[mm-common/gmmproc-refactor: 1/2] Adapt to refactored gmmproc.

commit ad6997640d58733f0e378f2ef14d32d01a9091d4
Author: Krzesimir Nowak <qdlacz gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jul 2 22:55:56 2012 +0200

    Adapt to refactored gmmproc.
    * build/generate-binding.am: Some of the variables are not needed
    anymore (like the one involving m4), but some other had to be added
    (like include paths for perl or type info files).

 build/generate-binding.am |   91 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/generate-binding.am b/build/generate-binding.am
index fe9886d..36e561d 100644
--- a/build/generate-binding.am
+++ b/build/generate-binding.am
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (c) 2009  Openismus GmbH  <http://www.openismus.com/>
+## Copyright (c) 2012  Krzesimir Nowak  <qdlacz gmail com>
 ## This file is part of mm-common.
@@ -15,76 +16,80 @@
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with mm-common.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-## Parameters:  binding_name, wrap_init_flags
-## Overrides:   codegen_srcdir, codegen_m4_srcdir, binding_outputdir,
-##              gmmproc, gen_wrap_init, gmmproc_flags
-## Files:       files_codegen_m4, files_defs, files_hg, files_ccg
-## Output:      dist_noinst_DATA, gmmproc_dependencies, other_built_sources,
+## Parameters:  binding_name, wrap_init_namespace
+## Overrides:   codegen_proc_srcdir, binding_outputdir,
+##              gmmproc_script, gmmproc_includes,
+##              gmmproc_perl_includes, gmmproc_extra_dependencies
+## Files:       files_codegen_proc, files_hg, files_ccg
+## Output:      dist_noinst_DATA, gmmproc_dependencies,
+##              other_built_sources, MAINTAINERCLEANFILES
-# Location of the module's gmmproc support files.
-codegen_srcdir ?= $(top_srcdir)/codegen
+# Location of the module's proc files.
+codegen_proc_srcdir ?= $(top_srcdir)/codegen/proc
-# Location of the module's gmmproc M4 files,
-# and of any extra m4 files from installed modules, 
-# such as from gtkmm rather than just glibmm.
-# Use, for instance, this in configure.ac:
-# MM_PKG_CONFIG_SUBST([GMMPROC_EXTRA_M4_DIR], [--variable=gmmprocm4dir gtkmm-3.0])
-codegen_m4_srcdir ?= $(codegen_srcdir)/m4
+# Location of the module's generated proc files.
+codegen_proc_builddir = $(patsubst $(top_srcdir)/%,$(top_builddir)/%,$(codegen_proc_srcdir))
 # Destination directory of the generated source files.
-binding_outputdir ?= $(if $(srcdir:.=),$(dir $(top_srcdir)/$(subdir)),../)$(binding_name)
+binding_outputdir ?= $(builddir)/../$(binding_name)
 # Additional built sources not generated by gmmproc.
-other_built_sources = $(binding_outputdir)/wrap_init.cc
+# Currently none, but some might be added by users of this file.
+other_built_sources =
 # Where to put the stamp files for the gmmproc output.
-binding_stampdir = $(srcdir)/.stamps
+binding_stampfile = $(builddir)/.proc-stamp
 # Lists of qualified file names relative to the current directory.
-binding_relfiles_m4 = $(addprefix $(codegen_m4_srcdir)/,$(files_codegen_m4))
-binding_relfiles_hg = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(files_hg))
-binding_stampfiles  = $(patsubst %.hg,$(binding_stampdir)/%.stamp,$(files_hg))
+binding_relfiles_proc = $(addprefix $(codegen_proc_srcdir)/,$(files_codegen_proc))
+# List of bases passed to gmmproc.
+bases = $(files_hg:.hg=)
+# A type info file generated by gmmproc.
+gen_proc_file = $(codegen_proc_builddir)/type_info_$(binding_name)_generated
 # Distributed code generation source files.
-dist_noinst_DATA = $(files_defs) $(files_hg) $(files_ccg)
+dist_noinst_DATA = $(files_hg) $(files_ccg) $(gen_proc_file)
-# Delete stamps on make maintainer-clean.  The other generated source
+# Delete stamps on make maintainer-clean. The other generated source
 # files are deleted by the make rules for the output directory.
-MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(binding_stampdir)/*.stamp
+MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(binding_stampfile) $(gen_proc_file)
+# Overridable gmmproc dependencies.
+gmmproc_extra_dependencies ?=
 # Dependencies of the gmmproc code generator targets.
-gmmproc_dependencies = $(binding_relfiles_m4) $(files_defs)
+gmmproc_dependencies = $(binding_relfiles_proc) $(gmmproc_extra_dependencies)
 # Default command lines for running the code generators.
-gmmproc       ?= $(PERL) -I"$(GMMPROC_DIR)/pm" -- "$(GMMPROC_DIR)/gmmproc"
-gen_wrap_init ?= $(PERL) -- "$(GMMPROC_DIR)/generate_wrap_init.pl"
-codegen_m4_flags = $(addprefix -I , $(codegen_m4_srcdir) $(GMMPROC_EXTRA_M4_DIR))
-gmmproc_flags ?= $(codegen_m4_flags) --defs $(srcdir)
+gmmproc_perl_includes ?= -I"$(GMMPROC_DIR)/pm" $(GMMPROC_EXTRA_PM_DIRS)
+gmmproc_includes ?= $(addprefix --include ,$(codegen_proc_srcdir) $(codegen_proc_builddir)) $(GMMPROC_EXTRA_PROC_DIRS)
+gmmproc_script ?= "$(GMMPROC_DIR)/gmmproc"
+gmmproc = $(PERL) $(gmmproc_perl_includes) -- $(gmmproc_script)
 # Automatically created output directories.
-binding_mkdirs = $(binding_stampdir) $(binding_outputdir)/private
+binding_mkdirs = $(binding_outputdir)/private
-# Show names of generated files in silent rules output.
-mm_0_gen = @echo '  GEN    $(binding_outputdir)/{$*.cc,$*.h,private/$*_p.h}';
-mm_v_gen = $(if $(filter 0,$(or $(V),$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))),$(mm_0_gen))
+$(gen_proc_file): $(binding_stampfile)
 # Declare the built sources main targets.
-all-local: $(binding_stampfiles) $(other_built_sources)
+all-local: $(binding_stampfile) $(other_built_sources)
 # Create the output directories if they do not exist already.
 	$(AM_V_at)$(MKDIR_P) $@
-# Generate the wrap_init.cc file using generate_wrap_init.pl.
-$(binding_outputdir)/wrap_init.cc: $(binding_relfiles_hg) $(srcdir)/Makefile.in
-	$(AM_V_GEN)$(gen_wrap_init) $(wrap_init_flags) $(binding_relfiles_hg) >$@
 # Run the gmmproc code generator to produce the C++ binding code.
-$(binding_stampdir)/%.stamp: %.hg %.ccg $(gmmproc_dependencies) | $(binding_mkdirs)
-	@: >$@
-	$(mm_v_gen)$(gmmproc) $(gmmproc_flags) $* $(srcdir) $(binding_outputdir)
-# Instruct GNU make to delete the targets of a rule after it failed, in
-# order to avoid the complication of handling that situation manually.
+# The "$(binding_mkdirs)" after | means to ignore timestamp of the
+# directories (files). In case of directories their timestamp changes
+# with every change in any file inside and thus that would cause
+# useless reexecution of this rule.
+$(binding_stampfile): $(files_hg) $(files_ccg) $(gmmproc_dependencies) | $(binding_mkdirs)
+	$(gmmproc) --source $(srcdir) --destination $(binding_outputdir) --mm-module $(binding_name) --wrap-init-namespace $(wrap_init_namespace) $(gmmproc_includes) $(bases)
+	@: touch "$(binding_stampfile)"
+# Instruct GNU make to delete the targets of a rule after it failed,
+# in order to avoid the complication of handling that situation
+# manually.

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