[gnome-boxes] Update CodingStyle

commit 884ff9afc80b9d6945cbe510fee3f589d6af6ceb
Author: Marc-Andrà Lureau <marcandre lureau gmail com>
Date:   Tue Oct 25 00:20:18 2011 +0200

    Update CodingStyle

 CodingStyle.txt |   85 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CodingStyle.txt b/CodingStyle.txt
index e82c12a..5f8b364 100644
--- a/CodingStyle.txt
+++ b/CodingStyle.txt
@@ -1,39 +1,25 @@
-Boxes CodingStyle
+GNOME Boxes Coding Style
-Coding style is very similar to that of Rygel: https://live.gnome.org/Rygel/CodingStyle
+The coding style to respect in this project is very similar to most
+Vala projects. In particular, the following rules are largely adapted
+from the Rygel Coding Style.
  * 4-spaces (and not tabs) for indentation.
- * Each line must be considered 120-columns.
+ * ''Prefer'' lines of less than < 120 columns
- * 1-space between function name and braces (both calls and signature declarations)
+ * 1-space between function name and braces (both calls and signature
+   declarations)
- * Avoid use of 'this' keyword as much as possible:
+ * Avoid the use of 'this' keyword:
- * If function signature/call fits in a single line, do not break it into multiple lines.
+ * If function signature/call fits in a single line, do not break it
+   into multiple lines.
- * If function signature/call doesn't fit in the same line:
-   * if the first argument fits on the same line as the previous portion of the call/signature, put it on the first line
-     with following comma rest of them on subsequent lines, one-per-line and aligned with the first argument. Like this:
-            some_object.some_method_call (a,
-                                          b,
-                                          c,
-                                          d,
-                                          e,
-                                          f);
-   * otherwise, put the opening brace along with the first argument on the second line but indented by 40 columns. The
-     rest of the argument follows the same rule as above. Like this:
-        public void some_method_with_very_long_name
-                                        (int some_argument_with_long_name,
-                                         int another_argument);
-  * An exception to this rule is made for methods/functions that take variable argument tuples. In that case all the
-    first elements of tuples are indented just the normal way described above but the subsequent elements of each tuple
-    are indented 4-space more. Like this:
+ * For methods/functions that take variable argument tuples, all the
+   first elements of tuples are indented normally with the subsequent
+   elements of each tuple indented 4-space more. Like this:
         action.get ("ObjectID",
                         typeof (string),
@@ -51,25 +37,8 @@ Coding style is very similar to that of Rygel: https://live.gnome.org/Rygel/Codi
                         typeof (string),
                         out this.sort_criteria);
- * Error declarations go on the same line as the last argument if possible, otherwise put it on the next line either
-   aligned to the last argument if any or indented by 40 spaces if there are no arguments.
-        public void some_method (int some_variable_with_long_name,
-                                 int another_variable) throws Error;
-        public void some_method (WithAReallyLongSingleArgument arg)
-                                 throws Error;
-        public void some_method_with_a_very_long_name_that_throws_error ()
-                                        throws Error;
- * When you have to break strings on multiple lines, make use of '+' operator (you can use it on strings in Vala). Like
-   this:
-        // FIXME: This is not recommended by translators, need to clarify Jens Georg
-        some_object.some_method ("A very long string" +
-                                 " that doesn't fit " +
-                                 " in one line.");
- * ''Prefer'' descriptive names over abbreviations (unless well-known) & shortening of names. E.g discoverer over disco.
+ * ''Prefer'' descriptive names over abbreviations (unless well-known)
+   & shortening of names. E.g discoverer over disco.
  * Use 'var' in variable declarations wherever possible.
@@ -77,27 +46,31 @@ Coding style is very similar to that of Rygel: https://live.gnome.org/Rygel/Codi
  * Signle statments inside if/else must not be enclosed by '{}'.
- * The more you provide docs in comments, but at the same time avoid over-documenting. Here is an example of useless
-   comment:
+ * The more you provide docs in comments, but at the same time avoid
+   over-documenting. Here is an example of useless comment:
    // Fetch the document
    fetch_the_document ();
- * Each class should go in a separate module (.vala file) & name the modules according to the class in it. E.g
-   Boxes.SpiceDisplay class should go under spice-display.vala.
+ * Each class should go in a separate module (.vala file) & name the
+   modules according to the class in it. E.g Boxes.SpiceDisplay class
+   should go under spice-display.vala.
- * Avoid putting more than 3 'using' statements in each module (vala file). If you feel you need to use more, perhaps
-   you should consider refactoring (Move some of the code to a separate class).
+ * Avoid putting more than 3 'using' statements in each module (vala
+   file). If you feel you need to use more, perhaps you should
+   consider refactoring (Move some of the code to a separate class).
- * Declare the namespace(s) of the class/errordomain with the class/errordomain itself. Like this:
+ * Declare the namespace(s) of the class/errordomain with the
+   class/errordomain itself. Like this:
-   public class Boxes.Hello {
+   private class Boxes.Hello {
  * Prefer 'foreach' over 'for'.
- * Add a newline before each return, break, throw, continue etc. if it is not the only statement in that block:
+ * Add a newline before each return, break, throw, continue etc. if it
+   is not the only statement in that block:
     if (condition_applies ()) {
       do_something ();

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