[grilo/0.1.x] core: Mention explicitly Grilo in the command-line options

commit fa479cbabefad3f0f9ea7ffb2213fd2ad9b9e058
Author: Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez igalia com>
Date:   Wed Sep 7 11:15:47 2011 +0000

    core: Mention explicitly Grilo in the command-line options
    Current command-line options affects the way Grilo uses the plugins.
    But when asking for help, it only mentions 'plugins', not 'Grilo plugins'.
    As these options can be added to other applications, possible with his own
    pluggable system, this commit clearly specify that we meant Grilo plugins when
    asking for help for these options.
    Signed-off-by: Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez igalia com>

 src/grilo.c |    4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grilo.c b/src/grilo.c
index d68750e..4bfb3c2 100644
--- a/src/grilo.c
+++ b/src/grilo.c
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ grl_init_get_option_group (void)
   GOptionGroup *group;
   static const GOptionEntry grl_args[] = {
     { "grl-plugin-path", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &plugin_path,
-      "Colon-separated paths containing plugins", NULL },
+      "Colon-separated paths containing Grilo plugins", NULL },
     { "grl-plugin-use", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &plugin_list,
-      "Colon-separated list of plugins to use", NULL },
+      "Colon-separated list of Grilo plugins to use", NULL },
     { NULL }

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