[gnome-control-center/wip/user-identities: 7/7] user-accounts: Use identity manager in user panel
- From: Ray Strode <halfline src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-control-center/wip/user-identities: 7/7] user-accounts: Use identity manager in user panel
- Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 23:40:22 +0000 (UTC)
commit e593aef0296c596506f9a67e80bf86261be732fa
Author: Ray Strode <rstrode redhat com>
Date: Wed Feb 29 13:43:42 2012 -0500
user-accounts: Use identity manager in user panel
This commit hooks up the identity manager to the actual
UI. It creates a list of currently "accessible realms"
and provides buttons for signing out of those realms.
This is outlined here:
panels/user-accounts/data/user-accounts-dialog.ui | 24 ++-
panels/user-accounts/um-user-panel.c | 400 ++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/panels/user-accounts/data/user-accounts-dialog.ui b/panels/user-accounts/data/user-accounts-dialog.ui
index 8d91aec..aec8156 100644
--- a/panels/user-accounts/data/user-accounts-dialog.ui
+++ b/panels/user-accounts/data/user-accounts-dialog.ui
@@ -296,6 +296,24 @@
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="accessible-realms-label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">1</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_END</property>
+ <property name="hexpand">TRUE</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Accessible Realms</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="dim-label"/>
+ </style>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left_attach">1</property>
+ <property name="width">1</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">7</property>
+ <property name="height">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
<object class="GtkLabel" id="autologin-label">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="xalign">1</property>
@@ -311,7 +329,7 @@
<property name="left_attach">1</property>
<property name="width">1</property>
- <property name="top_attach">7</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">8</property>
<property name="height">1</property>
@@ -335,7 +353,7 @@
<property name="left_attach">2</property>
<property name="width">1</property>
- <property name="top_attach">7</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">8</property>
<property name="height">1</property>
@@ -355,7 +373,7 @@
<property name="left_attach">1</property>
<property name="width">1</property>
- <property name="top_attach">8</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">9</property>
<property name="height">1</property>
diff --git a/panels/user-accounts/um-user-panel.c b/panels/user-accounts/um-user-panel.c
index d65e1de..fcc98d6 100644
--- a/panels/user-accounts/um-user-panel.c
+++ b/panels/user-accounts/um-user-panel.c
@@ -41,8 +41,14 @@
#include "um-user.h"
#include "um-user-manager.h"
+#include "um-identity-manager.h"
+#include "um-kerberos-identity-manager.h"
#include "cc-strength-bar.h"
#include "um-editable-button.h"
#include "um-editable-combo.h"
@@ -62,6 +68,15 @@ G_DEFINE_DYNAMIC_TYPE (UmUserPanel, um_user_panel, CC_TYPE_PANEL)
+typedef struct {
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d;
+ char *identifier;
+ UmIdentity *identity;
+ GtkWidget *box;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkWidget *button;
+} Realm;
struct _UmUserPanelPrivate {
UmUserManager *um;
GtkBuilder *builder;
@@ -70,6 +85,8 @@ struct _UmUserPanelPrivate {
GPermission *permission;
GtkWidget *language_chooser;
+ GHashTable *accessible_realms;
+ UmIdentityManager *identity_manager;
UmAccountDialog *account_dialog;
UmPasswordDialog *password_dialog;
UmPhotoDialog *photo_dialog;
@@ -548,6 +565,80 @@ autologin_changed (GObject *object,
static void
+get_position_of_accessible_realms_label (UmUserPanelPrivate *d,
+ int *left_position,
+ int *top_position)
+ GtkWidget *grid, *label;
+ grid = get_widget (d, "user-grid");
+ label = get_widget (d, "accessible-realms-label");
+ gtk_container_child_get (GTK_CONTAINER (grid),
+ label,
+ "left-attach", left_position,
+ "top-attach", top_position,
+ NULL);
+static void
+get_position_of_next_realm_box (UmUserPanelPrivate *d,
+ int *left_position,
+ int *top_position)
+ GtkWidget *grid;
+ GHashTableIter iter;
+ gpointer key, value;
+ grid = get_widget (d, "user-grid");
+ get_position_of_accessible_realms_label (d, left_position, top_position);
+ *left_position += 1;
+ g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, d->accessible_realms);
+ while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
+ int other_realm_top_position;
+ Realm *realm = value;
+ gtk_container_child_get (GTK_CONTAINER (grid),
+ realm->box,
+ "top-attach", &other_realm_top_position,
+ NULL);
+ *top_position = MAX (*top_position, other_realm_top_position + 1);
+ }
+static void
+update_accessible_realms_visiblity (UmUserPanelPrivate *d)
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GHashTableIter iter;
+ gpointer key, value;
+ UmUser *user;
+ uid_t uid;
+ gboolean should_show;
+ label = get_widget (d, "accessible-realms-label");
+ user = get_selected_user (d);
+ uid = um_user_get_uid (user);
+ if (g_hash_table_size (d->accessible_realms) > 0 && uid == geteuid ()) {
+ should_show = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ should_show = FALSE;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_set_visible (label, should_show);
+ g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, d->accessible_realms);
+ while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
+ Realm *realm = value;
+ gtk_widget_set_visible (realm->box, should_show);
+ }
+static void
show_user (UmUser *user, UmUserPanelPrivate *d)
GtkWidget *image;
@@ -624,6 +715,8 @@ show_user (UmUser *user, UmUserPanelPrivate *d)
gtk_widget_hide (widget);
+ update_accessible_realms_visiblity (d);
static void on_permission_changed (GPermission *permission, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer data);
@@ -1334,6 +1427,305 @@ setup_main_window (UmUserPanelPrivate *d)
static void
+remove_accessible_realm_for_identity (UmUserPanelPrivate *d,
+ UmIdentity *identity)
+ GtkWidget *grid;
+ Realm *realm;
+ GHashTableIter iter;
+ gpointer key, value;
+ int top_position;
+ realm = g_hash_table_lookup (d->accessible_realms,
+ (gpointer)
+ um_identity_get_identifier (identity));
+ if (realm == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ grid = get_widget (d, "user-grid");
+ gtk_container_child_get (GTK_CONTAINER (grid),
+ realm->box,
+ "top-attach", &top_position,
+ NULL);
+ g_hash_table_remove (d->accessible_realms, realm->identifier);
+ g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, d->accessible_realms);
+ while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
+ int other_realm_top_position;
+ realm = value;
+ gtk_container_child_get (GTK_CONTAINER (grid),
+ realm->box,
+ "top-attach", &other_realm_top_position,
+ NULL);
+ if (other_realm_top_position > top_position) {
+ other_realm_top_position--;
+ gtk_container_child_set (GTK_CONTAINER (grid),
+ realm->box,
+ "top-attach", other_realm_top_position,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ update_accessible_realms_visiblity (d);
+static void
+rename_accessible_realm_for_identity (UmUserPanelPrivate *d,
+ UmIdentity *identity)
+ Realm *realm;
+ char *name;
+ realm = g_hash_table_lookup (d->accessible_realms,
+ (gpointer)
+ um_identity_get_identifier (identity));
+ if (realm == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ name = um_identity_manager_name_identity (d->identity_manager,
+ identity);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (realm->label), name);
+ g_free (name);
+static void
+on_signed_out (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ GAsyncResult *result,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmIdentity *identity = UM_IDENTITY (user_data);
+ um_identity_manager_sign_identity_out_finish (manager,
+ result,
+ NULL);
+ g_object_unref (identity);
+static void
+on_sign_out_clicked (GtkButton *button,
+ Realm *realm)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = realm->d;
+ um_identity_manager_sign_identity_out (d->identity_manager,
+ realm->identity,
+ (GAsyncReadyCallback)
+ on_signed_out,
+ g_object_ref (realm->identity));
+static Realm *
+realm_new (UmUserPanelPrivate *d,
+ UmIdentity *identity)
+ Realm *realm;
+ char *name;
+ realm = g_slice_new (Realm);
+ realm->d = d;
+ realm->identifier = g_strdup (um_identity_get_identifier (identity));
+ realm->identity = identity;
+ realm->box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
+ name = um_identity_manager_name_identity (d->identity_manager,
+ identity);
+ realm->label = gtk_label_new (name);
+ g_free (name);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (realm->box), realm->label);
+ realm->button = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Sign Out"));
+ gtk_widget_set_halign (GTK_WIDGET (realm->button),
+ gtk_widget_set_hexpand (GTK_WIDGET (realm->button),
+ TRUE);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (realm->button),
+ "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_sign_out_clicked),
+ realm);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (realm->box), realm->button);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (realm->box);
+ return realm;
+static void
+realm_free (Realm *realm)
+ gtk_widget_destroy (realm->box);
+ g_free (realm->identifier);
+ g_slice_free (Realm, realm);
+static void
+add_accessible_realm_for_identity (UmUserPanelPrivate *d,
+ UmIdentity *identity)
+ Realm *realm;
+ GtkWidget *grid;
+ int left_position, top_position;
+ remove_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+ realm = realm_new (d, identity);
+ grid = get_widget (d, "user-grid");
+ get_position_of_next_realm_box (d, &left_position, &top_position);
+ g_hash_table_replace (d->accessible_realms,
+ realm->identifier,
+ realm);
+ gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid),
+ realm->box,
+ left_position,
+ top_position,
+ 1,
+ 1);
+ update_accessible_realms_visiblity (d);
+static void
+on_identity_added (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ UmIdentity *identity,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = user_data;
+ add_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+static void
+on_identity_renewed (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ UmIdentity *identity,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = user_data;
+ add_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+static void
+on_identity_removed (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ UmIdentity *identity,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = user_data;
+ remove_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+static void
+on_identity_expired (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ UmIdentity *identity,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = user_data;
+ remove_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+static void
+on_identity_renamed (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ UmIdentity *identity,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = user_data;
+ rename_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+static void
+on_identities_listed (UmIdentityManager *manager,
+ GAsyncResult *result,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ UmUserPanelPrivate *d = user_data;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GList *identities, *node;
+ g_signal_connect (manager,
+ "identity-added",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_identity_added),
+ d);
+ g_signal_connect (manager,
+ "identity-removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_identity_removed),
+ d);
+ g_signal_connect (manager,
+ "identity-expired",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_identity_expired),
+ d);
+ g_signal_connect (manager,
+ "identity-renewed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_identity_renewed),
+ d);
+ g_signal_connect (manager,
+ "identity-renamed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_identity_renamed),
+ d);
+ identities = um_identity_manager_list_identities_finish (manager,
+ result,
+ &error);
+ if (identities == NULL) {
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ g_warning ("UmUserPanel: Could not list identities: %s",
+ error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ gtk_widget_hide (get_widget (d, "accessible-realms-vbox"));
+ return;
+ }
+ node = identities;
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ UmIdentity *identity = UM_IDENTITY (node->data);
+ if (um_identity_is_signed_in (identity)) {
+ add_accessible_realm_for_identity (d, identity);
+ }
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+static void
+setup_realms (UmUserPanelPrivate *d)
+ d->accessible_realms = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
+ g_str_equal,
+ (GDestroyNotify)
+ realm_free);
+ d->identity_manager = um_kerberos_identity_manager_new ();
+ um_identity_manager_list_identities (d->identity_manager,
+ (GAsyncReadyCallback)
+ on_identities_listed,
+ d);
+static void
um_user_panel_init (UmUserPanel *self)
UmUserPanelPrivate *d;
@@ -1366,7 +1758,7 @@ um_user_panel_init (UmUserPanel *self)
g_error_free (error);
+ setup_realms (d);
setup_main_window (d);
d->account_dialog = um_account_dialog_new ();
d->password_dialog = um_password_dialog_new ();
@@ -1414,6 +1806,12 @@ um_user_panel_dispose (GObject *object)
g_object_unref (priv->permission);
priv->permission = NULL;
+ if (priv->accessible_realms) {
+ g_hash_table_unref (priv->accessible_realms);
+ priv->accessible_realms = NULL;
+ }
G_OBJECT_CLASS (um_user_panel_parent_class)->dispose (object);
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