[clutter/clutter-1.8] Post-release version bump to 1.8.3

commit e764938d6b894675ef1a78d25ccb730070917a5e
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi linux intel com>
Date:   Mon Oct 17 13:12:26 2011 +0100

    Post-release version bump to 1.8.3

 configure.ac       |    4 +-
 po/as.po           | 1106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/ast.po          |   58 ++--
 po/ca.po           |   58 ++--
 po/ca valencia po  | 1101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/clutter-1.0.pot | 1104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/cs.po           |   58 ++--
 po/da.po           | 1101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/de.po           | 1107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 po/en_GB.po        |   58 ++--
 po/eo.po           | 1126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 po/es.po           |   58 ++--
 po/fr.po           | 1106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/gl.po           |   58 ++--
 po/hi.po           |   58 ++--
 po/id.po           |   58 ++--
 po/it.po           |   58 ++--
 po/kn.po           |   58 ++--
 po/lt.po           |   58 ++--
 po/lv.po           |   58 ++--
 po/nb.po           |   58 ++--
 po/nl.po           |   58 ++--
 po/or.po           |   63 ++--
 po/pa.po           | 1116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 po/pl.po           |   58 ++--
 po/pt.po           | 1100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/pt_BR.po        | 1105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/ru.po           |   58 ++--
 po/sl.po           |   58 ++--
 po/sr.po           | 1115 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 po/sr latin po     | 1123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 po/sv.po           |   58 ++--
 po/ta.po           |   58 ++--
 po/te.po           | 1105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/tr.po           |   58 ++--
 po/uk.po           | 1100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 po/zh_CN.po        |   58 ++--
 po/zh_HK.po        | 1188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 po/zh_TW.po        | 1188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 39 files changed, 9452 insertions(+), 9724 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 1fd7193..a17c728 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # - increase clutter_interface_version to the next odd number
 m4_define([clutter_major_version], [1])
 m4_define([clutter_minor_version], [8])
-m4_define([clutter_micro_version], [2])
+m4_define([clutter_micro_version], [3])
 # â for stable releases: increase the interface age by 1 for each release;
 #   if the API changes, set to 0. interface_age and binary_age are used to
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ m4_define([clutter_micro_version], [2])
 #   ...
 # â for development releases: keep clutter_interface_age to 0
-m4_define([clutter_interface_age], [2])
+m4_define([clutter_interface_age], [3])
 m4_define([clutter_binary_age], [m4_eval(100 * clutter_minor_version + clutter_micro_version)])
diff --git a/po/as.po b/po/as.po
index 2b5e86d..1025acf 100644
--- a/po/as.po
+++ b/po/as.po
@@ -7,1389 +7,1381 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-21 12:55+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-06 19:09+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nilamdyuti Goswami <ngoswami redhat com>\n"
 "Language-Team: as_IN <kde-i18n-doc kde org>\n"
+"Language: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà X àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà Y àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "ààààààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà X ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "ààààààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà Y ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà  ààààààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà ààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà ààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà ààààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà ààààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "ààààààà-àààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "ààààààà-àààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "ààààààààà-àààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "ààààààààà-àààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z ààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "ààà àààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà ààà àààà àààààà ààà àà àààà ààààààààà ààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà àà àà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààààà ààààààààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà ààààà ààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "àààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "X ààààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "àààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y ààààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "X ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "X ààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y ààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z ààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà Z ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z ààààà ààààààààà ààààààà ààààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "àààààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà X àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "àààààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà Y àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "ClutterGravity àààààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààà àààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àààààà àààààà ààààà ààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà ààààà ààààààà àààààààà ààààààààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà ààààààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà àààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààààà ààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "àààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà, 0.0 ààà 1.0 -à àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà àààà ààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà ààààààààà àààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààà, àààààààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààààààààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "ààà x àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "x ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "ààà y ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "y ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "ààà z ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "z ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà àà ààààààààà ààà ClutterPath ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "ààààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà X àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "ààààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà Y àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "ààààààà Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà Z àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "X ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "X ààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "X àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "X ààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Y ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y ààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Y àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y ààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà àààà àààààààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààà àààààààà àààà àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààà àààààààà àààà ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààà àààààààààààà àààà ààààààààà àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààà àààààààààààà àààà ààààààààà ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààààààà ààà ààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "àà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "àààààà àà ààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà àààààààà ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
 "àààààà àààààààà ààààà ààààà ààààà àààààà ààà àààààà ààààààà àààààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
 "àààààà ààààà ààààà ààààà ààààà àààààà ààà àààààà ààààààà àààààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààààààà àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààààààà ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà ààà, ààààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà àà àààà àà, àààà àààà ààààààà ààà àààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààààà ààààààààà ààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "ààààààààààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààààààà àààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "ààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "àààààààààààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "àààààààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààà ààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "àà àààà àààààà ààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "àà àààààà ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààà ààààà ààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà àààààà ààà ààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààà ààà àààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "ààà àààà ààààà ààààà àààà ààà àààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààà àààààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àà ààààà ààààààà àààà ààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà ClutterBackend"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààààààààààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààààààààààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà ààà àà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "àààà ààà ààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà ààààà àààààà ààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà àààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "àà-àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà ààààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "àà àààà àààà ààààààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
-#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
-#. *
-#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR": if it
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààààààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà àààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "'fuzzy' ààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà Clutter ààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà Clutter ààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà Clutter ààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà Clutter àààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "ààà àààààà àààààààà URl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "àààààààà URl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "ààà àààààààà àààààààà URl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "àààààààààààà àààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "àààà' ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "àààà'à ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà, àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "ààà àààààààà àààà ààààà ààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà, -1.0 ààà 2.0 -à àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "àààà ààà àààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr ":filename ààààààà ààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààà ààà àààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "ààà ààà ààààà ààààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààààààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "ààà ààà ààààà ààààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààààààààà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà àààà ààà àààààààà ààààà àààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà ààààà, ààà ààà àà Pango àààààà àààààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1397,596 +1389,596 @@ msgstr ""
 "ààààààààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà (1 ààààààààà àààààà, 0 àààààààààà àààààà, ààà -1 "
 "àààààààààà ààààààà àààààà)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "àààà DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà, 1024 * dots/inch -à, àààà ààààààààà ààààààà àààààà -1"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "ààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà (1 ààààààààà àààààà, 0 àààààààààà àààààà ààà -1 "
 "àààààààààà ààààààà àààààà)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà (àààààààà, ààààààààà, àààààààààà, ààààààààààààà)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààààààààà ààà (àààà ààà, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "ààà àààà ààààà àààà ààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààà ààààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà ààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "%s àààààà àààààà àà: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààà àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààà àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà àààààà àààààààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "ààààààààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààààààààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà àààà àààààààà àààààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààà àààààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààààà ààà-àààààààà àààà àààà àààà ààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "àààààààààààà ààààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "àà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà ààààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "àààà ààà àààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "àààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà àààààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "àààà àààààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà ààààààà àààààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà ààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà ààà àààààà, (àà àààààààà àààààààààà àààààààà àààà àààà)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààà ààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààà ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààà ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "return ààààà àààààà ààààà àààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "àààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "àààààààà àà ààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà, àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "àààààààà-ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà àààààààà ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "àààààààà àà ààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààà àààààà àààààà àààà àààààààààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "ààààààà Pango ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà ààà àààà, ààààà ààà ààà àà ààà àààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "àààà-ààààààà àààààà ààà àà ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà àààààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "àààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "ààààààà, ààà-àààà àààààà àààà àààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààà ààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà ààà, àààààààà ààààààà àààààààà àààààà àà ààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà àààààà àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "ààà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà àààà àà ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà àà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà àà ààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr "àààààààààà pixbuf ààààààààààà àààààààà àààààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
 msgstr ""
 "àààààààààà ààààààà ààà ààà ààà ààààà àààààà àààààà àààààààààààà ààààààà ààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "ààà àààààà ààà ààààààà àààààààà ààààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààààààà àààààà àààààà ààààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààà àààààà àààà àààààààà ààààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààààà ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààà Cogl ààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Cogl àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "àà àààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààààààààà Cogl àààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Cogl ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "àà àààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààààààààà Cogl ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "ààà àààà ààààààààààà ààà àààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà àààà àààààà àààààà ààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "àààààà ààà ààààààà ààà ààà àààààà àààààààà àààà ààààà àààààààààààà ààà àààààà "
 "ààààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààààààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -1994,188 +1986,184 @@ msgstr ""
 "àààààà ààà ààààààà ààà ààà àààààà àààààààà àààà ààààà ààà àààà àààààààààààà ààà "
 "àààààà ààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àààààààà àààà àààààà àààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "ààà àààà ààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "YUV àààààààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "YUV2 àààààààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààààààà ààààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "àààààààààààààààà àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà ààà àààààà àà àà"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "sysfs àà"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "sysfs -à ààà ààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "ààààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààà X àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààà X ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "X ààààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "XInput àààààà ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "Clutter ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "ààààààààà X11 àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "àà àààààààà ààààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "àà àààààààà ààààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "àà àààààààà ààààààà ààààààààà àààààà (àààààààà ààààààà)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr " ààààààà àààà àààààààà ààààààààà àààà ààààààà ààà àà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "ààààààààà X11 àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "ààà àààààà ààààààààààà àààààààààà ààààà ààà àà àà (àààà ààààààààààà ààà àààà)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà ààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "àààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "X11 -à ààà àààààà ààààààà X ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "àààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "X11 -à ààà àààààà ààààààà Y ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "ààà à ààà àààààààà-ààààààà àààààà àà"
diff --git a/po/ast.po b/po/ast.po
index d904518..51b7997 100644
--- a/po/ast.po
+++ b/po/ast.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter-1.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-08 16:46+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: ivarela <ivarela softastur org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Asturian <alministradores softastur org>\n"
@@ -832,62 +832,62 @@ msgstr "Alliniamientu horizontal del actor na caxella"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alliniamientu vertical del actor na caxella"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Si la distribuciÃn tien de ser vertical en llugar d'horizontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomoxÃneu"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Si la distribuciÃn tien de ser homoxÃnea, ye dicir, tolos fÃos obtienen el "
 "mesmo tamaÃu."
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Entamu del paquete"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Si empaquetar elementos al anicio de la caxa"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaciÃu"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "EspaciÃu entre fÃos"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Usar animaciones"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Si los cambeos de disposiciÃn se deben animar"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Mou facilitador"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "El mou facilitador de les animaciones"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Facilitar duraciÃn"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La duraciÃn de les animaciones"
@@ -1178,59 +1178,59 @@ msgstr "Xefe"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "El xestor que creà estos datos"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Amosar cuadros por segundu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Tasa de cuadros predeterminada"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Facer que toles alvertencies seyan fatales"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "DireiciÃn pal testu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Desactivar mipmapping nel testu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Usar recoleiciÃn difusa"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Etiquetes de depuraciÃn de Clutter a seleicionar"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Etiquetes de depuraciÃn de Cluter a deseleicionar"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Indicadores de perfilÃu p'activar en Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Indicadores de perfilÃu pa desactivar en Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Activar accesibilidÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opciones de Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Amosar les opciones de Clutter"
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
index 85bd431..479fb79 100644
--- a/po/ca.po
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-16 00:14+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gil Forcada <gilforcada guifi net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan <tradgnome softcatala org>\n"
@@ -830,62 +830,62 @@ msgstr "L'alineacià horitzontal de l'actor dins la celÂla"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "L'alineacià vertical de l'actor dins la celÂla"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Si la disposicià hauria de ser vertical en comptes d'horitzontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogeni"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Si la disposicià hauria de ser homogÃnia, Ãs a dir, que tots els fills "
 "tinguin la mateixa mida"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Ajunta al principi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'ajuntar els elements a l'inici de la caixa"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Espaiat"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Espaiat entre fills"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Utilitza animacions"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Si s'han d'animar els canvis de disposiciÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Mode del camÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "El mode del camà de les animacions"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Durada del camÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La durada de les animacions"
@@ -1175,59 +1175,59 @@ msgstr "Gestor"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "El gestor que ha creat aquesta dada"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Mostra els fotogrames per segon"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Fotogrames per segon per defecte"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Fes que tots els avisos siguin fatals"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Direccià del text"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Inhabilita el mapatge MIP en el text"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Utilitza una seleccià ÂdifusaÂ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de depuracià del Clutter a establir"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de depuracià del Clutter a inhabilitar"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de perfilacià del Clutter a establir"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de perfilacià del Clutter a inhabilitar"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Habilita l'accessibilitat"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opcions del Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Mostra les opcions del Clutter"
diff --git a/po/ca valencia po b/po/ca valencia po
index d06ce54..1a98d33 100644
--- a/po/ca valencia po
+++ b/po/ca valencia po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-26 14:40+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-16 00:14+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gil Forcada <gilforcada guifi net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan <tradgnome softcatala org>\n"
@@ -18,793 +18,791 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Coordenada X de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Amplada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "Amplada de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "AlÃada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "AlÃada de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "X fixada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "Posicià X forÃada de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "Y fixada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "Posicià Y forÃada de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "Ãs de la posicià fixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar el posicionament fixat per a l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Amplada mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Amplada mÃnima forÃada solÂlicitada per l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "AlÃada mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "AlÃada mÃnima forÃada solÂlicitada per l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "Amplada natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Amplada natural forÃada solÂlicitada per l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "AlÃada natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "AlÃada natural forÃada solÂlicitada per l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Ãs de l'amplada mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar la propietat Âamplada mÃnimaÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "Ãs de l'alÃada mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar la propietat ÂalÃada mÃnimaÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "Ãs de l'amplada natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar la propietat Âamplada naturalÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "Ãs de l'alÃada natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar la propietat ÂalÃada naturalÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "UbicaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "La ubicacià de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "Mode solÂlicitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "El mode solÂlicitat per l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Profunditat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Posicià en l'eix de la Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Opacitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Opacitat d'un actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Redireccionament fora de pantalla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr ""
 "Senyaladors que controlen quan s'ha d'aplanar l'actor a una sola imatge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Si l'actor Ãs visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "Mapat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Si l'actor es pintarÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Realitzat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Si l'actor s'ha realitzat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Reactiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Si l'actor reacciona a esdeveniments"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "TÃ un retallat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Si l'actor tà un retallat establit"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "Retallat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "La regià de retallat de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nom"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "El nom de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "Escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "El factor d'escala en l'eix de les X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "El factor d'escala en l'eix de les Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Centre de l'escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Centre horitzontal de l'escala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Centre de l'escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Centre vertical de l'escala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravetat de l'escala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "El centre de l'escalat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Angle de rotacià X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "L'angle de rotacià en l'eix de les X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Angle de rotacià Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "L'angle de rotacià en l'eix de les Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Angle de rotacià Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "L'angle de rotacià en l'eix de les Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Centre de rotacià X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "El centre de rotacià en l'eix de les X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Centre de rotacià Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "El centre de rotacià en l'eix de les Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Centre de rotacià Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "El centre de rotacià en l'eix de les Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravetat del centre de rotacià Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Punt del centre de rotacià al voltant de l'eix de les Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Ãncora X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Coordenada X del punt de l'Ãncora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Ãncora Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y del punt de l'Ãncora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravetat de l'Ãncora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "El punt d'Ãncora com a ÂClutterGravityÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Mostra si Ãs pare"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar l'actor si se'l fa pare d'un element"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Retalla a la ubicaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
 "Estableix la regià de retallat per fer un seguiment de la ubicacià de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "Direccià del text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "La direccià del text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "TÃ un punter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Si l'actor contà el punter d'un dispositiu d'entrada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "Accions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "Afig una accià a l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "Restriccions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "Afig una restriccià a l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "L'actor acoblat a un meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "El nom del meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Habilitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Si el meta Ãs habilitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Font"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "La font d'alineaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "Eix d'alineaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "L'eix amb el que alinear la posiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Factor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "El factor d'alineaciÃ, entre 0.0 i 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "LÃnia del temps"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "La lÃnia del temps que utilitzarà l'alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Valor alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "El valor alfa calculat per l'alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Mode de progrÃs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objecte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "L'objecte al que s'aplica l'animaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "El mode de l'animaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "Durada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Durada de l'animaciÃ, en milÂlisegons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "RepeticiÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Si l'animacià s'hauria de repetir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "La lÃnia del temps que utilitzarà l'animaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "L'alfa que utilitzarà l'animaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "La durada de l'animaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "La lÃnia del temps de l'animaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "L'objecte alfa que estableix el comportament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "Profunditat inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "La profunditat inicial a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Profunditat final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "La profunditat final a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Angle d'inici"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Angle inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Angle de fi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Angle final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "Angle d'inclinacià X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "La inclinacià de l'elÂlipse al voltant de l'eix de les X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "Angle d'inclinacià Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "La inclinacià de l'elÂlipse al voltant de l'eix de les Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "Angle d'inclinacià Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "La inclinacià de l'elÂlipse al voltant de l'eix de les Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Amplada de l'elÂlipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "AlÃada de l'elÂlipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "El centre de l'elÂlipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "DirecciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "Direccià de la rotaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Opacitat inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "El nivell d'opacitat inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Opacitat final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "El nivell d'opacitat final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "CamÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "L'objecte ÂClutterPath que representa el camà en el que s'anima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Angle inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Angle final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Eix"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "L'eix de rotaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "Centre X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "La coordenada X del centre de rotaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Centre Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "La coordenada Y del centre de rotaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Centre Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "La coordenada Z del centre de rotaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "Escala inicial X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "L'escala inicial en l'eix de les X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "Escala final X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "L'escala final en l'eix de les X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Escala inicial Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "L'escala inicial en l'eix de les Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Escala final Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "L'escala final en l'eix de les Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "La font de la vinculaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "La coordenada a vincular"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "DesplaÃament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "El desplaÃament, en pÃxels, que s'ha d'aplicar a la vinculaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "El nom Ãnic del conjunt de vinculacions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Alineacià horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "L'alineacià horitzontal de l'actor dins del gestor de disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Alineacià vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "L'alineacià vertical de l'actor dins del gestor de disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "L'alineacià horitzontal per defecte dels actors dins del gestor de disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "L'alineacià vertical per defecte dels actors dins del gestor de disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor de disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "El gestor de disposicià utilitzat per la caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "El color de fons de la caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "TÃ color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Si hi ha cap color de fons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Expandeix"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "Ubica espai extra per al fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Emplena horitzontalment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -812,11 +810,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si el fill hauria de tindre prioritat quan el contenidor ubiqui espai extra "
 "en l'eix horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Emplena verticalment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -824,585 +822,577 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si el fill hauria de tindre prioritat quan el contenidor ubiqui espai extra "
 "en l'eix vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "L'alineacià horitzontal de l'actor dins la celÂla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "L'alineacià vertical de l'actor dins la celÂla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Si la disposicià hauria de ser vertical en comptes d'horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogeni"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Si la disposicià hauria de ser homogÃnia, Ãs a dir, que tots els fills "
 "tinguen la mateixa mida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Ajunta al principi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Si s'ha d'ajuntar els elements a l'inici de la caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Espaiat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Espaiat entre fills"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Utilitza animacions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Si s'han d'animar els canvis de disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Mode del camÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "El mode del camà de les animacions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Durada del camÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La durada de les animacions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "Amplada de la superfÃcie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "L'amplada de la superfÃcie Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "AlÃada de la superfÃcie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "L'alÃada de la superfÃcie Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "Redimensiona automÃticament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Si la superfÃcie hauria de coincidir amb la ubicaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Contenidor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "El contenidor que ha creat esta dada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "L'actor envoltat per esta dada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "Premut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Si l'element que s'hi pot fer clic hauria d'estar en l'estat de premut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "MantÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Si l'element que s'hi pot fer clic tà un mantenidor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "Durada de la premuda llarga"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "La durada mÃnima perquà es reconegui el gest d'una premuda llarga"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "Llindar de la premuda llarga"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "El llindar mÃxim abans de cancelÂlar una premuda llarga"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "Especifica l'actor a ser clonat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "MatÃs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "El matÃs a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Quadres horitzontals"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "El nombre de quadres horitzontals"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Quadres verticals"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "El nombre de quadres verticals"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "Material de fons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "El material que s'utilitzarà quan es pinti el fons de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "El factor de desaturaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Rerefons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "El ÂClutterBackend del gestor del dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Llindar d'arrossegament horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
 "El nombre de pÃxels horitzontals necessaris per iniciar un arrossegament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Llindar d'arrossegament vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "El nombre de pÃxels verticals necessaris per iniciar un arrossegament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "Nansa d'arrossegament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "L'actor que s'està arrossegant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "Eix d'arrossegament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "Restringeix l'arrossegament a un eix"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "OrientaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "L'orientacià de la disposiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Si cada element hauria de rebre la mateixa ubicaciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "Espaiat de columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "L'espaiat entre columnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "Espaiat de fila"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "L'espaiat entre files"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Amplada mÃnima de columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "L'amplada mÃnima per a cada columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "Amplada mÃxima de columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "L'amplada mÃxima per a cada columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "AlÃada mÃnima de columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "L'alÃada mÃnima per a cada columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "AlÃada mÃxima de columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "L'alÃada mÃxima per a cada columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Identificador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "L'identificador Ãnic del dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "El nom del dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Tipus de dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "El tipus de dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor de dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "La instÃncia del gestor de dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "Mode del dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "El mode del dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "TÃ un cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Si el dispositiu tà un cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Si el dispositiu Ãs habilitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "Nombre d'eixos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "El nombre d'eixos en el dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "La instÃncia del rerefons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Tipus de valor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "El tipus dels valors en l'interval"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "El gestor que ha creat esta dada"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Mostra els fotogrames per segon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Fotogrames per segon per defecte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Fes que tots els avisos siguen fatals"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Direccià del text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Inhabilita el mapatge MIP en el text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Utilitza una seleccià ÂdifusaÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de depuracià del Clutter a establir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de depuracià del Clutter a inhabilitar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de perfilacià del Clutter a establir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Senyaladors de perfilacià del Clutter a inhabilitar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Habilita l'accessibilitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opcions del Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Mostra les opcions del Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "L'URI d'un fitxer multimÃdia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "ReproducciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Si l'actor s'està reproduint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "ProgrÃs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "El progrÃs actual de la reproducciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "URI dels subtÃtols"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "L'URI del fitxer de subtÃtols"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Nom del tipus de lletra dels subtÃtols"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "El nom del tipus de lletra per mostrar els subtÃtols"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "Volum de l'Ãudio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "El volum de l'Ãudio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Pot cercar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Si el flux actual permet cercar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "Emplenament de la memÃria intermÃdia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "El nivell d'emplenament de la memÃria intermÃdia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "La durada del flux, en segons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "El camà utilitzat per restringir un actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "El desplaÃament al llarg del camÃ, entre -1.0 i 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "El color del rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Color de la vora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "El color de la vora del rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Amplada de la vora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "L'amplada de la vora del rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "TÃ vora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Si el rectangle hauria de tindre vora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "TÃ nom de fitxer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Si la propietat Â:filename tà un valor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nom de fitxer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "El camà al fitxer analitzat actualment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Temps del doble clic"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "El temps entre clics necessari per detectar un clic mÃltiple"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "DistÃncia de doble clic"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "La distÃncia entre clics necessÃria per detectar un clic mÃltiple"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Llindar d'arrossegament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
 "La distÃncia que ha de desplaÃar-se el cursor abans de comenÃar un "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Nom del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
 "La descripcià del tipus de lletra per defecte, tal i com l'hauria "
 "d'analitzar el Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "AntialiÃsing del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1410,514 +1400,514 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si s'ha d'utilitzar l'antialiÃsing (1 l'habilita, 0 l'inhabilita i -1 "
 "utilitza el per defecte)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "DPI del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "La resolucià del tipus de lletra, en 1024 * punts/polzada, o -1 utilitza la "
 "per defecte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "Contorn del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "Si s'ha d'utilitzar el contorn (1 l'habilita, 0 l'inhabilita i -1 per "
 "utilitzar el per defecte)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Estil del contorn del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
 "L'estil del contorn (sense contorn, contorn lleuger, contorn mitjÃ, contorn "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "Orde de subpÃxels del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "El tipus d'antialiÃsing de subpÃxel (cap, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "La durada mÃnima d'una premuda llarga perquà es reconegui"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Marca horÃria de la configuracià de la Fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "Marca horÃria de la configuracià actual de la Fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Font del vÃrtex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Font del shader del vÃrtex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Font del fragment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Font del shader del fragment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "Compilat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Si el shader Ãs compilat i enllaÃat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Si el shader Ãs habilitat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "Ha fallat la compilacià del %s: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Shader de vÃrtex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Shader del fragment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "Tipus de shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "El tipus de shader que s'utilitza"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "La font de la restricciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Des de la vora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "La vora de l'actor que s'hauria de trencar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "A la vora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "La vora de la font que s'hauria de trencar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "El desplaÃament, en pÃxels, a aplicar a la restricciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "A pantalla completa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Si l'escenari principal Ãs a pantalla completa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Fora de pantalla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "Si l'escenari principal hauria de renderitzar-se fora de pantalla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Visibilitat del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "Si el punter del ratolà Ãs visible a l'escenari principal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "Redimensionable per l'usuari"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "Si l'usuari pot redimensionar l'escenari"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "El color de l'escenari"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspectiva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "Els parÃmetres de projeccià de la perspectiva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "TÃtol"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "TÃtol de l'escenari"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Utilitza la boira"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Si s'habilita la percepcià de profunditat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Boira"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "ParÃmetres de la percepcià de profunditat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Utilitza l'alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "Si s'ha de respectar el component alfa del color de l'escenari"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "Focus clau"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "L'actor clau que tà el focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Sense indicacià de neteja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Si l'escenari hauria de netejar els seus continguts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "Accepta el focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Si l'escenari hauria d'acceptar el focus en mostrar-se"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
 "L'estat establit actualment (potser encara no s'ha completat la transicià a "
 "este estat)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "La durada per defecte de la transiciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "NÃmero de columna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "La columna en la que està el giny"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "NÃmero de fila"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "La fila en la que està el giny"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "Abast en columnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "El nombre de columnes que hauria d'abastir el giny"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "Abast en files"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "El nombre de files que hauria d'abastir el giny"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "Expansià horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "Ubica espai extra per al fill en l'eix horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "Expansià vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "Ubica espai extra per al fill en l'eix vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Espaiat entre columnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Espaiat entre files"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "El tipus de lletra per al text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "Descripcià del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "La descripcià del tipus de lletra que s'utilitzarÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "El text a renderitzar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Color del tipus de lletra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "El color del tipus de lletra que utilitzarà el text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "Editable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Si el text es pot editar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "Seleccionable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Si el text es pot seleccionar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "Activable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "Si s'emet el senyal d'activacià en prÃmer la tecla de retorn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Si Ãs visible el cursor d'entrada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "Color del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "Establit el color del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Si s'ha establit el color del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "Mida del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "L'amplada del cursor, en pÃxels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "Posicià del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "La posicià del cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "Extrem de selecciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "La posicià del cursor a l'altre extrem de la selecciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Color de la selecciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Establit el color de selecciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Si s'ha establit el color de selecciÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Atributs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "Una llista d'atributs d'estil per aplicar als continguts de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Utilitza l'etiquetatge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Si el text inclou etiquetatge del Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Ajustament de lÃnia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "Si s'estableix, ajusta les lÃnies si el text Ãs massa ample"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "Mode d'ajust de lÃnia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "Controla com s'ajusten les lÃnies"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "Punts suspensius"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "El lloc preferit on posar punts suspensius al segment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Alineacià de la lÃnia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr ""
 "L'alineacià preferida per al segment quan Ãs un text de mÃs d'una lÃnia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Justifica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Si el text s'hauria de justificar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "CarÃcter de contrasenya"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
 "Si no Ãs zero, utilitza este carÃcter per mostrar els continguts de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Llargada mÃxima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "Llargada mÃxima del text dins de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "Mode d'una lÃnia sola"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Si el text hauria de ser una sola lÃnia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Color del text seleccionat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Establit el color del text seleccionat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Si s'ha establit el color del text seleccionat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "Sincronitza la mida de l'actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
 "Sincronitza automÃticament la mida de l'actor amb les mides de la memÃria de "
 "pÃxels de rerefons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "Inhabilita el tallat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1925,75 +1915,75 @@ msgstr ""
 "ForÃa la textura de rerefons a ser una de sola i no estar formada per "
 "diverses de mÃs petites"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "Desaprofitament de quadre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "Ãrea mÃxima de desaprofitament d'una textura tallada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Repeticià horitzontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Repeteix els continguts en comptes d'escalar-los horitzontalment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Repeticià vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Repeteix els continguts en comptes d'escalar-los verticalment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "Qualitat del filtre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "La qualitat de la renderitzacià quan es dibuixi una textura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Format del pÃxel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "El format de pÃxel de Cogl a utilitzar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Textura de Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "El gestor de la textura de Cogl de rerefons que s'utilitza per dibuixar este "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Material de Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "El gestor del material de Cogl de rerefons que s'utilitza per dibuixar este "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "El camà al fitxer que contà les dades de la imatge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "Mantà la relacià d'aspecte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
@@ -2001,22 +1991,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Mantà la relacià d'aspecte de la textura quan es solÂliciti una amplada o "
 "alÃada preferida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "Carrega asÃncronament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "Carrega els fitxers en un altre fil d'execucià per evitar el blocatge quan "
 "es carreguin imatges del disc"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "Carrega les dades asÃncronament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2024,191 +2014,188 @@ msgstr ""
 "Descodifica els fitxers de dades d'imatge en un altre fil d'execucià per "
 "reduir el blocatge quan es carreguin imatges del disc"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "Seleccià amb transparÃncia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Modela l'actor amb un canal de transparÃncia quan es seleccioni"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar les dades de la imatge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "No es poden utilitzar textures YUV"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "No es poden utilitzar textures YUV2"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Si s'hauria de reiniciar automÃticament la lÃnia del temps"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "Retard"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "El retard abans d'iniciar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "La durada de la lÃnia del temps en milÂlisegons"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "La direccià de la lÃnia del temps"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "Capgira automÃticament"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "Si la direccià s'hauria de capgirar quan s'arribe al final"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "Camà al sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Camà al dispositiu a sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Camà al dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Camà al node del dispositiu"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "El monitor d'X a utilitzar"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "La pantalla d'X a utilitzar"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "Fes les crides sÃncrones a l'X"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "Habilita l'XInput"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "El rerefons de Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Mapa de pÃxels"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "El mapa de pÃxels X11 al que està associat"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Amplada del mapa de pÃxels"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "L'amplada del mapa de pÃxels associat a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "AlÃada del mapa de pÃxels"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "L'alÃada del mapa de pÃxels associat a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Profunditat del mapa de pÃxels"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
 "La profunditat (en nombre de bits) del mapa de pÃxels associat a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "Actualitzacions automÃtiques"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Si la textura s'hauria de mantindre sincronitzada amb els canvis al mapa de "
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Finestra"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "La finestra X11 a la que s'està associat"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Redireccions automÃtiques de finestres"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Si les redireccions de les finestres composades sÃn automÃtiques (o manuals "
 "si Âfalse (fals))"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "Finestra mapada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Si la finestra Ãs mapada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "DestruÃda"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Si s'ha destruÃt la finestra"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X de la finestra"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "La posicià X de la finestra a la pantalla segons l'X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Y de la finestra"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "La posicià Y de la finestra a la pantalla segons l'X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "Redireccià de la sobreescriptura de la finestra"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Si Ãs una finestra de redireccià de la sobreescriptura"
diff --git a/po/clutter-1.0.pot b/po/clutter-1.0.pot
index 585c5cc..8b654e6 100644
--- a/po/clutter-1.0.pot
+++ b/po/clutter-1.0.pot
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright (C) YEAR Intel Corporation
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: clutter 1.8.2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-23 15:16+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL li org>\n"
@@ -18,2150 +18,2138 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
-#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
-#. *
-#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR": if it
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index b7c6e64..baf488a 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-04 19:33+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Marek Äernockà <marek manet cz>\n"
 "Language-Team: Czech <gnome-cs-list gnome org>\n"
@@ -826,62 +826,62 @@ msgstr "Vodorovnà zarovnÃnà ÃÄastnÃka v rÃmci buÅky"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Svislà zarovnÃnà ÃÄastnÃka v rÃmci buÅky"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Svisle"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Zda by rozvrÅenà mÄlo bÃt radÄji svisle neÅ vodorovnÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomogennÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Zda by rozvrÅenà mÄlo bÃt homogennÃ, tj. aby vÅichni potomci mÄli stejnou "
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "ZaÄÃtek balenÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Zda balit poloÅky pÅi spuÅtÄnà boxu"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Rozestupy"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Rozestupy mezi potomky"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "PouÅÃt animace"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Zda majà bÃt zmÄny rozloÅenà animovÃny"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "ZjednoduÅujÃcà reÅim"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "ZjednoduÅujÃcà reÅim animace"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Doba trvÃnà zjednoduÅenÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Doba trvÃnà animace"
@@ -1172,59 +1172,59 @@ msgstr "SprÃvce"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "SprÃvce, kterà vytvoÅil tato data"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Zobrazit poÄet snÃmkÅ za sekundu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "VÃchozà snÃmkovà rychlost"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "UÄinit vÅechna varovÃnà jako kritickÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "SmÄr textu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Vypnout mipmapping u textÅ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "PouÅÃt pÅibliÅnà (âfuzzyâ) vybÃrÃnÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "PÅÃznaky ladÄnà pro Clutter, kterà se majà zapnout"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "PÅÃznaky ladÄnà pro Clutter, kterà se majà vypnout"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "PÅÃznaky profilovÃnà pro Clutter, kterà se majà zapnout"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "PÅÃznaky profilovÃnà pro Clutter, kterà se majà vypnout"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Zapnout zpÅÃstupnÄnÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Volby Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Zobrazit volby Clutter"
diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
index ca4e456..31ccb37 100644
--- a/po/da.po
+++ b/po/da.po
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter-1.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-24 17:28+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-24 16:20+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Ask Hjorth Larsen <asklarsen gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Danish <da li org>\n"
@@ -25,795 +25,793 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-09-09 09:57+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13900)\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "AktÃrens X-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "AktÃrens Y-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Bredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "AktÃrens bredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "HÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "AktÃrens hÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "LÃst X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "Tvungen X-postion for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "LÃst Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "LÃst Y-position for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "Position fastlÃst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt lÃst aktÃrposition bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Min. bredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForespÃrgsel om tvungen minimumsbredde  for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Min. hÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForespÃrgsel om tvungen minimumshÃjde for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "Naturlig bredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForespÃrgsel om tvungen naturlig bredde for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "Naturlig hÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForespÃrgsel om tvungen naturlig hÃjde for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Minimumsbredde sat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Om vÃrdien for minimumsbredde bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "MinimumshÃjde sat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Om vÃrdien for minimumshÃjde bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "Naturlig bredde sat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Om vÃrdien for naturlig bredde bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "Naturlig hÃjde sat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Om vÃrdien for naturlig hÃjde bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "Allokering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "AktÃrens allokering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "ForespÃrgselstilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "AktÃrens forespÃrgselstilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Dybde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Position pà Z-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Ugennemsigtighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "En aktÃrs ugennemsigtighed"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Omstilling uden for skÃrmen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "Flag der styrer hvornÃr aktÃren fladgÃres til et enkelt billede"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Synlig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "AktÃr synlig eller ej"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "Afbildet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt aktÃren farvelÃgges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Realiseret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt aktÃren er blevet realiseret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Reaktiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt aktÃren er reaktiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "Har klip"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Om aktÃren har klip angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "Klip"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "Udklipsregionen for aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Navn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "AktÃrens navn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "X-skalering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "X-aksens skaleringsfaktor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Y-skalering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y-aksens skaleringsfaktor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Skaleringscenter X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Horisontalt skaleringscenter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Skaleringscenter Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Vertikalt skaleringscenter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "SkalÃr tyngdekraft"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "Skaleringens centrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Rotationsvinkel X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "X-aksens rotationsvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Rotationsvinkel Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y-aksens rotationsvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Rotationsvinkel Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z-aksens rotationsvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrum X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "X-aksens rotationscentrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrum Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Y-aksens rotationscentrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrum Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z-aksens rotationscentrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrum Z-tyngde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Centrumpunkt for rotation omkring Z-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Forankring X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "X-koordinat for forankring"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Forankring Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Y-koordinat for forankring"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Forankrings tyngde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "Forankring som ClutterGravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Vis pà angivet ophavselement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Om aktÃren vises nÃr den har et ophavselement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Klip til allokation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "SÃtter udklipsregionen til at overvÃge aktÃrens allokering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "Tekstretning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "Tekstens retning"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Har pointer"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Om aktÃren indeholder pointeren til en inputenhed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "Handlinger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "TilfÃjer en handling til aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "BegrÃnsninger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "TilfÃjer en begrÃnsning til aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "AktÃr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "AktÃr tilfÃjet til meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "Metas navn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "SlÃet til"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt meta er slÃet til"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Kilde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "Justeringskilde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "JustÃr akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "Aksen hvortil positionen skal justeres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Faktor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "Justeringsfaktoren, mellem 0,0 og 1,0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Tidslinje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Tidslinje brugt af alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "AlfavÃrdi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "AlfavÃrdi som udregnet af alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "Tilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Fremskridtstilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objekt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "Objekt for hvilket animationen gÃlder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "Animationens tilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "Varighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Animationens varighed i millisekunder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "Gentagelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt animationen skal gentages"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "Den tidslinje animationen benytter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "Alfa brugt af animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "Animationens varighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "Animationens tidslinje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "Alfa-objekt som styrer opfÃrslen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "Startdybde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "Indledende anvendt dybde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Afsluttende dybde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "Afsluttende anvendt dybde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Startvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Indledende vinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Afsluttende vinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Slutvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "x-drejningsvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "Drejningsvinkel for ellipsen omkring x-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "y-drejningsvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "Drejningsvinkel for ellipsen omkring y-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "z-drejningsvinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "Drejningsvinkel for ellipsen omkring z-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Ellipsens bredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "Ellipsens hÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "Ellipsens centrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "Retning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "Rotationsretning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Startpunkt for uigennemsigtighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "Indledende uigennemsigtighedsniveau"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Slutpunkt for uigennemsigtighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "Afsluttende uigennemsigtighedsniveau"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Sti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
 "ClutterPath-objektet der reprÃsenterer stien, langs hvilken der animeres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Vinkels begyndelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Vinkels slutning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Akses rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "Centrum X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrums X-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Centrum Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrums Y-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Center Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Rotationscentrums Z-koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "X-startskala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Indledende skala pà X-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "X-slutskala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Afsluttende skala pà X-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Y-startskala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Indledende skala pà Y-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Y-slutskala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Afsluttende skala pà Y-aksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "Bindingens kilde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Koordinat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "Koordinat der skal bindes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "Forskydning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "Forskydningen i pixel der skal tilfÃjes bindingen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "Det unikke navn for bindingspuljen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Horisontal justering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Horisontal justering for aktÃren inden i layout-manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Vertikal justering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Vertikal justering for aktÃren inden i layout-manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "StandardvÃrdi for vandret justering af aktÃrer inden i layouthÃndteringen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "StandardvÃrdi for lodret justering af aktÃrer inden i layouthÃndteringen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Layout-manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "LayouthÃndteringen der bruges af boksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Farve"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "Baggrundsfarve pà boksen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "Farve angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Om baggrundsfarven er angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Udvid"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "Tildel ekstra plads til underelementet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Horisontal udfyldning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -821,11 +819,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Om underelementet skal tildeles prioritet nÃr beholderen allokerer fri plads "
 "pà den vandrette akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Vertikal udfyldning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -833,585 +831,577 @@ msgstr ""
 "Om underelementet skal tildeles prioritet nÃr beholderen tildeler fri plads "
 "pà den lodrette akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Horisontal justering af aktÃren inden i cellen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Vertikal justering af aktÃren inden i cellen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt layoutet skal forblive vertikalt frem for horisontalt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogent"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Om layoutet skal vÃre homogent, dvs. om alle underelementer fÃr samme "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Pak ved start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Om elementer pakkes fra boksens start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Afstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Mellemrum mellem underelementer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Brug animationer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt layout-Ãndringer skal animeres"
 # http://docs.clutter-project.org/docs/clutter-cookbook/1.0/animations.html
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "BlÃdgÃrelsestilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "BlÃdgÃrelsestilstanden (easing mode) for animationerne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Varighed for blÃdgÃrelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Animationernes varighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "Overfladebredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo-overfladens bredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "OverfladehÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo-overfladens hÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "Automatisk stÃrrelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Om overfladen skal tilpasses pladstildelingen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Beholder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "Beholderen som oprettede disse data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "AktÃren som indpakkes af disse data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "Trykket"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Om det klikbare objekt skal vÃre i trykket tilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "Holdt nede"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Om det klikbare objekt har et greb"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "Lang trykvarighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
 "Den mindste varighed af et langvarigt tryk til brug ved gestusgenkendelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "TÃrskel for langvarigt tryk"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "Maksimal tÃrskel fÃr et langvarigt tryk annulleres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "Angiver aktÃren der skal klones"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "Nuance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "Den nuance der skal anvendes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Vandrette fliser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "Antallet af vandrette fliser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Lodrette fliser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "Antallet af lodrette fliser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "Bagsidemateriale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "Materialet der skal bruges nÃr aktÃrens bagside tegnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "AfmÃtningsfaktoren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Motor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "ClutterBackend for enhedshÃndteringen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "TÃrskel for vandret trÃk"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "Antallet af pixler der starter trÃkkeoperation vandret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "TÃrskel for vandret trÃk"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "Antallet af pixler der starter trÃkkeoperation lodret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "TrÃkkehÃndtag"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "AktÃren der trÃkkes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "TrÃkkeakse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "BegrÃnser trÃk til en akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "Orientering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "Orienteringen af layoutet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Om hvert element skal tildeles samme plads"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "Kolonnemellemrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Mellemrum mellem kolonner"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "RÃkkemellemrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Mellemrum mellem rÃkker"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Mindste kolonnnebredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "Mindste bredde af hver kolonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "StÃrste kolonnebredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "StÃrste bredde af hver kolonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "Minimum for rÃkkehÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "MinimumshÃjde for hver rÃkke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "Maksimum for rÃkkehÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "Maksimum hÃjde for hver rÃkke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Id"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "Unik identificering af enheden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "Enhedens navn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Enhedstype"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "Enhedens type"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "EnhedshÃndtering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "Instansen af enhedshÃndtering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "Enhedstilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "Enhedens tilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "Har markÃr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Om enheden har en markÃr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Hvorvidt enheden er aktiveret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "Antal akser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "Antallet af akser pà enheden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "Motorinstansen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "VÃrditype"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "Typer af vÃrdier i intervallet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "HÃndtering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "HÃndteringen som oprettede disse data"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Vis antal billeder pr. sekund"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Standardbilledfrekvens"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "GÃr alle advarsler fatale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Retning for teksten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Slà mipmapping fra i tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Brug \"blÃd\" udvÃlgelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutter-fejlsÃgningsflag der skal sÃttes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clutter-fejlsÃgningsflag der skal fjernes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutter-profileringsflag der skal sÃttes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clutter-profileringsflag der skal fjernes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "AktivÃr tilgÃngelighed"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter-valgmuligheder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Vis Clutter-valgmuligheder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "En mediefils URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "Spiller"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Om aktÃren afspiller"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "Afspilningens nuvÃrende position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "Undertekst-URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "URI for en undertekstfil"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Navn pà skrifttype til undertekster"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "Skrifttypen der bruges til at vise undertekster"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "Lydstyrke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "Lydstyrken"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Kan sÃge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Om der kan sÃges i den nuvÃrende strÃm"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "Buffer-udfyldning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "Udfyldningsniveauet for bufferen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "Varigheden af strÃmmen i sekunder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "Stien der bruges til at begrÃnse en aktÃr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "Forskydningen langs stien mellem -1,0 og 2,0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Rektanglets farve"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Kantfarve"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Farven pà rektanglets kant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Kantbredde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Bredden af rektanglets kant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "Har kant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Om rektanglet skal have en kant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "Filnavn angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Om egenskaben :filename er angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Filnavn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "Stien af den nu fortolkede fil"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Dobbeltkliktid"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
 "Tidsrummet mellem klik, som er nÃdvendigt for registrering af flerdobbelte "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "Dobbeltklikafstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
 "Afstanden mellem klik som er nÃdvendig for registrering af flerdobbelte klik"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "TrÃkketÃrskel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "Afstanden som markÃren skal flyttes fÃr der startes en trÃkkeoperation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Skrifttypenavn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr "Beskrivelsen af standardskrifttypen til fortolkning af Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "SkrifttypeudjÃvning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1419,525 +1409,525 @@ msgstr ""
 "Om der skal bruges udjÃvning/antialiasing (1 for at slà til, 0 for at slà "
 "fra, og -1 for at bruge standardvÃrdien)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "Skrifttype-DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "OplÃsning for skrifttypen angivet i 1024 * punkter/tomme eller -1 for at "
 "bruge standardvÃrdien"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "Skrifttype-hinting"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "Om der skal bruges \"hinting\" (1 for at slà til, 0 for at slà fra og -1 for "
 "at bruge standardvÃrdien)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Stil for skrifttype-hint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "Stilen til hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "UnderpixelrÃkkefÃlge for skrifttype"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "Typen af underpixeludjÃvning (none, rbg, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "Mindste varighed fÃr en langvarig trykkegestus genkendes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Konfigurationstidsstempel til fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "Tidsstempel for nuvÃrende fontconfig-konfiguration"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Vertex-kilde"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Kilde for vertex-skyggelÃgger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Fragmentkilde"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Kilde for fragment-skyggelÃgger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "Kompileret"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Om skyggelÃggeren er kompileret og lÃnket"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Om skyggelÃggeren er aktiveret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "%s-kompilering fejlet: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Vertex-skyggelÃgger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Fragment-skyggelÃgger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "SkyggelÃggertype"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "Typen af skyggelÃgger der bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "BegrÃnsningens kilde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Fra kant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Fra kanten pà aktÃren der skal fastgÃres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Til kant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Kanten af kilden der skal fastgÃres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "Forskydningen i pixler der anvendes pà begrÃnsningen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "FuldskÃrm angivet"
 # "stage" skal forstÃs som "scene", jf. "actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Om hovedscenen er i fuldskÃrmstilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Uden for skÃrmen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "Om hovedscenen skal optegnes uden for skÃrmen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "MarkÃr synlig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "Om musemarkÃren er synlig pà hovedscenen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "Bruger kan Ãndre stÃrrelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "Om brugeren kan indstille scenens stÃrrelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "Farven pà scenen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspektiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "Parametre for perspektivprojektion"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "Titel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "Scenetitel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Brug tÃge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Om der skal bruges dybdeperspektiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "TÃge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "Indstillinger for dybdeperspektiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Brug alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "Om alfakomponenten af scenefarven skal respekteres"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "PrimÃr fokus"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "NuvÃrende aktÃr med primÃr fokus"
 # ?
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Intet klart hint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Om scenen skal rydde dens indhold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "AcceptÃr fokus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Om scenen skal acceptere fokus ved visning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Tilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
 "NuvÃrende tilstand (overgangen til denne tilstand er mÃske ikke fuldendt)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "Standardvarighed af overgang"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "Kolonnenummer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "Kolonnen som kontrollen bor i"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "RÃkkenummer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "RÃkken som kontrollen bor i"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "KolonnespÃnd"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "Antallet af kolonner som kontrollen skal omfatte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "RÃkkespÃnd"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "Antallet af rÃkker som kontrollen skal omfatte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "Udvid vandret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "Tildel ekstra plads til underelementet langs vandret akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "Udvid lodret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "Tildel ekstra plads til underelementet langs lodret akse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Mellemrum mellem kolonner"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Mellemrum mellem rÃkker"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "Skrifttypen der bruges af teksten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "Beskrivelse af skrifttype"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "Skrifttypebeskrivelsen der skal bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "Tekst der skal vises"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Skriftfarve"
 # hvad mener de mon med at en skrifttype kan have en farve.  En forfÃrdelig sÃtning!
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "Farven af skriften der bruges til teksten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "Kan redigeres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Om teksten kan redigeres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "Kan vÃlges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Om teksten kan vÃlges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "Kan aktiveres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "Om tryk pà retur bevirker udsendelse af aktiveringssignalet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Om inputmarkÃren er synlig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "MarkÃrfarve"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "MarkÃrfave angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Om markÃrfarven er blevet angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "MarkÃrstÃrrelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "Bredden af markÃren i pixler"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "MarkÃrposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "MarkÃrens position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "MarkeringsgrÃnse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "MarkÃrpositionen i den anden ende af markering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Markeringsfarve"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Markeringsfarve angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Om markeringsfarven er blevet angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Egenskaber"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "En liste af stilegenskaber som anvendes pà aktÃrens indhold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Brug opmÃrkning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Om teksten inkluderer Pango-opmÃrkning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Linjeombrydning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "Hvis angivet, vil tekstlinjer ombrydes nÃr de bliver for lange"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "Linjeombrydningstilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "Styrer hvordan linjer ombrydes"
 # se nedenfor
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "EllipsegrÃnse"
 # ellipsegÃrelse ~ forkortelse af tekst med tre prikker
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "Det foretrukne sted at ellipsegÃre strengen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Linjejustering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "Den foretrukne justering af strengen til flerlinjetekst"
 # "Retrieves whether the label should justify the text on both margins."
 # http://www.gnu.org/software/guile-gnome/docs/clutter/html/ClutterLabel.html
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Lige margener"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Om teksten skal strÃkkes til begge margener"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "Adgangskodetegn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
 "Hvis forskelligt fra nul, bruges dette tegn til at vise aktÃrens tekstindhold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Maksimal lÃngde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "Maksimal lÃngde af teksten i aktÃren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "Enlinjetilstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Om teksten skal vises i en enkelt linje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Farve pà markeret tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Farve pà markeret tekst angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Om farven pà markeret tekst er blevet angivet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "SynkronisÃr aktÃrstÃrrelse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
 "SynkronisÃr stÃrrelsen af aktÃren automatisk med stÃrrelsen af den "
 "underliggende pixbuf"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "DeaktivÃr skÃring"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1945,73 +1935,73 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tvinger den underliggende tekstur til at vÃre uopdelt, frem for at vÃre "
 "sammensat af flere mindre teksturer for at spare plads"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "Spild ved fliselÃgning"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "Maksimalt spildomrÃde af en skÃret tekstur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Gentag vandret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Gentag indholdet frem for at skalere det vandret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Gentag lodret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Gentag indholdet frem for at skalere det lodret"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "Filterkvalitet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "Kvalitet til tegning af teksturen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Pixelformat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "Cogl-pixelformatet der skal bruges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Cogl-tekstur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "Det underliggende Cogl-teksturhÃndtag der bruges til at tegne denne aktÃr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Cogl-materiale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "Det underliggende Cogl-materialehÃndtag der bruges til at tegne denne aktÃr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "Stien til filen der indeholder billeddataene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "Bevar hÃjde-/breddeforhold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
@@ -2019,20 +2009,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Behold forholdet mellem hÃjde og bredde af teksturen ved forespÃrgsel om "
 "foretrukken bredde eller hÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "IndlÃs asynkront"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr "IndlÃs filer inden i en trÃd for at undgà blokering"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "IndlÃs data asynkront"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2041,190 +2031,187 @@ msgstr ""
 "indlÃsning fra disken"
 # ? tror picking er noget med at den bestemmer formen af en aktÃr
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "UdvÃlg ved hjÃlp af alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Giv form til aktÃr ved hjÃlp af alfakanal nÃr der udvÃlges"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "Kunne ikke indlÃse billeddata"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "YUV-teksturer understÃttes ikke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "YUV2-teksturer understÃttes ikke"
 # afviger fra originalstreng med vilje
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Om tidslinjen automatisk genstartes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "Ventetid"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "Ventetid fÃr start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Varighed af tidslinje i millisekunder"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "Retning pà tidslinjen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "Autoomvending"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "Om retningen skal omvendes nÃr slutningen nÃs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "Sti til sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Sti til enheden i sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Enhedssti"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Sti for enhedsknuden"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "X-visning der skal bruges"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "X-skÃrm der skal bruges"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "GÃr X-kald synkrone"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "AktivÃr understÃttelse af XInput"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "Clutter-motoren"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "X11-Pixmappen der skal bindes"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Pixmapbredde"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Bredden af pixmappen bundet til denne tekstur"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "PixmaphÃjde"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "HÃjden af pixmappen bundet til denne tekstur"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Pixmapdybde"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Dybden (i antal bit) af pixmappen bundet til denne tekstur"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "Automatiske opdateringer"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr "Om teksturen skal holdes synkroniseret med nogen pixmapÃndringer."
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Vindue"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "X11-vinduet der skal bindes"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Automatisk vinduesomdirigering"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Om sammensatte vinduesomdirigeringer er sat til automatisk (eller Manuel "
 "hvis falsk)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "Vindue afbildet"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Om vindue er afbildet"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "Destrueret"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Om vinduet er blevet destrueret"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "Vindue X"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "X-position af vinduet pà skÃrmen ifÃlge X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Vindue Y"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "Y-position af vinduet pà skÃrmen ifÃlge X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "Vindue tilsidesÃtter omdirigering"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Om dette er et vindue som tilsidesÃtter omdirigering"
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index 17b26dc..c0439ab 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -9,811 +9,809 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-23 16:53+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-24 08:58+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mario BlÃttermann <mariobl freenet de>\n"
 "Language-Team: Deutsch <gnome-de gnome org>\n"
+"Language: de\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: de\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
 "X-Poedit-Language: German\n"
 "X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X-Koordinate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "X-Koordinate des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y-Koordinate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Y-Koordinate des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Breite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "Breite des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "HÃhe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "HÃhe des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "Fixiertes X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "Erzwungene X-Position des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "Fixiertes Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "Erzwungene Y-Position des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "Fixierte Position gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob eine fixierte Position fÃr den Akteur verwendet wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Minimale Breite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Anfrage nach erzwungener minimale Breite des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Minimale HÃhe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Anfrage nach erzwungener minimale HÃhe des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "NatÃrliche Breite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Anfrage nach natÃrlicher Breite des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "NatÃrliche HÃhe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Anfrage nach natÃrlicher HÃhe des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Minimale Breite gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Eigenschaft Âmin-width verwendet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "Minimale HÃhe gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Eigenschaft Âmin-height verwendet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "NatÃrliche Breite gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Eigenschaft Ânatural-width verwendet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "NatÃrliche HÃhe gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Eigenschaft Ânatural-height verwendet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "Anforderung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "Die Anforderung des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "Anforderungsmodus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "Der Anforderungsmodus des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Tiefe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Position auf der Z-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Deckkraft"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Deckkraft des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Umleitung auf abseits des Bildschirms"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "Legt fest, wann der Akteur in ein einziges Bild abgeflacht werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Sichtbar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Akteur sichtbar ist oder nicht"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "Abgebildet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Akteur dargestellt wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Realisiert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob der Akteur realisiert wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Reagierend"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Akteur auf Ereignisse reagiert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "Clip vorhanden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob fÃr den Akteur ein Clip gesetzt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "Clip"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "Der Clip-Bereich dieses Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Name"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "Name des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "X-Skalierung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "Skalierungsfaktor fÃr die X-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Y-Skalierung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Skalierungsfaktor fÃr die Y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Skalierungszentrum X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Horizontales Skalierungszentrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Skalierungszentrum Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Vertikales Skalierungszentrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "Skalierungsanziehungskraft"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "Skalierungszentrum"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Rotationswinkel X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "Der Rotationswinkel auf der X-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Rotationswinkel Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Der Rotationswinkel auf der Y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Rotationswinkel Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Der Rotationswinkel auf der Z-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Rotationszentrum X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "Das Rotationszentrum auf der X-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Rotationszentrum Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Das Rotationszentrum auf der Y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Rotationszentrum Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Das Rotationszentrum auf der Z-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Anziehungskraft des Rotationszentrums Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Rotationsmittelpunkt um die Z-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Anker X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "X-Koordinate des Ankerpunktes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Anker Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Y-Koordinate des Ankerpunktes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Anker-Anziehungskraft"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "Der Ankerpunkt als ClutterGravity"
 # If %TRUE, the actor is automatically shown when parented.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Anzeige bei Ãberordnung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Akteur bei Ãberordnung angezeigt wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Auf Zuteilung beschneiden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "Der Zuschneidebereich folgt der Belegung des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "Textrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "Richtung des Textes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Besitzt Zeiger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Akteur den Zeiger eines EingabegerÃts enthÃlt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "Aktionen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "FÃgt dem Akteur eine Aktion hinzu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "EinschrÃnkungen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "FÃgt dem Akteur eine BeschrÃnkung hinzu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Akteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "Der an den Meta angehÃngte Akteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "Der Name des Meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Aktiviert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Meta aktiviert wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Quelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "Die Quelle fÃr die Ausrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "Ausrichtungsachse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "Die Achse, an der die Position ausgerichtet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Faktor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "Der Ausrichtungsfaktor (zwischen 0.0 und 1.0)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Zeitleiste"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Von Alpha verwendete Zeitlinie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Alpha-Wert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha-Wert, wie vom Alpha berechnet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "Modus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Fortschrittsmodus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objekt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "Objekt, fÃr welches die Animation gilt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "Animationsmodus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "Dauer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Dauer der Animation in Millisekunden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "Endlosschleife"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Animation endlos wiederholt wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "Die von der Animation benutzte Zeitleiste"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "Der von der Animation verwendete Alpha-Wert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "Die Dauer der Animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "Die Zeitleiste der Animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "Alpha-Objekt zum Umsetzen des Verhaltens"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "Starttiefe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "Anzuwendende initiale Tiefe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Endtiefe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "Anzuwendende finale Tiefe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Startwinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Initialer Winkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Endwinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Finaler Winkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "Neigungswinkel der x-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "Neigung der Ellipse an der x-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "Neigungswinkel der y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "Neigung der Ellipse an der y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "Neigungswinkel der z-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "Neigung der Ellipse an der z-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Breite der Ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "HÃhe der Ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Mittelpunkt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "Mittelpunkt der Ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "Richtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "Rotationsrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Start-Deckungskraft"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "Initialer Deckungskraftgrad"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "End-Deckungskraft"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "Finaler Deckungskraftgrad"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Pfad"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
 "Das ClutterPath-Objekt, das den Pfad darstellt, entlang dessen animiert "
 "werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Anfangswinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Endwinkel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Rotationsachse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "Mittelpunkt-X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "X-Koordinate des Rotationszentrums"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Mittelpunkt-Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Y-Koordinate des Rotationszentrums"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Mittelpunkt-Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Z-Koordinate des Rotationszentrums"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "Startskalierung in X-Richtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Initiale Skalierung auf der X-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "Endskalierung in X-Richtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Finale Skalierung auf der X-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Startskalierung in Y-Richtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Initiale Skalierung auf der Y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Endskalierung in Y-Richtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Finale Skalierung auf der Y-Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "Die Quelle der Bindung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Koordinate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "Die zu bindende Koordinate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "Versatz"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "Der Versatz in Pixeln, der auf die Bindung angewendet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "Der eindeutige Name des Bindungs-Pools"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Horizontale Ausrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Horizontal Ausrichtung des Akteurs innerhalb des Layout-Managers"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Vertikale Ausrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Vertikale Ausrichtung des Akteurs innerhalb des Layout-Managers"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Voreingestellte horizontale Ausrichtung des Akteurs innerhalb des Layout-"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Voreingestellte vertikale Ausrichtung des Akteurs innerhalb des Layout-"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Layout-Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "Der von der Box verwendete Layout-Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Farbe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "Die Hintergrundfarbe der Box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "Farbe gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Hintergrundfarbe gesetzt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Ausdehnen"
 # Nur ein Vorschlag, aber ÂKind finde ich in dem Zusammenhang scheuÃlich
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "ZusÃtzlichen Platz fÃr das Unterelement anfordern"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Horizontale FÃllung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -821,11 +819,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob das Unterelement bevorzugt behandelt werden soll, wenn der "
 "Container freien Platz auf der horizontalen Achse zuweist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Vertikale FÃllung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -833,589 +831,581 @@ msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob das Unterelement bevorzugt behandelt werden soll, wenn der "
 "Container freien Platz auf der vertikalen Achse zuweist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Horizontal Ausrichtung des Akteurs innerhalb der Zelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Vertikale Ausrichtung des Akteurs innerhalb der Zelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob das Layout vertikal statt horizontal sein soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "GleichmÃÃig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob das Layout gleichmÃÃig sein soll, d.h. alle Unterelemente "
 "haben die gleiche GrÃÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Packen am Beginn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob Objekte am Beginn der Box gepackt werden sollen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Abstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Abstand zwischen Unterelementen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Animationen verwenden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob Layout-Ãnderungen animiert werden sollen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Easing-Modus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "Der Easing-Modus der Animationen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Easing-Dauer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Die Dauer der Animationen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "ZeichenflÃchenbreite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Die Breite der Cairo-ZeichenflÃche"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "ZeichenflÃchenhÃhe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Die HÃhe der Cairo-ZeichenflÃche"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "GrÃÃe automatisch anpassen"
 # Controls whether the #ClutterCairoTexture should automatically resize the Cairo surface whenever the actor's allocation changes.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die ZeichenflÃche mit der Zuordnung Ãbereinstimmen soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Container"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "Der Container, der diese Daten erzeugt hat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "Der durch diese Daten eingefasste Akteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "GedrÃckt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob das klickbare Objekt in gedrÃcktem Zustand sein soll"
 # Whether the clickable has a grab
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "Anfasspunkt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob das klickbare Objekt einen Anfasser haben soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "Dauer des langen Drucks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "Die minimale Dauer eines langen Drucks zur Erkennung der Geste"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "Schwellwert fÃr langen Druck"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "Der maximale Schwellwert, bevor ein langer Druck abgebrochen wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "Legt den Akteur fest, der geklont werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "FÃrbung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "Die anzuwendende FÃrbung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Horizontale Kacheln"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "Die Anzahl horizontaler Kacheln"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Vertikale Kacheln"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "Die Anzahl vertikaler Kacheln"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "Hintergrundmaterial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr ""
 "Das fÃr das Darstellen des Akteur-Hintergrundes zu verwendende Material"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "Der EntsÃttigungsfaktor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Backend"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "Das ClutterBackend der GerÃteverwaltung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Schwelle fÃr horizontales Ziehen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Anzahl horizontaler Pixel, die fÃr einen Ziehvorgang benÃtigt werden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Schwelle fÃr vertikales Ziehen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "Die Anzahl vertikaler Pixel, die fÃr einen Ziehvorgang benÃtigt werden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "Grifffeld"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "Der Akteur, der gezogen werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "Ziehachse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "BeschrÃnkt den Ziehvorgang auf eine Achse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "Ausrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "Die Ausrichtung des Layouts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob jedes Objekt die gleiche Zuweisung erhalten soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "Spaltenabstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Der Leerraum zwischen Spalten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "Zeilenabstand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Der Leerraum zwischen Zeilen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Minimale Breite der Spalte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "Die minimale Breite jeder Spalte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "Maximale Breite der Spalte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "Die maximale Breite jeder Spalte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "Minimale ZeilenhÃhe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "Minimale ZeilenhÃhe jeder Reihe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "Maximale ZeilenhÃhe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "Maximale ZeilenhÃhe jeder Reihe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Kennung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "Eindeutiger Bezeichner des GerÃts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "Der Name des GerÃts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "GerÃtetyp"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "Der GerÃtetyp"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "GerÃte-Verwaltung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "Die Instanz des GerÃtemanagers"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "GerÃtemodus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "Der Modus des GerÃts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "Hat Zeiger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob das GerÃt Ãber einen Zeiger verfÃgt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob das GerÃt aktiviert ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "Anzahl der Achsen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "Die Anzahl der Achsen des GerÃts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "Die Backend-Instanz"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Wertetyp"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "Der Typ der Werte im Intervall"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Der Manager, der diese Daten erzeugt hat"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Bilder pro Sekunde anzeigen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Vorgabebildfrequenz"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Alle Warnungen fatal machen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Richtung des Textes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Mip-Mapping fÃr Text ausschalten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "ÂUnscharfes Herausgreifen benutzen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Zu setzende Clutter-Fehlersuchmerkmale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Zu entfernende Clutter-Fehlersuchmerkmale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Zu setzende Clutter-Fehlersuchmerkmale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Zu entfernende Clutter-Fehlersuchmerkmale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Barrierefreiheit aktivieren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter-Optionen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter-Optionen anzeigen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "ADRESSE"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "ADRESSE einer Mediendatei"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "Wiedergabe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Akteur abspielt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Fortschritt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "Aktueller Fortschritt der Wiedergabe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "Adresse fÃr Untertitel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "ADRESSE einer Datei mit Untertiteln"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Schriftname fÃr Untertitel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "Beim Anzeigen von Untertiteln zu verwendende SchriftgrÃÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "LautstÃrke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "Die LautstÃrke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Durchsuchbar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob der aktuelle Datenstrom durchsuchbar ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "PufferfÃllung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "Der FÃllstand des Puffers"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "Die Dauer des Datenstroms in Sekunden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "Der Pfad zur BeschrÃnkung eines Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "Der Versatz entlang des Pfades, zwischen -1.0 und 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Die Farbe des Rechtecks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Rahmenfarbe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Die Randfarbe des Rechtecks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Rahmenbreite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Die Randbreite des Rechtecks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "Hat Rand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob das Rechteck einen Rand haben soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "Dateiname gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob die :filename-Eigenschaft gesetzt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Dateiname"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "Der Pfad zur aktuell eingelesenen Datei"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Doppelklick-Zeit"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
 "Die zur Erkennung eines Mehrfachklicks nÃtige Zeit zwischen zwei Klicks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "Doppelklick-Intervall"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
 "Die zur Erkennung eines Mehrfachklicks nÃtige Entfernung zwischen zwei Klicks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Ziehschwellwert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
 "Die vom Zeiger zurÃckzulegende Entfernung, um einen Ziehvorgang zu beginnen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Schriftname"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Beschreibung der Vorgabeschrift, so wie sie durch Pango verarbeitet "
 "werden kann"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "SchriftglÃttung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1423,520 +1413,520 @@ msgstr ""
 "Gibt an, ob Antialiasing verwendet werden soll (1 aktiviert, 0 deaktiviert "
 "und -1 verwendet die Vorgabe)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "SchriftauflÃsung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "Die SchriftauflÃsung in 1024 * Punkte/Zoll, oder -1 fÃr den Vorgabewert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "Schrift-Hinting"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "Gibt an, ob Hinting verwendet werden soll (1 aktiviert, 0 deaktiviert und -1 "
 "verwendet die Vorgabe)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Hinting-Stil der Schrift"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "Der Stil des Hintings (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "Subpixel-Anordnung der Schrift"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "Typ der Subpixel-KantenglÃttung (none (keine), rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "Die minimale Dauer zur Erkennung eines langen Drucks fÃr eine Geste"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Fontconfig-Zeitstempel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "Zeitstempel der aktuellen Fontconfig-Konfiguration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Vertex-Quelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Quelle des Vertex-Shaders"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Fragment-Quelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Quelle des Fragment-Shaders"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "Compiliert"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Shader compiliert und gelinkt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Shader aktiviert ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "%s-Kompilierung fehlgeschlagen: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Vertex-Shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Fragment-Shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "Shader-Typ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "Der verwendete Shader-Typ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "Die Quelle der BeschrÃnkung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Von Kante"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Die Kante des Akteurs, an der eingerastet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Zu Kante"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Die Kante der Quelle, an der eingerastet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "Der Versatz in Pixel, auf den die EinschrÃnkung angewendet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "Vollbild gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Hauptszene ein Vollbild ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Abseits des Bildschirms"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob die Hauptszene abseits des Bildschirms erstellt werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Zeiger sichtbar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Mauszeiger in der Hauptszene sichtbar sein soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "GrÃÃenÃnderung durch Benutzer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob eine GrÃÃenÃnderung der Szene durch den Benutzer mÃglich ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "Die Farbe der Szene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspektive"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "Projektionsparameter der Perspektive"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "Titel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "Szenentitel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Nebel verwenden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob Tiefenanordnung aktiviert werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Nebel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "Einstellungen fÃr die Tiefenanordnung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha verwenden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr ""
 "Gibt an, ob die Alpha-Komponente fÃr die Szenenfarbe berÃcksichtigt werden "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "Tastaturfokus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "Der aktuelle Akteur im Tastaturfokus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Keine Leeren-Anweisung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob die Szene ihren Inhalt leeren soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "Fokus annehmen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Szene bei Anzeige Fokus annehmen soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
 "GegenwÃrtig gesetzter Status (Ãberblendung in diesen Status kÃnnte noch "
 "unvollstÃndig sein)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "Voreingestellte Ãberblenddauer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "Spaltennummer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "Die Spalte, in dem sich das Widget befindet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "Zeilennummer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "Die Zeile, in dem sich das Widget befindet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "Spaltenbelegung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "Die Anzahl der Spalten, die das Widget belegen soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "Zeilenbelegung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "Die Anzahl der Zeilen, Ãber die sich das Widget erstrecken soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "Horizontal ausdehnen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
 "ZusÃtzlichen Platz in der horizontalen Achse fÃr das Unterelement zuweisen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "Vertikal ausdehnen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
 "ZusÃtzlichen Platz in der vertikalen Achse fÃr das Unterelement zuweisen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Abstand zwischen Spalten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Abstand zwischen Zeilen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "Die Schriftart des Texts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "Schriftartenbeschreibung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "Die zu verwendende Schriftartenbeschreibung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "Der darzustellende Text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Textfarbe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "Die Farbe des Texts"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "Bearbeitbar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Text bearbeitet werden kann"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "Markierbar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Text markierbar ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "Aktivierbar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Eingabetaste ein Senden des aktiven Signals auslÃst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob der Eingabezeiger sichtbar ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "Zeigerfarbe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "Zeigerfarbe gesetzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Zeigerfarbe festgelegt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "ZeigergrÃÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "Die Breite des Zeigers in Pixel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "Zeigerposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "Die Zeigerposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "Auswahlgrenze"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "Die Zeigerposition am anderen Ende der Auswahl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Auswahlfarbe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Auswahlfarbe festgelegt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Auswahlfarbe festgelegt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Attribute"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr ""
 "Eine Liste der Stilattribute, die auf den Inhalt des Akteurs angewendet "
 "werden sollen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Syntax-Hervorhebung verwenden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Text Pango-Markup enthÃlt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Zeilenumbruch"
 # Die booleschen Werte sollten wir auf echte GConf- und dconf-SchlÃssel beschrÃnken.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "Falls gesetzt, Zeilen umbrechen, wenn der Text zu lang wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "Zeilenumbruchmodus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "Legt fest, wie Zeilen umgebrochen werden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "Auslassungen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "Der bevorzugte Ort fÃr Auslassungspunkte in der Zeichenkette"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Zeilenausrichtung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "Die bevorzugte Zeilenausrichtung fÃr den Text, bei mehrzeiligem Text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Ausrichten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob der Text ausgerichtet werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "Password-Zeichen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
 "Falls nicht Null, so wird dieses Zeichen zum Anzeigen des Akteurinhalts "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Maximale LÃnge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "Maximale TextlÃnge innerhalb des Akteurs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "Einzeilen-Modus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob der Text in einer Zeile dargestellt werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Auswahltextfarbe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Auswahltextfarbe festgelegt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Auswahltextfarbe festgelegt ist"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "GrÃÃe des Akteurs abgleichen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
 "Die GrÃÃe des Akteurs automatisch auf die Abmessungen des zugrunde liegenden "
 "Pixbufs abgleichen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "Kacheln deaktivieren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1944,75 +1934,75 @@ msgstr ""
 "Erzwingt die SingularitÃt der zugrunde liegenden Textur und verhindert die "
 "Erzeugung kleinerer, Platz sparender individueller Texturen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "Kachelverschnitt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "Maximaler Verschnitt einer gekachelten Struktur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Horizontal wiederholen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Inhalt wird horizontal wiederholt, anstatt zu skalieren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Vertikal wiederholen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Inhalt wird vertikal wiederholt, anstatt zu skalieren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "FilterqualitÃt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "DarstellungsqualitÃt beim Zeichnen der Textur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Pixelformat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "Das zu verwendende Cogl-Pixelformat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Cogl-Textur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "Das unterliegende Handle der Cogl-Textur, das zum Zeichnen dieses Akteurs "
 "verwendet wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Cogl-Material"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "Das unterliegende Handle des Cogl-Materials, das zum Zeichnen dieses Akteurs "
 "verwendet wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "Der Pfad zur Datei, welche die Bilddaten enthÃlt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "SeitenverhÃltnis beibehalten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
@@ -2020,22 +2010,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Das SeitenverhÃltnis der Textur beibehalten, wenn eine gewÃnschte Breite "
 "oder HÃhe angefordert wird"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "Asynchron laden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "Dateien in einem separaten Thread laden, um ein Blockieren beim Laden von "
 "einem DatentrÃger zu vermeiden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "Daten asynchron laden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2043,193 +2033,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bilddaten in einem separaten Thread dekodieren, um Blockieren beim Laden von "
 "einem DatentrÃger zu verringern"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "Mit Alpha wÃhlen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Akteur mit Alphakanal bei der Auswahl formen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "Bilddaten konnten nicht geladen werden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "YUV-Texturen werden nicht unterstÃtzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "YUV2-Texturen werden nicht unterstÃtzt"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Automatischer Neustart der Zeitlinie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "VerzÃgerung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "VerzÃgerung vor dem Start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Dauer der Zeitlinie in Millisekunden"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "Richtung der Zeitlinie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "Automatische Umkehrung"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob die Richtung beim Erreichen des Endes automatisch umgekehrt "
 "werden soll"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "sysfs-Pfad"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Pfad des GerÃts in sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "GerÃtepfad"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Pfad des GerÃteknotens"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "Zu benutzende X-Anzeige"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "Zu benutzender X-Bildschirm"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "X-Aufrufe synchronisieren"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "XInput-UnterstÃtzung einschalten"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "Das Clutter-Backend"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "Zu bindendes X11-Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Breite der Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Die Breite der an diese Textur gebundenen Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "HÃhe der Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Die HÃhe der an diese Textur gebundenen Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Tiefe der Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Die Tiefe (in Bit) der an diese Textur gebundenen Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "Automatische Aktualisierungen"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob die Textur stets mit Ãnderungen der Pixmap abgeglichen werden "
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Fenster"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "Das X11-Fenster zur Bindung"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Automatische Fensterumleitung"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Legt fest, ob die Composite-Fensterumleitung automatisch erfolgt (oder "
 "manuell, wenn falsch)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "Fenster abgebildet"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Left fest, ob das Fenster abgebildet wird"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "ZerstÃrt"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Gibt an, ob das Fenster zerstÃrt worden ist"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X des Fensters"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "X-Position des Fensters auf dem Bildschirm laut X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Y des Fensters"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "Y-Position des Fensters auf dem Bildschirm laut X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "ÂOverride-Redirect von Fenster"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Legt fest, ob es sich um ein ÂOverride-RedirectÂ-Fenster handelt"
diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po
index a5b98d5..9858aa7 100644
--- a/po/en_GB.po
+++ b/po/en_GB.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-07 13:25+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bruce Cowan <bruce bcowan me uk>\n"
 "Language-Team: British English <en li org>\n"
@@ -826,61 +826,61 @@ msgstr "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogeneous"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all children get the same size"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Pack Start"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Spacing"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Spacing between children"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Use Animations"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Whether layout changes should be animated"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Easing Mode"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "The easing mode of the animations"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Easing Duration"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "The duration of the animations"
@@ -1169,59 +1169,59 @@ msgstr "Manager"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "The manager that created this data"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Show frames per second"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Default frame rate"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Make all warnings fatal"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Direction for the text"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Disable mipmapping on text"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutter debugging flags to set"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutter profiling flags to set"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Enable accessibility"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter Options"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Show Clutter Options"
diff --git a/po/eo.po b/po/eo.po
index 85c2cca..4c6f6ce 100644
--- a/po/eo.po
+++ b/po/eo.po
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter-1.0\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-01 11:10+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-01 17:21+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Kristjan SCHMIDT <kristjan schmidt googlemail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Esperanto <ubuntu-l10n-eo lists launchpad net>\n"
@@ -21,2168 +21,2142 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 14071)\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X-koordinato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "X-koordinato de la aganto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y-koordinato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Y-koordinato de la aganto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "LarÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "LarÄo de la aganto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "Alto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "Alto de la aganto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "Fiksita X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "Devigita X-pozicio de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "Fiksita Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "Devigita Y-pozicio de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "Agordis fiksitan pozicion"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Äu uzi fiksitan pozicion por la aktoro?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Minimuma larÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Demando pro devigita minimuma larÄo de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Minimuma alto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Demando pro devigita minimuma alto de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "Natura larÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Demando pro natura larÄo de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "Natura alto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Demando pro natura alto de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Agordis minimuman larÄon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Äu uzi la la atributon \"min-width\"?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "Agordis minimuman alton"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Äu uzi la la atributon \"min-height\"?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "Agordis naturan larÄon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Äu uzi la la atributon \"natural-width\"?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "Agordis naturan alton"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Äu uzi la la atributon \"natural-height\"?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "Atribuo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "La atribuo de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "PetreÄimo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "La petreÄimo de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Profundo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Pozicio sur la Z-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Opakeco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Opakeco de aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Videble"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Äu la aktoro estu videbla aÅ ne?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Äu la aktoro estu montrata?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Realigite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Äu la aktoro estu realigata?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Reagante"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Äu la aktoro estu reangante?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nomo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "Nomo de la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "X-skalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "Skalfaktoro sur la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Y-skalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Skalfaktoro sur la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Skalcentro de X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Horizontala skalcentro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Skalcentro de Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Vertikala skalcentro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "Skalgravito"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "La skalocentro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Rotaci-angulo de X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "La rotaci-angulo sur la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Rotaci-angulo de Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "La rotaci-angulo sur la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Rotaci-angulo de Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "La rotaci-angulo sur la Z-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Rotaci-centro de X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "La rotaci-centro sur la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Rotaci-centro de Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "La rotaci-centro sur la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Rotaci-centro de Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "La rotaci-centro sur la Z-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravito de la rotaci-centro de Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Centra punkto de la rotacio ÄirkaÅ la Z-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "X-ankro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "X-kordinato de la ankropunkto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Y-ankro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Y-kordinato de la ankropunkto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Ankrogravito"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "La ankropunkto kiel \"ClutterGravity\""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Montri en agorditan gepatran objekton"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Äu montri la aktoron estas subordigita al gepatra objekto?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "Tekstodirekto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "Direkto de la teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Havas montrilon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Äu la aktoro enhavas montrilon de enigaparato?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "Agoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "Aldonas agon al la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "Limigoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "Aldonas limigon al la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4733
-msgid "Effect"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4734
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add an effect to be applied on the actor"
-msgstr "Aldonas agon al la aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Aktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "EnÅaltite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Fonto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "La fonto de la Äisrandigo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "Äisrandiga akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "La akso al kiu Äisrandigi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Faktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "La Äisrandig-faktoro, inter 0.0 kaj 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Kronologio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Kronologio uzata de alfo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Alfo-valoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "ReÄimo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Progres-reÄimo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objekto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "DaÅro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "DaÅro de la animacio, per milisekundoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "Iteracio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Äu la animacio iteraciu?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "La kronologio uzata de la animacio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alfo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "La alfo uzata de la animacio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "La daÅro de la animacio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "La kronologio de la animacio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Komenca angulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Unua angulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Fina angulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Lasta angulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "Inklina angulo de la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "Inklina angulo de elipso Äe la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "Inklina angulo de la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "Inklina angulo de elipso Äe la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "Inklina angulo de la Z-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "Inklina angulo de elipso Äe la Z-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "LarÄo de la elipso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "Alto de la elipso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "Centro de la elipso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "Direkto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "Direkto de la rotacio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Komenca opakeco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "Komenca opakec-nivelo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Fina opakeco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "Fina opakec-nivelo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Vojo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "La ClutterPath-objekto figuras la vojon laÅ kiu animacio kuras"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Komenca angulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Fina angulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Akso de la rotacio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "X-centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "X-koordinato de la rotacia centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Y-centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Y-koordinato de la rotacia centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Z-centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Z-koordinato de la rotacia centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "Komenca X-skalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Komenca skalo sur la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "Fina X-skalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Fina skalo sur la X-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Komenca Y-skalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Komenca skalo sur la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Fina Y-skalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Fina skalo sur la Y-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "La fonto de la ligo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Koordinato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "La ligenda koordinato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "DeÅovo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Horizontala Äisrandigo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Vertikala Äisrandigo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Aspekt-administrilo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "La aspekt-administrilo uzata de la skatolo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1790
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Koloro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "La fono de la skatolo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "Agordis koloron"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Äu la fonon estas agordita?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Etendi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Horizantala plenigo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Vertikala plenigo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Interspaco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Uzi animaciojn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La daÅro de la animacioj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Ujo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "Premite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "Dauer des langen Drucks"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "Tinte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:547
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Horizontalaj kaheloj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:548
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "La nombro da horizontalaj kaheloj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:563
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Vertikalaj kaheloj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:564
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "La nombro da vertikalaj kaheloj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "La saturiga faktoro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Interno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "La Clutter-interno de la aparatadministrilo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "Treni prenilon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "La aktoro kiu estas trenota"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "Tren-akso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "OrientiÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "ID"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "La nomo de la aparato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Aparat-tipo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "La tipo de la aparato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "Aparat-administrilo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "La instanco de la aparatadministrilo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "Aparat-reÄimo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "La reÄimo de la aparato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "Havas kursoron"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Äu la aparato havas kursoron?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Äu la aparato estas enÅaltite?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "Nombro da aksoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "La nombro da aksoj de la aparato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "La instanco de la interno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Valor-tipo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Administrilo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Igi Äiujn avertojn fatalaj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Direkto de la teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Uzi âsvageâ-markojn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1343
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "EnÅalti atingeblon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1534
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opcioj de Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1535
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Montri la opciojn de Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "Ludante"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Progreso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "Adreso de subtekstoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Tiparnomo por subtekstoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "La tiparo por vidigi subtekstojn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "SonlaÅteco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "La laÅteco de la sono"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Eblas serÄi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "La daÅro de la fluo en sekundoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "La koloro de la ortangulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Borderkoloro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "La koloro de la bordero de la ortangulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "LarÄo de la bordero"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "La larÄo de la bordero de la ortangulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "Havas borderon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Äu la ortangulo havu borderon?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "Agordis dosiernomon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Äu la :filename-atributo estas agordita?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1067
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Dosiernomo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:426
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Duobla alklaktempo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:427
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:442
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "Duobla alklakdistanco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:443
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:458
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Åova sojlo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:459
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:474 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2995
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Tiparnomo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:475
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:490
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:507
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:508
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:546
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:547
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:568
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:569
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:611
-msgid "Password Hint Time"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:612
-msgid "How long to show the last input character in hidden entries"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:482
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:483
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "De eÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Al eÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1732
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1733
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1749
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "For de la ekrano"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1762 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3108
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Kursoro videbla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1763
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1777
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1791
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1805
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspektivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1806
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1821
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "Titolo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1822
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1837
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Uzi nebulon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1838
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1852
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Nebulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1853
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1869
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Uzi alfo-kanalon"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1870
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1886
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1887
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1903
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1904
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1917
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1918
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stato"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "Kolumnonumero"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "Viconumero"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2996
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "La tiparo uzota por la teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3013
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "Priskribo de la tiparo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3014
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "La uzota priskribo de la tiparo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3030
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3031
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "La bildigota teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3045
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Tiparkoloro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3046
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3060
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "Redakteble"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3061
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Äu la teksto estas redakteble?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3076
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "Elekteble"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3077
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Äu la teksto estas elekteble?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3091
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "Aktivigeble"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3092
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3109
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3123 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3124
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "Kursor-koloro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3138
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3139
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3154
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "Kursorogrando"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3155
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3169
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "Kursoropozicio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3170
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "La kursoropozicio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3185
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3186
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3201 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3202
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Koloro de la elektaÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3216
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Agordis elektaÄ-koloron"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3217
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Äu la elektaÄ-koloro estas agordite?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3232
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Atributoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3233
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3255
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3256
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3272
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Linifaldo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3273
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3288
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3289
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3304
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3305
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3321
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3322
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3338
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Äisrandigi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3339
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3354
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3355
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3369
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Maksimuma larÄo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3370
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3393
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3394
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3408 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3409
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Koloro de elektita teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3423
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Agordis koloro de elektita teksto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3424
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Äu la  koloro de elektita teksto estas agordite?"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:982
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:989
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:990
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:999
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1000
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1008
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Ripeti horizontale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1009
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Ripeti la enhavon horizontale, anstataÅ skali Äin"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1016
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Ripeti vertikale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1017
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Ripeti la enhavon vertikale, anstataÅ skali Äin"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1024
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1025
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1033
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1034
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1042
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1043
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1050
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1051
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1068
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1075
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1076
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1102
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1103
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1119
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1120
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1144
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "Elekti kun alfo-kanalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1145
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1543 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1926
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2020 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2301
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1689
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1698
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "Malfruigo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "Malfruigo antaÅ starto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Aparat-vojo"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "X-vidigilo uzota"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "X-ekrano uzota"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "Fari X-vokojn sinkrone"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "La Clutter-interno"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "AÅtomataj Äisdatigoj"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Fenestro"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "Detruite"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Se la fenestro estas detruita"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X de la fenestro"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "X-pozicio de la fenestro sur la ekrano laÅ X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "X de la fenestro"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "Y-pozicio de la fenestro sur la ekrano laÅ X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Add an effect to be applied on the actor"
+#~ msgstr "Aldonas agon al la aktoro"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
index 27fc9ec..75338db 100644
--- a/po/es.po
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 11:40+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jorge GonzÃlez <jorgegonz svn gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: EspaÃol; Castellano <gnome-es-list gnome org>\n"
@@ -831,62 +831,62 @@ msgstr "AlineaciÃn horizontal del actor en la celda"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "AlineacioÌn vertical del actor en la celda"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Indica si la distribuciÃn debe ser vertical, en lugar de horizontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomogeÌnea"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Indica si la distribuciÃn debe ser homogÃnea, ej. todos los hijos tienen el "
 "mismo tamaÃo"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Empaquetar al principio"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Indica si se empaquetan los elementos al principio de la caja"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Espaciado"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Espaciado entre hijos"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Usar animaciones"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Indica si se deben animar lo cambios en la distribuciÃn"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de desaceleraciÃn"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "El modo de desaceleraciÃn de las animaciones"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "DuraciÃn de la desaceleraciÃn"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La duraciÃn de las animaciones"
@@ -1176,59 +1176,59 @@ msgstr "Gestor"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "El gestor que ha creado este dato"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Mostrar fotogramas por segundo"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Velocidad de fotogramas predeterminada"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Hacer que todos los avisos actuÌen como errores"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "DirecciÃn del texto"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Desactivar Âmipmapping en el texto"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Usar selecciÃn ÂdifusaÂ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Opciones de depuracioÌn de Clutter que establecer"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Opciones de depuracioÌn de Clutter que no establecer"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Opciones de perfil de Clutter que establecer"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Opciones de perfil de Clutter que no establecer"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Activar accesibilidad"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opciones de Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Mostrar las opciones de Clutter"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index 93857ab..dcfe821 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -8,806 +8,805 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter 1.3.14\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-23 16:31+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-12 22:43+0200 \n"
 "Last-Translator: Bruno Brouard <annoa b gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: GNOME French Team <gnomefr traduc org>\n"
+"Language: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe X de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe X de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Largeur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "Largeur de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "Hauteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "Hauteur de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "Position fixe selon l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "Position fixe de l'acteur selon l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "Position fixe selon l'axe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "Position fixe de l'acteur selon l'axe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "Position fixe renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur utilise un positionnement fixe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Largeur minimale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "RequÃte de largeur minimale forcÃe pour l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Hauteur maximale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "RequÃte de hauteur minimale forcÃe pour l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "Largeur naturelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "RequÃte de largeur naturelle forcÃe pour l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "Hauteur Naturelle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "RequÃte de hauteur naturelle forcÃe pour l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Largeur minimale renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Indique si la largeur minimale a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "Hauteur minimale renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Indique si la hauteur minimale a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "Largeur naturelle renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Indique si la largeur naturelle a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "Hauteur naturelle renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Indique si la hauteur naturelle a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "Allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "L'allocation de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "Mode de requÃte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "Le mode de requÃte de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Profondeur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Position sur l'axe Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "OpacitÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Opacità d'un acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Redirection hors Ãcran"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "Drapeaux contrÃlant la mise à plat de l'acteur sur une seule image"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Indique si un acteur est visible ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "TracÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur sera peint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "RÃalisÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur a Ãtà rÃalisÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "RÃactif"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur est rÃactif ou pas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "A une rÃgion de rognage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur a une rÃgion de rognage ou pas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "Rognage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "Le rÃgion de rognage de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nom"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "Nom de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie (X)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "Facteur d'homothÃtie sur l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Facteur d'homothÃtie sur l'axe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Centre d'homothÃtie (X)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Centre d'homothÃtie horizontale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Centre d'homothÃtie (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Centre d'homothÃtie verticale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie par rapport au centre de gravitÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "Le centre d'homothÃtie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Angle de rotation (X)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "L'angle de rotation autour de l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Angle de rotation (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "L'angle de rotation autour de l'axe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Angle de rotation (Z)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "L'angle de rotation autour de l'axe Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Centre de rotation (X)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "Le centre de rotation sur l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Centre de rotation (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Le centre de rotation sur l'axe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Centre de rotation (Z)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Le centre de rotation sur l'axe Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Rotation autour du centre de gravità suivant Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Point central pour la rotation autour de l'axe Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Ancre (X)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe suivant X du point d'ancrage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Ancre (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe suivant Y du point d'ancrage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Ancre sur le centre de gravitÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "Le point d'ancrage est le ÂÂClutterGravityÂÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Affichage si paramÃtrage du pÃre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur est affichà lorsque son pÃre est configurÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Coupure d'allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "DÃfinit la rÃgion de la coupure pour dÃtecter l'allocation de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "Direction du texte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "La direction du texte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Contient le pointeur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur contient le pointer d'un pÃriphÃrique d'entrÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "Actions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "Ajoute une action à l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "Contraintes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "Ajoute une contrainte à l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "L'acteur attachà au mÃta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "Le nom du mÃta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ActivÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Indique si le mÃta est activÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Source"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "La source de l'alignement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "L'axe d'alignement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "L'axe par rapport auquel aligner la position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Facteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "Le facteur d'alignement, entre 0.0 et 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Axe temporel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "L'axe temporel utilisà par l'alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Valeur de l'alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "La valeur calculÃe par l'alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Mode de progression"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objet"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "L'objet sur lequel l'animation s'applique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "Le mode d'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "DurÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "La durÃe de l'animation, en millisecondes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "Boucler"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Indique si l'animation doit boucler"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "L'axe temporel utilisà par l'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "L'alpha utilisà pour l'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "La durÃe de l'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "L'axe temporel de l'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "Objet alpha a partir duquel dÃriver le comportement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "Profondeur de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "Profondeur initiale à appliquer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Profondeur d'arrivÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "Profondeur finale à appliquer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Angle de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Angle initial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Angle d'arrivÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Angle final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "Angle inclinaison x"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "Inclinaison de l'ellipse autour de l'axe x"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "Angle inclinaison y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "Inclinaison de l'ellipse autour de l'axe y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "Angle inclinaison z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "Inclinaison de l'ellipse autour de l'axe z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Largeur de l'ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "Hauteur de l'ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "Centre de l'ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "Direction"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "Direction de la rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Opacità de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "Niveau initial d'opacitÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Opacità d'arrivÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "Niveau final d'opacitÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Chemin"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "L'objet ClutterPath qui reprÃsente le chemin que l'animation suit"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Angle de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Angle d'arrivÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Axe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Axe de rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "Centre (X)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe X du centre de rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Centre (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe Y du centre de rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Centre (Z)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe Z du centre de rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie (X) de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Facteur initial d'homothÃtie selon l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie (X) de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Facteur final d'homothÃtie selon l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie (Y) de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Facteur initial d'homothÃtie selon l'axe Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "HomothÃtie (Y) de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Facteur final d'homothÃtie selon l'axe X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "La source du lien"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "CoordonnÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "La coordonnÃe à lier"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "DÃcalage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "Le dÃcalage, en pixels, Ã appliquer au lien"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "Le nom unique de l'ensemble des liens"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Alignement horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alignement horizontal de l'acteur à l'intÃrieur du gestionnaire de "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Alignement vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alignement vertical de l'acteur à l'intÃrieur du gestionnaire de disposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alignement horizontal par dÃfaut des acteurs à l'intÃrieur du gestionnaire "
 "de disposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alignement vertical par dÃfaut des acteurs à l'intÃrieur du gestionnaire de "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Gestionnaire de disposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "Le gestionnaire de disposition utilisà par la boite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Couleur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "La couleur de fond de la boite"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "Couleur renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Indique si la couleur de fond a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Ãtendre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "Alloue de l'espace supplÃmentaire pour l'enfant"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Remplissage horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -815,11 +814,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Indique si l'enfant doit Ãtre prioritaire lorsque le conteneur alloue de "
 "l'espace supplÃmentaire sur l'axe horizontal ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Remplissage vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -827,583 +826,576 @@ msgstr ""
 "Indique si l'enfant doit Ãtre prioritaire lorsque le conteneur alloue de "
 "l'espace supplÃmentaire sur l'axe vertical ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alignement horizontal de l'acteur dans la cellule"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alignement vertical de l'acteur dans la cellule"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Indique si l'agencement doit Ãtre vertical plutÃt qu'horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomogÃne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si l'agencement doit Ãtre homogÃne, c-Ã-d si tous les enfants "
 "doivent obtenir la mÃme taille"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Empaqueter au dÃbut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Indique s'il faut empaqueter les ÃlÃments au dÃbut de la boÃte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Espacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Espacement entre les enfants"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Utilise les animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Indique si les changements de position doivent Ãtre animÃs ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Mode d'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "Le mode d'animation des animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "DurÃe animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La durÃe des animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "Largeur de la surface"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "La largeur de la surface Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "Hauteur de la surface"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "La hauteur de la surface Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "Redimensionnement automatique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Indique si la surface doit correspondre à la celle allouÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Conteneur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "Le conteneur qui a crÃÃ cette donnÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "L'acteur contenu dans ces donnÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "EnfoncÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Indique si l'objet cliquable doit Ãtre dans l'Ãtat enfoncÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "AttrapÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Indique si l'objet cliquable peut Ãtre attrapÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "DurÃe avant appui long"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "La durÃe minimale d'un appui long pour reconnaÃtre le mouvement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "Expiration d'appui long"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "La durÃe maximale avant qu'un appui long soit annulÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "PrÃcise l'acteur à cloner"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "Teinte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "La teinte à appliquer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Tuiles horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "Le nombre de tuiles horizontales"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Tuiles verticales"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "Le nombre de tuiles verticales"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "MatÃriau de l'arriÃre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "Le matÃriau à utiliser lors du dessin de l'arriÃre de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "Le facteur de dÃsaturation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Backend"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "Le ClutterBackend du gestionnaire de pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Seuil de dÃplacement horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
 "Le nombre horizontal de pixels nÃcessaire pour dÃclencher un dÃplacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Seuil de dÃplacement vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "Le nombre vertical de pixels nÃcessaire pour dÃclencher un dÃplacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "PoignÃe de dÃplacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "L'acteur en cours de dÃplacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "DÃplacement selon un axe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "Contraint le dÃplacement selon un axe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "Orientation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "L'orientation de la disposition"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Indique si l'ÃlÃment doit recevoir la mÃme allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "Espace entre colonnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "L'espace entre les colonnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "Espace entre lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "L'espace entre les lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Largeur minimale de colonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "Largeur minimale pour chaque colonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "Largeur maximale de colonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "Largeur maximale pour chaque colonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "Hauteur minimale de ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "Hauteur minimale pour chaque ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "Hauteur maximale de ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "Hauteur maximale pour chaque ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Id"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "L'identifiant unique du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "Le nom du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Type de pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "Le type du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "Gestionnaire de pÃriphÃriques"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "L'instance du gestionnaire de pÃriphÃriques"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "Mode du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "Le mode du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "A un curseur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Indique si le pÃriphÃrique a un curseur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Indique si le pÃriphÃrique est activÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "Le nombre d'axes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "Le nombre d'axes du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "L'instance du moteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Type de valeur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "Le type des valeurs dans l'intervalle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Gestionnaire"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Le gestionnaire qui a crÃÃ ces donnÃes"
-#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
-#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
-#. *
-#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR": if it
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Afficher le nombre d'images par seconde"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Nombre d'images par seconde par dÃfaut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Rendre tous les avertissements fatals"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Sens des textes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "DÃsactiver le MIP mapping pour le texte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Utiliser la sÃlection ÂÂapproximativeÂÂ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Drapeau de dÃbogage de Clutter à activer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Drapeau de dÃbogage de Clutter à dÃsactiver"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Drapeau de profilage de Clutter à activer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Drapeau de profilage de Clutter à dÃsactiver"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Activer l'accessibilitÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Options de Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Afficher les options de Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "URI d'un fichier mÃdia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "Lecture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Indique si l'acteur est en cours de lecture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Progression"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "La progression actuelle de la lecture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "URI des sous-titres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "L'URI d'un fichier de sous-titres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Nom de la police des sous-titres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "La police à utiliser pour afficher les sous-titres"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "Volume audio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "Le volume de la piste audio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Peut rechercher"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Indique si on peut faire des recherches dans le flux actuel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "Niveau du buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "Le niveau de remplissage du buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "La durÃe du flux, en secondes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "Le chemin utilisà pour contraindre un acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "Le dÃcalage le long du chemin, entre -1.0 et 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "La couleur du rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Couleur de la bordure"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "La couleur de la bordure du rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Largeur de la bordure"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "La largeur de la bordure du rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "PossÃde une bordure"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Indique si le rectangle doit possÃder une bordure"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "ÂÂFilenameÂÂ dÃfini"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Indique si la propriÃtà :filename est dÃfinie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nom de fichier"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "Le chemin du fichier actuellement analysÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "DÃlai du double-clic"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "Le dÃlai entre les clics nÃcessaire pour dÃtecter un clic multiple"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "Distance du double-clic"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "La distance entre les clics nÃcessaire pour dÃtecter un clic multiple"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Seuil de dÃplacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
 "La distance que doit parcourir le curseur avant le dÃbut d'un dÃplacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Nom de la police"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
 "La description de la police par dÃfaut, sous une forme telle qu'elle "
 "pourrait Ãtre analysÃe par Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "Lissage des polices"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1411,518 +1403,518 @@ msgstr ""
 "S'il faut utiliser le lissage (1 pour activer, 0 pour dÃsactiver et -1 pour "
 "utiliser la valeur par dÃfaut)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "PPP de la police"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "La rÃsolution de la police, en 1024 Ã points/pouces, ou -1 pour utiliser la "
 "valeur par dÃfaut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "Optimisation de la police"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "S'il faut utiliser l'optimisation (1 pour activer, 0 pour dÃsactiver et -1 "
 "pour utiliser la valeur par dÃfaut)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Style d'optimisation des polices"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "Le style d'optimisation (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "Ordre sous-pixel des polices"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "Le type de lissage sous-pixel (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "La durÃe minimale pour qu'un geste appui long soit identifiÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Horodatage de la configuration de fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "Horodatage de la configuration actuelle de fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Source de vertex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Source du shader vertex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Source de fragment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Source du shader fragment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "CompilÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Indique si le shader est compilà et liÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Indique si le shader est activÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "Ãchec de la compilation de %sÂ: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Shader vertex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Shader fragment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "Type de shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "Le type de shader utilisÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "La source de la contrainte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Bord de dÃpart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Le bord de l'acteur qui doit Ãtre attrapÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Bord d'arrivÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Le bord de la source qui doit Ãtre attrapÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "Le dÃcalage, en pixels, à appliquer à la contrainte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "Plein Ãcran renseignÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Indique si la scÃne principale est en plein Ãcran"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Hors Ãcran"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "Indique si la scÃne principale doit Ãtre rendue hors Ãcran"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Curseur visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si le pointeur de la souris est visible sur la scÃne principale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "Redimensionnable par l'utilisateur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si la scÃne peut Ãtre redimensionnÃe par des interactions de "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "La couleur de la scÃne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspective"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "ParamÃtres de projection de la perspective"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "Titre"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "Titre de la scÃne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Utiliser le brouillard"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Indique s'il faut activer la troncature d'arriÃre-plan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Brouillard"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "ParamÃtrages de la troncature d'arriÃre-plan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Utiliser l'alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "S'il faut respecter le composant alpha de la couleur de la scÃne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "Focus clavier"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "L'acteur possÃdant actuellement le focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Aucun indicateur d'effacement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Indique si la scÃne doit effacer son contenu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "Accepte le focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Indique si la scÃne doit accepter le focus à l'affichage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Ãtat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
 "Ãtat actuellement dÃfini (il se peut que la transition vers cet Ãtat ne soit "
 "pas achevÃe)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "DurÃe de la transition par dÃfaut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "NumÃro de la colonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "La colonne dans laquelle l'ÃlÃment graphique se situe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "NumÃro de la ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "La ligne sur laquelle l'ÃlÃment graphique se situe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "Extension de colonne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "Le nombre de colonnes sur lequel s'Ãtend l'ÃlÃment graphique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "Extension de ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "Le nombre de lignes sur lequel s'Ãtend l'ÃlÃment graphique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "Remplissage horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "Alloue de l'espace supplÃmentaire pour l'enfant sur l'axe horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "Remplissage vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "Alloue de l'espace supplÃmentaire pour l'enfant sur l'axe vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Espacement entre les colonnes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Espacement entre les lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "La police à utiliser par le texte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "Description de la police"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "La description de la police à utiliser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Texte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "Le texte à afficher"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Couleur de la police"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "La couleur de la police utilisÃe par le texte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "Modifiable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Indique si le texte est modifiable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "SÃlectionnable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Indique si le texte est sÃlectionnable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "Activable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si une pression sur la touche entrÃe entraine l'Ãmission du signal "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Indique si le curseur de saisie est visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "La couleur du curseur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "Couleur du curseur renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Indique si la couleur du curseur a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "Taille du curseur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "La taille du curseur, en pixels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "La position du curseur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "La position du curseur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "Lià à la sÃlection"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "La position de curseur de l'autre bout de la la sÃlection"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Couleur de la sÃlection"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Couleur de la sÃlection renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Indique si la couleur de la sÃlection a Ãtà renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Attributs"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "Une liste d'attributs stylistiques à appliquer au contenu de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Utiliser le balisage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Indique si le texte inclut des balises Pango ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Coupure des lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "Si dÃfini, coupe les lignes si le texte devient trop long"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "Mode de coupure des lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "ContrÃle la faÃon dont les lignes sont coupÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "Faire une ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "L'emplacement prÃfÃrà pour mettre une ellipse dans la chaÃne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Alignement des lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr ""
 "L'alignement prÃfÃrà pour la chaÃne, pour les textes sur plusieurs lignes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "JustifiÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Indique si le texte doit Ãtre justifiÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "CaractÃre de mot de passe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si diffÃrent de zÃro, utiliser ce caractÃre pour afficher le contenu "
 "de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Longueur maximale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "Longueur maximale du texte à l'intÃrieur de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "Mode une seule ligne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Indique si le texte doit Ãtre affichà en une seule ligne ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Couleur du texte sÃlectionnÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Couleur du texte sÃlectionnà renseignÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Indique si la couleur du texte sÃlectionnà a Ãtà renseignÃe ou non"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "Synchronise la taille de l'acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
 "Synchronisation de la taille de l'acteur avec les dimensions du pixbuf sous-"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "DÃsactive le dÃcoupage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1930,72 +1922,72 @@ msgstr ""
 "Force la texture sous-jacente à Ãtre singuliÃre et non composÃe de plus "
 "petites sous-textures Ãconomes en espace"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "Perte de mosaÃque"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "Zone maximale de perte d'une texture par morceaux"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "RÃpÃtition horizontale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "RÃpÃte le contenu plutÃt de le redimensionner horizontalement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "RÃpÃtition verticale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "RÃpÃte le contenu plutÃt de le redimensionner verticalement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "Qualità de filtrage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "La qualità de rendu utilisÃe lors du dessin de la texture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Format des pixels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "Le format des pixels Cogl à utiliser"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Texture Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "L'animateur de texture Cogl sous-jacent utilisà pour tracer cet acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "MatÃriel Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "L'animateur de matÃriel Cogl sous-jacent utilisà pour tracer cet acteur"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "Le chemin du fichier contenant les donnÃes de l'image"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "Conserver le rapport d'affichage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
@@ -2003,22 +1995,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Conserve le rapport d'affichage de la texture au moment d'une requÃte de "
 "largeur ou hauteur prÃfÃrÃe"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "Chargement asynchrone"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "Charger les fichiers à l'intÃrieur d'un thread pour Ãviter un blocage lors "
 "du chargement des images à partir du disque"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "Charger les donnÃes de maniÃre asynchrone"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2026,191 +2018,187 @@ msgstr ""
 "DÃcode les fichiers de donnÃes d'image à l'intÃrieur d'un thread pour Ãviter "
 "un blocage lors du chargement des images à partir du disque"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "SÃlection avec alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Acteur de forme avec canal alpha lors d'une sÃlection"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "Impossible de charger les donnÃes de l'image"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "Les textures YUV ne sont pas prises en charge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "Les textures YUV2 ne sont pas prises en charge"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Est-ce que l'axe temporel doit redÃmarrer automatiquement"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "DÃlai"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "Le dÃlai avant de dÃmarrer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "La durÃe de l'axe temporel, en millisecondes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "Direction de l'animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "Retour automatique"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "Indique si le sens doit-Ãtre inversà lorsque la fin est atteinte"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "Chemin sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Le chemin du pÃriphÃrique dans sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Chemin du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Le chemin du nÅud du pÃriphÃrique"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "Affichage X Ã utiliser"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "Ãcran X Ã utiliser"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "Rendre les appels X synchrones"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "Activer le support XInput"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "Le moteur Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "Le pixmap X11 Ã lier"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Largeur du pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "La largeur du pixmap lià à cette texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "Hauteur du pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "La hauteur du pixmap lià à cette texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Profondeur du pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "La profondeur (en nombre de bits) du pixmap lià à cette texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "Mises à jour automatiques"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si la texture doit rester synchronisÃe avec les modifications du "
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "FenÃtre"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "La fenÃtre X11 Ã lier"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Canal de fenÃtre automatique"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Indique si le canal de la fenÃtre composite est dÃfini à ÂÂAutomatic (ou "
 "ÂÂManualÂÂ si faux)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "FenÃtre tracÃe"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Indique si la fenÃtre est tracÃe"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "DÃtruite"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Indique si la fenÃtre a Ãtà dÃtruite"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "FenÃtre (X)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "La coordonnÃe X de la fenÃtre selon X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "FenÃtre (Y)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "La coordonnÃe Y de la fenÃtre selon X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "FenÃtre Override Redirect"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Indique si cette fenÃtre possÃde l'attribut override-redirect"
diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po
index 0043c0e..8951cfe 100644
--- a/po/gl.po
+++ b/po/gl.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-04 18:18+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team: Galician <kde-i18n-doc kde org>\n"
@@ -828,62 +828,62 @@ msgstr "AliÃamento horizontal do actor dentro da cela"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "AliÃamento vertical do actor dentro da cela"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Cando o deseÃo debe ser vertical ou quizais horizontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomoxÃneo"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Cando o deseÃo debe ser homoxÃneo, p.ex. todos os fillos deben obter o mesmo "
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Agrupamento inicial"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Cando se agrupan os elementos no inicio da caixa"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Espazado"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Espazamento entre os fillos"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Usar animaciÃns"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Cando os cambios no deseÃo deben ser animados"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Modo relaxado"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "O modo relaxado nas animaciÃns"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "DuraciÃn do relaxamento"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "A duraciÃn das animaciÃns"
@@ -1172,59 +1172,59 @@ msgstr "Xestor"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "O xestor que creou estes datos"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Mostrar cadros por segundo"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Taxa predeterminada de cadros"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Facer que todos os avisos sexan fatais"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "DirecciÃn para o texto"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Desactivar mipmapping no texto"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Usar recolecciÃn ÂdifusaÂ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Bandeiras de depuraciÃn  de Clutter que seleccionar"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Bandeiras de depuraciÃn de Cluter que deseleccionar"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Bandeiras de perfilado de Clutter que estabelecer"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Bandeiras de perfilado de Clutter que desestabelecer"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Activar a accesibilidade"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "OpciÃns de Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Mostrar as opciÃns de Clutter"
diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
index ad9abea..1403320 100644
--- a/po/hi.po
+++ b/po/hi.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter.po.master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-13 14:40+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Rajesh <rranjan>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hindi <hindi>\n"
@@ -825,60 +825,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "ààààà àà ààà ààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "àà ààà àà àààààà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "àà ààà àà àààà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "àà ààà àà àààà"
@@ -1167,59 +1167,59 @@ msgstr "ààààààà"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "ààà àà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà àààààà"
diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po
index 14428ba..080bba9 100644
--- a/po/id.po
+++ b/po/id.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-15 04:03+0700\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andika Triwidada <andika gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: GNOME Indonesian Translation Team <gnome i15n org>\n"
@@ -828,61 +828,61 @@ msgstr "Perataan horisontal dari aktor dalam sel"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Perataan vertikal dari aktor dalam sel"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Apakah tata letak mesti vertikal daripada horisontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogen"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Apakah tata letak mesti homogen, yaitu semua anak mendapat ukuran yang sama"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Pak Awal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Apakah mengepak butir-butir di awal kotak"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Sela"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Sela antar anak"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Gunakan Animasi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Apakah perubahan tata letak mesti dianimasi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Moda Perpindahan"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "Mode perpindahan dari animasi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Durasi perpindahan"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Durasi animasi"
@@ -1171,59 +1171,59 @@ msgstr "Manajer"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Manajer yang membuat data ini"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Tampilkan frame per detik"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Laju frame baku"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Jadikan semua peringatan dianggap fatal"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Arah teks"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Matikan mipmap pada teks"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Gunakan pemetikan fuzzy"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Flag pengawakutuan Clutter yang akan ditata"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Flag pengawakutuan yang akan dibebaskan"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Flag pemrofilan Clutter yang akan ditata"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Flag pemrofilan Clutter yang akan dibebaskan"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Aktifkan aksesibilitas"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opsi Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Tampilkan Opsi Clutter"
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
index a7c1fa1..20f49e0 100644
--- a/po/it.po
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-20 16:59+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Luca Ferretti\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
@@ -831,62 +831,62 @@ msgstr "Allineamento orizzontale dell'attore all'interno della cella"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Allineamento verticale dell'attore all'interno della cella"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Verticale"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Se il layout dovrebbe essere verticale, invece che orizzontale"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Omogeneo"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Se il layout dovrebbe essere omogeneo, per esempoi tutti i figli alla stessa "
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Raggruppamento iniziale"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Se raggruppare gli elementi all'inizio del box"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Spaziatura"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Spaziatura tra i figli"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Usa animazioni"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Se i cambiamenti al layout dovrebbero essere animati"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "La durata delle animazioni"
@@ -1184,59 +1184,59 @@ msgstr "Gestore"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Il gestore che ha creato questo dato"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Mostra i fotogrammi per secondo"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Framerate predefinito"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Rende tutti i warning critici"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Direzione del testo"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Disabilita il mipmapping sul testo"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Usa il picking \"fuzzy\""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Flag per il debug di Clutter da attivare"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Flag per il debug di Clutter da disattivare"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Flag per il profiling di Clutter da attivare"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Flag per il profiling di Clutter da disattivare"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Attiva l'accessibilitÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opzioni di Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Mostra le opzioni di Clutter"
diff --git a/po/kn.po b/po/kn.po
index 2e7a3a3..d8dbbde 100644
--- a/po/kn.po
+++ b/po/kn.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-15 23:16+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Shankar Prasad <svenkate redhat com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Kannada <kn li org>\n"
@@ -823,60 +823,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1165,59 +1165,59 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po
index eadb5e3..a3dbc5d 100644
--- a/po/lt.po
+++ b/po/lt.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-14 20:07+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Aurimas Äernius <aurisc4 gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Lithuanian <gnome-lt lists akl lt>\n"
@@ -827,61 +827,61 @@ msgstr "Horizontalus aktoriaus lygiavimas lÄstelÄje"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Vertikalus aktoriaus lygiavimas lÄstelÄje"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikalus"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Ar iÅdÄstymas turi bÅti vertikalus, uÅuot buvÄs horizontalus"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Vienalytis"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Ar iÅdÄstymas turi bÅti vienalytis, t. y. visi vaikai yra to paties dydÅio"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Pakuoti pradÅioje"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Ar pakuoti elementus dÄÅutÄs pradÅioje"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Tarpai"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Tarpai tarp vaikÅ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Naudoti animacijas"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Ar iÅdÄstymo pasikeitimai turi bÅti animuoti"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Lengvinimo veiksena"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "Lengvinimo veiksena animacijoms"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Lengvinimo trukmÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "AnimacijÅ trukmÄ"
@@ -1170,59 +1170,59 @@ msgstr "TvarkyklÄ"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "TvarkyklÄ, sukÅrusi Åiuos duomenis"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Rodyti kadrus per sekundÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Numatytasis kadrÅ daÅnis"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Paversti visus ÄspÄjimus lemtingais"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Teksto kryptis"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Drausti teksto miniatiÅras"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Naudoti âneaiÅkÅâ pasirinkimÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Nustatomi clutter derinimo poÅymiai"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "IÅjungiami clutter derinimo poÅymiai"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Nustatomi clutter profiliavimo poÅymiai"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "IÅjungiami clutter profiliavimo poÅymiai"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Äjungti pritaikymÄ neÄgaliesiems"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter parinktys"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Rodyti Clutter parinktis"
diff --git a/po/lv.po b/po/lv.po
index 77f5a44..0dfbf35 100644
--- a/po/lv.po
+++ b/po/lv.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-06 00:26+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: RÅdofls Mazurs <rudolfs mazurs gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Latvian <lata-l10n googlegroups com>\n"
@@ -828,61 +828,61 @@ msgstr "IzpildÄtÄja horizontÄlais lÄdzinÄjums ÅÅnÄ"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "IzpildÄtÄja vertikÄlais lÄdzinÄjums ÅÅnÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "VertikÄls"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Vai izkÄrtojumam jÄbÅt drÄzÄk vertikÄlam, nevis horizontÄlam"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "ViendabÄgs"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Vai izkÄrtojumam jÄbÅt viendabÄgam, tas ir, visiem bÄrniem ir vienÄds izmÄrs"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Pakas sÄkums"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Vai pakot vienumus kastes sÄkumÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Atstatums"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Atstarpes starp bÄrniem"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Lietot animÄcijas"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Vai vajadzÄtu animÄt izkÄrtojuma izmaiÅas"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "AnimÄciju ilgums"
@@ -1171,59 +1171,59 @@ msgstr "PÄrvaldnieks"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "PÄrvaldnieks, kas ir izveidojis Åos datus"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "RÄdÄt kadrus sekundÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "NoklusÄtais kadru Ätrums"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "AtzÄmÄt visus brÄdinÄjumus kÄ fatÄlus"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Teksta virziens"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "DeaktivÄt mip-kartÄÅanu uz teksta"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Lietot 'aptuveno' izvÄli"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "IestatÄmie Clutter atkÄÅdoÅanas karodziÅi"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "NoÅemamie Clutter atkÄÅdoÅanas karodziÅi"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "IestatÄmie Clutter profilÄÅanas karodziÅi"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "NoÅemamie Clutter profilÄÅanas karodziÅi"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "IeslÄgt pieejamÄbu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter opcijas"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "RÄdÄt Clutter opcijas"
diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po
index 494c8d9..8495d2a 100644
--- a/po/nb.po
+++ b/po/nb.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter 1.7.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-26 13:26+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Norwegian bokmÃl <i18n-nb lister ping uio no>\n"
@@ -821,60 +821,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogen"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Mellomrom"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Mellomrom mellom barn"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Bruk animasjoner"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Varighet pà animasjonene"
@@ -1164,59 +1164,59 @@ msgstr "HÃndterer"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Vis rammer per sekund"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Retning for teksten"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
index 91ee027..80f443d 100644
--- a/po/nl.po
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-22 15:07+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: redmar <redmar ubuntu-nl org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Dutch <nl li org>\n"
@@ -829,62 +829,62 @@ msgstr "Horizontale uitlijning van de actor binnen de cel"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Verticale uitlijning van de actor binnen de cel"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Verticaal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Of de lay-out verticaal moet zijn, in plaats van horizontaal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogeen"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Of de lay-out homogeen moet zijn, d.w.z. dat alle kinderen even veel ruimte "
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Vul begin"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Of items aan het begin van de box moeten worden geplaatst"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Ruimte"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Ruimte tussen kinderen"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Gebruik animaties"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Of veranderingen in de lay-out geanimeerd moeten worden"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Easing-modus"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "De easing-modus van de animaties"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Duur van easing"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "De duur van de animaties"
@@ -1185,59 +1185,59 @@ msgstr "Manager"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "De manager die deze data heeft aangemaakt"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Frames per seconde weergeven"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Standaard framerate"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Maak alle waarschuwingen fataal"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Richting voor de tekst"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Mipmapping op tekst uitschakelen"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "'fuzzy' uitzoeken gebruiken"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "In te stellen Clutter-debugvlaggen"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Uit te schakelen Clutter-debugvlaggen"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "In te stellen Clutter-profiling-tags"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Uit te schakelen Clutter-profiling-tags"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Toegankelijkheid inschakelen"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter-opties"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter-opties weerheven"
diff --git a/po/or.po b/po/or.po
index e413b43..f5d9678 100644
--- a/po/or.po
+++ b/po/or.po
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-23 12:40+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Oriya <or li org>\n"
@@ -823,60 +823,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "àà àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1165,59 +1165,59 @@ msgstr "ààààààà"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààààààààà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter ààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààààà ààààààààà"
@@ -2154,4 +2154,3 @@ msgstr ""
 #: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po
index cd6b53f..acb54a1 100644
--- a/po/pa.po
+++ b/po/pa.po
@@ -5,2172 +5,2154 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-22 10:41+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-23 07:24+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: A S Alam <aalam users sf net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Punjabi/Panjabi <punjabi-users lists sf net>\n"
+"Language: pa\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: pa\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà X ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà Y ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "àààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààààà X àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "àààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààààà Y àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "àà àààà àà àààà ààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "àààà-ààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "àààà-ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "ààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "ààà-àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "àààà àà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "àààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "àààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "àààà-àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "ààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "àààààà, ààà àà àà àààà ààààà àà"
-#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
-#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
-#. *
-#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR": if it
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:426
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:427
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:442
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:443
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:458
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:459
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:474 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2995
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:475
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:490
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:507
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "àààà DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:508
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:546
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:547
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:568
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:569
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:611
-msgid "Password Hint Time"
-msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:612
-msgid "How long to show the last input character in hidden entries"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3108
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2996
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3013
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3014
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3030
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3031
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà àà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3045
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3046
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3060
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3061
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3076
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3077
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3091
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3092
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3109
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3123 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3124
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3138
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3139
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3154
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3155
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3169
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3170
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3185
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3186
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3201 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3202
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3216
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3217
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3232
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3233
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3255
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3256
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3272
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3273
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3288
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3289
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3304
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3305
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3321
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3322
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3338
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3339
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3354
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3355
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3369
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3370
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3393
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3394
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3408 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3409
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3423
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3424
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "ààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "ààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Password Hint Time"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà"
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
index dff9b70..17ede5d 100644
--- a/po/pl.po
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-08 21:55+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Piotr DrÄg <piotrdrag gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Polish <gnomepl aviary pl>\n"
@@ -830,62 +830,62 @@ msgstr "Poziome wyrÃwnanie aktora wewnÄtrz komÃrki"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Pionowe wyrÃwnanie aktora wewnÄtrz komÃrki"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Pionowe"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "OkreÅla, czy ukÅad powinien byÄ pionowy, zamiast poziomego"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogeniczny"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "OkreÅla, czy ukÅad powinien byÄ homogeniczny, tzn. wszyscy potomkowie "
 "otrzymujÄ ten sam rozmiar"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "PoczÄtek pakowania"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "OkreÅla, czy pakowaÄ elementy na poczÄtku pola"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "OdstÄp"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "OdstÄp miÄdzy potomkami"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "UÅycie animacji"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "OkreÅla, czy zmiany ukÅadu powinny byÄ animowane"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Tryb upraszczania"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "Tryb upraszczania animacji"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Czas trwania upraszczania"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Czas trwania animacji"
@@ -1174,59 +1174,59 @@ msgstr "MenedÅer"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "MenedÅer, ktÃry utworzyÅ te dane"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "WyÅwietla liczbÄ klatek na sekundÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "DomyÅlna liczba klatek na sekundÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Wszystkie ostrzeÅenia sÄ krytyczne"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Kierunek tekstu"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "WyÅÄcza mipmapowanie na tekÅcie"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "UÅywa wybierania \"rozmytego\""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Flagi debugowania biblioteki Clutter do ustawienia"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Flagi debugowania biblioteki Clutter do usuniÄcia"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Flagi profilowania biblioteki Clutter do ustawienia"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Flagi profilowania biblioteki Clutter do usuniÄcia"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "WÅÄcza dostÄpnoÅÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opcje biblioteki Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "WyÅwietla opcje biblioteki Clutter"
diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po
index ba77bed..f1ef1c3 100644
--- a/po/pt.po
+++ b/po/pt.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 3.2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-21 00:38+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-21 00:40+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Portuguese <gnome_pt yahoogroups com>\n"
@@ -17,791 +17,789 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Coordenada X do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Largura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "Largura do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "Altura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "Altura do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "X Fixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo X forÃada do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "Y Fixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo Y forÃada do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "Conjunto de posiÃÃo fixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Se utilizar ou nÃo posiÃÃo forÃada para o actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Largura MÃn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Largura forÃada mÃnima requerida para o actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Altura MÃn"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Altura forÃada mÃnima requerida para o actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "Largura Natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Largura forÃada natural requerida para o actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "Altura Natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Altura forÃada natural requerida para o actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Conjunto de largura mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Se utilizar ou nÃo a propriedade min-width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "Conjunto de altura mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Se utilizar ou nÃo a propriedade min-height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "Conjunto de largura natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Se utilizar ou nÃo a propriedade natural-width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "Conjunto de altura natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Se utilizar ou nÃo a propriedade natural-height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "AlocaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "A alocaÃÃo do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Pedido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "O modo de pedido do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo no eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Opacidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Opacidade do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Redireccionamento fora de ecrÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros que controlam quando alisar o actor numa Ãnica imagem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "VisÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Se o actor à ou nÃo visÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "Mapeado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Se o actor serà ou nÃo pintado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Criado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Se o actor foi ou nÃo criado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Reactivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Se o actor à ou nÃo reactivo a eventos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "Tem Corte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Se o actor tem ou nÃo um conjunto de corte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "Corte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "A regiÃo de corte do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nome"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "Nome do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "Escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "Factor de escala do eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Factor de escala do eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Centro da Escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Centro da escala horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Centro da Escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Centro da escala vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravidade da Escala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "O centro da escala"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Ãngulo de RotaÃÃo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "O Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Ãngulo de RotaÃÃo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "O Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Ãngulo de RotaÃÃo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "O Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo no eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Centro de RotaÃÃo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "O centro de rotaÃÃo no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Centro de RotaÃÃo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "O centro de rotaÃÃo no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Centro de RotaÃÃo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "O centro de rotaÃÃo no eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravidade do Centro de RotaÃÃo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Ponto central da rotaÃÃo em torno do eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Ãncora X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Coordenada X do ponto de ancoragem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Ãncora Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y do ponto de ancoragem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravidade da Ãncora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "O ponto de ancoragem como um ClutterGravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Apresentar ao definir pai"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Se o actor à apresentado quando tem pai"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Cortar para a AlocaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "Define a regiÃo de corte para acompanhar a alocaÃÃo do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "DirecÃÃo do Texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "DirecÃÃo do texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Tem Ponteiro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Se o actor contÃm ou nÃo o ponteiro de um dispositivo de entrada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "AcÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "Adiciona uma acÃÃo ao actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "LimitaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "Adiciona uma limitaÃÃo ao actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "O actor anexado ao meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "O nome do meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Activo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Se o meta està ou nÃo activo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Origem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "A origem do alinhamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "Eixo de Alinhamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "O eixo sobre o qual alinhar a posiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Factor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "O factor de alinhamento, entre 0.0 e 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Linha Temporal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Linha temporal utilizada pelo alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Valor alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "Valor alfa tal como calculado pelo alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "Modo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Modo de progresso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objecto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "Objecto sobre o qual se aplica a animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "O modo da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da animaÃÃo, em milisegundos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "Ciclo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Se a animaÃÃo deverà ou nÃo reproduzir em ciclo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "A linha temporal utilizada pela animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "O alfa utilizado pela animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "A duraÃÃo da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "A linha temporal da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "Objecto Alfa para conduzir o comportamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade Inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "Profundidade inicial a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade Final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "Profundidade final a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo Inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo Final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo x do Ãngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo da elipse em torno do eixo x"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo y do Ãngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo da elipse em torno do eixo y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo z do Ãngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo da elipse em torno do eixo z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Largura da elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "Altura da elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "Centro da elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "DirecÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "DirecÃÃo da rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Opacidade Inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "NÃvel inicial de opacidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Opacidade Final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "NÃvel final de opacidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Caminho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "O objecto ClutterPath que representa o caminho ao longo do qual animar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Ãngulo Inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Ãngulo Final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Eixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Eixo da rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "Centro X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Coordenada X do centro da rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Centro Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y do centro da rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Centro Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Coordenada Z do centro da rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "Escala Inicial X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Escala inicial no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "Escala Final X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Escala final no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Escala Inicial Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Escala inicial no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Escala Final Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Escala final no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "A origem da ligaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "A coordenada de ligaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "Deslocamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "O deslocamento em pixels a aplicar à ligaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "O nome Ãnico do repositÃrio de ligaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Alinhamento Horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Alinhamento horizontal do actor dentro do gestor de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Alinhamento Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Alinhamento vertical do actor dentro do gestor de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alinhamento horizontal por omissÃo dos actores dentro do gestor de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alinhamento vertical por omissÃo dos actores dentro do gestor de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor de DisposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "O gestor de disposiÃÃo utilizado pela caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Cor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "A cor do fundo da caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor Definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Se a cor de fundo està ou nÃo definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Expandir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "Alocar espaÃo extra para o filho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Enchimento Horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -809,11 +807,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se o filho deverà ou nÃo receber prioridade quando o contentor està a alocar "
 "espaÃo extra no eixo horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Enchimento Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -821,583 +819,576 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se o filho deverà ou nÃo receber prioridade quando o contentor està a alocar "
 "espaÃo extra no eixo vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alinhamento horizontal do actor dentro da cÃlula"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alinhamento vertical do actor dentro da cÃlula"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Se a disposiÃÃo deverà ser vertical em vez de horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomogÃnea"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Se a disposiÃÃo deverà ou nÃo ser homogÃnea, por ex. todos os filhos do "
 "mesmo tamanho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Arrumar no InÃcio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Se arrumar os itens no inÃcio da caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento entre filhos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Utilizar AnimaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Se as alteraÃÃes de disposiÃÃo deverÃo ou nÃo ser animadas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de TransiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "O modo de transiÃÃo das animaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da TransiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "A duraÃÃo das animaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "Largura da SuperfÃcie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "A largura da superfÃcie Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "Altura da SuperfÃcie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "A altura da superfÃcie Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "Redimensionamento AutomÃtico"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Se a superfÃcie deverà ou nÃo coincidir com a alocaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Contentor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "O contentor que criou estes dados"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "O actor englobado por estes dados"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "Premido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Se o o clicÃvel deverà ou nÃo estar no estado premido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "Manipulador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Se o clicÃvel tem ou nÃo um manipulador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da PressÃo Longa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
 "A duraÃÃo mÃnima de uma pressÃo longa para que o gesto seja reconhecido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "TolerÃncia de PressÃo Longa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "A tolerÃncia mÃxima antes da qual uma pressÃo longa à cancelada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "Especifica o actor a ser clonado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "Tingimento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "O tingimento a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Mosaico Horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de mosaicos na horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Mosaico Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de mosaicos na vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "Material de Fundo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "O material a utilizar ao pintar o fundo do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "O factor de des-saturaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Motor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "O ClutterBackend do gestor de dispositivos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "TolerÃncia do Arrastamento Horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
 "A quantidade de pixels necessÃrios na horizontal para se iniciar o arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "TolerÃncia do Arrastamento Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
 "A quantidade de pixels necessÃrios na vertical para se iniciar o arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "ManÃpulo de Arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "O actor que està a ser arrastado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "Eixo de Arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "Restringe o arrastamento a um eixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "OrientaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "A orientaÃÃo da disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Se cada item deverà ou nÃo receber a mesma alocaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento de Coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "O espaÃamento entre colunas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento de Linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "O espaÃamento entre linhas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Largura MÃnima da Coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "Largura mÃnima para cada coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "Largura MÃxima da Coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "Largura mÃxima para cada coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "Altura MÃnima da Linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "Altura mÃnima para cada linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "Altura MÃxima da Linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "Altura mÃxima para cada linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Id"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "Identificador Ãnico do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "O nome do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de Dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "O tipo do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor de Dispositivos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "A instÃncia do gestor de dispositivos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "Modo do Dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "O modo do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "Tem Cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Se o dispositivo tem ou nÃo um cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Se o dispositivo està ou nÃo activo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "NÃmero de Eixos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de eixos no dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "A instÃncia de motor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de Valor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "O tipo de valores no intervalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "O gestor que criou estes dados"
-#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
-#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
-#. *
-#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR": if it
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Apresentar fotogramas por segundo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Taxa de fotogramas por omissÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Tornar todos os avisos em erros fatais"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "DirecÃÃo do texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Desactivar 'mipmapping' no texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Utilizar selecÃÃo 'fuzzy'"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros de depuraÃÃo Clutter a definir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros de depuraÃÃo Clutter a desactivar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros de anÃlise de desempenho Clutter a definir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros de anÃlise de desempenho Clutter a desactivar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Activar acessibilidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "OpÃÃes do Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Apresentar OpÃÃes do Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "URI de ficheiro de media"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "A Reproduzir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Se o actor està ou nÃo a reproduzir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Progresso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "Progresso actual da reproduÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "URI das Legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "URI de um ficheiro de legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Nome da Fonte de Legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "A fonte utilizada para apresentar as legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "Volume do Ãudio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "O volume do Ãudio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Pode Procurar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Se o fluxo actual permite ou nÃo procuras"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "Enchimento do Buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "O nÃvel de enchimento do buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "A duraÃÃo do fluxo, em segundos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "O caminho utilizado para restringir um actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "O deslocamento ao longo do caminho, entre -1.0 e 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "A cor do rectÃngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Cor da Margem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "A cor da margem do rectÃngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Largura da Margem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Largura da margem do rectÃngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "Tem Margens"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Se o rectÃngulo deverà ou nÃo ter uma margem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "Ficheiro Definido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Se a propriedade :filename està ou nÃo definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Ficheiro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "O caminho do ficheiro actualmente processado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Tempo de Clique-Duplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "O tempo entre cliques necessÃrio para detectar um clique mÃltiplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "DistÃncia de Clique-Duplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "A distÃncia entre cliques necessÃria para detectar um clique mÃltiplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "TolerÃncia de Arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "A distÃncia que o cursor terà de percorrer para se iniciar o arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Nome de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
 "A descriÃÃo da fonte por omissÃo, de forma a poder ser processada pelo Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "Antialias de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1405,517 +1396,517 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se realizar ou nÃo antialias (1 para activar, 0 para desactivar e -1 para "
 "utilizar a omissÃo)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "DPI de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "A resoluÃÃo da fonte, em 1024 * pontos/polegada ou -1 para utilizar o valor "
 "por omissÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "Dicas de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "Se utilizar ou nÃo dicas (1 para activar, 0 para desactivar e -1 para "
 "utilizar o valor por omissÃo)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Estilo de Dicas de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
 "O estilo de dicas (\"hintnone\", \"hintslight\", \"hintmedium\", ou "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "Ordem de Subpixel de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr ""
 "O tipo de antialias de subpixel (\"none\", \"rgb\", \"bgr\", \"vfrg\", \"vbgr"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr ""
 "A duraÃÃo mÃnima de uma pressÃo longa para que o gesto seja reconhecido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Data da configuraÃÃo do fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "Data e hora da configuraÃÃo actual do fontconfig"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Origem do Vertex"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Origem do vertex de sombreamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Origem do Fragmento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Origem do fragmento de sombreamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "Compilado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Se o sombreamento està ou nÃo compilado e associado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Se o sombreamento està ou nÃo activo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "Falha na compilaÃÃo de %s: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Vertex de sombreamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Fragmento de sombreamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de Sombreamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "O tipo de sombreamento utilizado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "A origem da restriÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Desde a Margem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "A margem do actor que deverà ser encostada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Para a Margem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "A margem da origem que deverà ser encostada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "O deslocamento em pixels a aplicar à restriÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "Ecrà Completo Definido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Se o palco principal està em ecrà completo ou nÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Fora do EcrÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "Se o palco principal deverà ou nÃo ser renderizado fora do ecrÃ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Cursor VisÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "Se o ponteiro do rato à ou nÃo visÃvel no palco principal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "RedimensionÃvel pelo Utilizador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "Se o palco pode ou nÃo ser redimensionado por acÃÃo do utilizador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "A cor do palco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspectiva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros de projecÃÃo da perspectiva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "TÃtulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "TÃtulo do Palco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Utilizar Nevoeiro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Se activar ou nÃo fila de profundidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Nevoeiro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "DefiniÃÃes para a fila de profundidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Utilizar Alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "Se honrar ou nÃo o componente alfa da cor de palco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "Foco da Tecla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "O actor com o foco de tecla actual"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Dica de NÃo Limpar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Se o palco deverà ou nÃo limpar o seu conteÃdo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "Aceitar Foco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Se o palco deverà ou nÃo aceitar o foco ao apresentar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
 "Estado actualmente definido (a transiÃÃo para este estado pode nÃo estar "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da transiÃÃo por omissÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "NÃmero da Coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "A coluna em que o widget reside"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "NÃmero de Linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "A linha em que o widget reside"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "ExpansÃo da Coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de colunas pelo qual o widget se estende"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "ExpansÃo da Linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de linhas pelo qual o widget se estende"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "ExpansÃo Horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "Alocar espaÃo extra no eixo horizontal para o filho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "ExpansÃo Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "Alocar espaÃo extra no eixo vertical para o filho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento entre colunas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento entre linhas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "A fonte a ser utilizada pelo texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "DescriÃÃo de Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "A descriÃÃo de fonte a ser utilizada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "O texto a renderizar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Cor da Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "Cor da fonte a ser utilizada pelo texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "EditÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Se o texto à ou nÃo editÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "SeleccionÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Se o texto à ou nÃo seleccionÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "ActivÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "Se premir enter emite ou nÃo o sinal de activaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Se o cursor de entrada està ou nÃo visÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "Cor do Cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor do Cursor Definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Se a cor do cursor foi ou nÃo definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "Tamanho do Cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "A largura do cursor, em pixels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo do Cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "A posiÃÃo do cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "Limitado à SelecÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "A posiÃÃo do cursor no extremo oposto da selecÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Cor de SelecÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor de SelecÃÃo Definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Se a cor de selecÃÃo foi ou nÃo definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Atributos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "Uma lista de atributos de estilo a aplicar ao conteÃdo do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Utilizar etiquetas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Se o texto inclui ou nÃo etiquetas Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Quebra de linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "Se definido, quebrar as linhas se o texto se tornar demasiado longo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "Modo de quebra de linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "Controla como à efectuada a quebra de linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "ReticÃncias"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "O local preferido para colocar reticÃncias no texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Alinhamento da Linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "O alinhamento preferido para o texto, em texto multi-linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Preencher"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Se o texto deve ser o nÃo preencher as linhas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "Caracter de Senha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
 "Se diferente de zero, utilizar este caracter para apresentar o conteÃdo do "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Comprimento MÃximo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "Comprimento mÃximo do texto dentro do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Linha Ãnica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Se o texto deverà ou nÃo estar numa Ãnica linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Cor do Texto Seleccionado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor do Texto Seleccionado Definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Se a cor do texto seleccionado foi ou nÃo definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "Tamanho de sincronizaÃÃo do actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
 "Tamanho de sincronizaÃÃo automÃtico do actor para as dimensÃes pixbuf "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "Desactivar Fatiamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1923,95 +1914,95 @@ msgstr ""
 "ForÃa que a textura subjacente seja Ãnica e nÃo composta por texturas "
 "individuais de poupanÃa de espaÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "DesperdÃcio de Mosaico"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "Ãrea mÃxima desperdiÃada numa textura fatiada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Repetimento horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Repetir o conteÃdo em vez de o escalar horizontalmente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Repetimento vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Repetir o conteÃdo em vez de o escalar verticalmente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "Qualidade do Filtro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "Qualidade de renderizaÃÃo utilizada ao desenhar a textura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Formato de Pixel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "O formato de pixel Cogl a utilizar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Textura Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "O manÃpulo de textura Cogl subjacente utilizada para desenhar este actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Material Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "O manÃpulo de material Cogl subjacente utilizado para desenhar este actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "O caminho do ficheiro que contÃm os dados da imagem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "Manter o RÃcio de AparÃncia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
 "Manter o rÃcio de aparÃncia da textura ao pedir a largura ou altura preferida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "Ler assincronamente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "Ler ficheiros dentro de uma thread para evitar bloqueios ao ler imagens do "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "Ler dados assincronamente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2019,190 +2010,187 @@ msgstr ""
 "Descodificar os dados de ficheiros de imagem dentro de uma thread para "
 "evitar bloqueios ao ler imagens do disco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "Seleccionar Com Alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Desenhar o actor com o canal alfa ao seleccionar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "Falha ao ler os dados da imagem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "Texturas YUV nÃo sÃo suportadas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "Texturas YUV2 nÃo sÃo suportadas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Se a linha temporal deverà reiniciar automaticamente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "Atraso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "Atraso antes de iniciar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da linha temporal em milisegundos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "DirecÃÃo da linha temporal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "ReversÃo AutomÃtica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "Se a direcÃÃo deverà ou nÃo ser revertida ao atingir o final"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "Caminho sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Caminho do dispositivo no sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Caminho do Dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Caminho do nà do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "Ecrà X a utilizar"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "Monitor X a utilizar"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "Efectuar invocaÃÃes X sincronamente"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "Activar suporte XInput"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "O motor do Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "O Pixmap X11 a ser associado"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Largura do pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "A largura do pixmap associado a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "Altura do pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "A altura do pixmap associado a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade do Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "A profundidade (em nÃmero de bits) do pixmap associado a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "ActualizaÃÃes AutomÃticas"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Se a textura deverà ser mantida sincronizada com quaisquer alteraÃÃes de "
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Janela"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "A Janela X11 a ser associada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Redireccionamento de Janela AutomÃtico"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Se os redireccionamentos da janela composta sÃo definidos para AutomÃtico "
 "(ou Manual se falso)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "Mapeamento de Janela"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Se a janela à mapeada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "Destruida"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Se a janela foi destruÃda"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X da Janela"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo X da janela no ecrà de acordo com o X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Y da Janela"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo Y da janela no ecrà de acordo com o X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "Janela de SobreposiÃÃo de Redireccionamento"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Se esta janela à ou nÃo uma de sobreposiÃÃo de redireccionamento"
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
index f8d1160..dbcd663 100644
--- a/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=clutte";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-25 08:18+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-03 23:24-0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Djavan Fagundes <djavan comum org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <gnome-pt_br-list gnome org>\n"
@@ -21,793 +21,791 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Coordenada X do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Largura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "Largura do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "Altura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "Altura do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "X fixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "ForÃando a posiÃÃo X do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "Y fixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "ForÃando a posiÃÃo Y do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo fixa definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Se usar posicionamento fixo para o ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Largura mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForÃando pedido de largura mÃnima para o ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Altura mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForÃando pedido de altura mÃnima para o ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "Largura natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForÃando pedido de largura natural para o ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "Altura natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "ForÃando pedido de altura natural para o ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "Largura mÃnima definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Se usar a propriedade da largura mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "Altura mÃnima definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Se usar a propriedade de altura mÃnima"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "Largura natural definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Se usar a propriedade de largura natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "Altura natural definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Se usar a propriedade de altura natural"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "Modo do pedido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "O modo do pedido do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo no eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Opacidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Opacidade do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Redirecionamento fora da tela"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "Sinalizadores controlando quando achatar o ator em uma Ãnica imagem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visibilidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Se o ator està visÃvel ou nÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "Mapeado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Se o ator vai ser pintado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Realizado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Se o ator foi realizado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Responsivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Se o ator à responsivo aos eventos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "Possui corte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Se o ator tem um corte definido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "corte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "A regiÃo do corte para o ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nome"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "Nome do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "Escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "Fator da escala no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Fator da escala no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "Escala X central"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "Centro da escala horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "Escala Y central"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "Escala central vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "Escala de gravidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "O centro do dimensionamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "O Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "O Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "O Ãngulo de rotaÃÃo no eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "Centro de rotaÃÃo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "O centro de rotaÃÃo no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "Centro de rotaÃÃo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "O centro de rotaÃÃo no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "Centro de rotaÃÃo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "O centro de rotaÃÃo no eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "Centro de rotaÃÃo de gravidade Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "Ponto central para a rotaÃÃo em torno do eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Ãncora X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Coordenada X do ponto de ancoragem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Ãncora Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y do ponto de ancoragem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "Gravidade de Ãncora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "O ponto de ancoragem como um ClutterGravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Mostra no pai definido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Se o ator à mostrado quando aparentado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Corte para posiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "Define a regiÃo do corte para rastrear a posiÃÃo do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "DireÃÃo do texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "DireÃÃo do texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Possui indicador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Se o ator contÃm o indicador de um dispositivo de entrada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "AÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "Adiciona uma aÃÃo ao ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "RestriÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "Adiciona uma restriÃÃo ao ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "O ator ligado ao meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "O nome do meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Habilitado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Se o meta està habilitado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "A fonte do alinhaento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "Alinhar eixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "O eixo para alinhar a posiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Fator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "O fator de alinhamento entre 0,0 e 1,0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Linha do tempo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Linha do tempo utilizado pelo alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Valor de alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "Valor de alfa calculado pelo alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "Modo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "Modo do progresso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objeto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "Objeto ao qual se aplica a animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "O modo da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da animaÃÃo, em milÃsimo de segundos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "LaÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Se a animaÃÃo deve repetir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "A linha do tempo utilizado pela animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "A alfa usada pela animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "A duraÃÃo da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "A linha de tempo da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "Objeto alfa para dirigir o comportamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "Profundidade inicial a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "Profundidade final a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Ãngulo final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "Ãngulo X de inclinaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo da elipse em torno do eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "Ãngulo Y de inclinaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo da elipse em torno do eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "Ãngulo Z de inclinaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "InclinaÃÃo da elipse em torno do eixo Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Largura da elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "Altura da elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "Centro da elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "DireÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "DireÃÃo da rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "Opacidade inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "NÃvel da opacidade inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Opacidade final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "NÃvel da opacidade final"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Caminho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "O objeto ClutterPath representando o caminho da animaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "Inicio do Ãngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Final do Ãngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Eixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Eixo de rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "X central"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Coordenada X do centro de rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Y central"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Coordenada Y do centro de rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Z central"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Coordenada Z do centro de rotaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "InÃcio da escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Escala inicial no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "Final da escala X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Final da escala no eixo X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "InÃcio da escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Escala inicial no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Final da escala Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Final da escala no eixo Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "A origem da ligaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Coordenadas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "As coordenadas para vincular"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "Deslocamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "O deslocamento em pixels para aplicar ao vÃnculo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "O nome original de vinculaÃÃo do grupo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Alinhamento horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Alinhamento horizontal para o ator dentro do gerenciador de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Alinhamento vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "O alinhamento vertical para o ator dentro do gerenciador de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alinhamento horizontal padrÃo para os atores dentro do gerenciador de "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Alinhamento vertical padrÃo para os atores dentro do gerenciador de "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador de disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "O gerenciador de disposiÃÃo utilizado pela caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Cor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "A cor de fundo da caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "Definir a cor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Se a cor de fundo està definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "Ampliar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "Alocar espaÃo adicional para a crianÃa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Preenchimento horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -815,11 +813,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se a crianÃa deve receber prioridade quando o recipiente està alocando "
 "espaÃo livre no eixo horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Preenchimento vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -827,583 +825,575 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se a crianÃa deve receber prioridade quando o recipiente està alocando "
 "espaÃo livre no eixo vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alinhamento horizontal do ator dentro da cÃlula"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Alinhamento vertical do ator dentro da cÃlula"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Se a disposiÃÃo deve ser vertical, em vez de horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "HomogÃneo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Se a disposiÃÃo deve ser homogÃnea, ou seja, todas as crianÃas ficam do "
 "mesmo tamanho"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "Empacotamento inicial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Se empacotar itens no inÃcio da caixa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento entre as crianÃas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Usar animaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Se as alteraÃÃes da disposiÃÃo devem ser animados"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de liberdade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "O modo de liberdade das animaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo de liberdade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "A duraÃÃo das animaÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "Largura da superfÃcie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "A largura da superfÃcie do Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "Altura da superfÃcie"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "A altura da superfÃcie do Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "Redimensionamento automÃtico"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Se a superfÃcie deve combinar com a posiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "Recipiente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "O recipiente que criou estes dados"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "O ator envolvido por estes dados"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "Pressionado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Se o clicÃvel deve estar em um estado pressionado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "Seguro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Se o clicÃvel tem uma garra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo de pressionamento prolongado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
 "A duraÃÃo mÃnima de um pressionamento prolongado para reconhecer um gesto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "Limite de pressionamento prolongado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "O limite mÃximo antes que um pressionamento prolongado seja cancelado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "Especifica o ator a ser clonado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "Matiz"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "A matiz a aplicar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Ladrilhos horizontais"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de ladrilhos horizontais"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Ladrilhos verticais"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de ladrilhos verticais"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "Material de fundo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "O material a ser usado quando pintar o fundo do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "O fator de dessaturaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Backend"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "O ClutterBackend do gerenciador de dispositivos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Limite de arrasto horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "O nÃmero horizontal de pixels requerido para iniciar um arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Limite de arrasto vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "O nÃmero vertical de pixels requerido para iniciar um arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "Barra de arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "O ator que està sendo arrastado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "Eixo de arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "Restringe o arrasto em um eixo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "OrientaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "A orientaÃÃo da disposiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Se cada item deve receber a mesma posiÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento de colunas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "O espaÃamento entre colunas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento de linhas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "O espaÃamento entre linhas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Largura mÃnima da coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "A largura mÃnima para cada coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "Largura mÃxima da coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "A largura mÃxima para cada coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "Altura mÃnima da linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "A altura mÃnima para cada linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "Altura mÃxima da linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "A altura mÃxima para cada linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "ID"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "Identificador Ãnico do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "O nome do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "O tipo do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador de dispositivos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "A instÃncia do gerenciador de dispositivos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "Modo do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "O modo do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "Tem cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Se o dispositivo tem um cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Se o dispositivo està habilitado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "NÃmero de eixos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de eixos do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "A instÃncia do backend"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de valor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "O tipo de valores no intervalo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "O gerenciador que criou estes dados"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default: LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Mostrar quadros por segundo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Taxa de quadros padrÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Tornar todos os avisos fatais"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "DireÃÃo para o texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Desativar mipmapeamento no texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Usar seleÃÃo \"aproximada\""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Sinalizadores de depuraÃÃo do Clutter para definir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Sinalizadores de depuraÃÃo do Clutter para remover"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Sinalizadores de perfil do Clutter para definir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Sinalizadores de perfil do Clutter para remover"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Habilitar acessibilidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "OpÃÃes do Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Mostrar opÃÃes do Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "URI de um arquivo de mÃdia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "Reproduzindo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Se o ator està reproduzindo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Progresso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "O progresso atual da reproduÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "URI de legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "URI de um arquivo de legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Nome da fonte da legenda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "A fonte usada para mostrar legendas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "Volume de Ãudio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "O volume do Ãudio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "Pode procurar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Se o fluxo atual à pesquisÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "Preenchimento do buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "O nÃvel de preenchimento do buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "A duraÃÃo do fluxo, em segundos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "O caminho usado para restringir um ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "O deslocamento ao longo do caminho, entre -1,0 e 2,0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "A cor do retÃngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Cor da borda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "A cor da borda do retÃngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Largura da borda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "A largura da borda do retÃngulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "Tem borda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Se o retÃngulo deve ter uma borda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "Nome do arquivo definido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Se a propriedade :nomedoarquivo està definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nome do arquivo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "O caminho do arquivo atualmente analisado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Tempo de clique duplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "O tempo entre os cliques necessÃrios para detectar um clique mÃltiplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "DistÃncia entre cliques duplos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
 "A distÃncia entre cliques duplos necessÃrios para detectar um clique mÃltiplo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Limite de arrasto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "A distÃncia que o cursor deve mover antes de comeÃar a arrastar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Nome da fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
 "A descriÃÃo da fonte padrÃo, como algo que pode ser analisado pelo Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "SuavizaÃÃo de fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1411,506 +1401,506 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se usar suavizaÃÃo (1 para habilitar, 0 para desabilitar e -1 para usar o "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "DPI da fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "A resoluÃÃo da fonte, em 1024 * pontos / polegada, ou -1 para usar o padrÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "Dicas de fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
 "Se usar dicas (1 para habilitar, 0 para desabilitar e -1 para usar o padrÃo)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Estilo de dicas de fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "O estilo de dicas (nenhuma, leve, mÃdia, completa)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "Ordem subpixel da fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "O tipo de suavizaÃÃo de subpixel (nenhum, rgb, bgr, vrgb vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr ""
 "A duraÃÃo mÃnima para um gesto de pressionamento prolongado ser reconhecido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Marca de tempo de configuraÃÃo da configuraÃÃo de fontes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "A marca de tempo da configuraÃÃo atual da configuraÃÃo de fontes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Fonte de vÃrtices"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Fonte do shader de vÃrtices"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Fonte de fragmentos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Fonte do shader de fragmentos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "Compilado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Se o shader està compilado e vinculado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Se o shader està habilitado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "compilaÃÃo de %s falhou: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Shader de vÃrtices"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Shader de fragmentos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "O tipo de shader usado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "A fonte da restriÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Da borda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "A borda do ator que deve ser encaixada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Para a borda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "A borda da fonte que deve ser encaixada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "O deslocamento em pixels para aplicar a restriÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "Tela cheia definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Se o palco principal à uma tela cheia"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Fora da tela"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "Se o palco principal deve ser processado fora da tela"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Cursor visÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "Se o ponteiro do mouse està visÃvel no palco principal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "RedimensionÃvel pelo usuÃrio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "Se o palco pode ser redimensionado pelo usuÃrio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "A cor do palco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Perspectiva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "ParÃmetros de projeÃÃo de perspectiva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "TÃtulo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "TÃtulo do palco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Usar nevoeiro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Se habilitar profundidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Nevoeiro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "DefiniÃÃes para a profundidade"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Usar alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "Se respeitar o componente alfa da cor do palco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "Foco da chave"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "O ator atualmente focado pela chave"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Nenhuma dica para limpar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Se o palco deve limpar o seu conteÃdo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "Aceitar foco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Se o palco deve aceitar o foco ao expor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr "Estado definido atual (transiÃÃo para este estado pode ser incompleta)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo de transiÃÃo padrÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "NÃmero da coluna"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "A coluna onde o componente reside"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "NÃmero da linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "A linha onde o componente reside"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "Intervalo de colunas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de colunas o componente deve abranger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "Intervalo de linhas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "O nÃmero de linhas o componente deve abranger"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "Expandir horizontalmente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "Alocar espaÃo adicional para a crianÃa no eixo horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "Expandir verticalmente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "Alocar espaÃo adicional para a crianÃa no eixo vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento entre as colunas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "EspaÃamento entre as filas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "A fonte a ser usada pelo texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "DescriÃÃo da fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "A descriÃÃo da fonte a ser utilizada"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "O texto a processar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Cor da fonte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "A cor da fonte usada pelo texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "EditÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Se o texto à editÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "SelecionÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Se o texto à selecionÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "AtivÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "Se pressionar return causa o sinal de ativaÃÃo a ser emitido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Se o cursor de entrada està visÃvel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "Cor do cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor do cursor definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Se a cor do cursor foi definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "Tamanho do cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "A largura do cursor, em pixels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "PosiÃÃo do cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "A posiÃÃo do cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "VÃnculo-seleÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "A posiÃÃo do cursor do outro lado da seleÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Cor de seleÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor de seleÃÃo definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Se a cor de seleÃÃo foi definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Atributos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "Uma lista de atributos de estilo para aplicar ao conteÃdo do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Usar marcaÃÃo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Se o texto inclui ou nÃo marcaÃÃo Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Quebra de linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "Se definido, quebra as linhas se o texto se torna demasiado grande"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "Modo de quebra de linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "Controla como a quebra de linhas à feita"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "Criar elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "O lugar preferido para criar uma elipse no texto"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Alinhamento da linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "O alinhamento preferido para o texto, para textos em linhas mÃltiplas"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Justificar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Se o texto deve ser justificado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "Caractere de senha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr "Se maior que zero, usa este caractere para mostrar o conteÃdo do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "Comprimento mÃximo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "O comprimento mÃximo do texto dentro do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de linha Ãnica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Se o texto deve ser uma Ãnica linha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Cor de texto selecionado"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Cor de texto selecionado definida"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Se a cor de texto selecionado foi definido"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "Sincronizar tamanho do ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
 "SincronizaÃÃo automÃtica do tamanho do ator Ãs dimensÃes do pixbuf subjacente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "Desativar fatiamento"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1918,95 +1908,95 @@ msgstr ""
 "ForÃa a textura subjacente a ser singular e nÃo feita de pequenas texturas "
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "ResÃduo de ladrilhos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "Ãrea mÃxima de resÃduos de uma textura em fatias"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Repetir horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Repete o conteÃdo em vez de escalar na horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Repetir vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Repete o conteÃdo em vez de escalar na vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "Qualidade do filtro"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "Qualidade da renderizaÃÃo usada para desenhar a textura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Formato do pixel"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "O formato do pixel Cogl para usar"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Textura Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "O identificador da textura Cogl subjacente usado para desenhar este ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Material Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
 "O identificador do material Cogl subjacente usado para desenhar este ator"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "O caminho do arquivo contendo os dados da imagem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "Manter proporÃÃes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
 "Manter a proporÃÃo da textura ao solicitar a largura ou altura preferencial"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "Carregar de forma assÃncrona"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "Carregar arquivos dentro de uma thread para evitar o bloqueio ao carregar "
 "imagens do disco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "Carregar dados de forma assÃncrona"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2014,190 +2004,187 @@ msgstr ""
 "Decodificar arquivos de dados de imagens dentro de uma thread para reduzir o "
 "bloqueio ao carregar imagens do disco"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "Com o pacote alfa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Formar ator com o canal alfa ao escolher"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "Falhou ao carregar dados da imagem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "Sem suporte para texturas YUV"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "Sem suporte para texturas YUV2"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Se a linha do tempo deve ser reiniciada automaticamente"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "Atraso"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "Atraso antes do inÃcio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "DuraÃÃo da linha do tempo em milÃsimos de segundos"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "DireÃÃo da linha do tempo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "Reverso automÃtico"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "Se a direÃÃo deve ser revertida quando chegar ao fim"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "Caminho sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Caminho do dispositivo no sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Caminho do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Caminho do nà do dispositivo"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "Tela X para usar"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "Tela X para usar"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "Fazer chamadas X sincronizadas"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "Habilitar suporte XInput"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "O backend do Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "O Pixmap X11 para vincular"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Largura do pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "A largura do pixmap vinculado a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "Altura do pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "A altura do pixmap vinculado a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Profundidade do pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "A profundidade (nÃmero de bits) do pixmap vinculado a esta textura"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "AtualizaÃÃo automÃtica"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Se a textura deve ser mantida em sincronia com qualquer alteraÃÃo no pixmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Janela"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "A janela X11 a ser vinculada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Redirecionamento automÃtico de janelas"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Se o redirecionamento de janelas compostas està definido como AutomÃtico (ou "
 "Manual se falso)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "Janela mapeada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Se a janela à mapeada"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "DestruÃda"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Se a janela foi destruÃda"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "Janela X"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "a posiÃÃo X da janela na tela de acordo com o X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Janela Y"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "A posiÃÃo Y da janela na tela de acordo com o X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "Redirecionamento de substituiÃÃo de janelas"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Se esta à uma janela com redirecionamento de substituiÃÃo"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
index 51a3f4e..3a72933 100644
--- a/po/ru.po
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-06 21:05+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yuri Myasoedov <omerta13 yandex ru>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian <gnome-cyr gnome org>\n"
@@ -832,62 +832,62 @@ msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÑÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
@@ -1176,59 +1176,59 @@ msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÑ"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÑ Clutter"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÑ ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÑ Clutter"
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
index bbd70a4..05f398c 100644
--- a/po/sl.po
+++ b/po/sl.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter-1.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-15 22:22+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Matej UrbanÄiÄ <mateju svn gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team <gnome-si googlegroups com>\n"
@@ -831,62 +831,62 @@ msgstr "Vodoravna poravnava predmeta znotraj celice"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "NavpiÄna poravnava predmeta znotraj celice"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "NavpiÄno"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Ali naj bo osnutek raje navpiÄen kot vodoraven"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogeno"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Ali naj bo razporeditev enotna. To pomeni, da so vsi podrejeni predmeti "
 "enake velikosti."
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "ZaÄni pakiranje"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Ali se zapakirajo predmeti na zaÄetku polja"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Razmik"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Razmik med podrejenimi elementi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Uporabi animacije"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Ali naj bodo spremembe v razporeditvi animirane"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "NaÄin blaÅenja"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "NaÄin blaÅenja animacij"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Trajanje blaÅenja"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Trajanje animacije"
@@ -1175,59 +1175,59 @@ msgstr "Upravljalnik"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Upravljalnik, ki je ustvaril te podatke"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "PrikaÅi Åtevilo sliÄic na sekundo (fps)"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Privzeta hitrost sliÄic"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Vsa opozorila naj bodo usodna"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Smer besedila"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Pri besedilu izklopi mipmap"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Uporabi 'mehko' izbiranje"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutterjeve razhroÅÄevalne zastavice, ki naj bodo dvignjene"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Cluttterjeve razhroÅÄevalne zastavice, ki naj bodo spuÅÄene"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutterjeve profilirne zastavice, ki naj bodo dvignjene"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clultterjeve profilirne zastavice, ki naj bodo spuÅÄene"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "OmogoÄi dostopnost"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "MoÅnosti Cluttra"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "PrikaÅe moÅnosti Cluttra"
diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
index 28f6791..03a7f8f 100644
--- a/po/sr.po
+++ b/po/sr.po
@@ -5,805 +5,803 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-25 08:18+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-25 22:15+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑ <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Serbian <gnom prevod org>\n"
+"Language: sr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: sr\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :    n%"
-"10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :    n"
+"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n"
 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÑÐÐÐ Ð"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÑÐÐÐ Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑ ÐÐ Z ÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "X ÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Y ÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "Ð ÑÑÐÑÑÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Y ÑÑÐÑÑÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑ ÑÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÑ ÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ, ÐÐÐÐÑÑ 0.0 Ð 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÑÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÑÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐ x ÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐ y ÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐ z ÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐ ÐÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "X ÑÑÐÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Y ÑÑÐÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Z ÑÑÐÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -811,11 +809,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -823,579 +821,571 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "ÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑ ÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÑ ÐÑÐ ÐÑÑÐÑÐ, ÐÐÐÐÑÑ -1.0 Ð 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐ ÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1403,508 +1393,508 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
 "ÐÑÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÑÐÐÐÑÐ (hintnone â ÐÐÑÑÐ, hintslight â ÐÐÐÐÐ, hintmedium â "
 "ÑÑÐÐÑÐ, hintfull â ÐÑÐÐ)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÐ ÑÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÐ ÐÐÐÑÐÑÐÐÐ (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "ÐÐ ÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "ÐÐ ÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐ ÑÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÑÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑ ÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐ ÐÑÑÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐ ÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÐ ÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1912,93 +1902,93 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2006,189 +1996,186 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "ÑÐÑÑÑ ÐÑÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X ÐÑÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Y ÐÑÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
diff --git a/po/sr latin po b/po/sr latin po
index fc069fd..6cd4ab4 100644
--- a/po/sr latin po
+++ b/po/sr latin po
@@ -5,805 +5,803 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-25 08:18+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-25 22:15+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miroslav NikoliÄ <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Serbian <gnom prevod org>\n"
+"Language: sr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: sr\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :    n%"
-"10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :    n"
+"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n"
 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X koordinata"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "X koordinate Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y koordinata"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "Y koordinate Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "Åirina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "Åirina Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "Visina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "Visina Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "UtvrÄeno H"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "Prisiljeni H poloÅaj Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "UtvrÄeno Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "Prisiljeni Y poloÅaj Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanje utvrÄenog poloÅaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno utvrÄeno postavljanje Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "Najmanja Åirina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Prisiljena najmanja Åirina zahtevana za Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "Najmanja visina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Prisiljena najmanja visina zahtevana za Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "UobiÄajena Åirina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "Prisiljena uobiÄajena Åirina zahtevana za Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "UobiÄajena visina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "Prisiljena uobiÄajena visina zahtevana za Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanje najmanje Åirine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno svojstvo najmanje Åirine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanje najmanje visine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno svojstvo najmanje visine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanje uobiÄajene Åirine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno svojstvo uobiÄajene Åirine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanje uobiÄajene visine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno svojstvo uobiÄajene visine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "RasporeÄivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "RasporeÄivanje Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim zahteva"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim zahteva Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "Dubina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "PoloÅaj na Z osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "Providnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "Providnost Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "Preusmeravanje van ekrana"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "Opcije koje kontroliÅu kada Äe Äinioc biti izravnat u jednu sliku"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Vidljiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "Da li Äe Äinilac biti vidljiv ili ne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "Mapiran"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "Da li Äe Äinilac biti obojen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "Ostvaren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "Da li Äe Äinilac biti ostvaren"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "Reaktivan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "Da li Äe Äinilac biti osetljiv na dogaÄaje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "Poseduje isecanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "Da li Äinilac ima podeÅeno isecanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "Isecanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "Oblast isecanja za Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Naziv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "Naziv Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "X razmera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "Faktor razmere na H osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "Y razmera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Faktor razmere na Y osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "SrediÅte X razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "SrediÅte vodoravne razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "SrediÅte Y razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "SrediÅte uspravne razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "TeÅiÅte razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "SrediÅte razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "Ugao X okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "Ugao okretanja na H osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "Ugao Y okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Ugao okretanja na Y osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "Ugao Z okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Ugao okretanja na Z osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "SrediÅte X okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "SrediÅte okretanja na H osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "SrediÅte Y okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "SrediÅte okretanja na Y osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "SrediÅte Z okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "SrediÅte okretanja na Z osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "TeÅiÅte srediÅta Z okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "SrediÅnja taÄka za okretanje oko Z ose"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "H uÄvrÅÄenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "X koordinate taÄke uÄvrÅÄavanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Y uÄvrÅÄenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "Y koordinate taÄke uÄvrÅÄavanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "TeÅiÅte uÄvrÅÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "TaÄka uÄvrÅÄavanja kao teÅiÅte GalamdÅije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "Prikaz na skupu roditelja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "Da li Äe Äinilac biti prikazan kada je prisvojen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "Isecanje do rasporeÄivanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "Postavlja oblast isecanja za praÄenje rasporeÄivanje Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "Smer teksta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "Pravac usmerenja teksta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "Poseduje pokazivaÄ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "Da li Äinioc sadrÅi pokazivaÄ nekog ulaznog ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "Radnje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "Dodaje radnju Äiniocu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "OgraniÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "Dodaje ograniÄenja Äiniocu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "Äinilac"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "Äinilac pridodat meti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "Naziv mete"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "UkljuÄeno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "Da li je meta ukljuÄena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "Izvor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "Izvor poravnanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "Ose poravnanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "Ose prema kojima Äe se poravnati poloÅaj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "Faktor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "Faktor poravnanja, izmeÄu 0.0 i 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "Linija vremena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Linija vremena koju koristi providnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Vrednost providnosti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "Vrednost providnosti koju proraÄunava providnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim napretka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "Objekat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "Objekat na koji se primenjuje animiranje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "ReÅim animiranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "Trajanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Trajanje animiranja, u milisekundama"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "Ponavljanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "Da li animiranje treba da se ponavlja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "Linija vremena koju koristi animiranje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Providnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "Providnost koju koristi animiranje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "Trajanje animiranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "Linija vremena animiranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "Objekat providnosti koji upravlja ponaÅanjem"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "PoÄetna dubina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "PoÄetna dubina koja Äe biti primenjena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "Krajnja dubina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "Krajnja dubina koja Äe biti primenjena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "PoÄetni ugao"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "PoÄetni ugao"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "Krajnji ugao"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "Krajnji ugao"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "Ugao x nagiba"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "Nagib elipse oko h ose"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "Ugao y nagiba"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "Nagib elipse oko y ose"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "Ugao z nagiba"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "Nagib elipse oko z ose"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "Åirina elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "Visina elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "SrediÅte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "SrediÅte elipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "Pravac"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "Pravac okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "PoÄetak providnosti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "Nivo poÄetne providnosti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "Kraj providnosti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "Nivo krajnje providnosti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "Putanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
 "Objekat ....Putanje koji predstavlja putanju koja Äe biti zajedno animirana"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "PoÄetak ugla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "Kraj ugla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "Osa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "Osa okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "X srediÅte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "H koordinata srediÅta okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Y srediÅte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Y koordinata srediÅta okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Z srediÅte"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "Z koordinata srediÅta okretanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "PoÄetna H razmera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "PoÄetna razmera na H osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "Krajnja H razmera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "Krajnja razmera na H osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "PoÄetna Y razmera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "PoÄetna razmera na Y osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Krajnja Y razmera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "Krajnja razmera na Y osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "Izvor povezivanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "Koordinata"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "Koordinata za povezivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "Pomeraj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "Pomeraj u taÄkama koji Äe biti primenjen na povezivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "Jedinstveni naziv za udruÅenje preÄica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "Vodoravno poravnanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Vodoravno poravnanje za Äinioca unutar upravnika rasporeda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "Uspravno poravnanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Uspravno poravnanje za Äinioca unutar upravnika rasporeda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Osnovno vodoravno poravnanje za Äinioca unutar upravnika rasporeda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "Osnovno uspravno poravnanje za Äinioca unutar upravnika rasporeda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "Upravnik rasporeda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "Upravnik rasporedom koga koristi okvir"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Boja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "Boja pozadine okvira"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanje boje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "Da li je podeÅena boja pozadine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "RaÅireno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "Dodeljuje dodatni prostor za porod"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "Vodoravno ispunjenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -811,11 +809,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Da li porod treba da dobije prioritet kada sadrÅalac dodeljuje rezervni "
 "prostor na vodoravnoj osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "Uspravno ispunjenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -823,1182 +821,1174 @@ msgstr ""
 "Da li porod treba da dobije prioritet kada sadrÅalac dodeljuje rezervni "
 "prostor na uspravnoj osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Vodoravno poravnanje Äinioca unutar Äelije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "Uspravno poravnanje Äinioca unutar Äelije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Uspravno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "Da li raspored treba da bude uspravan, umesto vodoravnog"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Istorodnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "Da li raspored treba da bude istorodan, tj. sav porod dobija istu veliÄinu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "PoÄetak sveÅnja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "Da li Äe stavke biti napakovane na poÄetak okvira"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "Razmaci"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Razmai izmeÄu poroda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "Koristi animiranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "Da li Äe izmene rasporeda biti animirane"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim olakÅavanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "ReÅim olakÅavanja animiranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Trajanje olakÅavanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "Trajanje animiranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "Åirina povrÅine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Åirina Kairo povrÅine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "Visina povrÅine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Visina Kairo povrÅine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "Samostalna promena veliÄine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "Da li povrÅina treba da odgovara rasporeÄivanju"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "SadrÅalac"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "SadrÅalac koji je stvorio ovaj podatak"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "Äinilac obavijen ovim podatkom"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "Pritisnut"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "Da li klikljiv treba da bude u pritisnutom stanju"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "ZadrÅan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "Da li klikljiv ima zahvat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "Trajanje dugog pritiska"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "Najmanje trajanje dugog pritiska za prepoznavanje poteza"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "Prag dugog pritiska"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "NajveÄi prag pre otkazivanja dugog pritiska"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "OdreÄuje Äinioca koji Äe biti kloniran"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "Boja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "Boja za primenu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "Vodoravne ploÄice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "Broj vodoravnih ploÄica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "Uspravne ploÄice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "Broj uspravnih ploÄica"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "Materijal poleÄine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "Materijal koji Äe biti koriÅÄen prilikom bojenja poleÄine Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "Faktor obezbojavanja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "Pozadinac"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "Pozadinac GalamdÅije upravnika ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Vodoravni prag prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "Vodoravni iznos taÄaka potrebnih za poÄetak prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Uspravni prag prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "Uspravni iznos taÄaka potrebnih za poÄetak prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "RuÄica prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "Äinilac koji je prevuÄen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "Osa prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "OgraniÄava prevlaÄenje na osu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "Usmerenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "Usmerenje rasporeda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "Da li svaka stavka treba da primi isto rasporeÄivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "Razmak kolona"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Razmak izmeÄu kolona"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "Razmak redova"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Razmak izmeÄu redova"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "Najmanja Åirina kolone"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "Najmanja Åirina za svaku kolonu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "NajveÄa Åirina kolone"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "NajveÄa Åirina za svaku kolonu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "Najmanja visina reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "Najmanja visina za svaki red"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "NajveÄa visina reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "NajveÄa visina za svaki red"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Id"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "Jedinstveni identifikator ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "Naziv ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "Vrsta ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "Vrsta ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "Upravnik ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "Primerak upravnika ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "ReÅim ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "Poseduje kursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "Da li ureÄaj ima kursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "Da li je ureÄaj ukljuÄen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "Broj osa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "Broj osa na ureÄaju"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "Primerak pozadinca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "Vrsta vrednosti"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "Vrsta vrednosti u periodu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "Upravnik"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Upravnik koji je stvorio ovaj podatak"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Prikazuje kadrove u sekundi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "Osnovni protok kadra"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "Äini sva upozorenja kobnim"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Pravac usmerenja za tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "IskljuÄuje mip mapiranje na tekstu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "Koristi ânejasnoâ prebiranje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Zastavice GalamdÅije za ispravljanje greÅaka za postavljanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Zastavice GalamdÅije za otklanjanje greÅaka za iskljuÄivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Zastavice profilisanja GalamdÅije za postavljanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Zastavice profilisanja GalamdÅije za iskljuÄivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "UkljuÄuje pristupaÄnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Opcije GalamdÅije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Prikazuje opcije GalamdÅije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "Adresa"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "Adresa datoteke medijuma"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "PuÅtanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "Da li je Äinilac puÅten"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Napredak"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "Trenutno napredovanje reprodukcije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "Adresa prevoda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "Adresa datoteke prevoda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "Naziv slovnog lika prevoda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "Slovni lik koriÅÄen za prikaz prevoda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "JaÄina zvuka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "JaÄina zvuka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "MoÅe da premota"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "Da li trenutni tok moÅe da se premotava"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "Popuna priruÄne memorije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "Nivo popunjavanja priruÄne memorije"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "Trajanje toka, u sekundama"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "Putanja koriÅÄena za ograniÄavanje Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "Pomeraj duÅ putanje, izmeÄu -1.0 i 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Boja pravougaonika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "Boja ivice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Boja ivice pravougaonika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "Åirina ivice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "Åirina ivice pravougaonika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "Poseduje ivicu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "Da li pravougaonik treba da ima ivice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "Izbor naziva datoteke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "Da li je postavljena osobina :naziv_datoteke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Naziv datoteke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "Putanja trenutno obraÄivane datoteke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "Vreme duplog klika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "Vreme izmeÄu klikova potrebno za otkrivanje viÅestrukog klika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "Razmak duplog klika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "Razmak izmeÄu klikova potreban za otkrivanje viÅestrukog klika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "Prag prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "Rastojanje koje kursor treba da preÄe pre poÄetka prevlaÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "Naziv slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr "Opis osnovnog slovnog lika, kao ono koje bi Pango trebao da obradi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "UmekÅavanje slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr ""
-"Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno umekÅavanje (1 za ukljuÄivanje, 0 za iskljuÄivanje, i -1 "
-"za koriÅÄenje osnovnog)"
+"Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno umekÅavanje (1 za ukljuÄivanje, 0 za iskljuÄivanje, "
+"i -1 za koriÅÄenje osnovnog)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "TPI slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
 "Rezolucija slovnog lika, u 1024 * taÄaka/inÄu, ili -1 za koriÅÄenje osnovne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "NagoveÅtaj slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-"Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno nagoveÅtavanje (1 za ukljuÄivanje, 0 za iskljuÄivanje, i -"
-"1 za koriÅÄenje osnovnog)"
+"Da li Äe biti koriÅÄeno nagoveÅtavanje (1 za ukljuÄivanje, 0 za "
+"iskljuÄivanje, i -1 za koriÅÄenje osnovnog)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "Stil nagoveÅtaja slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
 "Stil nagoveÅtavanja (hintnone â niÅta, hintslight â blago, hintmedium â "
 "srednje, hintfull â puno)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "Poredak podtaÄaka slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "Vrsta umekÅavanja podtaÄaka (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "Najmanje trajanje poteza dugog pritiska da bi bio prepoznat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Vreme i datum podeÅavanja slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "Vreme i datum trenutnog podeÅavanja slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "Izvor vrhunca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "Izvor nijansera vrhunca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "Izvor odlomka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "Izvor nijansera odlomka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "Sastavljen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "Da li je nijanser sastavljen i povezan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "Da li je nijanser ukljuÄen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "Sastavljanje %s nije uspelo: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "Nijanser vrhunca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "Nijanser odlomka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "Vrsta nijansera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "Vrsta koriÅÄenog nijansera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "Izvor ograniÄenja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "Od ivice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Ivica Äinioca koja treba da bude obuhvaÄena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "Do ivice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "Ivica izvora koja treba da bude obuhvaÄena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "Pomeraj u taÄkama koji Äe biti primenjen na ograniÄenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "Izbor celog ekrana"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "Da li je glavna scena preko celog ekrana"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "Van ekrana"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "Da li glavna scena treba da bude iscrtana van ekrana"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "Kursor je vidljiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "Da li je pokazivaÄ miÅa vidljiv na glavnoj sceni"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "Korisnik menja veliÄinu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "Da li je moguÄe promeniti veliÄanu scene posredstvom dejstva korisnika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "Boja scene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "Vidokrug"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "Parametri projekcije vidokruga"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "Naslov"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "Naslov scene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "Koristi maglu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "Da li Äe biti ukljuÄeno signaliziranje dubine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "Magla"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "PodeÅavanja za signaliziranje dubine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "Koristi providnost"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "Da li da ispoÅtuje komponentu providnosti boje scene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "Prvi plan tastera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "Trenutni Äinilac tasterom u prvi plan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "Bez brisanja saveta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "Da li scena treba da oÄisti svoj sadrÅaj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "Prihvatanje u prvi plan"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "Da li scena treba da prihvati prvi plan pri prikazu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr "Trenutno izabrano stanje, (prelaz na ovo stanje ne moÅe biti potpun)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "Osnovno trajanje prelaza"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "Broj kolone"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "Kolona u kojoj se nalazi element"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "Broj reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "Red u kome se nalazi element"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "Raspon kolone"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "Broj kolona koje element treba da obuhvati"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "Raspon reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "Broj redova koje element treba da obuhvati"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "Vodoravno raÅirenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "Dodeljuje dodatni prostor za porod na vodoravnoj osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "Uspravno raÅirenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "Dodeljuje dodatni prostor za porod na uspravnoj osi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "Razmak izmeÄu kolona"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "Razmak izmeÄu redova"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "Slovni lik koji Äe tekst da koristi"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "Opis slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "Opis slovnog lika koji Äe biti koriÅÄen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "Tekst za prikazivanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "Boja slovnog lika"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "Boja slovnog lika kog koristi tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "Izmenjiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "Da li se tekst moÅe menjati"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "Izbirljiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "Da li se tekst moÅe izabrati"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "Aktivirljiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "Da li pritisak na povratak izaziva emitovanje signala aktiviranja"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "Da li je kursor unosa vidljiv"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "Boja kursora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "Izbor boje kursora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "Da li je boja kursora postavljena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "VeliÄina kursora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "Åirina kursora, u taÄkama"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "PoloÅaj kursora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "PoloÅaj kursora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "Granica izbora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "PoloÅaj kursora na drugom kraju izbora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "Boja izbora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "Izbor boje izbora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "Da li je boja izbora postavljena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Osobine"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "Spisak osobina stila koje Äe biti primenjene na sadrÅaj Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "Koristi oznaÄavanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "Da li tekst obuhvata Pango oznaÄavanje ili ne"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "Prelom reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
 "Ako je podeÅeno, vrÅiÄe prelamanje redova ako tekst postane suviÅe Åirok"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "NaÄin preloma reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "KontroliÅe kako je obavljeno prelamanje reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "Elipsiranje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "Åeljeno mesto za elipsiranje niske"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "Poravnanje reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "Åeljeno poravnanja za nisku, za viÅe-linijski tekst"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "Slaganje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "Da li tekst treba da bude sloÅen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "Znak lozinke"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr "Ako nije nula, koristiÄe ovaj znak za prikazivanje sadrÅaja Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "NajveÄa duÅina"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "NajveÄa duÅina teksta unutar Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "ReÅim jednog reda"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "Da li tekst treba da bude jedan red"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "Boja izabranog teksta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "Postavka boje izabranog teksta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "Da li je boja izabranog teksta postavljena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "VeliÄina usklaÄenja Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr "VeliÄina samousklaÄenja Äinioca za podvlaÄenje dimenzija sliÄice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "OnemoguÄi odsecanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
 msgstr ""
-"Primorava osnovnu teksturu da bude jedna, a ne sastavljena od manjih prostora "
-"ÄuvajuÄi pojedinaÄne teksture"
+"Primorava osnovnu teksturu da bude jedna, a ne sastavljena od manjih "
+"prostora ÄuvajuÄi pojedinaÄne teksture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "Gubitak ploÄice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "NajveÄa izgubljena oblast iseckane teksture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "Vodoravno ponavljanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "Ponavlja sadrÅaje radije nego da im menja razmeru vodoravno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "Uspravno ponavljanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "Ponavlja sadrÅaje radije nego da im menja razmeru uspravno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "Kvalitet filtera"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "Kvalitet prikaza koriÅÄen prilikom iscrtavanja teksture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "Format taÄkice"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "Kogl format taÄkice za koriÅÄenje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Kogl tekstura"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "RuÄica osnovne Kogl tekstura koriÅÄene za crtanje ovog Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Kogl materijal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "RuÄica osnovnog Kogl materijala koriÅÄena za crtanje ovog Äinioca"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "Putanja datoteke koja sadrÅi podatke o slici"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "ZadrÅi odnos razmere"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
 "ZadrÅava odnos Åirine i visine teksture kada zahteva Åeljenu Åirinu i visinu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "UÄitaj neusklaÄeno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
 "UÄitava datoteke unutar niti da bi se izbeglo blokiranje prilikom uÄitavanja "
 "slika sa diska"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "UÄitaj podatke neusklaÄeno"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2006,189 +1996,186 @@ msgstr ""
 "DeÅifruje datoteke podataka slika unutar niti da bi se smanjilo blokiranje "
 "prilikom uÄitavanja slika sa diska"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "Izaberi sa providnoÅÄu"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "Oblik Äinioca sa kanalom providnosti prilikom izbora"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "Nisam uspeo da uÄitam podatke slike"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "JUV teksture nisu podrÅane"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "JUV2 teksture nisu podrÅane"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "Da li linija vremena treba samostalno da se ponovo pokrene"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "Zastoj"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "Zastoj pre poÄetka"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "Trajanje linije vremena, u milisekundama"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "Smer linije vremena"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "Samostalno obrtanje"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "Da li smer treba da bude obrnut kada stigne do kraja"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "sisfs putanja"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "Put ureÄaja u sisfs-u"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "Putanja ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "Put Ävora ureÄaja"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "Iks prikaz za koriÅÄenje"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "Iks ekran za koriÅÄenje"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "Äini H pozive usklaÄenim"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "UkljuÄuje podrÅku H-unosa"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "GalamdÅijin pozadinac"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "Piksmap"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "H11 piksmapa za povezivanje"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "Åirina piksmape"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Åirina piksmap veze za ovu teksturu"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "Visina piksmape"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Visina piksmap veze za ovu teksturu"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "Dubina piksmape"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "Dubina (u broju bita) piksmap veze za ovu teksturu"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "Automatska aÅuriranja"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Ako tekstura treba biti drÅana u usklaÄenosti sa svim piksmap promenama."
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "Prozor"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "H11 prozor za povezivanje"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "Samostalno preusmerenje prozora"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
 "Ako su preusmerenja kompozitnog prozora postavljena na Samostalno (ili RuÄno "
 "ako nisu)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "Prozor je mapiran"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "Ako je prozor mapiran"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "UniÅten"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "Ako je prozor bio uniÅten"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X prozora"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "X poloÅaj prozora na ekranu u skladu sa H11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Y prozora"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "Y poloÅaj prozora na ekranu u skladu sa H11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "Preusmerenje nadjaÄanog prozora"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "Ako je ovo nadjaÄani-preusmereni prozor"
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
index e70b740..170b465 100644
--- a/po/sv.po
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-03 13:02+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <po danielnylander se>\n"
 "Language-Team: Swedish <tp-sv listor tp-sv se>\n"
@@ -822,60 +822,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Vertikal"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homogen"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Mellanrum mellan barn"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "AnvÃnd animeringar"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1168,59 +1168,59 @@ msgstr "Hanterare"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Visa bilder per sekund"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "GÃr alla varningar Ãdesdigra"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Riktning fÃr texten"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "Aktivera hjÃlpmedelsfunktioner"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter-flaggor"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Visa Clutter-flaggor"
diff --git a/po/ta.po b/po/ta.po
index 4654ca1..68779f6 100644
--- a/po/ta.po
+++ b/po/ta.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-16 14:21+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: I Felix <ifelix redhat com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Tamil <ta li org>\n"
@@ -827,60 +827,60 @@ msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààà àààààà
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààà àààààààààà ààààààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààààààà, àààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààààà àà ààààààààà, à.àà. ààààààà ààààààààà ààà àààà ààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààààààà ààààààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "ààààààààààààààààààààà ààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "ààààààààààààà àààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "ààààààààààààààààà àààà àààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "àààààààààààààà ààà àààà"
@@ -1169,59 +1169,59 @@ msgstr "àààààààà"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "àààà àààà àààààààààà àààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "àààààààààààà àààà ààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààààààààà àààààààà ààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "ààààààà mipmapping à àààààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "'àààààààà' àààààà àààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààààààààà ààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààààààààà ààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààààààà ààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààààààà ààààààà àààààààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààààààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter àààààààààààà"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutteràààààààààààà ààààààààà"
diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po
index 0bbd732..91ba5ab 100644
--- a/po/te.po
+++ b/po/te.po
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-27 00:11+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-26 21:28+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap redhat com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Telugu <te li org>\n"
@@ -18,2153 +18,2140 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà X àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà Y àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "ààààààààà X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààààààà X àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "ààààààààà Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààààà Y àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààààààà àààààààààààà àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààààààà ààààààà àààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààààààà ààààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààààààà ààààààà ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "ààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "àààààà-ààààààà àààààà àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "àààààà-àààààà àààààà àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "ààà-ààààààà àààààà àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "ààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "ààà-àààààà àààààà àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "Z ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "àààâàààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "ààààààâàà àààààà ààààààààààààà àààààààà àààààààà àààààà ààààààààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "ààààâàà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "àààààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "ààààààâàà àààààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "ààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr ""
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
index 3727b6c..4abf0cc 100644
--- a/po/tr.po
+++ b/po/tr.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 22:10+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Muhammet Kara <muhammet k gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Turkish <gnome-turk gnome org>\n"
@@ -825,61 +825,61 @@ msgstr "AktÃrÃn hÃcre iÃindeki yatay hizalamasÄ"
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "AktÃrÃn hÃcre iÃindeki dikey hizalamasÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "Dikey"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "YerleÅimin yatay deÄil de dikey olup olmamasÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "Homojen"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
 "YerleÅimin homojen olup olmayacaÄÄ; bu durumda tÃm Ãocuklar aynÄ boyutu alÄr"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "AralÄk"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "Ãocuklar arasÄndaki boÅluk"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "CanlandÄrmalarÄ Kullan"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "YerleÅim deÄiÅikliklerinin canlandÄrÄlmasÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "Hafifletme Kipi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "CanlandÄrmalarÄ hafifletme kipi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "Hafifletme SÃresi"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "CanlandÄrmalarÄn sÃresi"
@@ -1168,59 +1168,59 @@ msgstr "YÃnetici"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "Bu veriyi oluÅturan yÃnetici"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "Saniye baÅÄna dÃÅen ÃerÃeveleri gÃster"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "ÃntanÄmlÄ ÃerÃeve hÄzÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "TÃm uyarÄlarÄ ÃlÃmcÃl yap"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "Metin yÃnÃ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "Metinde haritalamayÄ devre dÄÅÄ bÄrak"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "Ayarlanacak Clutter hata ayÄklama bayraklarÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "KaldÄrÄlacak Clutter hata ayÄklama bayraklarÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "Ayarlanacak Clutter profilleme bayraklarÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "KaldÄrÄlacak Clutter profilleme bayraklarÄ"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "EriÅilebilirliÄi etkinleÅtir"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter SeÃenekleri"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter SeÃeneklerini GÃster"
diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
index d3bfc7d..c180974 100644
--- a/po/uk.po
+++ b/po/uk.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-23 15:16+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-23 13:12+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor ukr net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk li org>\n"
@@ -20,794 +20,792 @@ msgstr ""
 "%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐ. ÑÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐ. ÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÑÐÐ ÐÐ X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÑÐÐ ÐÐ Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "X ÑÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "Y ÑÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÑ ClutterGravity ÑÐÑÐÐ-ÑÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑÑÑÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ ÑÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "ÐÐ'ÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194 ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÐÑÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÐÐÐ ÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑ ÐÐÑÐÐÑ ÐÐ X"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑ ÐÐÑÐÐÑ ÐÐ Y"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑ ÐÐÑÐÐÑ ÐÐ Z"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ ÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÐÐÐ ÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "X ÑÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "Y ÑÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "Z ÑÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564 ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÑÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the horizontal axis"
@@ -815,11 +813,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
 msgid ""
 "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
 "spare space on the vertical axis"
@@ -827,584 +825,577 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÑÑÐÑ Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐ ÐÐÐÐÑÑÐÑ Cairo"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÐÐÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÑÐÐ ÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "ClutterBackend ÐÐÑÑÐÐÐÐÑ ÐÑÐÑÑÑÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÐÑÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "ÐÐ."
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐ ÐÑÐÑÑÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐ ÐÑÐÑÑÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑ ÐÑÑÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÑÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
-#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
-#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
-#. *
-#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR": if it
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÐ Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÐ ÐÐÑÐÐÐÑÑÐ Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ ÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÐÐ ÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑ ÑÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ ÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐ ÑÑÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
 msgid ""
 "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
@@ -1412,511 +1403,511 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
 msgid ""
 "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
 msgid ""
 "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÑ ÐÑÐÑÑÐÒÑ (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÐÐÑÐÐÐÐÑ ÐÑÐÐÑÐÑÐÐÑÐ ÑÑÐÑÑÑ (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐ ÑÐÐÐÐÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐ ÐÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "ÐÐ ÐÑÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ ÑÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÑ ÑÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑ ÑÑÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑ ÑÑÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr ""
 "ÐÐÐÐÑÑÑ Enter"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "ÐÑÑÐÐÑÑÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "ÐÐ ÑÐÑÐÐÐÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
 msgid ""
 "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
 "saving individual textures"
@@ -1924,75 +1915,75 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÑÑÑÐ Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÑÐÐ Cogl"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
 msgid ""
 "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
@@ -2000,22 +1991,22 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
 msgid ""
 "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
 msgid ""
 "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
 "images from disk"
@@ -2023,192 +2014,189 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÐÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÐÑÐÐÐÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑ sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑ ÐÐ ÐÑÐÑÑÑÐÑ Ñ sysfs"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÑ ÐÐÑÐÐÐÐ ÐÐÐÐÑ Clutter"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "ÐÐÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "ÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "ÐÐÐÑÐÐÑÑÑÑ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "X ÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "Y ÐÑÐÐÐ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
index 0a56f46..cdb4fc3 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 20:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-10 15:31+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Aron Xu <happyaron xu gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh googlegroups com>\n"
@@ -824,60 +824,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "çç"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "ååæåäççèéæå"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
 msgid ""
 "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "éè"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr ""
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "äçåç"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "æååååææäçåç"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "æéæå"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "åççæéæå"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "æéæçæé"
-#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "åçæçæé"
@@ -1169,59 +1169,59 @@ msgstr "ççå"
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "ååæææçççå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:491
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1322
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "æçåéç"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1324
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "éèåç"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1326
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "èææèåäèåéè"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1329
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "æææå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1332
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "åææäçç MIP æå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1335
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "äçæçéå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "èèçç Clutter èèæå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1340
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "èåæèçç Clutter èèæå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1344
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "èèçç Clutter æèåææå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1346
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "èåæèçç Clutter æèåææå"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1349
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "åçèååè"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1531
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter éé"
-#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "æç Clutter éé"
diff --git a/po/zh_HK.po b/po/zh_HK.po
index 948bed7..d4636b7 100644
--- a/po/zh_HK.po
+++ b/po/zh_HK.po
@@ -6,2202 +6,2164 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=clutter&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-24 15:28+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-25 16:17+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau yahoo com tw>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) <community linuxhall org>\n"
+"Language: zh_TW\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: zh_TW\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "æåç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "æåç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "åå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåå X äç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "åå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåå Y äç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "ååçäçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "æåæåèäçååçäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "æåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "æåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "èçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååèçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "èçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååèçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "æåéåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "æåäçæåéååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "æåéåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "æåäçæåéååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "èçéåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "æåäçèçéååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "èçéåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "æåäçèçéååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "åä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "æåçåä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "èææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "æåçèææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "èæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "å Z èäçäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "æåçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "çæçéæåå URIï%s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "æåæååæäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "åèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "æåæåçåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "æåæååèçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "æåæååèåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "éææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "æåæååæääéææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "åæèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "æåæåæèåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "æåçèååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "äç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçäçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "äç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçäçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "äçäå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "æåäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "äçäå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "åçäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "äçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "äççäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "æèèå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçæèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "æèèå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçæèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "æèèå Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "å Z èäçæèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "æèäå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçæèäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "æèäå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçæèäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "æèäå Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "å Z èäçæèäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "æèäå Z åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "åç Z èæèçäåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "éé X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "ééç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "éé Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "ééç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "ééåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "ééåç ClutterGravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "èåçäåæéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "æåèåçäåææåéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "èåååä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "èåèåååäèèæåçåä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "æåçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "åæææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "æåæååæèåèççææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "åä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "ååäéåäçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "æäçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "ååæäçæçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "æåéååäççä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "äççäçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "æåäççäåèåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "æé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "åéçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "åéèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "çäåéäççèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "åéååïå 0.0 å 1.0 äé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "æéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha äççæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Alpha å"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "ç alpha æèçç Alpha å"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "éèæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "çä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "åçåçççä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "åççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "æçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "åççæçæéïäæçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "åçæååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "åçäççæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "åçäçç alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "åççæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "åççæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "éåèçç Alpha çä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "èåèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "åççååèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "çæèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "åçççæèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "èåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "ååçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "çæèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "æåçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "èå X æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "åç X èçæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "èå Y æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "åç Y èçæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "èå Z æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "åç Z èçæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "æåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "æåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "äå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "æåçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "æèçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "æåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "ååæåçç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "æåçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "æåçæåçç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "ClutterPath çäèèåçæçéçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "èåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "èåçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "æèçèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "äå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "æèäåç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "äå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "æèäåç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "äå Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "æèäåç Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "X èèåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçååäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "X èçæäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçæåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Y èèåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçååäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Y èçæäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçæåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "éççäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "èéççåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "åçåéççåçåçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "éçæççäåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "æååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçéççåäåæåçæååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "åçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçéççåäåæåçåçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçééçççåäåæåçéèæååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçééçççåäåæåçéèåçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "çééçççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "æææäçççééçççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "éè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "ææçèæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "éèé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "æååèåèæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "åé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "éçéåçéçåçä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "æååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
-msgid "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the horizontal axis"
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+msgid ""
+"Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
+"spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr "çååæåæåèäéçåççéæïåçäæåæèææååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "åçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
-msgid "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the vertical axis"
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+msgid ""
+"Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
+"spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr "çååæååçèäéçåççéæïåçäæåæèææååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "åææäåæåçæååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "åææäåæåçåçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "çééçæåæèæåçèéæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "åèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
-msgid "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
+msgid ""
+"Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr "çééçæåæèæåèçïäåæææåçäéåæçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "åèéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "æåèåææçèåååèååéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "éé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "åçääéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "äçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "æåçééççæææèäåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "çææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "çææåçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "çææçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "åççæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "èééå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo èéçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "èééå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo èéçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "èåèæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "æåéçæåæèçåçåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "çäåçæèæçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "çæèæææåçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "åæä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "åééèæåæèèæåæäçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "ææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "åééèæååæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "éæéæåæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "éæéæåèèçæåçæåæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "éæéæåçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "åæéæéæååçæåçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "æåçäèåäæçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "èè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "åççèè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "æåäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "æåäææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "åçäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "åçäææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "èææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "çèæåèæææççæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "çååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "åççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "èçççåç Clutter åççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "æåææèçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "ååæææéçæååçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "åçææèçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "ååæææéçåçåçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "ææææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "æåææçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "ææèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "çæææäæèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "çééççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "æåéçæåæèçåçåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "æéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "çæäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "åéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "æåäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "æäæçæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "æäæçæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "æååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "æäåçæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "æååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "æäåçæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "èåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "èçåäèåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "èçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "èçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "èççéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "èççççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "èççççååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "èçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "èççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "åæææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "èçæåæææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "èçæåååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "èçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "èçäçèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "åçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "èæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "åééääçèæååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "ççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "çäåçæèæçççå"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "éçåæéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "éèåæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "ææèåèçåééè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "åæåäåç MIP åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "äçãæçãæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "èèåç Clutter ééæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "èåæèåç Clutter ééæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "èèåç Clutter æèåææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "èåæèåç Clutter æèåææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "åçèååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter éé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "éç Clutter éé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "åéææç URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "ææä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "ææäæåææã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "çåææçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "åå URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "ååææç URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "åååååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "éçååæççåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "éèéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "éèçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "åäåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "çåçäææåæååæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "çèååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "çèåçååçç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "äçèæçäææçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "åçäçç alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "åéååïå 0.0 å 1.0 äé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "çåçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "éæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "çåéæçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "éæéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "çåéæçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "åæéæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "çåæåæèæéæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "æåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "æååçèå :filename åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "çååæææçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "éæåäæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "åæåééæææåéæééçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "éæåäéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "åæåééæææåéæééçèé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "ææèéçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "éåææåææçåçèé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "åååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
-msgid "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+msgid ""
+"The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr "éèååçæèïçåç Pango åæçèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "åååæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
-msgid "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the default)"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr "æåäçåæå (1 çåçï0 çåçïè -1 çäçéèå)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "åå DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
-msgid "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+msgid ""
+"The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr "ååçèååïåäç 1024 * éæ/èåïææ -1 çäçéèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "åå Hinting"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
-msgid "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr "æåäç hinting (1 çåçï0 çåçïè -1 çäçéèå)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "åå Hint æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "hinting çéå (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "ååæåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "æåçåæåçéå (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "èèéæéæåæåçæåæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Fontconfig çææåæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "çåç fontconfig çæçæåæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "äèçèäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "äèçèåæçäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "çæçèäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "çæçèåæçäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "åçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "éåæååèçèåéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "éåæååèåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "%s çèåæï%s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "äèçèåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "çæçèåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "çèåæéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "äçççèåæéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "äæææï"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "éçæå(_E)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "æåææçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "éçæå(_E)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "æåçééççæææèäåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "åçåéççåçåçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "åèåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "äèèæåçåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "ååæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "äèèæåæèåååæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "ææåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "éææåèæäèèää"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "äçèåææåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "èèæåèåééäçèäääçèèæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "èèçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "èè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "èèæååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "æé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "èèæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "äçéåææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "æåèåçæææç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "æææççèåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "äçÎçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "æåèèéèèéèçÎçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "æéçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "çåæéçéçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "çæçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "èèæåæèæçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "æåèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "èèæåæèæçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "çæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr "çåèåçæï(æåèåæååèæåéåçæ)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "éèèææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "æçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "èçåäæåçæçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "åçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "èçåäæåçåçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "åäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "èçåäèèèçææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "åäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "èçåäèèèçåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "åæåèçäéçéåçéçåçä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "åçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "ååçèçéçéåçéçåçä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "æäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "åäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "æåæççåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "ååæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "æççååæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "èæççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "ååéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "æåååæççéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "åçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "æåæååäçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "åéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "æåæååäéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "ååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "æäèåéæåæéæçååçäè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "èåæææååè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "ææéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "ææéèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "ææéèæååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "ææåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "ææçåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "ææäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "ææçäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "éååéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "éåååäççææäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "éååéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "éååéèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "éååéèæååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "èåçåæåååçæååææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "äçæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "æåæååå Pango æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "èåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "èåäååææåèååååææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "èåæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "æåæåèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "çååäçååäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "åé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "ååæåäååçåäåéæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "èæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "æåæåæèèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "åçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr "åæäæçååäçéååçäéçæååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "æåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "æååéæåçæåéåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "ååæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "æåæååæäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "éåçæåéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "éåçæåéèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "éåçæåéèæååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "åææåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr "æåååèåèäåçåççèååååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "åçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
-msgid "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space saving individual textures"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+msgid ""
+"Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
+"saving individual textures"
 msgstr "ååäåçèççåéïèäæçåçéæååçååèçã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "äæèè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "åçèççæåèèåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "æåéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "éèååèéååæåäåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "åçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "éèååèéåååçäåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "éæååè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "çèèçææççæçåèã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "åçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "æçç Cogl åçæåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Cogl èç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "çäçèéåæåçäå C0gl èçææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Cogl æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "çäçèéåæåäå Cogl æèææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "ååååèæææçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "çæåèæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
-msgid "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or height"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+msgid ""
+"Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr "èæååçéåæéåæäæèççåèæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "éåæèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
-msgid "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+msgid ""
+"Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr "åççèåååææåèçåèåææäéåéåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "åæèåèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
-msgid "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading images from disk"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
+"images from disk"
 msgstr "åççèåååææåèçåèçååèæææäéäéåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "æåæéåÎ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "æåæéåæåçÎééçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "çæèååçèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "äææ YUV æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "äææ YUV2 æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "æéèæèåéæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "åé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "ååååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "æéèæçæé (äç)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "æéèæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "èååè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "åéçåææåæåèæå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "sysfs èå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "sysfs èççèå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "èçèå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "èççéçèå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "æçç X éç"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "æçç X èå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "ä X åååæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "åç XInput ææ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "Clutter åççå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "åçå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "ééç X11 åçå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "åçåéå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "éééåèççåçåéå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "åçåéå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "éééåèççåçåéå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "åçåæå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "èéåèççééçåçåæå (ääåæèç)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "èåææ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr "èçæåæèäæèääåçåææåæã"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "çééç X11 èç"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "èçèåéæåå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr "åæèçæåèåçèåéæåå (ææèçæå)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "èçåæå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "èçæååæå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "åéæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "èçæååéæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "èç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "ææ X11 æåèåäèçç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "èç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "ææ X11 æåèåäèçç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "èçèåéæåå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "æåéæåèåéæååçèç"
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
index 199aabf..2edd8bf 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -6,2202 +6,2164 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: clutter\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=clutter&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-24 15:28+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.clutter-project.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-17 12:08+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-25 15:51+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau yahoo com tw>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese Traditional <zh_TW li org>\n"
+"Language: zh_TW\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: zh_TW\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3875
 msgid "X coordinate"
 msgstr "X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3876
 msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "æåç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3891
 msgid "Y coordinate"
 msgstr "Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3892
 msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
 msgstr "æåç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3907 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:477
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3908
 msgid "Width of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3922 clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:493
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3923
 msgid "Height of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3941
 msgid "Fixed X"
 msgstr "åå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3942
 msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåå X äç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3960
 msgid "Fixed Y"
 msgstr "åå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3961
 msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåå Y äç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3977
 msgid "Fixed position set"
 msgstr "ååçäçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:3978
 msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
 msgstr "æåæåèäçååçäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4000
 msgid "Min Width"
 msgstr "æååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4001
 msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååæååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4020
 msgid "Min Height"
 msgstr "æåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4021
 msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4040
 msgid "Natural Width"
 msgstr "èçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4041
 msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååèçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4060
 msgid "Natural Height"
 msgstr "èçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4061
 msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
 msgstr "æåèæååèçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4077
 msgid "Minimum width set"
 msgstr "æåååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4078
 msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
 msgstr "æåäçæååååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4093
 msgid "Minimum height set"
 msgstr "æåéåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4094
 msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
 msgstr "æåäçæåéååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4109
 msgid "Natural width set"
 msgstr "èçååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4110
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
 msgstr "æåäçèçåååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4127
 msgid "Natural height set"
 msgstr "èçéåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4128
 msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
 msgstr "æåäçèçéååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4147
 msgid "Allocation"
 msgstr "åä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4148
 msgid "The actor's allocation"
 msgstr "æåçåä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4204
 msgid "Request Mode"
 msgstr "èææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4205
 msgid "The actor's request mode"
 msgstr "æåçèææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4220
 msgid "Depth"
 msgstr "èæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4221
 msgid "Position on the Z axis"
 msgstr "å Z èäçäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4235
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4236
 msgid "Opacity of an actor"
 msgstr "æåçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4255
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Offscreen redirect"
 msgstr "çæçéæåå URIï%s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4256
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
 msgstr "æåæååæäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4274
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "åèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4275
 msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
 msgstr "æåæåçåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4290
 msgid "Mapped"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4291
 msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
 msgstr "æåæååèçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4305
 msgid "Realized"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4306
 msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
 msgstr "æåæååèåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4322
 msgid "Reactive"
 msgstr "éææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4323
 msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
 msgstr "æåæååæääéææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4335
 msgid "Has Clip"
 msgstr "åæèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4336
 msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
 msgstr "æåæåæèåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4351
 msgid "Clip"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4352
 msgid "The clip region for the actor"
 msgstr "æåçèååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4366 clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:236
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4367
 msgid "Name of the actor"
 msgstr "æåçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4381
 msgid "Scale X"
 msgstr "äç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4382
 msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçäçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4397
 msgid "Scale Y"
 msgstr "äç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4398
 msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçäçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4413
 msgid "Scale Center X"
 msgstr "äçäå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4414
 msgid "Horizontal scale center"
 msgstr "æåäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4429
 msgid "Scale Center Y"
 msgstr "äçäå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4430
 msgid "Vertical scale center"
 msgstr "åçäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4445
 msgid "Scale Gravity"
 msgstr "äçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4446
 msgid "The center of scaling"
 msgstr "äççäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4463
 msgid "Rotation Angle X"
 msgstr "æèèå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4464
 msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçæèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4479
 msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
 msgstr "æèèå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4480
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçæèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4495
 msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
 msgstr "æèèå Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4496
 msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
 msgstr "å Z èäçæèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4511
 msgid "Rotation Center X"
 msgstr "æèäå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4512
 msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçæèäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4528
 msgid "Rotation Center Y"
 msgstr "æèäå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4529
 msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçæèäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4545
 msgid "Rotation Center Z"
 msgstr "æèäå Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4546
 msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
 msgstr "å Z èäçæèäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4562
 msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
 msgstr "æèäå Z åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4563
 msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
 msgstr "åç Z èæèçäåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4581
 msgid "Anchor X"
 msgstr "éé X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4582
 msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "ééç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4598
 msgid "Anchor Y"
 msgstr "éé Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4599
 msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
 msgstr "ééç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4614
 msgid "Anchor Gravity"
 msgstr "ééåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4615
 msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
 msgstr "ééåç ClutterGravity"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4634
 msgid "Show on set parent"
 msgstr "èåçäåæéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4635
 msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
 msgstr "æåèåçäåææåéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4655
 msgid "Clip to Allocation"
 msgstr "èåååä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4656
 msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
 msgstr "èåèåååäèèæåçåä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4666
 msgid "Text Direction"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4667
 msgid "Direction of the text"
 msgstr "æåçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4685
 msgid "Has Pointer"
 msgstr "åæææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4686
 msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
 msgstr "æåæååæèåèççææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4703
 msgid "Actions"
 msgstr "åä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4704
 msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
 msgstr "ååäéåäçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4718
 msgid "Constraints"
 msgstr "æäçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
+#: clutter/clutter-actor.c:4719
 msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
 msgstr "ååæäçæçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
 msgid "Actor"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
 msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
 msgstr "æåéååäççä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
 msgid "The name of the meta"
 msgstr "äççäçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:307
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
 msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
 msgstr "æåäççäåèåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:270
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:349 clutter/clutter-clone.c:340
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "æé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:271
 msgid "The source of the alignment"
 msgstr "åéçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:284
 msgid "Align Axis"
 msgstr "åéèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:285
 msgid "The axis to align the position to"
 msgstr "çäåéäççèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:304
 msgid "Factor"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:305
 msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
 msgstr "åéååïå 0.0 å 1.0 äé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:345 clutter/clutter-animation.c:538
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1802
 msgid "Timeline"
 msgstr "æéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:346
 msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha äççæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:361
 msgid "Alpha value"
 msgstr "Alpha å"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:362
 msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
 msgstr "ç alpha æèçç Alpha å"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:382 clutter/clutter-animation.c:494
 msgid "Mode"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
+#: clutter/clutter-alpha.c:383
 msgid "Progress mode"
 msgstr "éèæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:478
 msgid "Object"
 msgstr "çä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:479
 msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
 msgstr "åçåçççä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:495
 msgid "The mode of the animation"
 msgstr "åççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:509
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:194
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:509 clutter/clutter-animator.c:1786
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:194 clutter/clutter-state.c:1486
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:294
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "æçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:510
 msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
 msgstr "åççæçæéïäæçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:524 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:263
 msgid "Loop"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:525
 msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
 msgstr "åçæååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:539
 msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
 msgstr "åçäççæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:552
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:552 clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:304
 msgid "Alpha"
 msgstr "Alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
+#: clutter/clutter-animation.c:553
 msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
 msgstr "åçäçç alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1787
 msgid "The duration of the animation"
 msgstr "åççæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: clutter/clutter-animator.c:1803
 msgid "The timeline of the animation"
 msgstr "åççæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour.c:305
 msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
 msgstr "éåèçç Alpha çä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:178
 msgid "Start Depth"
 msgstr "èåèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:179
 msgid "Initial depth to apply"
 msgstr "åççååèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:194
 msgid "End Depth"
 msgstr "çæèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:195
 msgid "Final depth to apply"
 msgstr "åçççæèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:397
 msgid "Start Angle"
 msgstr "èåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:280
 msgid "Initial angle"
 msgstr "ååçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:413
 msgid "End Angle"
 msgstr "çæèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:298
 msgid "Final angle"
 msgstr "æåçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:429
 msgid "Angle x tilt"
 msgstr "èå X æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:430
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
 msgstr "åç X èçæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:445
 msgid "Angle y tilt"
 msgstr "èå Y æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:446
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
 msgstr "åç Y èçæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:461
 msgid "Angle z tilt"
 msgstr "èå Z æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:462
 msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
 msgstr "åç Z èçæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:478
 msgid "Width of the ellipse"
 msgstr "æåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:494
 msgid "Height of ellipse"
 msgstr "æåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:509
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "äå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:510
 msgid "Center of ellipse"
 msgstr "æåçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:524
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:333 clutter/clutter-timeline.c:310
 msgid "Direction"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:525
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:334
 msgid "Direction of rotation"
 msgstr "æèçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:181
 msgid "Opacity Start"
 msgstr "æåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:182
 msgid "Initial opacity level"
 msgstr "ååæåçç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:199
 msgid "Opacity End"
 msgstr "æåçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:200
 msgid "Final opacity level"
 msgstr "æåçæåçç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:222 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-path.c:223
 msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
 msgstr "ClutterPath çäèèåçæçéçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:279
 msgid "Angle Begin"
 msgstr "èåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:297
 msgid "Angle End"
 msgstr "èåçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:315
 msgid "Axis"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:316
 msgid "Axis of rotation"
 msgstr "æèçèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:351
 msgid "Center X"
 msgstr "äå X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:352
 msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "æèäåç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:369
 msgid "Center Y"
 msgstr "äå Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:370
 msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "æèäåç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:387
 msgid "Center Z"
 msgstr "äå Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:388
 msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
 msgstr "æèäåç Z åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:222
 msgid "X Start Scale"
 msgstr "X èèåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:223
 msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçååäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:241
 msgid "X End Scale"
 msgstr "X èçæäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:242
 msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
 msgstr "å X èäçæåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:260
 msgid "Y Start Scale"
 msgstr "Y èèåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:261
 msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçååäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:279
 msgid "Y End Scale"
 msgstr "Y èçæäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
+#: clutter/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:280
 msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
 msgstr "å Y èäçæåäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:350
 msgid "The source of the binding"
 msgstr "éççäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:363
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:364
 msgid "The coordinate to bind"
 msgstr "èéççåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:378 clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
+#: clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:379
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
 msgstr "åçåéççåçåçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+#: clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
 msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
 msgstr "éçæççäåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:261 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:395 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:652
 msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
 msgstr "æååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:262
 msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçéççåäåæåçæååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:270 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:667
 msgid "Vertical Alignment"
 msgstr "åçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:271
 msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçéççåäåæåçåçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:586
 msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçééçççåäåæåçéèæååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
+#: clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:603
 msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
 msgstr "çæçééçççåäåæåçéèåçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:544
 msgid "Layout Manager"
 msgstr "çééçççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:545
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:545
 msgid "The layout manager used by the box"
 msgstr "æææäçççééçççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:564
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:564 clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1778
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "éè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:565
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:565
 msgid "The background color of the box"
 msgstr "ææçèæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:579
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:579
 msgid "Color Set"
 msgstr "éèé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box.c:580
+#: clutter/clutter-box.c:580
 msgid "Whether the background color is set"
 msgstr "æååèåèæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:370
 msgid "Expand"
 msgstr "åé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:371
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
 msgstr "éçéåçéçåçä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:377 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:631
 msgid "Horizontal Fill"
 msgstr "æååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
-msgid "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the horizontal axis"
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:378 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:632
+msgid ""
+"Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
+"spare space on the horizontal axis"
 msgstr "çååæåæåèäéçåççéæïåçäæåæèææååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:638
 msgid "Vertical Fill"
 msgstr "åçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
-msgid "Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the vertical axis"
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:639
+msgid ""
+"Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
+"spare space on the vertical axis"
 msgstr "çååæååçèäéçåççéæïåçäæåæèææååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:396 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:653
 msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "åææäåæåçæååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:668
 msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
 msgstr "åææäåæåçåçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1305
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1303
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1306
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1304
 msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
 msgstr "çééçæåæèæåçèéæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1321
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1319 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:901
 msgid "Homogeneous"
 msgstr "åèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1322
-msgid "Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1320
+msgid ""
+"Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
 msgstr "çééçæåæèæåèçïäåæææåçäéåæçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1337
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1335
 msgid "Pack Start"
 msgstr "åèéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1338
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1336
 msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
 msgstr "æåèåææçèåååèååéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1351
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1349
 msgid "Spacing"
 msgstr "éé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1352
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1350
 msgid "Spacing between children"
 msgstr "åçääéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1364 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1742
 msgid "Use Animations"
 msgstr "äçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1367
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1743
 msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
 msgstr "æåçééççèææèäåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1388
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1386 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1764
 msgid "Easing Mode"
 msgstr "çææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1389
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1387 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1765
 msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
 msgstr "çææåçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1406
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1404 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1782
 msgid "Easing Duration"
 msgstr "çææçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1407
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
+#: clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1405 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1783
 msgid "The duration of the animations"
 msgstr "åççæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:582
 msgid "Surface Width"
 msgstr "èéåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:583
 msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo èéçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
 msgid "Surface Height"
 msgstr "èééå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
 msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
 msgstr "Cairo èéçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
 msgid "Auto Resize"
 msgstr "èåèæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+#: clutter/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
 msgstr "æåéçæåæèçåçåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
 msgid "Container"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
 msgid "The container that created this data"
 msgstr "çäåçæèæçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+#: clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
 msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
 msgstr "çæèæææåçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:542
 msgid "Pressed"
 msgstr "åæä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:543
 msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
 msgstr "åééèæåæèèæåæäçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:556
 msgid "Held"
 msgstr "ææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:557
 msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
 msgstr "åééèæååæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574 clutter/clutter-settings.c:573
 msgid "Long Press Duration"
 msgstr "éæéæåæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:575
 msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
 msgstr "éæéæåèèçæåçæåæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:593
 msgid "Long Press Threshold"
 msgstr "éæéæåçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-click-action.c:594
 msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
 msgstr "åæéæéæååçæåçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
+#: clutter/clutter-clone.c:341
 msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
 msgstr "æåçäèåäæçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:307
 msgid "Tint"
 msgstr "èè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:308
 msgid "The tint to apply"
 msgstr "åççèè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:527
 msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
 msgstr "æåäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:528
 msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
 msgstr "æåäææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:543
 msgid "Vertical Tiles"
 msgstr "åçäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:544
 msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
 msgstr "åçäææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:561
 msgid "Back Material"
 msgstr "èææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
+#: clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:562
 msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
 msgstr "çèæåèæææççæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
+#: clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:305
 msgid "The desaturation factor"
 msgstr "çååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131 clutter/clutter-input-device.c:344
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
 msgid "Backend"
 msgstr "åççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+#: clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
 msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
 msgstr "èçççåç Clutter åççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:596
 msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "æåææèçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:597
 msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "ååæææéçæååçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "åçææèçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:625
 msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
 msgstr "ååæææéçåçåçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:646
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "ææææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:647
 msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
 msgstr "æåææçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:660
 msgid "Drag Axis"
 msgstr "ææèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
+#: clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:661
 msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
 msgstr "çæææäæèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:885
 msgid "Orientation"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:886
 msgid "The orientation of the layout"
 msgstr "çééççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:902
 msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
 msgstr "æåéçæåæèçåçåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:917 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1713
 msgid "Column Spacing"
 msgstr "æéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:918
 msgid "The spacing between columns"
 msgstr "çæäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:934 clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1727
 msgid "Row Spacing"
 msgstr "åéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:935
 msgid "The spacing between rows"
 msgstr "æåäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:949
 msgid "Minimum Column Width"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:950
 msgid "Minimum width for each column"
 msgstr "æäæçæååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:965
 msgid "Maximum Column Width"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:966
 msgid "Maximum width for each column"
 msgstr "æäæçæååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:980
 msgid "Minimum Row Height"
 msgstr "æååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:981
 msgid "Minimum height for each row"
 msgstr "æäåçæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:996
 msgid "Maximum Row Height"
 msgstr "æååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
+#: clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:997
 msgid "Maximum height for each row"
 msgstr "æäåçæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:220
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "èåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:221
 msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
 msgstr "èçåäèåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:237
 msgid "The name of the device"
 msgstr "èçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:251
 msgid "Device Type"
 msgstr "èçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:252
 msgid "The type of the device"
 msgstr "èççéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:267
 msgid "Device Manager"
 msgstr "èççççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:268
 msgid "The device manager instance"
 msgstr "èççççååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:281
 msgid "Device Mode"
 msgstr "èçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:282
 msgid "The mode of the device"
 msgstr "èççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:296
 msgid "Has Cursor"
 msgstr "åæææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:297
 msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
 msgstr "èçæåæææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:316
 msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
 msgstr "èçæåååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:329
 msgid "Number of Axes"
 msgstr "èçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:330
 msgid "The number of axes on the device"
 msgstr "èçäçèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
+#: clutter/clutter-input-device.c:345
 msgid "The backend instance"
 msgstr "åçåé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:397
 msgid "Value Type"
 msgstr "èæåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
+#: clutter/clutter-interval.c:398
 msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
 msgstr "åééääçèæååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
 msgid "Manager"
 msgstr "ççå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+#: clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
 msgid "The manager that created this data"
 msgstr "çäåçæèæçççå"
-#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
-#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
-#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
-#. *
-#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
-#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:492
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:492
 msgid "default:LTR"
 msgstr "default:LTR"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1323
 msgid "Show frames per second"
 msgstr "éçåæéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1325
 msgid "Default frame rate"
 msgstr "éèåæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1327
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "ææèåèçåééè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1330
 msgid "Direction for the text"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1333
 msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
 msgstr "åæåäåç MIP åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1336
 msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
 msgstr "äçãæçãæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1339
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
 msgstr "èèåç Clutter ééæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1341
 msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
 msgstr "èåæèåç Clutter ééæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1345
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
 msgstr "èèåç Clutter æèåææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1347
 msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
 msgstr "èåæèåç Clutter æèåææè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1350
 msgid "Enable accessibility"
 msgstr "åçèååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1532
 msgid "Clutter Options"
 msgstr "Clutter éé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
+#: clutter/clutter-main.c:1533
 msgid "Show Clutter Options"
 msgstr "éç Clutter éé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:77
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:77
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:78
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:78
 msgid "URI of a media file"
 msgstr "åéææç URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:91
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:91
 msgid "Playing"
 msgstr "ææä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:92
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:92
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
 msgstr "ææäæåææã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:106
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:106
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:107
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:107
 msgid "Current progress of the playback"
 msgstr "çåææçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:120
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:120
 msgid "Subtitle URI"
 msgstr "åå URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:121
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:121
 msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
 msgstr "ååææç URI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:136
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:136
 msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
 msgstr "åååååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:137
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:137
 msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
 msgstr "éçååæççåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:151
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:151
 msgid "Audio Volume"
 msgstr "éèéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:152
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:152
 msgid "The volume of the audio"
 msgstr "éèçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:165
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:165
 msgid "Can Seek"
 msgstr "åäåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:166
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:166
 msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
 msgstr "çåçäææåæååæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:180
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:180
 msgid "Buffer Fill"
 msgstr "çèååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:181
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:181
 msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
 msgstr "çèåçååçç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-media.c:195
+#: clutter/clutter-media.c:195
 msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
 msgstr "äçèæçäææçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
 msgstr "åçäçç alpha"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+#: clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
 msgstr "åéååïå 0.0 å 1.0 äé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:268
 msgid "The color of the rectangle"
 msgstr "çåçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:281
 msgid "Border Color"
 msgstr "éæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:282
 msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "çåéæçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:297
 msgid "Border Width"
 msgstr "éæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:298
 msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
 msgstr "çåéæçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:312
 msgid "Has Border"
 msgstr "åæéæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
+#: clutter/clutter-rectangle.c:313
 msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
 msgstr "çåæåæèæéæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:434
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:434
 msgid "Filename Set"
 msgstr "æåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:435
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:435
 msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
 msgstr "æååçèå :filename åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:449
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:449 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1081
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:450
+#: clutter/clutter-script.c:450
 msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
 msgstr "çååæææçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:414
 msgid "Double Click Time"
 msgstr "éææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:415
 msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "åæåééæææåéæééçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:430
 msgid "Double Click Distance"
 msgstr "éæéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:431
 msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
 msgstr "åæåééæææåéæééçèé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:446
 msgid "Drag Threshold"
 msgstr "ææèéçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:447
 msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
 msgstr "éåææåææçåçèé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:462
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:462 clutter/clutter-text.c:2936
 msgid "Font Name"
 msgstr "åååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
-msgid "The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:463
+msgid ""
+"The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
 msgstr "éèååçæèïçåç Pango åæçèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:478
 msgid "Font Antialias"
 msgstr "åååæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
-msgid "Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the default)"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:479
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
 msgstr "æåäçåæå (1 çåçï0 çåçïè -1 çäçéèå)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:495
 msgid "Font DPI"
 msgstr "åå DPI"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
-msgid "The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:496
+msgid ""
+"The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
 msgstr "ååçèæåïåäç 1024 * éæ/èåïææ -1 çäçéèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:512
 msgid "Font Hinting"
 msgstr "åå Hinting"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
-msgid "Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:513
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
 msgstr "æåäç hinting (1 çåçï0 çåçïè -1 çäçéèå)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:534
 msgid "Font Hint Style"
 msgstr "åå Hint æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:535
 msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
 msgstr "hinting çéå (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:556
 msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
 msgstr "ååæåçéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:557
 msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
 msgstr "æåçåæåçéå (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:574
 msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
 msgstr "èèéæéæåæåçæåæçæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:581
 msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
 msgstr "Fontconfig çææåæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+#: clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
 msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
 msgstr "çåç fontconfig çæçæåæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:255
 msgid "Vertex Source"
 msgstr "äèèèäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:256
 msgid "Source of vertex shader"
 msgstr "äèèèåæçäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:272
 msgid "Fragment Source"
 msgstr "çæèèäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:273
 msgid "Source of fragment shader"
 msgstr "çæèèåæçäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:290
 msgid "Compiled"
 msgstr "åçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:291
 msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
 msgstr "éåæååèçèåéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:308
 msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
 msgstr "éåæååèåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:519
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
 msgstr "%s çèåæï%s"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:520
 msgid "Vertex shader"
 msgstr "äèèèåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
+#: clutter/clutter-shader.c:521
 msgid "Fragment shader"
 msgstr "çæèèåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:415
 msgid "Shader Type"
 msgstr "èèåæéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
+#: clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:416
 msgid "The type of shader used"
 msgstr "äççèèåæéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The source of the constraint"
 msgstr "äæææï"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "From Edge"
 msgstr "éçæå(_E)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
 msgstr "æåææçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To Edge"
 msgstr "éçæå(_E)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
 msgstr "æåçééççèææèäåçéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+#: clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
 msgstr "åçåéççåçåçå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1720
 msgid "Fullscreen Set"
 msgstr "åèåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1721
 msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
 msgstr "äèèæåçåèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1737
 msgid "Offscreen"
 msgstr "ååæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1738
 msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
 msgstr "äèèæåæèåååæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1750 clutter/clutter-text.c:3049
 msgid "Cursor Visible"
 msgstr "ææåè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1751
 msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
 msgstr "æéæææåèæäèèää"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1765
 msgid "User Resizable"
 msgstr "äçèåèæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1766
 msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
 msgstr "èèæåèåééäçèäääçèèæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1779
 msgid "The color of the stage"
 msgstr "èèçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1793
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "èè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1794
 msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
 msgstr "èèæååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1809
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "æé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1810
 msgid "Stage Title"
 msgstr "èèæé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1825
 msgid "Use Fog"
 msgstr "äçéåææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1826
 msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
 msgstr "æåèåçæææç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1840
 msgid "Fog"
 msgstr "éå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1841
 msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
 msgstr "æææççèåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1857
 msgid "Use Alpha"
 msgstr "äçÎçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1858
 msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
 msgstr "æåèèéèèéèçÎçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1874
 msgid "Key Focus"
 msgstr "æéçé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1875
 msgid "The currently key focused actor"
 msgstr "çåæéçéçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1891
 msgid "No Clear Hint"
 msgstr "çæçæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1892
 msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
 msgstr "èèæåæèæçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1905
 msgid "Accept Focus"
 msgstr "æåèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
+#: clutter/clutter-stage.c:1906
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
 msgstr "èèæåæèæçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1472
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "çæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1473
 msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
 msgstr "çåèåçæï(æåèåæååèæåéåçæ)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
+#: clutter/clutter-state.c:1487
 msgid "Default transition duration"
 msgstr "éèèææé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:585
 msgid "Column Number"
 msgstr "æçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:586
 msgid "The column the widget resides in"
 msgstr "èçåäæåçæçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:593
 msgid "Row Number"
 msgstr "åçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:594
 msgid "The row the widget resides in"
 msgstr "èçåäæåçåçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:601
 msgid "Column Span"
 msgstr "åäæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:602
 msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
 msgstr "èçåäèèèçææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:609
 msgid "Row Span"
 msgstr "åäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
 msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
 msgstr "èçåäèèèçåæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:617
 msgid "Horizontal Expand"
 msgstr "æåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:618
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
 msgstr "åæåèçäéçéåçéçåçä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:624
 msgid "Vertical Expand"
 msgstr "åçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
 msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
 msgstr "ååçèçéçéåçéçåçä"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1714
 msgid "Spacing between columns"
 msgstr "æäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
+#: clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1728
 msgid "Spacing between rows"
 msgstr "åäéçéé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2937
 msgid "The font to be used by the text"
 msgstr "æåæççåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2954
 msgid "Font Description"
 msgstr "ååæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2955
 msgid "The font description to be used"
 msgstr "æççååæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2971
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2972
 msgid "The text to render"
 msgstr "èæççæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2986
 msgid "Font Color"
 msgstr "ååéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:2987
 msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
 msgstr "æåååæççéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3001
 msgid "Editable"
 msgstr "åçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3002
 msgid "Whether the text is editable"
 msgstr "æåæååäçè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3017
 msgid "Selectable"
 msgstr "åéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3018
 msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
 msgstr "æåæååäéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3032
 msgid "Activatable"
 msgstr "ååç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3033
 msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
 msgstr "æäèåéæåæéæçååçäè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3050
 msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
 msgstr "èåæææååè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3064
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3064 clutter/clutter-text.c:3065
 msgid "Cursor Color"
 msgstr "ææéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3079
 msgid "Cursor Color Set"
 msgstr "ææéèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3080
 msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
 msgstr "ææéèæååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3095
 msgid "Cursor Size"
 msgstr "ææåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3096
 msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
 msgstr "ææçåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3110
 msgid "Cursor Position"
 msgstr "ææäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3111
 msgid "The cursor position"
 msgstr "ææçäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3126
 msgid "Selection-bound"
 msgstr "éååéç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3127
 msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
 msgstr "éåååäççææäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3142
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3142 clutter/clutter-text.c:3143
 msgid "Selection Color"
 msgstr "éååéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3157
 msgid "Selection Color Set"
 msgstr "éååéèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3158
 msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
 msgstr "éååéèæååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3173
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "åæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3174
 msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
 msgstr "èåçåæåååçæååææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3196
 msgid "Use markup"
 msgstr "äçæè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3197
 msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
 msgstr "æåæååå Pango æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3213
 msgid "Line wrap"
 msgstr "èåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3214
 msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
 msgstr "èåäååææåèååååææå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3229
 msgid "Line wrap mode"
 msgstr "èåæåæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3230
 msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
 msgstr "æåæåèç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3245
 msgid "Ellipsize"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3246
 msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
 msgstr "çååäçååäç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3262
 msgid "Line Alignment"
 msgstr "åé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3263
 msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
 msgstr "ååæåäååçåäåéæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3279
 msgid "Justify"
 msgstr "èæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3280
 msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
 msgstr "æåæåæèèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3295
 msgid "Password Character"
 msgstr "åçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3296
 msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
 msgstr "åæäæçååäçéåååäéçæååå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3310
 msgid "Max Length"
 msgstr "æåéå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3311
 msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
 msgstr "æååéæåçæåéåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3334
 msgid "Single Line Mode"
 msgstr "ååæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3335
 msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
 msgstr "æåæååæäçäå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3349
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3349 clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
 msgid "Selected Text Color"
 msgstr "éåçæåéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3364
 msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
 msgstr "éåçæåéèèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
+#: clutter/clutter-text.c:3365
 msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
 msgstr "éåçæåéèæååèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:995
 msgid "Sync size of actor"
 msgstr "åææåçåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:996
 msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
 msgstr "æåååèåèäåçåççèååååæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1003
 msgid "Disable Slicing"
 msgstr "åçåç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
-msgid "Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space saving individual textures"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1004
+msgid ""
+"Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
+"saving individual textures"
 msgstr "ååäåçèççåéïèäæçåçéæååçååèçã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1013
 msgid "Tile Waste"
 msgstr "äæèè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1014
 msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
 msgstr "åçèççæåèèåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1022
 msgid "Horizontal repeat"
 msgstr "æåéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1023
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
 msgstr "éèååèéååæåäåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1030
 msgid "Vertical repeat"
 msgstr "åçéè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1031
 msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
 msgstr "éèååèéåååçäåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1038
 msgid "Filter Quality"
 msgstr "éæååè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1039
 msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
 msgstr "çèèçææççæçåèã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1047
 msgid "Pixel Format"
 msgstr "åçæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1048
 msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
 msgstr "æçç Cogl åçæåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1056
 msgid "Cogl Texture"
 msgstr "Cogl èç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1057
 msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "çäçèéåæåçäå C0gl èçææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1064
 msgid "Cogl Material"
 msgstr "Cogl æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1065
 msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
 msgstr "çäçèéåæåäå Cogl æèææ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1082
 msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
 msgstr "ååååèæææçèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1089
 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "çæåèæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
-msgid "Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or height"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1090
+msgid ""
+"Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
 msgstr "èæååçååæéåæäæèççåèæç"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1116
 msgid "Load asynchronously"
 msgstr "éåæèå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
-msgid "Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1117
+msgid ""
+"Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
 msgstr "åççèåååææåèçåèåææäéåéåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1133
 msgid "Load data asynchronously"
 msgstr "åæèåèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
-msgid "Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading images from disk"
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
+"images from disk"
 msgstr "åççèåååææåèçåèçååèæææäéäéåã"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1158
 msgid "Pick With Alpha"
 msgstr "æåæéåÎ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1159
 msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
 msgstr "æåæéåæåçÎééçæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1557 clutter/clutter-texture.c:1967
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:2062 clutter/clutter-texture.c:2343
 msgid "Failed to load the image data"
 msgstr "çæèååçèæ"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1703
 msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
 msgstr "äææ YUV æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
-#, c-format
+#: clutter/clutter-texture.c:1712
 msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
 msgstr "äææ YUV2 æè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:264
 msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
 msgstr "æéèæèåéæåå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:278
 msgid "Delay"
 msgstr "åé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:279
 msgid "Delay before start"
 msgstr "ååååé"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:295
 msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
 msgstr "æéèæçæé (äç)"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:311
 msgid "Direction of the timeline"
 msgstr "æéèæå"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:326
 msgid "Auto Reverse"
 msgstr "èååè"
-#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
+#: clutter/clutter-timeline.c:327
 msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
 msgstr "åéçåææåæåèæå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:147
 msgid "sysfs Path"
 msgstr "sysfs èå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:148
 msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
 msgstr "sysfs èççèå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:163
 msgid "Device Path"
 msgstr "èçèå"
-#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
+#: clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:164
 msgid "Path of the device node"
 msgstr "èççéçèå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:483
 msgid "X display to use"
 msgstr "æçç X éç"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:489
 msgid "X screen to use"
 msgstr "æçç X èå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:494
 msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
 msgstr "ä X åååæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:501
 msgid "Enable XInput support"
 msgstr "åç XInput ææ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
 msgid "The Clutter backend"
 msgstr "Clutter åççå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:545
 msgid "Pixmap"
 msgstr "åçå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:546
 msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
 msgstr "ééç X11 åçå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:554
 msgid "Pixmap width"
 msgstr "åçååå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:555
 msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "éééåèççåçååå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:563
 msgid "Pixmap height"
 msgstr "åçåéå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:564
 msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "éééåèççåçåéå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:572
 msgid "Pixmap Depth"
 msgstr "åçåæå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:573
 msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
 msgstr "èéåèççééçåçåæå (ääåæèç)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:581
 msgid "Automatic Updates"
 msgstr "èåææ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:582
 msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
 msgstr "èçæåæèäæèääåçåèæåæã"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:590
 msgid "Window"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:591
 msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
 msgstr "çééç X11 èç"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:599
 msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
 msgstr "èçèåéæåå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:600
 msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
 msgstr "åæèçæåèåçèåéæåå (ææèçæå)"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:610
 msgid "Window Mapped"
 msgstr "èçåæå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:611
 msgid "If window is mapped"
 msgstr "èçæååæå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:620
 msgid "Destroyed"
 msgstr "åéæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:621
 msgid "If window has been destroyed"
 msgstr "èçæååéæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:629
 msgid "Window X"
 msgstr "èç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:630
 msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "ææ X11 æåèåäèçç X åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:638
 msgid "Window Y"
 msgstr "èç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:639
 msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
 msgstr "ææ X11 æåèåäèçç Y åæ"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:646
 msgid "Window Override Redirect"
 msgstr "èçèåéæåå"
-#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
+#: clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:647
 msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
 msgstr "æåéæåèåéæååçèç"

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