[extensions-web] (30 commits) ...fsui: Improve the FSUI more, add a "Compatible with" combobox

Summary of changes:

  9dc5e40... js: Don't error out when we don't have the plugin working (*)
  0c6085d... upload: Don't create a new, blank form when we've failed va (*)
  2a9afdb... upload: Make the source field required, and show validation (*)
  d9cfca8... upload: Make sure extension authors can distribute extensio (*)
  65412be... upload: Make sure extension authors agree to the terms of s (*)
  6162b53... login: Show non-field errors, like form validation errors (*)
  fc1578d... Hilight comments from extension creators (*)
  99ae157... js: Fix "Upgrade" link (*)
  d839734... paginator: Center (*)
  2704a6e... paginator: Fix erroneous ellipses on right-hand side in cer (*)
  cafe283... paginator: Use the appropriate chevron arrows (*)
  c999a74... paginator: Fix paginator hash changed logic (*)
  c5c3291... js: InstallExtension takes a PK, not a version (*)
  299ea05... css: Don't fade out the uninstall button when an extension  (*)
  947c568... js: Fix getProperExtensionVersion in the case of '' (*)
  52b5231... Move from a single "popularity" field to a popularity table
  ab25f5a... Use POST for the popularity tracking
  509fe64... Fix the rest of the extension tests
  cd58258... Allow saving models without replacing metadata.json
  50170ff... js: Add a basic sorting UI
  83485c6... extensions: Clean up fields
  6562216... js: Introduce a common mechanism for bringing up a "modal" 
  e7e57c0... js: Rename 'filter' to 'fsui' for clarity
  07a627b... fsui: Make the filtering UI popup look prettier
  0217c9b... hashparamutils: Use jQuery.param, introduce a new "setHashP
  3246eeb... paginator: Remove hashChanged and just rely on string compa
  7162645... When querying for a specific shell versions, include catch-
  5087055... fsui: Start turning the FSUI into two different combo boxes
  b8c7527... js: Fix the "Installed Extensions" list in the case of a no
  02c5b50... fsui: Improve the FSUI more, add a "Compatible with" combob

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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