[clutter/wip/correct-opacity: 7/8] Add a conformance test for the offscreen-redirect property

commit 04aa2e89506d0b66ac74118e48b868c10055564b
Author: Neil Roberts <neil linux intel com>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 16:48:59 2011 +0000

    Add a conformance test for the offscreen-redirect property
    This adds a conformance test for redirecting offscreen. It verifies
    that the redirected actor has the right paint opacity, that it gets
    redrawn only when the image cache needs to be invalidated and that it
    ends up with the right appearance.

 tests/conform/Makefile.am               |    1 +
 tests/conform/test-conform-main.c       |    1 +
 tests/conform/test-offscreen-redirect.c |  283 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/conform/Makefile.am b/tests/conform/Makefile.am
index fa00dc8..0a57ad0 100644
--- a/tests/conform/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/conform/Makefile.am
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ units_sources += \
         test-clutter-text.c             \
 	test-clutter-texture.c		\
 	test-group.c			\
+	test-offscreen-redirect.c	\
 	test-path.c 			\
 	test-paint-opacity.c 		\
 	test-pick.c 			\
diff --git a/tests/conform/test-conform-main.c b/tests/conform/test-conform-main.c
index 7fa1e8d..1cc7d5d 100644
--- a/tests/conform/test-conform-main.c
+++ b/tests/conform/test-conform-main.c
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE ("/actor", actor_picking);
   TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE ("/actor", actor_fixed_size);
   TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE ("/actor", actor_preferred_size);
+  TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE ("/actor", test_offscreen_redirect);
   TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE ("/invariants", test_initial_state);
   TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE ("/invariants", test_shown_not_parented);
diff --git a/tests/conform/test-offscreen-redirect.c b/tests/conform/test-offscreen-redirect.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04da603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/conform/test-offscreen-redirect.c
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#include <clutter/clutter.h>
+#include "test-conform-common.h"
+typedef struct _FooActor      FooActor;
+typedef struct _FooActorClass FooActorClass;
+struct _FooActorClass
+  ClutterActorClass parent_class;
+struct _FooActor
+  ClutterActor parent;
+  guint8 last_paint_opacity;
+  int paint_count;
+typedef struct
+  ClutterActor *stage;
+  FooActor *foo_actor;
+  ClutterActor *parent_container;
+  ClutterActor *container;
+  ClutterActor *child;
+  ClutterActor *unrelated_actor;
+} Data;
+GType foo_actor_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+static void
+foo_actor_class_paint (ClutterActor *actor)
+  FooActor *foo_actor = (FooActor *) actor;
+  ClutterActorBox allocation;
+  foo_actor->last_paint_opacity = clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (actor);
+  foo_actor->paint_count++;
+  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (actor, &allocation);
+  /* Paint a red rectangle with the right opacity */
+  cogl_set_source_color4ub (255,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            foo_actor->last_paint_opacity);
+  cogl_rectangle (allocation.x1,
+                  allocation.y1,
+                  allocation.x2,
+                  allocation.y2);
+static gboolean
+foo_actor_class_get_paint_volume (ClutterActor *actor,
+                                  ClutterPaintVolume *volume)
+  return clutter_paint_volume_set_from_allocation (volume, actor);
+static void
+foo_actor_class_init (FooActorClass *klass)
+  ClutterActorClass *actor_class = (ClutterActorClass *) klass;
+  actor_class->paint = foo_actor_class_paint;
+  actor_class->get_paint_volume = foo_actor_class_get_paint_volume;
+static void
+foo_actor_init (FooActor *self)
+static void
+verify_results (Data *data,
+                guint8 expected_color_red,
+                guint8 expected_color_green,
+                guint8 expected_color_blue,
+                int expected_paint_count,
+                int expected_paint_opacity)
+  guchar *pixel;
+  data->foo_actor->paint_count = 0;
+  /* Read a pixel at the center of the to determine what color it
+     painted. This should cause a redraw */
+  pixel = clutter_stage_read_pixels (CLUTTER_STAGE (data->stage),
+                                     50, 50, /* x/y */
+                                     1, 1 /* width/height */);
+  g_assert_cmpint (expected_paint_count, ==, data->foo_actor->paint_count);
+  g_assert_cmpint (expected_paint_opacity,
+                   ==,
+                   data->foo_actor->last_paint_opacity);
+  g_assert_cmpint (ABS ((int) expected_color_red - (int) pixel[0]), <=, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint (ABS ((int) expected_color_green - (int) pixel[1]), <=, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint (ABS ((int) expected_color_blue - (int) pixel[2]), <=, 2);
+  g_free (pixel);
+static void
+verify_redraw (Data *data, int expected_paint_count)
+  GMainLoop *main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, TRUE);
+  guint paint_handler;
+  paint_handler = g_signal_connect_data (data->stage,
+                                         "paint",
+                                         G_CALLBACK (g_main_loop_quit),
+                                         main_loop,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         G_CONNECT_SWAPPED | G_CONNECT_AFTER);
+  /* Queue a redraw on the stage */
+  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (data->stage);
+  data->foo_actor->paint_count = 0;
+  /* Wait for it to paint */
+  g_main_loop_run (main_loop);
+  g_signal_handler_disconnect (data->stage, paint_handler);
+  g_assert_cmpint (data->foo_actor->paint_count, ==, expected_paint_count);
+static gboolean
+timeout_cb (gpointer user_data)
+  Data *data = user_data;
+  /* By default the actor shouldn't be redirected so the redraw should
+     cause the actor to be painted */
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 0, 0,
+                  1,
+                  255);
+  /* Make the actor semi-transparent and verify the paint opacity */
+  clutter_actor_set_opacity (data->container, 127);
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 127, 127,
+                  1,
+                  127);
+  /* Enable offscreen for opacity so it should now paint through the
+     fbo. The first paint will still cause the actor to draw because
+     it needs to fill the cache first. It should be painted with full
+     opacity */
+  clutter_actor_set_offscreen_redirect
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 127, 127,
+                  1,
+                  255);
+  /* The second time the actor is painted it should be cached */
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 127, 127,
+                  0,
+                  255);
+  /* We should be able to change the opacity without causing the actor
+     to redraw */
+  clutter_actor_set_opacity (data->container, 64);
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 191, 191,
+                  0,
+                  255);
+  /* Changing it back to fully opaque should cause it not to go
+     through the FBO so it will draw */
+  clutter_actor_set_opacity (data->container, 255);
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 0, 0,
+                  1,
+                  255);
+  /* Tell it to always redirect through the FBO. This should cause a
+     paint of the actor because the last draw didn't go through the
+     FBO */
+  clutter_actor_set_offscreen_redirect (data->container,
+                                        CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_REDIRECT_ALWAYS);
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 0, 0,
+                  1,
+                  255);
+  /* We should be able to change the opacity without causing the actor
+     to redraw */
+  clutter_actor_set_opacity (data->container, 64);
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 191, 191,
+                  0,
+                  255);
+  /* Even changing it back to fully opaque shouldn't cause a redraw */
+  clutter_actor_set_opacity (data->container, 255);
+  verify_results (data,
+                  255, 0, 0,
+                  0,
+                  255);
+  /* Queueing a redraw on the actor should cause a redraw */
+  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (data->container);
+  verify_redraw (data, 1);
+  /* Queueing a redraw on a child should cause a redraw */
+  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (data->child);
+  verify_redraw (data, 1);
+  /* Modifying the transformation on the parent should cause a
+     redraw */
+  clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (data->parent_container, 0, 1);
+  verify_redraw (data, 1);
+  /* Redrawing an unrelated actor shouldn't cause a redraw */
+  clutter_actor_set_position (data->unrelated_actor, 0, 1);
+  verify_redraw (data, 0);
+  clutter_main_quit ();
+  return FALSE;
+test_offscreen_redirect (TestConformSimpleFixture *fixture,
+                         gconstpointer test_data)
+  if (cogl_features_available (COGL_FEATURE_OFFSCREEN))
+    {
+      Data data;
+      data.stage = clutter_stage_get_default ();
+      data.parent_container = clutter_group_new ();
+      data.container = clutter_group_new ();
+      data.foo_actor = g_object_new (foo_actor_get_type (), NULL);
+      clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (data.foo_actor), 100, 100);
+      clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (data.container),
+                                   CLUTTER_ACTOR (data.foo_actor));
+      clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (data.parent_container),
+                                   data.container);
+      clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (data.stage),
+                                   data.parent_container);
+      data.child = clutter_rectangle_new ();
+      clutter_actor_set_size (data.child, 1, 1);
+      clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (data.container),
+                                   data.child);
+      data.unrelated_actor = clutter_rectangle_new ();
+      clutter_actor_set_size (data.child, 1, 1);
+      clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (data.stage),
+                                   data.unrelated_actor);
+      clutter_actor_show (data.stage);
+      /* Start the test after a short delay to allow the stage to
+         render its initial frames without affecting the results */
+      g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_LOW, 250, timeout_cb, &data, NULL);
+      clutter_main ();
+      if (g_test_verbose ())
+        g_print ("OK\n");
+    }
+  else if (g_test_verbose ())
+    g_print ("Skipping\n");

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