[gtk+] cssprovider: Remove a bunch of commented-out code

commit 4e2d3f5d181f84523d3ab13aa18e15a8062dcd1a
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date:   Fri May 13 16:21:20 2011 +0200

    cssprovider: Remove a bunch of commented-out code
    The code was only kept for reference while writing the new parser, it's
    not necessary anhymore.

 gtk/gtkcssprovider.c |  331 --------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 331 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkcssprovider.c b/gtk/gtkcssprovider.c
index 05b0f5a..234bcc4 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkcssprovider.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkcssprovider.c
@@ -1742,337 +1742,6 @@ css_provider_commit (GtkCssProvider *css_provider,
-#if 0
-static GTokenType
-parse_nth_child (GtkCssProvider *css_provider,
-                 GScanner       *scanner,
-                 GtkRegionFlags *flags)
-  ParserSymbol symbol;
-  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-  if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_SYMBOL)
-    return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;
-  symbol = GPOINTER_TO_INT (scanner->value.v_symbol);
-  if (symbol == SYMBOL_NTH_CHILD)
-    {
-      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-      if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)
-        return G_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN;
-      gtk_css_scanner_push_scope (scanner, SCOPE_NTH_CHILD);
-      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-      if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_SYMBOL)
-        return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;
-      symbol = GPOINTER_TO_INT (scanner->value.v_symbol);
-      switch (symbol)
-        {
-        case SYMBOL_NTH_CHILD_EVEN:
-          *flags = GTK_REGION_EVEN;
-          break;
-        case SYMBOL_NTH_CHILD_ODD:
-          *flags = GTK_REGION_ODD;
-          break;
-          *flags = GTK_REGION_FIRST;
-          break;
-        case SYMBOL_NTH_CHILD_LAST:
-          *flags = GTK_REGION_LAST;
-          break;
-        default:
-          break;
-        }
-      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-      if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)
-        return G_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN;
-      gtk_css_scanner_pop_scope (scanner);
-    }
-  else if (symbol == SYMBOL_FIRST_CHILD)
-    *flags = GTK_REGION_FIRST;
-  else if (symbol == SYMBOL_LAST_CHILD)
-    *flags = GTK_REGION_LAST;
-  else if (symbol == SYMBOL_SORTED_CHILD)
-    *flags = GTK_REGION_SORTED;
-  else
-    {
-      *flags = 0;
-      return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;
-    }
-  return G_TOKEN_NONE;
-static GTokenType
-parse_pseudo_class (GtkCssProvider *css_provider,
-                    GScanner       *scanner,
-                    SelectorPath   *selector)
-  GtkStateType state;
-  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-  if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_SYMBOL)
-    return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;
-  state = GPOINTER_TO_INT (scanner->value.v_symbol);
-  switch (state)
-    {
-      selector->state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE;
-      break;
-      selector->state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT;
-      break;
-      selector->state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED;
-      break;
-      selector->state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE;
-      break;
-      selector->state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_INCONSISTENT;
-      break;
-      selector->state |= GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED;
-      break;
-    default:
-      return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;
-    }
-  return G_TOKEN_NONE;
-/* Parses a number of concatenated classes */
-static void
-parse_classes (SelectorPath   *path,
-               const gchar    *str)
-  gchar *pos;
-  if ((pos = strchr (str, '.')) != NULL)
-    {
-      /* Leave the last class to the call after the loop */
-      while (pos)
-        {
-          *pos = '\0';
-          selector_path_prepend_class (path, str);
-          str = pos + 1;
-          pos = strchr (str, '.');
-        }
-    }
-  selector_path_prepend_class (path, str);
-static gboolean
-is_widget_class_name (const gchar *str)
-  /* Do a pretty lax check here, not all
-   * widget class names contain only CamelCase
-   * (gtkmm widgets don't), but at least part of
-   * the name will be CamelCase, so check for
-   * the first uppercase char
-   */
-  while (*str)
-    {
-      if (g_ascii_isupper (*str))
-        return TRUE;
-      str++;
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-static GTokenType
-parse_selector (GtkCssProvider  *css_provider,
-                GScanner        *scanner,
-                SelectorPath   **selector_out)
-  SelectorPath *path;
-  path = selector_path_new ();
-  *selector_out = path;
-  if (scanner->token != ':' &&
-      scanner->token != '#' &&
-      scanner->token != '.' &&
-      scanner->token != G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)
-  while (scanner->token == '#' ||
-         scanner->token == '.' ||
-         scanner->token == G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)
-    {
-      if (scanner->token == '#' ||
-          scanner->token == '.')
-        {
-          gboolean is_class;
-          gchar *pos;
-          is_class = (scanner->token == '.');
-          g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-          if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)
-            return G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
-          selector_path_prepend_glob (path);
-          selector_path_prepend_combinator (path, COMBINATOR_CHILD);
-          if (is_class)
-            parse_classes (path, scanner->value.v_identifier);
-          else
-            {
-              if ((pos = strchr (scanner->value.v_identifier, '.')) != NULL)
-                *pos = '\0';
-              selector_path_prepend_name (path, scanner->value.v_identifier);
-              /* Parse any remaining classes */
-              if (pos)
-                parse_classes (path, pos + 1);
-            }
-        }
-      else if (is_widget_class_name (scanner->value.v_identifier))
-        {
-          gchar *pos;
-          if ((pos = strchr (scanner->value.v_identifier, '#')) != NULL ||
-              (pos = strchr (scanner->value.v_identifier, '.')) != NULL)
-            {
-              gchar *type_name, *name;
-              gboolean is_class;
-              is_class = (*pos == '.');
-              /* Widget type and name/class put together */
-              name = pos + 1;
-              *pos = '\0';
-              type_name = scanner->value.v_identifier;
-              selector_path_prepend_type (path, type_name);
-              /* This is only so there is a direct relationship
-               * between widget type and its name.
-               */
-              selector_path_prepend_combinator (path, COMBINATOR_CHILD);
-              if (is_class)
-                parse_classes (path, name);
-              else
-                {
-                  if ((pos = strchr (name, '.')) != NULL)
-                    *pos = '\0';
-              selector_path_prepend_combinator (path, COMBINATOR_CHILD);
-                  selector_path_prepend_name (path, name);
-                  /* Parse any remaining classes */
-                  if (pos)
-                    parse_classes (path, pos + 1);
-                }
-            }
-          else
-            selector_path_prepend_type (path, scanner->value.v_identifier);
-        }
-      else if (_gtk_style_context_check_region_name (scanner->value.v_identifier))
-        {
-          GtkRegionFlags flags = 0;
-          gchar *region_name;
-          region_name = g_strdup (scanner->value.v_identifier);
-          if (g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner) == ':')
-            {
-              ParserSymbol symbol;
-              g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-              gtk_css_scanner_push_scope (scanner, SCOPE_PSEUDO_CLASS);
-              /* Check for the next token being nth-child, parse in that
-               * case, and fallback into common state parsing if not.
-               */
-              if (g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner) != G_TOKEN_SYMBOL)
-                return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;
-              symbol = GPOINTER_TO_INT (scanner->next_value.v_symbol);
-              if (symbol == SYMBOL_FIRST_CHILD ||
-                  symbol == SYMBOL_LAST_CHILD ||
-                  symbol == SYMBOL_NTH_CHILD ||
-                  symbol == SYMBOL_SORTED_CHILD)
-                {
-                  GTokenType token;
-                  if ((token = parse_nth_child (css_provider, scanner, &flags)) != G_TOKEN_NONE)
-                    return token;
-                  gtk_css_scanner_pop_scope (scanner);
-                }
-              else
-                {
-                  gtk_css_scanner_pop_scope (scanner);
-                  selector_path_prepend_region (path, region_name, 0);
-                  g_free (region_name);
-                  break;
-                }
-            }
-          selector_path_prepend_region (path, region_name, flags);
-          g_free (region_name);
-        }
-      else if (scanner->value.v_identifier[0] == '*')
-        selector_path_prepend_glob (path);
-      else
-        return G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
-      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-      if (scanner->token == '>')
-        {
-          selector_path_prepend_combinator (path, COMBINATOR_CHILD);
-          g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-        }
-    }
-  if (scanner->token == ':')
-    {
-      /* Add glob selector if path is empty */
-      if (selector_path_depth (path) == 0)
-        selector_path_prepend_glob (path);
-      gtk_css_scanner_push_scope (scanner, SCOPE_PSEUDO_CLASS);
-      while (scanner->token == ':')
-        {
-          GTokenType token;
-          if ((token = parse_pseudo_class (css_provider, scanner, path)) != G_TOKEN_NONE)
-            return token;
-          g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
-        }
-      gtk_css_scanner_pop_scope (scanner);
-    }
-  return G_TOKEN_NONE;
 static void
 resolve_binding_sets (const gchar *value_str,
                       GValue      *value)

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