
+        #
+        # Note that "Before this push" can't be gotten exactly right since an
+        # push is only atomic per-branch and there is no locking across branches.
+        # But new commits will always show up in a cover mail in any case; even
+        # someone who maliciously is trying to fool us can't hide all trace.
+        # Ordering matters here, so we can't rely on kwargs
+        branches = git.rev_parse('--symbolic-full-name', '--branches', _split_lines=True)
+        detailed_commit_args = [ self.newrev ]
+        for branch in branches:
+            if branch == self.refname:
+                # For this branch, exclude commits before 'oldrev'
+                if self.change_type != CREATE:
+                    detailed_commit_args.append("^" + self.oldrev)
+            elif branch in all_changes and not branch in processed_changes:
+                # For branches that were updated in this push but we haven't processed
+                # yet, exclude commits before their old revisions
+                detailed_commit_args.append("^" + all_changes[branch].oldrev)
+            else:
+                # Exclude commits that are ancestors of all other branches
+                detailed_commit_args.append("^" + branch)
+        detailed_commits = split_lines(git.rev_list(*detailed_commit_args))
+        self.detailed_commits = set()
+        for id in detailed_commits:
+            self.detailed_commits.add(id)
+        # In some cases we'll send a cover email that describes the overall
+        # change to the branch before ending individual mails for commits. In other
+        # cases, we just send the individual emails. We generate a cover mail:
+        #
+        # - If it's a branch creation
+        # - If it's not a fast forward
+        # - If there are any merge commits
+        # - If there are any commits we won't send separately (already in repo)
+        have_merge_commits = False
+        for commit in self.added_commits:
+            if commit_is_merge(commit):
+                have_merge_commits = True
+        self.needs_cover_email = (self.change_type == CREATE or
+                                  len(self.removed_commits) > 0 or
+                                  have_merge_commits or
+                                  len(self.detailed_commits) < len(self.added_commits))
+    def get_needs_main_email(self):
+        return self.needs_cover_email
+    # A prefix for the cover letter summary with the number of added commits
+    def get_count_string(self):
+        if len(self.added_commits) > 1:
+            return "(%d commits) " % len(self.added_commits)
+        else:
+            return ""
+    # Generate a short listing for a series of commits
+    # show_details - whether we should mark commit where we aren't going to send
+    # a detailed email. (Set the False when listing removed commits)
+    def generate_commit_summary(self, out, commits, show_details=True):
+        detail_note = False
+        for commit in commits:
+            if show_details and not commit.id in self.detailed_commits:
+                detail = " (*)"
+                detail_note = True
+            else:
+                detail = ""
+            print >>out, "  " + commit_oneline(commit) + detail
+        if detail_note:
+            print >>out
+            print >>out, "(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent"
+    def send_extra_emails(self):
+        total = len(self.added_commits)
+        for i, commit in enumerate(self.added_commits):
+            if not commit.id in self.detailed_commits:
+                continue
+            mail_process = open_email()
+            if self.short_refname == 'master':
+                branch = ''
+            else:
+                branch = self.short_refname
+            subject = "[%(projectshort)s%(branch)s: %(index)s/%(total)s] %(subject)s" % {
+                'projectshort' : projectshort,
+                'branch' : branch,
+                'index' : i + 1,
+                'total' : len(self.added_commits),
+                'subject' : commit.subject[0:50]
+                }
+            # If there is a cover email, it has the X-Git-OldRev/X-Git-NewRev in it
+            # for the total branch update. Without a cover email, we are conceptually
+            # breaking up the update into individual updates for each commit
+            if self.needs_cover_email:
+                self.generate_header(mail_process.stdin, subject, include_revs=False)
+            else:
+                parent = git.rev_parse(commit.id + "^")
+                self.generate_header(mail_process.stdin, subject,
+                                     include_revs=True,
+                                     oldrev=parent, newrev=commit.id)
+            mail_process.stdin.flush()
+            git.show(commit.id, p=True, stat=True, _outfile=mail_process.stdin)
+            close_email(mail_process)
+class BranchCreation(BranchChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return self.get_count_string() + "Created branch " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The branch '%(short_refname)s' was created.
+Summary of new commits:
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+       }
+        self.generate_commit_summary(out, self.added_commits)
+class BranchUpdate(BranchChange):
+    def get_project_extra(self):
+        if len(self.removed_commits) > 0:
+            # In the non-fast-forward-case, the branch name is in the subject
+            return None
+        else:
+            if self.short_refname == 'master':
+                # Not saying 'master' all over the place reduces clutter
+                return None
+            else:
+                return self.short_refname
+    def get_subject(self):
+        if len(self.removed_commits) > 0:
+            return self.get_count_string() + "Non-fast-forward update to branch " + self.short_refname
+        else:
+            # We want something for useful for the subject than "Updates to branch spiffy-stuff".
+            # The common case where we have a cover-letter for a fast-forward branch
+            # update is a merge. So we try to get:
+            #
+            #  [myproject/spiffy-stuff] (18 commits) ...Merge branch master
+            #
+            last_commit = self.added_commits[-1]
+            return self.get_count_string() + "..." + last_commit.subject[0:50]
+    def generate_body_normal(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+Summary of changes:
+        self.generate_commit_summary(out, self.added_commits)
+    def generate_body_non_fast_forward(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The branch '%(short_refname)s' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
+NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
+please see:
+ http://live.gnome.org/GitNonFastForward
+Commits removed from the branch:
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+       }
+        self.generate_commit_summary(out, self.removed_commits, show_details=False)
+        print >>out, s("""
+Commits added to the branch:
+        self.generate_commit_summary(out, self.added_commits)
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        if len(self.removed_commits) == 0:
+            self.generate_body_normal(out)
+        else:
+            self.generate_body_non_fast_forward(out)
+class BranchDeletion(RefChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Deleted branch " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The branch '%(short_refname)s' was deleted.
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+       }
+# ========================
+class AnnotatedTagChange(RefChange):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        RefChange.__init__(self, *args)
+        # Resolve tag to commit
+        if self.oldrev:
+            self.old_commit_id = git.rev_parse(self.oldrev + "^{commit}")
+        if self.newrev:
+            self.parse_tag_object(self.newrev)
+        else:
+            self.parse_tag_object(self.oldrev)
+    # Parse information out of the tag object
+    def parse_tag_object(self, revision):
+        message_lines = []
+        in_message = False
+        # A bit of paranoia if we fail at parsing; better to make the failure
+        # visible than just silently skip Tagger:/Date:.
+        self.tagger = "unknown <unknown example com>"
+        self.date = "at an unknown time"
+        self.have_signature = False
+        for line in git.cat_file(revision, p=True, _split_lines=True):
+            if in_message:
+                # Nobody is going to verify the signature by extracting it
+                # from the email, so strip it, and remember that we saw it
+                # by saying 'signed tag'
+                if re.match(r'-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----', line):
+                    self.have_signature = True
+                    break
+                message_lines.append(line)
+            else:
+                if line.strip() == "":
+                    in_message = True
+                    continue
+                # I don't know what a more robust rule is for dividing the
+                # name and date, other than maybe looking explicitly for a
+                # RFC 822 date. This seems to work pretty well
+                m = re.match(r"tagger\s+([^>]*>)\s*(.*)", line)
+                if m:
+                    self.tagger = m.group(1)
+                    self.date = m.group(2)
+                    continue
+        self.message = "\n".join(["    " + line for line in message_lines])
+    # Outputs information about the new tag
+    def generate_tag_info(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+Tagger: %(tagger)s
+Date: %(date)s
+""") % {
+            'tagger': self.tagger,
+            'date': self.date,
+            'message': self.message,
+       }
+        # We take the creation of an annotated tag as being a "mini-release-announcement"
+        # and show a 'git shortlog' of the changes since the last tag that was an
+        # ancestor of the new tag.
+        last_tag = None
+        try:
+            # A bit of a hack to get that previous tag
+            last_tag = git.describe(self.newrev+"^", abbrev='0', _quiet=True)
+        except CalledProcessError:
+            # Assume that this means no older tag
+            pass
+        if last_tag:
+            revision_range = last_tag + ".." + self.newrev
+            print >>out, s("""
+Changes since the last tag '%(last_tag)s':
+""") % {
+                'last_tag': last_tag
+      }
+        else:
+            revision_range = self.newrev
+            print >>out, s("""
+        out.write(git.shortlog(revision_range))
+        out.write("\n")
+    def get_tag_type(self):
+        if self.have_signature:
+            return 'signed tag'
+        else:
+            return 'unsigned tag'
+class AnnotatedTagCreation(AnnotatedTagChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Created tag " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The %(tag_type)s '%(short_refname)s' was created.
+""") % {
+            'tag_type': self.get_tag_type(),
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+       }
+        self.generate_tag_info(out)
+class AnnotatedTagDeletion(AnnotatedTagChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Deleted tag " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The %(tag_type)s '%(short_refname)s' was deleted. It previously pointed to:
+ %(old_commit_oneline)s
+""") % {
+            'tag_type': self.get_tag_type(),
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+            'old_commit_oneline': commit_oneline(self.old_commit_id)
+       }
+class AnnotatedTagUpdate(AnnotatedTagChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Updated tag " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The tag '%(short_refname)s' was replaced with a new tag. It previously
+pointed to:
+ %(old_commit_oneline)s
+NOTE: People pulling from the repository will not get the new tag.
+For more information, please see:
+ http://live.gnome.org/GitTagUpdates
+New tag information:
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+            'old_commit_oneline': commit_oneline(self.old_commit_id),
+       }
+        self.generate_tag_info(out)
+# ========================
+class LightweightTagCreation(RefChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Created tag " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The lightweight tag '%(short_refname)s' was created pointing to:
+ %(commit_oneline)s
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+            'commit_oneline': commit_oneline(self.newrev)
+       }
+class LightweightTagDeletion(RefChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Deleted tag " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The lighweight tag '%(short_refname)s' was deleted. It previously pointed to:
+ %(commit_oneline)s
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+            'commit_oneline': commit_oneline(self.oldrev)
+       }
+class LightweightTagUpdate(RefChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Updated tag " + self.short_refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The lightweight tag '%(short_refname)s' was updated to point to:
+ %(commit_oneline)s
+It previously pointed to:
+ %(old_commit_oneline)s
+NOTE: People pulling from the repository will not get the new tag.
+For more information, please see:
+ http://live.gnome.org/GitTagUpdates
+""") % {
+            'short_refname': self.short_refname,
+            'commit_oneline': commit_oneline(self.newrev),
+            'old_commit_oneline': commit_oneline(self.oldrev)
+       }
+# ========================
+class InvalidRefDeletion(RefChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Deleted invalid ref " + self.refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The ref '%(refname)s' was deleted. It previously pointed nowhere.
+""") % {
+            'refname': self.refname,
+       }
+# ========================
+class MiscChange(RefChange):
+    def __init__(self, refname, oldrev, newrev, message):
+        RefChange.__init__(self, refname, oldrev, newrev)
+        self.message = message
+class MiscCreation(MiscChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Unexpected: Created " + self.refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The ref '%(refname)s' was created pointing to:
+ %(newrev)s
+This is unexpected because:
+ %(message)s
+""") % {
+            'refname': self.refname,
+            'newrev': self.newrev,
+            'message': self.message
+      }
+class MiscDeletion(MiscChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Unexpected: Deleted " + self.refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The ref '%(refname)s' was deleted. It previously pointed to:
+ %(oldrev)s
+This is unexpected because:
+ %(message)s
+""") % {
+            'refname': self.refname,
+            'oldrev': self.oldrev,
+            'message': self.message
+      }
+class MiscUpdate(MiscChange):
+    def get_subject(self):
+        return "Unexpected: Updated " + self.refname
+    def generate_body(self, out):
+        print >>out, s("""
+The ref '%(refname)s' was updated from:
+ %(newrev)s
+ %(oldrev)s
+This is unexpected because:
+ %(message)s
+""") % {
+            'refname': self.refname,
+            'oldrev': self.oldrev,
+            'newrev': self.newrev,
+            'message': self.message
+      }
+# ========================
+def make_change(oldrev, newrev, refname):
+    refname = refname
+    # Canonicalize
+    oldrev = git.rev_parse(oldrev)
+    newrev = git.rev_parse(newrev)
+    # Replacing the null revision with None makes it easier for us to test
+    # in subsequent code
+    if re.match(r'^0+$', oldrev):
+        oldrev = None
+    else:
+        oldrev = oldrev
+    if re.match(r'^0+$', newrev):
+        newrev = None
+    else:
+        newrev = newrev
+    # Figure out what we are doing to the ref
+    if oldrev == None and newrev != None:
+        change_type = CREATE
+        target = newrev
+    elif oldrev != None and newrev == None:
+        change_type = DELETE
+        target = oldrev
+    elif oldrev != None and newrev != None:
+        change_type = UPDATE
+        target = newrev
+    else:
+        return InvalidRefDeletion(refname, oldrev, newrev)
+    object_type = git.cat_file(target, t=True)
+    # And then create the right type of change object
+    # Closing the arguments like this simplifies the following code
+    def make(cls, *args):
+        return cls(refname, oldrev, newrev, *args)
+    def make_misc_change(message):
+        if change_type == CREATE:
+            return make(MiscCreation, message)
+        elif change_type == DELETE:
+            return make(MiscDeletion, message)
+        else:
+            return make(MiscUpdate, message)
+    if re.match(r'^refs/tags/.*$', refname):
+        if object_type == 'commit':
+            if change_type == CREATE:
+                return make(LightweightTagCreation)
+            elif change_type == DELETE:
+                return make(LightweightTagDeletion)
+            else:
+                return make(LightweightTagUpdate)
+        elif object_type == 'tag':
+            if change_type == CREATE:
+                return make(AnnotatedTagCreation)
+            elif change_type == DELETE:
+                return make(AnnotatedTagDeletion)
+            else:
+                return make(AnnotatedTagUpdate)
+        else:
+            return make_misc_change("%s is not a commit or tag object" % target)
+    elif re.match(r'^refs/heads/.*$', refname):
+        if object_type == 'commit':
+            if change_type == CREATE:
+                return make(BranchCreation)
+            elif change_type == DELETE:
+                return make(BranchDeletion)
+            else:
+                return make(BranchUpdate)
+        else:
+            return make_misc_change("%s is not a commit object" % target)
+    elif re.match(r'^refs/remotes/.*$', refname):
+        return make_misc_change("'%s' is a tracking branch and doesn't belong on the server" % refname)
+    else:
+        return make_misc_change("'%s' is not in refs/heads/ or refs/tags/" % refname)
+def main():
+    global projectshort
+    global user_fullname
+    global recipients
+    try:
+        git_dir = git.rev_parse(git_dir=True, _quiet=True)
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        die("GIT_DIR not set")
+    # Use the directory name with .git stripped as a short identifier
+    absdir = os.path.abspath(git_dir)
+    projectshort = os.path.basename(absdir)
+    if projectshort.endswith(".git"):
+        projectshort = projectshort[:-4]
+    try:
+        recipients=git.config("hooks.mailinglist", _quiet=True)
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        pass
+    if not recipients:
+        die("hooks.mailinglist is not set")
+    # Figure out a human-readable username
+    try:
+        entry = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
+        gecos = entry.pw_gecos
+    except:
+        gecos = None
+    if gecos != None:
+        # Typical GNOME account have John Doe <john doe example com> for the GECOS.
+        # Comma-separated fields are also possible
+        m = re.match("([^,<]+)", gecos)
+        if m:
+            fullname = m.group(1).strip()
+            if fullname != "":
+                user_fullname = fullname
+    changes = []
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        # For testing purposes, allow passing in a ref update on the command line
+        if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+            die("Usage: generate-commit-mail OLDREV NEWREV REFNAME")
+        changes.append(make_change(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]))
+    else:
+        for line in sys.stdin:
+            items = line.strip().split()
+            if len(items) != 3:
+                die("Input line has unexpected number of items")
+            changes.append(make_change(items[0], items[1], items[2]))
+    for change in changes:
+        all_changes[change.refname] = change
+    for change in changes:
+        change.send_emails()
+        processed_changes[change.refname] = change
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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