[pitivi/ges: 189/287] ui: Merge previewer.py into preview.py

commit d3dcd42bddd5e5fc0c75d9a826d9135b1124e5a2
Author: Thibault Saunier <thibault saunier collabora com>
Date:   Tue Jan 10 19:15:54 2012 -0300

    ui: Merge previewer.py into preview.py
    This is not used anymore, but we keep it so we have the basis to reimplement it
    with GES

 pitivi/ui/Makefile.am  |    1 -
 pitivi/ui/preview.py   |  588 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 pitivi/ui/previewer.py |  591 ------------------------------------------------
 po/POTFILES.in         |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 583 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am b/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am
index 3b38cdc..e1eb0d0 100644
--- a/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am
+++ b/pitivi/ui/Makefile.am
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ ui_PYTHON =			\
 	mainwindow.py		\
 	prefs.py		\
 	preset.py		\
-	previewer.py		\
 	preview.py		\
 	basetabs.py		\
 	startupwizard.py 	\
diff --git a/pitivi/ui/preview.py b/pitivi/ui/preview.py
index 1822fe4..f28df28 100644
--- a/pitivi/ui/preview.py
+++ b/pitivi/ui/preview.py
@@ -19,17 +19,587 @@
 # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
 # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Custom canvas item for timeline object previews. This code is just a thin
-canvas-item wrapper which ensures that the preview is updated appropriately.
-The actual drawing is done by the pitivi.previewer.Previewer class.  """
+#FIXME GES port Reimplement me
-import goocanvas
+import gst
+import os
+import cairo
 import gobject
+import goocanvas
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from pitivi.settings import GlobalSettings
+from pitivi.configure import get_pixmap_dir
+from pitivi.thumbnailcache import ThumbnailCache
+import pitivi.ui.previewer as previewer
+import pitivi.utils as utils
 from pitivi.utils.receiver import receiver, handler
 from pitivi.utils.timeline import Zoomable
-import pitivi.ui.previewer as previewer
+from pitivi.utils.signal import Signallable
+from pitivi.utils.loggable import Loggable
+from pitivi.ui.prefs import PreferencesDialog
+    section="thumbnailing",
+    key="spacing-hint",
+    default=2,
+    notify=True)
+    section="thumbnailing",
+    key="thumbnail-period",
+    default=gst.SECOND,
+    notify=True)
+    section=_("Appearance"),
+    label=_("Thumbnail gap"),
+    lower=0,
+    description=_("The spacing between thumbnails, in pixels"))
+    section=_("Performance"),
+    label=_("Thumbnail every"),
+    choices=(
+        # Note that we cannot use "%s second" or ngettext, because fractions
+        # are not supported by ngettext and their plurality is ambiguous
+        # in many languages.
+        # See http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/manual/gettext/Plural-forms.html
+        (_("1/100 second"), gst.SECOND / 100),
+        (_("1/10 second"), gst.SECOND / 10),
+        (_("1/4 second"), gst.SECOND / 4),
+        (_("1/2 second"), gst.SECOND / 2),
+        (_("1 second"), gst.SECOND),
+        (_("5 seconds"), 5 * gst.SECOND),
+        (_("10 seconds"), 10 * gst.SECOND),
+        (_("minute"), 60 * gst.SECOND)),
+    description=_("The interval, in seconds, between thumbnails."))
+# this default works out to a maximum of ~ 1.78 MiB per factory, assuming:
+# 4:3 aspect ratio
+# 4 bytes per pixel
+# 50 pixel height
+    section="thumbnailing",
+    key="cache-size",
+    default=250)
+# the maximum number of thumbnails to enqueue at a given time. setting this to
+# a larger value will increase latency after large operations, such as zooming
+    section="thumbnailing",
+    key="max-requests",
+    default=10)
+    section='user-interface',
+    key='show-thumbnails',
+    default=True,
+    notify=True)
+    section=_("Performance"),
+    label=_("Enable video thumbnails"),
+    description=_("Show thumbnails on video clips"))
+    section='user-interface',
+    key='show-waveforms',
+    default=True,
+    notify=True)
+    section=_("Performance"),
+    label=_("Enable audio waveforms"),
+    description=_("Show waveforms on audio clips"))
+# Previewer                      -- abstract base class with public interface for UI
+# |_DefaultPreviewer             -- draws a default thumbnail for UI
+# |_LivePreviewer                -- draws a continuously updated preview
+# | |_LiveAudioPreviwer          -- a continously updating level meter
+# | |_LiveVideoPreviewer         -- a continously updating video monitor
+# |_RandomAccessPreviewer        -- asynchronous fetching and caching
+#   |_RandomAccessAudioPreviewer -- audio-specific pipeline and rendering code
+#   |_RandomAccessVideoPreviewer -- video-specific pipeline and rendering
+#     |_StillImagePreviewer      -- only uses one segment
+previewers = {}
+def get_preview_for_object(instance, trackobject):
+    factory = trackobject.factory
+    stream_ = trackobject.stream
+    stream_type = type(stream_)
+    key = factory, stream_
+    if not key in previewers:
+        # TODO: handle non-random access factories
+        # TODO: handle non-source factories
+        # note that we switch on the stream_type, but we hash on the stream
+        # itself.
+        if stream_type == stream.AudioStream:
+            previewers[key] = RandomAccessAudioPreviewer(instance, factory, stream_)
+        elif stream_type == stream.VideoStream:
+            if type(factory) == PictureFileSourceFactory:
+                previewers[key] = StillImagePreviewer(instance, factory, stream_)
+            else:
+                previewers[key] = RandomAccessVideoPreviewer(instance, factory, stream_)
+        else:
+            previewers[key] = DefaultPreviewer(instance, factory, stream_)
+    return previewers[key]
+class Previewer(Signallable, Loggable):
+    """
+    Utility for easy generation of previews
+    """
+    __signals__ = {
+        "update": ("segment",),
+    }
+    # TODO: parameterize height, instead of assuming self.theight pixels.
+    # NOTE: dymamically changing thumbnail height would involve flushing the
+    # thumbnail cache.
+    __DEFAULT_THUMB__ = "processing-clip.png"
+    aspect = 4.0 / 3.0
+    def __init__(self, instance, factory, stream_):
+        Loggable.__init__(self)
+        # create default thumbnail
+        path = os.path.join(get_pixmap_dir(), self.__DEFAULT_THUMB__)
+        self.default_thumb = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path)
+        self._connectSettings(instance.settings)
+    def render_cairo(self, cr, bounds, element, hscroll_pos, y1):
+        """Render a preview of element onto a cairo context within the current
+        bounds, which may or may not be the entire object and which may or may
+        not intersect the visible portion of the object"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _connectSettings(self, settings):
+        self._settings = settings
+class DefaultPreviewer(Previewer):
+    def render_cairo(self, cr, bounds, element, hscroll_pos, y1):
+        # TODO: draw a single thumbnail
+        pass
+class RandomAccessPreviewer(Previewer):
+    """ Handles loading, caching, and drawing preview data for segments of
+    random-access streams.  There is one Previewer per stream per
+    ObjectFactory.  Preview data is read from an instance of an
+    ObjectFactory's Object, and when requested, drawn into a given cairo
+    context. If the requested data is not cached, an appropriate filler will
+    be substituted, and an asyncrhonous request for the data will be issued.
+    When the data becomes available, the update signal is emitted, along with
+    the stream, and time segments. This allows the UI to re-draw the affected
+    portion of a thumbnail sequence or audio waveform."""
+    def __init__(self, instance, factory, stream_):
+        self._view = True
+        Previewer.__init__(self, instance, factory, stream_)
+        self._queue = []
+        # FIXME:
+        # why doesn't this work?
+        # bin = factory.makeBin(stream_)
+        uri = factory.uri
+        caps = stream_.caps
+        bin = SingleDecodeBin(uri=uri, caps=caps, stream=stream_)
+        # assume 50 pixel height
+        self.theight = 50
+        self.waiting_timestamp = None
+        self._pipelineInit(factory, bin)
+    def _pipelineInit(self, factory, bin):
+        """Create the pipeline for the preview process. Subclasses should
+        override this method and create a pipeline, connecting to callbacks to
+        the appropriate signals, and prerolling the pipeline if necessary."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+## public interface
+    def render_cairo(self, cr, bounds, element, hscroll_pos, y1):
+        if not self._view:
+            return
+        # The idea is to conceptually divide the clip into a sequence of
+        # rectangles beginning at the start of the file, and
+        # pixelsToNs(twidth) nanoseconds long. The thumbnail within the
+        # rectangle is the frame produced from the timestamp corresponding to
+        # rectangle's left edge. We speed things up by only drawing the
+        # rectangles which intersect the given bounds.  FIXME: how would we
+        # handle timestretch?
+        height = bounds.y2 - bounds.y1
+        width = bounds.x2 - bounds.x1
+        # we actually draw the rectangles just to the left of the clip's in
+        # point and just to the right of the clip's out-point, so we need to
+        # mask off the actual bounds.
+        cr.rectangle(bounds.x1, bounds.y1, width, height)
+        cr.clip()
+        # tdur = duration in ns of thumbnail
+        # sof  = start of file in pixel coordinates
+        x1 = bounds.x1
+        sof = Zoomable.nsToPixel(element.start - element.in_point) +\
+            hscroll_pos
+        # i = left edge of thumbnail to be drawn. We start with x1 and
+        # subtract the distance to the nearest leftward rectangle.
+        # Justification of the following:
+        #                i = sof + k * twidth
+        #                i = x1 - delta
+        # sof + k * twidth = x1 - delta
+        #           i * tw = (x1 - sof) - delta
+        #    <=>     delta = x1 - sof (mod twidth).
+        # Fortunately for us, % works on floats in python.
+        i = x1 - ((x1 - sof) % (self.twidth + self._spacing()))
+        # j = timestamp *within the element* of thumbnail to be drawn. we want
+        # timestamps to be numerically stable, but in practice this seems to
+        # give good enough results. It might be possible to improve this
+        # further, which would result in fewer thumbnails needing to be
+        # generated.
+        j = Zoomable.pixelToNs(i - sof)
+        istep = self.twidth + self._spacing()
+        jstep = self.tdur + Zoomable.pixelToNs(self.spacing)
+        while i < bounds.x2:
+            self._thumbForTime(cr, j, i, y1)
+            cr.rectangle(i - 1, y1, self.twidth + 2, self.theight)
+            i += istep
+            j += jstep
+            cr.fill()
+    def _spacing(self):
+        return self.spacing
+    def _segmentForTime(self, time):
+        """Return the segment for the specified time stamp. For some stream
+        types, the segment duration will depend on the current zoom ratio,
+        while others may only care about the timestamp. The value returned
+        here will be used as the key which identifies the thumbnail in the
+        thumbnail cache"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _thumbForTime(self, cr, time, x, y):
+        segment = self._segment_for_time(time)
+        if segment in self._cache:
+            surface = self._cache[segment]
+        else:
+            self._requestThumbnail(segment)
+            surface = self.default_thumb
+        cr.set_source_surface(surface, x, y)
+    def _finishThumbnail(self, surface, segment):
+        """Notifies the preview object that the a new thumbnail is ready to be
+        cached. This should be called by subclasses when they have finished
+        processing the thumbnail for the current segment. This function should
+        always be called from the main thread of the application."""
+        waiting = self.waiting_timestamp
+        self.waiting_timestamp = None
+        if segment != waiting:
+            segment = waiting
+        self._cache[segment] = surface
+        self.emit("update", segment)
+        if segment in self._queue:
+            self._queue.remove(segment)
+        self._nextThumbnail()
+        return False
+    def _nextThumbnail(self):
+        """Notifies the preview object that the pipeline is ready to process
+        the next thumbnail in the queue. This should always be called from the
+        main application thread."""
+        if self._queue:
+            if not self._startThumbnail(self._queue[0]):
+                self._queue.pop(0)
+                self._nextThumbnail()
+        return False
+    def _requestThumbnail(self, segment):
+        """Queue a thumbnail request for the given segment"""
+        if (segment not in self._queue) and (len(self._queue) <=
+            self.max_requests):
+            if self._queue:
+                self._queue.append(segment)
+            else:
+                self._queue.append(segment)
+                self._nextThumbnail()
+    def _startThumbnail(self, segment):
+        """Start processing segment. Subclasses should override
+        this method to perform whatever action on the pipeline is necessary.
+        Typically this will be a flushing seek(). When the
+        current segment has finished processing, subclasses should call
+        _nextThumbnail() with the resulting cairo surface. Since seeking and
+        playback are asyncrhonous, you may have to call _nextThumbnail() in a
+        message handler or other callback."""
+        self.waiting_timestamp = segment
+    def _connectSettings(self, settings):
+        Previewer._connectSettings(self, settings)
+        self.spacing = settings.thumbnailSpacingHint
+        self._cache = ThumbnailCache(size=settings.thumbnailCacheSize)
+        self.max_requests = settings.thumbnailMaxRequests
+        settings.connect("thumbnailSpacingHintChanged",
+            self._thumbnailSpacingHintChanged)
+    def _thumbnailSpacingHintChanged(self, settings):
+        self.spacing = settings.thumbnailSpacingHint
+        self.emit("update", None)
+class RandomAccessVideoPreviewer(RandomAccessPreviewer):
+    @property
+    def twidth(self):
+        return int(self.aspect * self.theight)
+    @property
+    def tdur(self):
+        return Zoomable.pixelToNs(self.twidth)
+    def __init__(self, instance, factory, stream_):
+        if stream_.dar and stream_.par:
+            self.aspect = float(stream_.dar)
+        rate = stream_.framerate
+        RandomAccessPreviewer.__init__(self, instance, factory, stream_)
+        self.tstep = Zoomable.pixelToNsAt(self.twidth, Zoomable.max_zoom)
+        if rate.num:
+            frame_duration = (gst.SECOND * rate.denom) / rate.num
+            self.tstep = max(frame_duration, self.tstep)
+    def _pipelineInit(self, factory, sbin):
+        csp = gst.element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace")
+        sink = CairoSurfaceThumbnailSink()
+        scale = gst.element_factory_make("videoscale")
+        scale.props.method = 0
+        caps = ("video/x-raw-rgb,height=(int) %d,width=(int) %d" %
+            (self.theight, self.twidth + 2))
+        filter_ = utils.filter_(caps)
+        self.videopipeline = utils.pipeline({
+            sbin: csp,
+            csp: scale,
+            scale: filter_,
+            filter_: sink,
+            sink: None
+        })
+        sink.connect('thumbnail', self._thumbnailCb)
+        self.videopipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+    def _segment_for_time(self, time):
+        # quantize thumbnail timestamps to maximum granularity
+        return utils.quantize(time, self.tperiod)
+    def _thumbnailCb(self, unused_thsink, pixbuf, timestamp):
+        gobject.idle_add(self._finishThumbnail, pixbuf, timestamp)
+    def _startThumbnail(self, timestamp):
+        RandomAccessPreviewer._startThumbnail(self, timestamp)
+        return self.videopipeline.seek(1.0,
+            gst.SEEK_TYPE_SET, timestamp,
+            gst.SEEK_TYPE_NONE, -1)
+    def _connectSettings(self, settings):
+        RandomAccessPreviewer._connectSettings(self, settings)
+        settings.connect("showThumbnailsChanged", self._showThumbsChanged)
+        settings.connect("thumbnailPeriodChanged",
+            self._thumbnailPeriodChanged)
+        self._view = settings.showThumbnails
+        self.tperiod = settings.thumbnailPeriod
+    def _showThumbsChanged(self, settings):
+        self._view = settings.showThumbnails
+        self.emit("update", None)
+    def _thumbnailPeriodChanged(self, settings):
+        self.tperiod = settings.thumbnailPeriod
+        self.emit("update", None)
+class StillImagePreviewer(RandomAccessVideoPreviewer):
+    def _thumbForTime(self, cr, time, x, y):
+        return RandomAccessVideoPreviewer._thumbForTime(self, cr, 0L, x, y)
+class RandomAccessAudioPreviewer(RandomAccessPreviewer):
+    def __init__(self, instance, factory, stream_):
+        self.tdur = 30 * gst.SECOND
+        self.base_width = int(Zoomable.max_zoom)
+        RandomAccessPreviewer.__init__(self, instance, factory, stream_)
+    @property
+    def twidth(self):
+        return Zoomable.nsToPixel(self.tdur)
+    def _pipelineInit(self, factory, sbin):
+        self.spacing = 0
+        self.audioSink = ArraySink()
+        conv = gst.element_factory_make("audioconvert")
+        self.audioPipeline = utils.pipeline({
+            sbin: conv,
+            conv: self.audioSink,
+            self.audioSink: None})
+        bus = self.audioPipeline.get_bus()
+        bus.add_signal_watch()
+        bus.connect("message::segment-done", self._busMessageSegmentDoneCb)
+        bus.connect("message::error", self._busMessageErrorCb)
+        self._audio_cur = None
+        self.audioPipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+    def _spacing(self):
+        return 0
+    def _segment_for_time(self, time):
+        # for audio files, we need to know the duration the segment spans
+        return time - (time % self.tdur), self.tdur
+    def _busMessageSegmentDoneCb(self, bus, message):
+        self.debug("segment done")
+        self._finishWaveform()
+    def _busMessageErrorCb(self, bus, message):
+        error, debug = message.parse_error()
+        self.error("Event bus error: %s: %s", str(error), str(debug))
+        return gst.BUS_PASS
+    def _startThumbnail(self, (timestamp, duration)):
+        RandomAccessPreviewer._startThumbnail(self, (timestamp, duration))
+        self._audio_cur = timestamp, duration
+        res = self.audioPipeline.seek(1.0,
+            gst.FORMAT_TIME,
+            gst.SEEK_TYPE_SET, timestamp,
+            gst.SEEK_TYPE_SET, timestamp + duration)
+        if not res:
+            self.warning("seek failed %s", timestamp)
+        self.audioPipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
+        return res
+    def _finishWaveform(self):
+        surfaces = []
+        surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_A8,
+            self.base_width, self.theight)
+        cr = cairo.Context(surface)
+        self._plotWaveform(cr, self.base_width)
+        self.audioSink.reset()
+        for width in [25, 100, 200]:
+            scaled = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_A8,
+               width, self.theight)
+            cr = cairo.Context(scaled)
+            matrix = cairo.Matrix()
+            matrix.scale(self.base_width / width, 1.0)
+            cr.set_source_surface(surface)
+            cr.get_source().set_matrix(matrix)
+            cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, self.theight)
+            cr.fill()
+            surfaces.append(scaled)
+        surfaces.append(surface)
+        gobject.idle_add(self._finishThumbnail, surfaces, self._audio_cur)
+    def _plotWaveform(self, cr, base_width):
+        # clear background
+        cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.0)
+        cr.rectangle(0, 0, base_width, self.theight)
+        cr.fill()
+        samples = self.audioSink.samples
+        if not samples:
+            return
+        # find the samples-per-pixel ratio
+        spp = len(samples) / base_width
+        if spp == 0:
+            spp = 1
+        channels = self.audioSink.channels
+        stride = spp * channels
+        hscale = self.theight / (2 * channels)
+        # plot points from min to max over a given hunk
+        chan = 0
+        y = hscale
+        while chan < channels:
+            i = chan
+            x = 0
+            while i < len(samples):
+                slice = samples[i:i + stride:channels]
+                min_ = min(slice)
+                max_ = max(slice)
+                cr.move_to(x, y - (min_ * hscale))
+                cr.line_to(x, y - (max_ * hscale))
+                i += spp
+                x += 1
+            y += 2 * hscale
+            chan += 1
+        # Draw!
+        cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)
+        cr.stroke()
+    def _thumbForTime(self, cr, time, x, y):
+        segment = self._segment_for_time(time)
+        twidth = self.twidth
+        if segment in self._cache:
+            surfaces = self._cache[segment]
+            if twidth > 200:
+                surface = surfaces[3]
+                base_width = self.base_width
+            elif twidth <= 200:
+                surface = surfaces[2]
+                base_width = 200
+            elif twidth <= 100:
+                surface = surfaces[1]
+                base_width = 100
+            elif twidth <= 25:
+                surface = surfaces[0]
+                base_width = 25
+            x_scale = float(base_width) / self.twidth
+            cr.set_source_surface(surface)
+            matrix = cairo.Matrix()
+            matrix.scale(x_scale, 1.0)
+            matrix.translate(-x, -y)
+            cr.get_source().set_matrix(matrix)
+        else:
+            self._requestThumbnail(segment)
+            cr.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+    def _connectSettings(self, settings):
+        RandomAccessPreviewer._connectSettings(self, settings)
+        self._view = settings.showWaveforms
+        settings.connect("showWaveformsChanged", self._showWaveformsChanged)
+    def _showWaveformsChanged(self, settings):
+        self._view = settings.showWaveforms
+        self.emit("update", None)
 def between(a, b, c):
@@ -43,6 +613,12 @@ def intersect(b1, b2):
 class Preview(goocanvas.ItemSimple, goocanvas.Item, Zoomable):
+    """
+    Custom canvas item for timeline object previews. This code is just a thin
+    canvas-item wrapper which ensures that the preview is updated appropriately.
+    The actual drawing is done by the pitivi.previewer.Previewer class.
+    """
     __gtype_name__ = 'Preview'
     def __init__(self, instance, element, height=46, **kwargs):
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 209a18d..395d17e 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pitivi/ui/filechooserpreview.py

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