[gimp/goat-invasion] pdb: add support for omitting the "gimp-" prefix from the procedure name

commit e32ce8d3e413943348ea9fc0d1817525f3c2f71c
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Sat Mar 31 21:57:47 2012 +0200

    pdb: add support for omitting the "gimp-" prefix from the procedure name
    if the procedure's group is "plug_in_compat". Add new procedure

 app/pdb/internal-procs.c            |    2 +-
 app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c       |   95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tools/pdbgen/app.pl                 |   12 ++++-
 tools/pdbgen/pdb/plug_in_compat.pdb |   53 +++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/pdb/internal-procs.c b/app/pdb/internal-procs.c
index d81e0aa..3543e22 100644
--- a/app/pdb/internal-procs.c
+++ b/app/pdb/internal-procs.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #include "internal-procs.h"
-/* 664 procedures registered total */
+/* 665 procedures registered total */
 internal_procs_init (GimpPDB *pdb)
diff --git a/app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c b/app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c
index 9a05016..7a189bf 100644
--- a/app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c
+++ b/app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c
@@ -78,6 +78,49 @@ plug_in_pixelize_invoker (GimpProcedure      *procedure,
                                            error ? *error : NULL);
+static GValueArray *
+plug_in_pixelize2_invoker (GimpProcedure      *procedure,
+                           Gimp               *gimp,
+                           GimpContext        *context,
+                           GimpProgress       *progress,
+                           const GValueArray  *args,
+                           GError            **error)
+  gboolean success = TRUE;
+  GimpDrawable *drawable;
+  gint32 pixel_width;
+  gint32 pixel_height;
+  drawable = gimp_value_get_drawable (&args->values[2], gimp);
+  pixel_width = g_value_get_int (&args->values[3]);
+  pixel_height = g_value_get_int (&args->values[4]);
+  if (success)
+    {
+      if (gimp_pdb_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (drawable), NULL, TRUE, error) &&
+          gimp_pdb_item_is_not_group (GIMP_ITEM (drawable), error))
+        {
+          GeglNode *node =
+            gegl_node_new_child (NULL,
+                                 "operation", "gegl:pixelise",
+                                 "size-x",    pixel_width,
+                                 "size-y",    pixel_height,
+                                 NULL);
+          gimp_drawable_apply_operation (drawable, progress,
+                                         C_("undo-type", "Pixelize"),
+                                         node);
+          g_object_unref (node);
+        }
+      else
+        success = FALSE;
+    }
+  return gimp_procedure_get_return_values (procedure, success,
+                                           error ? *error : NULL);
 register_plug_in_compat_procs (GimpPDB *pdb)
@@ -88,9 +131,9 @@ register_plug_in_compat_procs (GimpPDB *pdb)
   procedure = gimp_procedure_new (plug_in_pixelize_invoker);
   gimp_object_set_static_name (GIMP_OBJECT (procedure),
-                               "gimp-plug-in-pixelize");
+                               "plug-in-pixelize");
   gimp_procedure_set_static_strings (procedure,
-                                     "gimp-plug-in-pixelize",
+                                     "plug-in-pixelize",
                                      "Simplify image into an array of solid-colored squares",
                                      "Pixelize the contents of the specified drawable with specified pixelizing width.",
                                      "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis",
@@ -124,4 +167,52 @@ register_plug_in_compat_procs (GimpPDB *pdb)
   gimp_pdb_register_procedure (pdb, procedure);
   g_object_unref (procedure);
+  /*
+   * gimp-plug-in-pixelize2
+   */
+  procedure = gimp_procedure_new (plug_in_pixelize2_invoker);
+  gimp_object_set_static_name (GIMP_OBJECT (procedure),
+                               "plug-in-pixelize2");
+  gimp_procedure_set_static_strings (procedure,
+                                     "plug-in-pixelize2",
+                                     "Simplify image into an array of solid-colored rectangles",
+                                     "Pixelize the contents of the specified drawable with specified pixelizing width and height.",
+                                     "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis",
+                                     "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis",
+                                     "1997",
+                                     NULL);
+  gimp_procedure_add_argument (procedure,
+                               g_param_spec_enum ("run-mode",
+                                                  "run mode",
+                                                  "The run mode",
+                                                  GIMP_TYPE_RUN_MODE,
+                                                  GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE,
+                                                  GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
+  gimp_procedure_add_argument (procedure,
+                               gimp_param_spec_image_id ("image",
+                                                         "image",
+                                                         "Input image (unused)",
+                                                         pdb->gimp, FALSE,
+                                                         GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
+  gimp_procedure_add_argument (procedure,
+                               gimp_param_spec_drawable_id ("drawable",
+                                                            "drawable",
+                                                            "Input drawable",
+                                                            pdb->gimp, FALSE,
+                                                            GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
+  gimp_procedure_add_argument (procedure,
+                               gimp_param_spec_int32 ("pixel-width",
+                                                      "pixel width",
+                                                      "Pixel width (the decrease in horizontal resolution)",
+                                                      1, GIMP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 1,
+                                                      GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
+  gimp_procedure_add_argument (procedure,
+                               gimp_param_spec_int32 ("pixel-height",
+                                                      "pixel height",
+                                                      "Pixel height (the decrease in vertical resolution)",
+                                                      1, GIMP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 1,
+                                                      GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
+  gimp_pdb_register_procedure (pdb, procedure);
+  g_object_unref (procedure);
diff --git a/tools/pdbgen/app.pl b/tools/pdbgen/app.pl
index ce8e893..fd7911f 100644
--- a/tools/pdbgen/app.pl
+++ b/tools/pdbgen/app.pl
@@ -574,10 +574,18 @@ sub generate {
 	my $help = $proc->{help};
+	my $procedure_name;
 	local $success = 0;
 	$help =~ s/gimp(\w+)\(\s*\)/"'gimp".canonicalize($1)."'"/ge;
+	if ($proc->{group} eq "plug_in_compat") {
+	    $procedure_name = "$proc->{canonical_name}";
+	} else {
+	    $procedure_name = "gimp-$proc->{canonical_name}";
+	}
 	$out->{pcount}++; $total++;
 	$out->{register} .= <<CODE;
@@ -587,9 +595,9 @@ sub generate {
   procedure = gimp_procedure_new (${name}_invoker);
   gimp_object_set_static_name (GIMP_OBJECT (procedure),
-                               "gimp-$proc->{canonical_name}");
+                               "$procedure_name");
   gimp_procedure_set_static_strings (procedure,
-                                     "gimp-$proc->{canonical_name}",
+                                     "$procedure_name",
                                      @{[ &quotewrap($proc->{blurb}, 2) ]},
                                      @{[ &quotewrap($help,  2) ]},
diff --git a/tools/pdbgen/pdb/plug_in_compat.pdb b/tools/pdbgen/pdb/plug_in_compat.pdb
index 95ef09b..df7fba3 100644
--- a/tools/pdbgen/pdb/plug_in_compat.pdb
+++ b/tools/pdbgen/pdb/plug_in_compat.pdb
@@ -64,6 +64,56 @@ CODE
+sub plug_in_pixelize2 {
+    $blurb = 'Simplify image into an array of solid-colored rectangles';
+    $help = <<'HELP';
+Pixelize the contents of the specified drawable with specified
+pixelizing width and height.
+    &std_pdb_misc;
+    $date = '1997';
+    @inargs = (
+	{ name => 'run_mode', type => 'enum GimpRunMode', dead => 1,
+	  desc => 'The run mode' },
+	{ name => 'image', type => 'image', dead => 1,
+	  desc => 'Input image (unused)' },
+	{ name => 'drawable', type => 'drawable',
+	  desc => 'Input drawable' },
+	{ name => 'pixel_width', type => '1 <= int32 <= GIMP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE',
+	  desc => 'Pixel width (the decrease in horizontal resolution)' },
+	{ name => 'pixel_height', type => '1 <= int32 <= GIMP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE',
+	  desc => 'Pixel height (the decrease in vertical resolution)' }
+    );
+    %invoke = (
+	code => <<'CODE'
+  if (gimp_pdb_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (drawable), NULL, TRUE, error) &&
+      gimp_pdb_item_is_not_group (GIMP_ITEM (drawable), error))
+    {
+      GeglNode *node =
+        gegl_node_new_child (NULL,
+                             "operation", "gegl:pixelise",
+                             "size-x",    pixel_width,
+                             "size-y",    pixel_height,
+                             NULL);
+      gimp_drawable_apply_operation (drawable, progress,
+                                     C_("undo-type", "Pixelize"),
+                                     node);
+      g_object_unref (node);
+    }
+  else
+    success = FALSE;
+    );
 @headers = qw("libgimpbase/gimpbase.h"
@@ -71,7 +121,8 @@ CODE
- procs = qw(plug_in_pixelize);
+ procs = qw(plug_in_pixelize
+            plug_in_pixelize2);
 %exports = (app => [ procs], lib => []);

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