[gnoduino] Created tag GNODUINO_0_4_0

The unsigned tag 'GNODUINO_0_4_0' was created.

Tagger: Lucian Langa <lucilanga gnome org>
Date: Tue May 1 19:45:59 2012 +0200

    tagged for 0.4.0 release

Changes since the last tag 'GNODUINO_0_3_0':

Bruno Brouard (1):
      Updated French translation

Christian Kirbach (1):
      Updated German translation

Claude Paroz (14):
      Factorize path finding functions
      Mark some more strings for translation
      Added French translation
      Run the Pixmaps command if pixmaps not found
      Setup i18n basic infrastructure
      Updated French translation
      Fix bugzilla link
      Use share/arduino source when available
      Set open/save as dialogs in current folder
      Fix also cut command
      Try harder to launch a web browser for viewing reference
      Mark 'Untitled' string translatable
      Fix user library tooltip text
      Use rsvg-convert instead of rsvg

Cristian Maglie (2):
      Added latest firmware for atmega16u2 on R3 boards
      Added latest firmware for usbserial (not combined with DFU)

Daniel Mustieles (9):
      Added Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Daniel Nylander (1):
      Added Swedish translation

David A. Mellis (345):
      Moving things around - creating the hardware directory and sticking all the avr code, etc. in there.
      Moving libraries out from inside targets and creating bootloaders directory.
      Moving bootloaders into the hardware/bootloaders directory.
      Moving firmwares into hardware.
      Renaming core to targets.
      Moving hardware/targets to hardware/cores.
      Initial boards file.
      Now have uploading working with the Boards menu.  Improved serial port error messages.
      Switched to new burn bootloader menu system, dynamically generated from the programmers.txt file.
      Adding LilyPad bootloader and adding LilyPad to board definition file.
      Added BT board and separated Mini from NG.
      Adding #include to Matrix examples.
      Fixing some warnings.
      Adding map(), fixing radians() and degrees(), adding cast functions (int(x) instead of (int) x), adding interrupts() and noInterrupts(), etc.
      Adding analogReference() function - needs testing on an ATmega8 (but works on the ATmega 168).
      New script for download the reference from Tom Pollard.  Updated reference and readme and Makefile.
      Moving development (library-based) version of Firmata to a branch so I can include a stable one in the distribution.
      God I hate subversion.
      Adding a stable version of Firmata - this is the same as the one in the Arduino library for Processing on the playground (57600 baud).
      Upping the baud rate to 115200.
      Improving the preprocessor and parallel programmer.
      Cleaning up Mac build, adding Serial.println(unsigned int), adding #include <Sprite.h> to hello_matrix example.
      Disabling flushing of the serial port for the BT (bluetooth) board.  It seems to fix uploading to it under Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
      Incorporating a modified version of oli.keller's Makefile (prepends #include <WProgram.h> and appends main() among other things).
      Added timeout (in microseconds) parameter to pulseIn().  Defaults to 1000000 (1 second).
      Adding to the todo list and readme; fixing a bit of indentation.
      Moving Standard_Firmata out of the distribution because Hans may be making some non-backwards compatible changes.
      Factored out print() and println() from HardwareSerial to a base class for sharing with other things (e.g. LiquidCrystal library), eliminating #include's of avr/signal.h (deprecated).  Upping version number and modifying to do list.
      Adding the Print class.
      Fixing millis() overflow: changing millis() and the timer 0 overflow handler so that the millis count is updated in the interrupt, and so we don't need to do a conversion inside millis().  Updated to do list.
      Adding LiquidCrystal library.
      Changing Print class to use regular virtual write() function (instead of my hack     ed together version).
      Adding Servo library (ServoTimer1 from the playground) by Jim Studt.
      Adding a couple of Servo examples from Wiring (slightly modified).
      Modified Matrix to work with MAX7221: changing latching from rising edge to falling edge.
      Fixing random() to work with longs.
      Wire library patch to provide better error handling.
      Adding ADXL3xx accelerometer example; minor comment changes.
      Moving actual stepping to the end of the step() function so that the first step isn't in the wrong direction.
      Changing pin outs on LiquidCrystal examples and adding parentheses to Servo code.
      Adding ethernet library.
      Adding Nano and Pro (8 MHz) to boards.txt file; updating Makefile for atmega168 bootloader based on Nathan's changes to allow for customizing of more parameters per-board; including Pro 8 MHz .hex compiled bootloader file; not updating the Diecimila or NG .hex files.
      Updating Makefile to derive target name from the current folder.
      Moving Servo min and max parameters to the attach() function from the constructor.
      Incorporating ladyada's watchdog timer changes into the bootloader source, but only compiling them in for the Pro and Pro Mini (since Nathan includes them in the bootloader he burns to the board).  Added a WATCHDOG_MODS flag to the Makefile to specify that they should be included.  Recompiled the pro .hex file to include them.
      Updated reference to include new libraries.
      Commented LCD examples.
      Renaming ethernet library examples.
      Renaming Ethernet examples part 2 (apparently SVN doesn't allow renaming of a file at the same time as its containing directory).
      Removing wiring core since it's not being kept up-to-date.
      Adding #ifdef guard to WProgram.h to prevent multiple #includes.     Removing Print class inheritance from Firmata since it's not clear that it can be implemented in a way that's compatible with the Firmata protocol and the Print class interface.
      Removing WConstants.h include from Stepper.h so it compiles with new WProgram.h include placement.  Updated readme.
      Reindenting the ATmega168 bootloader file.  It was a mess (and still is somewhat of one).
      * Updating version number to 0013.     * Updating ATmega168 bootloader to work with standard distributions of avrdude       (responding to signature requests made with the universal SPI command) and       correctly store EEPROM data.  Thanks to ladyada.     * Changing compilation process to generate .eep file and allow for use of       EEMEM directive (although not yet uploading EEPROM data).
      Little fixes:      - changing random(max) to use stdlib.h random()      - not generating .eep files to avoid warning when EEMEM isn't used      - removing cast macros (since they are automatically defined in C++)      - writing a digital LOW for PWM value of 0 on pins 5 or 6
      Adding word datatype and cast/construction macros, bitRead(), bitWrite(), bitSet(), bitClear(), bit().
      Moving makeWord() function defintion into WMath.cpp (out of WProgram.h).
      Switching tests for __AVR_ATmega168__ to tests for __AVR_ATmega8__ so that less changes are needed to support other processors.
      Fixing LiquidCrystal library example comments (d0, d1, d2, d3 => d4, d5, d6, d7).
      Waiting for pulse to start (rising or falling edge) to start timing.
      Switching to new signal (interrupt handler) names for compatibility with the ATmega328.
      Updating libraries for atmega328 (adding it to a couple of #if's, etc.).
      Adding ATmega328 support.
      Adding micros() function.
      Adding support for printing floats and doubles (defaulting to 2 decimal places)
      Setting atmega328 bootloader baud rate to 57600 (for now) and adding isp targets to makefile (e.g. diecimila_isp, atmega328_isp).
      Fixing bug that made the Ethernet library interfere with pins 8 and 9.     Adding a delay(1) to the WebServer example to work with browsers.     Removing duplicate Print files from Ethernet library.
      Fixing delay() to delay at least N milliseconds.     Fixing register name in micros() for ATmega8.
      Adding "Duemilanove" to the name of the Diecimila boards entry.     Adding commented out ATmega328 boards entry.     Updating todo and readme.
      Originating each outgoing network connection from a different source port (in the Client class of the Ethernet library).     Updating readme and todo.
      fixing / improving printFloat() from Mikal Hart
      uncommenting Arduino w/ ATmega328 board w/ 57600 bootloader
      Fixing Ethernet client connect code to properly chance source port each time.
      Clarifying ATmega328 vs. ATmega168 in boards.txt (Boards menu).  Modified todo and readme.
      Adding Print.cpp to Makefile.
      Renaming atmega168 bootloader directory to atmega since it's no longer atmega168 specific.  Updating boards.txt accordingly.
      Adding support for the Arduino Mega (ATmega1280) to the core and bootloader.
      Adding write(str) and write(buf, size) methods to Print class and Ethernet library Client and Server classes.  This allows sending a whole string or buffer at once, reducing the number of ethernet packets.
      Fixes to the way the Client class connects and disconnects, as well as checks of whether or not the socket is valid in various functions.
      Adding ATmega328 bootloader for the Pro and Pro Mini running at 8 MHz (3.3V).  Uses the USART0 double speed mode, which according to Nathan from Sparkfun, is necessary to achieve reliable communication at 57600 baud.
      Updating default board to the Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega328.  Adding a Tools > Boards entry for Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (8 MHz) w/ ATmega328.  Cleaning up todo list.
      Fixing bugs in Client::connect() (failed to set _sock to 255 after some connection failures).
      Modifying Makefile to generate dependencies (and .d files) automatically.  Patch from Lars Immisch: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1241007184
      Optimizing the timer0 overflow handler (for millis()), based on work by WestFW and help from mikalhart.  Increasing precision of math constants.
      Fixing overflow bug in bit() macro: (1 << (b)) becomes (1UL << (b))
      Adding ARDUINO version constant.
      Removing wiring_serial.c as it's no longer used.  (All serial functionality is now in HardwareSerial.h / HardwareSerial.cpp.)
      Adding support for ordering the Tools > Boards menu by using LinkedHashMap to store the keys for the prefixed sub-maps.  Re-ordering the boards in the boards.txt file.  Adding an entry for the LilyPad Arduino w/ ATmega328.  Updating readme.
      First integration of the Arduino code in Processing 5503: PreProcessor and Compiler have been integrated with changes to the Sketch.     Compilation still has problems (Thread error on success, and can't handle non-pde files in a sketch).     Modified the Mac OS X make.sh to copy the hardware, avr tools, and example over.     Removing some of the antlr stuff.     Disabling the Commander (command-line execution) for now.     Added Library, LibraryManager, and Target.     Added support for prefixed preferences (e.g. for boards and programmers).
      Changing analog read channel mask from 0x07 to 0x0f to allow for reading of the temperature and other extended channels.
      Fixing Client::connected() and Client::status() to return reasonable values when the Client isn't associated with a valid socket: issue #34.
      Fixing bug in Wire library that caused it to read and discard one extra byte when do a requestFrom() a slave device.  Thanks to Christopher K. Johnson.
      Fixing indentation in twi.c.
      Migrating to Limor Fried's improved LiquidCrystal library.
      Integrating the new Servo library (MegaServo) by Michael Margolis.  Uses timer 1, and, on the Mega, timers 3, 4, and 5 for up to 12 servos (48 on the Mega).
      Adding keywords.txt file for the Ethernet library.
      Clearing the U2Xn bit in Serial.begin() (because it is set on the Pro / Pro Mini 328).  Fixing some indentation.
      Adding improved baud rate calculation, including use (or not) of the U2X bit.  (Code from gabebear).
      Removing old LiquidCrystal examples.
      Adding Tom's examples for the new LiquidCrystal library.
      Adding Nano w/ ATmega328.
      Updating to Firmata-2.1beta1 (rev 23).
      Updating to revision 25 of firmata (slightly post version 2.1beta2).
      Renaming the 328 and 168 boards.
      Fixing Servo library on the ATmega8 by changing assignments to TIMSK and TIFR into bitwise-or's.  Otherwise, this broke millis() by disabling the timer 0 overflow interrupt.
      Updating LiquidCrystal API and examples.
      Renaming LiquidCrystal example directories to correspond to new function names.
      Renaming LiquidCrystal example .pde files to correspond to new function names.
      Updating keywords.txt for LiquidCrystal library.
      Updating to rev. 27 of Firmata.
      Moving the processing-5503 branch (used for Arduino 0017) into the trunk.
      Moving the processing-5503 branch (used for Arduino 0017) into the trunk.
      Removing obsolete wiring_serial.c from Makefile.  Adding - to beginning of dependcy lines to avoid unnecessary warnings.
      Undoing revision 628 because it broke analogRead() on analog inputs 8 to 15 of the Arduino Mega.
      Updating ARDUINO to 0018 (in wiring.h).
      Passing the ARDUINO constant from the IDE to avr-gcc as a command line argument (so I don't forget to update the version in the .h file).
      Adding Arduino as ISP sketch (firmware) and programmers.txt entry.
      Moving things around.
      Moving libraries into arduino/
      Moving libraries out of arduino platform / core directory and to top-level.
      Moving libraries out of arduino platform / core directory and to top-level.
      Third-party cores seems to sort of work now, but burning bootloaders is probably broken.     Need to decide on the format for the boards.txt file.
      Improving third-party hardware support:     - moving back to multple cores per platform     - using target instead of platform     - moving per-board and per-programmer preferences out of Preferences.java and into a new Target class     - adding a new "target" preference     - support for platform:value values in board preferences for bootloader path and core     - XXX: need to support platform:value syntax for board upload.using preferences.
      Fixing RW pin bug in LiquidCrystal library.  Now using 255 to disable pin instead of -1.
      No longer disabling interrupts in delayMicroseconds(): http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=67
      Fixing bug in calling micros() from interrupts: http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=55
      Adding Serial.end().
      Adding precision parameter for printing of floats / doubles.  Restructured the print() and println() functions a bit.
      Removing (no longer maintaining) the Makefile.
      Updating to the latest version of Firmata (rev. 41).
      Adding tone() and noTone() functions, using Brett Hagman's Tone library.
      Updating to Firmata rev. 51 (adding OldStandardFirmata and AllInputsFirmata).
      Incorporating updates to the Servo library by Michael Margolis.
      Limiting tone generation to timer 2 only to prevent conflicts with the Servo library.
      Removing some Processing stuff that we don't need.     Moving the Arduino Fio up in the boards menu.
      Adding 5V, 16 MHz versions of the Arduino Pro and Pro Mini (ATmega328 and ATmega168) to the boards menu.
      Adding A0=14, A1=15, etc. aliases for analog input pins and modifying analogRead() to accept them (in addition to 0, 1, 2, etc.).  Removing some unused code elsewhere.
      More accurate delay() function from BenF.
      Adding a basic Stream interface and modifying HardwareSerial to inherit from it.
      Re-enabling timer 2 pwm after tone() ends.     Factored out common code to disable timers.
      Disabling interrupts while digitalWrite() and pinMode() modify registers (issue #146).     Updating revisions.
      Adding WString.h and WString.cpp straight from Wiring (r. 726).  Won't actually work yet.
      Modifying String from new/delete to malloc()/free().  Also #include'ing WString.h from WProgram.h.
      Adding support for printing Strings to the Print class.
      Adding a peek() function to Stream and HardwareSerial (Serial).
      INTERNAL -> INTERNAL1V1 AND INTERNAL2V56 on the Mega (issue #194).
      Reverting changes to String class and modifying to allow + and += to work on more types.
      Adding SPI library and revising Ethernet library (Christian Maglie).
      Adding #include <WProgram.h>.
      changing available() to return an int (because the Ethernet Client class or another stream might need more than 255 bytes).
      Moving SPI pin definitions into core (from SPI library): SS, MISO, MOSI, and SCK.
      Moving SPI pin definitions into core (from SPI library): SS, MISO, MOSI, and SCK.
      Return sensible values from Client::connected() and Client::status() if we know it's not connected.
      Fixing ethernet library on Mega.
      Fixing Client and capitalizing header file names.
      Removing the _connected field from Client since we don't use it anymore.
      Setting SS high by default.
      Fixing Server.available().
      No longer requiring WProgram.h for Print / Stream classes (replaced Arduino-specific type names in String).
      No longer requiring WProgram.h for Print / Stream classes (replaced Arduino-specific type names in String).
      Updating Firmata (to r62 of their repository).
      Adding ATmega328 version of the Arduino BT bootloader, along with a Makefile for building it.
      Adding Arduino BT w/ ATmega328 to the boards menu.
      Renaming SPI.send() to SPI.transfer() to better reflect its bi-directional nature.
      Renaming SPI constants to better match general style.  Renaming setDataOrder() to setBitOrder(), and using existing LSBFIRST and MSBFIRST constants for it.
      Moving SPI pin initialization from constructor to begin() function.  That way, the SPI library won't alter any pin states unless / until you call begin().
      Updating Firmata version number to 2.2 (issue #320).
      Making Client inherit from Stream, which unforunately means taking peek() out of Stream for now, since there's no immediate implementation for Client.
      Making Client inherit from Stream, which unforunately means taking peek() out of Stream for now, since there's no immediate implementation for Client.
      Adding shiftIn() from Wiring (no count or delaytime though).
      Correcting case of #include's in Ethernet library.
      Now including stdlib.h from wiring.h so our abs() #define comes after the stdlib abs() definition (and therefore doesn't break it).
      Adding some basic error checking to the String class (i.e. checking for a non-null buffer before modifying its contents).
      Returning a reference to a dummy character for indices beyond the string length (in operator[]).
      Changing String::toCharArray() and getBytes() to accept a buffer, rather than return one.  That way they don't expose the internal representation of the String class, allowing future optimization.  Thanks to Paul Stoffregen.
      1280 -> 1280/2560.
      1280 -> 1280/2560.
      Statically allocating buffers in Wire library (issue #351).
      Returning CLOSE_WAIT clients in Server::available().  (issue #345).
      Adding Client::peek() in Ethernet library (issue #349).
      Fix to drop packets in Wire library (issue #335).
      Adding optiboot and Arduino Uno boards menu entry.
      Adding the Mega 2560 bootloader and boards.txt / boards menu entry.
      Adding Arduino Mega 2560 board entry.
      Adding usbserial and usbdfu firmwares (and combined compiled .hex files).
      Adding readme about the firmwares.
      Adding note about Arduino VID and PIDs.
      Replacing Arduino VID / PID with the Atmel-supplied ones.
      More information on USB VID/PIDs.
      Fixing PWM on pins 9 & 10 on the Uno.
      Fixing SPI double-speed bug.
      Changing #include <> to #include "" in Tone.cpp.
      Making HardwareSerial tests register-based, not CPU-based.
      Making attachInterrupt() check registers, not CPUs.
      Modifying basic functions (digital and analog, read and write) to use register-based ifdefs, not cpu-based.
      Firmata version used for the Uno and Mega 2560.
      Modifying Tone.cpp to use register-based (not CPU-based) #ifdefs.
      Changing baud rate calculation to always use double speed mode except for 57600 baud at 16 MHz.
      Cast to encourage optimization of Serial ring buffer index calculations.
      Fixing bug w/ subsequent calls to tone().
      Renaming StandardFirmata for Uno and recompiling with updated baud rate calculation.
      Adding SdFat20101010 and MemoryCard 201008270-alpha-1 libraries.
      Combining MemoryCard and SdFat libraries into SD library.
      Removing execute permissions from SD library files.
      Adding CS pin parameter to SD.begin().  Defaults to 4 (for Arduino Ethernet Shield).
      Revising SD library API.
      Further SD API cleanup.
      SD File object implements Stream.
      SD File object implements Stream.
      SD library updates.  Renaming makeDir() to mkdir().  Replacing example.  Adding keywords.txt.
      Adding SD.remove(file) and another example.
      Using sdfatlib CS pin defaults.  SD.begin() returns success or failure.
      Adding SD.rmdir().  Returning success / failure from SD functions.
      Adding SD tests, removing clean.bat.
      Adding warning about leaving the hardware SS pin as an output.
      pulseIn() now times out while measuring the pulse, not just while waiting for it to start.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/joshnuss/Arduino
      Replacing boolean parameters to SD.open() with SD_MODE constants.
      Renaming constants: SD_MODE -> FILE_MODE
      Revert "added toInt() function to WString".
      Revert "added toInt() function to WString".
      Redoing 448222e4b65e0cf44dfc0c494f7f76901f1fabea without all the extra files.
      Redoing 448222e4b65e0cf44dfc0c494f7f76901f1fabea without all the extra files.
      Fixing Linux UNO serial bug (thanks to Dean Camera).
      Replacing custom String.toInt() function with a call to atol().
      Minor bug fixes to the 8U2 USB-to-serial firmware.
      Minor ATmega8U2 firmware update and new .hex files.
      Changing String append to use realloc(); thanks to Paul Stoffregen.
      Updating (truncating) SD card readme.
      Updating SD library keywords.
      Removing sdfatlib examples.
      Adding seek() and size() functions to SD File class.
      Adding position() function to File class and replacing FILE_TRUNCATE and FILE_APPEND with FILE_WRITE (SD library).  Updating examples and keywords.txt accordingly.
      Trying to fix seek() / peek() interactions.
      Redoing peek() implementation (SD file class).
      Adding warning about multiple open files.
      Testing seek() with file open for reading.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/amcewen/Arduino into amcewen-master
      Removing SoftwareSerial (to replace it with NewSoftSerial).
      Adding new SoftwareSerial (NewSoftSerial by Mikal Hart).
      Fix to optiboot infinite loop problem.
      Optimized digitalWrite(), etc. from Alvaro Lopez.
      Changes to optimized digitalWrte(), etc.
      Adding noAnalogWrite() function to disable PWM.
      Revert "Adding noAnalogWrite() function to disable PWM."
      Revert "Changes to optimized digitalWrte(), etc."
      Merge branch 'master' into new-extension
      Removing hardcoded CPU speed from Wire library.
      Revert "Merge branch 'new-extension' of git github com:arduino/Arduino"
      Small optimization in HardwareSerial.
      Removing O_SYNC from FILE_WRITE mode for the SD File class.
      Removing BYTE keyword (use Serial.write() instead).
      Modifying examples to use Serial.write() instead of Serial.print(BYTE).
      Renamed WProgram.h to Arduino.h.
      Moving wiring.h contents into Arduino.h.
      Re-arranging header files and small fixes to optimized core functions.
      Removing optimized digitalWrite(), digitalRead(), pinMode().
      Rearranging internal #defines in headers.
      Fixing warnings (David H. Lynch Jr).
      Fixing warnings (David H. Lynch Jr).
      Moving all pin definitions into pins_arduino.h.
      Factoring pin definitions out of the core.
      Implemented serial transmit buffering.
      Moving TCCR1B reset into #ifdef check.
      Fixing race condition in Serial write (Brian Cook).
      Flushing outgoing and incoming data in Serial.end().
      Fixing typo in boards.txt.
      Rewrite of the String class by Paul Stoffregen.
      Removing F("string") syntax for now.
      Renaming append() back to concat().
      Don't return the string when modifying its value.
      Modifying String.concat() to return success or failure, not this.
      Moving move() to __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ only, adding operator bool().
      Adding additional String + operators for disambiguation.
      Protecting String copy() and move().
      Starting to distinguish between empty strings and invalid (null) ones.
      Return an invalid string (not a partial one) when operator+() fails.
      Commenting String API behavior.
      String: removing implicit numeric conversions and new approach to "if (s)".
      Adding F("foo") syntax for flash strings.
      Restoring concatenation of built-in types with String.
      Changing Serial.flush() to write outgoing data, not drop incoming data.
      Refactoring the UART0 / USART0 receive interrupt handler.
      Adding serialEvent(), serialEvent1(), etc.
      Optimizing printing of numbers (writing a single buffer).
      Small optimization in HardwareSerial.
      Fixing 300 baud communication for serial.
      Fixing 300 baud communication for serial.
      Added Printable interface class to allow printing of classes such as IPAddress
      Disabling terminal / monitor.
      Adding SCL, SDA, and LED #defines.
      Adding pin-change interrupt pin mapping macros to pins_arduino.h.     http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=490
      Adding basic macros for analog + digital pin information.     http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=495
      Integrating Stream searching & parsing (Michael Margolis)
      A few API changes to new Stream parsing functions.
      Stream.readBytesUntil() now writes null terminator within length.
      Renaming pins/ directory to the more generic variants/
      Distinguishing those boards with eight analog inputs (Fio, BT, Nano, Mini).
      write(), print(), and println() now return number of bytes written.
      Changing from long to ssize_t (int) for write(), print(), println() return.
      Moving write errors out of return value into separate API methods.
      Renaming writeError() to getWriteError() in Print (and Stream and friends).
      Moving serialEvent() calls from RX interrupts to main for() loop (after loop()).
      Adding Arduino Ethernet and Arduino Mega ADK (joint w/ Mega 2560) to boards menu.
      Changing to a simpler mental model for serialEvent (Paul Stoffregen).
      Making Print::write(char *) non-virtual.
      Don't consume trailing char in parseInt() and parseFloat (Paul Stoffregen).
      Moving Leonardo after Uno.
      Updating Micro bootloader (previous one was identical to Leonardo).
      Commenting out micro board for now since it's not being released yet.
      Updating bootloader comments.
      Changing Ethernet upload protocol from stk500 to arduino.
      Using alternate timer 0 overflow interrupt signal name for ATtiny24/44/84.
      Fixing warnings in Stream (Paul Stoffregen)
      Fixing more warnings (Paul Stoffregen).
      Merge pull request #41 from chiva/patch-1
      Moving USBasp in programmers menu.
      Merge pull request #30 from WestfW/master
      Putting the Uno lock bits back.
      Lowering timer 1 prescale factor (to 8 from 64) for F_CPU less than 8 MHz.
      Correcting analogReference() constants for ATtiny24/44/84 and 25/45/85.
      Renaming LED to LED_BUILTIN.
      Moving ARDUINO_MAIN from main.cpp to wiring_digital.c and hiding PA, PB, etc.
      Bug fix in replace().
      Protecting the version of parseInt() and parseFloat().  (Paul Stoffregen)
      Adding Arduino Mini w/ ATmega328.
      readBytes() and readBytesUntil() handle zero bytes and return # of bytes read.
      Correcting Arduino Mini w/ ATmega328 bootloader file and fuses (untested).
      Removing Leonardo (and Mouse/Keyboard examples) for Arduino 1.0 release.
      Fixing delayMicroseconds() timing for 20 MHz clocks.  (Erdem U. Altinyurt)
      Support 3rd external interrupt on ATmega1284P (maniacbug)
      Updated reference voltage defines for ATmega1284P.
      Fixing ArduinoISP sketch by lowering baud rate to 9600 (from 19200).
      Simplifying microseconds <-> clock cycles conversions.  (Rob Tillaart)
      Fixing static is not at beginning of declaration warnings (maniacbug).
      Fixing warnings (unsigned comparisons to 0).  (maniacbug)
      Fixing findUntil() problem with repeated initial characters. (Jeffery.zksun)
      Adding INPUT_PULLUP option pinMode(). (Paul Stoffregen).
      Adding links to documentation of boards.txt and programmers.txt files.
      Making head and tail unsigned to avoid division in serial ISR.
      prog_char -> char PROGMEM in Print.cpp
      Switching Mini w/ ATmega328 upload protocol from stk500 to arduino.
      Small changes for the ATmega1284.
      Putting ArduinoISP back to 19200 baud.

David Mellis (2):
      Updating to avrdude 5.11 (Windows).  stk500 -> arduino in boards.txt.
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into new-extension

Fran DiÃguez (4):
      Added galician translations
      Updated Galician translations
      Updated Galician translations
      Updated Galician translations

Gabriel Speckhahn (2):
      Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Fixed Brazilian Portuguese translation

Hans-Christoph Steiner (8):
      added newline at the end of file to get rid of compiler and SVN warnings
      renamed to more descriptive name
      renamed to more descriptive name
      copying Firmata-0.4beta2 release into trunk, then I'll adjust it to Arduino-0012
      Firmata.h now needs to have WProgram.h, since in the sketches WProgram.h has moved from the first include to the last
      switched up analogRead() loop to use the revamped millis() function rather than the private timer0_overflow_count variable
      removed deprecated timer0_overflow_count, which wasn't meant to be public     anyway.  Replaced it with the official millis() method of getting the time.
      updated TODOs and created a TODO file for general project todos

Jorge GonzÃlez (1):
      Updated Spanish translation

Joshua Nussbaum (1):
      When initializing LCD, comment specified "8-bit" mode when it should day "4 bit mode"

Kjartan Maraas (2):
      Added nb
      Added Norwegian bokmÃl translation

Kristjan SCHMIDT (1):
      Add Esperanto translation

Lucian Langa (82):
      make a more sane default main window size
      fix Save As... behaviour
      post release version bump
      use a proprtional size in main window defaults
      keep console size fixed through mainwindow resize
      do not clear console between compile/upload
      fix an error in previous commit
      make uno default board
      add open recent option
      fix restoring console position
      Add initial spinner support.     Watch out as this might require very new pygtk
      show spinner for pygtk > 2.22
      do not use extended fuses on chip that do not support it
      do not burn with efuse on parts that do not support it
      add progress spinner for burning
      obey build verbose flag
      do not reset board without serial port
      add auto indent to editor
      Merge hardware as our subdirectory
      Merge branch 'master' of git://mapes/hardware
      Merge branch 'master' of git://mapes/libraries
      remove test file
      output verbose messages on the console
      add initial reference target
      add reference help support
      add initial doap file
      update description
      update description #2 try
      update description #2 try
      fall back to x-csrc if no mime detected
      update bugzilla link
      remove wrongly commited file
      Bug 658793 - Copy-paste-cut do not work consistently
      synchronise with latest upstream reference
      Bug 667501 - gnoduino doesn't start when preferences.txt is missing
      do not append errorneous empty data to defaults
      add initial support for arduino 1.0
      sanitize variant and includes functions
      add support for native boards.txt file
      fix detect older arduino hardware
      add missing include generation on libs compiler functions
      fix compilation on pre1.0 hardware
      use urllib to handle file uri in recent items
      Bug 670471 - Serial Terminal send doesn't seem to work
      fix port detection when burning with arduino as programmer
      fix port detection when burning arduino as prog - take 2
      add Examples menu option
      support custom hardware (arduino platforms)
      support new programmers logic (1.0 style)
      fix reading custom items
      drop unneeded imports
      Update hardware from upstream
      Update hardware from upstream - take II
      fix processing of example files
      Remove specific gnoduinio generated config files     as we are perfectly able to read original arduino files
      update about dialog
      remove wrongly added hardware target
      Squashed 'hardware/' content from commit 0ce6d5d
      merge in upsteam hardware target
      remove wrongly added libraries target
      Squashed 'libraries/' content from commit 1931ff5
      merge in upsteam libraries target
      print proper output when uploading
      fix bootloader burning
      fix error printing during linking
      show custom library paths examples
      fix reading of old gnoduino boards
      improve error message on missing core files
      more example parsing fixes
      allow custom names in library paths
      add upload verbose option
      increase tooltip visibility
      add upload.verbose save/restore function
      add sketchdir selection to preferences
      Bug 673781 - Force Gnoduino SDK installation
      Bug 673692 - Serial Terminal message in status bar not correct
      resize errorneous resize grips
      drop unneeded import
      force full source install in sdist target
      NEWS update

Marek Äernockà (5):
      Czech translation
      Added Czech language
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation

Mario BlÃttermann (4):
      [l10n] Added German translation
      [l10n] Updated German translation
      [l10n] Updated German translation
      [l10n] Updated German translation

Martin Srebotnjak (2):
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation

Matej UrbanÄiÄ (11):
      Added Slovenian translation
      Added sl for Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation

Pascal de Bruijn (5):
      Remove BOARDS/PROGRAMMERS references from setup.py
      add myavr mysmartusblight isp
      Fix compilling typo
      Update gnoduino icons, with arduino like colors
      New Arduino 1.0 icons borrowed from Arduino Team

Santiago Reig (1):
      Added USBasp to programmers list

Seong-ho Cho (1):
      Added Korean translation

Tom Igoe (91):
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Changed begin() in LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Checked and updated all LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Corrected comments in LiquidCrystal examples
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added public domain notice
      Added Fio to boards.txt, now that it's part of the lineup.
      Added Pachube client to Ethernet Library examples
      Added Twitter client to Ethernet Library examples
      Added comments to WebClient example
      Added comments to WebServer example
      Added comments to WebClient example
      Added comments and serial output to ChatServer example
      Checked in Xiaoyang's changes to String library
      Checked in Xiaoyang's changes to String library
      checked in Xiaoyang Feng's changes to String library
      removed append() from String library
      added more String examples
      Added WProgram.h include to Client.h to allow it to inherit all of WString.h correctly.  See issue #310 for details.
      Added Barometric pressure sensor example for SPI library
      Added Barometric pressure Web Server example for Ethernet library
      Added a notification to the chat client example when the client connects for the first time
      Added AD5206 Digital Potentiometer example to SPI library
      Added PachubeClientString to address issue #289
      Changed slaveSelectPin to a const int rather than hard coded number.
      Commented the changing board pin numbers.
      Corrected title of ChatServer example
      Modified Barometric Pressure Sensor to make it easier for beginners to understand.
      Modified Barometric Pressure Sensor to make it easier for beginners to understand.
      Modified Barometric Pressure Sensor to make it easier for beginners to understand.
      corrected error in barometric pressure server example
      removing TwitterClient since it does not include OAuth, which is now needed for Twitter logins. Adding TelnetClient examexample.
      updating UDP library and examples with M. Margolis' changes and examples.
      added new stepper library examples
      fixed comments in LIquidCrystal examples per issue 402
      added toInt() function to WString
      added toInt() function to WString
      updated SD examples with new constants, and commented them
      bug fixes to SD library examples
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/amcewen/Arduino
      Merge branch 'master' of git github com:arduino/Arduino
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of git github com:arduino/Arduino
      Merge branch 'master' of git github com:arduino/Arduino
      updated addresses for Pachube.com in Ethernet examples
      Added CardInfo example to SD libary examples
      changed CS pin on CardInfo example to make it consistent with other SD examples
      Added example to demonstrate LiquidCrystal chreateChar() function
      Added DHCP-based chat server example
      Added SoftwareSerial Two Port Receive example
      Added DHCP and DNS-based Twitter client for Ethernet library
      Updated DHCP Address printer for Ethernet library
      updated twitter client for Ethernet
      removing new-extension branch examples from master branch

WestfW (28):
      Makefile modification to allow building optiboot in more environments.     Allows building within the Arduino Source tree, and within the Arduino     IDE tree, as well as using CrossPack on Mac.
      This is a relatively significant edit that brings the Arduino copy of     optiboot up-to-date with the optiboot source repository as of Jun-2011     (the last changes made in the optiboot repository were in Oct-2010)
      Update shell script makeall
      Add a version number to the optiboot source and binary.
      Shrink code by using registers for variables "length" and "address"     http://code.google.com/p/optiboot/issues/detail?id=33
      Update version to reflect previous edit.  Sigh.
      Fix errors in LDSECTIONS refactoring     (found during atmega8 testing.)
      (make sure .hex and .lst are updated as well.)
      http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=368     Optiboot does not support ArduinoasISP programmer.
      Modify Uno "lock" bits in boards.txt to make bootloader readable by     sketches.  Part of http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=554
      Allow the READ PARAMETER command to return our version number.     (significant size impact: 14 bytes!)
      Oops.  Add atmega8.lst/hex and atmega168.lst/hex to controlled files.
      Explicitly set the SHELL variable when OS=windows, so that we'll use     the same shell regardless of whether other shells are installed     (different shells have different behavior WRT directory component     separators, so this matters.
      Makefile modification to allow building optiboot in more environments.     Allows building within the Arduino Source tree, and within the Arduino     IDE tree, as well as using CrossPack on Mac.
      This is a relatively significant edit that brings the Arduino copy of     optiboot up-to-date with the optiboot source repository as of Jun-2011     (the last changes made in the optiboot repository were in Oct-2010)
      Update shell script makeall     (cherry picked from commit d4632cb09593e44bc8624c6b9a432c672fe4ad45)
      Add a version number to the optiboot source and binary.
      Shrink code by using registers for variables "length" and "address"     http://code.google.com/p/optiboot/issues/detail?id=33
      Update version to reflect previous edit.  Sigh.     (cherry picked from commit e28b716f88968477fa0f42dbd88c539573e91886)
      Fix errors in LDSECTIONS refactoring     (found during atmega8 testing.)     (cherry picked from commit 422398e08c8e011bf490b54af88271c54e56ddb9)
      (make sure .hex and .lst are updated as well.)     (cherry picked from commit ece29c380556878ba8efebce8801a7f076c61ada)
      http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=368     Optiboot does not support ArduinoasISP programmer.
      Modify Uno "lock" bits in boards.txt to make bootloader readable by     sketches.  Part of http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=554     (cherry picked from commit 39a496616f241a3908d7821dcb15520f16ecd871)
      Allow the READ PARAMETER command to return our version number.     (significant size impact: 14 bytes!)
      Oops.  Add atmega8.lst/hex and atmega168.lst/hex to controlled files.     (cherry picked from commit c56a1293d70d27531b7351edc3aa4c11b4a6996b)
      Explicitly set the SHELL variable when OS=windows, so that we'll use     the same shell regardless of whether other shells are installed     (different shells have different behavior WRT directory component     separators, so this matters.

Wylmer Wang (1):
      Add Simplified Chinese translation.

Zach Eveland (98):
      support for 32u4 and Leonardo pins, uploading, and bootloader programming
      diskloader source and binary for 32u4
      committed USB API, initial HardwareSerial-USBSerial integration
      cleaned up types.  set D5 as not a PWM pin for now.
      increased bootloader delay to approx. 3.5 s
      rebuilt Diskloader, added LED control macros for Leonardo, removed Microtouch defines
      LEDs for D13, TX, and RX are more in line with Uno-like behavior during sketch uploading.     D13 flashes on reboot, TX and RX flash with USB data transfer.
      Serial via USB works     Integrated rest of Peter's USB implementation
      Temporary fix for auto-reset from IDE.  Will reset chip when DTR is asserted, no matter what CDC baud rate is selected.
      HW Serial on pins 0 and 1 works.  Accessed by Serial1.* methods
      USB microcontrollers will call USB.attach() after init(), before setup()
      changed auto-reset method for upload: now triggered by opening port at 1200 bps
      bugfix - Serial.write() would try to send even if no CDC connection was open.
      bootloader ends as soon as sketch upload finishes.   restored pulsing of LED while bootloader running.
      auto-upload-and-reset works now at 300 bps.  patched avrdude for Mac to support 300 bps connection, changed core and boards.txt to match
      Merge branch 'mainline' into new-extension
      brought leonardo folder in line with new variants scheme
      CDC and HID write() routines now return non-void - brought in line with new write behavior
      support for non-Leonardo boards is back!
      on a CDC or HID write() error, call setWriteError().  better handling of USB_Send errors in CDC.
      added Mouse press() and release()
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino into new-extension
      changed baudrate for auto-reset-and-upload back to 1200 bps.  specified arduino protocol for Leonardo avrdude upload.
      changed auto-reset trigger condition to fix auto-reset-and-upload for Windows. now reboots when a port, opened at 1200 bps, is closed.
      removed all bootloader mass storage and MSC references
      changed PIDs for Leonardo and Micro.  PIDs are now defined in the Makefile
      added Micro section to boards.txt.  specified different bootloader hex files for Leonardo and Micro (differ only by PID).  added PID entries to boards.txt
      support compile-time passing of PID to Leonardo/Micro sketches.  PID comes from boards.txt - different for Micro and Leonardo
      Revert "support compile-time passing of PID to Leonardo/Micro sketches.  PID comes from boards.txt - different for Micro and Leonardo"
      Revert "added Micro section to boards.txt.  specified different bootloader hex files for Leonardo and Micro (differ only by PID).  added PID entries to boards.txt"
      removed leftover pins/ directory
      added compile-time definition of sketch PID.  PID is pulled from variants/leonardo or the new variants/micro as appropriate.
      misc. bootloader fixes: increased wait time after receiving avrdude 'Q', increased bootloader timeout, and fixed LED one-shot timing
      disabling watchdog in bootloader
      fixed bug where sketches over 28k caused subsequent auto-reset-and-upload attempts to fail.  fixed bug in reboot routine, changed fuses to select 1024-word bootloader size, disabled hardware boot enable.
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino into new-extension
      in bootloader reduced delay between receiving stk500 'Q' and jumping to application
      updated Leonardo INF with correct PID and created new Micro INF.
      made Mouse.buttons() private.  removed MOUSE_ALL macro
      fixed Mouse button assignments
      fixed analog pin mapping for 32u4
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino into new-extension
      faster LED breathing animation in bootloader
      added to the bootloader iProduct and iManufacturer strings identifying board as an "Arduino Leonardo" manufactured by "Arduino LLC"
      bootloader iProduct definition changed to "Arduino Leonardo Bootloader" or "Arduino Micro Bootloader".  selection depends on PID passed in at compile time
      added to sketch iProduct and iManufacturer strings identifying board as either an "Arduino Leonardo" or "Arduino Micro" manufactured by "Arduino LLC"
      added automatic one-shot TX and RX LED control for sketch USB
      Merge https://github.com/arduino/32U4 into new-extension
      restored Micro entry in boards.txt, made separate bootloader images for Leonardo and Micro.
      restored accidentally-deleted Leonardo type in boards.txt
      updated pin mappings for bootloader and pins_arduino.h in anticipation of final hardware.
      updated pin assignment again based on design files for Leonardo
      new bootloader binaries for Micro and Leonardo - uses new assignment for TXLED pin
      added support for TIMER4D used for PWM on Leonardo and Micro D6
      made some Keyboard methods private
      added Mouse.isPressed() method
      initial commit of new Diskloader-based bootloader experiment
      added more USB source adapted from sketch core.  still not enumerating.
      can now enable interrupts but EORSTE or SOFE in USB_::attach() still cause bootloader to hang
      Enumerates!  used inline ASM for operation which moves interrupts to boot section
      cleaning up code and comments in main - getting rid of leftover stuff from experiments
      added and modified Program() routine
      starting to port bootloader programming code - testing as I go
      continuing to port programming code.  temporarily changed PID to test on Windows (it works)
      avrdude communication starting to work - responds to sync, fails when trying to respond to STK_GET_PARAMETER
      some progress on responding to parameter requests
      more attempts to get parameter sending to work
      bootloader responds properly now.  nearly there - still have an issue with it falling out of sync after completing most operations
      removed old comments
      fixed logic bug in waiting for synch.  stripped out all Serial stuff
      progress on bootloader bug - have implemented blocking USB_Recv.  avrdude makes it to flash programming address 0400 or so before hanging
      closer still - now up to 4680
      uploading now completes using RC2 on Win7
      working (?!?!?!) bootloader.  doesn't yet restart chip after upload completes.
      working bootloader.  had to move interrupts back to application section.  NOTE: need to have sketch CDC jump to appropriate place for bootloader - 4k from end instead of 2k
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into diskloader_reboot
      brought nuevo_diskloader changes over to diskloader
      removed old comments and unused USB core code
      removed conditional compilation checks for CDC_ENABLED
      cosmetic changes - remove old comments, unused code
      bootloader runs sketch after timeout, added bootloader LED breathing
      changes in core and boards.txt to support new bootloader
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into diskloader_reboot
      Revert "Merge branch 'master' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into diskloader_reboot"
      renamed bootloader file
      check to see if a sketch has been loaded before jumping out of  bootloader
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into diskloader_reboot
      changed Leonardo PID to 0x0032 for Diskloader testing.  updated .inf to match.
      added 12th ADC channel for Leonardo.  cleaned up and corrected comments for pin functions.
      updated analog pin assignments and declared TWI/I2C pins
      restored original non-interrupt-driven DiskLoader
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into new-extension
      updated pins_arduino.h for Leonardo to reflect final mapping of A6-A11
      Fixed handling of Ax constants on Leonardo
      Swapped Dx assignment for MISO and SS to make numbering more sane (Dave Mellis).  Also updated comments on pin numbers.
      Updated digital pin and port mapping constants in pins_arduino.h for Leonardo.
      Fixed size of const array mapping digital pin number to bit mask.
      Leonardo bootloader now sends iSerial string during enumeration.  Seems to satisfy Windows' composite device requirements.

amcewen (16):
      Fixes to UDP so that it no longer has socket 0 hardcoded - all part of issue #436.  UdpClass::begin now finds the first available free socket, or fails if they're all in use.  UdpClass::stop added to release the socket once it is no longer needed.  The global Udp object has also been removed and the examples updated to provide their own instance.  Finally, in testing I noticed that the UdpNtpClient didn't print leading 0s if the minute or second was a single-digit, so have taken the opportunity to provide a simple fix for it.
      Update to the fix for Issue #436 - UdpClass renamed to UDP and the constructor moved into the .cpp to prevent compilation errors in certain conditions if w5100.h hasn't been included before Udp.h
      An improved patch for the Client part of issue 416 (adding a multi-byte read).  This one moves all of the checking into recv, so that single-byte reads also benefit.  It also returns -1 if there's no data available unless we've reached EOF, in which case it returns 0.
      Merge branch 'dhcp-dns'
      Final changes for the Client part of issue 416, which actually include the corrent return values.  This should have been in the previous commit, but I'm still getting my head round git.
      Pulled out Client API into a base class to allow multiple derived classes to use it, and moved it (plus IPAddress) out of the Ethernet library so that other libraries can find it.  First steps in integrating the WiFly code so it's easier to switch between that and Ethernet
      Pulled out Server API into the NetServer base class, and a few minor changes to get the NetClient API to work well with the WiFly library
      Added Printable interface class to allow printing of classes such as IPAddress
      Added a brief explanation of how you'd use Printable
      Added virtual destructor to Printable, which also requires new and delete operators to be added
      Merge remote branch 'upstream/new-extension'
      Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino
      Merge branch 'master' into wifly_integration
      Final changes to integrate latest core updates to WiFly branch
      Changed names of the Ethernet classes: Client -> EthernetClient, NetClient -> Client, and basic testing performed
      Created an abstract base class UDP to match the Client and Server classes, and reworked the Ethernet library to use it and derive EthernetUDP.

ricklon (1):
      ArduinoTestSuite added for pull request

speps (1):
      Bug 670311 - get rid of the gnome-vfs dependency

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