[tasque] (213 commits) Created branch transition

The branch 'transition' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  97cbdfa... Remove deprecated .mds/.mdp files
  815e1a2... Move python test script to tests
  d61368e... Move app resources to tasque project folder
  726b8d1... Move python test script to tests (part 2)
  159f15b... Move libtasque project to the top level
  6dee38c... Rename src folder to tasque
  58b183d... Move dlls into tasque project folder
  992f48a... Update tasque solution file according to directory changes
  32a5afa... Update .gitignore
  6d43377... Update tasque project file according to new directory struc
  80e47bc... Setup common AssemblyInfo.cs.
  203d5d0... Move build scripts to build folder
  b63d4fe... Purge autotools related files
  ef9f654... Setup build configurations
  78939fc... Set up tarball packaging project
  f5dbaf1... Set up translation project
  fbc7ffd... Add lost resources
  377584e... Remove dead Makefile reference
  88311d7... Update Tarball build
  711347b... Set up target Build for tranlation project
  c81bd06... Relocate source files to src/ folder
  517a27b... Added auto tools files
  2aba6a9... Fix install target
  57ac9fe... Restore binary dependencies
  39da7bd... Remove packaging project
  6f6a050... Update project reference in tests project
  806ca9b... Fix xBuild on linux
  3b798d7... Prevent automatic revision number generation
  912693e... Clean up Utilities class
  2d9d235... Remove AssemblyDelaySign. No strong name required for this 
  e8c9c69... Remove unreachable code
  ba6521f... Remove unused Exception declarations
  ba3951f... Remove superfluous local variables
  d2cfbb8... Remove unused event
  6ff74e5... Clean up
  d8d6c73... Put resources back in global data folder to ease access for
  b5f9526... Add MSBuild community tasks dll
  fa6a0a8... Set up global constants definition for version number et al
  bfe8e0e... Added sln and proj files to build project
  f10a5ed... Set up build configurations
  c7827d7... Exclude tests project from translations
  b7caf62... Clean up references mess
  9e15d95... Don't generate pc files for RtmNet and libtasque libs
  8f01132... Change License info to just "MIT"
  e026d8e... Fix messed up project file
  62d9675... Update auto tools build files
  3795a55... Merge pull request #1 from mono-soc-2012/gsoc_Proj_Reorg
  74b1baf... Clean up and bin script fixture
  e1ded6f... Setup new build configurations
  464fa37... Merge branch 'gsoc_Proj_Reorg'
  67de5e2... Add build condition to some source files
  84e182c... Fix solution file so that MD recognizes tasque as Startup p
  682d748... Refactored INativeApplication interface and implemented Nat
  6edca5a... Added license headers
  5331edb... Changed name of COPYING file to LICENSE
  e0d1a65... Merge branch 'master' into gsoc_refactor_libtasque
  49240ce... Revert to 682d7485df4cd713ca5b6e8354230f4c8556a3b9
  3ab2a32... Remove mdoc update command from build
  a3e9613... Change GlobalDefines.cs build
  8732b8c... Add a TreeModel implementation with independent backing sto
  bfe761e... Progress...
  2171f31... Begin work on RtmBackend transition
  fa6fcc7... Added ObservableTransformCollections as submodule
  feef448... Add ObservableTransformCollections as submodule
  28da7c6... Transition to CollectionView and TreeModelListAdapter
  e512690... Cleanup
  292e3ab... Push clean submodule
  236ee81... Change Categories type from Gtk.TreeModel to ObservableColl
  fdbf8c7... Cleanups and addition of license headers.
  d9b84dd... Remove last Gtk# dep from model: IBackend.GetPreferencesWid
  682aa8b... Change submodule url to public url.
  f6b9d52... Add automatic checkout of submodule during build
  4ac0189... Update install instructions
  a22f946... Fix a bug introduced by 236ee81e81f013fd89972d4e6e5ad58bdc4
  8f9f6c6... Fix submodule not found
  bceea05... Update submodule to latest
  4978114... Rename Solution item to better reflect content Conflicts:
  d1dc663... Work in progress
  5e6823a... Still work in progress. Conflicts:
  f36af03... ModelReVamp 5000
  644f31b... Add default category.
  b13ec03... Add Backend.DeleteTask method
  000f230... Big project reorganisation
  123cc5e... Dropped Logger.cs
  e9d947d... Added a common startup project "tasque"
  d7de2f0... Remove dedicated gnome platform build
  f7c4e71... Add Debug and Trace init logic
  94cdbc1... Move "set process title" fix to Program.cs
  decbb7f... Drop GnomeApplication.cs
  25c24ff... Some adjustments to new model API
  214af9e... Make NativeApplication IDisposable
  dc12723... Update Gtk single app instance logic
  62680fa... Add Windows single app instance logic
  65346c9... Outsource tray logic from Application.cs
  289df29... Fix formatting
  8051948... Mark toggle window action for translation
  627c1ae... Merged Application.cs into NativeApplication.cs
  aeeba11... Remove some unnecessary build settings in DummyBackend.
  305ca2b... Simplify xbuild conf
  1a30ddf... Reinstate AllCategory
  3eb41ad... Make TaskNote.Text concrete
  4af8244... Adjust DummyNote to new TaskNote and add to build
  280ded8... Add Task.CreateNote method for NoteDialog to work
  9c9d72c... Formatting, forgotten usings and the like
  ed1596c... Reinstate Inactivate feature
  b6cd50d... Account for renaming of NativeApplication to Application in
  bf2dd77... Update compile conditions according to new build conf names
  594549e... Completion Date must be publicly setable
  e762d81... Fix Category.Name.Setter never sets value
  c2e9a16... Fix hooked up wrong category task collection changed handle
  b4b1c9f... Fix GetItemIndex
  b72756c... Fix wrong base method called in GtkApplication.cs
  d27380b... Implement abstract memeber ShowMainWindow in GtkApplication
  d5fb0dd... Adjust backend recognition since it's no longer an interfac
  6037d4f... Fix NRE on uiManager in tray
  ac3e51d... Adjustments to new model API
  79a651a... Add DummyBackend as ref to tasque...
  91a1477... Use CollectionView instead of TreeModelFilter in TaskTreeVi
  ef9ae1e... Fix AllCategory doesn't have elements.
  abe5b0b... Remove unused code
  79a69ae... Exclude projects hiveminder and sqlite from build
  984c837... Setup datadir variable during build
  63dfffa... Pick up previously lost Gtk3 single instance sample solutio
  7979a36... Update output path setting in build
  eada850... Enable observation of collectionviews
  268f7fc... Update categories combobox when category task collection ch
  84460a4... Fix task tree view not updating after adding task
  7e3b6e8... Disable docs build output
  ecf930c... Introduce Prefix build variable
  308ac64... Formatting
  8277ec3... Change xbuild task output path to bin instead of lib
  d36412a... Add a build task that checks if prefix is an absolute path
  e76916e... Add bin script generation to build
  ad0bb51... Update translation compilation settings
  25d7f86... MSBuild tasks should be around even after build target "cle
  b4ba32a... Update translations according to project changes
  bcfb9b3... For I18n reasons: remove size restrictions in AboutDialog.
  853a2b0... Add a custom execution command for debugging
  ec06b06... Remove GlobalDefines.cs from VCS. It's autogenerated every 
  fdda0e2... Rewrite some build tasks and imporve build
  8750db2... Introduced LibDir which allows bundling of ObsTrnsfCol with
  f89170d... Update path refs in of ObsColTrns porjects in build project
  99b00cb... Remove ObsColTrnsf test project from tasque
  ac47a24... Copy Solution.properties into submodule to unify output pat
  ef730f2... Fix solution build settings
  100b7b8... Backend: Make configured and initialized properties concret
  ab5cff7... SQlite: before doing real work, format everything
  6d5bc3a... [SQlite] Remove properties that are now managed in base cla
  56d2e2d... [SQlite] Drop task and category comparisons. Those are done
  817b2c4... [libtasque] Forgot to actually mark Backend.Configured as c
  3f2f3d3... [SQlite] Adjust Initialize method to new model
  6c3e72a... [SQLite] SanitizeText method doesn't need to be public. -> 
  6978733... [SQLite] No need for updating the UI manually anymore
  8a6289c... [Dummy] Format changes
  0b73a8b... [SQLite] Adjust initialized and configured values
  3cc3bf8... [SQLite] Fix Task constructors
  e4f2851... [SQLite] Task: Remove unnecessary fields.
  54a698f... [SQLite] Remove properties and use base class change notify
  5b01a11... [libtasque] Make Task manipulation methods concrete; add ch
  ef4724a... [Dummy] Adjust task to base class changes
  42e00ac... [Dummy] Adjust backend to base class changes
  151c542... [SQLite] Drop task manipulation methods. All handled in bas
  11726bb... [SQLite] Task: Fix ctors.
  0c255d5... [SQLite] TaskNote: Adjust to new model. Provide change call
  45d73b1... [SQLite] Fix [B->b]ackend
  a2930e7... [SQLite] Adjust note handling methods to model.
  80acc75... [libtasque] Make backend IDisposable
  e11d4a7... [SQLite] For pleasure
  f1ad57e... [libtasque] Make Backend.Refresh () virtual.
  a4613c0... [libtasque] Add OnDeleteTask hook.
  477b0a7... [SQLite] Fix ctor of backend.
  6f6fce7... [SQLite] Add Preferences widget
  6a644f9... [SQLite] Add missing reference
  c14c94c... [libtasque] Some leftovers of Backend->IDisposable
  559675f... [SQLite] Fix Category
  1319b9d... [SQLite] Some fixes for SqliteTask
  32e6a2c... [SQLite] Fix Backend.
  1ac6d57... [SQLite] Add categories parameter to support legacy behavio
  a089fda... [libtasque] Make Application publicly accessible
  8cb8d08... [RTM] Enable build. Move PrefWidget to designated folder
  4836da1... [RTM] Drop compare method. This is done in base class
  c1d36b7... [RTM] Formatting
  bec6325... [RTM] Drop ListStore stuff
  79520ad... [RTM] Backend: Adjust to new model.
  95903ef... [RTM] Formatting only
  a2e9aae... [libtasque] Category: Make class abstract; Resolve DefaultC
  2e1063a... [libtasque] Fix exception on add task when All category is 
  7ff7dd2... [RTM] Change pref widget namespace
  98b6ef7... [RTM] Project: add reference to Tasque.Gtk
  cde11d4... [RTM] Backend: Adjustments to new model API
  2db5f8d... [RTM] Implement abstract CreateTaskCore method on backend
  58cf102... [RTM] Backend: Implement OnDeleteTask override
  1eaffb5... [libtasque] Task: Make CompletionDate setter protected
  0104c2d... [Tasque.Gtk] Only show count of active task in cat combo bo
  407ec2d... [Tasque.Gtk] Make Utilities class public
  13b1659... [tasque] Enable build of RtmBackend in GtkLinuxRlease build
  1815a81... [libtasque] Add initial support for thread dispatching
  fb9bc55... [tasque] Enable execution of GtkLinuxRelease conf from MD
  fa81b1f... [tasque] Include RtmBackend as ref so it is copied to build
  6db110b... [libtasque] Backend: Change CreateTask method to only do cr
  6ac5531... [Tasque.Gtk] Set min height on note edit text view so it is
  ae1b41f... [libtasque] Implement BackendTaskCollection to save memory
  04d696e... Formatting
  bbc9d2e... [Tasque.Gtk] Fix NRE on add task when all category is selec
  ef81ee9... [Tasque.Gtk] Delete task only from selected category
  74b229e... [Tasque.Gtk] Put nested class InactivateTimer in its own cl
  852f045... [libtasque] Rename DeleteTask to DeleteTaskFromAllCategorie
  b85da4b... [RTM] Adjustments to new model API
  df80734... [Tasque.Gtk] Formatting
  b1367ec... [libtasque] Improve BackendTaskCollection
  48b8792... [OMG] 4 lettes make all the difference
  30be4dc... Some other places where _List_CollectionView needs to be us
  2924fe8... Added README for GSOC eval

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