[gnome-chess/chess-telepathy-networking-support-664946-rebase: 36/64] Split out class GnomeChess and class Application in separate files

commit 84cfeb98cc78ff22a6b06d478c54ce14035efecc
Author: Chandni Verma <chandniverma2112 gmail com>
Date:   Fri Sep 7 09:14:40 2012 +0530

    Split out class GnomeChess and class Application in separate files
    This is done so that we don't get 2 main functions in 1 application

 src/Makefile.am                  |    3 +-
 src/gnome-chess-application.vala | 1601 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gnome-chess.vala             | 1600 -------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 1603 insertions(+), 1601 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index be30bd8..594e51b 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ gnome_chess_SOURCES = \
 	glx.vapi \
 	3ds.vala \
 	gnome-chess.vala \
+	gnome-chess-application.vala \
 	chess-launcher.vala \
 	ai-profile.vala \
 	chess-bitboard.vala \
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ gnome_chess_channel_handler_SOURCES = \
 	glu.vapi \
 	glx.vapi \
 	3ds.vala \
-	gnome-chess.vala \
+	gnome-chess-application.vala \
 	chess-launcher.vala \
 	gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala \
 	ai-profile.vala \
diff --git a/src/gnome-chess-application.vala b/src/gnome-chess-application.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602124c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gnome-chess-application.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,1601 @@
+/* Workaround for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647122 */
+extern void gtk_file_filter_set_name (Gtk.FileFilter filter, string name);
+public class Application : Gtk.Application
+    protected Settings settings;
+    private History history;
+    private Gtk.Builder builder;
+    protected Gtk.Builder preferences_builder;
+    private ChessLauncher? launcher = null;
+    private Gtk.Window? window = null;
+    /* Chess game screen widgets */
+    protected Gtk.Widget game_vbox;
+    private Gtk.Widget save_menu;
+    private Gtk.Widget save_as_menu;
+    protected Gtk.MenuItem fullscreen_menu;
+    protected Gtk.InfoBar info_bar;
+    protected Gtk.Label info_title_label;
+    protected Gtk.Label info_label;
+    protected Gtk.Container view_container;
+    protected ChessScene scene;
+    protected ChessView view;
+    private Gtk.Widget undo_menu;
+    private Gtk.Widget undo_button;
+    protected Gtk.Widget resign_menu;
+    private Gtk.Widget resign_button;
+    protected Gtk.Widget first_move_button;
+    protected Gtk.Widget prev_move_button;
+    protected Gtk.Widget next_move_button;
+    protected Gtk.Widget last_move_button;
+    protected Gtk.ComboBox history_combo;
+    protected Gtk.Widget white_time_label;
+    protected Gtk.Widget black_time_label;
+    protected Gtk.Dialog? preferences_dialog = null;
+    private Gtk.FileChooserDialog? open_dialog = null;
+    private Gtk.InfoBar? open_dialog_info_bar = null;
+    private Gtk.Label? open_dialog_error_label = null;
+    private Gtk.FileChooserDialog? save_dialog = null;
+    private Gtk.InfoBar? save_dialog_info_bar = null;
+    private Gtk.Label? save_dialog_error_label = null;
+    protected Gtk.AboutDialog? about_dialog = null;
+    private PGNGame pgn_game;
+    protected ChessGame game;
+    private bool in_history;
+    private File game_file;
+    private bool game_needs_saving;
+    private string engines_file;
+    private List<AIProfile> ai_profiles;
+    protected ChessPlayer? opponent = null;
+    private ChessPlayer? human_player = null;
+    protected ChessEngine? opponent_engine = null;
+    public Application (File? game_file)
+    {
+        Object (application_id: "org.gnome.gnome-chess", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+        this.game_file = game_file;
+    }
+    public override void startup ()
+    {
+        base.startup ();
+        settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.gnome-chess.Settings");
+        var data_dir = File.new_for_path (Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-chess", null));
+        DirUtils.create_with_parents (data_dir.get_path (), 0755);
+        history = new History (data_dir);
+        builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
+        try
+        {
+            builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "gnome-chess-game-window.ui", null));
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
+        }
+        settings.changed.connect (settings_changed_cb);
+        string engines_file = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "engines.conf", null);
+        ai_profiles = load_ai_profiles (engines_file);
+        foreach (var profile in ai_profiles)
+            message ("Detected AI profile %s in %s", profile.name, profile.path);
+        if (game_file == null)
+        {
+            launcher = create_launcher (engines_file, ai_profiles, history);
+            var unfinished = history.get_unfinished ();
+            if (unfinished != null)
+                launcher.show_game_selector ();
+            else
+                launcher.show_opponent_selector ();
+            /* Show top-level */
+            launcher.show ();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            try
+            {
+                load_game (game_file, false);
+            }
+            catch (Error e)
+            {
+                stderr.printf ("Failed to load %s: %s\n", game_file.get_path (), e.message);
+                quit ();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private ChessLauncher create_launcher (string engines_file,
+        List<AIProfile>? ai_profiles,
+        History history)
+    {
+        var launcher = new ChessLauncher (engines_file, ai_profiles, history);
+        launcher.application = this;
+        launcher.start_game.connect (start_new_game);
+        launcher.load_game.connect (this.load_game_handler);
+        launcher.destroy.connect (launcher_destroy_cb);
+        return launcher;
+    }
+    private void create_game_window ()
+    {
+        window = (Gtk.Window) builder.get_object ("window_game_screen");
+        game_vbox = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("game_vbox");
+        save_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_item");
+        save_as_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_as_item");
+        fullscreen_menu = (Gtk.MenuItem) builder.get_object ("fullscreen_item");
+        undo_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("undo_move_item");
+        undo_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("undo_move_button");
+        resign_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("resign_item");
+        resign_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("resign_button");
+        first_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("first_move_button");
+        prev_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("prev_move_button");
+        next_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("next_move_button");
+        last_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("last_move_button");
+        history_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) builder.get_object ("history_combo");
+        white_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("white_time_label");
+        black_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("black_time_label");
+        settings.bind ("show-toolbar", builder.get_object ("toolbar"), "visible", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        settings.bind ("show-history", builder.get_object ("navigation_box"), "visible", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        var view_box = (Gtk.VBox) builder.get_object ("view_box");
+        view_container = (Gtk.Container) builder.get_object ("view_container");
+        builder.connect_signals (this);
+        info_bar = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
+        var content_area = (Gtk.Container) info_bar.get_content_area ();
+        view_box.pack_start (info_bar, false, true, 0);
+        var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 6);
+        vbox.show ();
+        content_area.add (vbox);
+        info_title_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+        info_title_label.show ();
+        vbox.pack_start (info_title_label, false, true, 0);
+        vbox.hexpand = true;
+        vbox.vexpand = false;
+        info_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+        info_label.show ();
+        vbox.pack_start (info_label, true, true, 0);
+        scene = new ChessScene ();
+        scene.is_human.connect ((p) => { return p == human_player; } );
+        scene.changed.connect (scene_changed_cb);
+        scene.choose_promotion_type.connect (show_promotion_type_selector);
+        settings.bind ("show-move-hints", scene, "show-move-hints", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings.bind ("show-numbering", scene, "show-numbering", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings.bind ("piece-theme", scene, "theme-name", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings.bind ("show-3d-smooth", scene, "show-3d-smooth", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings.bind ("move-format", scene, "move-format", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings.bind ("board-side", scene, "board-side", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings_changed_cb (settings, "show-3d");
+    }
+    protected override void shutdown ()
+    {
+        base.shutdown ();
+        if (opponent_engine != null)
+            opponent_engine.stop ();
+    }
+    public PieceType show_promotion_type_selector ()
+    {
+        Gtk.Builder promotion_type_selector_builder;
+        promotion_type_selector_builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
+        try
+        {
+            promotion_type_selector_builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "promotion-type-selector.ui", null));
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Could not load promotion type selector UI: %s", e.message);
+        }
+        Gtk.Dialog promotion_type_selector_dialog = promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("dialog_promotion_type_selector") as Gtk.Dialog;
+        string color;
+        if (game.current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
+            color = "white";
+        else
+            color = "black";
+        var filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sQueen.svg".printf (color));
+        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_queen") as Gtk.Image, filename);
+        filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sKnight.svg".printf (color));
+        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_knight") as Gtk.Image, filename);
+        filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sRook.svg".printf (color));
+        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_rook") as Gtk.Image, filename);
+        filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sBishop.svg".printf (color));
+        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_bishop") as Gtk.Image, filename);
+        promotion_type_selector_builder.connect_signals (this);
+        PieceType selection;
+        int choice = promotion_type_selector_dialog.run ();
+        switch (choice)
+        {
+            case PromotionTypeSelected.QUEEN:
+                selection = PieceType.QUEEN;
+                break;
+            case PromotionTypeSelected.KNIGHT:
+                selection = PieceType.KNIGHT;
+                break;
+            case PromotionTypeSelected.ROOK:
+                selection = PieceType.ROOK;
+                break;
+            case PromotionTypeSelected.BISHOP:
+                selection = PieceType.BISHOP;
+                break;
+            default:
+                selection = PieceType.QUEEN;
+                break;
+        }
+        promotion_type_selector_dialog.destroy ();
+        return selection;
+    }
+    private void set_piece_image (Gtk.Image image, string filename)
+    {
+        int width, height;
+        if (!Gtk.icon_size_lookup (Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG, out width, out height))
+            return;
+        Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
+        try
+        {
+            pixbuf = Rsvg.pixbuf_from_file_at_size (filename, width, height);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Failed to load image %s: %s", filename, e.message);
+            return;
+        }
+        image.set_from_pixbuf (pixbuf);
+    }
+    enum PromotionTypeSelected
+    {
+        QUEEN,
+        KNIGHT,
+        ROOK,
+        BISHOP
+    }
+    /* Quits the application */
+    public void quit_game ()
+    {
+        autosave ();
+        settings.sync ();
+        if (launcher != null)
+        {
+          launcher.destroy ();
+          launcher = null;
+        }
+        if (window != null)
+        {
+          window.destroy ();
+          window = null;
+        }
+    }
+    private void autosave ()
+    {
+        /* FIXME: Prompt user to save somewhere */
+        if (!in_history)
+            return;
+        /* Don't autosave if no moves (e.g. they have been undone) or only the computer has moved */
+        if (!game_needs_saving)
+        {
+            if (game_file != null)
+                history.remove (game_file);
+            return;
+        }
+        try
+        {
+            if (game_file != null)
+                history.update (game_file, "", pgn_game.result);
+            else
+                game_file = history.add (pgn_game.date, pgn_game.result);
+            debug ("Writing current game to %s", game_file.get_path ());
+            pgn_game.write (game_file);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Failed to autosave: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }
+    private void settings_changed_cb (Settings settings, string key)
+    {
+        if (key == "show-3d")
+        {
+            if (view != null)
+            {
+                view_container.remove (view);
+                view.destroy ();
+            }
+            if (settings.get_boolean ("show-3d"))
+                view = new ChessView3D ();
+            else
+                view = new ChessView2D ();
+            view.set_size_request (300, 300);
+            view.scene = scene;
+            view_container.add (view);
+            view.show ();
+        }
+    }
+    private void update_history_panel ()
+    {
+        if (game == null)
+            return;
+        var move_number = scene.move_number;
+        var n_moves = (int) game.n_moves;
+        if (move_number < 0)
+            move_number += 1 + n_moves;
+        first_move_button.sensitive = n_moves > 0 && move_number != 0;
+        prev_move_button.sensitive = move_number > 0;
+        next_move_button.sensitive = move_number < n_moves;
+        last_move_button.sensitive = n_moves > 0 && move_number != n_moves;
+        /* Set move text for all moves (it may have changed format) */
+        int i = n_moves;
+        foreach (var state in game.move_stack)
+        {
+            if (state.last_move != null)
+            {
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                if (history_combo.model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, i))
+                    set_move_text (iter, state.last_move);
+            }
+            i--;
+        }
+        history_combo.set_active (move_number);
+    }
+    private void scene_changed_cb (ChessScene scene)
+    {
+        update_history_panel ();
+    }
+    private void start_game ()
+    {
+        if (in_history)
+        {
+            window.title = /* Title of the game window */
+                           _("Chess");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var path = game_file.get_path ();
+            window.title = /* Title of the window when explicitly loaded a file. The first argument is the
+                            * base name of the file (e.g. test.pgn), the second argument is the directory
+                            * (e.g. /home/fred) */
+                           _("%1$s (%2$s) - Chess").printf (Path.get_basename (path), Path.get_dirname (path));
+        }
+        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
+        model.clear ();
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        model.append (out iter);
+        model.set (iter, 0,
+                   /* Move History Combo: Go to the start of the game */
+                   _("Game Start"), 1, 0, -1);
+        history_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+        string fen = ChessGame.STANDARD_SETUP;
+        string[] moves = new string[pgn_game.moves.length ()];
+        var i = 0;
+        foreach (var move in pgn_game.moves)
+            moves[i++] = move;
+        if (pgn_game.set_up)
+        {
+            if (pgn_game.fen != null)
+                fen = pgn_game.fen;
+            else
+                warning ("Chess game has SetUp tag but no FEN tag");
+        }
+        game = new ChessGame (fen, moves);
+        if (pgn_game.time_control != null)
+        {
+            var controls = pgn_game.time_control.split (":");
+            foreach (var control in controls)
+            {
+                /* We only support simple timeouts */
+                var duration = int.parse (control);
+                if (duration > 0)
+                    game.clock = new ChessClock (duration, duration);
+            }
+        }
+        game.started.connect (game_start_cb);
+        game.turn_started.connect (game_turn_cb);
+        game.moved.connect (game_move_cb);
+        game.undo.connect (game_undo_cb);
+        game.ended.connect (game_end_cb);
+        if (game.clock != null)
+            game.clock.tick.connect (game_clock_tick_cb);
+        scene.game = game;
+        info_bar.hide ();
+        save_menu.sensitive = false;
+        save_as_menu.sensitive = false;
+        update_history_panel ();
+        update_control_buttons ();
+        // TODO: Could both be engines
+        var white_engine = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("WhiteAI");
+        var white_level = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("WhiteLevel");
+        if (white_level == null)
+            white_level = "normal";
+        var black_engine = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("BlackAI");
+        var black_level = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("BlackLevel");
+        if (black_level == null)
+            black_level = "normal";
+        opponent = null;
+        if (opponent_engine != null)
+        {
+            opponent_engine.stop ();
+            opponent_engine.ready_changed.disconnect (engine_ready_cb);
+            opponent_engine.moved.disconnect (engine_move_cb);
+            opponent_engine.stopped.disconnect (engine_stopped_cb);
+            opponent_engine = null;
+        }
+        if (white_engine != null)
+        {
+            opponent = game.white;
+            human_player = game.black;
+            opponent_engine = get_engine (white_engine, white_level);
+        }
+        else if (black_engine != null)
+        {
+            opponent = game.black;
+            human_player = game.white;
+            opponent_engine = get_engine (black_engine, black_level);
+        }
+        if (opponent_engine != null)
+        {
+            opponent_engine.ready_changed.connect (engine_ready_cb);
+            opponent_engine.moved.connect (engine_move_cb);
+            opponent_engine.stopped.connect (engine_stopped_cb);
+            opponent_engine.start ();
+        }
+        /* Replay current moves */
+        for (var j = (int) game.move_stack.length () - 2; j >= 0; j--)
+        {
+            var state = game.move_stack.nth_data (j);
+            game_move_cb (game, state.last_move);
+        }
+        game_needs_saving = false;
+        game.start ();
+        if (game.result != ChessResult.IN_PROGRESS)
+            game_end_cb (game);
+        white_time_label.queue_draw ();
+        black_time_label.queue_draw ();
+    }
+    private ChessEngine? get_engine (string name, string difficulty)
+    {
+        ChessEngine engine;
+        AIProfile? profile = null;
+        if (name == "human")
+            return null;
+        foreach (var p in ai_profiles)
+        {
+            if (name == "" || p.name == name)
+            {
+                profile = p;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (profile == null)
+        {
+            warning ("Unknown AI profile %s", name);
+            if (ai_profiles == null)
+                return null;
+            profile = ai_profiles.data;
+        }
+        string[] options;
+        switch (difficulty)
+        {
+        case "easy":
+            options = profile.easy_options;
+            break;
+        default:
+        case "normal":
+            options = profile.normal_options;
+            break;
+        case "hard":
+            options = profile.hard_options;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (profile.protocol == "cecp")
+            engine = new ChessEngineCECP (options);
+        else if (profile.protocol == "uci")
+            engine = new ChessEngineUCI (options);
+        else
+        {
+            warning ("Unknown AI protocol %s", profile.protocol);
+            return null;
+        }
+        engine.binary = profile.binary;
+        return engine;
+    }
+    public override void activate ()
+    {
+      /* Launcher or game-window would have been created by startup () already. Show it. */
+      if (launcher != null)
+          launcher.show ();
+      if (window != null)
+          window.show ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "launcher_destroy_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void launcher_destroy_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        launcher = null;
+        if (window == null)
+          quit_game ();
+    }
+    private void engine_ready_cb (ChessEngine engine)
+    {
+        if (opponent_engine.ready)
+        {
+            game.start ();
+            view.queue_draw ();
+        }
+    }
+    private void engine_move_cb (ChessEngine engine, string move)
+    {
+        opponent.move (move);
+    }
+    private void engine_stopped_cb (ChessEngine engine)
+    {
+        opponent.resign ();
+    }
+    private void game_start_cb (ChessGame game)
+    {
+        if (opponent_engine != null)
+            opponent_engine.start_game ();
+    }
+    private void game_clock_tick_cb (ChessClock clock)
+    {
+        white_time_label.queue_draw ();
+        black_time_label.queue_draw ();
+    }
+    private void game_turn_cb (ChessGame game, ChessPlayer player)
+    {
+        if (opponent_engine != null && player == opponent)
+            opponent_engine.request_move ();
+    }
+    private void set_move_text (Gtk.TreeIter iter, ChessMove move)
+    {
+        /* Note there are no move formats for pieces taking kings and this is not allowed in Chess rules */
+        const string human_descriptions[] = {/* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn moving from %1$s to %2s, e.g. 'c2 to c4' */
+                                             N_("White pawn moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'a1 to a5' */
+                                             N_("White rook moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s" */
+                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'b1 to c3' */
+                                             N_("White knight moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'f1 to b5' */
+                                             N_("White bishop moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'd1 to d4' */
+                                             N_("White queen moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'e1 to f1' */
+                                             N_("White king moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'c8 to c6' */
+                                             N_("Black pawn moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'a8 to a4' */
+                                             N_("Black rook moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'b8 to c6' */
+                                             N_("Black knight moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'f8 to b3' */
+                                             N_("Black bishop moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'd8 to d5' */
+                                             N_("Black queen moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'e8 to f8' */
+                                             N_("Black king moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
+                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
+                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s" */
+                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s")};
+        var move_text = "";
+        switch (scene.move_format)
+        {
+        case "human":
+            int index;
+            if (move.victim == null)
+                index = 0;
+            else
+                index = move.victim.type + 1;
+            index += move.piece.type * 6;
+            if (move.piece.player.color == Color.BLACK)
+                index += 36;
+            // FIXME: Use castling text e.g. "White castles kingside" (do for next release, we are in a string freeze)
+            var start = "%c%d".printf ('a' + move.f0, move.r0 + 1);
+            var end = "%c%d".printf ('a' + move.f1, move.r1 + 1);
+            move_text = _(human_descriptions[index]).printf (start, end);
+            break;
+        case "san":
+            move_text = move.get_san ();
+            break;
+        case "fan":
+            move_text = move.get_fan ();
+            break;
+        default:
+        case "lan":
+            move_text = move.get_lan ();
+            break;
+        }
+        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
+        var label = "%u%c. %s".printf ((move.number + 1) / 2, move.number % 2 == 0 ? 'b' : 'a', move_text);
+        model.set (iter, 0, label, -1);
+    }
+    private void game_move_cb (ChessGame game, ChessMove move)
+    {
+        /* Need to save after each move */
+        game_needs_saving = true;
+        /* If the only mover is the AI, then don't bother saving */
+        if (move.number == 1 && opponent != null && opponent.color == Color.WHITE)
+            game_needs_saving = false;
+        if (move.number > pgn_game.moves.length ())
+            pgn_game.moves.append (move.get_san ());
+        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        model.append (out iter);
+        model.set (iter, 1, move.number, -1);        
+        set_move_text (iter, move);
+        /* Follow the latest move */
+        if (move.number == game.n_moves && scene.move_number == -1)
+            history_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+        save_menu.sensitive = true;
+        save_as_menu.sensitive = true;
+        update_history_panel ();
+        update_control_buttons ();
+        if (opponent_engine != null)
+            opponent_engine.report_move (move);
+        view.queue_draw ();
+    }
+    private void game_undo_cb (ChessGame game)
+    {
+        /* Notify AI */
+        if (opponent_engine != null)
+            opponent_engine.undo ();
+        /* Remove from the PGN game */
+        pgn_game.moves.remove_link (pgn_game.moves.last ());
+        /* Remove from the history */
+        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, model.iter_n_children (null) - 1);
+        model.remove (iter);
+        /* If watching this move, go back one */
+        if (scene.move_number > game.n_moves || scene.move_number == -1)
+        {
+            model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, model.iter_n_children (null) - 1);
+            history_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+            view.queue_draw ();
+        }
+        update_history_panel ();
+        update_control_buttons ();
+    }
+    private void update_control_buttons ()
+    {
+        var can_resign = game.n_moves > 0;
+        resign_menu.sensitive = resign_button.sensitive = can_resign;
+        /* Can undo once the human player has made a move */
+        var can_undo = game.n_moves > 0;
+        if (opponent != null && opponent.color == Color.WHITE)
+            can_undo = game.n_moves > 1;
+        undo_menu.sensitive = undo_button.sensitive = can_undo;
+    }
+    private void game_end_cb (ChessGame game)
+    {
+        string title = "";
+        switch (game.result)
+        {
+        case ChessResult.WHITE_WON:
+            /* Message display when the white player wins */
+            title = _("White wins");
+            pgn_game.result = PGNGame.RESULT_WHITE;
+            break;
+        case ChessResult.BLACK_WON:
+            /* Message display when the black player wins */
+            title = _("Black wins");
+            pgn_game.result = PGNGame.RESULT_BLACK;
+            break;
+        case ChessResult.DRAW:
+            /* Message display when the game is drawn */
+            title = _("Game is drawn");
+            pgn_game.result = PGNGame.RESULT_DRAW;            
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        string reason = "";
+        switch (game.rule)
+        {
+        case ChessRule.CHECKMATE:
+            /* Message displayed when the game ends due to a player being checkmated */
+            reason = _("Opponent is in check and cannot move (checkmate)");
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.STALEMATE:
+            /* Message displayed when the game terminates due to a stalemate */
+            reason = _("Opponent cannot move (stalemate)");
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.FIFTY_MOVES:
+            /* Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the fifty move rule */
+            reason = _("No piece has been taken or pawn moved in the last fifty moves");
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.TIMEOUT:
+            /* Message displayed when the game ends due to one player's clock stopping */
+            reason = _("Opponent has run out of time");
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.THREE_FOLD_REPETITION:
+            /* Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the three-fold-repitition rule */
+            reason = _("The same board state has occurred three times (three fold repetition)");
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.INSUFFICIENT_MATERIAL:
+            /* Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the insufficient material rule */
+            reason = _("Neither player can cause checkmate (insufficient material)");
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.RESIGN:
+            if (game.result == ChessResult.WHITE_WON)
+            {
+                /* Message displayed when the game ends due to the black player resigning */
+                reason = _("The black player has resigned");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Message displayed when the game ends due to the white player resigning */
+                reason = _("The white player has resigned");
+            }
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.ABANDONMENT:
+            /* Message displayed when a game is abandoned */
+            reason = _("The game has been abandoned");
+            pgn_game.termination = PGNGame.TERMINATE_ABANDONED;
+            break;
+        case ChessRule.DEATH:
+            /* Message displayed when the game ends due to a player dying */
+            reason = _("One of the players has died");
+            pgn_game.termination = PGNGame.TERMINATE_DEATH;
+            break;
+        }
+        info_title_label.set_markup ("<big><b>%s</b></big>".printf (title));
+        info_label.set_text (reason);
+        info_bar.show ();
+        white_time_label.queue_draw ();
+        black_time_label.queue_draw ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT game_window_delete_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public bool game_window_delete_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Event event)
+    {
+        quit_game ();
+        return false;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT game_window_configure_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public bool game_window_configure_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventConfigure event)
+    {
+        if (!settings.get_boolean ("maximized") && !settings.get_boolean ("fullscreen"))
+        {
+            settings.set_int ("game-screen-width", event.width);
+            settings.set_int ("game-screen-height", event.height);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT game_window_window_state_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public bool game_window_window_state_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventWindowState event)
+    {
+        if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
+        {
+            var is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
+            settings.set_boolean ("maximized", is_maximized);
+        }
+        if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0)
+        {
+            bool is_fullscreen = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0;
+            settings.set_boolean ("fullscreen", is_fullscreen);
+            fullscreen_menu.label = is_fullscreen ? Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN : Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT new_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void new_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (game_needs_saving || (in_history && game_file != null))
+        {
+            var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog.with_markup (window,
+                                                            Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
+                                                            Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
+                                                            Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE,
+                                                            "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>",
+                                                            _("Save this game before starting a new one?"));
+            dialog.add_button (Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+            dialog.add_button (_("_Abandon game"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO);
+            dialog.add_button (_("_Save game for later"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
+            var result = dialog.run ();
+            dialog.destroy ();
+            if (result == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)
+                return;
+            if (result == Gtk.ResponseType.NO)
+            {
+                in_history = false;
+                game_needs_saving = false;
+            }
+        }
+        autosave ();
+        /* Hide game-window and show launcher */
+        window.hide ();
+        if (launcher == null)
+          launcher = create_launcher (engines_file, ai_profiles, history);
+        launcher.present ();
+        launcher.show_opponent_selector ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT resign_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void resign_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        game.current_player.resign ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT claim_draw_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void claim_draw_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        game.current_player.claim_draw ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT undo_move_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void undo_move_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (opponent != null)
+            human_player.undo ();
+        else
+            game.opponent.undo ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT quit_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void quit_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        quit_game ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT white_time_draw_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public bool white_time_draw_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Context c)
+    {
+        double fg[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+        double bg[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+        draw_time (widget, c, make_clock_text (game.clock, Color.WHITE), fg, bg);
+        return false;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT black_time_draw_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public bool black_time_draw_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Context c)
+    {
+        double fg[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+        double bg[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+        draw_time (widget, c, make_clock_text (game.clock, Color.BLACK), fg, bg);
+        return false;
+    }
+    private string make_clock_text (ChessClock? clock, Color color)
+    {
+        if (clock == null)
+            return "â";
+        int used;
+        if (color == Color.WHITE)
+            used = (int) (game.clock.white_duration / 1000 - game.clock.white_used_in_seconds);
+        else
+            used = (int) (game.clock.black_duration / 1000 - game.clock.black_used_in_seconds);
+        if (used >= 60)
+            return "%d:%02d".printf (used / 60, used % 60);
+        else
+            return ":%02d".printf (used);
+    }
+    private void draw_time (Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Context c, string text, double[] fg, double[] bg)
+    {
+        double alpha = 1.0;
+        if (widget.get_state () == Gtk.StateType.INSENSITIVE)
+            alpha = 0.5;
+        c.set_source_rgba (bg[0], bg[1], bg[2], alpha);
+        c.paint ();
+        c.set_source_rgba (fg[0], fg[1], fg[2], alpha);
+        c.select_font_face ("fixed", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.BOLD);
+        c.set_font_size (0.6 * widget.get_allocated_height ());
+        Cairo.TextExtents extents;
+        c.text_extents (text, out extents);
+        c.move_to ((widget.get_allocated_width () - extents.width) / 2 - extents.x_bearing,
+                   (widget.get_allocated_height () - extents.height) / 2 - extents.y_bearing);
+        c.show_text (text);
+        widget.set_size_request ((int) extents.width + 6, -1);
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void history_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
+    {
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        if (!combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
+            return;
+        int move_number;
+        combo.model.get (iter, 1, out move_number, -1);
+        if (game == null || move_number == game.n_moves)
+            move_number = -1;
+        scene.move_number = move_number;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_latest_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void history_latest_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        scene.move_number = -1;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_next_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void history_next_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (scene.move_number == -1)
+            return;
+        int move_number = scene.move_number + 1;
+        if (move_number >= game.n_moves)
+            scene.move_number = -1;
+        else
+            scene.move_number = move_number;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_previous_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void history_previous_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (scene.move_number == 0)
+            return;
+        if (scene.move_number == -1)
+            scene.move_number = (int) game.n_moves - 1;
+        else
+            scene.move_number = scene.move_number - 1;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_start_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void history_start_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        scene.move_number = 0;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT toggle_fullscreen_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void toggle_fullscreen_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (fullscreen_menu.label == Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN)
+            window.fullscreen ();
+        else
+            window.unfullscreen ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT preferences_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void preferences_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (preferences_dialog != null)
+        {
+            preferences_dialog.present ();
+            return;
+        }
+        preferences_builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
+        try
+        {
+            preferences_builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "preferences.ui", null));
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Could not load preferences UI: %s", e.message);
+        }
+        preferences_dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) preferences_builder.get_object ("preferences");
+        settings.bind ("show-numbering", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_numbering_check"),
+                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        settings.bind ("show-move-hints", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_move_hints_check"),
+                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        settings.bind ("show-toolbar", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_toolbar_check"),
+                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        settings.bind ("show-history", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_history_check"),
+                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        settings.bind ("show-3d", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_3d_check"),
+                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        settings.bind ("show-3d-smooth", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_3d_smooth_check"),
+                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+        var orientation_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) preferences_builder.get_object ("orientation_combo");
+        set_combo (orientation_combo, 1, settings.get_string ("board-side"));
+        var move_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) preferences_builder.get_object ("move_format_combo");
+        set_combo (move_combo, 1, settings.get_string ("move-format"));
+        var theme_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) preferences_builder.get_object ("piece_style_combo");
+        set_combo (theme_combo, 1, settings.get_string ("piece-theme"));
+        preferences_builder.connect_signals (this);
+        preferences_dialog.present ();
+    }
+    private void set_combo (Gtk.ComboBox combo, int value_index, string value)
+    {
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        var model = combo.model;
+        if (!model.get_iter_first (out iter))
+            return;
+        do
+        {
+            string v;
+            model.get (iter, value_index, out v, -1);
+            if (v == value)
+            {
+                combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+                return;
+            }
+        } while (model.iter_next (ref iter));
+    }
+    private string? get_combo (Gtk.ComboBox combo, int value_index)
+    {
+        string value;
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        if (!combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
+            return null;
+        combo.model.get (iter, value_index, out value, -1);
+        return value;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT preferences_response_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void preferences_response_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, int response_id)
+    {
+        preferences_dialog.hide ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT preferences_delete_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public bool preferences_delete_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Event event)
+    {
+        preferences_response_cb (widget, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+        return true;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT piece_style_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void piece_style_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
+    {
+        settings.set_string ("piece-theme", get_combo (combo, 1));
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT show_3d_toggle_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void show_3d_toggle_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton widget)
+    {
+        var w = (Gtk.Widget) preferences_builder.get_object ("show_3d_smooth_check");
+        w.sensitive = widget.active;
+        w = (Gtk.Widget) preferences_builder.get_object ("piece_style_combo");
+        w.sensitive = !widget.active;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT move_format_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void move_format_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
+    {
+        settings.set_string ("move-format", get_combo (combo, 1));
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT orientation_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void orientation_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
+    {
+        settings.set_string ("board-side", get_combo (combo, 1));    
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT help_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void help_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            Gtk.show_uri (window.get_screen (), "help:gnome-chess", Gtk.get_current_event_time ());
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+            warning ("Unable to open help: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }
+    private const string[] authors = { "Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com>", null };
+    private const string[] artists = { "John-Paul Gignac (3D Models)", "Max Froumentin (2D Models)", "Hylke Bons <h bons student rug nl> (icon)", null };
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT about_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void about_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        if (about_dialog != null)
+        {
+            about_dialog.present ();
+            return;
+        }
+        about_dialog = new Gtk.AboutDialog ();
+        about_dialog.transient_for = window;
+        about_dialog.modal = true;
+        about_dialog.program_name = "Chess";
+        about_dialog.version = Config.VERSION;
+        about_dialog.copyright = "Copyright 2010 Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com>";
+        about_dialog.license_type = Gtk.License.GPL_2_0;
+        about_dialog.comments = _("The 2D/3D chess game for GNOME. \n\nGNOME Chess is a part of GNOME Games.");
+        about_dialog.authors = authors;
+        about_dialog.artists = artists;
+        about_dialog.translator_credits = "translator-credits";
+        about_dialog.website = "http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-games/";;
+        about_dialog.website_label = _("GNOME Games web site");
+        about_dialog.logo_icon_name = "gnome-chess";
+        about_dialog.response.connect (about_response_cb);
+        about_dialog.show ();
+    }
+    private void about_response_cb (int response_id)
+    {
+        about_dialog.destroy ();
+        about_dialog = null;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT save_game_as_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void save_game_as_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        save_game ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT save_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void save_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        save_game ();
+    }
+    private void add_info_bar_to_dialog (Gtk.Dialog dialog, out Gtk.InfoBar info_bar, out Gtk.Label label)
+    {
+        var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
+        vbox.show ();
+        info_bar = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
+        var content_area = (Gtk.Container) info_bar.get_content_area ();
+        vbox.pack_start (info_bar, false, true, 0);
+        label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+        content_area.add (label);
+        label.show ();
+        var child = (Gtk.Container) dialog.get_child ();
+        child.reparent (vbox);
+        child.border_width = dialog.border_width;
+        dialog.border_width = 0;
+        dialog.add (vbox);
+    }
+    private void save_game ()
+    {
+        /* Show active dialog */
+        if (save_dialog != null)
+        {
+            save_dialog.present ();
+            return;
+        }
+        save_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (/* Title of save game dialog */
+                                                 _("Save Chess Game"),
+                                                 window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE,
+                                                 Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
+                                                 Gtk.Stock.SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK, null);
+        add_info_bar_to_dialog (save_dialog, out save_dialog_info_bar, out save_dialog_error_label);
+        save_dialog.file_activated.connect (save_file_cb);        
+        save_dialog.response.connect (save_cb);
+        /* Filter out non PGN files by default */
+        var pgn_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+        gtk_file_filter_set_name (pgn_filter,
+                                  /* Save Game Dialog: Name of filter to show only PGN files */
+                                  _("PGN files"));
+        pgn_filter.add_pattern ("*.pgn");
+        save_dialog.add_filter (pgn_filter);
+        var all_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+        gtk_file_filter_set_name (all_filter,
+                                  /* Save Game Dialog: Name of filter to show all files */
+                                  _("All files"));
+        all_filter.add_pattern ("*");
+        save_dialog.add_filter (all_filter);
+        save_dialog.present ();
+    }    
+    private void save_file_cb ()
+    {
+        save_cb (Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
+    }
+    private void save_cb (int response_id)
+    {
+        if (response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
+        {
+            save_menu.sensitive = false;
+            try
+            {
+                pgn_game.write (save_dialog.get_file ());
+            }
+            catch (Error e)
+            {
+                save_dialog_error_label.set_text (_("Failed to save game: %s").printf (e.message));
+                save_dialog_info_bar.set_message_type (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR);
+                save_dialog_info_bar.show ();
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        save_dialog.destroy ();
+        save_dialog = null;
+        save_dialog_info_bar = null;
+        save_dialog_error_label = null;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT open_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+    public void open_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+    {
+        /* Show active dialog */
+        if (open_dialog != null)
+        {
+            open_dialog.present ();
+            return;
+        }
+        open_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (/* Title of load game dialog */
+                                                 _("Load Chess Game"),
+                                                 window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN,
+                                                 Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
+                                                 Gtk.Stock.OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK, null);
+        add_info_bar_to_dialog (open_dialog, out open_dialog_info_bar, out open_dialog_error_label);
+        open_dialog.file_activated.connect (open_file_cb);        
+        open_dialog.response.connect (open_cb);
+        /* Filter out non PGN files by default */
+        var pgn_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+        gtk_file_filter_set_name (pgn_filter,
+                                  /* Load Game Dialog: Name of filter to show only PGN files */
+                                  _("PGN files"));
+        pgn_filter.add_pattern ("*.pgn");
+        open_dialog.add_filter (pgn_filter);
+        var all_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+        gtk_file_filter_set_name (all_filter,
+                                  /* Load Game Dialog: Name of filter to show all files */
+                                  _("All files"));
+        all_filter.add_pattern ("*");
+        open_dialog.add_filter (all_filter);
+        open_dialog.present ();
+    }
+    private void open_file_cb ()
+    {
+        open_cb (Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
+    }
+    private void open_cb (int response_id)
+    {
+        if (response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
+        {
+            try
+            {
+                load_game (open_dialog.get_file (), false);
+            }
+            catch (Error e)
+            {
+                open_dialog_error_label.set_text (_("Failed to open game: %s").printf (e.message));
+                open_dialog_info_bar.set_message_type (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR);
+                open_dialog_info_bar.show ();
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        open_dialog.destroy ();
+        open_dialog = null;
+        open_dialog_info_bar = null;
+        open_dialog_error_label = null;
+    }
+    private void display_window ()
+    {
+        if (settings.get_boolean ("fullscreen"))
+            window.fullscreen ();
+        else if (settings.get_boolean ("maximized"))
+            window.maximize ();
+        game_vbox.show ();
+        window.resize (settings.get_int ("game-screen-width"),
+            settings.get_int ("game-screen-height"));
+        window.show ();
+    }
+    private void start_new_game ()
+    {
+        if (window == null)
+        {
+          create_game_window ();
+          add_window (window);
+        }
+        in_history = true;
+        game_file = null;
+        pgn_game = new PGNGame ();
+        var now = new DateTime.now_local ();
+        pgn_game.date = now.format ("%Y.%m.%d");
+        pgn_game.time = now.format ("%H:%M:%S");
+        var duration = settings.get_int ("duration");
+        if (duration > 0)
+            pgn_game.time_control = "%d".printf (duration);
+        if (settings.get_string ("opponent-type") == "robot")
+        {
+            var engine_name = settings.get_string ("opponent");
+            var engine_level = settings.get_string ("difficulty");
+            if (engine_name != null)
+            {
+                if (settings.get_boolean ("play-as-white"))
+                {
+                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("BlackAI", engine_name);
+                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("BlackLevel", engine_level);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("WhiteAI", engine_name);
+                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("WhiteLevel", engine_level);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        start_game ();
+        display_window ();
+        if (launcher != null)
+          launcher.destroy ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cname = "load_game_handler", instance_pos = -1)]
+    private void load_game_handler (ChessLauncher launcher,
+        File file,
+        bool from_history)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            load_game (file, from_history);
+        }
+        catch (Error e)
+        {
+           stderr.printf ("Error loading pgn from file: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }
+    private void load_game (File file, bool from_history) throws Error
+    {
+        if (window == null)
+        {
+          create_game_window ();
+          add_window (window);
+        }
+        var pgn = new PGN.from_file (file);
+        pgn_game = pgn.games.nth_data (0);
+        game_file = file;
+        in_history = from_history;
+        start_game ();
+        display_window ();
+        if (launcher != null)
+          launcher.destroy ();
+    }
diff --git a/src/gnome-chess.vala b/src/gnome-chess.vala
index e566e6c..61857d1 100644
--- a/src/gnome-chess.vala
+++ b/src/gnome-chess.vala
@@ -1,1603 +1,3 @@
-/* Workaround for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647122 */
-extern void gtk_file_filter_set_name (Gtk.FileFilter filter, string name);
-public class Application : Gtk.Application
-    protected Settings settings;
-    private History history;
-    private Gtk.Builder builder;
-    protected Gtk.Builder preferences_builder;
-    private ChessLauncher? launcher = null;
-    private Gtk.Window? window = null;
-    /* Chess game screen widgets */
-    protected Gtk.Widget game_vbox;
-    private Gtk.Widget save_menu;
-    private Gtk.Widget save_as_menu;
-    protected Gtk.MenuItem fullscreen_menu;
-    protected Gtk.InfoBar info_bar;
-    protected Gtk.Label info_title_label;
-    protected Gtk.Label info_label;
-    protected Gtk.Container view_container;
-    protected ChessScene scene;
-    protected ChessView view;
-    private Gtk.Widget undo_menu;
-    private Gtk.Widget undo_button;
-    protected Gtk.Widget resign_menu;
-    private Gtk.Widget resign_button;
-    protected Gtk.Widget first_move_button;
-    protected Gtk.Widget prev_move_button;
-    protected Gtk.Widget next_move_button;
-    protected Gtk.Widget last_move_button;
-    protected Gtk.ComboBox history_combo;
-    protected Gtk.Widget white_time_label;
-    protected Gtk.Widget black_time_label;
-    protected Gtk.Dialog? preferences_dialog = null;
-    private Gtk.FileChooserDialog? open_dialog = null;
-    private Gtk.InfoBar? open_dialog_info_bar = null;
-    private Gtk.Label? open_dialog_error_label = null;
-    private Gtk.FileChooserDialog? save_dialog = null;
-    private Gtk.InfoBar? save_dialog_info_bar = null;
-    private Gtk.Label? save_dialog_error_label = null;
-    protected Gtk.AboutDialog? about_dialog = null;
-    private PGNGame pgn_game;
-    protected ChessGame game;
-    private bool in_history;
-    private File game_file;
-    private bool game_needs_saving;
-    private string engines_file;
-    private List<AIProfile> ai_profiles;
-    protected ChessPlayer? opponent = null;
-    private ChessPlayer? human_player = null;
-    protected ChessEngine? opponent_engine = null;
-    public Application (File? game_file)
-    {
-        Object (application_id: "org.gnome.gnome-chess", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
-        this.game_file = game_file;
-    }
-    public override void startup ()
-    {
-        base.startup ();
-        settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.gnome-chess.Settings");
-        var data_dir = File.new_for_path (Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-chess", null));
-        DirUtils.create_with_parents (data_dir.get_path (), 0755);
-        history = new History (data_dir);
-        builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
-        try
-        {
-            builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "gnome-chess-game-window.ui", null));
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-            warning ("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
-        }
-        settings.changed.connect (settings_changed_cb);
-        string engines_file = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "engines.conf", null);
-        ai_profiles = load_ai_profiles (engines_file);
-        foreach (var profile in ai_profiles)
-            message ("Detected AI profile %s in %s", profile.name, profile.path);
-        if (game_file == null)
-        {
-            launcher = create_launcher (engines_file, ai_profiles, history);
-            var unfinished = history.get_unfinished ();
-            if (unfinished != null)
-                launcher.show_game_selector ();
-            else
-                launcher.show_opponent_selector ();
-            /* Show top-level */
-            launcher.show ();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                load_game (game_file, false);
-            }
-            catch (Error e)
-            {
-                stderr.printf ("Failed to load %s: %s\n", game_file.get_path (), e.message);
-                quit ();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private ChessLauncher create_launcher (string engines_file,
-        List<AIProfile>? ai_profiles,
-        History history)
-    {
-        var launcher = new ChessLauncher (engines_file, ai_profiles, history);
-        launcher.application = this;
-        launcher.start_game.connect (start_new_game);
-        launcher.load_game.connect (this.load_game_handler);
-        launcher.destroy.connect (launcher_destroy_cb);
-        return launcher;
-    }
-    private void create_game_window ()
-    {
-        window = (Gtk.Window) builder.get_object ("window_game_screen");
-        game_vbox = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("game_vbox");
-        save_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_item");
-        save_as_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_as_item");
-        fullscreen_menu = (Gtk.MenuItem) builder.get_object ("fullscreen_item");
-        undo_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("undo_move_item");
-        undo_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("undo_move_button");
-        resign_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("resign_item");
-        resign_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("resign_button");
-        first_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("first_move_button");
-        prev_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("prev_move_button");
-        next_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("next_move_button");
-        last_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("last_move_button");
-        history_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) builder.get_object ("history_combo");
-        white_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("white_time_label");
-        black_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("black_time_label");
-        settings.bind ("show-toolbar", builder.get_object ("toolbar"), "visible", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        settings.bind ("show-history", builder.get_object ("navigation_box"), "visible", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        var view_box = (Gtk.VBox) builder.get_object ("view_box");
-        view_container = (Gtk.Container) builder.get_object ("view_container");
-        builder.connect_signals (this);
-        info_bar = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
-        var content_area = (Gtk.Container) info_bar.get_content_area ();
-        view_box.pack_start (info_bar, false, true, 0);
-        var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 6);
-        vbox.show ();
-        content_area.add (vbox);
-        info_title_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
-        info_title_label.show ();
-        vbox.pack_start (info_title_label, false, true, 0);
-        vbox.hexpand = true;
-        vbox.vexpand = false;
-        info_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
-        info_label.show ();
-        vbox.pack_start (info_label, true, true, 0);
-        scene = new ChessScene ();
-        scene.is_human.connect ((p) => { return p == human_player; } );
-        scene.changed.connect (scene_changed_cb);
-        scene.choose_promotion_type.connect (show_promotion_type_selector);
-        settings.bind ("show-move-hints", scene, "show-move-hints", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("show-numbering", scene, "show-numbering", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("piece-theme", scene, "theme-name", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("show-3d-smooth", scene, "show-3d-smooth", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("move-format", scene, "move-format", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("board-side", scene, "board-side", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings_changed_cb (settings, "show-3d");
-    }
-    protected override void shutdown ()
-    {
-        base.shutdown ();
-        if (opponent_engine != null)
-            opponent_engine.stop ();
-    }
-    public PieceType show_promotion_type_selector ()
-    {
-        Gtk.Builder promotion_type_selector_builder;
-        promotion_type_selector_builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
-        try
-        {
-            promotion_type_selector_builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "promotion-type-selector.ui", null));
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-            warning ("Could not load promotion type selector UI: %s", e.message);
-        }
-        Gtk.Dialog promotion_type_selector_dialog = promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("dialog_promotion_type_selector") as Gtk.Dialog;
-        string color;
-        if (game.current_player.color == Color.WHITE)
-            color = "white";
-        else
-            color = "black";
-        var filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sQueen.svg".printf (color));
-        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_queen") as Gtk.Image, filename);
-        filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sKnight.svg".printf (color));
-        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_knight") as Gtk.Image, filename);
-        filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sRook.svg".printf (color));
-        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_rook") as Gtk.Image, filename);
-        filename = Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "pieces", scene.theme_name, "%sBishop.svg".printf (color));
-        set_piece_image (promotion_type_selector_builder.get_object ("image_bishop") as Gtk.Image, filename);
-        promotion_type_selector_builder.connect_signals (this);
-        PieceType selection;
-        int choice = promotion_type_selector_dialog.run ();
-        switch (choice)
-        {
-            case PromotionTypeSelected.QUEEN:
-                selection = PieceType.QUEEN;
-                break;
-            case PromotionTypeSelected.KNIGHT:
-                selection = PieceType.KNIGHT;
-                break;
-            case PromotionTypeSelected.ROOK:
-                selection = PieceType.ROOK;
-                break;
-            case PromotionTypeSelected.BISHOP:
-                selection = PieceType.BISHOP;
-                break;
-            default:
-                selection = PieceType.QUEEN;
-                break;
-        }
-        promotion_type_selector_dialog.destroy ();
-        return selection;
-    }
-    private void set_piece_image (Gtk.Image image, string filename)
-    {
-        int width, height;
-        if (!Gtk.icon_size_lookup (Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG, out width, out height))
-            return;
-        Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
-        try
-        {
-            pixbuf = Rsvg.pixbuf_from_file_at_size (filename, width, height);
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-            warning ("Failed to load image %s: %s", filename, e.message);
-            return;
-        }
-        image.set_from_pixbuf (pixbuf);
-    }
-    enum PromotionTypeSelected
-    {
-        QUEEN,
-        KNIGHT,
-        ROOK,
-        BISHOP
-    }
-    /* Quits the application */
-    public void quit_game ()
-    {
-        autosave ();
-        settings.sync ();
-        if (launcher != null)
-        {
-          launcher.destroy ();
-          launcher = null;
-        }
-        if (window != null)
-        {
-          window.destroy ();
-          window = null;
-        }
-    }
-    private void autosave ()
-    {
-        /* FIXME: Prompt user to save somewhere */
-        if (!in_history)
-            return;
-        /* Don't autosave if no moves (e.g. they have been undone) or only the computer has moved */
-        if (!game_needs_saving)
-        {
-            if (game_file != null)
-                history.remove (game_file);
-            return;
-        }
-        try
-        {
-            if (game_file != null)
-                history.update (game_file, "", pgn_game.result);
-            else
-                game_file = history.add (pgn_game.date, pgn_game.result);
-            debug ("Writing current game to %s", game_file.get_path ());
-            pgn_game.write (game_file);
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-            warning ("Failed to autosave: %s", e.message);
-        }
-    }
-    private void settings_changed_cb (Settings settings, string key)
-    {
-        if (key == "show-3d")
-        {
-            if (view != null)
-            {
-                view_container.remove (view);
-                view.destroy ();
-            }
-            if (settings.get_boolean ("show-3d"))
-                view = new ChessView3D ();
-            else
-                view = new ChessView2D ();
-            view.set_size_request (300, 300);
-            view.scene = scene;
-            view_container.add (view);
-            view.show ();
-        }
-    }
-    private void update_history_panel ()
-    {
-        if (game == null)
-            return;
-        var move_number = scene.move_number;
-        var n_moves = (int) game.n_moves;
-        if (move_number < 0)
-            move_number += 1 + n_moves;
-        first_move_button.sensitive = n_moves > 0 && move_number != 0;
-        prev_move_button.sensitive = move_number > 0;
-        next_move_button.sensitive = move_number < n_moves;
-        last_move_button.sensitive = n_moves > 0 && move_number != n_moves;
-        /* Set move text for all moves (it may have changed format) */
-        int i = n_moves;
-        foreach (var state in game.move_stack)
-        {
-            if (state.last_move != null)
-            {
-                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-                if (history_combo.model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, i))
-                    set_move_text (iter, state.last_move);
-            }
-            i--;
-        }
-        history_combo.set_active (move_number);
-    }
-    private void scene_changed_cb (ChessScene scene)
-    {
-        update_history_panel ();
-    }
-    private void start_game ()
-    {
-        if (in_history)
-        {
-            window.title = /* Title of the game window */
-                           _("Chess");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            var path = game_file.get_path ();
-            window.title = /* Title of the window when explicitly loaded a file. The first argument is the
-                            * base name of the file (e.g. test.pgn), the second argument is the directory
-                            * (e.g. /home/fred) */
-                           _("%1$s (%2$s) - Chess").printf (Path.get_basename (path), Path.get_dirname (path));
-        }
-        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
-        model.clear ();
-        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-        model.append (out iter);
-        model.set (iter, 0,
-                   /* Move History Combo: Go to the start of the game */
-                   _("Game Start"), 1, 0, -1);
-        history_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
-        string fen = ChessGame.STANDARD_SETUP;
-        string[] moves = new string[pgn_game.moves.length ()];
-        var i = 0;
-        foreach (var move in pgn_game.moves)
-            moves[i++] = move;
-        if (pgn_game.set_up)
-        {
-            if (pgn_game.fen != null)
-                fen = pgn_game.fen;
-            else
-                warning ("Chess game has SetUp tag but no FEN tag");
-        }
-        game = new ChessGame (fen, moves);
-        if (pgn_game.time_control != null)
-        {
-            var controls = pgn_game.time_control.split (":");
-            foreach (var control in controls)
-            {
-                /* We only support simple timeouts */
-                var duration = int.parse (control);
-                if (duration > 0)
-                    game.clock = new ChessClock (duration, duration);
-            }
-        }
-        game.started.connect (game_start_cb);
-        game.turn_started.connect (game_turn_cb);
-        game.moved.connect (game_move_cb);
-        game.undo.connect (game_undo_cb);
-        game.ended.connect (game_end_cb);
-        if (game.clock != null)
-            game.clock.tick.connect (game_clock_tick_cb);
-        scene.game = game;
-        info_bar.hide ();
-        save_menu.sensitive = false;
-        save_as_menu.sensitive = false;
-        update_history_panel ();
-        update_control_buttons ();
-        // TODO: Could both be engines
-        var white_engine = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("WhiteAI");
-        var white_level = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("WhiteLevel");
-        if (white_level == null)
-            white_level = "normal";
-        var black_engine = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("BlackAI");
-        var black_level = pgn_game.tags.lookup ("BlackLevel");
-        if (black_level == null)
-            black_level = "normal";
-        opponent = null;
-        if (opponent_engine != null)
-        {
-            opponent_engine.stop ();
-            opponent_engine.ready_changed.disconnect (engine_ready_cb);
-            opponent_engine.moved.disconnect (engine_move_cb);
-            opponent_engine.stopped.disconnect (engine_stopped_cb);
-            opponent_engine = null;
-        }
-        if (white_engine != null)
-        {
-            opponent = game.white;
-            human_player = game.black;
-            opponent_engine = get_engine (white_engine, white_level);
-        }
-        else if (black_engine != null)
-        {
-            opponent = game.black;
-            human_player = game.white;
-            opponent_engine = get_engine (black_engine, black_level);
-        }
-        if (opponent_engine != null)
-        {
-            opponent_engine.ready_changed.connect (engine_ready_cb);
-            opponent_engine.moved.connect (engine_move_cb);
-            opponent_engine.stopped.connect (engine_stopped_cb);
-            opponent_engine.start ();
-        }
-        /* Replay current moves */
-        for (var j = (int) game.move_stack.length () - 2; j >= 0; j--)
-        {
-            var state = game.move_stack.nth_data (j);
-            game_move_cb (game, state.last_move);
-        }
-        game_needs_saving = false;
-        game.start ();
-        if (game.result != ChessResult.IN_PROGRESS)
-            game_end_cb (game);
-        white_time_label.queue_draw ();
-        black_time_label.queue_draw ();
-    }
-    private ChessEngine? get_engine (string name, string difficulty)
-    {
-        ChessEngine engine;
-        AIProfile? profile = null;
-        if (name == "human")
-            return null;
-        foreach (var p in ai_profiles)
-        {
-            if (name == "" || p.name == name)
-            {
-                profile = p;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (profile == null)
-        {
-            warning ("Unknown AI profile %s", name);
-            if (ai_profiles == null)
-                return null;
-            profile = ai_profiles.data;
-        }
-        string[] options;
-        switch (difficulty)
-        {
-        case "easy":
-            options = profile.easy_options;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case "normal":
-            options = profile.normal_options;
-            break;
-        case "hard":
-            options = profile.hard_options;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (profile.protocol == "cecp")
-            engine = new ChessEngineCECP (options);
-        else if (profile.protocol == "uci")
-            engine = new ChessEngineUCI (options);
-        else
-        {
-            warning ("Unknown AI protocol %s", profile.protocol);
-            return null;
-        }
-        engine.binary = profile.binary;
-        return engine;
-    }
-    public override void activate ()
-    {
-      /* Launcher or game-window would have been created by startup () already. Show it. */
-      if (launcher != null)
-          launcher.show ();
-      if (window != null)
-          window.show ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "launcher_destroy_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void launcher_destroy_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        launcher = null;
-        if (window == null)
-          quit_game ();
-    }
-    private void engine_ready_cb (ChessEngine engine)
-    {
-        if (opponent_engine.ready)
-        {
-            game.start ();
-            view.queue_draw ();
-        }
-    }
-    private void engine_move_cb (ChessEngine engine, string move)
-    {
-        opponent.move (move);
-    }
-    private void engine_stopped_cb (ChessEngine engine)
-    {
-        opponent.resign ();
-    }
-    private void game_start_cb (ChessGame game)
-    {
-        if (opponent_engine != null)
-            opponent_engine.start_game ();
-    }
-    private void game_clock_tick_cb (ChessClock clock)
-    {
-        white_time_label.queue_draw ();
-        black_time_label.queue_draw ();
-    }
-    private void game_turn_cb (ChessGame game, ChessPlayer player)
-    {
-        if (opponent_engine != null && player == opponent)
-            opponent_engine.request_move ();
-    }
-    private void set_move_text (Gtk.TreeIter iter, ChessMove move)
-    {
-        /* Note there are no move formats for pieces taking kings and this is not allowed in Chess rules */
-        const string human_descriptions[] = {/* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn moving from %1$s to %2s, e.g. 'c2 to c4' */
-                                             N_("White pawn moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white pawn at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White pawn at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'a1 to a5' */
-                                             N_("White rook moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white rook at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s" */
-                                             N_("White rook at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'b1 to c3' */
-                                             N_("White knight moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white knight at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White knight at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'f1 to b5' */
-                                             N_("White bishop moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white bishop at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White bishop at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'd1 to d4' */
-                                             N_("White queen moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white queen at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White queen at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'e1 to f1' */
-                                             N_("White king moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a white king at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("White king at %1$s takes the black queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'c8 to c6' */
-                                             N_("Black pawn moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black pawn at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black pawn at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'a8 to a4' */
-                                             N_("Black rook moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black rook at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black rook at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'b8 to c6' */
-                                             N_("Black knight moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black knight at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black knight at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'f8 to b3' */
-                                             N_("Black bishop moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black bishop at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black bishop at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'd8 to d5' */
-                                             N_("Black queen moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black queen at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black queen at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king moving from %1$s to %2$s, e.g. 'e8 to f8' */
-                                             N_("Black king moves from %1$s to %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a pawn at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white pawn at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a rook at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a knight at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white knight at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a bishop at %2$s */
-                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white bishop at %2$s"),
-                                             /* Human Move String: Description of a black king at %1$s capturing a queen at %2$s" */
-                                             N_("Black king at %1$s takes the white queen at %2$s")};
-        var move_text = "";
-        switch (scene.move_format)
-        {
-        case "human":
-            int index;
-            if (move.victim == null)
-                index = 0;
-            else
-                index = move.victim.type + 1;
-            index += move.piece.type * 6;
-            if (move.piece.player.color == Color.BLACK)
-                index += 36;
-            // FIXME: Use castling text e.g. "White castles kingside" (do for next release, we are in a string freeze)
-            var start = "%c%d".printf ('a' + move.f0, move.r0 + 1);
-            var end = "%c%d".printf ('a' + move.f1, move.r1 + 1);
-            move_text = _(human_descriptions[index]).printf (start, end);
-            break;
-        case "san":
-            move_text = move.get_san ();
-            break;
-        case "fan":
-            move_text = move.get_fan ();
-            break;
-        default:
-        case "lan":
-            move_text = move.get_lan ();
-            break;
-        }
-        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
-        var label = "%u%c. %s".printf ((move.number + 1) / 2, move.number % 2 == 0 ? 'b' : 'a', move_text);
-        model.set (iter, 0, label, -1);
-    }
-    private void game_move_cb (ChessGame game, ChessMove move)
-    {
-        /* Need to save after each move */
-        game_needs_saving = true;
-        /* If the only mover is the AI, then don't bother saving */
-        if (move.number == 1 && opponent != null && opponent.color == Color.WHITE)
-            game_needs_saving = false;
-        if (move.number > pgn_game.moves.length ())
-            pgn_game.moves.append (move.get_san ());
-        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
-        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-        model.append (out iter);
-        model.set (iter, 1, move.number, -1);        
-        set_move_text (iter, move);
-        /* Follow the latest move */
-        if (move.number == game.n_moves && scene.move_number == -1)
-            history_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
-        save_menu.sensitive = true;
-        save_as_menu.sensitive = true;
-        update_history_panel ();
-        update_control_buttons ();
-        if (opponent_engine != null)
-            opponent_engine.report_move (move);
-        view.queue_draw ();
-    }
-    private void game_undo_cb (ChessGame game)
-    {
-        /* Notify AI */
-        if (opponent_engine != null)
-            opponent_engine.undo ();
-        /* Remove from the PGN game */
-        pgn_game.moves.remove_link (pgn_game.moves.last ());
-        /* Remove from the history */
-        var model = (Gtk.ListStore) history_combo.model;
-        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-        model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, model.iter_n_children (null) - 1);
-        model.remove (iter);
-        /* If watching this move, go back one */
-        if (scene.move_number > game.n_moves || scene.move_number == -1)
-        {
-            model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, model.iter_n_children (null) - 1);
-            history_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
-            view.queue_draw ();
-        }
-        update_history_panel ();
-        update_control_buttons ();
-    }
-    private void update_control_buttons ()
-    {
-        var can_resign = game.n_moves > 0;
-        resign_menu.sensitive = resign_button.sensitive = can_resign;
-        /* Can undo once the human player has made a move */
-        var can_undo = game.n_moves > 0;
-        if (opponent != null && opponent.color == Color.WHITE)
-            can_undo = game.n_moves > 1;
-        undo_menu.sensitive = undo_button.sensitive = can_undo;
-    }
-    private void game_end_cb (ChessGame game)
-    {
-        string title = "";
-        switch (game.result)
-        {
-        case ChessResult.WHITE_WON:
-            /* Message display when the white player wins */
-            title = _("White wins");
-            pgn_game.result = PGNGame.RESULT_WHITE;
-            break;
-        case ChessResult.BLACK_WON:
-            /* Message display when the black player wins */
-            title = _("Black wins");
-            pgn_game.result = PGNGame.RESULT_BLACK;
-            break;
-        case ChessResult.DRAW:
-            /* Message display when the game is drawn */
-            title = _("Game is drawn");
-            pgn_game.result = PGNGame.RESULT_DRAW;            
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        string reason = "";
-        switch (game.rule)
-        {
-        case ChessRule.CHECKMATE:
-            /* Message displayed when the game ends due to a player being checkmated */
-            reason = _("Opponent is in check and cannot move (checkmate)");
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.STALEMATE:
-            /* Message displayed when the game terminates due to a stalemate */
-            reason = _("Opponent cannot move (stalemate)");
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.FIFTY_MOVES:
-            /* Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the fifty move rule */
-            reason = _("No piece has been taken or pawn moved in the last fifty moves");
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.TIMEOUT:
-            /* Message displayed when the game ends due to one player's clock stopping */
-            reason = _("Opponent has run out of time");
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.THREE_FOLD_REPETITION:
-            /* Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the three-fold-repitition rule */
-            reason = _("The same board state has occurred three times (three fold repetition)");
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.INSUFFICIENT_MATERIAL:
-            /* Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the insufficient material rule */
-            reason = _("Neither player can cause checkmate (insufficient material)");
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.RESIGN:
-            if (game.result == ChessResult.WHITE_WON)
-            {
-                /* Message displayed when the game ends due to the black player resigning */
-                reason = _("The black player has resigned");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* Message displayed when the game ends due to the white player resigning */
-                reason = _("The white player has resigned");
-            }
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.ABANDONMENT:
-            /* Message displayed when a game is abandoned */
-            reason = _("The game has been abandoned");
-            pgn_game.termination = PGNGame.TERMINATE_ABANDONED;
-            break;
-        case ChessRule.DEATH:
-            /* Message displayed when the game ends due to a player dying */
-            reason = _("One of the players has died");
-            pgn_game.termination = PGNGame.TERMINATE_DEATH;
-            break;
-        }
-        info_title_label.set_markup ("<big><b>%s</b></big>".printf (title));
-        info_label.set_text (reason);
-        info_bar.show ();
-        white_time_label.queue_draw ();
-        black_time_label.queue_draw ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT game_window_delete_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public bool game_window_delete_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Event event)
-    {
-        quit_game ();
-        return false;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT game_window_configure_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public bool game_window_configure_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventConfigure event)
-    {
-        if (!settings.get_boolean ("maximized") && !settings.get_boolean ("fullscreen"))
-        {
-            settings.set_int ("game-screen-width", event.width);
-            settings.set_int ("game-screen-height", event.height);
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT game_window_window_state_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public bool game_window_window_state_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventWindowState event)
-    {
-        if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
-        {
-            var is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
-            settings.set_boolean ("maximized", is_maximized);
-        }
-        if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0)
-        {
-            bool is_fullscreen = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0;
-            settings.set_boolean ("fullscreen", is_fullscreen);
-            fullscreen_menu.label = is_fullscreen ? Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN : Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT new_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void new_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (game_needs_saving || (in_history && game_file != null))
-        {
-            var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog.with_markup (window,
-                                                            Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
-                                                            Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
-                                                            Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE,
-                                                            "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>",
-                                                            _("Save this game before starting a new one?"));
-            dialog.add_button (Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
-            dialog.add_button (_("_Abandon game"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO);
-            dialog.add_button (_("_Save game for later"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
-            var result = dialog.run ();
-            dialog.destroy ();
-            if (result == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)
-                return;
-            if (result == Gtk.ResponseType.NO)
-            {
-                in_history = false;
-                game_needs_saving = false;
-            }
-        }
-        autosave ();
-        /* Hide game-window and show launcher */
-        window.hide ();
-        if (launcher == null)
-          launcher = create_launcher (engines_file, ai_profiles, history);
-        launcher.present ();
-        launcher.show_opponent_selector ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT resign_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void resign_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        game.current_player.resign ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT claim_draw_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void claim_draw_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        game.current_player.claim_draw ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT undo_move_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void undo_move_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (opponent != null)
-            human_player.undo ();
-        else
-            game.opponent.undo ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT quit_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void quit_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        quit_game ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT white_time_draw_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public bool white_time_draw_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Context c)
-    {
-        double fg[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
-        double bg[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
-        draw_time (widget, c, make_clock_text (game.clock, Color.WHITE), fg, bg);
-        return false;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT black_time_draw_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public bool black_time_draw_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Context c)
-    {
-        double fg[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
-        double bg[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
-        draw_time (widget, c, make_clock_text (game.clock, Color.BLACK), fg, bg);
-        return false;
-    }
-    private string make_clock_text (ChessClock? clock, Color color)
-    {
-        if (clock == null)
-            return "â";
-        int used;
-        if (color == Color.WHITE)
-            used = (int) (game.clock.white_duration / 1000 - game.clock.white_used_in_seconds);
-        else
-            used = (int) (game.clock.black_duration / 1000 - game.clock.black_used_in_seconds);
-        if (used >= 60)
-            return "%d:%02d".printf (used / 60, used % 60);
-        else
-            return ":%02d".printf (used);
-    }
-    private void draw_time (Gtk.Widget widget, Cairo.Context c, string text, double[] fg, double[] bg)
-    {
-        double alpha = 1.0;
-        if (widget.get_state () == Gtk.StateType.INSENSITIVE)
-            alpha = 0.5;
-        c.set_source_rgba (bg[0], bg[1], bg[2], alpha);
-        c.paint ();
-        c.set_source_rgba (fg[0], fg[1], fg[2], alpha);
-        c.select_font_face ("fixed", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.BOLD);
-        c.set_font_size (0.6 * widget.get_allocated_height ());
-        Cairo.TextExtents extents;
-        c.text_extents (text, out extents);
-        c.move_to ((widget.get_allocated_width () - extents.width) / 2 - extents.x_bearing,
-                   (widget.get_allocated_height () - extents.height) / 2 - extents.y_bearing);
-        c.show_text (text);
-        widget.set_size_request ((int) extents.width + 6, -1);
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void history_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
-    {
-        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-        if (!combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
-            return;
-        int move_number;
-        combo.model.get (iter, 1, out move_number, -1);
-        if (game == null || move_number == game.n_moves)
-            move_number = -1;
-        scene.move_number = move_number;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_latest_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void history_latest_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        scene.move_number = -1;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_next_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void history_next_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (scene.move_number == -1)
-            return;
-        int move_number = scene.move_number + 1;
-        if (move_number >= game.n_moves)
-            scene.move_number = -1;
-        else
-            scene.move_number = move_number;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_previous_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void history_previous_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (scene.move_number == 0)
-            return;
-        if (scene.move_number == -1)
-            scene.move_number = (int) game.n_moves - 1;
-        else
-            scene.move_number = scene.move_number - 1;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT history_start_clicked_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void history_start_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        scene.move_number = 0;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT toggle_fullscreen_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void toggle_fullscreen_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (fullscreen_menu.label == Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN)
-            window.fullscreen ();
-        else
-            window.unfullscreen ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT preferences_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void preferences_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (preferences_dialog != null)
-        {
-            preferences_dialog.present ();
-            return;
-        }
-        preferences_builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
-        try
-        {
-            preferences_builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "preferences.ui", null));
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-            warning ("Could not load preferences UI: %s", e.message);
-        }
-        preferences_dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) preferences_builder.get_object ("preferences");
-        settings.bind ("show-numbering", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_numbering_check"),
-                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        settings.bind ("show-move-hints", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_move_hints_check"),
-                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        settings.bind ("show-toolbar", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_toolbar_check"),
-                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        settings.bind ("show-history", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_history_check"),
-                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        settings.bind ("show-3d", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_3d_check"),
-                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        settings.bind ("show-3d-smooth", preferences_builder.get_object ("show_3d_smooth_check"),
-                       "active", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
-        var orientation_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) preferences_builder.get_object ("orientation_combo");
-        set_combo (orientation_combo, 1, settings.get_string ("board-side"));
-        var move_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) preferences_builder.get_object ("move_format_combo");
-        set_combo (move_combo, 1, settings.get_string ("move-format"));
-        var theme_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) preferences_builder.get_object ("piece_style_combo");
-        set_combo (theme_combo, 1, settings.get_string ("piece-theme"));
-        preferences_builder.connect_signals (this);
-        preferences_dialog.present ();
-    }
-    private void set_combo (Gtk.ComboBox combo, int value_index, string value)
-    {
-        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-        var model = combo.model;
-        if (!model.get_iter_first (out iter))
-            return;
-        do
-        {
-            string v;
-            model.get (iter, value_index, out v, -1);
-            if (v == value)
-            {
-                combo.set_active_iter (iter);
-                return;
-            }
-        } while (model.iter_next (ref iter));
-    }
-    private string? get_combo (Gtk.ComboBox combo, int value_index)
-    {
-        string value;
-        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-        if (!combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
-            return null;
-        combo.model.get (iter, value_index, out value, -1);
-        return value;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT preferences_response_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void preferences_response_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, int response_id)
-    {
-        preferences_dialog.hide ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT preferences_delete_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public bool preferences_delete_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Event event)
-    {
-        preferences_response_cb (widget, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
-        return true;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT piece_style_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void piece_style_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
-    {
-        settings.set_string ("piece-theme", get_combo (combo, 1));
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT show_3d_toggle_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void show_3d_toggle_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton widget)
-    {
-        var w = (Gtk.Widget) preferences_builder.get_object ("show_3d_smooth_check");
-        w.sensitive = widget.active;
-        w = (Gtk.Widget) preferences_builder.get_object ("piece_style_combo");
-        w.sensitive = !widget.active;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT move_format_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void move_format_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
-    {
-        settings.set_string ("move-format", get_combo (combo, 1));
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT orientation_combo_changed_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void orientation_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.ComboBox combo)
-    {
-        settings.set_string ("board-side", get_combo (combo, 1));    
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT help_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void help_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            Gtk.show_uri (window.get_screen (), "help:gnome-chess", Gtk.get_current_event_time ());
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-            warning ("Unable to open help: %s", e.message);
-        }
-    }
-    private const string[] authors = { "Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com>", null };
-    private const string[] artists = { "John-Paul Gignac (3D Models)", "Max Froumentin (2D Models)", "Hylke Bons <h bons student rug nl> (icon)", null };
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT about_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void about_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        if (about_dialog != null)
-        {
-            about_dialog.present ();
-            return;
-        }
-        about_dialog = new Gtk.AboutDialog ();
-        about_dialog.transient_for = window;
-        about_dialog.modal = true;
-        about_dialog.program_name = "Chess";
-        about_dialog.version = Config.VERSION;
-        about_dialog.copyright = "Copyright 2010 Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com>";
-        about_dialog.license_type = Gtk.License.GPL_2_0;
-        about_dialog.comments = _("The 2D/3D chess game for GNOME. \n\nGNOME Chess is a part of GNOME Games.");
-        about_dialog.authors = authors;
-        about_dialog.artists = artists;
-        about_dialog.translator_credits = "translator-credits";
-        about_dialog.website = "http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-games/";;
-        about_dialog.website_label = _("GNOME Games web site");
-        about_dialog.logo_icon_name = "gnome-chess";
-        about_dialog.response.connect (about_response_cb);
-        about_dialog.show ();
-    }
-    private void about_response_cb (int response_id)
-    {
-        about_dialog.destroy ();
-        about_dialog = null;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT save_game_as_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void save_game_as_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        save_game ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT save_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void save_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        save_game ();
-    }
-    private void add_info_bar_to_dialog (Gtk.Dialog dialog, out Gtk.InfoBar info_bar, out Gtk.Label label)
-    {
-        var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
-        vbox.show ();
-        info_bar = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
-        var content_area = (Gtk.Container) info_bar.get_content_area ();
-        vbox.pack_start (info_bar, false, true, 0);
-        label = new Gtk.Label ("");
-        content_area.add (label);
-        label.show ();
-        var child = (Gtk.Container) dialog.get_child ();
-        child.reparent (vbox);
-        child.border_width = dialog.border_width;
-        dialog.border_width = 0;
-        dialog.add (vbox);
-    }
-    private void save_game ()
-    {
-        /* Show active dialog */
-        if (save_dialog != null)
-        {
-            save_dialog.present ();
-            return;
-        }
-        save_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (/* Title of save game dialog */
-                                                 _("Save Chess Game"),
-                                                 window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE,
-                                                 Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
-                                                 Gtk.Stock.SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK, null);
-        add_info_bar_to_dialog (save_dialog, out save_dialog_info_bar, out save_dialog_error_label);
-        save_dialog.file_activated.connect (save_file_cb);        
-        save_dialog.response.connect (save_cb);
-        /* Filter out non PGN files by default */
-        var pgn_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
-        gtk_file_filter_set_name (pgn_filter,
-                                  /* Save Game Dialog: Name of filter to show only PGN files */
-                                  _("PGN files"));
-        pgn_filter.add_pattern ("*.pgn");
-        save_dialog.add_filter (pgn_filter);
-        var all_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
-        gtk_file_filter_set_name (all_filter,
-                                  /* Save Game Dialog: Name of filter to show all files */
-                                  _("All files"));
-        all_filter.add_pattern ("*");
-        save_dialog.add_filter (all_filter);
-        save_dialog.present ();
-    }    
-    private void save_file_cb ()
-    {
-        save_cb (Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
-    }
-    private void save_cb (int response_id)
-    {
-        if (response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
-        {
-            save_menu.sensitive = false;
-            try
-            {
-                pgn_game.write (save_dialog.get_file ());
-            }
-            catch (Error e)
-            {
-                save_dialog_error_label.set_text (_("Failed to save game: %s").printf (e.message));
-                save_dialog_info_bar.set_message_type (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR);
-                save_dialog_info_bar.show ();
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        save_dialog.destroy ();
-        save_dialog = null;
-        save_dialog_info_bar = null;
-        save_dialog_error_label = null;
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT open_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
-    public void open_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
-    {
-        /* Show active dialog */
-        if (open_dialog != null)
-        {
-            open_dialog.present ();
-            return;
-        }
-        open_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (/* Title of load game dialog */
-                                                 _("Load Chess Game"),
-                                                 window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN,
-                                                 Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
-                                                 Gtk.Stock.OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK, null);
-        add_info_bar_to_dialog (open_dialog, out open_dialog_info_bar, out open_dialog_error_label);
-        open_dialog.file_activated.connect (open_file_cb);        
-        open_dialog.response.connect (open_cb);
-        /* Filter out non PGN files by default */
-        var pgn_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
-        gtk_file_filter_set_name (pgn_filter,
-                                  /* Load Game Dialog: Name of filter to show only PGN files */
-                                  _("PGN files"));
-        pgn_filter.add_pattern ("*.pgn");
-        open_dialog.add_filter (pgn_filter);
-        var all_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
-        gtk_file_filter_set_name (all_filter,
-                                  /* Load Game Dialog: Name of filter to show all files */
-                                  _("All files"));
-        all_filter.add_pattern ("*");
-        open_dialog.add_filter (all_filter);
-        open_dialog.present ();
-    }
-    private void open_file_cb ()
-    {
-        open_cb (Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
-    }
-    private void open_cb (int response_id)
-    {
-        if (response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                load_game (open_dialog.get_file (), false);
-            }
-            catch (Error e)
-            {
-                open_dialog_error_label.set_text (_("Failed to open game: %s").printf (e.message));
-                open_dialog_info_bar.set_message_type (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR);
-                open_dialog_info_bar.show ();
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        open_dialog.destroy ();
-        open_dialog = null;
-        open_dialog_info_bar = null;
-        open_dialog_error_label = null;
-    }
-    private void display_window ()
-    {
-        if (settings.get_boolean ("fullscreen"))
-            window.fullscreen ();
-        else if (settings.get_boolean ("maximized"))
-            window.maximize ();
-        game_vbox.show ();
-        window.resize (settings.get_int ("game-screen-width"),
-            settings.get_int ("game-screen-height"));
-        window.show ();
-    }
-    private void start_new_game ()
-    {
-        if (window == null)
-        {
-          create_game_window ();
-          add_window (window);
-        }
-        in_history = true;
-        game_file = null;
-        pgn_game = new PGNGame ();
-        var now = new DateTime.now_local ();
-        pgn_game.date = now.format ("%Y.%m.%d");
-        pgn_game.time = now.format ("%H:%M:%S");
-        var duration = settings.get_int ("duration");
-        if (duration > 0)
-            pgn_game.time_control = "%d".printf (duration);
-        if (settings.get_string ("opponent-type") == "robot")
-        {
-            var engine_name = settings.get_string ("opponent");
-            var engine_level = settings.get_string ("difficulty");
-            if (engine_name != null)
-            {
-                if (settings.get_boolean ("play-as-white"))
-                {
-                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("BlackAI", engine_name);
-                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("BlackLevel", engine_level);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("WhiteAI", engine_name);
-                    pgn_game.tags.insert ("WhiteLevel", engine_level);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        start_game ();
-        display_window ();
-        if (launcher != null)
-          launcher.destroy ();
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "load_game_handler", instance_pos = -1)]
-    private void load_game_handler (ChessLauncher launcher,
-        File file,
-        bool from_history)
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            load_game (file, from_history);
-        }
-        catch (Error e)
-        {
-           stderr.printf ("Error loading pgn from file: %s", e.message);
-        }
-    }
-    private void load_game (File file, bool from_history) throws Error
-    {
-        if (window == null)
-        {
-          create_game_window ();
-          add_window (window);
-        }
-        var pgn = new PGN.from_file (file);
-        pgn_game = pgn.games.nth_data (0);
-        game_file = file;
-        in_history = from_history;
-        start_game ();
-        display_window ();
-        if (launcher != null)
-          launcher.destroy ();
-    }
 class GnomeChess
     static bool show_version;

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