[gnome-color-manager] Remove the notification of out of date devices

commit 32761e4289d58034068f52f553f3e0c4f50e4d9d
Author: Richard Hughes <richard hughsie com>
Date:   Sat May 21 09:33:11 2011 +0100

    Remove the notification of out of date devices
    This functionality has moved to gnome-settings-daemon.

 configure.ac                                 |    3 -
 contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in          |    1 -
 data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.migrate |    2 -
 data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.xml     |   15 --
 src/Makefile.am                              |    2 -
 src/gcm-session.c                            |  196 --------------------------
 src/gcm-utils.h                              |    3 -
 7 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 64d89e7..5b6b2cc 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ if test x$has_vte = xyes; then
 	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VTE,1,[Use VTE terminal widget])
-dnl **** Check for libnotify ****
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(NOTIFY, libnotify >= 0.7.0)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(exiv, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-exiv],[Enable EXIV support for RAW support]), enable_exiv=$enableval,
 dnl **** Check for EXIV ****
diff --git a/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in b/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in
index 1d3a98a..682275a 100644
--- a/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in
+++ b/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
 BuildRequires: libexif-devel
 BuildRequires: exiv2-devel
 BuildRequires: libcanberra-devel
-BuildRequires: libnotify-devel >= 0.7.0
 BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= 2.25.9-2
 BuildRequires: docbook-utils
 BuildRequires: colord-devel
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.migrate b/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.migrate
index a1d3b1b..bdff55b 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.migrate
+++ b/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.migrate
@@ -3,6 +3,4 @@ global-display-correction = /apps/gnome-color-manager/global_display_correction
 set-icc-profile-atom = /apps/gnome-color-manager/set_icc_profile_atom
 use-profiles-from-volumes = /apps/gnome-color-manager/use_profiles_from_volumes
 calibration-length = /apps/gnome-color-manager/calibration_length
-recalibrate-printer-threshold = /apps/gnome-color-manager/recalibrate_printer_threshold
-recalibrate-display-threshold = /apps/gnome-color-manager/recalibrate_display_threshold
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.xml b/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.xml
index 807c0ec..f60aa13 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.xml
+++ b/data/org.gnome.color-manager.gschema.xml
@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@
     <value nick="ask" value="3"/>
   <schema id="org.gnome.color-manager" path="/org/gnome/color-manager/">
-    <key name="show-notifications" type="b">
-      <default>false</default>
-      <summary>If notifications should be shown</summary>
-      <description>If set to TRUE then notifications and messages will be used.</description>
-    </key>
     <key name="global-display-correction" type="b">
       <summary>Whether the display should be globally corrected or left to applications</summary>
@@ -26,15 +21,5 @@
       <summary>The default calibration length</summary>
       <description>The length of calibration, as this is proportional to the accuracy. The option 'short' creates a quick profile, 'normal' a regular one, and 'long' takes a really long time, but is more precise and creates a better profile. Use 'ask' if you want the user to choose.</description>
-    <key name="recalibrate-display-threshold" type="i">
-      <default>15552000</default>
-      <summary>The duration between sending notifications to recalibrate a display</summary>
-      <description>This is the number of seconds in between notifying the user to recalibrate each display device. Set to 0 to disable the notification.</description>
-    </key>
-    <key name="recalibrate-printer-threshold" type="i">
-      <default>15552000</default>
-      <summary>The duration between sending notifications to recalibrate a printer</summary>
-      <description>This is the number of seconds in between notifying the user to recalibrate each printer device. Set to 0 to disable the notification.</description>
-    </key>
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 1d838c8..3b4c383 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ INCLUDES =						\
 	$(EXIF_CFLAGS)					\
 	$(EXIV_CFLAGS)					\
 	-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"Gcm\"				\
@@ -224,7 +223,6 @@ gcm_session_LDADD =					\
 	$(GTK_LIBS)					\
 	$(TIFF_LIBS)					\
 	$(EXIF_LIBS)					\
-	$(NOTIFY_LIBS)					\
 	$(LCMS_LIBS)					\
 	$(COLORD_LIBS)					\
diff --git a/src/gcm-session.c b/src/gcm-session.c
index 8fcb8ee..29c3412 100644
--- a/src/gcm-session.c
+++ b/src/gcm-session.c
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <gdk/gdkx.h>
 #include <locale.h>
 #include <colord.h>
-#include <libnotify/notify.h>
 #include <canberra-gtk.h>
 #include <lcms2.h>
@@ -50,201 +49,10 @@ typedef struct {
 	guint		 watcher_id;
 } GcmSessionPrivate;
-#define GCM_SESSION_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT		30000 /* ms */
- * cd_device_get_title:
- **/
-static gchar *
-cd_device_get_title (CdDevice *device)
-	const gchar *vendor;
-	const gchar *model;
-	model = cd_device_get_model (device);
-	vendor = cd_device_get_vendor (device);
-	if (model != NULL && vendor != NULL)
-		return g_strdup_printf ("%s - %s", vendor, model);
-	if (vendor != NULL)
-		return g_strdup (vendor);
-	if (model != NULL)
-		return g_strdup (model);
-	return g_strdup (cd_device_get_id (device));
- * gcm_session_notify_cb:
- **/
-static void
-gcm_session_notify_cb (NotifyNotification *notification,
-		       gchar *action,
-		       gpointer user_data)
-	gboolean ret;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	GcmSessionPrivate *priv = (GcmSessionPrivate *) user_data;
-	if (g_strcmp0 (action, "display") == 0) {
-		g_settings_set_int (priv->settings,
-				    0);
-	} else if (g_strcmp0 (action, "printer") == 0) {
-		g_settings_set_int (priv->settings,
-				    0);
-	} else if (g_strcmp0 (action, "recalibrate") == 0) {
-		ret = g_spawn_command_line_async (BINDIR "/gcm-prefs",
-						  &error);
-		if (!ret) {
-			g_warning ("failed to spawn: %s", error->message);
-			g_error_free (error);
-		}
-	}
- * gcm_session_notify_recalibrate:
- **/
-static gboolean
-gcm_session_notify_recalibrate (GcmSessionPrivate *priv,
-				const gchar *title,
-				const gchar *message,
-				CdDeviceKind kind)
-	gboolean ret;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	NotifyNotification *notification;
-	/* show a bubble */
-	notification = notify_notification_new (title, message, GCM_STOCK_ICON);
-	notify_notification_set_timeout (notification, GCM_SESSION_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT);
-	notify_notification_set_urgency (notification, NOTIFY_URGENCY_LOW);
-	/* TRANSLATORS: button: this is to open GCM */
-	notify_notification_add_action (notification,
-					"recalibrate",
-					_("Recalibrate now"),
-					gcm_session_notify_cb,
-					priv, NULL);
-	/* TRANSLATORS: button: this is to ignore the recalibrate notifications */
-	notify_notification_add_action (notification,
-					cd_device_kind_to_string (kind),
-					_("Ignore"),
-					gcm_session_notify_cb,
-					priv, NULL);
-	ret = notify_notification_show (notification, &error);
-	if (!ret) {
-		g_warning ("failed to show notification: %s",
-			   error->message);
-		g_error_free (error);
-	}
-	return ret;
- * gcm_session_notify_device:
- **/
-static void
-gcm_session_notify_device (GcmSessionPrivate *priv, CdDevice *device)
-	CdDeviceKind kind;
-	const gchar *title;
-	gchar *device_title = NULL;
-	gchar *message;
-	gint threshold;
-	glong since;
-	GTimeVal timeval;
-	/* get current time */
-	g_get_current_time (&timeval);
-	/* TRANSLATORS: this is when the device has not been recalibrated in a while */
-	title = _("Recalibration required");
-	device_title = cd_device_get_title (device);
-	/* check we care */
-	kind = cd_device_get_kind (device);
-	if (kind == CD_DEVICE_KIND_DISPLAY) {
-		/* get from GSettings */
-		threshold = g_settings_get_int (priv->settings,
-		/* TRANSLATORS: this is when the display has not been recalibrated in a while */
-		message = g_strdup_printf (_("The display '%s' should be recalibrated soon."),
-					   device_title);
-	} else {
-		/* get from GSettings */
-		threshold = g_settings_get_int (priv->settings,
-		/* TRANSLATORS: this is when the printer has not been recalibrated in a while */
-		message = g_strdup_printf (_("The printer '%s' should be recalibrated soon."),
-					   device_title);
-	}
-	/* check if we need to notify */
-	since = timeval.tv_sec - cd_device_get_modified (device);
-	if (threshold > since)
-		gcm_session_notify_recalibrate (priv, title, message, kind);
-	g_free (device_title);
-	g_free (message);
- * gcm_session_device_added_notify_cb:
- **/
-static void
-gcm_session_device_added_notify_cb (CdClient *client,
-				    CdDevice *device,
-				    GcmSessionPrivate *priv)
-	CdDeviceKind kind;
-	CdProfile *profile;
-	const gchar *filename;
-	gchar *basename = NULL;
-	gboolean allow_notifications;
-	/* check we care */
-	kind = cd_device_get_kind (device);
-	if (kind != CD_DEVICE_KIND_DISPLAY &&
-		return;
-	/* ensure we have a profile */
-	profile = cd_device_get_default_profile (device);
-	if (profile == NULL) {
-		g_debug ("no profile set for %s", cd_device_get_id (device));
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* ensure it's a profile generated by us */
-	filename = cd_profile_get_filename (profile);
-	basename = g_path_get_basename (filename);
-	if (!g_str_has_prefix (basename, "GCM")) {
-		g_debug ("not a GCM profile for %s: %s",
-			 cd_device_get_id (device), filename);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* do we allow notifications */
-	allow_notifications = g_settings_get_boolean (priv->settings,
-	if (!allow_notifications)
-		goto out;
-	/* handle device */
-	gcm_session_notify_device (priv, device);
-	g_free (basename);
  * gcm_session_get_output_id:
 static gchar *
@@ -1681,7 +1489,6 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
 	if (! g_thread_supported ())
 		g_thread_init (NULL);
 	g_type_init ();
-	notify_init ("gnome-color-manager");
 	/* TRANSLATORS: program name, a session wide daemon to watch for updates and changing system state */
 	g_set_application_name (_("Color Management"));
@@ -1707,9 +1514,6 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
 	/* monitor daemon */
 	priv->client = cd_client_new ();
-	g_signal_connect (priv->client, "device-added",
-			  G_CALLBACK (gcm_session_device_added_notify_cb),
-			  priv);
 	g_signal_connect (priv->client, "profile-added",
 			  G_CALLBACK (gcm_session_profile_added_notify_cb),
diff --git a/src/gcm-utils.h b/src/gcm-utils.h
index 91e7a1e..70755f7 100644
--- a/src/gcm-utils.h
+++ b/src/gcm-utils.h
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@
 #define GCM_SETTINGS_GLOBAL_DISPLAY_CORRECTION		"global-display-correction"
 #define GCM_SETTINGS_SET_ICC_PROFILE_ATOM		"set-icc-profile-atom"
 #define GCM_SETTINGS_CALIBRATION_LENGTH			"calibration-length"
-#define GCM_SETTINGS_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS			"show-notifications"
-#define GCM_SETTINGS_RECALIBRATE_PRINTER_THRESHOLD	"recalibrate-printer-threshold"
-#define GCM_SETTINGS_RECALIBRATE_DISPLAY_THRESHOLD	"recalibrate-display-threshold"
 #define GCM_SETTINGS_PROFILE_GRAPH_TYPE			"profile-graph-type"
 /* DISTROS: you will have to patch if you have changed the name of these packages */

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