[gtk+] themingengine: use the text-shadow property to render text shadow

commit 8c65d9181d1cd625e28cba0ababa267dd1d4dc0d
Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org>
Date:   Tue May 3 12:45:08 2011 -0400

    themingengine: use the text-shadow property to render text shadow
    This also avoids hardcoding a shadow for insensitive text in the engine,
    as it can now be applied from the theme directly.

 gtk/gtkthemingengine.c |   82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkthemingengine.c b/gtk/gtkthemingengine.c
index 491b9bf..19b6dfc 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkthemingengine.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkthemingengine.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "gtkprivate.h"
 #include "gtk9slice.h"
 #include "gtkpango.h"
+#include "gtkshadowprivate.h"
  * SECTION:gtkthemingengine
@@ -2360,14 +2361,50 @@ gtk_theming_engine_render_line (GtkThemingEngine *engine,
 static void
+prepare_context_for_layout (cairo_t *cr,
+                            gdouble x,
+                            gdouble y,
+                            PangoLayout *layout)
+  const PangoMatrix *matrix;
+  matrix = pango_context_get_matrix (pango_layout_get_context (layout));
+  if (matrix)
+    {
+      cairo_matrix_t cairo_matrix;
+      PangoRectangle rect;
+      cairo_matrix_init (&cairo_matrix,
+                         matrix->xx, matrix->yx,
+                         matrix->xy, matrix->yy,
+                         matrix->x0, matrix->y0);
+      pango_layout_get_extents (layout, NULL, &rect);
+      pango_matrix_transform_rectangle (matrix, &rect);
+      pango_extents_to_pixels (&rect, NULL);
+      cairo_matrix.x0 += x - rect.x;
+      cairo_matrix.y0 += y - rect.y;
+      cairo_set_matrix (cr, &cairo_matrix);
+      cairo_move_to (cr, 0, 0);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      cairo_move_to (cr, x, y);
+    }
+static void
 gtk_theming_engine_render_layout (GtkThemingEngine *engine,
                                   cairo_t          *cr,
                                   gdouble           x,
                                   gdouble           y,
                                   PangoLayout      *layout)
-  const PangoMatrix *matrix;
   GdkRGBA fg_color;
+  GtkShadow *text_shadow = NULL;
   GtkStateFlags flags;
   gdouble progress;
   gboolean running;
@@ -2376,8 +2413,6 @@ gtk_theming_engine_render_layout (GtkThemingEngine *engine,
   flags = gtk_theming_engine_get_state (engine);
   gtk_theming_engine_get_color (engine, flags, &fg_color);
-  matrix = pango_context_get_matrix (pango_layout_get_context (layout));
   running = gtk_theming_engine_state_is_running (engine, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, &progress);
   if (running)
@@ -2401,44 +2436,17 @@ gtk_theming_engine_render_layout (GtkThemingEngine *engine,
       fg_color.alpha = CLAMP (fg_color.alpha + ((other_fg.alpha - fg_color.alpha) * progress), 0, 1);
-  if (matrix)
-    {
-      cairo_matrix_t cairo_matrix;
-      PangoRectangle rect;
-      cairo_matrix_init (&cairo_matrix,
-                         matrix->xx, matrix->yx,
-                         matrix->xy, matrix->yy,
-                         matrix->x0, matrix->y0);
-      pango_layout_get_extents (layout, NULL, &rect);
-      pango_matrix_transform_rectangle (matrix, &rect);
-      pango_extents_to_pixels (&rect, NULL);
-      cairo_matrix.x0 += x - rect.x;
-      cairo_matrix.y0 += y - rect.y;
-      cairo_set_matrix (cr, &cairo_matrix);
-      cairo_move_to (cr, 0, 0);
-    }
-  else
-    cairo_move_to (cr, x, y);
+  gtk_theming_engine_get (engine, flags,
+                          "text-shadow", &text_shadow,
+                          NULL);
+  if (text_shadow != NULL)
-      GdkRGBA bg;
-      gtk_theming_engine_get_background_color (engine, flags, &bg);
-      cairo_save (cr);
-      gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &bg);
-      cairo_move_to (cr, x + 1, y + 1);
-      _gtk_pango_fill_layout (cr, layout);
-      cairo_restore (cr);
+      _gtk_text_shadow_paint_layout (text_shadow, cr, x, y, layout);
+      _gtk_shadow_unref (text_shadow);
+  prepare_context_for_layout (cr, x, y, layout);
   gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &fg_color);
   pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout);

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