[glib] Remove redundant comments

commit a3c3aaa499e69764fcc295c5c9acd55d0cf26c9b
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Sat May 28 22:49:59 2011 -0400

    Remove redundant comments
    The comments in gthreadpool.h were duplicating the
    doc comments in the sources.

 glib/gthreadpool.h |   35 -----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glib/gthreadpool.h b/glib/gthreadpool.h
index d586424..12512e1 100644
--- a/glib/gthreadpool.h
+++ b/glib/gthreadpool.h
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ typedef struct _GThreadPool     GThreadPool;
 /* Thread Pools
-/* The real GThreadPool is bigger, so you may only create a thread
- * pool with the constructor function */
 struct _GThreadPool
   GFunc func;
@@ -49,63 +47,30 @@ struct _GThreadPool
   gboolean exclusive;
-/* Get a thread pool with the function func, at most max_threads may
- * run at a time (max_threads == -1 means no limit), exclusive == TRUE
- * means, that the threads shouldn't be shared and that they will be
- * prestarted (otherwise they are started as needed) user_data is the
- * 2nd argument to the func */
 GThreadPool*    g_thread_pool_new             (GFunc            func,
                                                gpointer         user_data,
                                                gint             max_threads,
                                                gboolean         exclusive,
                                                GError         **error);
-/* Push new data into the thread pool. This task is assigned to a thread later
- * (when the maximal number of threads is reached for that pool) or now
- * (otherwise). If necessary a new thread will be started. The function
- * returns immediatly */
 void            g_thread_pool_push            (GThreadPool     *pool,
                                                gpointer         data,
                                                GError         **error);
-/* Set the number of threads, which can run concurrently for that pool, -1
- * means no limit. 0 means has the effect, that the pool won't process
- * requests until the limit is set higher again */
 void            g_thread_pool_set_max_threads (GThreadPool     *pool,
                                                gint             max_threads,
                                                GError         **error);
 gint            g_thread_pool_get_max_threads (GThreadPool     *pool);
-/* Get the number of threads assigned to that pool. This number doesn't
- * necessarily represent the number of working threads in that pool */
 guint           g_thread_pool_get_num_threads (GThreadPool     *pool);
-/* Get the number of unprocessed items in the pool */
 guint           g_thread_pool_unprocessed     (GThreadPool     *pool);
-/* Free the pool, immediate means, that all unprocessed items in the queue
- * wont be processed, wait means, that the function doesn't return immediatly,
- * but after all threads in the pool are ready processing items. immediate
- * does however not mean, that threads are killed. */
 void            g_thread_pool_free            (GThreadPool     *pool,
                                                gboolean         immediate,
                                                gboolean         wait_);
-/* Set the maximal number of unused threads before threads will be stopped by
- * GLib, -1 means no limit */
 void            g_thread_pool_set_max_unused_threads (gint      max_threads);
 gint            g_thread_pool_get_max_unused_threads (void);
 guint           g_thread_pool_get_num_unused_threads (void);
-/* Stop all currently unused threads, but leave the limit untouched */
 void            g_thread_pool_stop_unused_threads    (void);
-/* Set sort function for priority threading */
 void            g_thread_pool_set_sort_function      (GThreadPool      *pool,
 		                                      GCompareDataFunc  func,
 						      gpointer          user_data);
-/* Set maximum time a thread can be idle in the pool before it is stopped */
 void            g_thread_pool_set_max_idle_time      (guint             interval);
 guint           g_thread_pool_get_max_idle_time      (void);

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