[gnome-system-monitor] Remove tabs and cleanly format gschema.xml.in file

commit 9fe30bfe1678df108ec2fc1756e574abf7f28dad
Author: Chris KÃhl <chrisk openismus com>
Date:   Fri Jan 13 23:35:19 2012 +0100

    Remove tabs and cleanly format gschema.xml.in file

 src/org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.gschema.xml.in | 1071 ++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 535 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.gschema.xml.in b/src/org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.gschema.xml.in
index 9fd21b0..478829b 100644
--- a/src/org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.gschema.xml.in
+++ b/src/org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.gschema.xml.in
@@ -1,557 +1,556 @@
   <schema id="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor" path="/org/gnome/gnome-system-monitor/">
-	<key name="width" type="i">
-	  <default>440
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Main Window width
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="height" type="i">
-	  <default>495
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Main Window height
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
+    <key name="width" type="i">
+      <default>440
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Main Window width
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="height" type="i">
+      <default>495
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Main Window height
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
     <key name="x-position" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Main Window X position
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Main Window X position
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
     <key name="y-position" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Main Window Y position
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="show-tree" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process dependencies in tree form
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="solaris-mode" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Solaris mode for CPU percentage
-	  </_summary>
-	  <_description>If TRUE, system-monitor operates in 'Solaris mode' where a task's CPU usage is divided by the total number of CPUs. Otherwise, it operates in 'Irix mode'.
-	  </_description>
-	</key>
-	<key name="smooth-refresh" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Enable/Disable smooth refresh
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="kill-dialog" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show warning dialog when killing processes
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="update-interval" type="i">
-	  <default>3000
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Time in milliseconds between updates of the process view
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="graph-update-interval" type="i">
-	  <default>1000
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Time in milliseconds between updates of the graphs
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="show-all-fs" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Whether information about all file systems should be displayed
-	  </_summary>
-	  <_description>Whether to display information about all file systems (including types like 'autofs' and 'procfs'). Useful for getting a list of all currently mounted file systems.
-	  </_description>
-	</key>
-	<key name="disks-interval" type="i">
-	  <default>5000
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Time in milliseconds between updates of the devices list
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="view-as" type="i">
-	  <default>1
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Determines which processes to show by default. 0 is All, 1 is user, and 2 is active
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="current-tab" type="i">
-	  <default>2
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Saves the currently viewed tab
-	  </_summary>
-	  <_description>0 for the System Info, 1 for the processes list, 2 for the resources and 3 for the disks list
-	  </_description>
-	</key>
-	<key name="cpu-colors" type="a(us)">
-	  <default>[(0,'#FF6E00'),(1,'#CB0C29'),(2,'#49A835'),(3,'#2D7DB3')]
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>CPU colors
-	  </_summary>
-	  <_description>Each entry is in the format (CPU#, Hexadecimal color value)
-	  </_description>
-	</key>
-	<key name="mem-color" type="s">
-	  <default>'#AB1852'
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Default graph memory color
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="swap-color" type="s">
-	  <default>'#49A835'
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Default graph swap color
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="net-in-color" type="s">
-	  <default>'#2D7DB3'
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Default graph incoming network traffic color
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="net-out-color" type="s">
-	  <default>'#EE1D00'
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Default graph outgoing network traffic color
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="network-in-bits" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show network traffic in bits
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<child name="proctree" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.proctree" />
-	<child name="disktreenew" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.disktreenew" />
-	<child name="memmapstree" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.memmapstree" />
-	<child name="openfilestree" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.openfilestree" />
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Main Window Y position
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="show-tree" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process dependencies in tree form
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="solaris-mode" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Solaris mode for CPU percentage
+      </_summary>
+      <_description>If TRUE, system-monitor operates in 'Solaris mode' where a task's CPU usage is divided by the total number of CPUs. Otherwise, it operates in 'Irix mode'.
+      </_description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="smooth-refresh" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Enable/Disable smooth refresh
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="kill-dialog" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show warning dialog when killing processes
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="update-interval" type="i">
+      <default>3000
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Time in milliseconds between updates of the process view
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="graph-update-interval" type="i">
+      <default>1000
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Time in milliseconds between updates of the graphs
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="show-all-fs" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Whether information about all file systems should be displayed
+      </_summary>
+      <_description>Whether to display information about all file systems (including types like 'autofs' and 'procfs'). Useful for getting a list of all currently mounted file systems.
+      </_description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="disks-interval" type="i">
+      <default>5000
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Time in milliseconds between updates of the devices list
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="view-as" type="i">
+      <default>1
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Determines which processes to show by default. 0 is All, 1 is user, and 2 is active
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="current-tab" type="i">
+      <default>2
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Saves the currently viewed tab
+      </_summary>
+      <_description>0 for the System Info, 1 for the processes list, 2 for the resources and 3 for the disks list
+      </_description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="cpu-colors" type="a(us)">
+      <default>[(0,'#FF6E00'),(1,'#CB0C29'),(2,'#49A835'),(3,'#2D7DB3')]
+      </default>
+      <_summary>CPU colors
+      </_summary>
+      <_description>Each entry is in the format (CPU#, Hexadecimal color value)
+      </_description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="mem-color" type="s">
+      <default>'#AB1852'
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Default graph memory color
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="swap-color" type="s">
+      <default>'#49A835'
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Default graph swap color
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="net-in-color" type="s">
+      <default>'#2D7DB3'
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Default graph incoming network traffic color
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="net-out-color" type="s">
+      <default>'#EE1D00'
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Default graph outgoing network traffic color
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="network-in-bits" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show network traffic in bits
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <child name="proctree" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.proctree" />
+    <child name="disktreenew" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.disktreenew" />
+    <child name="memmapstree" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.memmapstree" />
+    <child name="openfilestree" schema="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.openfilestree" />
   <schema id="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.proctree" path="/org/gnome/gnome-system-monitor/proctree/">
-	<key name="sort-col" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Process view sort column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="columns-order" type="ai">
-	  <default>[ 0 ]
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Process view columns order
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="sort-order" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Process view sort order
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-0-width" type="i">
-	  <default>198
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Name' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-0-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Name' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-1-width" type="i">
-	  <default>59
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'User' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-1-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'User' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-2-width" type="i">
-	  <default>37
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Status' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-2-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Status' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-3-width" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Virtual Memory' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-3-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Virtual Memory' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-4-width" type="i">
-	  <default>53
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Resident Memory' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-4-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Resident Memory' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-5-width" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Writable Memory' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-5-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Writable Memory' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-6-width" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Shared Memory' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-6-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Shared Memory' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-7-width" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'X Server Memory' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-7-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'X Server Memory' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-8-width" type="i">
-	  <default>71
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'CPU %' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-8-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'CPU %' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-9-width" type="i">
-	  <default>50
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'CPU Time' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-9-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'CPU Time' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-10-width" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Started' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-10-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Started' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-11-width" type="i">
-	  <default>48
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Nice' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-11-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Nice' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-12-width" type="i">
-	  <default>41
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'PID' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-12-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'PID' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-13-width" type="i">
-	  <default>48
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'SELinux Security Context' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-13-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'SELinux Security Context' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-14-width" type="i">
-	  <default>48
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Command Line' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-14-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Command Line' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-15-width" type="i">
-	  <default>48
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Memory' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-15-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Memory' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-16-width" type="i">
-	  <default>48
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Waiting Channel' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-16-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Waiting Channel' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-17-width" type="i">
-	  <default>48
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Control Group' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-17-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Control Group' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-        <key name="col-18-width" type="i">
-	  <default>70
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Unit' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-18-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Unit' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-        <key name="col-19-width" type="i">
-	  <default>41
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Session' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-19-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Session' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-        <key name="col-20-width" type="i">
-	  <default>59
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Seat' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-20-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Seat' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-        <key name="col-21-width" type="i">
-	  <default>59
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Owner' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-21-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>false
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Owner' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-        <key name="col-22-width" type="i">
-	  <default>100
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Width of process 'Priority' column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="col-22-visible" type="b">
-	  <default>true
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Show process 'Priority' column on startup
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
+    <key name="sort-col" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Process view sort column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="columns-order" type="ai">
+      <default>[ 0 ]
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Process view columns order
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="sort-order" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Process view sort order
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-0-width" type="i">
+      <default>198
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Name' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-0-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Name' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-1-width" type="i">
+      <default>59
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'User' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-1-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'User' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-2-width" type="i">
+      <default>37
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Status' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-2-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Status' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-3-width" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Virtual Memory' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-3-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Virtual Memory' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-4-width" type="i">
+      <default>53
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Resident Memory' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-4-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Resident Memory' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-5-width" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Writable Memory' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-5-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Writable Memory' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-6-width" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Shared Memory' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-6-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Shared Memory' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-7-width" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'X Server Memory' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-7-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'X Server Memory' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-8-width" type="i">
+      <default>71
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'CPU %' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-8-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'CPU %' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-9-width" type="i">
+      <default>50
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'CPU Time' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-9-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'CPU Time' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-10-width" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Started' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-10-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Started' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-11-width" type="i">
+      <default>48
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Nice' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-11-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Nice' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-12-width" type="i">
+      <default>41
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'PID' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-12-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'PID' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-13-width" type="i">
+      <default>48
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'SELinux Security Context' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-13-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'SELinux Security Context' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-14-width" type="i">
+      <default>48
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Command Line' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-14-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Command Line' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-15-width" type="i">
+      <default>48
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Memory' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-15-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Memory' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-16-width" type="i">
+      <default>48
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Waiting Channel' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-16-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Waiting Channel' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-17-width" type="i">
+      <default>48
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Control Group' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-17-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Control Group' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-18-width" type="i">
+      <default>70
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Unit' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-18-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Unit' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-19-width" type="i">
+      <default>41
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Session' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-19-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Session' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-20-width" type="i">
+      <default>59
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Seat' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-20-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Seat' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-21-width" type="i">
+      <default>59
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Owner' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-21-visible" type="b">
+      <default>false
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Owner' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-22-width" type="i">
+      <default>100
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Width of process 'Priority' column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="col-22-visible" type="b">
+      <default>true
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Show process 'Priority' column on startup
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
   <schema id="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.disktreenew" path="/org/gnome/gnome-system-monitor/disktreenew/">
-	<key name="sort-col" type="i">
-	  <default>1
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Disk view sort column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="sort-order" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Disk view sort order
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="columns-order" type="ai">
-	  <default>[ 0 ]
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Disk view columns order
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
+    <key name="sort-col" type="i">
+      <default>1
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Disk view sort column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="sort-order" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Disk view sort order
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="columns-order" type="ai">
+      <default>[ 0 ]
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Disk view columns order
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
   <schema id="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.memmapstree" path="/org/gnome/gnome-system-monitor/memmapstree/">
-	<key name="sort-col" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Memory map sort column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="sort-order" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Memory map sort order
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
+    <key name="sort-col" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Memory map sort column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="sort-order" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Memory map sort order
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
   <schema id="org.gnome.gnome-system-monitor.openfilestree" path="/org/gnome/gnome-system-monitor/openfilestree/">
-	<key name="sort-col" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Open files sort column
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
-	<key name="sort-order" type="i">
-	  <default>0
-	  </default>
-	  <_summary>Open files sort order
-	  </_summary>
-	</key>
+    <key name="sort-col" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Open files sort column
+      </_summary>
+    </key>
+    <key name="sort-order" type="i">
+      <default>0
+      </default>
+      <_summary>Open files sort order
+      </_summary>
+    </key>

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