[tasque/transition: 119/213] Fix AllCategory doesn't have elements.

commit ef9ae1e34b3182d4d24905254bd07366520282c5
Author: Antonius Riha <antoniusriha gmail com>
Date:   Thu Aug 16 20:26:41 2012 +0200

    Fix AllCategory doesn't have elements.
    AllCategory has been removed. There is now only an entry in the
    ComboBox displaying the categories that says "All". This is the only
    place in Tasque where the AllCategory was actually used, so it's no
    big loss.
    * Backend.cs: CreateTask doesn't throw anymore if no category is
    provided, but uses the default category of the backend instead.
    * TaskWindow.cs: The TreeModel of the categories' combobox is no
    longer a model of Categories but of strings, of which the first item
    is "All" and the rest is filled with the backend's categories' names.

 src/Tasque.Gtk/TaskWindow.cs   |  164 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/libtasque/AllCategory.cs   |   58 --------------
 src/libtasque/Backend.cs       |    9 +-
 src/libtasque/libtasque.csproj |    1 -
 4 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Tasque.Gtk/TaskWindow.cs b/src/Tasque.Gtk/TaskWindow.cs
index 9129eaf..870a660 100644
--- a/src/Tasque.Gtk/TaskWindow.cs
+++ b/src/Tasque.Gtk/TaskWindow.cs
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ namespace Tasque
 			GtkApplication.Instance.Preferences.SettingChanged += OnSettingChanged;
-		void PopulateWindow()
+		void PopulateWindow ()
 			// Add in the groups
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ namespace Tasque
 			overdueGroup.ButtonPressed += OnButtonPressed;
 			overdueGroup.Show ();
 			targetVBox.PackStart (overdueGroup, false, false, 0);
-			taskGroups.Add(overdueGroup);
+			taskGroups.Add (overdueGroup);
 			// Today Group
@@ -360,8 +360,12 @@ namespace Tasque
 			// Set up the combo box (after the above to set the current filter)
-			var adapter = new TreeModelListAdapter<Category> (GtkApplication.Instance.Backend.Categories);
-			categoryComboBox.Model = adapter;	
+			var categoryComboStore = new ListStore (typeof(string));
+			categoryComboStore.AppendValues (Catalog.GetString ("All"));
+			foreach (var item in GtkApplication.Instance.Backend.Categories)
+				categoryComboStore.AppendValues (item.Name);
+			categoryComboBox.Model = categoryComboStore;	
 			// Read preferences for the last-selected category and select it
 			string selectedCategoryName =
@@ -636,20 +640,26 @@ namespace Tasque
 		#endregion // Public Methods
 		#region Private Methods
-		void CategoryComboBoxDataFunc (Gtk.CellLayout layout,
-									   Gtk.CellRenderer renderer,
-									   Gtk.TreeModel model,
-									   Gtk.TreeIter iter)
+		void CategoryComboBoxDataFunc (CellLayout layout, CellRenderer renderer, TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
-			Gtk.CellRendererText crt = renderer as Gtk.CellRendererText;
-			Category category = model.GetValue (iter, 0) as Category;
-			// CRG: What?  I added this check for null and we don't crash
-			// but I never see anything called unknown
-			if(category != null && category.Name != null) {
-				crt.Text =
-					string.Format ("{0} ({1})", category.Name, category.Count);
-			} else
+			var crt = renderer as CellRendererText;
+			var catName = model.GetValue (iter, 0) as string;
+			var backend = GtkApplication.Instance.Backend;
+			int taskCount = 0;
+			if (model.GetPath (iter).Indices [0] == TreePath.NewFirst ().Indices [0])
+				taskCount = backend.Tasks.Count;
+			else {
+				var cat = backend.Categories.SingleOrDefault (c => c.Name == catName);
+				if (cat != null)
+					taskCount = cat.Count;
+				else
+					catName = null;
+			}
+			if (catName != null)
+				crt.Text = string.Format ("{0} ({1})", catName, taskCount);
+			else
 				crt.Text = "unknown";
@@ -697,7 +707,7 @@ namespace Tasque
 			Menu menu = new Menu ();
 			foreach (var cat in categories) {
-				if (cat is AllCategory)
+				if (cat == null)
 				var item = new CategoryMenuItem ((Category)cat);
@@ -709,39 +719,28 @@ namespace Tasque
 			addTaskButton.Menu = menu;
-		private void SelectCategory (string categoryName)
+		void SelectCategory (string categoryName)
-			Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-			Gtk.TreeModel model = categoryComboBox.Model;
-			bool categoryWasSelected = false;
-			if (categoryName != null) {
-				// Iterate through (yeah, I know this is gross!) and find the
-				// matching category
-				if (model.GetIterFirst (out iter)) {
-					do {
-						Category cat = model.GetValue (iter, 0) as Category;
-						if (cat == null)
-							continue; // Needed for some reason to prevent crashes from some backends
-						if (cat.Name.CompareTo (categoryName) == 0) {
-							categoryComboBox.SetActiveIter (iter);
-							categoryWasSelected = true;
-							break;
-						}
-					} while (model.IterNext (ref iter));
-				}
+			var model = categoryComboBox.Model;
+			var cats = GtkApplication.Instance.Backend.Categories;
+			var cat = cats.SingleOrDefault (c => c.Name == categoryName);
+			int index = 0;
+			foreach (var item in cats) {
+				if (item == cat)
+					break;
+				index++;
-			if (!categoryWasSelected) {
-				// Select the first item in the list (which should be the "All"
-				// category.
-				if (model.GetIterFirst (out iter)) {
-					// Make sure we can actually get a category
-					Category cat = model.GetValue (iter, 0) as Category;
-					if (cat != null)
-						categoryComboBox.SetActiveIter (iter);
-				}
-			}
+			TreeIter iter;
+			bool success = true;
+			if (cat != null)
+				success = model.GetIter (out iter, new TreePath (new int [] { index + 1 }));
+			else
+				model.GetIterFirst (out iter);
+			if (success)
+				categoryComboBox.SetActiveIter (iter);
 		private void ShowTaskNotes (Task task)
@@ -906,30 +905,28 @@ namespace Tasque
 		void OnAddTask (object sender, EventArgs args)
-			string enteredTaskText = addTaskEntry.Text.Trim ();
+			var enteredTaskText = addTaskEntry.Text.Trim ();
 			if (enteredTaskText.Length == 0)
-			Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+			TreeIter iter;
 			if (!categoryComboBox.GetActiveIter (out iter))
-			Category category =
-				categoryComboBox.Model.GetValue (iter, 0) as Category;
-			// If enabled, attempt to parse due date information
-			// out of the entered task text.
-			DateTime taskDueDate = DateTime.MinValue;
+			var catName = categoryComboBox.Model.GetValue (iter, 0) as string;
+			Category cat = null;
+			if (categoryComboBox.Model.GetPath (iter).Indices [0] != TreePath.NewFirst ().Indices [0])
+				cat = GtkApplication.Instance.Backend.Categories.SingleOrDefault (c => c.Name == catName);
+			// If enabled, attempt to parse due date information out of the entered task text.
+			var taskDueDate = DateTime.MinValue;
 			string taskName;
 			if (GtkApplication.Instance.Preferences.GetBool (Preferences.ParseDateEnabledKey))
-				TaskParser.Instance.TryParse (
-				                         enteredTaskText,
-				                         out taskName,
-				                         out taskDueDate);
+				TaskParser.Instance.TryParse (enteredTaskText, out taskName, out taskDueDate);
 				taskName = enteredTaskText;
-			Task task = CreateTask (taskName, category);
+			var task = CreateTask (taskName, cat);
 			if (task == null)
 				return; // TODO: Explain error to user!
@@ -941,11 +938,11 @@ namespace Tasque
 		void OnNewTaskByCategory (object sender, EventArgs args)
-			string newTaskText = addTaskEntry.Text.Trim ();
+			var newTaskText = addTaskEntry.Text.Trim ();
 			if (newTaskText.Length == 0)
-			CategoryMenuItem item = sender as CategoryMenuItem;
+			var item = sender as CategoryMenuItem;
 			if (item == null)
@@ -954,40 +951,39 @@ namespace Tasque
 			// category and the selected category is not showing, we've got
 			// to switch the category first so the user will be able to edit
 			// the title of the task.
-			Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+			TreeIter iter;
 			if (categoryComboBox.GetActiveIter (out iter)) {
-				Category selectedCategory =
-					categoryComboBox.Model.GetValue (iter, 0) as Category;
 				// Check to see if "All" is selected
-				if (selectedCategory is AllCategory) {
-					// See if the item.Category is currently being shown in
-					// the "All" category and if not, select the category
-					// specifically.
-					List<string> categoriesToHide =
-						GtkApplication.Instance.Preferences.GetStringList (
-							Preferences.HideInAllCategory);
-					if (categoriesToHide != null && categoriesToHide.Contains (item.Category.Name)) {
+				if (categoryComboBox.Model.GetPath (iter).Indices [0] == TreePath.NewFirst ().Indices [0]) {
+					// See if the item.Category is currently being shown in the "All" category
+					// and if not, select the category specifically.
+					var categoriesToHide = GtkApplication.Instance.Preferences.GetStringList (
+						Preferences.HideInAllCategory);
+					if (categoriesToHide != null && categoriesToHide.Contains (item.Category.Name))
+						SelectCategory (item.Category.Name);
+				} else {
+					var selCatName = categoryComboBox.Model.GetValue (iter, 0) as string;
+					if (selCatName != item.Category.Name)
 						SelectCategory (item.Category.Name);
-					}
-				} else if (selectedCategory.Name.CompareTo (item.Category.Name) != 0) {
-					SelectCategory (item.Category.Name);
-			Task task = CreateTask (newTaskText, item.Category);
+			var task = CreateTask (newTaskText, item.Category);
 			HighlightTask (task);
 		void OnCategoryChanged (object sender, EventArgs args)
-			Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+			TreeIter iter;
 			if (!categoryComboBox.GetActiveIter (out iter))
-			Category category =
-				categoryComboBox.Model.GetValue (iter, 0) as Category;
+			Category category = null;
+			if (categoryComboBox.Model.GetPath (iter) != TreePath.NewFirst ()) {
+				var catName = categoryComboBox.Model.GetValue (iter, 0) as string;
+				category = GtkApplication.Instance.Backend.Categories.SingleOrDefault (c => c.Name == catName);
+			}
 			// Update the TaskGroups so they can filter accordingly
 			overdueGroup.Refilter (category);
@@ -998,8 +994,8 @@ namespace Tasque
 			completedTaskGroup.Refilter (category);
 			// Save the selected category in preferences
-			GtkApplication.Instance.Preferences.Set (Preferences.SelectedCategoryKey,
-										 category.Name);
+			string prefCatName = category == null ? "All" : category.Name;
+			GtkApplication.Instance.Preferences.Set (Preferences.SelectedCategoryKey, prefCatName);
 		void OnRowActivated (object sender, Gtk.RowActivatedArgs args)
@@ -1079,7 +1075,7 @@ namespace Tasque
 					 * is pre-filtered as to not contain the current category and the AllCategory.
 					var cvCategories = new CollectionView<Category> (GtkApplication.Instance.Backend.Categories);
-					cvCategories.Filter = c => c != null && !(c is AllCategory) && !c.Contains (clickedTask);
+					cvCategories.Filter = c => c != null && !(c == null) && !c.Contains (clickedTask);
 					// The categories submenu is only created in case we actually provide at least one category.
 					if (cvCategories.Count > 0) {
diff --git a/src/libtasque/Backend.cs b/src/libtasque/Backend.cs
index 42c7ba8..0818a71 100644
--- a/src/libtasque/Backend.cs
+++ b/src/libtasque/Backend.cs
@@ -136,9 +136,10 @@ namespace Tasque
 			var task = CreateTaskCore (taskName);
 			bool isEmpty = true;
-			foreach (var cat in categories) {
-				if (cat == null)
-					throw new ArgumentException ("One of the provided categories is null.", "categories");
+			foreach (var item in categories) {
+				Category cat = item;
+				if (item == null)
+					cat = defaultCategory;
 				cat.Add (task);
 				isEmpty = false;
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ namespace Tasque
 		public abstract void Refresh ();
 		protected abstract Task CreateTaskCore (string taskName);
 		protected void OnBackendInitialized () {
 			if (BackendInitialized != null)
 				BackendInitialized (this, EventArgs.Empty);
diff --git a/src/libtasque/libtasque.csproj b/src/libtasque/libtasque.csproj
index c640c1a..20d078a 100644
--- a/src/libtasque/libtasque.csproj
+++ b/src/libtasque/libtasque.csproj
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
     <Compile Include="TaskGroupModel.cs" />
     <Compile Include="CompletedTaskGroupModel.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Application.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="AllCategory.cs" />
     <Reference Include="System" />

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