[aisleriot] Add automated games tester.

commit 3d435b5312b5d9e4509461b5c3f5fa25ad21b990
Author: Vincent Povirk <madewokherd gmail com>
Date:   Mon Aug 6 13:57:29 2012 -0500

    Add automated games tester.
    There's no build system integration yet, but I was asked on bug 569936 to
    track this in git.

 games/card-monkey.scm |  426 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 426 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/games/card-monkey.scm b/games/card-monkey.scm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..346e2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/card-monkey.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+#! /usr/bin/guile -s
+; Usage: guile -s card-monkey.scm [game.scm] [number of moves] [timeout in seconds]
+; example: card-monkey.scm klondike.scm 100 60
+(define-module (aisleriot interface))
+(debug-enable 'backtrace)
+(define _verbose #f)
+(define status-log '())
+(define (log-status str)
+    (set! status-log (cons str status-log)))
+(define status-info "unknown")
+(define-public (set-status-info! status)
+    (set! status-info status))
+(define (assert x str)
+    (if x
+        #t
+        (begin (display status-log) (newline)
+               (display status-info) (newline)
+               (display str) (newline)
+               (display "current state:") (newline) (_dump-state)
+               (_revert-game-state) (display "previous state:") (newline) (_dump-state)
+               (error str))))
+(define _droppable-feature 1)
+(define _scores-disabled 2)
+(define _dealable-feature 4)
+(define _features 0)
+(define-public (set-feature-word! x)
+    (set! _features x)
+    (assert (integer? x) "non-integer passed to set-feature-word!"))
+(define-public (get-feature-word)
+    _features)
+(define-public (aisleriot-random n)
+    (random n))
+(define _new-game 'undefined)
+(define _button-pressed 'undefined)
+(define _button-released 'undefined)
+(define _button-clicked 'undefined)
+(define _button-double-clicked 'undefined)
+(define _game-continuable 'undefined)
+(define _game-won 'undefined)
+(define _get-hint 'undefined)
+(define _get-options 'undefined)
+(define _apply-options 'undefined)
+(define _timeout 'undefined)
+(define (_droppable? start-slot card-list end-slot) #f)
+(define-public (set-lambda new-game button-pressed button-released button-clicked button-double-clicked game-continuable game-won get-hint get-options apply-options timeout . droppable-arg)
+    (set! _new-game new-game)
+    (set! _button-pressed button-pressed)
+    (set! _button-released button-released)
+    (set! _button-clicked button-clicked)
+    (set! _button-double-clicked button-double-clicked)
+    (set! _game-continuable game-continuable)
+    (set! _game-won game-won)
+    (set! _get-hint get-hint)
+    (set! _get-options get-options)
+    (set! _apply-options apply-options)
+    (set! _timeout timeout)
+    (if (= _droppable-feature (logand _features _droppable-feature))
+        (set! _droppable? (car droppable-arg))
+        (assert (null? droppable-arg) "droppable? passed to set-lambda without droppable-feature set")))
+(define _slots 'undefined)
+(define-public (reset-surface)
+    (set! _slots (make-vector 0))
+    (set! _score 0))
+(define (_get-placement-expansion-level x)
+    (let ((placement (caddr x)))
+         (case (car placement)
+               ((normal) 2)
+               ((expanded-right expanded) 0)
+               ((partially-expanded-right partially-expanded) (+ 1 (caddr placement))))))
+(define-public (add-slot x)
+    ;(assert (not game-started))
+    (set! _slots (list->vector (append (vector->list _slots)
+                                       (list (list (_get-placement-expansion-level x) (car x) (cadr x) 0)))))
+    '())
+(define-public (get-slot x)
+    (cdr (vector-ref _slots x)))
+(define (_get-expansion x)
+    (car (vector-ref _slots x)))
+(define-public (set-cards-c! id cards)
+    (set-car! (cdr (get-slot id)) cards)
+    #t)
+(define-public (set-slot-y-expansion! slot expansion)
+    '())
+(define-public (_ x)
+    (assert (string? x) "_ called on a non-string")
+    x)
+(define-public (set-statusbar-message x)
+    (assert (string? x) "set-statusbar-message called on a non-string"))
+(define _score 0)
+(define-public (update-score x)
+    (set! _score (string->number x))
+    x)
+(define-public (delayed-call x)
+    ; FIXME
+    (x)
+    #t)
+(define (_is-valid-hint? hint)
+    (case (car hint)
+        ((0) (string? (cadr hint)))
+        ((1) (and (string? (cadr hint))
+                (string? (caddr hint))))
+        ((2) (string? (cadr hint)))
+        ((4) (string? (cadr hint)))
+        (else #f)))
+(define _dealable-sensitivity #f)
+(define-public (dealable-set-sensitive x)
+    (assert (boolean? x) "dealable-set-sensitive called with a non-boolean")
+    (set! _dealable-sensitivity x))
+(define-public (click-to-move?) #t)
+(define (_set-exclusive-list options n)
+    (if (eq? (car options) 'end-exclusive)
+        (cons
+            'end-exclusive
+            (_randomize-option-list (cdr options)))
+        (cons
+            (list (caar options) (= 0 n))
+            (_set-exclusive-list (cdr options) (- n 1)))))
+(define (_count-exclusive-list options n)
+    (if (eq? (car options) 'end-exclusive)
+        n
+        (_count-exclusive-list (cdr options) (+ n 1))))
+(define (_randomize-option-list options)
+    (if (or (null? options) (not options))
+        options
+        (if (eq? 'begin-exclusive (car options))
+            (cons
+                'begin-exclusive
+                (_set-exclusive-list (cdr options) (random (_count-exclusive-list (cdr options) 0))))
+            (cons
+                (list (caar options) (= 1 (random 2)))
+                (_randomize-option-list (cdr options))))))
+(define (_randomize-options)
+    (_apply-options (_randomize-option-list (_get-options))))
+(define _state 'undefined)
+(define _previous-state 'undefined)
+(define (_get-game-state)
+    (record-move -1 '())
+    (let ((state MOVE))
+         (discard-move)
+         state))
+(define (_store-game-state)
+    (set! _state (_get-game-state)))
+(define (_changed-game-state?)
+    (not (equal? _state (_get-game-state))))
+(define (_revert-game-state)
+    (eval-move _state))
+(define _score-increasing-moves '())
+(define _old-score 0)
+(define (_do-drag-and-drop start-slot num-cards end-slot)
+    (let ((cards (_get-first-n-cards (get-cards start-slot) num-cards)))
+            (remove-n-cards start-slot num-cards)
+            (button-released start-slot cards end-slot)))
+(define skip-drop-fail-checks #f)
+(define skip-obscure-drop-check #f)
+(define (_list-drops-from-slot start-slot num-cards end-slot acc)
+    (set-status-info! (list "dropping" num-cards "cards from slot" start-slot "to slot" end-slot))
+    (if (= end-slot SLOTS)
+        acc
+        (let ((cards (_get-first-n-cards (get-cards start-slot) num-cards)))
+             (remove-n-cards start-slot num-cards)
+             (if (_droppable? start-slot cards end-slot)
+                 (begin
+                     (assert (or skip-obscure-drop-check (empty-slot? end-slot) (is-visible? (get-top-card end-slot))) "dropping onto a slot containing an invisible card")
+                     (assert (_button-released start-slot cards end-slot) "droppable? returned true but button-released returned false")
+                     (assert (_changed-game-state?) "droppable? and button-released returned true but game state didn't change")
+                     (and (> _score _old-score)
+                          (set! _score-increasing-moves (cons (list _do-drag-and-drop start-slot num-cards end-slot) _score-increasing-moves)))
+                     (_revert-game-state)
+                     (assert (is-visible? (list-ref cards (- num-cards 1))) "dragging an invisible card")
+                     (_list-drops-from-slot start-slot num-cards (+ 1 end-slot)
+                         (cons (list _do-drag-and-drop start-slot num-cards end-slot) acc)))
+                 (or (and skip-drop-fail-checks (add-cards! start-slot cards) (_list-drops-from-slot start-slot num-cards (+ 1 end-slot) acc))
+                     (begin
+                         (assert (not (_button-released start-slot cards end-slot)) "droppable? returned false but button-released returned true")
+                             (add-cards! start-slot cards)
+                             (assert (not (_changed-game-state?)) "droppable? and button-released returned false but changed the game state")
+                             (_revert-game-state)
+                             (_list-drops-from-slot start-slot num-cards (+ 1 end-slot) acc)))))))
+(define (_get-first-n-cards cards n)
+    (if (= n 0)
+        '()
+        (cons (car cards)
+              (_get-first-n-cards (cdr cards) (- n 1)))))
+(define (_list-drags-from-slot slot-id num-cards acc)
+    (set-status-info! (list "dragging" num-cards "cards from slot" slot-id))
+    (if (and (not (= num-cards (_get-expansion slot-id)))
+             (<= num-cards (length (get-cards slot-id))))
+        (if (_button-pressed slot-id (_get-first-n-cards (get-cards slot-id) num-cards))
+            (_list-drags-from-slot slot-id (+ 1 num-cards)
+                (_list-drops-from-slot slot-id num-cards 0 acc))
+            acc)
+        acc))
+(define (_list-drags slot-id acc)
+    (set-status-info! (list "dragging from slot" slot-id))
+    (if (= slot-id SLOTS)
+        acc
+        (_list-drags (+ 1 slot-id)
+            (_list-drags-from-slot slot-id 1 acc))))
+(define (_list-deal)
+    (set-status-info! "dealing!")
+    (if (and (= (logand _features dealable-feature) dealable-feature)
+             _dealable-sensitivity)
+        (begin
+            (do-deal-next-cards)
+            (assert (_changed-game-state?) "do-deal-next-cards didn't change game state")
+            (and (> _score _old-score)
+                 (set! _score-increasing-moves (cons (list do-deal-next-cards) _score-increasing-moves)))
+            (_revert-game-state)
+            (list (list do-deal-next-cards)))
+        '()))
+(define (_list-clicks slot-id acc-list)
+    (set-status-info! (list "single clicking slot" slot-id))
+    (if (= slot-id SLOTS)
+        acc-list
+        (if (_button-clicked slot-id)
+            (begin
+                (assert (_changed-game-state?) "button-clicked returned true but didn't change game state")
+                (and (> _score _old-score)
+                     (set! _score-increasing-moves (cons (list _button-clicked slot-id) _score-increasing-moves)))
+                (_revert-game-state)
+                (_list-clicks (+ slot-id 1) (cons (list _button-clicked slot-id) acc-list)))
+            (begin
+                (assert (not (_changed-game-state?)) "button-clicked returned false but changed game state")
+                (if (_button-double-clicked slot-id)
+                    (begin
+                        (assert (_changed-game-state?) "button-double-clicked returned true but didn't change game state")
+                        (and (> _score _old-score)
+                             (set! _score-increasing-moves (cons (list _button-double-clicked slot-id) _score-increasing-moves)))
+                        (_revert-game-state)
+                        (_list-clicks (+ slot-id 1) (cons (list _button-double-clicked slot-id) acc-list)))
+                    (begin
+                        (assert (not (_changed-game-state?)) "button-double-clicked returned false but changed game state")
+                        (_list-clicks (+ slot-id 1) acc-list)))))))
+(define (_list-possible-moves)
+    (_store-game-state)
+    (set! _old-score _score)
+    (set! _score-increasing-moves '())
+    (_list-drags 0
+     (_list-clicks 0 
+      (_list-deal))))
+(define (_get-rank-str rank)
+    (cond ((= rank ace) "A")
+          ((< rank 11) rank)
+          ((= rank jack) "J")
+          ((= rank queen) "Q")
+          ((= rank king) "K")))
+(define (_get-suit-str suit)
+    (cond ((= suit club) "C")
+          ((= suit diamond) "D")
+          ((= suit heart) "H")
+          ((= suit spade) "S")))
+(define (_dump-cards cards)
+    (if (null? cards)
+        #f
+        (begin
+            (display " ")
+            (if (is-visible? (car cards))
+                (begin
+                    (display (_get-rank-str (get-value (car cards))))
+                    (display (_get-suit-str (get-suit (car cards)))))
+                (display "##"))
+            (_dump-cards (cdr cards)))))
+(define (_get-drawn-cards cards n acc)
+    (if (or (null? cards) (= n 1))
+        acc
+        (_get-drawn-cards (cdr cards) (- n 1) (cons (car cards) acc))))
+(define (_dump-slot-state slot-id)
+    (if (= slot-id SLOTS)
+        #t
+        (begin
+            (display "slot ") (display slot-id) (display ":")
+            (_dump-cards (_get-drawn-cards (get-cards slot-id) (_get-expansion slot-id) '()))
+            (newline)
+            (_dump-slot-state (+ slot-id 1)))))
+(define (_dump-state)
+    (begin
+        (display "score: ") (display _score) (newline)
+        (_dump-slot-state 0)))
+(define (_do-one-of functions)
+    (let ((f (list-ref functions (random (length functions)))))
+         (set-status-info! f)
+         (and _verbose
+              (display f) (newline))
+         (assert (apply (car f) (cdr f)) "move was valid when checking but isn't valid anymore; is undo/redo missing some state?")
+         (and _verbose (_dump-state))))
+(define (_do-a-move possible-moves)
+    (if (or (null? _score-increasing-moves)
+            (= (random 3) 0))
+        (begin
+            ;(assert (not (null? possible-moves)) "no more moves, but game is continuable")
+            (if (null? possible-moves)
+                (begin
+                    (_start-game))
+                (_do-one-of possible-moves)))
+        (_do-one-of _score-increasing-moves)))
+(define (_start-game)
+    (and _verbose
+         (display "starting new game\n"))
+    (_randomize-options)
+    (_new-game)
+    (start-game)
+    (and _verbose (_dump-state)))
+(define (test-move)
+    (cond ((not (_game-continuable))
+           ;(assert (or (_game-won) (null? (_list-possible-moves))) "game lost but moves remain")
+           (assert (or (= _scores-disabled (logand _features _scores-disabled))
+                       (not (_game-won))
+                       (not (= _score 0)))
+                   "game won with a score of 0")
+           (_start-game))
+          ((not (assert (_is-valid-hint? (_get-hint)) "game has no valid hint but is continuable")) #f)
+          (#t
+           (_do-a-move (_list-possible-moves))
+           (and (= 0 (random 10))
+                ; check for infinite loop type things
+                (let ((current-state (_get-game-state)))
+                     (if (equal? _previous-state current-state)
+                         (_start-game)
+                         (set! _previous-state current-state)))))))
+(define (test-n-moves n t g)
+    (if (or (= n 0)
+            (and (> (current-time) t)
+                 (begin
+                     (display g)
+                     (display " timed out with ")
+                     (display n)
+                     (display " moves remaining\n")
+                     #t)))
+        #t
+        (begin 
+            (test-move)
+            (test-n-moves (- n 1) t g))))
+(define (test-file args)
+    (if (string=? (cadr args) "rules/template.scm")
+        (quit))
+    (if (string=? (cadr args) "rules/clock.scm")
+        (set! skip-obscure-drop-check #t))
+    (log-status (list "testing" args "\n"))
+    (let ((time (gettimeofday)))
+      (set! *random-state*
+            (seed->random-state (+ (car time)
+                                   (cdr time)))))
+    (load (cadr args))
+    (_start-game)
+    ;(set! skip-drop-fail-checks (> SLOTS 40))
+    (test-n-moves (string->number (caddr args)) (+ (current-time) (string->number (cadddr args))) (cadr args))
+    (quit))
+(load "api.scm")
+(test-file (command-line))

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