[gimp/goat-invasion: 162/234] app: remove extract_from_region() and its helper functions

commit d2ece02cb593b425905343b7141c4583d9ee4b27
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Tue Mar 20 15:06:21 2012 +0100

    app: remove extract_from_region() and its helper functions

 app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c |  136 -----------------------------------------
 app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.h |   34 ----------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c b/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c
index 632d3d0..7263f19 100644
--- a/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c
+++ b/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c
@@ -1639,97 +1639,6 @@ color_erase_inten_pixels (const guchar   *src1,
-extract_from_inten_pixels (guchar       *src,
-                           guchar       *dest,
-                           const guchar *mask,
-                           const guchar *bg,
-                           gboolean      cut,
-                           guint         length,
-                           guint         src_bytes,
-                           guint         dest_bytes)
-  const gint    alpha = HAS_ALPHA (src_bytes) ? src_bytes - 1 : src_bytes;
-  const guchar *m     = mask ? mask : &no_mask;
-  gint          b;
-  gint          tmp;
-  while (length --)
-    {
-      for (b = 0; b < alpha; b++)
-        dest[b] = src[b];
-      if (HAS_ALPHA (src_bytes))
-        {
-          dest[alpha] = INT_MULT (*m, src[alpha], tmp);
-          if (cut)
-            src[alpha] = INT_MULT ((255 - *m), src[alpha], tmp);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          if (HAS_ALPHA (dest_bytes))
-            dest[alpha] = *m;
-          if (cut)
-            for (b = 0; b < src_bytes; b++)
-              src[b] = INT_BLEND (bg[b], src[b], *m, tmp);
-        }
-      if (mask)
-        m++;
-      src += src_bytes;
-      dest += dest_bytes;
-    }
-extract_from_indexed_pixels (guchar       *src,
-                             guchar       *dest,
-                             const guchar *mask,
-                             const guchar *cmap,
-                             const guchar *bg,
-                             gboolean      cut,
-                             guint         length,
-                             guint         src_bytes,
-                             guint         dest_bytes)
-  const guchar *m = mask ? mask : &no_mask;
-  gint          b;
-  gint          t;
-  while (length --)
-    {
-      gint index = src[0] * 3;
-      for (b = 0; b < 3; b++)
-        dest[b] = cmap[index + b];
-      if (HAS_ALPHA (src_bytes))
-        {
-          dest[3] = INT_MULT (*m, src[1], t);
-          if (cut)
-            src[1] = INT_MULT ((255 - *m), src[1], t);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          if (HAS_ALPHA (dest_bytes))
-            dest[3] = *m;
-          if (cut)
-            src[0] = (*m > 127) ? bg[0] : src[0];
-        }
-      if (mask)
-        m++;
-      src += src_bytes;
-      dest += dest_bytes;
-    }
 /*    REGION FUNCTIONS                            */
@@ -1863,51 +1772,6 @@ add_alpha_region (PixelRegion *src,
-extract_from_region (PixelRegion       *src,
-                     PixelRegion       *dest,
-                     PixelRegion       *mask,
-                     const guchar      *cmap,
-                     const guchar      *bg,
-                     GimpImageBaseType  type,
-                     gboolean           cut)
-  gpointer pr;
-  for (pr = pixel_regions_register (3, src, dest, mask);
-       pr != NULL;
-       pr = pixel_regions_process (pr))
-    {
-      const guchar *m = mask ? mask->data : NULL;
-      guchar       *s = src->data;
-      guchar       *d = dest->data;
-      gint          h = src->h;
-      while (h --)
-        {
-          switch (type)
-            {
-            case GIMP_RGB:
-            case GIMP_GRAY:
-              extract_from_inten_pixels (s, d, m, bg, cut, src->w,
-                                         src->bytes, dest->bytes);
-              break;
-            case GIMP_INDEXED:
-              extract_from_indexed_pixels (s, d, m, cmap, bg, cut, src->w,
-                                           src->bytes, dest->bytes);
-              break;
-            }
-          s += src->rowstride;
-          d += dest->rowstride;
-          if (mask)
-            m += mask->rowstride;
-        }
-    }
 convolve_region (PixelRegion         *srcR,
                  PixelRegion         *destR,
                  const gfloat        *matrix,
diff --git a/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.h b/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.h
index 4d3d573..ceb6726 100644
--- a/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.h
+++ b/app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.h
@@ -273,32 +273,6 @@ void  paint_funcs_color_erase_helper      (GimpRGB       *src,
                                            const GimpRGB *color);
-/*  extract information from intensity pixels based on
- *  a mask.
- */
-void  extract_from_inten_pixels           (guchar       *src,
-                                           guchar       *dest,
-                                           const guchar *mask,
-                                           const guchar *bg,
-                                           gboolean      cut,
-                                           guint         length,
-                                           guint         src_bytes,
-                                           guint         dest_bytes);
-/*  extract information from indexed pixels based on
- *  a mask.
- */
-void  extract_from_indexed_pixels         (guchar       *src,
-                                           guchar       *dest,
-                                           const guchar *mask,
-                                           const guchar *cmap,
-                                           const guchar *bg,
-                                           gboolean      cut,
-                                           guint         length,
-                                           guint         src_bytes,
-                                           guint         dest_bytes);
 /*  Region functions  */
 void  color_region                        (PixelRegion  *dest,
@@ -319,14 +293,6 @@ void  extract_alpha_region                (PixelRegion *src,
                                            PixelRegion *mask,
                                            PixelRegion *dest);
-void  extract_from_region                 (PixelRegion       *src,
-                                           PixelRegion       *dest,
-                                           PixelRegion       *mask,
-                                           const guchar      *cmap,
-                                           const guchar      *bg,
-                                           GimpImageBaseType  type,
-                                           gboolean           cut);
 void  convolve_region                     (PixelRegion         *srcR,
                                            PixelRegion         *destR,
                                            const gfloat        *matrix,

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