[gnome-devel-docs] Created tag 3.5.4

The unsigned tag '3.5.4' was created.

Tagger: Tiffany Antopolski <tiffany antopolski gmail com>
Date: Tue Jul 31 16:53:19 2012 +0200

    gnome-devel-docs 3.5.4

Changes since the last tag '3.5.3':

Daniel Mustieles (2):
      Fixed typo in strings
      Updated Spanish translation

Marta Maria Casetti (2):
      tutorials python: treeview widgets, samples and pages
      tutorials python: corrected advanced liststore page

Monica Kochofar (4):
      tutorial C: minor changes to statusbar.c file
      tutorials C: Window page adjustment
      tutorials C: Scale sample/page/image
      Tutorials C: Scale Makefile mod

Ryan Lortie (3):
      rename configure.in to configure.ac
      dist .xz instead of .gz

Taryn Fox (1):
      tutorials <javascript>: Added TextView code sample, screenshot, and Mallard page

Tiffany Antopolski (11):
      update id of aboutdialog.vala.page, add seealso's and rename file.
      tutorials Vala: Complete MenuBar example
      Added Vala menubar example files to Makefile.am
      Add JS textview example files to Makefile.am
      Vala tutorials: FileChooserDialog example
      Add FileChooserDialog to Makefile.am
      Small edit to prose in menubar.vala.page
      Vala TextView example changed to place Window things in the Window class.
      Spacing adjustments
      guitar-tuner.js.page: remove accidently added text.
      updated NEWS file for 3.5.4 release

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