[gxml] * move Serialization into its own file
- From: Richard Hans Schwarting <rschwart src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gxml] * move Serialization into its own file
- Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 20:37:28 +0000 (UTC)
commit 389109a6a6d59e8fa078967ab678ea87c64c281e
Author: Richard Schwarting <aquarichy gmail com>
Date: Wed Jul 11 14:45:16 2012 -0400
* move Serialization into its own file
gxml/Serialization.vala | 363 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
gxml/XmlSerializable.vala | 363 +--------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 365 insertions(+), 361 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gxml/Serialization.vala b/gxml/Serialization.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..605edc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gxml/Serialization.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+using GXmlDom;
+[CCode (gir_namespace = "GXmlDom", gir_version = "0.2")]
+namespace GXmlDom {
+ public errordomain SerializationError {
+ }
+ public class Serialization : GLib.Object {
+ private static void print_debug (GXmlDom.Document doc, GLib.Object object) {
+ stdout.printf ("Object XML\n---\n%s\n", doc.to_string ());
+ stdout.printf ("object\n---\n");
+ stdout.printf ("get_type (): %s\n", object.get_type ().name ());
+ stdout.printf ("get_class ().get_type (): %s\n", object.get_class ().get_type ().name ());
+ ParamSpec[] properties;
+ properties = object.get_class ().list_properties ();
+ stdout.printf ("object has %d properties\n", properties.length);
+ foreach (ParamSpec prop_spec in properties) {
+ stdout.printf ("---\n");
+ stdout.printf ("name: %s\n", prop_spec.name);
+ stdout.printf ("value_type: %s\n", prop_spec.value_type.name ());
+ stdout.printf ("owner_type: %s\n", prop_spec.owner_type.name ());
+ stdout.printf ("get_name (): %s\n", prop_spec.get_name ());
+ stdout.printf ("get_blurb (): %s\n", prop_spec.get_blurb ());
+ stdout.printf ("get_nick (): %s\n", prop_spec.get_nick ());
+ }
+ }
+ private static GXmlDom.XNode serialize_property (GLib.Object object, ParamSpec prop_spec, GXmlDom.Document doc) throws SerializationError, DomError {
+ Type type;
+ Value value;
+ XNode value_node;
+ type = prop_spec.value_type;
+ if (prop_spec.value_type.is_enum ()) {
+ /* We're going to handle this simply by saving it
+ as an int. If we save a string representation,
+ we can't easily convert it back to the number
+ in a generic fashion unless we can use GEnumClass,
+ but I can't figure out how to get that right now,
+ except from a GParamSpecEnum, but I don't know
+ how to get that, at least in Vala (e.g. is it
+ supposed to be as simple in C as casting the
+ GParamSpec for an enum to GParamSpecEnum (assuming
+ it truly is the latter, but is returned as the
+ former by list_properties) */
+ value = Value (typeof (int));
+ object.get_property (prop_spec.name, ref value);
+ value_node = doc.create_text_node ("%d".printf (value.get_int ()));
+ /* TODO: in the future, perhaps figure out GEnumClass
+ and save it as the human readable enum value :D */
+ } else if (Value.type_transformable (prop_spec.value_type, typeof (string))) { // e.g. int, double, string, bool
+ value = Value (typeof (string));
+ object.get_property (prop_spec.name, ref value);
+ //GLib.warning ("value: %d", value);
+ value_node = doc.create_text_node (value.get_string ());
+ } else if (type == typeof (GLib.Type)) {
+ value_node = doc.create_text_node (type.name ());
+ // } else if (type == typeof (GLib.HashTable)) {
+ // } else if (type == typeof (Gee.List)) { // TODO: can we do a catch all for Gee.Collection and have <Collection /> ?
+ // } else if (type.is_a (typeof (Gee.Collection))) {
+ } else if (type.is_a (typeof (GLib.Object))) {
+ // TODO: this is going to get complicated
+ value = Value (typeof (GLib.Object));
+ object.get_property (prop_spec.name, ref value);
+ GLib.Object child_object = value.get_object ();
+ value_node = Serialization.serialize_object (child_object); // catch serialisation errors?
+ // TODO: caller will append_child; can we cross documents like this? Probably not :D want to be able to steal?, attributes seem to get lost
+ } else {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("Can't currently serialize type '%s' for property '%s' of object '%s'", type.name (), prop_spec.name, object.get_type ().name ());
+ }
+ return value_node;
+ }
+ /* TODO: so it seems we can get property information from GObjectClass
+ but that's about it. Need to definitely use introspection for anything
+ tastier */
+ public static GXmlDom.XNode serialize_object (GLib.Object object) throws SerializationError {
+ Document doc;
+ Element root;
+ ParamSpec[] prop_specs;
+ Element prop;
+ Serializable serializable = null;
+ XNode value_prop = null;
+ if (object.get_type ().is_a (typeof (Serializable))) {
+ serializable = (Serializable)object;
+ }
+ /* Create an XML Document to return the object
+ in. TODO: consider just returning an
+ <Object> node; but then we'd probably want
+ a separate document for it to already be a
+ part of as its owner_document. */
+ try {
+ doc = new Document ();
+ root = doc.create_element ("Object");
+ doc.append_child (root);
+ root.set_attribute ("otype", object.get_type ().name ());
+ /* TODO: make sure we don't use an out param for our returned list
+ size in our interface's list_properties (), using
+ [CCode (array_length_type = "guint")] */
+ if (serializable != null) {
+ prop_specs = serializable.list_properties ();
+ } else {
+ prop_specs = object.get_class ().list_properties ();
+ }
+ /* Exam the properties of the object and store
+ them with their name, type and value in XML
+ Elements. Use GValue to convert them to
+ strings. (Too bad deserialising isn't that
+ easy w.r.t. string conversion.) */
+ foreach (ParamSpec prop_spec in prop_specs) {
+ prop = doc.create_element ("Property");
+ prop.set_attribute ("ptype", prop_spec.value_type.name ());
+ prop.set_attribute ("pname", prop_spec.name);
+ value_prop = null;
+ if (serializable != null) {
+ value_prop = serializable.serialize_property (prop_spec.name, prop_spec, doc);
+ }
+ if (value_prop == null) {
+ value_prop = Serialization.serialize_property (object, prop_spec, doc);
+ }
+ prop.append_child (value_prop);
+ root.append_child (prop);
+ }
+ } catch (GXmlDom.DomError e) {
+ GLib.error ("%s", e.message);
+ // TODO: handle this better
+ }
+ /* Debug output */
+ bool debug = false;
+ if (debug) {
+ Serialization.print_debug (doc, object);
+ }
+ return doc.document_element; // user can get Document through .owner_document
+ }
+ private static void deserialize_property (ParamSpec spec, Element prop_elem, out Value val) throws SerializationError {
+ Type type;
+ type = spec.value_type;
+ // if (false || ptype != "") {
+ // // TODO: undisable if we support fields at some point
+ // type = Type.from_name (ptype);
+ // if (type == 0) {
+ // /* This probably shouldn't happen while we're using
+ // ParamSpecs but if we support non-property fields
+ // later, it might be necessary again :D */
+ // throw new SerializationError.UNKNOWN_TYPE ("Deserializing object '%s' has property '%s' with unknown type '%s'", otype, pname, ptype);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // Get value and save this all as a parameter
+ bool transformed = false;
+ val = Value (type);
+ if (GLib.Value.type_transformable (type, typeof (string))) {
+ try {
+ string_to_gvalue (prop_elem.content, ref val);
+ transformed = true;
+ } catch (SerializationError e) {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("string_to_gvalue should transform it but failed");
+ }
+ // } else if (type.is_a (typeof (Gee.Collection))) {
+ } else if (type.is_a (typeof (GLib.Object))) {
+ GXmlDom.XNode prop_elem_child;
+ Object property_object;
+ try {
+ prop_elem_child = prop_elem.first_child;
+ property_object = Serialization.deserialize_object (prop_elem_child);
+ val.set_object (property_object);
+ transformed = true;
+ } catch (GXmlDom.SerializationError e) {
+ // We don't want this one caught by deserialize_object, or we'd have a cascading error message. Hmm, not so bad if it does, though.
+ e.message += "\nXML [%s]".printf (prop_elem.to_string ());
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (transformed == false) {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("Failed to transform property from string to type.");
+ }
+ }
+ public static GLib.Object deserialize_object (XNode node) throws SerializationError {
+ Element obj_elem;
+ string otype;
+ Type type;
+ Object obj;
+ unowned ObjectClass obj_class;
+ ParamSpec[] specs;
+ bool property_found;
+ Serializable serializable = null;
+ obj_elem = (Element)node;
+ // Get the object's type
+ // TODO: wish there was a g_object_class_from_name () method
+ otype = obj_elem.get_attribute ("otype");
+ type = Type.from_name (otype);
+ if (type == 0) {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNKNOWN_TYPE ("Deserializing object claims unknown type '%s'", otype);
+ }
+ // Get the list of properties as ParamSpecs
+ obj = Object.newv (type, new Parameter[] {}); // TODO: causes problems with Enums when 0 isn't a valid enum value (e.g. starts from 2 or something)
+ obj_class = obj.get_class ();
+ if (type.is_a (typeof (Serializable))) {
+ serializable = (Serializable)obj;
+ }
+ if (serializable != null) {
+ specs = serializable.list_properties ();
+ } else {
+ specs = obj_class.list_properties ();
+ }
+ foreach (XNode child_node in obj_elem.child_nodes) {
+ if (child_node.node_name == "Property") {
+ Element prop_elem;
+ string pname;
+ Value val;
+ //string ptype;
+ prop_elem = (Element)child_node;
+ pname = prop_elem.get_attribute ("pname");
+ //ptype = prop_elem.get_attribute ("ptype"); // optional
+ // Check name and type for property
+ ParamSpec? spec = null;
+ if (serializable != null) {
+ spec = serializable.find_property (pname);
+ } else {
+ spec = obj_class.find_property (pname);
+ }
+ if (spec == null) {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY ("Deserializing object of type '%s' claimed unknown property named '%s'\nXML [%s]", otype, pname, obj_elem.to_string ());
+ }
+ try {
+ bool serialized = false;
+ if (serializable != null) {
+ serialized = serializable.deserialize_property (spec.name, /* out val, */ spec, prop_elem); // TODO: consider rearranging these or the ones in Serializer to match
+ }
+ if (!serialized) {
+ Serialization.deserialize_property (spec, prop_elem, out val);
+ obj.set_property (pname, val);
+ // TODO: should we make a note that for implementing {get,set}_property in the interface, they should specify override (in Vala)? What about in C? Need to test which one gets called in which situations (yeah, already read the tutorial)
+ }
+ } catch (SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE e) {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("Cannot deserialize object '%s's property '%s' with type '%s/%s': %s\nXML [%s]",
+ otype, spec.name, spec.value_type.name (), spec.value_type.to_string (), e.message, obj_elem.to_string ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ /* TODO:
+ * - can't seem to pass delegates on struct methods to another function :(
+ * - no easy string_to_gvalue method in GValue :(
+ */
+ public static bool string_to_gvalue (string str, ref GLib.Value dest) throws SerializationError {
+ Type t = dest.type ();
+ GLib.Value dest2 = Value (t);
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (t == typeof (int64)) {
+ int64 val;
+ if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_int64 (val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (int)) {
+ int64 val;
+ if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_int ((int)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (long)) {
+ int64 val;
+ if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_long ((long)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (uint)) {
+ uint64 val;
+ if (ret = uint64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_uint ((uint)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (ulong)) {
+ uint64 val;
+ if (ret = uint64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_ulong ((ulong)val);
+ }
+ } else if ((int)t == 20) { // gboolean
+ bool val = (str == "TRUE");
+ dest2.set_boolean (val); // TODO: huh, investigate why the type is gboolean and not bool coming out but is going in
+ ret = true;
+ } else if (t == typeof (bool)) {
+ bool val;
+ if (ret = bool.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_boolean (val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (float)) {
+ double val;
+ if (ret = double.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_float ((float)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (double)) {
+ double val;
+ if (ret = double.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_double (val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (string)) {
+ dest2.set_string (str);
+ ret = true;
+ } else if (t == typeof (char)) {
+ int64 val;
+ if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_char ((char)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == typeof (uchar)) {
+ int64 val;
+ if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_uchar ((uchar)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t == Type.BOXED) {
+ } else if (t.is_enum ()) {
+ int64 val;
+ if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
+ dest2.set_enum ((int)val);
+ }
+ } else if (t.is_flags ()) {
+ } else if (t.is_object ()) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (ret == true) {
+ dest = dest2;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("%s/%s", t.name (), t.to_string ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gxml/XmlSerializable.vala b/gxml/XmlSerializable.vala
index cbe8c66..10bba89 100644
--- a/gxml/XmlSerializable.vala
+++ b/gxml/XmlSerializable.vala
@@ -30,378 +30,19 @@ using GXmlDom;
[CCode (gir_namespace = "GXmlDom", gir_version = "0.2")]
namespace GXmlDom {
- public errordomain SerializationError {
- }
- public class Serialization : GLib.Object {
- private static void print_debug (GXmlDom.Document doc, GLib.Object object) {
- stdout.printf ("Object XML\n---\n%s\n", doc.to_string ());
- stdout.printf ("object\n---\n");
- stdout.printf ("get_type (): %s\n", object.get_type ().name ());
- stdout.printf ("get_class ().get_type (): %s\n", object.get_class ().get_type ().name ());
- ParamSpec[] properties;
- properties = object.get_class ().list_properties ();
- stdout.printf ("object has %d properties\n", properties.length);
- foreach (ParamSpec prop_spec in properties) {
- stdout.printf ("---\n");
- stdout.printf ("name: %s\n", prop_spec.name);
- stdout.printf ("value_type: %s\n", prop_spec.value_type.name ());
- stdout.printf ("owner_type: %s\n", prop_spec.owner_type.name ());
- stdout.printf ("get_name (): %s\n", prop_spec.get_name ());
- stdout.printf ("get_blurb (): %s\n", prop_spec.get_blurb ());
- stdout.printf ("get_nick (): %s\n", prop_spec.get_nick ());
- }
- }
- private static GXmlDom.XNode serialize_property (GLib.Object object, ParamSpec prop_spec, GXmlDom.Document doc) throws SerializationError, DomError {
- Type type;
- Value value;
- XNode value_node;
- type = prop_spec.value_type;
- if (prop_spec.value_type.is_enum ()) {
- /* We're going to handle this simply by saving it
- as an int. If we save a string representation,
- we can't easily convert it back to the number
- in a generic fashion unless we can use GEnumClass,
- but I can't figure out how to get that right now,
- except from a GParamSpecEnum, but I don't know
- how to get that, at least in Vala (e.g. is it
- supposed to be as simple in C as casting the
- GParamSpec for an enum to GParamSpecEnum (assuming
- it truly is the latter, but is returned as the
- former by list_properties) */
- value = Value (typeof (int));
- object.get_property (prop_spec.name, ref value);
- value_node = doc.create_text_node ("%d".printf (value.get_int ()));
- /* TODO: in the future, perhaps figure out GEnumClass
- and save it as the human readable enum value :D */
- } else if (Value.type_transformable (prop_spec.value_type, typeof (string))) { // e.g. int, double, string, bool
- value = Value (typeof (string));
- object.get_property (prop_spec.name, ref value);
- //GLib.warning ("value: %d", value);
- value_node = doc.create_text_node (value.get_string ());
- } else if (type == typeof (GLib.Type)) {
- value_node = doc.create_text_node (type.name ());
- // } else if (type == typeof (GLib.HashTable)) {
- // } else if (type == typeof (Gee.List)) { // TODO: can we do a catch all for Gee.Collection and have <Collection /> ?
- // } else if (type.is_a (typeof (Gee.Collection))) {
- } else if (type.is_a (typeof (GLib.Object))) {
- // TODO: this is going to get complicated
- value = Value (typeof (GLib.Object));
- object.get_property (prop_spec.name, ref value);
- GLib.Object child_object = value.get_object ();
- value_node = Serialization.serialize_object (child_object); // catch serialisation errors?
- // TODO: caller will append_child; can we cross documents like this? Probably not :D want to be able to steal?, attributes seem to get lost
- } else {
- throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("Can't currently serialize type '%s' for property '%s' of object '%s'", type.name (), prop_spec.name, object.get_type ().name ());
- }
- return value_node;
- }
- /* TODO: so it seems we can get property information from GObjectClass
- but that's about it. Need to definitely use introspection for anything
- tastier */
- public static GXmlDom.XNode serialize_object (GLib.Object object) throws SerializationError {
- Document doc;
- Element root;
- ParamSpec[] prop_specs;
- Element prop;
- Serializable serializable = null;
- XNode value_prop = null;
- if (object.get_type ().is_a (typeof (Serializable))) {
- serializable = (Serializable)object;
- }
- /* Create an XML Document to return the object
- in. TODO: consider just returning an
- <Object> node; but then we'd probably want
- a separate document for it to already be a
- part of as its owner_document. */
- try {
- doc = new Document ();
- root = doc.create_element ("Object");
- doc.append_child (root);
- root.set_attribute ("otype", object.get_type ().name ());
- /* TODO: make sure we don't use an out param for our returned list
- size in our interface's list_properties (), using
- [CCode (array_length_type = "guint")] */
- if (serializable != null) {
- prop_specs = serializable.list_properties ();
- } else {
- prop_specs = object.get_class ().list_properties ();
- }
- /* Exam the properties of the object and store
- them with their name, type and value in XML
- Elements. Use GValue to convert them to
- strings. (Too bad deserialising isn't that
- easy w.r.t. string conversion.) */
- foreach (ParamSpec prop_spec in prop_specs) {
- prop = doc.create_element ("Property");
- prop.set_attribute ("ptype", prop_spec.value_type.name ());
- prop.set_attribute ("pname", prop_spec.name);
- value_prop = null;
- if (serializable != null) {
- value_prop = serializable.serialize_property (prop_spec.name, prop_spec, doc);
- }
- if (value_prop == null) {
- value_prop = Serialization.serialize_property (object, prop_spec, doc);
- }
- prop.append_child (value_prop);
- root.append_child (prop);
- }
- } catch (GXmlDom.DomError e) {
- GLib.error ("%s", e.message);
- // TODO: handle this better
- }
- /* Debug output */
- bool debug = false;
- if (debug) {
- Serialization.print_debug (doc, object);
- }
- return doc.document_element; // user can get Document through .owner_document
- }
- private static void deserialize_property (ParamSpec spec, Element prop_elem, out Value val) throws SerializationError {
- Type type;
- type = spec.value_type;
- // if (false || ptype != "") {
- // // TODO: undisable if we support fields at some point
- // type = Type.from_name (ptype);
- // if (type == 0) {
- // /* This probably shouldn't happen while we're using
- // ParamSpecs but if we support non-property fields
- // later, it might be necessary again :D */
- // throw new SerializationError.UNKNOWN_TYPE ("Deserializing object '%s' has property '%s' with unknown type '%s'", otype, pname, ptype);
- // }
- // }
- // Get value and save this all as a parameter
- bool transformed = false;
- val = Value (type);
- if (GLib.Value.type_transformable (type, typeof (string))) {
- try {
- string_to_gvalue (prop_elem.content, ref val);
- transformed = true;
- } catch (SerializationError e) {
- throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("string_to_gvalue should transform it but failed");
- }
- // } else if (type.is_a (typeof (Gee.Collection))) {
- } else if (type.is_a (typeof (GLib.Object))) {
- GXmlDom.XNode prop_elem_child;
- Object property_object;
- try {
- prop_elem_child = prop_elem.first_child;
- property_object = Serialization.deserialize_object (prop_elem_child);
- val.set_object (property_object);
- transformed = true;
- } catch (GXmlDom.SerializationError e) {
- // We don't want this one caught by deserialize_object, or we'd have a cascading error message. Hmm, not so bad if it does, though.
- e.message += "\nXML [%s]".printf (prop_elem.to_string ());
- throw e;
- }
- }
- if (transformed == false) {
- throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("Failed to transform property from string to type.");
- }
- }
- public static GLib.Object deserialize_object (XNode node) throws SerializationError {
- Element obj_elem;
- string otype;
- Type type;
- Object obj;
- unowned ObjectClass obj_class;
- ParamSpec[] specs;
- bool property_found;
- Serializable serializable = null;
- obj_elem = (Element)node;
- // Get the object's type
- // TODO: wish there was a g_object_class_from_name () method
- otype = obj_elem.get_attribute ("otype");
- type = Type.from_name (otype);
- if (type == 0) {
- throw new SerializationError.UNKNOWN_TYPE ("Deserializing object claims unknown type '%s'", otype);
- }
- // Get the list of properties as ParamSpecs
- obj = Object.newv (type, new Parameter[] {}); // TODO: causes problems with Enums when 0 isn't a valid enum value (e.g. starts from 2 or something)
- obj_class = obj.get_class ();
- if (type.is_a (typeof (Serializable))) {
- serializable = (Serializable)obj;
- }
- if (serializable != null) {
- specs = serializable.list_properties ();
- } else {
- specs = obj_class.list_properties ();
- }
- foreach (XNode child_node in obj_elem.child_nodes) {
- if (child_node.node_name == "Property") {
- Element prop_elem;
- string pname;
- Value val;
- //string ptype;
- prop_elem = (Element)child_node;
- pname = prop_elem.get_attribute ("pname");
- //ptype = prop_elem.get_attribute ("ptype"); // optional
- // Check name and type for property
- ParamSpec? spec = null;
- if (serializable != null) {
- spec = serializable.find_property (pname);
- } else {
- spec = obj_class.find_property (pname);
- }
- if (spec == null) {
- throw new SerializationError.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY ("Deserializing object of type '%s' claimed unknown property named '%s'\nXML [%s]", otype, pname, obj_elem.to_string ());
- }
- try {
- bool serialized = false;
- if (serializable != null) {
- serialized = serializable.deserialize_property (spec.name, /* out val, */ spec, prop_elem); // TODO: consider rearranging these or the ones in Serializer to match
- }
- if (!serialized) {
- Serialization.deserialize_property (spec, prop_elem, out val);
- obj.set_property (pname, val);
- // TODO: should we make a note that for implementing {get,set}_property in the interface, they should specify override (in Vala)? What about in C? Need to test which one gets called in which situations (yeah, already read the tutorial)
- }
- } catch (SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE e) {
- throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("Cannot deserialize object '%s's property '%s' with type '%s/%s': %s\nXML [%s]",
- otype, spec.name, spec.value_type.name (), spec.value_type.to_string (), e.message, obj_elem.to_string ());
- }
- }
- }
- return obj;
- }
- /* TODO:
- * - can't seem to pass delegates on struct methods to another function :(
- * - no easy string_to_gvalue method in GValue :(
- */
- public static bool string_to_gvalue (string str, ref GLib.Value dest) throws SerializationError {
- Type t = dest.type ();
- GLib.Value dest2 = Value (t);
- bool ret = false;
- if (t == typeof (int64)) {
- int64 val;
- if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_int64 (val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (int)) {
- int64 val;
- if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_int ((int)val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (long)) {
- int64 val;
- if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_long ((long)val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (uint)) {
- uint64 val;
- if (ret = uint64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_uint ((uint)val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (ulong)) {
- uint64 val;
- if (ret = uint64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_ulong ((ulong)val);
- }
- } else if ((int)t == 20) { // gboolean
- bool val = (str == "TRUE");
- dest2.set_boolean (val); // TODO: huh, investigate why the type is gboolean and not bool coming out but is going in
- ret = true;
- } else if (t == typeof (bool)) {
- bool val;
- if (ret = bool.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_boolean (val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (float)) {
- double val;
- if (ret = double.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_float ((float)val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (double)) {
- double val;
- if (ret = double.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_double (val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (string)) {
- dest2.set_string (str);
- ret = true;
- } else if (t == typeof (char)) {
- int64 val;
- if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_char ((char)val);
- }
- } else if (t == typeof (uchar)) {
- int64 val;
- if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_uchar ((uchar)val);
- }
- } else if (t == Type.BOXED) {
- } else if (t.is_enum ()) {
- int64 val;
- if (ret = int64.try_parse (str, out val)) {
- dest2.set_enum ((int)val);
- }
- } else if (t.is_flags ()) {
- } else if (t.is_object ()) {
- } else {
- }
- if (ret == true) {
- dest = dest2;
- return true;
- } else {
- throw new SerializationError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ("%s/%s", t.name (), t.to_string ());
- }
- }
- }
public interface Serializable : GLib.Object {
/** Return true if your implementation will have handled the given property,
and false elsewise (in which case, XmlSerializable will try to deserialize
it). */
/** OBSOLETENOTE: Return the deserialized value in GLib.Value (even if it's a GLib.Boxed type) because Serializer is going to set the property after calling this, and if you just set it yourself within, it will be overwritten */
- public virtual bool deserialize_property (string property_name, /* out GLib.Value value, */ GLib.ParamSpec spec, GXmlDom.XNode property_node) {
+ public virtual bool deserialize_property (string property_name, /* out GLib.Value value,*/ GLib.ParamSpec spec, GXmlDom.XNode property_node) {
return false; // default deserialize_property gets used
// TODO: just added ? to these, do we really want to allow nulls for them?
// TODO: value and property_name are kind of redundant: eliminate? property_name from spec.property_name and value from the object itself :)
/** Serialized properties should have the XML structure <Property pname="PropertyName">...</Property> */
// TODO: perhaps we should provide that base structure
- public virtual GXmlDom.XNode? serialize_property (string property_name, /*GLib.Value value,*/ GLib.ParamSpec spec, GXmlDom.Document doc) {
+ public virtual GXmlDom.XNode? serialize_property (string property_name, /*GLib.Value value, */ GLib.ParamSpec spec, GXmlDom.Document doc) {
return null; // default serialize_property gets used
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