[vino] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit f975ce9cf0eb7efd781a7dd36432b8a93eaa4d49
Author: Mitsuya Shibata <mty shibata gmail com>
Date:   Sun Jul 15 16:29:35 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation

 po/ja.po |  302 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 8f56f19..e448c3e 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: vino master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"product=vino&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=Preferences Dialog\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-16 19:14+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-21 19:21+0900\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=vino&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=Preferences Dialog\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-10 20:51+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-15 13:05+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mitsuya Shibata <mty shibata gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ msgstr " ããã "
 #: ../capplet/vino-preferences.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "Others can access your computer using the address %s."
-msgstr ""
-"äãäéããã %s ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "äãäéããã %s ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../capplet/vino-preferences.c:324
 msgid "Nobody can access your desktop."
@@ -66,205 +65,146 @@ msgstr "ãããããããåæ"
 msgid "Choose how other users can remotely view your desktop"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããèçããææãéæãããèåããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:1
 msgid "Enable remote access to the desktop"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããæåããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"If true, allows remote access to the desktop via the RFB protocol. Users on "
-"remote machines may then connect to the desktop using a VNC viewer."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããRFB ããããããäãããããããããããããããããããèåã"
-"ããããããããããããããããã VNC ããããããäãããããããããæçã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:2
+msgid "If true, allows remote access to the desktop via the RFB protocol. Users on remote machines may then connect to the desktop using a VNC viewer."
+msgstr "TRUE ãããããRFB ããããããäãããããããããããããããããããèåãããããããããããããããããã VNC ããããããäãããããããããæçããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:3
 msgid "Prompt the user before completing a connection"
 msgstr "æçããåããããããååãæãããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"If true, remote users accessing the desktop are not allowed access until the "
-"user on the host machine approves the connection. Recommended especially "
-"when access is not password protected."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããããããããããããããããããææãããããããæèãããã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:4
+msgid "If true, remote users accessing the desktop are not allowed access until the user on the host machine approves the connection. Recommended especially when access is not password protected."
+msgstr "TRUE ãããããããããããããããããããããææãããããããæèããããããããããããããæçãããããããããããçããããããããããããäèããããããååãæåãããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:5
 msgid "Only allow remote users to view the desktop"
 msgstr "ãããããããèçããèåãããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"If true, remote users accessing the desktop are only allowed to view the "
-"desktop. Remote users will not be able to use the mouse or keyboard."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ããããããããããããããããããããããåçãããããããããããã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:6
+msgid "If true, remote users accessing the desktop are only allowed to view the desktop. Remote users will not be able to use the mouse or keyboard."
+msgstr "TRUE ããããããããããããããããããããããåçãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããåçããããããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:7
 msgid "Network interface for listening"
 msgstr "çèããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:8
 msgid ""
-"If not set, the server will listen on all network interfaces. Set this if "
-"you want that accept connections only from some specific network interface. "
-"eg: eth0, wifi0, lo, ..."
+"If not set, the server will listen on all network interfaces.\n"
+"Set this if you want that accept connections only from some specific network interface. eg: eth0, wifi0, lo, ..."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã (ä: eth0ãwifi0ãlo ç)ã"
+"ããçåããããããããããããããããããããæçãèåããããããååããããããããããããããããããããããæåãããããã (ä: eth0ãwifi0ãlo ç)ã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:11
 msgid "Listen on an alternative port"
 msgstr "åãããããçèãããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"If true, the server will listen to another port, instead of the default "
-"(5900). The port must be specified in the 'alternative-port' key."
-msgstr ""
-"true ããããããããããããããããããã (5900ç) ãããããåãããããç"
-"èãããããããããã 'alternative-port' ãããæåããããããã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:12
+msgid "If true, the server will listen to another port, instead of the default (5900). The port must be specified in the 'alternative-port' key."
+msgstr "true ããããããããããããããããããã (5900ç) ãããããåãããããçèãããããããããã 'alternative-port' ãããæåããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:13
 msgid "Alternative port number"
 msgstr "åããããçå"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:12
-msgid ""
-"The port which the server will listen to if the 'use-alternative-port' key "
-"is set to true. Valid values are in the range from 5000 to 50000."
-msgstr ""
-"'use-alternative-port' ããã TRUE ãååãããããããçèãããããçå "
-"(5000ã50000) ããã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:14
+msgid "The port which the server will listen to if the 'use-alternative-port' key is set to true. Valid values are in the range from 5000 to 50000."
+msgstr "'use-alternative-port' ããã TRUE ãååãããããããçèãããããçå (5000ã50000) ããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:15
 msgid "Require encryption"
 msgstr "æååãããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:14
-msgid ""
-"If true, remote users accessing the desktop are required to support "
-"encryption. It is highly recommended that you use a client which supports "
-"encryption unless the intervening network is trusted."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããæååãã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:16
+msgid "If true, remote users accessing the desktop are required to support encryption. It is highly recommended that you use a client which supports encryption unless the intervening network is trusted."
+msgstr "TRUE ããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããæååããããããããããåèããããããããããããããããåããããããããããäéããããããããéããæååããããããããããããããããäçãåãæåãããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:17
 msgid "Allowed authentication methods"
 msgstr "èåãããèèææ"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:16
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:18
 msgid ""
-"Lists the authentication methods with which remote users may access the "
-"desktop. There are two possible authentication methods; \"vnc\" causes the "
-"remote user to be prompted for a password (the password is specified by the "
-"vnc-password key) before connecting and \"none\" which allows any remote "
-"user to connect."
+"Lists the authentication methods with which remote users may access the desktop.\n"
+"There are two possible authentication methods; \"vnc\" causes the remote user to be prompted for a password (the password is specified by the vnc-password key) before connecting and \"none\" which allows any remote user to connect."
 msgstr ""
-"åèãå: \"vnc\" (æçããåã vnc-password ãããæåããããããããååã"
-"ããããããããããèæãã)ã\"none\" (èããèèãããæçããã)"
+"æååèãå: \"vnc\" (æçããåã vnc-password ãããæåããããããããååãããããããããããèæãã)ã\"none\" (èããèèãããæçããã)"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:21
 msgid "Password required for \"vnc\" authentication"
 msgstr "\"vnc\" ãèèããããäçããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:18
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:22
 msgid ""
-"The password which the remote user will be prompted for if the \"vnc\" "
-"authentication method is used. The password specified by the key is base64 "
-"encoded. The special value of 'keyring' (which is not valid base64) means "
-"that the password is stored in the GNOME keyring."
+"The password which the remote user will be prompted for if the \"vnc\" authentication method is used. The password specified by the key is base64 encoded.\n"
+"The special value of 'keyring' (which is not valid base64) means that the password is stored in the GNOME keyring."
 msgstr ""
-"\"vnc\" ãèèããããããããããããããèæããããããããæåããããã"
-"ãååã base64 ãããããããããã(æãã base64 ãããã) 'keyring' ããã"
-"çåãåããGNOME ããããããäåãããããããããããæåãããã"
+"\"vnc\" ãèèããããããããããããããèæããããããããæåããããããååã base64 ãããããããããã\n"
+"(æãã base64 ãããã) 'keyring' ãããçåãåããGNOME ããããããäåãããããããããããæåãããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:19
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:25
 msgid "E-mail address to which the remote desktop URL should be sent"
 msgstr "ããããããããããã URL ãéäåããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:20
-msgid ""
-"This key specifies the e-mail address to which the remote desktop URL should "
-"be sent if the user clicks on the URL in the Desktop Sharing preferences "
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããåæãèåããããããèçããããã URL ããããããããããã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:26
+msgid "This key specifies the e-mail address to which the remote desktop URL should be sent if the user clicks on the URL in the Desktop Sharing preferences dialog."
+msgstr "ããããããåæãèåããããããèçããããã URL ãããããããããããããããéäããååãæåãããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:21
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:27
 msgid "Lock the screen when last user disconnect"
 msgstr "æçãåãããçéãããããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:22
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:28
 msgid "If true, screen will be locked after the last remote client disconnect."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããæåãããããããããããããããæçãåããæãçéãããã"
+msgstr "TRUE ãããããæåãããããããããããããããæçãåããæãçéãããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:23
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:29
 msgid "When the status icon should be shown"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããèçææ"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:24
-msgid ""
-"This key controls the behavior of the status icon. There are three options: "
-"\"always\" - The icon will be always there; \"client\" - You will see the "
-"icon only when there is someone connected, this is the default behavior; "
-"\"never\" - Never shows the icon."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããèããããããèçãååããããæååèãå: \"always\" (åãã"
-"ããããèçãã)ã\"client\" (èãããããããããæçããããããããèçã"
-"ã; ãããããããããèå)ã\"never\" (ãããããèçããã)"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:30
+msgid "This key controls the behavior of the status icon. There are three options: \"always\" - The icon will be always there; \"client\" - You will see the icon only when there is someone connected, this is the default behavior; \"never\" - Never shows the icon."
+msgstr "ããããããèããããããèçãååããããæååèãå: \"always\" (åããããããèçãã)ã\"client\" (èãããããããããæçããããããããèçãã; ãããããããããèå)ã\"never\" (ãããããèçããã)"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:25
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:31
 msgid "When true, disable the background on receive valid session"
 msgstr "ååãããããããåãããèæãçåããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:26
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:32
 msgid "Whether we should use UPNP to forward the port in routers"
 msgstr "UPnP ãäããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:27
-msgid ""
-"If true, we will use UPNP protocol to automatically forward the port used by "
-"vino in the router."
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããUPnP ãããããããåçãã vino ãäçãããããããåããã"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:33
+msgid "If true, we will use UPNP protocol to automatically forward the port used by vino in the router."
+msgstr "TRUE ãããããUPnP ãããããããåçãã vino ãäçãããããããåãããããèåçãããããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:28
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:34
 msgid "Whether we should disable the XDamage extension of X.org"
 msgstr "X.org ã XDamage æåæèãçåããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:29
-msgid ""
-"If true, we will not use the XDamage extension of X.org. This extension does "
-"not work properly on some video drivers when using 3D effects. Disabling it "
-"will make vino work on these environments with a slower rendering as side "
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããX.org ã XDamage æåæèãäçããããããããããããããã"
-"ãããäãã 3D æèãäçäããããæåæèãæããåäããããããããã"
-"ããããã FALSE ãããããããåäçãããæçãéãããããããããæåæè"
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:35
+msgid "If true, we will not use the XDamage extension of X.org. This extension does not work properly on some video drivers when using 3D effects. Disabling it will make vino work on these environments with a slower rendering as side effect."
+msgstr "TRUE ãããããX.org ã XDamage æåæèãäçããããããããããããããããããäãã 3D æèãäçäããããæåæèãæããåäãããããããããããããã FALSE ãããããããåäçãããæçãéãããããããããæåæèãåäãããããããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:30
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:36
 msgid "Notify on connect"
 msgstr "æçæãéçãããããã"
-#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.in.h:31
+#: ../common/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml.h:37
 msgid "If true, we will notify, when the user connects to the system."
 msgstr "TRUE ãããããããããããããããæçããæãéçãèãããã"
@@ -294,8 +234,7 @@ msgstr "äãããããããããããããæäããã(_A)"
 #: ../capplet/vino-preferences.ui.h:7
 msgid "Remote users are able to control your mouse and keyboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããååãããããããããã"
 #: ../capplet/vino-preferences.ui.h:8
 msgid "Security"
@@ -401,26 +340,23 @@ msgstr "ãããããççãããããã:"
 msgid "Show session management options"
 msgstr "ãããããççãããããããèçãã"
-#: ../server/vino-main.c:108
-msgid ""
-"Your XServer does not support the XTest extension - remote desktop access "
-"will be view-only\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ãããã XServer ã XTest æåããããããããããã - ããããããããããã"
+#: ../server/vino-main.c:202
+msgid "Your XServer does not support the XTest extension - remote desktop access will be view-only\n"
+msgstr "ãããã XServer ã XTest æåããããããããããã - ãããããããããããããããèãããããããã\n"
-#: ../server/vino-main.c:200
+#: ../server/vino-main.c:298
+msgid "Start in tube mode, for the âShare my Desktopâ feature"
+msgstr "ãããããããåæãæèããããããããããããèåããã"
+#: ../server/vino-main.c:304
 msgid "- VNC Server for GNOME"
 msgstr "- GNOME åãã VNC ãããã"
-#: ../server/vino-main.c:206
-msgid ""
-"Run 'vino-server --help' to see a full list of available command line options"
-msgstr ""
-"'vino-server --help' ãåèãããåçåèãããããããããããããããäèã"
+#: ../server/vino-main.c:312
+msgid "Run 'vino-server --help' to see a full list of available command line options"
+msgstr "'vino-server --help' ãåèãããåçåèãããããããããããããããäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../server/vino-main.c:226
+#: ../server/vino-main.c:333
 msgid "GNOME Desktop Sharing"
 msgstr "GNOME ããããããåæ"
@@ -458,12 +394,8 @@ msgstr "ããããããèçããããããã"
 #: ../server/vino-prompt.c:345
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A user on the computer '%s' is trying to remotely view or control your "
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%s' ãããããããããããããããããããããããèã/ããã"
+msgid "A user on the computer '%s' is trying to remotely view or control your desktop."
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãããããããããããããããããããããããèã/ããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../server/vino-prompt.ui.h:1
 msgid "Question"
@@ -474,12 +406,8 @@ msgid "Another user is trying to view your desktop."
 msgstr "åãããããããäãããããããããåçãããããããã"
 #: ../server/vino-prompt.ui.h:3
-msgid ""
-"A user on another computer is trying to remotely view or control your "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A user on another computer is trying to remotely view or control your desktop."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããããããããããããããããåçããããããååãããããããããã"
 #: ../server/vino-prompt.ui.h:4
 msgid "Do you want to allow them to do so?"
@@ -493,7 +421,7 @@ msgstr "æåãã(_R)"
 msgid "_Allow"
 msgstr "èåãã(_A)"
-#: ../server/vino-server.c:158 ../server/vino-server.c:181
+#: ../server/vino-server.c:162 ../server/vino-server.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to open connection to bus: %s\n"
 msgstr "ããããæçãéããããããã: %s\n"
@@ -627,9 +555,7 @@ msgstr "äãããããããããããããåçããããã"
 #: ../server/vino-status-icon.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "A user on the computer '%s' is remotely viewing your desktop."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%s' ãããããããããããããããããããããããåçããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãããããããããããããããããããããããåçãããããããããã"
 #. Translators: %s is a hostname
 #: ../server/vino-status-icon.c:634
@@ -639,11 +565,9 @@ msgstr "äãããããããããããããæäããããã"
 #: ../server/vino-status-icon.c:636
 #, c-format
 msgid "A user on the computer '%s' is remotely controlling your desktop."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%s' ãããããããããããããããããããããããæäããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãããããããããããããããããããããããæäãããããããããã"
-#: ../server/vino-status-icon.c:664 ../server/vino-status-tube-icon.c:435
+#: ../server/vino-status-icon.c:664 ../server/vino-status-tube-icon.c:437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error while displaying notification bubble: %s\n"
 msgstr "éçããããããèçããéãããã: %s\n"
@@ -653,30 +577,30 @@ msgstr "éçããããããèçããéãããã: %s\n"
 msgid "The remote user '%s' will be disconnected. Are you sure?"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã '%s' ãåããæçãéãããããããããããã?"
-#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:269 ../server/vino-tube-server.c:298
+#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:220 ../server/vino-tube-server.c:249
 msgid "Share my desktop information"
 msgstr "ããããããåæãæå"
 #. Translators: '%s' is the name of a contact, buddy coming from Empathy
-#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:273
+#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' rejected the desktop sharing invitation."
 msgstr "'%s' ããããããããåæãåããæåãæåãããã"
 #. Translators: '%s' is the name of a contact, buddy coming from Empathy
-#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:277
+#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' disconnected"
 msgstr "'%s' ããæçãéãããã"
 #. Translators: '%s' is the name of a contact, buddy coming from Empathy
-#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:304
+#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is remotely controlling your desktop."
 msgstr "ãããããããããã '%s' ããããããããããããæçäãã"
 #. Translators: '%s' is the name of a contact, buddy coming from Empathy
-#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:313
+#: ../server/vino-tube-server.c:264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Waiting for '%s' to connect to the screen."
 msgstr "'%s' ãããããããæçããããåæããã"
@@ -692,15 +616,9 @@ msgstr "ããããããããã"
 #: ../tools/vino-passwd.c:122
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"ERROR: Maximum length of password is %d character. Please, re-enter the "
-msgid_plural ""
-"ERROR: Maximum length of password is %d characters. Please, re-enter the "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"ããã: ããããããããååããããã %d æåãããã (ããäåååãããã"
+msgid "ERROR: Maximum length of password is %d character. Please, re-enter the password."
+msgid_plural "ERROR: Maximum length of password is %d characters. Please, re-enter the password."
+msgstr[0] "ããã: ããããããããååããããã %d æåãããã (ããäåååãããããã)"
 #: ../tools/vino-passwd.c:156
 #, c-format
@@ -739,11 +657,8 @@ msgid "- Updates Vino password"
 msgstr "- Vino ãããããããææãã"
 #: ../tools/vino-passwd.c:208
-msgid ""
-"Run 'vino-passwd --help' to see a full list of available command line options"
-msgstr ""
-"'vino-passwd --help' ãåèãããåçåèãããããããããããããããäèã"
+msgid "Run 'vino-passwd --help' to see a full list of available command line options"
+msgstr "'vino-passwd --help' ãåèãããåçåèãããããããããããããããäèãèçãããã"
 #: ../tools/vino-passwd.c:215
 #, c-format
@@ -753,5 +668,4 @@ msgstr "VINO ããããããã %s\n"
 #: ../tools/vino-passwd.c:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: You do not have enough permissions to change Vino password.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ããã: ããããã Vino ãããããããåæãããããåèãæéãããããã\n"
+msgstr "ããã: ããããã Vino ãããããããåæãããããåèãæéãããããã\n"

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