[gnome-chess/chess-telepathy-networking-support-664946-rebase: 19/64] Create GamesContacts-1.0.vapi for using the contacts' library

commit f360008fb41d39d284ceae1555389ceac6f05f7e
Author: Chandni Verma <chandniverma2112 gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jul 24 06:27:56 2012 +0530

    Create GamesContacts-1.0.vapi for using the contacts' library

 libgames-contacts/GamesContacts-1.0.vapi |  380 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgames-contacts/GamesContacts-1.0.vapi b/libgames-contacts/GamesContacts-1.0.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b04a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgames-contacts/GamesContacts-1.0.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+/* We should probably be using the GIR files, but I can't get them to work in
+ * Vala.  This works for now but means it needs to be updated when the library
+ * changes -- Robert Ancell */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Games", lower_case_cprefix = "games_")]
+namespace GamesContacts
+    public const bool ENABLE_NETWORKING;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_SCORES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_PAUSE_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_RESUME_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_FULLSCREEN;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_NEW_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_START_NEW_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_NETWORK_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_NETWORK_LEAVE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_PLAYER_LIST;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_RESTART_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_UNDO_MOVE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_REDO_MOVE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_HINT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_END_GAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_CONTENTS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_RESET;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_TELEPORT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_RTELEPORT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public const string STOCK_DEAL_CARDS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public static void stock_init ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public static void stock_prepare_for_statusbar_tooltips (Gtk.UIManager ui_manager, Gtk.Widget statusbar);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-stock.h")]
+    public static string get_license (string game_name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-settings.h")]    
+    public static void settings_bind_window_state (string path, Gtk.Window window);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-clock.h")]
+    public class Clock : Gtk.Label
+    {
+        public Clock ();
+        public void start ();
+        public bool is_started ();
+        public void stop ();
+        public void reset ();
+        public time_t get_seconds ();
+        public void add_seconds (time_t seconds);
+        public void set_updated (bool do_update);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-pause-action.h")]
+    public class PauseAction : Gtk.Action
+    {
+        public signal void state_changed ();
+        public PauseAction (string name);
+        public void set_is_paused (bool is_paused);
+        public bool get_is_paused ();
+    }
+    public enum VisiblePolicy
+    {
+        ALWAYS,
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-fullscreen-action.h")]
+    public class FullscreenAction : Gtk.Action
+    {
+        public FullscreenAction (string name, Gtk.Window window);
+        public void set_visible_policy (VisiblePolicy visible_policy);
+        public VisiblePolicy get_visible_policy ();
+        public void set_is_fullscreen (bool is_fullscreen);
+        public bool get_is_fullscreen ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-scores.h")]
+    public void scores_startup ();
+    [CCode (cprefix = "GAMES_SCORES_STYLE_", cheader_filename = "games-score.h")]
+    public enum ScoreStyle
+    {
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-scores.h", destroy_function = "")]
+    public struct ScoresCategory
+    {
+        string key;
+        string name;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-score.h")]
+    public class Score : GLib.Object
+    {
+        public Score ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-scores.h")]
+    public class Scores : GLib.Object
+    {
+        public Scores (string app_name, ScoresCategory[] categories, string? categories_context, string? categories_domain, int default_category_index, ScoreStyle style);
+        public void set_category (string category);
+        public int add_score (Score score);
+        public int add_plain_score (uint32 value);
+        public int add_time_score (double value);
+        public void update_score (string new_name);
+        public void update_score_name (string new_name, string old_name);
+        public ScoreStyle get_style ();
+        public unowned string get_category ();
+        public void add_category (string key, string name);
+    }
+    [CCode (cprefix = "GAMES_SCORES_", cheader_filename = "games-scores-dialog.h")]
+    public enum ScoresButtons
+    {
+        CLOSE_BUTTON,
+        UNDO_BUTTON,
+        QUIT_BUTTON
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-scores-dialog.h")]
+    public class ScoresDialog : Gtk.Dialog
+    {
+        public ScoresDialog (Gtk.Window parent_window, Scores scores, string title);
+        public void set_category_description (string description);
+        public void set_hilight (uint pos);
+        public void set_message (string? message);
+        public void set_buttons (uint buttons);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-preimage.h")]
+    public class Preimage : GLib.Object
+    {
+        public Preimage ();
+        public Preimage.from_file (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+        public void set_font_options (Cairo.FontOptions font_options);
+        public Gdk.Pixbuf render (int width, int height);
+        public void render_cairo (Cairo.Context cr, int width, int height);
+        public Gdk.Pixbuf render_sub (string node, int width, int height, double xoffset, double yoffset, double xzoom, double yzoom);
+        public void render_cairo_sub (Cairo.Context cr, string? node, int width, int height, double xoffset, double yoffset, double xzoom, double yzoom);
+        public bool is_scalable ();
+        public int get_width ();
+        public int get_height ();
+        public Gdk.Pixbuf render_unscaled_pixbuf ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-file-list.h")]
+    public const int FILE_LIST_REMOVE_EXTENSION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-file-list.h")]
+    public const int FILE_LIST_REPLACE_UNDERSCORES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-file-list.h")]
+    public class FileList : GLib.Object
+    {
+        public FileList (string glob, ...);
+        public FileList.images (string path1, ...);
+        public void transform_basename ();
+        public size_t length ();
+        public void for_each (GLib.Func<string> function);
+        public string find (GLib.CompareFunc function);
+        public unowned string? get_nth (int n);
+        public Gtk.Widget create_widget (string selection, uint flags);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-controls.h")]
+    public class ControlsList : Gtk.ScrolledWindow
+    {
+        public ControlsList (GLib.Settings settings);
+        public void add_control (string conf_key, string label, uint default_keyval);
+        public void add_controls (string first_conf_key, ...);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-contact.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "games_avatar_get_type ()")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class Avatar {
+        public uint8 data;
+        public weak string filename;
+        public weak string format;
+        public size_t len;
+        public uint refcount;
+        public weak string token;
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public Avatar (uint8 data, size_t len, string format, string filename);
+        public GamesContacts.Avatar @ref ();
+        public bool save_to_file (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+        public void unref ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-contact.h", type_id = "games_contact_get_type ()")]
+    public class Contact : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected Contact ();
+        public bool can_do_action (GamesContacts.ActionType action_type);
+        public bool can_play_glchess ();
+        public static bool equal (void* contact1, void* contact2);
+        public unowned string get_alias ();
+        public GamesContacts.Avatar get_avatar ();
+        public GamesContacts.Capabilities get_capabilities ();
+        public uint get_handle ();
+        public unowned string get_id ();
+        public TelepathyGLib.ConnectionPresenceType get_presence ();
+        public unowned string get_presence_message ();
+        public unowned string get_status ();
+        public bool is_online ();
+        public void set_alias (string alias);
+        public void set_is_user (bool is_user);
+        public void set_persona (Folks.Persona persona);
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public TelepathyGLib.Account account { owned get; construct; }
+        public string alias { get; set; }
+        public GamesContacts.Avatar avatar { owned get; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public uint handle { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string id { owned get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool is_user { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public Folks.Persona persona { owned get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public uint presence { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string presence_message { owned get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public TelepathyGLib.Contact tp_contact { owned get; construct; }
+        public signal void presence_changed (uint object, uint p0);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-individual-store.h", type_id = "games_individual_store_get_type ()")]
+    public class IndividualStore : Gtk.TreeStore, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.TreeDragDest, Gtk.TreeDragSource, Gtk.TreeModel, Gtk.TreeSortable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected IndividualStore ();
+        public void add_individual (Folks.Individual individual);
+        [CCode (cname = "individual_store_add_individual_and_connect")]
+        public void add_individual_and_connect (Folks.Individual individual);
+        public void disconnect_individual (Folks.Individual individual);
+        public bool get_is_compact ();
+        public static string get_parent_group (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreePath path, bool path_is_group, bool is_fake_group);
+        public bool get_show_avatars ();
+        public bool get_show_groups ();
+        public bool get_show_protocols ();
+        public GamesContacts.IndividualStoreSort get_sort_criterium ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual bool initial_loading ();
+        public void refresh_individual (Folks.Individual individual);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void reload_individuals ();
+        public void remove_individual (Folks.Individual individual);
+        [CCode (cname = "individual_store_remove_individual_and_disconnect")]
+        public void remove_individual_and_disconnect (Folks.Individual individual);
+        public static bool row_separator_func (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter, void* data);
+        public void set_is_compact (bool is_compact);
+        public void set_show_avatars (bool show_avatars);
+        public void set_show_groups (bool show_groups);
+        public void set_show_protocols (bool show_protocols);
+        public void set_sort_criterium (GamesContacts.IndividualStoreSort sort_criterium);
+        public bool is_compact { get; set; }
+        public bool show_avatars { get; set; }
+        public bool show_groups { get; set; }
+        public bool show_protocols { get; set; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-individual-view.h", type_id = "games_individual_view_get_type ()")]
+    public class IndividualView : Gtk.TreeView, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Scrollable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public IndividualView (GamesContacts.IndividualStore store, GamesContacts.IndividualViewFeatureFlags view_features);
+        [CCode (cname = "individual_view_filter_default")]
+        public static bool filter_default (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter, void* user_data, GamesContacts.ActionType interest);
+        public bool get_show_offline ();
+        public bool get_show_untrusted ();
+        public bool is_searching ();
+        public void refilter ();
+        public void select_first ();
+        public void set_live_search (GamesContacts.LiveSearch search);
+        public void set_show_offline (bool show_offline);
+        public void set_show_uninteresting (bool show_uninteresting);
+        public void set_show_untrusted (bool show_untrusted);
+        public void set_store (GamesContacts.IndividualStore store);
+        public void start_search ();
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool show_uninteresting { get; set; }
+        public bool show_untrusted { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public GamesContacts.IndividualStore store { owned get; set; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-live-search.h", type_id = "games_live_search_get_type ()")]
+    public class LiveSearch : Gtk.HBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public LiveSearch (Gtk.Widget hook);
+        public unowned string get_text ();
+        public bool match (string string);
+        public static bool match_string (string string, string prefix);
+        public static bool match_words (string string, GLib.GenericArray<void*> words);
+        public void set_hook_widget (Gtk.Widget hook);
+        public void set_text (string text);
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public Gtk.Widget hook_widget { owned get; set; }
+        public string text { get; set; }
+        public signal void activate ();
+        public signal bool key_navigation (Gdk.Event object);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-contact.h", cprefix = "GAMES_ACTION_")]
+    public enum ActionType {
+        CHAT,
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-contact.h", cprefix = "GAMES_CAPABILITIES_")]
+    [Flags]
+    public enum Capabilities {
+        NONE,
+        TUBE_GLCHESS,
+        UNKNOWN
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-individual-store.h", cprefix = "GAMES_INDIVIDUAL_STORE_COL_")]
+    public enum IndividualStoreCol {
+        ICON_STATUS,
+        NAME,
+        STATUS,
+        COMPACT,
+        INDIVIDUAL,
+        IS_GROUP,
+        IS_ACTIVE,
+        IS_ONLINE,
+        IS_SEPARATOR,
+        IS_FAKE_GROUP,
+        COUNT
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-individual-store.h", cprefix = "GAMES_INDIVIDUAL_STORE_SORT_")]
+    public enum IndividualStoreSort {
+        STATE,
+        NAME
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "games-individual-view.h", cprefix = "GAMES_INDIVIDUAL_VIEW_FEATURE_")]
+    [Flags]
+    public enum IndividualViewFeatureFlags {
+        NONE,
+        GROUPS_SAVE
+    }

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