[gnoduino] (237 commits) ...Update hardware from upstream

Summary of changes:

  5153426... Optimized digitalWrite(), etc. from Alvaro Lopez.
  eaa2c19... Changes to optimized digitalWrte(), etc.
  6216761... Adding noAnalogWrite() function to disable PWM.
  1116226... Revert "Adding noAnalogWrite() function to disable PWM."
  4ba4fe6... Revert "Changes to optimized digitalWrte(), etc."
  b170580... Merge branch 'master' into new-extension
  7c86d2d... Removing BYTE keyword (use Serial.write() instead).
  b96201b... Renamed WProgram.h to Arduino.h.
  9c9492b... Moving wiring.h contents into Arduino.h.
  3cde8de... Re-arranging header files and small fixes to optimized core
  c7262c3... Removing optimized digitalWrite(), digitalRead(), pinMode()
  3160b9e... Rearranging internal #defines in headers.
  fb08ef2... Moving all pin definitions into pins_arduino.h.
  cf6aaac... Factoring pin definitions out of the core.
  9e2ad92... Implemented serial transmit buffering.
  8ae68e7... Moving TCCR1B reset into #ifdef check.
  a64f191... Fixing race condition in Serial write (Brian Cook).
  0847b31... Flushing outgoing and incoming data in Serial.end().
  9e56704... Fixing typo in boards.txt.
  1c2949d... Rewrite of the String class by Paul Stoffregen.
  6c7c74e... Removing F("string") syntax for now.
  ebb087f... Renaming append() back to concat().
  55d35fc... Don't return the string when modifying its value.
  e9bca6d... Modifying String.concat() to return success or failure, not
  d1bd5a2... Moving move() to __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ only, adding op
  ffc1a59... Adding additional String + operators for disambiguation.
  3551802... Protecting String copy() and move().
  ae719bd... Starting to distinguish between empty strings and invalid (
  1b9cb01... Return an invalid string (not a partial one) when operator+
  927f56a... Commenting String API behavior.
  ea4ebbc... String: removing implicit numeric conversions and new appro
  265ab93... Adding F("foo") syntax for flash strings.
  4a021fb... Pulled out Client API into a base class to allow multiple d
  f836fa0... Restoring concatenation of built-in types with String.
  4c7dfc8... Pulled out Server API into the NetServer base class, and a 
  a40dd15... Added Printable interface class to allow printing of classe
  264b50b... Added a brief explanation of how you'd use Printable
  d29d87a... Added virtual destructor to Printable, which also requires 
  2ca92db... Changing Serial.flush() to write outgoing data, not drop in
  ef71727... Refactoring the UART0 / USART0 receive interrupt handler.
  e9c4d0e... Adding serialEvent(), serialEvent1(), etc.
  fd313da... Optimizing printing of numbers (writing a single buffer).
  9979b44... Small optimization in HardwareSerial.
  84c62a7... Fixing 300 baud communication for serial.
  25f24f9... Added Printable interface class to allow printing of classe
  c23be4b... Makefile modification to allow building optiboot in more en
  487b186... http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=517
  0e054f7... This is a relatively significant edit that brings the Ardui
  1ae9f03... Update shell script makeall
  13230c1... Add a version number to the optiboot source and binary.
  01c8cbe... Shrink code by using registers for variables "length" and "
  5f26a2a... Update version to reflect previous edit.  Sigh.
  f55df78... Fix errors in LDSECTIONS refactoring (found during atmega8 
  63b8516... (make sure .hex and .lst are updated as well.)
  a439df1... Merge remote branch 'upstream/new-extension'
  4e7152b... http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=368 Optib
  6dfd2ef... Modify Uno "lock" bits in boards.txt to make bootloader rea
  5f6b1ff... Allow the READ PARAMETER command to return our version numb
  aaa42de... Oops.  Add atmega8.lst/hex and atmega168.lst/hex to control
  a32a9fa... support for 32u4 and Leonardo pins, uploading, and bootload
  550e952... diskloader source and binary for 32u4
  789ac13... committed USB API, initial HardwareSerial-USBSerial integra
  f2c4f76... cleaned up types.  set D5 as not a PWM pin for now.
  eef252e... Adding SCL, SDA, and LED #defines.
  26528a7... Adding pin-change interrupt pin mapping macros to pins_ardu
  68033fe... Adding basic macros for analog + digital pin information. h
  41b6bd5... increased bootloader delay to approx. 3.5 s
  8b01e2d... rebuilt Diskloader, added LED control macros for Leonardo, 
  d0ea2a9... LEDs for D13, TX, and RX are more in line with Uno-like beh
  b08b4dc... Serial via USB works Integrated rest of Peter's USB impleme
  6e6e020... Temporary fix for auto-reset from IDE.  Will reset chip whe
  893b9de... Integrating Stream searching & parsing (Michael Margolis)
  85d294e... A few API changes to new Stream parsing functions.
  1ef1e90... Stream.readBytesUntil() now writes null terminator within l
  2905560... HW Serial on pins 0 and 1 works.  Accessed by Serial1.* met
  5eb7342... USB microcontrollers will call USB.attach() after init(), b
  f59625b... Renaming pins/ directory to the more generic variants/
  6e17ad4... Distinguishing those boards with eight analog inputs (Fio, 
  7c18c3f... write(), print(), and println() now return number of bytes 
  656afdc... changed auto-reset method for upload: now triggered by open
  3687d35... bugfix - Serial.write() would try to send even if no CDC co
  57a5cde... Changing from long to ssize_t (int) for write(), print(), p
  608e35c... Moving write errors out of return value into separate API m
  3fccb73... bootloader ends as soon as sketch upload finishes.   restor
  87e0167... Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/
  e39c345... auto-upload-and-reset works now at 300 bps.  patched avrdud
  cda0085... Merge branch 'master' into wifly_integration
  64260cd... Final changes to integrate latest core updates to WiFly bra
  9eab981... Changed names of the Ethernet classes: Client -> EthernetCl
  ed83bce... Merge branch 'mainline' into new-extension
  19eaf13... brought leonardo folder in line with new variants scheme
  6456e25... CDC and HID write() routines now return non-void - brought 
  6e7bc5c... support for non-Leonardo boards is back!
  615dd91... Created an abstract base class UDP to match the Client and 
  96c314d... on a CDC or HID write() error, call setWriteError().  bette
  e644231... added Mouse press() and release()
  57be2b1... Renaming writeError() to getWriteError() in Print (and Stre
  3a0f707... Moving serialEvent() calls from RX interrupts to main for()
  4466184... Adding Arduino Ethernet and Arduino Mega ADK (joint w/ Mega
  402d33e... Updating to avrdude 5.11 (Windows).  stk500 -> arduino in b
  db1e2fc... Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino 
  a80c6a1... Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/
  79dd51f... changed baudrate for auto-reset-and-upload back to 1200 bps
  52e06f9... changed auto-reset trigger condition to fix auto-reset-and-
  d37dde7... Changing to a simpler mental model for serialEvent (Paul St
  7b9b062... Making Print::write(char *) non-virtual.
  5b46e42... removed all bootloader mass storage and MSC references
  05b9923... changed PIDs for Leonardo and Micro.  PIDs are now defined 
  9c58ead... added Micro section to boards.txt.  specified different boo
  993a416... support compile-time passing of PID to Leonardo/Micro sketc
  b137922... Revert "support compile-time passing of PID to Leonardo/Mic
  de51d15... Revert "added Micro section to boards.txt.  specified diffe
  6de21a3... removed leftover pins/ directory
  ec12a06... added compile-time definition of sketch PID.  PID is pulled
  155c929... misc. bootloader fixes: increased wait time after receiving
  a850362... disabling watchdog in bootloader
  29d8830... fixed bug where sketches over 28k caused subsequent auto-re
  f8b2aaa... Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/
  10dc64d... in bootloader reduced delay between receiving stk500 'Q' an
  d741599... updated Leonardo INF with correct PID and created new Micro
  8f1c462... Don't consume trailing char in parseInt() and parseFloat (P
  ea6c2b3... made Mouse.buttons() private.  removed MOUSE_ALL macro
  a58ca2d... fixed Mouse button assignments
  af7ebe8... fixed analog pin mapping for 32u4
  cb1a432... Added USBasp to programmers list
  40a1b40... Merge branch 'new-extension' of https://github.com/arduino/
  4a5a83c... faster LED breathing animation in bootloader
  4cc7436... added to the bootloader iProduct and iManufacturer strings 
  08c9a87... bootloader iProduct definition changed to "Arduino Leonardo
  3a8b486... added to sketch iProduct and iManufacturer strings identify
  6668c59... Moving Leonardo after Uno.
  1708ba9... added automatic one-shot TX and RX LED control for sketch U
  4b31671... Merge https://github.com/arduino/32U4 into new-extension
  241e5e9... restored Micro entry in boards.txt, made separate bootloade
  2d475be... restored accidentally-deleted Leonardo type in boards.txt
  c449249... updated pin mappings for bootloader and pins_arduino.h in a
  d498f16... updated pin assignment again based on design files for Leon
  420c08d... new bootloader binaries for Micro and Leonardo - uses new a
  3c24bc1... added support for TIMER4D used for PWM on Leonardo and Micr
  1e75744... made some Keyboard methods private
  59c1dd2... added Mouse.isPressed() method
  81ccf78... Updating Micro bootloader (previous one was identical to Le
  d8599dd... Commenting out micro board for now since it's not being rel
  79df26e... Updating bootloader comments.
  3462baa... Changing Ethernet upload protocol from stk500 to arduino.
  0ff8bb1... Using alternate timer 0 overflow interrupt signal name for 
  6b94385... Fixing warnings in Stream (Paul Stoffregen)
  50db3c0... Explicitly set the SHELL variable when OS=windows, so that 
  8061c93... Fixing more warnings (Paul Stoffregen).
  5a8882b... Merge pull request #41 from chiva/patch-1
  5655430... Moving USBasp in programmers menu.
  ad68ead... Merge pull request #30 from WestfW/master
  bbafeaf... Makefile modification to allow building optiboot in more en
  e1ef192... http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=517
  46a6c9f... This is a relatively significant edit that brings the Ardui
  c4f98e0... Update shell script makeall (cherry picked from commit d463
  37a5122... Add a version number to the optiboot source and binary.
  0bee484... Shrink code by using registers for variables "length" and "
  28b402f... Update version to reflect previous edit.  Sigh. (cherry pic
  2fe84e0... Fix errors in LDSECTIONS refactoring (found during atmega8 
  79113ef... (make sure .hex and .lst are updated as well.) (cherry pick
  60c8204... http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=368 Optib
  77303a9... Modify Uno "lock" bits in boards.txt to make bootloader rea
  a501824... Allow the READ PARAMETER command to return our version numb
  e26ee89... Oops.  Add atmega8.lst/hex and atmega168.lst/hex to control
  9c1e9af... Explicitly set the SHELL variable when OS=windows, so that 
  3123f81... Putting the Uno lock bits back.
  cb40531... initial commit of new Diskloader-based bootloader experimen
  e2f6f52... Lowering timer 1 prescale factor (to 8 from 64) for F_CPU l
  9496ea7... added more USB source adapted from sketch core.  still not 
  fa66ffa... can now enable interrupts but EORSTE or SOFE in USB_::attac
  947809b... Enumerates!  used inline ASM for operation which moves inte
  1e81278... cleaning up code and comments in main - getting rid of left
  080ad2a... added and modified Program() routine
  8a81621... starting to port bootloader programming code - testing as I
  e4eef82... continuing to port programming code.  temporarily changed P
  bd88679... avrdude communication starting to work - responds to sync, 
  e4edeba... some progress on responding to parameter requests
  cf94c04... more attempts to get parameter sending to work
  f0bc312... bootloader responds properly now.  nearly there - still hav
  892cc51... Correcting analogReference() constants for ATtiny24/44/84 a
  ed225ad... Renaming LED to LED_BUILTIN.
  b2830b4... Moving ARDUINO_MAIN from main.cpp to wiring_digital.c and h
  0950eb6... removed old comments
  68f72a2... fixed logic bug in waiting for synch.  stripped out all Ser
  5dbe1f0... Bug fix in replace().
  c2117eb... progress on bootloader bug - have implemented blocking USB_
  c31e884... closer still - now up to 4680
  905a68c... uploading now completes using RC2 on Win7
  47c3145... working (?!?!?!) bootloader.  doesn't yet restart chip afte
  cc6c9c3... working bootloader.  had to move interrupts back to applica
  9f0786a... Merge branch 'master' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into di
  fc62bf1... brought nuevo_diskloader changes over to diskloader
  650a9bc... removed old comments and unused USB core code
  92eec63... removed conditional compilation checks for CDC_ENABLED
  c2a712a... cosmetic changes - remove old comments, unused code
  fc6383e... bootloader runs sketch after timeout, added bootloader LED 
  245afc4... changes in core and boards.txt to support new bootloader
  c678ace... Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino 
  d99c595... Revert "Merge branch 'master' of github.com:arduino/Arduino
  80e374d... renamed bootloader file
  88ad62d... Protecting the version of parseInt() and parseFloat().  (Pa
  88605c6... check to see if a sketch has been loaded before jumping out
  fb720a5... Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino 
  da14af1... changed Leonardo PID to 0x0032 for Diskloader testing.  upd
  c82f8e7... added 12th ADC channel for Leonardo.  cleaned up and correc
  9672964... updated analog pin assignments and declared TWI/I2C pins
  07c41a0... restored original non-interrupt-driven DiskLoader
  989e708... Added latest firmware for atmega16u2 on R3 boards
  cfeb011... Added latest firmware for usbserial (not combined with DFU)
  0ce9ac5... Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino 
  66d5f30... updated pins_arduino.h for Leonardo to reflect final mappin
  f4ece62... Fixed handling of Ax constants on Leonardo
  24aed1e... Swapped Dx assignment for MISO and SS to make numbering mor
  f5eca89... Updated digital pin and port mapping constants in pins_ardu
  c445efc... Fixed size of const array mapping digital pin number to bit
  1d64faf... Leonardo bootloader now sends iSerial string during enumera
  a98a298... Adding Arduino Mini w/ ATmega328.
  52300aa... readBytes() and readBytesUntil() handle zero bytes and retu
  2d26ae2... Correcting Arduino Mini w/ ATmega328 bootloader file and fu
  f9deab4... Removing Leonardo (and Mouse/Keyboard examples) for Arduino
  1c57e95... Fixing delayMicroseconds() timing for 20 MHz clocks.  (Erde
  5cedb2b... Support 3rd external interrupt on ATmega1284P (maniacbug)
  188dccc... Updated reference voltage defines for ATmega1284P.
  b1d9632... Fixing ArduinoISP sketch by lowering baud rate to 9600 (fro
  65cb858... Simplifying microseconds <-> clock cycles conversions.  (Ro
  09f7f9a... Fixing static is not at beginning of declaration warnings (
  a660bc7... Fixing warnings (unsigned comparisons to 0).  (maniacbug)
  7a5c1d7... Fixing findUntil() problem with repeated initial characters
  a16fe1f... Adding INPUT_PULLUP option pinMode(). (Paul Stoffregen).
  f26405d... Adding links to documentation of boards.txt and programmers
  a18e04c... Making head and tail unsigned to avoid division in serial I
  bd12862... prog_char -> char PROGMEM in Print.cpp
  995530e... Switching Mini w/ ATmega328 upload protocol from stk500 to 
  e138766... Small changes for the ATmega1284.
  b8f1a12... Putting ArduinoISP back to 19200 baud.
  0918cac... Update hardware from upstream

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