[meld] Add action to cycle between panes in FileDiff (closes bgo#626186)

commit fe441b9936c8f5aa830ca5611414413407db0b0b
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Tue May 10 17:59:41 2011 +1000

    Add action to cycle between panes in FileDiff (closes bgo#626186)
    One of the last pieces for allowing keyboard-only merging is being able
    to cycle between panes. This commit adds an action to the View menu
    that allows this.
    The tricky decision to be made in this feature is where to place the
    cursor when changing panes. The previous cursor location will often be
    irrelevant to the user's current action, and is a bad default. In the
    common case, we simply guess which line in the moved-to chunk
    corresponds to the current line in the current chunk.
    In order to avoid disturbing in-progress editing that may be going on,
    we leave the cursor in place if it is already in the moved-to chunk.

 data/ui/filediff-ui.xml |    3 +
 data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml  |    2 +
 meld/filediff.py        |  100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/ui/filediff-ui.xml b/data/ui/filediff-ui.xml
index d6c7b79..7097b61 100644
--- a/data/ui/filediff-ui.xml
+++ b/data/ui/filediff-ui.xml
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
       <placeholder name="ViewUtilityPlaceholder">
         <menuitem action="LockScrolling"/>
+      <placeholder name="ViewDocSpecificPlaceholder">
+        <menuitem action="CycleDocuments" />
+      </placeholder>
diff --git a/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml b/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml
index 7308574..ba1c00c 100644
--- a/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml
+++ b/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
       <menu action="VcStatus" />
       <menu action="FileFilters" />
+      <placeholder name="ViewDocSpecificPlaceholder" />
+      <separator/>
       <menuitem action="Stop" />
       <menuitem action="Refresh" />
       <menuitem action="Reload" />
diff --git a/meld/filediff.py b/meld/filediff.py
index ebf3b4b..1842810 100644
--- a/meld/filediff.py
+++ b/meld/filediff.py
@@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
             ("MergeFromLeft",  None, _("Merge all changes from left"),  None, _("Merge all non-conflicting changes from the left"), lambda x: self.pull_all_non_conflicting_changes(-1)),
             ("MergeFromRight", None, _("Merge all changes from right"), None, _("Merge all non-conflicting changes from the right"), lambda x: self.pull_all_non_conflicting_changes(1)),
             ("MergeAll",       None, _("Merge all non-conflicting"),    None, _("Merge all non-conflicting changes from left and right panes"), lambda x: self.merge_all_non_conflicting_changes()),
+            ("CycleDocuments", None, _("Cycle through documents"), "<control>Escape", _("Move keyboard focus to the next document in this comparison"), self.action_cycle_documents),
         toggle_actions = (
@@ -555,6 +556,104 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         assert(chunk is not None)
         self.delete_chunk(pane, chunk)
+    def _synth_chunk(self, pane0, pane1, line):
+        """Returns the Same chunk that would exist at
+           the given location if we didn't remove Same chunks"""
+        # This method is a hack around our existing diffutil data structures;
+        # getting rid of the Same chunk removal is difficult, as several places
+        # have baked in the assumption of only being given changed blocks.
+        buf0, buf1 = self.textbuffer[pane0], self.textbuffer[pane1]
+        start0, end0 = 0, buf0.get_line_count() - 1
+        start1, end1 = 0, buf1.get_line_count() - 1
+        # This hack is required when pane0's prev/next chunk doesn't exist
+        # (i.e., is Same) between pane0 and pane1.
+        prev_chunk0, prev_chunk1, next_chunk0, next_chunk1 = (None,) * 4
+        _, prev, next = self.linediffer.locate_chunk(pane0, line)
+        if prev is not None:
+            while prev >= 0:
+                prev_chunk0 = self.linediffer.get_chunk(prev, pane0, pane1)
+                prev_chunk1 = self.linediffer.get_chunk(prev, pane1, pane0)
+                if None not in (prev_chunk0, prev_chunk1):
+                    start0 = prev_chunk0[2]
+                    start1 = prev_chunk1[2]
+                    break
+                prev -= 1
+        if next is not None:
+            while next < self.linediffer.diff_count():
+                next_chunk0 = self.linediffer.get_chunk(next, pane0, pane1)
+                next_chunk1 = self.linediffer.get_chunk(next, pane1, pane0)
+                if None not in (next_chunk0, next_chunk1):
+                    end0 = next_chunk0[1]
+                    end1 = next_chunk1[1]
+                    break
+                next += 1
+        return "Same", start0, end0, start1, end1
+    def _corresponding_chunk_line(self, chunk, line, pane, new_pane):
+        """Approximates the corresponding line between panes"""
+        old_buf, new_buf = self.textbuffer[pane], self.textbuffer[new_pane]
+        # Special-case cross-pane jumps
+        if (pane == 0 and new_pane == 2) or (pane == 2 and new_pane == 0):
+            proxy = self._corresponding_chunk_line(chunk, line, pane, 1)
+            return self._corresponding_chunk_line(chunk, proxy, 1, new_pane)
+        # Either we are currently in a identifiable chunk, or we are in a Same
+        # chunk; if we establish the start/end of that chunk in both panes, we
+        # can figure out what our new offset should be.
+        cur_chunk = None
+        if chunk is not None:
+            cur_chunk = self.linediffer.get_chunk(chunk, pane, new_pane)
+        if cur_chunk is None:
+            cur_chunk = self._synth_chunk(pane, new_pane, line)
+        cur_start, cur_end, new_start, new_end = cur_chunk[1:5]
+        # If the new buffer's current cursor is already in the correct chunk,
+        # assume that we have in-progress editing, and don't move it.
+        cursor_it = new_buf.get_iter_at_mark(new_buf.get_insert())
+        cursor_line = cursor_it.get_line()
+        cursor_chunk, _, _ = self.linediffer.locate_chunk(new_pane, cursor_line)
+        if cursor_chunk is not None:
+            already_in_chunk = cursor_chunk == chunk
+        else:
+            cursor_chunk = self._synth_chunk(pane, new_pane, cursor_line)
+            already_in_chunk = cursor_chunk[3] == new_start and \
+                               cursor_chunk[4] == new_end
+        if already_in_chunk:
+            new_line = cursor_line
+        else:
+            # Guess where to put the cursor: in the same chunk, at about the
+            # same place within the chunk, calculated proportionally by line.
+            # Insert chunks and one-line chunks are placed at the top.
+            if cur_end == cur_start:
+                chunk_offset = 0.0
+            else:
+                chunk_offset = (line - cur_start) / float(cur_end - cur_start)
+            new_line = new_start + int(chunk_offset * (new_end - new_start))
+        return new_line
+    def action_cycle_documents(self, widget):
+        pane = self._get_focused_pane()
+        new_pane = (pane + 1) % self.num_panes
+        chunk, line = self.cursor.chunk, self.cursor.line
+        new_line = self._corresponding_chunk_line(chunk, line, pane, new_pane)
+        new_buf = self.textbuffer[new_pane]
+        self.textview[new_pane].grab_focus()
+        new_buf.place_cursor(new_buf.get_iter_at_line(new_line))
+        self.textview[new_pane].scroll_to_mark(new_buf.get_insert(), 0.1)
     def on_textview_focus_in_event(self, view, event):
         self.textview_focussed = view
         self.findbar.textview = view
@@ -1402,6 +1501,7 @@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
             map( lambda x: x.hide(), tohide )
             self.actiongroup.get_action("MakePatch").set_sensitive(n > 1)
+            self.actiongroup.get_action("CycleDocuments").set_sensitive(n > 1)
             def coords_iter(i):
                 buf_index = 2 if i == 1 and self.num_panes == 3 else i

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