[meld] Add simple animation for chunk actions

commit 6805922c2284a6242258802ccabca93c4980410e
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Sun Aug 14 09:13:30 2011 +1000

    Add simple animation for chunk actions
    Because chunk actions insert, delete or change large quantites of text,
    these actions can cause the reader to temporarily lose their place in
    the text. This commit adds some very simple animation providing visual
    cues showing the effects of actions on diff chunks.

 meld/filediff.py |   99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meld/filediff.py b/meld/filediff.py
index 97f7b11..4e8296d 100644
--- a/meld/filediff.py
+++ b/meld/filediff.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import sys
 import time
 import pango
+import glib
 import gobject
 import gtk
 import gtk.keysyms
@@ -171,7 +172,9 @@ def buffer_insert(buf, line, text):
         # TODO: We need to insert a linebreak here, but there is no
         # way to be certain what kind of linebreak to use.
         text = "\n" + text
-    buf.insert(get_iter_at_line_or_eof(buf, line), text)
+    it = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(buf, line)
+    buf.insert(it, text)
+    return it
 class CursorDetails(object):
     __slots__ = ("pane", "pos", "line", "offset", "chunk", "prev", "next",
@@ -190,6 +193,19 @@ class TaskEntry(object):
             setattr(self, var, val)
+class TextviewLineAnimation(object):
+    __slots__ = ("start_mark", "end_mark", "start_rgba", "end_rgba",
+                 "start_time", "duration")
+    def __init__(self, mark0, mark1, rgba0, rgba1, duration):
+        self.start_mark = mark0
+        self.end_mark = mark1
+        self.start_rgba = rgba0
+        self.end_rgba = rgba1
+        self.start_time = glib.get_current_time()
+        self.duration = duration
 class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
     """Two or three way diff of text files.
@@ -255,20 +271,24 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         self.in_nested_textview_gutter_expose = False
         self._inline_cache = set()
         self._cached_match = CachedSequenceMatcher()
+        self.anim_source_id = []
+        self.animating_chunks = []
         for buf in self.textbuffer:
             buf.create_tag("inline", background=self.prefs.color_inline_bg,
+            self.anim_source_id.append(None)
+            self.animating_chunks.append([])
         def parse_to_cairo(color_spec):
-            color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(color_spec)
-            return [x / 65535. for x in (color.red, color.green, color.blue)]
+            c = gtk.gdk.color_parse(color_spec)
+            return tuple([x / 65535. for x in (c.red, c.green, c.blue)])
         self.fill_colors = {"insert"   : parse_to_cairo(self.prefs.color_delete_bg),
                             "delete"   : parse_to_cairo(self.prefs.color_delete_bg),
                             "conflict" : parse_to_cairo(self.prefs.color_conflict_bg),
                             "replace"  : parse_to_cairo(self.prefs.color_replace_bg)}
-        darken = lambda color: [x * 0.8 for x in color]
+        darken = lambda color: tuple([x * 0.8 for x in color])
         self.line_colors = {"insert"   : darken(self.fill_colors["insert"]),
                             "delete"   : darken(self.fill_colors["delete"]),
                             "conflict" : darken(self.fill_colors["conflict"]),
@@ -1267,6 +1287,42 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
             context.rectangle(0, ypos - visible.y, width, line_height)
+        current_time = glib.get_current_time()
+        new_anim_chunks = []
+        for c in self.animating_chunks[pane]:
+            percent = min(1.0, (current_time - c.start_time) / c.duration)
+            rgba_pairs = zip(c.start_rgba, c.end_rgba)
+            rgba = [s + (e - s) * percent for s, e in rgba_pairs]
+            it = self.textbuffer[pane].get_iter_at_mark(c.start_mark)
+            ystart, _ = self.textview[pane].get_line_yrange(it)
+            it = self.textbuffer[pane].get_iter_at_mark(c.end_mark)
+            yend, _ = self.textview[pane].get_line_yrange(it)
+            if ystart == yend:
+                ystart -= 1
+            context.set_source_rgba(*rgba)
+            context.rectangle(0, ystart - visible.y, width, yend - ystart)
+            context.fill()
+            if current_time <= c.start_time + c.duration:
+                new_anim_chunks.append(c)
+            else:
+                self.textbuffer[pane].delete_mark(c.start_mark)
+                self.textbuffer[pane].delete_mark(c.end_mark)
+        self.animating_chunks[pane] = new_anim_chunks
+        if self.animating_chunks[pane] and self.anim_source_id[pane] is None:
+            def anim_cb():
+                textview.queue_draw()
+                return True
+            # Using timeout_add interferes with recalculation of inline
+            # highlighting; this mechanism could be improved.
+            self.anim_source_id[pane] = gobject.idle_add(anim_cb)
+        elif not self.animating_chunks[pane] and self.anim_source_id[pane]:
+            gobject.source_remove(self.anim_source_id[pane])
+            self.anim_source_id[pane] = None
         if event.window == textview.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_LEFT):
             self.in_nested_textview_gutter_expose = True
             textview.emit("expose-event", event)
@@ -1592,15 +1648,28 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         start = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b0, chunk[1])
         end = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b0, chunk[2])
         t0 = unicode(b0.get_text(start, end, False), 'utf8')
         if copy_up:
             if chunk[2] >= b0.get_line_count() and \
                chunk[3] < b1.get_line_count():
                 # TODO: We need to insert a linebreak here, but there is no
                 # way to be certain what kind of linebreak to use.
                 t0 = t0 + "\n"
-            buffer_insert(b1, chunk[3], t0)
+            dst_start = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b1, chunk[3])
+            mark0 = b1.create_mark(None, dst_start, True)
+            new_end = buffer_insert(b1, chunk[3], t0)
         else: # copy down
-            buffer_insert(b1, chunk[4], t0)
+            dst_start = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b1, chunk[4])
+            mark0 = b1.create_mark(None, dst_start, True)
+            new_end = buffer_insert(b1, chunk[4], t0)
+        mark1 = b1.create_mark(None, new_end, True)
+        # FIXME: If the inserted chunk ends up being an insert chunk, then
+        # this animation is not visible; this happens often in three-way diffs
+        rgba0 = self.fill_colors['insert'] + (1.0,)
+        rgba1 = self.fill_colors['insert'] + (0.0,)
+        anim = TextviewLineAnimation(mark0, mark1, rgba0, rgba1, 0.5)
+        self.animating_chunks[dst].append(anim)
     def replace_chunk(self, src, dst, chunk):
         b0, b1 = self.textbuffer[src], self.textbuffer[dst]
@@ -1609,10 +1678,18 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         dst_start = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b1, chunk[3])
         dst_end = get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b1, chunk[4])
         t0 = unicode(b0.get_text(src_start, src_end, False), 'utf8')
+        mark0 = b1.create_mark(None, dst_start, True)
         b1.delete(dst_start, dst_end)
-        buffer_insert(b1, chunk[3], t0)
+        new_end = buffer_insert(b1, chunk[3], t0)
+        mark1 = b1.create_mark(None, new_end, True)
+        # FIXME: If the inserted chunk ends up being an insert chunk, then
+        # this animation is not visible; this happens often in three-way diffs
+        rgba0 = self.fill_colors['insert'] + (1.0,)
+        rgba1 = self.fill_colors['insert'] + (0.0,)
+        anim = TextviewLineAnimation(mark0, mark1, rgba0, rgba1, 0.5)
+        self.animating_chunks[dst].append(anim)
     def delete_chunk(self, src, chunk):
         b0 = self.textbuffer[src]
@@ -1620,6 +1697,14 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         if chunk[2] >= b0.get_line_count():
         b0.delete(it, get_iter_at_line_or_eof(b0, chunk[2]))
+        mark0 = b0.create_mark(None, it, True)
+        mark1 = b0.create_mark(None, it, True)
+        # TODO: Need a more specific colour here; conflict is wrong
+        rgba0 = self.fill_colors['conflict'] + (1.0,)
+        rgba1 = self.fill_colors['conflict'] + (0.0,)
+        anim = TextviewLineAnimation(mark0, mark1, rgba0, rgba1, 0.5)
+        self.animating_chunks[src].append(anim)

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