[gnome-contacts] Created ContactEditor widget.
- From: Erick PÃrez Castellanos <erickpc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-contacts] Created ContactEditor widget.
- Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 16:12:01 +0000 (UTC)
commit 19191b42bebd11a111c75b2e4ff6df4e1ec711b7
Author: Erick PÃrez Castellanos <erick red gmail com>
Date: Sun Dec 16 15:11:23 2012 -0500
Created ContactEditor widget.
This will handle editing on Contact's details.
The implementation is kinda hacky and ugly.
There's two main issues for this:
* Folks details API is not all the generic I would want.
I think every details should descend from a common ancestor.
* Vala as a language doesn't offer all the reflection I would
src/Makefile.am | 1 +
src/contacts-contact-editor.vala | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 663 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index fc170b8..4d66a1b 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ vala_sources = \
contacts-app.vala \
contacts-contact.vala \
contacts-contact-sheet.vala \
+ contacts-contact-editor.vala \
contacts-contact-pane.vala \
contacts-types.vala \
contacts-list-pane.vala \
diff --git a/src/contacts-contact-editor.vala b/src/contacts-contact-editor.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2caea4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contacts-contact-editor.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+/* -*- Mode: vala; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 8 -*- */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+using Gtk;
+using Folks;
+using Gee;
+public class Contacts.ContactEditor : Grid {
+ public struct PropertyData {
+ Persona persona;
+ Value value;
+ }
+ struct RowData {
+ AbstractFieldDetails<string> details;
+ }
+ struct Field {
+ bool changed;
+ HashMap<int, RowData?> rows;
+ }
+ private int last_row;
+ private HashMap<Persona, HashMap<string, Field?> > writable_personas;
+ Value get_value_from_emails (HashMap<int, RowData?> rows) {
+ var new_details = new HashSet<EmailFieldDetails>();
+ foreach (var row_entry in rows.entries) {
+ var combo = get_child_at (0, row_entry.key) as TypeCombo;
+ var entry = get_child_at (1, row_entry.key) as Entry;
+ combo.update_details (row_entry.value.details);
+ var details = new EmailFieldDetails (entry.get_text (), row_entry.value.details.parameters);
+ new_details.add (details);
+ }
+ var new_value = Value (new_details.get_type ());
+ new_value.set_object (new_details);
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ Value get_value_from_phones (HashMap<int, RowData?> rows) {
+ var new_details = new HashSet<PhoneFieldDetails>();
+ foreach (var row_entry in rows.entries) {
+ var combo = get_child_at (0, row_entry.key) as TypeCombo;
+ var entry = get_child_at (1, row_entry.key) as Entry;
+ combo.update_details (row_entry.value.details);
+ var details = new PhoneFieldDetails (entry.get_text (), row_entry.value.details.parameters);
+ new_details.add (details);
+ }
+ var new_value = Value (new_details.get_type ());
+ new_value.set_object (new_details);
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ Value get_value_from_urls (HashMap<int, RowData?> rows) {
+ var new_details = new HashSet<UrlFieldDetails>();
+ foreach (var row_entry in rows.entries) {
+ var entry = get_child_at (1, row_entry.key) as Entry;
+ var details = new UrlFieldDetails (entry.get_text (), row_entry.value.details.parameters);
+ new_details.add (details);
+ }
+ var new_value = Value (new_details.get_type ());
+ new_value.set_object (new_details);
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ Value get_value_from_nickname (HashMap<int, RowData?> rows) {
+ var new_value = Value (typeof (string));
+ foreach (var row_entry in rows.entries) {
+ var entry = get_child_at (1, row_entry.key) as Entry;
+ new_value.set_string (entry.get_text ());
+ }
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ Value get_value_from_birthday (HashMap<int, RowData?> rows) {
+ var new_value = Value (typeof (DateTime));
+ foreach (var row_entry in rows.entries) {
+ var box = get_child_at (1, row_entry.key) as Grid;
+ var day_spin = box.get_child_at (0, 0) as SpinButton;
+ var combo = box.get_child_at (1, 0) as ComboBoxText;
+ var bday = new DateTime.local ((int)box.get_data<int> ("year"),
+ combo.get_active () + 1,
+ (int)day_spin.get_value (),
+ 0, 0, 0);
+ bday = bday.to_utc ();
+ new_value.set_boxed (bday);
+ }
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ Value get_value_from_notes (HashMap<int, RowData?> rows) {
+ var new_details = new HashSet<NoteFieldDetails>();
+ foreach (var row_entry in rows.entries) {
+ var text = (get_child_at (1, row_entry.key) as Bin).get_child () as TextView;
+ TextIter start, end;
+ text.get_buffer ().get_start_iter (out start);
+ text.get_buffer ().get_end_iter (out end);
+ var value = text.get_buffer ().get_text (start, end, true);
+ var details = new NoteFieldDetails (value, row_entry.value.details.parameters);
+ new_details.add (details);
+ }
+ var new_value = Value (new_details.get_type ());
+ new_value.set_object (new_details);
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ void set_field_changed (int row) {
+ foreach (var fields in writable_personas.values) {
+ foreach (var entry in fields.entries) {
+ if (row in entry.value.rows.keys) {
+ if (entry.value.changed)
+ return;
+ /* FIXME: test if it's changed */
+ entry.value.changed = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void remove_row (int row) {
+ foreach (var fields in writable_personas.values) {
+ foreach (var field_entry in fields.entries) {
+ foreach (var idx in field_entry.value.rows.keys) {
+ if (idx == row) {
+ debug ("called remove_row (%d)", row);
+ var child = get_child_at (0, row);
+ child.destroy ();
+ child = get_child_at (1, row);
+ child.destroy ();
+ child = get_child_at (3, row);
+ child.destroy ();
+ field_entry.value.changed = true;
+ field_entry.value.rows.unset (row);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void attach_row_with_entry (TypeSet type_set, AbstractFieldDetails details, string value, int row) {
+ var combo = new TypeCombo (type_set);
+ combo.set_hexpand (false);
+ combo.set_halign (Align.END);
+ combo.set_active (details);
+ attach (combo, 0, row, 1, 1);
+ var value_entry = new Entry ();
+ value_entry.set_text (value);
+ value_entry.set_hexpand (true);
+ attach (value_entry, 1, row, 2, 1);
+ var delete_button = new Button ();
+ var image = new Image.from_icon_name ("user-trash-symbolic", IconSize.MENU);
+ delete_button.add (image);
+ attach (delete_button, 3, row, 1, 1);
+ /* Notify change to upper layer */
+ combo.changed.connect (() => {
+ set_field_changed (row);
+ });
+ value_entry.changed.connect (() => {
+ set_field_changed (row);
+ });
+ delete_button.clicked.connect (() => {
+ remove_row (row);
+ });
+ }
+ void attach_row_with_entry_labeled (string title, AbstractFieldDetails? details, string value, int row) {
+ var title_label = new Label (title);
+ title_label.set_hexpand (false);
+ title_label.set_halign (Align.END);
+ title_label.margin_right = 6;
+ attach (title_label, 0, row, 1, 1);
+ var value_entry = new Entry ();
+ value_entry.set_text (value);
+ value_entry.set_hexpand (true);
+ attach (value_entry, 1, row, 2, 1);
+ var delete_button = new Button ();
+ var image = new Image.from_icon_name ("user-trash-symbolic", IconSize.MENU);
+ delete_button.add (image);
+ attach (delete_button, 3, row, 1, 1);
+ /* Notify change to upper layer */
+ value_entry.changed.connect (() => {
+ set_field_changed (row);
+ });
+ delete_button.clicked.connect (() => {
+ remove_row (row);
+ });
+ }
+ void attach_row_with_text_labeled (string title, AbstractFieldDetails? details, string value, int row) {
+ var title_label = new Label (title);
+ title_label.set_hexpand (false);
+ title_label.set_halign (Align.END);
+ title_label.set_valign (Align.START);
+ title_label.margin_top = 3;
+ title_label.margin_right = 6;
+ attach (title_label, 0, row, 1, 1);
+ var sw = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);
+ sw.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.OUT);
+ sw.set_size_request (-1, 100);
+ var value_text = new TextView ();
+ value_text.get_buffer ().set_text (value);
+ value_text.set_hexpand (true);
+ value_text.get_style_context ().add_class ("contacts-entry");
+ sw.add (value_text);
+ attach (sw, 1, row, 2, 1);
+ var delete_button = new Button ();
+ var image = new Image.from_icon_name ("user-trash-symbolic", IconSize.MENU);
+ delete_button.add (image);
+ delete_button.set_valign (Align.START);
+ attach (delete_button, 3, row, 1, 1);
+ /* Notify change to upper layer */
+ value_text.get_buffer ().changed.connect (() => {
+ set_field_changed (row);
+ });
+ delete_button.clicked.connect (() => {
+ remove_row (row);
+ });
+ }
+ void attach_row_for_birthday (string title, AbstractFieldDetails? details, DateTime birthday, int row) {
+ var title_label = new Label (title);
+ title_label.set_hexpand (false);
+ title_label.set_halign (Align.END);
+ title_label.margin_right = 6;
+ attach (title_label, 0, row, 1, 1);
+ var box = new Grid ();
+ box.set_column_spacing (12);
+ var day_spin = new SpinButton.with_range (1.0, 31.0, 1.0);
+ day_spin.set_digits (0);
+ day_spin.numeric = true;
+ day_spin.set_value ((double)birthday.to_local ().get_day_of_month ());
+ var combo = new ComboBoxText ();
+ combo.append_text (_("January"));
+ combo.append_text (_("February"));
+ combo.append_text (_("March"));
+ combo.append_text (_("April"));
+ combo.append_text (_("May"));
+ combo.append_text (_("June"));
+ combo.append_text (_("July"));
+ combo.append_text (_("August"));
+ combo.append_text (_("September"));
+ combo.append_text (_("October"));
+ combo.append_text (_("November"));
+ combo.append_text (_("December"));
+ combo.set_active (birthday.to_local ().get_month () - 1);
+ combo.get_style_context ().add_class ("contacts-combo");
+ combo.set_hexpand (true);
+ /* hack to preserver year in order to compare latter full date */
+ box.set_data ("year", birthday.to_local ().get_year ());
+ box.add (day_spin);
+ box.add (combo);
+ attach (box, 1, row, 2, 1);
+ var delete_button = new Button ();
+ var image = new Image.from_icon_name ("user-trash-symbolic", IconSize.MENU);
+ delete_button.add (image);
+ attach (delete_button, 3, row, 1, 1);
+ /* Notify change to upper layer */
+ day_spin.changed.connect (() => {
+ set_field_changed (row);
+ });
+ combo.changed.connect (() => {
+ set_field_changed (row);
+ });
+ delete_button.clicked.connect (() => {
+ remove_row (row);
+ });
+ }
+ void add_edit_row (Persona p, string prop_name, ref int row, bool add_empty = false) {
+ /* Here, we will need to add manually every type of field,
+ * we're planning to allow editing on */
+ /* FIXME: add all of these: postal-addresses */
+ switch (prop_name) {
+ case "email-addresses":
+ var rows = new HashMap<int, RowData?> ();
+ if (add_empty) {
+ var detail_field = new EmailFieldDetails ("");
+ attach_row_with_entry (TypeSet.general, detail_field, "", row);
+ rows.set (row, { detail_field });
+ row++;
+ } else {
+ var details = p as EmailDetails;
+ if (details != null) {
+ var emails = Contact.sort_fields<EmailFieldDetails>(details.email_addresses);
+ foreach (var email in emails) {
+ attach_row_with_entry (TypeSet.general, email, email.value, row);
+ rows.set (row, { email });
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! rows.is_empty) {
+ if (writable_personas[p].has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var entry in rows.entries) {
+ writable_personas[p][prop_name].rows.set (entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writable_personas[p].set (prop_name, { false, rows });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "phone-numbers":
+ var rows = new HashMap<int, RowData?> ();
+ if (add_empty) {
+ var detail_field = new PhoneFieldDetails ("");
+ attach_row_with_entry (TypeSet.phone, detail_field, "", row);
+ rows.set (row, { detail_field });
+ row++;
+ } else {
+ var details = p as PhoneDetails;
+ if (details != null) {
+ var phones = Contact.sort_fields<PhoneFieldDetails>(details.phone_numbers);
+ foreach (var phone in phones) {
+ attach_row_with_entry (TypeSet.phone, phone, phone.value, row);
+ rows.set (row, { phone });
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! rows.is_empty) {
+ if (writable_personas[p].has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var entry in rows.entries) {
+ writable_personas[p][prop_name].rows.set (entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writable_personas[p].set (prop_name, { false, rows });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "urls":
+ var rows = new HashMap<int, RowData?> ();
+ if (add_empty) {
+ var detail_field = new UrlFieldDetails ("");
+ attach_row_with_entry_labeled (_("Website"), detail_field, "", row);
+ rows.set (row, { detail_field });
+ row++;
+ } else {
+ var url_details = p as UrlDetails;
+ if (url_details != null) {
+ foreach (var url in url_details.urls) {
+ attach_row_with_entry_labeled (_("Website"), url, url.value, row);
+ rows.set (row, { url });
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! rows.is_empty) {
+ if (writable_personas[p].has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var entry in rows.entries) {
+ writable_personas[p][prop_name].rows.set (entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writable_personas[p].set (prop_name, { false, rows });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "nickname":
+ var rows = new HashMap<int, RowData?> ();
+ if (add_empty) {
+ attach_row_with_entry_labeled (_("Nickname"), null, "", row);
+ rows.set (row, { null });
+ row++;
+ } else {
+ var name_details = p as NameDetails;
+ if (name_details != null) {
+ if (is_set (name_details.nickname)) {
+ attach_row_with_entry_labeled (_("Nickname"), null, name_details.nickname, row);
+ rows.set (row, { null });
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! rows.is_empty) {
+ if (writable_personas[p].has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var entry in rows.entries) {
+ writable_personas[p][prop_name].rows.set (entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writable_personas[p].set (prop_name, { false, rows });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "birthday":
+ var rows = new HashMap<int, RowData?> ();
+ if (add_empty) {
+ var today = new DateTime.now_local ();
+ attach_row_for_birthday (_("Birthday"), null, today, row);
+ rows.set (row, { null });
+ row++;
+ } else {
+ var birthday_details = p as BirthdayDetails;
+ if (birthday_details != null) {
+ if (birthday_details.birthday != null) {
+ attach_row_for_birthday (_("Birthday"), null, birthday_details.birthday, row);
+ rows.set (row, { null });
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! rows.is_empty) {
+ if (writable_personas[p].has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var entry in rows.entries) {
+ writable_personas[p][prop_name].rows.set (entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writable_personas[p].set (prop_name, { false, rows });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "notes":
+ var rows = new HashMap<int, RowData?> ();
+ if (add_empty) {
+ var detail_field = new NoteFieldDetails ("");
+ attach_row_with_text_labeled (_("Note"), detail_field, "", row);
+ rows.set (row, { detail_field });
+ row++;
+ } else {
+ var note_details = p as NoteDetails;
+ if (note_details != null || add_empty) {
+ foreach (var note in note_details.notes) {
+ attach_row_with_text_labeled (_("Note"), note, note.value, row);
+ rows.set (row, { note });
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! rows.is_empty) {
+ if (writable_personas[p].has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var entry in rows.entries) {
+ writable_personas[p][prop_name].rows.set (entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writable_personas[p].set (prop_name, { false, rows });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void insert_row_at (int idx) {
+ foreach (var field_maps in writable_personas.values) {
+ foreach (var field in field_maps.values) {
+ foreach (var row in field.rows.keys) {
+ if (row >= idx) {
+ var new_rows = new HashMap <int, RowData?> ();
+ foreach (var old_row in field.rows.keys) {
+ /* move all rows +1 */
+ new_rows.set (old_row + 1, field.rows[old_row]);
+ }
+ field.rows = new_rows;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ insert_row (idx);
+ }
+ public ContactEditor () {
+ set_row_spacing (12);
+ set_column_spacing (16);
+ writable_personas = new HashMap<Persona, HashMap<string, Field?> > ();
+ }
+ public void update (Contact c) {
+ var image_frame = new ContactFrame (PROFILE_SIZE, true);
+ image_frame.set_vexpand (false);
+ image_frame.set_valign (Align.START);
+ image_frame.clicked.connect ( () => {
+ change_avatar (c, image_frame);
+ });
+ c.keep_widget_uptodate (image_frame, (w) => {
+ (w as ContactFrame).set_image (c.individual, c);
+ });
+ attach (image_frame, 0, 0, 1, 3);
+ var name_entry = new Entry ();
+ name_entry.set_hexpand (true);
+ name_entry.set_valign (Align.CENTER);
+ name_entry.set_text (c.display_name);
+ name_entry.set_data ("changed", false);
+ attach (name_entry, 1, 0, 2, 1);
+ /* structured name change */
+ name_entry.changed.connect (() => {
+ name_entry.set_data ("changed", true);
+ });
+ int i = 3;
+ int last_store_position = 0;
+ bool is_first_persona = true;
+ var personas = c.get_personas_for_display ();
+ foreach (var p in personas) {
+ if (!is_first_persona) {
+ var store_name = new Label("");
+ store_name.set_markup (Markup.printf_escaped ("<span font='16px bold'>%s</span>",
+ Contact.format_persona_store_name_for_contact (p)));
+ store_name.set_halign (Align.START);
+ store_name.xalign = 0.0f;
+ store_name.margin_left = 6;
+ attach (store_name, 0, i, 1, 1);
+ last_store_position = ++i;
+ }
+ var rw_props = Contact.sort_persona_properties (p.writeable_properties);
+ /* FIXME: remove debug code */
+ string pps = "";
+ foreach (var pw in rw_props) {
+ pps += " %s;".printf (pw);
+ }
+ debug ("%s => rw_props: %s", p.uid, pps);
+ if (rw_props.length != 0) {
+ writable_personas.set (p, new HashMap<string, Field?> ());
+ foreach (var prop in rw_props) {
+ add_edit_row (p, prop, ref i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_first_persona) {
+ last_row = i - 1;
+ }
+ if (i != 3) {
+ is_first_persona = false;
+ }
+ if (i == last_store_position) {
+ i--;
+ get_child_at (0, i).destroy ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void clear () {
+ foreach (var w in get_children ()) {
+ w.destroy ();
+ }
+ /* clean metadata as well */
+ }
+ public HashMap<string, PropertyData?> properties_changed () {
+ var props_set = new HashMap<string, PropertyData?> ();
+ foreach (var entry in writable_personas.entries) {
+ foreach (var field_entry in entry.value.entries) {
+ if (field_entry.value.changed && ! (field_entry.key in props_set)) {
+ string rows = "";
+ foreach (var index in field_entry.value.rows.keys) {
+ rows += "%d ".printf (index);
+ }
+ debug ("field: %s changed with rows %s, in persona: %s", field_entry.key, rows, entry.key.uid);
+ PropertyData p = PropertyData ();
+ p.persona = entry.key;
+ /* FIXME: add all of these: postal-addresses */
+ switch (field_entry.key) {
+ case "email-addresses":
+ p.value = get_value_from_emails (field_entry.value.rows);
+ break;
+ case "phone-numbers":
+ p.value = get_value_from_phones (field_entry.value.rows);
+ break;
+ case "urls":
+ p.value = get_value_from_urls (field_entry.value.rows);
+ break;
+ case "nickname":
+ p.value = get_value_from_nickname (field_entry.value.rows);
+ break;
+ case "birthday":
+ p.value = get_value_from_birthday (field_entry.value.rows);
+ break;
+ case "notes":
+ p.value = get_value_from_notes (field_entry.value.rows);
+ break;
+ }
+ props_set.set (field_entry.key, p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return props_set;
+ }
+ public bool name_changed () {
+ var name_entry = get_child_at (1, 0) as Entry;
+ return name_entry.get_data<bool> ("changed");
+ }
+ public Value get_full_name_value () {
+ Value v = Value (typeof (string));
+ var name_entry = get_child_at (1, 0) as Entry;
+ v.set_string (name_entry.get_text ());
+ return v;
+ }
+ public void add_new_row_for_property (Persona p, string prop_name) {
+ /* Somehow, I need to ensure that p is the main/default/first persona */
+ int next_idx = 0;
+ foreach (var fields in writable_personas.values) {
+ if (fields.has_key (prop_name)) {
+ foreach (var idx in fields[prop_name].rows.keys) {
+ if (idx < last_row)
+ next_idx = idx > next_idx ? idx : next_idx;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ next_idx = (next_idx == 0 ? last_row : next_idx) + 1;
+ insert_row_at (next_idx);
+ add_edit_row (p, prop_name, ref next_idx, true);
+ last_row++;
+ debug ("last row in field %s is: %d", prop_name, next_idx);
+ show_all ();
+ }
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