[release-notes/gnome-3-2] Add Japanese translation

commit cf62d27dda557de26fb1b95f42127507e2264a03
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>
Date:   Thu Sep 29 20:56:57 2011 +0900

    Add Japanese translation

 help/Makefile.am |    2 +-
 help/ja/ja.po    | 2067 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 2068 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/Makefile.am b/help/Makefile.am
index ee4b384..a5f420b 100644
--- a/help/Makefile.am
+++ b/help/Makefile.am
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ DOC_INCLUDES = \
-DOC_LINGUAS = ar ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fr gl hu id lv pa pl pt_BR ru sk ta tr uk zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
+DOC_LINGUAS = ar ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fr gl hu id ja lv pa pl pt_BR ru sk ta tr uk zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
diff --git a/help/ja/ja.po b/help/ja/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b46c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/ja/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2067 @@
+# Japanese translation of release-notes 3.2
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 The GNOME Project.
+# Satoru SATOH <ss gnome gr jp>, 2006.
+# Takeshi AIHANA <takeshi aihana gmail com>, 2005-2009.
+# Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>, 2009-2011.
+# Yasumichi Akahoshi <yasumichi vinelinux org>, 2010, 2011.
+# Nishibori Kiyotaka <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>, 2010.
+# OKANO Takayoshi <kano na rim or jp>, 2010, 2011.
+# Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>, 2010, 2011.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: release-notes gnome-3-2\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-29 08:34+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-29 20:48+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:10(title)
+msgid "Looking Forward to GNOME 3.4"
+msgstr "GNOME 3.4 ãåãã"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:11(para)
+msgid ""
+"The next release in the GNOME 3 series is scheduled for April 2012. Many new "
+"features and enhancements are planned for 3.4."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3 ãããããæãããããã 2012åã4æãäåããããããã3.4 ããåã"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:16(title)
+msgid "User-visible changes"
+msgstr "ããããåããèãåæ"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:18(para)
+msgid ""
+"Continued work on evolving GNOME 3, for instance by improving <quote>focus "
+"follows mouse</quote>, making it easier to start multiple applications at "
+"the same time, and more."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:23(para)
+msgid ""
+"Better installing, enabling and disabling of GNOME Shell extensions, which "
+"can provide tweaks, adjustments and enhanced functionality."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããæèããããtweaksãèæãæèååãæäããGNOME Shellæåãæ"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:30(para)
+msgid ""
+"Easier input of certain characters and symbols that are not directly "
+"supported by the keyboard via better integration of <application>IBus</"
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:36(para)
+msgid "Social network integration via <application>libsocialweb</application>."
+msgstr ""
+" <application>libsocialweb</application>ãããããããããããããããçåã"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:39(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new design for the Call user interface of <application>Empathy</"
+"application> that allows users to select the webcam and microphone used "
+"during the call, to move the video preview around, and might also include "
+"support for video effects."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:45(para)
+msgid ""
+"Automatic <ulink url=\"http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/";
+"multiseat\">multi-seat</ulink> support using <application>systemd</"
+msgstr ""
+"<application>systemd</application>åçæãèåçã <ulink url=\"http://www.";
+"freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/multiseat\">multi-seat</ulink> ããã"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:49(para)
+msgid ""
+"Improved rendering of HTML messages in <application>Evolution</application> "
+"by using <application>WebKit</application> instead of <application>GtkHtml</"
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:55(title)
+msgid "Accessibility changes"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:57(para)
+msgid ""
+"An extensive set of Symbolic and High Contrast icons is being worked on. "
+"These icons will enable brand new accessible and complete High Contrast and "
+"High Contrast Inverse themes."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:63(para)
+msgid ""
+"Further enhancements to GNOME Shell Magnifier, including caret and focus "
+"tracking along with additional options for customizing brightness and "
+msgstr ""
+"ããèèãåããGNOME Shellæåéãããããååã"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:68(para)
+msgid ""
+"Continued work on GNOME Shellâs accessibility and the tools used to access "
+msgstr ""
+"äããåçããããGNOME Shellãããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:75(title)
+msgid "Developer-related changes"
+msgstr "éçèãééããåæ"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:77(para)
+msgid ""
+"Continued cleanup of the platform (for example moving from <application>dbus-"
+"glib</application> and <application>libunique</application> to "
+"<classname>GDBus</classname>/<classname>G(tk)Application</classname>, and "
+"migration of <application>Evolution-Data-Server</application>'s storage "
+"backend from <application>Gconf</application> to <classname>GSettings</"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããçççãããããããã (ãããã<application>dbus-glib</"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:84(para)
+msgid ""
+"Source code tarballs will only be made available using the .xz compression "
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:9(title)
+msgid "Getting GNOME 3.2"
+msgstr "GNOME 3.2 ãåæ"
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:11(para)
+msgid ""
+"To install or upgrade your machine to GNOME 3.2, we recommend you install "
+"the official packages provided by your vendor or distribution. Popular "
+"distributions will make GNOME 3.2 available very soon, and some already have "
+"development versions with GNOME 3.2 available."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ããäãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããå"
+"ããããããããããåãããããäæãããããããããããããããããããã "
+"GNOME 3.2 ãåçåèããããããããéççãããã GNOME 3.2 ããããåçãã"
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:18(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you want to try out GNOME, download one of our live images. These are "
+"available on our <ulink url=\"http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/\";>Getting "
+"GNOME</ulink> page."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ãèããããååãLive ãããããããããããããããããã<ulink url="
+"\"http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/\";>Getting GNOME</ulink> ããããããå"
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:24(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you are brave and patient, and would like to build GNOME from source, we "
+"recommend you use <ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/devel/jhbuild/";
+"\">JHBuild</ulink>, which is designed to build the latest GNOME from Git. "
+"You can use JHBuild to build GNOME 3.2.x by using the <filename>gnome-3.2</"
+"filename> moduleset."
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããåæãåèåãããã GNOME ããããããããããããããããããã"
+"ãã<ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/devel/jhbuild\";>JHBuild</ulink> ã"
+"äçããåãããããJHBuild ããGit ããããããã GNOME ãææçãããããã"
+"ãããããããããJHBuild ãäãã <filename>gnome-3.2</filename> çãã"
+"ããããããããåçãã GNOME 3.2.x ãããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:9(title)
+msgid "Internationalization"
+msgstr "åéå"
+#. Translators: number of languages might change before final date
+#: C/rni18n.xml:12(para)
+msgid ""
+"Thanks to members of the worldwide <ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/";
+"TranslationProject\">GNOME Translation Project</ulink>, GNOME 3.2 offers "
+"support for more than 50 languages with at least 80 percent of strings "
+"translated, including the user and administration manuals for many languages."
+msgstr ""
+"äçäã <ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject\";>GNOME çèã"
+"ããããã</ulink>ãããããããããããGNOME 3.2 ãã 50 ãèããèèããã"
+"ããããæäããããããããããèèãåãããã 80 ãããããããããããã"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:27(para)
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:28(para)
+msgid "Assamese"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:29(para)
+msgid "Asturian"
+msgstr "ãããããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:30(para)
+msgid "Basque"
+msgstr "ãããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:31(para)
+msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
+msgstr "ããããçãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:32(para)
+msgid "British English"
+msgstr "ããããèè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:33(para)
+msgid "Bulgarian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:34(para)
+msgid "Catalan"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:35(para)
+msgid "Catalan (Valencian)"
+msgstr "ãããããè (ããããã)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:36(para)
+msgid "Chinese (China)"
+msgstr "äåè (äå)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:37(para)
+msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
+msgstr "äåè (éæ)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:38(para)
+msgid "Chinese (Taiwan)"
+msgstr "äåè (åæ)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:39(para)
+msgid "Czech"
+msgstr "ãããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:40(para)
+msgid "Danish"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:41(para)
+msgid "Dutch"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:42(para)
+msgid "Estonian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:43(para)
+msgid "Finnish"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:44(para)
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:45(para)
+msgid "Galician"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:46(para)
+msgid "German"
+msgstr "ãããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:47(para)
+msgid "Greek"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:48(para)
+msgid "Gujarati"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:49(para)
+msgid "Hebrew"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:50(para)
+msgid "Hindi"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:51(para)
+msgid "Hungarian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:52(para)
+msgid "Indonesian"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:53(para)
+msgid "Italian"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:54(para)
+msgid "Japanese"
+msgstr "ææè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:55(para)
+msgid "Korean"
+msgstr "éåè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:56(para)
+msgid "Latvian"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:57(para)
+msgid "Lithuanian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:58(para)
+msgid "Norwegian BokmÃl"
+msgstr "ãããããè (ãããããã)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:59(para)
+msgid "Polish"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:60(para)
+msgid "Portuguese"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:61(para)
+msgid "Punjabi"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:62(para)
+msgid "Romanian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:63(para)
+msgid "Russian"
+msgstr "ãããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:64(para)
+msgid "Serbian"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:65(para)
+msgid "Serbian Latin"
+msgstr "ããããè (ãããæå)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:66(para)
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:67(para)
+msgid "Swedish"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:68(para)
+msgid "Slovenian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:69(para)
+msgid "Tamil"
+msgstr "ãããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:70(para)
+msgid "Thai"
+msgstr "ããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:71(para)
+msgid "Turkish"
+msgstr "ãããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:72(para)
+msgid "Uighur"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:73(para)
+msgid "Ukrainian"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:74(para)
+msgid "Vietnamese"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:19(para)
+msgid "Supported languages: <placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "ããããããããèè: <placeholder-1/>"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:78(para)
+msgid ""
+"Many other languages are partially supported, with more than half of their "
+"strings translated."
+msgstr ""
+#. <para>
+#.  Translating a software package as large as GNOME into a new language can be
+#.  an overwhelming task for even the most dedicated translation team. For this
+#.  release a stellar effort has been done by the Asturian team, increasing the
+#.  completeness of their translation by more than 27 points, soon passing the 80%
+#.  mark indicating complete support for a language. The Shavian team also started
+#.  translating GNOME in the 2.30 cycle and is already at 70%, already almost
+#.  at complete support for a language.
+#.  </para>
+#.  The ?? teams are also to be congratulated as they raised their translation
+#.  status 10 points or more.
+#: C/rni18n.xml:94(para)
+msgid ""
+"Detailed statistics, how you can help make GNOME available in your language, "
+"and more information are all available on GNOME's <ulink url=\"http://l10n.";
+"gnome.org/\">translation status site</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"çèçæãéããèçãçèããããããèèã GNOME ãäãããããããæåãã"
+"ååææãããããããããããäãããããæåããããããGNOME ã<ulink url="
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:12(title)
+msgid "What's New for Developers"
+msgstr "æããããããã ãéçèåãã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:13(para)
+msgid ""
+"The following changes are important for developers using the GNOME 3.2 "
+"Developer Platform. If you are not interested in changes for developers, you "
+"can skip forward to <xref linkend=\"rni18\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+"ããéçèåããåæãèåãããååã<xref linkend=\"rni18\"/>ãèãéããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:20(para)
+msgid ""
+"Included in GNOME 3.2 is the latest release of the GNOME Developer Platform. "
+"This consists of a set of API- and ABI-stable libraries available under the "
+"GNU LGPL that can be used for the development of cross-platform applications."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ãåãããããããGNOME éçèãããããããããææããããããã"
+"ãããGNU LGPLãäãåçåèãAPI-stableãABI-stableãããããããäçããæ"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:27(para)
+msgid ""
+"For information on developing with GNOME please visit the <ulink url="
+"\"http://developer.gnome.org/\";>GNOME Developer Center</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOMEããéçããããèããæåãã<ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/";
+"\">GNOME Developer Center</ulink> ãæãåãããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:32(title)
+msgid "GLib 2.30"
+msgstr "GLib 2.30"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:33(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's low-level software utility library <application>GLib</application> "
+"has seen various improvements:"
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ãäããããããããããããããããããã <application>GLib</"
+"application> ããããããæèãåããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:37(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>GApplication</classname> can now be used for non-unique "
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>GApplication</classname> ãéããããããããããããããäçãã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:41(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>GLib</application> now installs a separate header for Unix-"
+"specific APIs: <filename>glib-unix.h</filename>. Among other things, it "
+"provides a mainloop source for Unix signals."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>GLib</application> ããUnix-specific API çãååããããã "
+"(<filename>glib-unix.h</filename>) ããããããããããããããããããããã"
+"ããããã Unix ããããçããããããããããããæäãããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:45(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>GDBus</classname> supports the 'object manager' pattern with a "
+"number of new interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>GDBus</classname> ã åããæããããããããã 'object manager' "
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:48(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>GDBus</classname> has a code generator now: <command>gdbus-"
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>GDBus</classname> ãããããããããããããèãããããã: "
+"<command>gdbus-codegen</command> ã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:52(para)
+msgid ""
+"Atomic operations have been rewritten to use gcc builtins; calls with "
+"explicit casts may be problematic."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããæäã gcc ãããããéæãåçããæãæãããããããæççããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:55(para)
+msgid ""
+"Atomic operations on pointers have been added, including bit-locks on "
+"pointer-size locations."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:58(para)
+msgid ""
+"The units policy has been changed to prefer <acronym>SI</acronym> units; "
+"<function>g_format_size_for_display</function> has been deprecated in favor "
+"of <function>g_format_size</function>."
+msgstr ""
+"åäãããããåæããã<acronym>SI</acronym> åäçãäçããããããããã"
+"ãã<function>g_format_size_for_display</function> ãéæåããããäããã "
+"<function>g_format_size</function> ãäçããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:61(para)
+msgid ""
+"Support for <acronym>HMAC</acronym> digests has been added: "
+msgstr ""
+"<acronym>HMAC</acronym> ããããããããããããèåããããã: "
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:64(para)
+msgid ""
+"An interface for certificate and key lookup has been added: "
+"<classname>GTlsDatabase</classname>. An implementation is provided by glib-"
+msgstr ""
+"èææãããéãèãããããããããããèåããããã: "
+"<classname>GTlsDatabase</classname> ãglib-networking ããããåèããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:72(title)
+msgid "GTK+ 3.2"
+msgstr "GTK+ 3.2"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:73(para)
+msgid ""
+"GTK+ 3.2 is the latest release of the GTK+ toolkit, which is at the heart of "
+"GNOME. GTK+ 3.2 includes new features for developers, as well as extensive "
+"bug fixes."
+msgstr ""
+"GTK+ 3.2 ã GTK+ ãããããããææããããããããGNOME ãæãããããããã"
+"GTK+ 3.2 ãããåããããããããããåããéçèåããææèãèãããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:79(para)
+msgid ""
+"Entries can now contain hints. See <function>gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text</"
+msgstr ""
+"Entry ãããããæãããããããããããããããã"
+"<function>gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text</function> ãåçããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:82(para)
+msgid ""
+"Many more widgets support height-for-width geometry management. It is "
+"important to set reasonable sizes on labels and check window sizes."
+msgstr ""
+"åããããããããããheight-for-width éçççããããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:88(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>GtkLockButton</classname> for privileged operations, as seen in "
+"some control-center panels."
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>GtkLockButton</classname>: çæçãæäãèããããäçããããã"
+"control-center ããããããããããäçããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:91(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>GtkOverlay</classname> for floating controls over a content area, "
+"as seen in web browsers."
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>GtkOverlay</classname>: ãããããéåãããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:94(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>GtkFontChooserDialog</classname>, a new font selection dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>GtkFontChooserDialog</classname>: æããããããéæãããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:85(para)
+msgid "New widgets: <placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "æãããããããã: <placeholder-1/>"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:99(para)
+msgid ""
+"Much improved CSS theming support, including style classes for primary and "
+"inline toolbars."
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããããããåããããããããããããCSS ããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:102(para)
+msgid ""
+"The HTML backend <application>Broadway</application>, which renders in a "
+"browser by using websockets, <ulink url=\"http://blogs.gnome.org/";
+"alexl/2011/03/15/gtk-html-backend-update/\">has been improved</ulink> but is "
+"still experimental. This potentially allows you to either run your own apps "
+"on your server and access it from anywhere, or to put it on a public server "
+"that spawns a new instance of the application for every user. Note that this "
+"requires compiling GTK+ with <varname>--enable-x11-backend --enable-broadway-"
+"backend</varname> and environment variable <envar>GDK_BACKEND</envar> at "
+msgstr ""
+"HTML ããããããã <application>Broadway</application> (WebSocket ãäçãã"
+"ããããäããããããããèããã) ããæèãåããããããããããåéçã"
+"ãããããããããããããããããããããæèããGTK+ ã <varname>--enable-"
+"x11-backend --enable-broadway-backend</varname> æåããããããããåèæã"
+"çååæ <envar>GDK_BACKEND</envar> ãäçããåèãããããããææããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:114(para)
+msgid ""
+"Support for reftests <ulink url=\"http://blogs.gnome.org/otte/2011/05/05/";
+"reftests/\">has been added</ulink> to make it easier to write test cases."
+msgstr ""
+"reftests ãããããã<ulink url=\"http://blogs.gnome.org/otte/2011/05/05/";
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:119(para)
+msgid ""
+"Various GTK+ performance improvements <ulink url=\"http://blogs.gnome.org/";
+"otte/2011/03/30/the-book-was-better/\">have taken place</ulink> in the areas "
+"of caching size requests, reading CSS styling information, and widget size "
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããèæããCSS ããããæåãèãèãããããããããããããã"
+"ãèçããããããããéã GTK+ ãæèæåã<ulink url=\"http://blogs.gnome.";
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:129(title)
+msgid "Clutter 1.8"
+msgstr "Clutter 1.8"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:130(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's graphics library for hardware-accelerated user interfaces "
+"<application>Clutter</application> provides the following improvements:"
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããããããæçããããããããããããããåãã GNOME "
+"ãããããããããããã <application>Clutter</application> ãããæãæèã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:134(para)
+msgid ""
+"New actions, such as <classname>ClutterGestureAction</classname> for writing "
+"gesture recognizers, <classname>ClutterSwipeAction</classname> for detecting "
+"swipe gestures, <classname>ClutterDropAction</classname> for making actors "
+"drop targets when using <classname>ClutterDragAction</classname>, and long-"
+"press support for <classname>ClutterClickAction</classname>."
+msgstr ""
+"æããããæããããããããããããããèèãããããèèããããã "
+"ãã <classname>ClutterSwipeAction</classname>ã"
+"<classname>ClutterDragAction</classname> äçæããããããããããããããã"
+"ãããã <classname>ClutterDropAction</classname>ãããã "
+"<classname>ClutterClickAction</classname> ãéæãããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:140(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>ClutterState</classname> transitions can be bound to object "
+"signals when creating a scene in <classname>ClutterScript</classname>."
+msgstr ""
+"<classname>ClutterState</classname> ãçæéçãã<classname>ClutterScript</"
+"classname> ãããããããäææããããããããããããçãäãããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:143(para)
+msgid ""
+"Improved <ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/clutter/1.8/";
+"ClutterCairoTexture.html#ClutterCairoTexture-draw\">Cairo drawing "
+msgstr ""
+"<ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/clutter/1.8/ClutterCairoTexture.";
+"html#ClutterCairoTexture-draw\">Cairo ãæçããããããããã</ulink> ãæè"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:146(para)
+msgid ""
+"<classname>Cogl</classname>, the GPU programming interface used by Clutter, "
+"is exposed as a separate library."
+msgstr ""
+"Clutter ãäçããã GPU ãããããããããããããããã <classname>Cogl</"
+"classname> ããççããããããããããåéããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:153(title)
+msgid "Use of Deprecated Libraries"
+msgstr "åæäåãããããããäçãããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:154(para)
+msgid ""
+"Further progress has been made in the continuous work of replacing outdated "
+"technologies with superior facilities."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:158(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>GConf</application> now uses <application>D-Bus</application> "
+"by default and hence does not require <application>ORBit2</application> "
+"anymore. As a consequence, the deprecated libraries <application>ORBit2</"
+"application> and <application>libIDL</application> have been removed from "
+msgstr ""
+"<application>GConf</application> ããããããã <application>D-Bus</"
+"application> ãäããããããããããããã <application>ORBit2</"
+"application> ãèæãããããããçæãéæåããããããã "
+"<application>ORBit2</application> ã <application>libIDL</application> ãã"
+"GNOME ããåãéãããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:161(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME core modules now only depend on introspection-based Python bindings "
+"(<application>pygobject-3</application>) and hence <application>pygtk</"
+"application>, <application>gnome-python</application> and <application>gnome-"
+"python-desktop</application> are not required anymore."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ã core ãããããããintrospection ãããã Python ããããããã "
+"(<application>pygobject-3</application>) ãããäåãããããããããããã"
+"ã <application>pygtk</application>ã <application>gnome-python</"
+"application>ãããã <application>gnome-python-desktop</application> ãèæã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:164(para)
+msgid ""
+"Several applications (for example <application>Accerciser</application>, "
+"<application>Dasher</application>, <application>GHex</application>, the "
+"graphical debugger <application>Nemiver</application>, and the passwords and "
+"encryption keys management tool <application>Seahorse</application>) now use "
+"<classname>GSettings</classname> as storage backend instead of "
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããã (ãããã <application>Accerciser</application>ã "
+"ããããããã <application>Nemiver</application>ããããããããããæååé"
+"ççããã <application>Seahorse</application> ãã<application>GConf</"
+"application>ãäããããããããããããããããã <classname>GSettings</"
+"classname> ãäãããããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:167(para)
+msgid ""
+"Several packages, such as the <application>Epiphany</application> web "
+"browser, have been converted from using <ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.";
+"org/gio/2.30/ch29.html\"><application>dbus-glib</application> to "
+"<classname>GDBus</classname></ulink> and from <ulink url=\"http://developer.";
+"\"><application>libunique</application> to <classname>G(tk)Application</"
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Epiphany</application> ãããããããããããããããããããã"
+"ããã<ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.30/ch29.html";
+"\"><application>dbus-glib</application> ãã <classname>GDBus</classname></"
+"ulink> ããçèã<ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.2/gtk-";
+"migrating-GtkApplication.html\"><application>libunique</application> ãã "
+"<classname>G(tk)Application</classname></ulink> ããçèãæãããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:179(title)
+msgid "Easier to Compile GNOME With JHBuild"
+msgstr "JHBuild ããã GNOME ãããããããããçåã"
+#. from https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2011-July/msg00091.html
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:181(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's build tool <application><ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/";
+"jhbuild/\">JHBuild</ulink></application> does not build a module anymore if "
+"the version installed on your system is recent enough. This is controlled by "
+"the configuration option <varname>partial_build</varname> and it is enabled "
+"by default. The command <command>jhbuild sysdeps</command> lists which "
+"system modules have been found as well as the modules that are going to be "
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ããããããã <application><ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/";
+"jhbuild/\">JHBuild</ulink></application> ãããäãããããããããããããã"
+"ããããããããããæèããèåãããããã <varname>partial_build</"
+"varname> ãååãããããããããæåãããããããã<command>jhbuild "
+"sysdeps</command> ãããããåèãããããããåèãããããããåããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:189(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you start to build GNOME from scratch with a recent distribution, this "
+"can easily drop 50 modules from the list of modules to compile."
+msgstr ""
+"æèãããããããããããããããããããããã GNOME ãããããéåããå"
+"åãããæèããããããããããåèããããããããã 50 ããããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:196(title)
+msgid "Miscellaneous Developer Updates"
+msgstr "ããäãéçèåããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:197(para)
+msgid "Other GNOME Platform improvements in GNOME 3.2 include:"
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ãåãããããããäããããããããããæèãæããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:200(para)
+msgid ""
+"The classic (static) Python bindings were removed for PyGObject 3.0 and only "
+"dynamic Python bindings are provided (via introspection). PyGObject 2 and 3 "
+"are parallel-installable as introspection is turned off by default in the "
+"PyGObject 2 packages. Information on <ulink url=\"http://www.j5live.";
+"com/2011/08/14/announce-pygobject-2-90-1-released-3-0-pre-release/\">how to "
+"port applications from PyGObject 2 to PyGObject 3</ulink> is available."
+msgstr ""
+"ææã (éçã) Python ãããããããããPyGObject 3.0 ãæãåããã"
+"(introspection ãåçãã) åçãããããããããããæäãããããPyGObject "
+"2 ããããããããintrospection ãããããããçåããããããããã"
+"PyGObject 2 ã 3 ããåæããããããããããããåèããã<ulink url="
+"pre-release/\">ããããããããã PyGObject 2 ãã 3 ãçèããææ</ulink>ã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:207(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Tracker</application> version 0.12 provides support for "
+"<application>Firefox</application> â 4.0, <application>Thunderbird</"
+"application> â 5.0, MeeGoTouch, several additional SPARQL parameters, "
+"extracting information from EPub files, and local XDG directories for "
+"desktop files."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Tracker</application> ããããã 0.12 ãæãããããããããã"
+"ãã<application>Firefox</application> â 4.0ã<application>Thunderbird</"
+"application> â 5.0ãMeeGoTouchããããããèå SPARQL ãããããããEPub ãã"
+"ãããããæåæåãããã desktop ãããããããããããããã XDG ãããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:215(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>NetworkManager</application> version 0.9 provides introspection "
+"support and a simplified <application>D-Bus</application> API. Information "
+"<ulink url=\"http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/api/09/ref-";
+"migrating.html\">how to port applications from <application>NetworkManager</"
+"application> 0.8 to 0.9</ulink> is available."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>NetworkManager</application> ããããã 0.9 ããintrospection ã"
+"ããããããççåããã <application>D-Bus</application> API ãæäãããã"
+"<ulink url=\"http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/developers/api/09/ref-";
+"migrating.html\">ããããããããã <application>NetworkManager</"
+"application> 0.8 ãã 0.9 ãçèããææ</ulink>ãããããæåãåæåèã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:219(para)
+msgid ""
+"As part of the aforementioned effort to use and promote PKCS#11 as glue "
+"between encryption libraries, various parts of <application>gnome-keyring</"
+"application> have been split into <ulink url=\"http://p11-glue.freedesktop.";
+"org/\">desktop-independent libraries</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"æåãããããéããããããã PKCS#11 ãäçãäéããåèãåãçããäéã"
+"ããã<application>gnome-keyring</application> ãããããããããã<ulink "
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:222(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>GtkSourceView</application> now supports syntax highlighting of "
+"Markdown and Standard ML files."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>GtkSourceView</application> ã Markdown ã Standard ML ããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:225(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Evolution-Data-Server</application> received many introspection "
+"support fixes."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Evolution-Data-Server</application> ãããããã introspection "
+"ããããã Fix  ãããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:228(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application><ulink url=\"http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Folks";
+"\">libfolks</ulink></application> now includes an Evolution-Data-Server "
+"backend, which is used by the new <application>Contacts</application> "
+msgstr ""
+"<application><ulink url=\"http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Folks";
+"\">libfolks</ulink></application> ã Evolution-Data-Server ããããããããå"
+"ããããããããããããããæãããããããã <application>GNOME Contacts</"
+"application> ããäçããããããã"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:231(para)
+msgid ""
+"Among the tools used for documentation processing, <application>gnome-doc-"
+"utils</application> and <application>xml2po</application> are slowly being "
+"replaced by <application>yelp-tools</application> and <application>itstool</"
+"application>. <application>yelp-xsl</application> includes a few "
+"experimental <ulink url=\"http://projectmallard.org/\";>Mallard</ulink> "
+"extensions, such as conditional processing and dynamic glossaries."
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããåçãããã <application>gnome-doc-utils</application> "
+"ã <application>xml2po</application> ããããããåãã<application>yelp-"
+"tools</application> ã <application>itstool</application> ãçãæããããã"
+"ããã<application>yelp-xsl</application> ãããæäåçãåçããããããã"
+"ããåéçã <ulink url=\"http://projectmallard.org/\";>Mallard</ulink> ãæå"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rna11y.xml:40(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/on-screen-keyboard.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/on-screen-keyboard.png'; "
+#: C/rna11y.xml:9(title)
+msgid "What's New in Accessibility"
+msgstr "æããããããã ãããããããããã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:10(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.2 is the most beautiful accessible desktop to date, with an emphasis "
+"on being reliable and usable for everyone."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ãäãããæãçããããããããããæèãåããããããããããã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:14(para)
+msgid ""
+"Until GNOME 3.2, assistive technology users have faced an unfortunate "
+"dilemma: It was not possible to dynamically activate accessibility support. "
+"Thanks to improvements to <application>AT-SPI2</application>, applications "
+"now have a cross-desktop way to determine if accessibility support is "
+"enabled and a way to enable it. GNOME is first to implement this, so more "
+"work needs to be done to really work across desktops."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ããããæææèããããããäéãåéãçéããããããããã"
+"åèãããã<application>AT-SPI2</application> ãæèãããããããããããã"
+"ããããããããããããæèãæåãããããããããããGNOME ããããåçã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:24(para)
+msgid "Other improvements:"
+msgstr "äãæèçããããæããããããããã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:28(para)
+msgid ""
+"For those users who require an on-screen keyboard, a brand new one has been "
+"built in."
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: To enable this, run:
+#.            'gsettings set org.gnome.shell.keyboard show-keyboard true'
+#.           (need latest software, otherwise gnome-shell crashes!).
+#.           Shown URL is http://tieguy.org/blog/2006/09/09/the-state-of-tablet-software-in-linux/
+#: C/rna11y.xml:38(title)
+msgid "On-Screen Keyboard"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:46(para)
+msgid ""
+"Using the overview mode with a keyboard works better than ever. In addition "
+"to being fully keyboard navigable, users of the screen reader "
+"<application>Orca</application> will experience much more reliable and "
+"accurate presentation while navigating."
+msgstr ""
+"ããååãæäãåçãããããããããããããã <application>Orca</"
+"application> ãããããããããããããäãããããäéæãéãæçããããã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:52(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Orca</application>âs migration to introspection has made "
+"GNOMEâs screen reader noticeably snappier. And now that the ATK bridge only "
+"listens for signals when assistive technologies are being used, enabling "
+"accessibility support in GNOME should no longer result in a significant "
+"performance degradation."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Orca</application> ã introspection ããçèããããGNOME ããã"
+"ããããããããåäãéåãèéãããããããäãã ATK ããããããæææè"
+"ãäçãããéãããããã listen ããããããããGNOME ãããããããããæ"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:59(para)
+msgid ""
+"The accessibility service interface <application>AT-SPI2</application> has "
+"been greatly stabilized: Crashes, memory leaks, and a variety of other bugs "
+"have been fixed."
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããããããããããããã <application>AT-SPI2</"
+"application> ãååæãåããååãããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rna11y.xml:64(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's Accessibility Implementation Library <application>Gail</application> "
+"has been completely merged into GTK+, bringing GNOME yet another step closer "
+"to accessibility that's built in, not bolted on."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ãããããããããåèããããã <application>Gail</application> ãã"
+"GTK+ ãååããããããããããGNOME ããæããããããããçãèãããããã"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:95(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-online-accounts.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-online-accounts.png'; "
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:126(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/epiphany-webapplication.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/epiphany-webapplication.png'; "
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:172(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-contacts.png'; md5=08a457feedf5274772ba7955162bbd2e"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-contacts.png'; md5=08a457feedf5274772ba7955162bbd2e"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:201(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/file-save-dialog.png'; md5=08656b8020c2b7535287dc8953f342b9"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/file-save-dialog.png'; md5=08656b8020c2b7535287dc8953f342b9"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:219(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-documents-local.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-documents-local.png'; "
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:229(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-documents-google.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/gnome-documents-google.png'; "
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:250(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/sushi-800px.png'; md5=130cbbf70616fb82556af86c8a82e3de"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/sushi-800px.png'; md5=130cbbf70616fb82556af86c8a82e3de"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:272(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/color-management.png'; md5=055698d73194f08ae0d23874b48707a2"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/color-management.png'; md5=055698d73194f08ae0d23874b48707a2"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:320(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/gdm.png'; md5=b624407581d8291bcbf910d38aa52e82"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gdm.png'; md5=b624407581d8291bcbf910d38aa52e82"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:342(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/hotplug.png'; md5=18147b3ed3713b4b038f4e20e7a9cdea"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/hotplug.png'; md5=18147b3ed3713b4b038f4e20e7a9cdea"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:356(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/contacts-search.png'; md5=c1fad1fe3434018c037618c0053cf85e"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/contacts-search.png'; md5=c1fad1fe3434018c037618c0053cf85e"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:479(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/certificate-viewer.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/certificate-viewer.png'; "
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:493(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/empathy-log.png'; md5=b3bb4faa38af7915ab14d7d83947805d"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/empathy-log.png'; md5=b3bb4faa38af7915ab14d7d83947805d"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:527(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/font-chooser-dialog.png'; "
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/font-chooser-dialog.png'; "
+#: C/rnusers.xml:11(title)
+msgid "What's New for Users"
+msgstr "æããããããã ãããããåãã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:14(title)
+msgid "3.0, Evolved"
+msgstr "3.0 ãæè"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:15(para)
+msgid ""
+"Based on user feedback, lots of small changes have been made to give a "
+"smoother experience in GNOME 3.2. Some noteworthy highlights:"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããããèãããGNOME 3.2 ãããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:30(para)
+msgid ""
+"It is now easier to resize a window as the area for this has been increased."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:34(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>System Settings</application> now includes links to related "
+"settings found in other locations. For instance, the Keyboard section now "
+"has a link to the keyboard layout."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:39(para)
+msgid ""
+"Titlebars, buttons, and other controls are less tall, making it easier to "
+"use GNOME on small screens."
+msgstr ""
+"çéãã GNOME ãäããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:43(para)
+msgid ""
+"Notifications in the lower-right corner now include a counter. This makes it "
+"easier to see how many emails are waiting for you without having to open "
+"your email program, or to determine how many messages you have missed in a "
+"particular chat."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:49(para)
+msgid ""
+"The highlight effect that indicates that an application is already running "
+"has been made more obvious."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:53(para)
+msgid ""
+"In the user menu, notifications can be configured independently from the "
+"chat status."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:57(para)
+msgid ""
+"The workspace switcher in the overview remains expanded by keeping its full "
+"width displayed when you are using more than one workspace."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããçéãããããããããããããããããããããããã 2 ãäää"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:61(para)
+msgid ""
+"Instead of assuming <application>Evolution</application>, the application "
+"for the calendar drop-down can now be customized."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Evolution</application> ãåæãããããããããããåèãããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:66(para)
+msgid "The battery power status is now shown using a bar."
+msgstr "ãããããæéãããããèçãããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:69(para)
+msgid ""
+"<ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus_%28computing%";
+"29#Focus_follows_pointer\">Focus-follows-mouse</ulink> handling has "
+"improved, though more work is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"<ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus_%28computing%";
+"29#Focus_follows_pointer\">ãããããããããããã</ulink> ãæããæèãã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:76(para)
+msgid "Please keep the feedback coming."
+msgstr "ãæèããææããããããåãããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:82(title) C/rnusers.xml:93(application)
+msgid "Online Accounts"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:83(para)
+msgid ""
+"Documents, contacts, calendars â They can be stored locally on the computer, "
+"but storing this type of information online is becoming increasingly "
+"popular. In GNOME 3.2, <application>Online Accounts</application> provides "
+"one place to manage these online sources. These online accounts are "
+"automatically used by <application>Documents</application>, "
+"<application>Contacts</application>, <application>Empathy</application>, "
+"<application>Evolution</application> as well as the calendar drop-down."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããçäãéçåãããããã â  ãããããçéãæåããããããã"
+"ãããããããããããããGNOME 3.2 ããã<application>ãããããããããã</"
+"ãããããããããããããããããåããããã<application>GNOME Documents</"
+"application>ã<application>GNOME Contacts</application>ã"
+"<application>Empathy</application>ã<application>Evolution</application> ãã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:101(title)
+msgid "Web Applications"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:102(para)
+msgid ""
+"Certain web sites are used as if they are applications. Some sites are "
+"opened the minute the computer is turned on; the site is open all the time "
+"and checked periodically. Wouldn't it be nice if GNOME treats these sites as "
+"actual applications?"
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããäããããã Web ãããããããããããããããããè"
+"ããããããã GNOME ããããããããããæåãããããããããããããæãã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:113(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.2 makes it possible to use a site as an application thanks to "
+"<application>Epiphany</application>, our standard web browser. To do so, "
+"press <keysym>Ctrl-Shift-A</keysym>, or access the <guimenu>File</guimenu> "
+"menu and select <guimenuitem>Save as Web Application</guimenuitem>. Once the "
+"web application has been created, it can be launched from the overview."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ããã<application>Epiphany</application> (GNOME ææããããããã"
+"ãã) ãäããããããããããããããããããããããããäçããããããã"
+"ãããããæèãåçããããã<keysym>Ctrl-Shift-A</keysym> ãããæããã"
+"<guimenu>ãããã</guimenu>ãããããã <guimenuitem>Save as Web "
+"Application</guimenuitem> ãéæããããããããããããããããããäåãã"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Open epiphany, go to http://identi.ca/notice/80593870,
+#.      save it as a webapp, then load the webapp
+#: C/rnusers.xml:124(title)
+msgid "Microblogging as a web application"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:129(para)
+msgid "The following is a brief list of the benefits:"
+msgstr "ääããããæèãåçãçåãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:133(para)
+msgid ""
+"Web applications can easily be launched from the overview mode. They can "
+"also be pinned as favorites."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:137(para)
+msgid "The entire window is used for the site."
+msgstr "ããããããéååäãããããããåãåããäçããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:140(para)
+msgid ""
+"The application is restricted to the saved site. Attempts to go somewhere "
+"else, say by clicking a link, are shown in a normal browser window."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:145(para)
+msgid ""
+"The icon used when switching windows or to start the web application shows "
+"the site's logo or a clipped screenshot of the site."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:149(para)
+msgid ""
+"The web application is distinct from the normal browser. Should the main "
+"browser crash, the web application will not be affected."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:157(title)
+msgid "Manage your Contacts"
+msgstr "çäãéçåãçç"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:158(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Contacts</application> is a new application focused on people. "
+"The goal is to provide one overview of people, whether the contacts are "
+"stored online, within <application>Evolution</application> or the chat "
+"application <application>Empathy</application>."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>GNOME Contacts</application> ãäããããããããããããåã"
+"ãããã<application>Evolution</application>ããããããããããããããã "
+"<application>Empathy</application> ãäåãããããããåãããäãããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:170(title)
+msgid "Contacts application"
+msgstr "éçåççãããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:178(title)
+msgid "Manage your Documents and Files"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããçç"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:179(para)
+msgid ""
+"When dealing with a lot of documents, it can be hard to keep track of them. "
+"In GNOME 3.2, steps have been taken to make this easier."
+msgstr ""
+"ããGNOME 3.2 ãããããçåããããããæéãèãããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:186(title)
+msgid "Helpful File Open and Save dialogs"
+msgstr "åçãããããããããããäåããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:187(para)
+msgid ""
+"Opening and saving files has been made easier. When opening a file in an "
+"application, GNOME will helpfully show a list of recent files. Similarly, a "
+"list of recent directories will be shown when a file is saved."
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: To get this dialog, start Gedit and choose File > Save.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:199(title)
+msgid "Recent Directories in File Saving Dialog"
+msgstr "ãããããäåããããããæèäçãããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:207(title)
+msgid "Documents application"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:208(para)
+msgid ""
+"In GNOME 3.2, the Documents application is focused on providing a simple and "
+"effective way to find, organize and view documents."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ãããããGNOME Documents ãããããããããæçãæçãèçããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:217(title)
+msgid "The new <application>Documents</application> application"
+msgstr "æèãããããããã <application>GNOME Documents</application>"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:222(para)
+msgid ""
+"Thanks to the <application>Online Accounts</application> integration, "
+"finding documents is the same whether they're stored locally or online."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:227(title)
+msgid "<application>Documents</application> showing online documents"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããèçãã <application>GNOME Documents</application>"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:236(title)
+msgid "Quickly Preview your Files in the File Manager"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:237(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>File Manager</application> can now quickly preview movie, "
+"music, picture and other files. The preview can be shown and hidden again by "
+"pressing <keysym>space</keysym>."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>ãããããããããã</application> ãããããããéæãåçãã"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Sample pictures/movies/documents:
+#.       https://gitorious.org/gnome-marketing/gnome-marketing
+#: C/rnusers.xml:248(title)
+msgid "Quick Preview of a GNOME 3 release party picture"
+msgstr "GNOME 3 ãããããããããåçãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:256(title)
+msgid "Greater Integration"
+msgstr "åããçå"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:258(title)
+msgid "Color management"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:259(para)
+msgid ""
+"Due to differences in the way colors are shown, the same picture can look "
+"different between monitors. Similarly, when the picture is printed its "
+"colors might have changed again."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:264(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.2 allows you to calibrate devices to ensure the shown colors are "
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.2 ããããããããããããããããããããèãèçãåéãèãããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:270(title)
+msgid "Color management in <application>System Settings</application>"
+msgstr "<application>ããããèå</application>ããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:278(title)
+msgid "Messaging Built In"
+msgstr "çãèãããããããããæè"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:279(para)
+msgid ""
+"You no longer have to open a separate application to sign in to chat and "
+"messaging services. In 3.2, GNOME will do it for you."
+msgstr ""
+"ãåããããããããããèåããåèããããããããã3.2 ãããGNOME ããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:285(para)
+msgid ""
+"Change available or unavailable status quickly using the user menu at the "
+"top-right hand corner of the screen."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:289(para)
+msgid ""
+"Easily approve or reject new buddy requests, audio/video calls, and file "
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:292(para)
+msgid ""
+"Get notified in case there is a connection problem with a chat or messaging "
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:300(title)
+msgid "Wacom graphics tablets"
+msgstr "ããã ããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:301(para)
+msgid ""
+"Wacom graphics tablets can be configured in <application>System Settings</"
+msgstr ""
+"ããã ããããããããããããèåã<application>ããããèå</application>"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Press printscreen in GDM and your screenshot will be
+#.         available at /var/run/gdm/greeter/GDM-Screenshot.png
+#: C/rnusers.xml:308(title) C/rnusers.xml:318(title)
+msgid "Login screen"
+msgstr "ããããçé"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:309(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME 3 login screen has been integrated with the rest of the user "
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3 ãããããçéããäããããããããããããããçäãããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:326(title)
+msgid "Touchscreen devices"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:327(para)
+msgid ""
+"On tablets and similar touchscreen devices, rotating the device will "
+"automatically rotate the screen. Additionally, touchscreen devices will not "
+"show a mouse cursor unless a mouse is attached."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:335(title)
+msgid "Media hotplugging"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:336(para)
+msgid "GNOME 3 now features integrated media hotplugging notifications."
+msgstr "GNOME 3 ããããããããããããããéçãæèãçåãããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:340(title)
+msgid "Hotplugging Notification"
+msgstr "ããããããéç"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:348(title)
+msgid "Contacts search"
+msgstr "çäãéçåãæç"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:349(para)
+msgid ""
+"The search box in the overview mode now lets you search through your "
+msgstr "ãããããããçéãæçããããããçäãéçåãæçããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:354(title)
+msgid "Contacts Search in the Overview"
+msgstr "ãããããããçéããéçåãæç"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:363(title)
+msgid "Documentation That Really Helps You"
+msgstr "æåãåãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:364(para)
+msgid ""
+"Traditional user documentation is written like a paper book; a good story, "
+"but it is very long and takes time to read through. It's not ideal if you "
+"just want to quickly find out how to perform a certain task. To address "
+"this, the following applications now include topic-orientated documentation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:371(para)
+msgid ""
+"The accessibility explorer <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.";
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããæçãèã <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.";
+#: C/rnusers.xml:374(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Integrated Development Environment <application><ulink url=\"http://";
+msgstr ""
+"çåéççå <application><ulink url=\"http://developer.gnome.org/anjuta-";
+#: C/rnusers.xml:377(para)
+msgid ""
+"The CD and DVD burning application <application><ulink url=\"http://library.";
+msgstr ""
+"CDãDVDãæãèããããããããã <application><ulink url=\"http://library.";
+#: C/rnusers.xml:380(para)
+msgid ""
+"The webcam application <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/";
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããã <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.";
+#: C/rnusers.xml:383(para)
+msgid ""
+"The image viewer <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/users/";
+"eog/3.2/\">Eye of GNOME</ulink></application>"
+msgstr ""
+"çåããããã <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/users/";
+"eog/3.2/\">Eye of GNOME</ulink></application>"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:386(para)
+msgid ""
+"The mail and calendar application <application><ulink url=\"http://library.";
+msgstr ""
+"ããã/ããããããããããããã <application><ulink url=\"http://library.";
+#: C/rnusers.xml:389(para)
+msgid ""
+"The remote desktop viewer <application><ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/";
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããããã <application><ulink url=\"http://library.";
+#: C/rnusers.xml:393(para)
+msgid ""
+"There have also been large improvements and enhancements to the <ulink url="
+"\"http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/3.2/\";>Desktop Help</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"ããã<ulink url=\"http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/3.2/\";>Desktop "
+"Help</ulink> ããåããæèãæèååãèããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:399(title)
+msgid "Even more beautiful"
+msgstr "ããããçãã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:400(para)
+msgid ""
+"3.2 has received lots of visual polish, making it even more beautiful than "
+"before. This would not have been possible without the work done on the CSS "
+"support in GTK+, see <xref linkend=\"gtk\"/> from the developer section for "
+"the changes."
+msgstr ""
+"3.2 ãããåèãæçãããåæãåãåããããäãããããããããçãããã"
+"ããããããããGTK+ ãããã CSS ãããããææãããããåçããããããã"
+"ããããåæååããããããéçèåããããããã <xref linkend=\"gtk\"/> ã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:406(para)
+msgid "The visual polish includes:"
+msgstr "æãçãæçããåãããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:410(para)
+msgid ""
+"Dark theme: media applications can now opt to use a dark theme variant. This "
+"is used by <application>Movie Player</application> and <application>Image "
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããã: ãããããããããããããããåæããããããããäããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:415(para)
+msgid "Window corners are now smoothly anti-aliased."
+msgstr "ããããããèããããããããããåçãããããããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:418(para)
+msgid "Chat notifications are more visually pleasing."
+msgstr "ããããããããããéçããããèèçãååèãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:421(para)
+msgid ""
+"Various dialogs such as the network dialogs now match the style used by "
+"GNOME shell."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããããããããããããããGNOME Shell ããããããé"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:426(para)
+msgid ""
+"Various visual improvements for people with an eye for detail, such as drop "
+"shadows on button labels, new inline toolbar and raised button styles, and "
+"refined pressed button states. Additionally, focus rectangles will only be "
+"shown when using the keyboard to interact with an application."
+msgstr ""
+#: C/rnusers.xml:441(title)
+msgid "But Wait, There's Moreâ"
+msgstr "ããããåãããããããããããâ"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:442(para)
+msgid ""
+"As well as big changes, there are also various small additions and tweaks "
+"that happen in every GNOME release."
+msgstr ""
+"åããåæãããããããããããããããããæèèåãèæããããããããã "
+"GNOME ããèããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:447(para)
+msgid ""
+"Ability to access and modify documents shared via the <ulink url=\"http://en.";
+"wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Filing_Protocol\">Apple Filing Protocol (AFP)</"
+msgstr ""
+"<ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Filing_Protocol\";>Apple "
+"Filing Protocol (AFP)</ulink> ãåæãããããããããããããããäææè"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:452(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Movie Player</application> has a new plugin to allow videos to "
+"be rotated in case they're in the wrong orientation, such as those recorded "
+"on a photo camera or a smart phone."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>åçããããã</application> ãåçãåèããããããããèåã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:460(para)
+msgid ""
+"Improved access of applications to certificates and keys and more consistent "
+"behavior when dealing with certificate authorities, keys, and smart cards by "
+"using PKCS#11. (Further improvements in this area are planned for version "
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããèææãããéãããããããæèããããã PKCS#11 ãäç"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:466(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new viewer for certificate and key files so you can quickly inspect such "
+"files by double-clicking them in the <application>File Manager</application>."
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: To get this dialog, you can download any certificate 
+#.            file by going to http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-keyring/tree/gcr/tests/files/ , 
+#.            clicking "Plain" in the last column", and then Save. Then open the downloaded 
+#.            file either by running "gcr-viewer /path/to/certificate-file", or by 
+#.            double-clicking this file in nautilus (with the latest gnome-keyring properly 
+#.            installed).
+#: C/rnusers.xml:477(title)
+msgid "Viewer for Certificate and Key files"
+msgstr "èææãããéãããããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:457(para)
+msgid "Encryption and certification improvements: <placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "æåãèèãæè: "
+#: C/rnusers.xml:485(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Empathy</application>'s log viewer for previous conversations "
+"has a cleaner design. <application>Empathy</application> also supports "
+"sending SMS messages, and SIP accounts can be marked as being able to make "
+"PSTN calls. Such accounts can be used to call landline and mobile phones."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Empathy</application> ãäåãäèããããããããããããããã"
+"ããããããããããããããããããããã<application>Empathy</application> "
+"ã SMS ããããããéäãããããããSIP ããããããã PSTN éèãåèãã"
+#. TRANSLATORS: To get this dialog, go to "View > Previous Conversations" in Empathy
+#: C/rnusers.xml:491(title)
+msgid "<application>Empathy</application> Log Viewer"
+msgstr "<application>Empathy</application> ããããããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:497(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>NetworkManager</application> version 0.9 provides fast user "
+"switching, improved WiFi roaming, WiMAX support, flexible permissions and "
+"centralized storage of network connection information."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>NetworkManager</application> ããããã 0.9 ãããããããããã"
+"åãæããæèããã WiFi ããããããWiMAX ããããããæèãæèãããã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:503(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Evolution</application> can now show the pictures of contacts "
+"stored in Google address books. Furthermore, to make clear that a port "
+"number of a mail server can be set, a separate field has been added."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>Evolution</application> ããGoogle ãããããåãäåããéçå"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:509(para)
+msgid ""
+"The text editor <application>Gedit</application> offers new snippets for "
+"Mallard and Markdown files, and refreshed Quickopen and Search dialogs."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããã <application>Gedit</application> ãããMallard ã "
+"Markdown ããããåããæããããããããåçåèãããããããããããããæ"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:512(para)
+msgid ""
+"Various performance improvements. Most noticeable improvement is with "
+"fullscreen 3D games."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããæåããããããããã 3D ããããéããæåãçã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:516(para)
+msgid ""
+"Ability to set regional settings in Region panel of <application>System "
+msgstr "<application>ããããèå</application>ãååãããããååèåæèã"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:520(para)
+msgid "A redesigned font chooser dialog."
+msgstr "åèèãããããããéæãããããã"
+#. TRANSLATORS: To get this dialog, start Gedit and choose to Edit > Preferences > Font & Colors > Editor font.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:525(title)
+msgid "New Font Chooser (in <application>Gedit</application>)"
+msgstr "æããããããéæ (<application>Gedit</application>)"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:15(title)
+msgid "GNOME 3.2 Release Notes"
+msgstr "GNOME 3.2 ããããããã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:18(year)
+msgid "2011"
+msgstr "2011"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:19(holder) C/release-notes.xml:23(publishername)
+msgid "GNOME Foundation"
+msgstr "GNOME Foundation"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:25(pubdate)
+msgid "2011-09-28"
+msgstr "2011-09-28"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:26(edition)
+msgid "3.2"
+msgstr "3.2"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:28(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.2 follows the project's predictable release cycle and comes six "
+"months after the last GNOME major release, version 3.0. It includes "
+"improvements and interesting new features."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME 3.0 ããããããããäåéãããããããããããåããååãããããã"
+"ããããããããããã 3.0 ãã 6 ãæåããããããããããã3.2 ããæèã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:35(firstname)
+msgid "AndrÃ"
+msgstr "AndrÃ"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:36(surname)
+msgid "Klapper"
+msgstr "Klapper"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:38(orgname)
+msgid "GNOME Marketing Team"
+msgstr "GNOME ãããããããããã"
+#. TRANSLATOR: change your affiliation if required
+#: C/release-notes.xml:49(orgname)
+msgid "GNOME Translation Project"
+msgstr "GNOME çèãããããã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:57(title)
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:59(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME Project is an international community that works to make great "
+"software available to all. GNOME focuses on ease of use, stability, first-"
+"class internationalization, and accessibility. GNOME is Free and Open Source "
+"Software. This means that all our work is free to use, modify and "
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ããããããããããããäããããããããããããããããäãäããã"
+"ããæåããåéçããããããããããGNOME ããäãããããååæãçäçã"
+"åéåãããããããããããããåäãéççãåãçããããããGNOME ãã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:66(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME is released every six months. Since the last version, 3.0, "
+"approximately 1270 people made about 38500 changes to GNOME. Interested in "
+"what we do? Follow us on <ulink url=\"http://identi.ca/gnome\";>Identi.ca</"
+"ulink>, <ulink url=\"https://twitter.com/GNOME\";>Twitter</ulink> or <ulink "
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ãã6ãæããããããããããããçåãããããã 3.0 ãããç 1270 ã"
+"ããããã ããã 38500 ãåæã GNOME ãåãããããçãããæåãèåããã"
+"ããã? <ulink url=\"http://identi.ca/gnome\";>Identi.ca</ulink>ã<ulink url="
+"\"https://twitter.com/GNOME\";>Twitter</ulink>ããããã <ulink url=\"https://";
+"www.facebook.com/GNOMEDesktop\">Facebook</ulink> ãçãããããããããããã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:75(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you would like to help make our products even better, <ulink url=\"http://";
+"live.gnome.org/JoinGnome\">join us</ulink>. We always welcome more people "
+"who can translate from English, assist with marketing, write documentation, "
+"test, or do development."
+msgstr ""
+"çãããããããããæèãååãããããèããããæåã<ulink url=\"http://";
+#: C/release-notes.xml:81(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also support us financially by becoming a <ulink url=\"http://www.";
+"gnome.org/friends/\">Friend of GNOME</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"ããã<ulink url=\"http://www.gnome.org/friends/\";>Friend of GNOME</ulink> ã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:85(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you want to celebrate the release of 3.2 with others, <ulink url="
+"\"https://live.gnome.org/GnomeMarketing/ThreePointTwo/ReleaseParties\";>check "
+"out whether a Release Party takes place nearby</ulink>!"
+msgstr ""
+"3.2 ãããããäãäããçãããååãã<ulink url=\"https://live.gnome.org/";
+#: C/release-notes.xml:115(title)
+msgid "Credits"
+msgstr "èè"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:116(para)
+msgid ""
+"This release could not have been possible without the hard work and "
+"dedication of <ulink url=\"http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/members.php";
+"\">the GNOME community</ulink>. Congratulations and thanks to everyone."
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããã<ulink url=\"http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/members.php";
+#: C/release-notes.xml:123(para)
+msgid ""
+"These release notes can be freely translated into any language. If you wish "
+"to translate them into your language, please contact the <ulink url=\"http://";
+"live.gnome.org/TranslationProject\">GNOME Translation Project</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"ããèèãçèãããããããã<ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/";
+"TranslationProject\">GNOME çèãããããã</ulink>ããéçããããããã"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:130(para)
+msgid ""
+"This document is distributed under the <ulink url=\"http://creativecommons.";
+"org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 license</ulink>. "
+"Copyright  The GNOME Project."
+msgstr ""
+"ããææã <ulink url=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/";
+"\">Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license</ulink> ããããæäããããããã"
+"Copyright  The GNOME Project"
+#. TRANSLATOR: Please insert your translation credit after this sentence, by adding a second sentence in your language 
+#. 		like "The translation into $LANGUAGE was done by $TRANSLATOR-NAME(S) from the $YOUR-LANGUAGE Team."
+#: C/release-notes.xml:138(para)
+msgid ""
+"These release notes were compiled by Olav Vitters, Andrà Klapper and Allan "
+"Day with help from the GNOME community."
+msgstr ""
+"GNOME ããããããããåãããããOlav VittersãAndrà KlapperãAllan Day ãç"
+"éãããããçèãææèçèããããéåãçèææ (çèèãäèæãçèæã"
+"èéèäãææäéã<ulink url=\"http://win2linux.seesaa.net/\";>èææå</"
+"ulink>ãèåæèãOKANO Takayoshi) ãããããã<ulink url=\"http://www.asahi-";
+"net.or.jp/~AE5T-KSN/\">èé èä</ulink> ããããOKANO Takayoshiãèæ æåã"
+"ææ äéãèããããã"
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
+#: C/release-notes.xml:0(None)
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"çè æ <takeshi aihana gmail com>, 2005-2009\n"
+"äè æ <ss gnome gr jp>, 2006\n"
+"èé èä <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>, 2009-2011\n"
+"ææ äé <matsuzawa jr gmail com>, 2010-2011\n"
+"èæ æå <yasumichi vinelinux org>, 2010-2011\n"
+"èå æè <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>, 2010\n"
+"OKANO Takayoshi <kano na rim or jp>, 2010-2011"
+#~ msgid "Bengali"
+#~ msgstr "ããããè"
+#~ msgid "Bengali (India)"
+#~ msgstr "ããããè (ããã)"
+#~ msgid "Kannada"
+#~ msgstr "ããããè"
+#~ msgid "Malayalam"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããè"
+#~ msgid "Marathi"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããè"
+#~ msgid "Oriya"
+#~ msgstr "ããããè"
+#~ msgid "Telugu"
+#~ msgstr "ãããè"

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