[goocanvas/introspection] Add a demo using GJS.
- From: John Stowers <jstowers src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [goocanvas/introspection] Add a demo using GJS.
- Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:05:56 +0000 (UTC)
commit 9ba93d737ee25ffc0fbd0ab3f4cf558e9fc48c31
Author: Tristan Brindle <t c brindle gmail com>
Date: Tue May 24 21:16:15 2011 +0800
Add a demo using GJS.
Everything working, except CanvasPoints/Polylines, and getting/
setting transforms
src/demo-gjs.js | 300 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/demo-gjs.js b/src/demo-gjs.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d9e39ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/demo-gjs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env gjs
+const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
+const GdkPixbuf = imports.gi.GdkPixbuf;
+const GooCanvas = imports.gi.GooCanvas;
+const cairo = imports.cairo;
+let setup_polyline = function(c) {
+ let group = c.get_root_item();
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasRect ({
+ parent: group,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ width: 600,
+ height: 450,
+ line_width: 4.0
+ });
+ /* No way to do this in JS yet */
+ /*
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline.new_line(group, 0, 150, 600, 150, line_width=4.0)
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline.new_line(group, 0, 300, 600, 300, line_width=4.0)
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline.new_line(group, 200, 0, 200, 450, line_width=4.0)
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline.new_line(group, 400, 0, 400, 450, line_width=4.0)
+ */
+ /* Or any of this */
+ /*
+ p_points = GooCanvas.CanvasPoints((
+ (340.0, 170.0),
+ (340.0, 230.0),
+ (390.0, 230.0),
+ (390.0, 170.0)))
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline (parent=group, close_path=False,
+ points=p_points,
+ stroke_color="midnightblue",
+ line_width=3.0,
+ start_arrow=True,
+ end_arrow=True,
+ arrow_tip_length=3.0,
+ arrow_length=4.0,
+ arrow_width=3.5)
+ p_points = GooCanvas.CanvasPoints((
+ (356.0, 180.0),
+ (374.0, 220.0)))
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline (parent=group, close_path=False,
+ points=p_points,
+ stroke_color="blue",
+ line_width=1.0,
+ start_arrow=True,
+ end_arrow=True,
+ arrow_tip_length=5.0,
+ arrow_length=6.0,
+ arrow_width=6.0)
+ GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline (parent=group, close_path=False,
+ points=GooCanvas.CanvasPoints(((356.0, 220.0),)),
+ start_arrow=True,
+ end_arrow=True)
+ */
+let setup_canvas = function(c) {
+ let root = c.get_root_item();
+ // Test the simple commands like moveto and lineto: MmZzLlHhVv
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({ parent:root, data:"M 20 20 L 40 40" });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({ parent:root, data:"M30 20 l20, 20" });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({ parent:root, data:"M 60 20 H 80" });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({ parent:root, data:"M60 40 h20"});
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({ parent:root, data:"M 100,20 V 40"});
+ // Test empty
+ let p = new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({ parent: root, data:"" });
+ p.data = "M 120 20 v 20";
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M 180 20 h20 v20 h-20 z m 5,5 h10 v10 h-10 z",
+ fill_color: "red",
+ //fill_rule: cairo.FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD,
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent:root,
+ data: "M 220 20 L 260 20 L 240 40 z",
+ fill_color: "red",
+ stroke_color: "blue",
+ line_width: 3.0
+ });
+ //Test the bezier curve commands: CcSsQqTt.
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M20,100 C20,50 100,50 100,100 S180,150 180,100"
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M220,100 c0,-50 80,-50 80,0 s80,50 80,0"
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M20,200 Q60,130 100,200 T180,200"
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M220,200 q40,-70 80,0 t80,0"
+ });
+ // Test the elliptical arc commands: Aa.
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath ({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M200,500 h-150 a150,150 0 1,0 150,-150 z",
+ fill_color: "red",
+ stroke_color: "blue",
+ line_width: 5.0,
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M175,475 v-150 a150,150 0 0,0 -150,150 z",
+ fill_color: "yellow",
+ stroke_color: "blue",
+ line_width: 5.0
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M400,600 l 50,-25 " +
+ "a25,25 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25" +
+ "a25,50 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25" +
+ "a25,75 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25" +
+ "a25,100 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25",
+ stroke_color: "red",
+ line_width: 5.0,
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M 725,75 a100,50 0 0,1 100,50",
+ stroke_color: "red",
+ line_width: 5.0,
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M 525,200 a100,50 0 1,0 100,50",
+ stroke_color: "red",
+ line_width: 5.0,
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasPath({
+ parent: root,
+ data: "M 725,200 a100,50 0 1,1 100,50",
+ stroke_color: "red",
+ line_width: 5.0,
+ });
+ let t = new GooCanvas.CanvasText ({
+ parent: root,
+ text: "Hello World!",
+ anchor: GooCanvas.CanvasAnchorType.CENTER
+ });
+let setup_scalability = function(c) {
+ const N_COLS = 5;
+ const N_ROWS = 20;
+ const PADDING = 10;
+ let vbox = new Gtk.VBox({homogeneous: false, spacing: 4});
+ vbox.set_border_width(4);
+ vbox.show();
+ let table = Gtk.Table.new(2, 2, false);
+ table.set_row_spacings(4);
+ table.set_col_spacings(4);
+ vbox.pack_start(table, true, true, 0);
+ table.show();
+ let frame = new Gtk.Frame();
+ frame.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN);
+ table.attach(frame, 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ Gtk.AttachOptions.EXPAND | Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK,
+ Gtk.AttachOptions.EXPAND | Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK,
+ 0, 0);
+ frame.show();
+ let pb;
+ let width;
+ let height;
+ if (1) {
+ pb = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file("../demo/toroid.png");
+ width = pb.get_width();
+ height = pb.get_height();
+ } else {
+ pb = null;
+ width = 37;
+ height = 19;
+ }
+ c.set_bounds (
+ 0, 0,
+ N_COLS * (width + PADDING),
+ N_ROWS * (height + PADDING));
+ c.show ();
+ let scrolled_win = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
+ scrolled_win.show()
+ frame.add(scrolled_win)
+ scrolled_win.add(c)
+ let root = c.get_root_item()
+ for (let i=0; i<N_COLS; i++) {
+ for (let j=0; j<N_ROWS; j++) {
+ if (pb) {
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasImage ({
+ parent: root,
+ pixbuf: pb,
+ x: i * (width + PADDING),
+ y: j * (height + PADDING) });
+ } else {
+ let item = new GooCanvas.CanvasRect ({
+ parent: root,
+ x: i * (width + PADDING),
+ y: j * (height + PADDING),
+ width: width,
+ height: height});
+ item.fill_color = (j % 2 === 0) ? "mediumseagreen" : "steelblue";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vbox;
+let setup_widget = function(c) {
+ let root = c.get_root_item();
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasWidget({
+ parent: root,
+ widget: Gtk.Label.new("Hello World"),
+ x: 50, y: 50, width: 200, height: 100
+ });
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasWidget({
+ parent: root,
+ widget: new Gtk.Entry(),
+ x: 50, y: 250, width: 200, height: 50
+ });
+ let entry = new Gtk.Entry();
+ entry.set_text("Size: -1 x -1");
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasWidget({
+ parent: root,
+ widget: entry,
+ x: 50, y: 300, width: -1, height: -1
+ });
+ entry = new Gtk.Entry();
+ entry.set_text("Size: 100 x -1");
+ new GooCanvas.CanvasWidget({
+ parent: root,
+ widget: entry,
+ x:50, y: 350, width: 100, height: -1
+ });
+let demo_window = function(setup_func) {
+ let c = new GooCanvas.Canvas();
+ c.set_size_request(600, 450);
+ let widget = setup_func(c);
+ if (!widget) {
+ widget = c;
+ }
+ let w = new Gtk.Window();
+ w.set_size_request(600, 450);
+ w.add(widget);
+ w.show_all();
+ w.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit);
+Gtk.init(null, null);
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