[gparted/psusi/refactor: 13/19] Refactor reiserfs to use execute_command_async

commit c8badeb42990e87e4f7554eada56b9797bbe659f
Author: Phillip Susi <psusi ubuntu com>
Date:   Sun Feb 19 22:10:30 2012 -0500

    Refactor reiserfs to use execute_command_async
    Instead of Filesystem::execute_command or Utils::execute_command, the
    reiserfs methods now use Filesystem::execute_command_async, and block the
    calling thread on a mutex until the job completes.  Methods that invoked
    multiple external utilities have been split into multiple functions that
    are invoked as the callback when the previous command has completed.

 include/reiserfs.h |   19 +++++
 src/reiserfs.cc    |  208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/reiserfs.h b/include/reiserfs.h
index 74a24cb..bc3dff6 100644
--- a/include/reiserfs.h
+++ b/include/reiserfs.h
@@ -30,20 +30,39 @@ class reiserfs : public FileSystem
 	FS get_filesystem_support() ;
 	void set_used_sectors( Partition & partition ) ;
+	void set_used_sectors( Partition & partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	void read_label( Partition & partition ) ;
+	void read_label( Partition & partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool write_label( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
+	void write_label( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	void read_uuid( Partition & partition ) ;
+	void read_uuid( Partition & partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool write_uuid( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
+	void write_uuid( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool create( const Partition & new_partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
+	void create( const Partition & new_partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationdetail, bool fill_partition = false ) ;
+	void resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationdetail,
+			       bool fill_partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool move( const Partition & partition_new
 	         , const Partition & partition_old
 	         , OperationDetail & operationdetail
 	         ) ;
+	void move( const Partition & partition_new, const Partition & partition_old,
+		   OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool copy( const Glib::ustring & src_part_path,
 		   const Glib::ustring & dest_part_path,
 		   OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
+	void copy( const Glib::ustring & src_part_path, const Glib::ustring & dest_part_path,
+		   OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
 	bool check_repair( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
+	void check_repair( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot );
+	bool set_used_sectors2( double progress, Partition *partition );
+	bool read_label2( double progress, Partition *partition );
+	bool read_uuid2( double progress, Partition *partition );
+	bool resize2( double progress );
+	bool check_repair2( double progress );
 } //GParted
diff --git a/src/reiserfs.cc b/src/reiserfs.cc
index fc7a564..9719bb0 100644
--- a/src/reiserfs.cc
+++ b/src/reiserfs.cc
@@ -67,95 +67,185 @@ FS reiserfs::get_filesystem_support()
 	return fs ;
-void reiserfs::set_used_sectors( Partition & partition ) 
+void reiserfs::set_used_sectors( Partition & partition )
-	if ( ! Utils::execute_command( "debugreiserfs " + partition .get_path(), output, error, true ) )
-	{
-		index = output .find( "Blocksize" ) ;
-		if ( index >= output .length() || 
-		     sscanf( output .substr( index ) .c_str(), "Blocksize: %Ld", &S ) != 1 )
-			S = -1 ;
+	set_used_sectors( partition, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
-		index = output .find( ":", output .find( "Free blocks" ) ) +1 ;
-		if ( index >= output .length() ||
-		     sscanf( output .substr( index ) .c_str(), "%Ld", &N ) != 1 )
-			N = -1 ;
+void reiserfs::set_used_sectors( Partition & partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
+	execute_command( "debugreiserfs " + partition.get_path(),
+			 sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &reiserfs::set_used_sectors2 ),
+				     &partition ) );
+bool reiserfs::set_used_sectors2( double progress, Partition *partition )
+	if ( progress != 1.0 )
+		return false;
+	if ( !exit_status )
+	{
+		index = output.find( "Blocksize" );
+		if ( index >= output.length() || 
+		     sscanf( output.substr( index ).c_str(), "Blocksize: %Ld", &S ) != 1 )
+			S = -1;
+		index = output.find( ":", output.find( "Free blocks" ) ) + 1;
+		if ( index >= output.length() ||
+		     sscanf( output.substr( index ).c_str(), "%Ld", &N ) != 1 )
+			N = -1;
 		if ( N > -1 && S > -1 )
-			partition .Set_Unused( Utils::round( N * ( S / double(partition .sector_size) ) ) ) ;
+			partition->Set_Unused( Utils::round( N * ( S / double(partition->sector_size) ) ) );
-		if ( ! output .empty() )
-			partition .messages .push_back( output ) ;
-		if ( ! error .empty() )
-			partition .messages .push_back( error ) ;
+		if ( !output.empty() )
+			partition->messages.push_back( output );
+		if ( !error.empty() )
+			partition->messages.push_back( error );
+	return slot( 1.0 );
 void reiserfs::read_label( Partition & partition )
+	read_label( partition, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+void reiserfs::read_label( Partition & partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
 	//FIXME: i think running debugreiserfs takes a long time on filled file systems, test for this...
-	if ( ! Utils::execute_command( "debugreiserfs " + partition .get_path(), output, error, true ) )
+	execute_command( "debugreiserfs " + partition.get_path(),
+			 sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &reiserfs::read_label2 ),
+				     &partition ) );
+bool reiserfs::read_label2( double progress, Partition *partition )
+	if ( progress != 1.0 )
+		return false;
+	if ( !exit_status )
-		partition .label = Utils::regexp_label( output, "^label:[\t ]*(.*)$" ) ;
+		partition->label = Utils::regexp_label( output, "^label:[\t ]*(.*)$" );
-		if ( ! output .empty() )
-			partition .messages .push_back( output ) ;
-		if ( ! error .empty() )
-			partition .messages .push_back( error ) ;
+		if ( !output.empty() )
+			partition->messages.push_back( output );
+		if ( !error.empty() )
+			partition->messages.push_back( error );
+	return slot( 1.0 );
 bool reiserfs::write_label( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
-	return ! execute_command( "reiserfstune --label \"" + partition .label + "\" " + partition .get_path(), operationdetail ) ;
+	write_label( partition, operationdetail, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+	return success;
+void reiserfs::write_label( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
+	execute_command( "reiserfstune --label \"" + partition .label + "\" " + partition .get_path(),
+			 operationdetail,
+			 set_success );
 void reiserfs::read_uuid( Partition & partition )
-	if ( ! Utils::execute_command( "reiserfstune " + partition .get_path(), output, error, true ) )
+	read_uuid( partition, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+void reiserfs::read_uuid( Partition & partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
+	execute_command( "reiserfstune " + partition .get_path(),
+			 sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &reiserfs::read_uuid2 ),
+				     &partition ) );
+bool reiserfs::read_uuid2( double progress, Partition *partition )
+	if ( progress != 1.0 )
+		return false;
+	if ( !exit_status )
-		partition .uuid = Utils::regexp_label( output, "^UUID:[[:blank:]]*([^[:space:]]*)" ) ;
+		partition->uuid = Utils::regexp_label( output, "^UUID:[[:blank:]]*([^[:space:]]*)" );
-		if ( ! output .empty() )
-			partition .messages .push_back( output ) ;
-		if ( ! error .empty() )
-			partition .messages .push_back( error ) ;
+		if ( !output.empty() )
+			partition->messages.push_back( output );
+		if ( !error.empty() )
+			partition->messages.push_back( error );
+	return slot( 1.0 );
 bool reiserfs::write_uuid( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
-	return ! execute_command( "reiserfstune -u random " + partition .get_path(), operationdetail ) ;
+	write_uuid( partition, operationdetail, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+	return success;
+void reiserfs::write_uuid( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
+	execute_command( "reiserfstune -u random " + partition.get_path(),
+			 operationdetail,
+			 set_success );
 bool reiserfs::create( const Partition & new_partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
-	return ! execute_command( "mkreiserfs -f --label \"" + new_partition .label + "\" " + new_partition .get_path(), operationdetail ) ;
+	create( new_partition, operationdetail, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+	return success;
+void reiserfs::create( const Partition & new_partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
+	execute_command( "mkreiserfs -f --label \"" + new_partition .label + "\" " + new_partition.get_path(),
+			 operationdetail,
+			 set_success );
 bool reiserfs::resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationdetail, bool fill_partition )
+	resize( partition_new, operationdetail, fill_partition, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+	return success;
+void reiserfs::resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationdetail,
+		       bool fill_partition, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
 	Glib::ustring str_temp = "echo y | resize_reiserfs " + partition_new .get_path() ;
-	if ( ! fill_partition )
+	if ( !fill_partition )
-		str_temp += " -s " ;
+		str_temp += " -s ";
 		str_temp += Utils::num_to_str( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit(
-				partition_new .get_sector_length(), partition_new .sector_size, UNIT_BYTE ) ) -1 ) ;
+				partition_new.get_sector_length(), partition_new .sector_size, UNIT_BYTE ) ) - 1 );
+	execute_command( str_temp, operationdetail, sigc::mem_fun( *this, &reiserfs::resize2 ) );
-	exit_status = execute_command( str_temp, operationdetail ) ;
-	return ( exit_status == 0 || exit_status == 256 ) ;
+bool reiserfs::resize2( double progress )
+	if ( progress != 1.0 )
+		return false;
+	success = ( exit_status == 0 || exit_status == 256 );
+	return slot( 1.0 );
 bool reiserfs::move( const Partition & partition_new
@@ -166,6 +256,11 @@ bool reiserfs::move( const Partition & partition_new
 	return true ;
+void reiserfs::move( const Partition & partition_new, const Partition & partition_old,
+		     OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
 bool reiserfs::copy( const Glib::ustring & src_part_path,
 		     const Glib::ustring & dest_part_path,
 		     OperationDetail & operationdetail )
@@ -173,11 +268,32 @@ bool reiserfs::copy( const Glib::ustring & src_part_path,
 	return true ;
+void reiserfs::copy( const Glib::ustring & src_part_path, const Glib::ustring & dest_part_path,
+		     OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
 bool reiserfs::check_repair( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
-	exit_status = execute_command( "reiserfsck --yes --fix-fixable --quiet " + partition .get_path(), operationdetail ) ;
-	return ( exit_status == 0 || exit_status == 1 || exit_status == 256 ) ;
+	check_repair( partition, operationdetail, unlock_mutex );
+	mutex.lock();
+	return success;
+void reiserfs::check_repair( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail, sigc::slot<bool, double> slot )
+	this->slot = slot;
+	execute_command( "reiserfsck --yes --fix-fixable --quiet " + partition.get_path(),
+			 operationdetail,
+			 sigc::mem_fun( *this, &reiserfs::check_repair2 ) );
+bool reiserfs::check_repair2( double progress )
+	if ( progress != 1.0 )
+		return false;
+	success = ( exit_status == 0 || exit_status == 1 || exit_status == 256 );
+	return slot( 1.0 );
 } //GParted

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