[gegl/samplers] Inverse jacobian is now a gdouble array instead of a GeglMatrix2. Downsamplers are broken and have b

commit 883beee79cc750c8f593ea51a9abb4b3efdb740e
Author: Adam Turcotte <aturcotte src gnome org>
Date:   Sun May 8 15:49:16 2011 -0400

    Inverse jacobian is now a gdouble array instead of a GeglMatrix2. Downsamplers are broken and have been removed, along with the regression tests. New sampler lohalo added (still in testing).

 gegl/buffer/Makefile.am                            |    8 +-
 gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer-access.c                   |    4 +-
 gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.c                          |    4 +-
 gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.h                          |    6 +-
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsharp.c               |   26 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsharp.h               |   48 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsharpfast.c           |   26 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsharpfast.h           |   48 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsize.c                |  927 ------------
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsize.h                |   48 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsizefast.c            |  616 --------
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsizefast.h            |   48 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsmooth.c              |   26 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsmooth.h              |   48 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsmoothfast.c          |   26 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-downsmoothfast.h          |   48 -
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c                  | 1547 ++++++++++++++++++++
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.h                  |   49 +
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c                         |   24 +-
 gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.h                         |    2 +-
 operations/affine/affine.c                         |   14 +-
 tests/compositions/downsharptest-broken.xml        |   35 -
 tests/compositions/downsizetest-broken.xml         |   35 -
 tests/compositions/downsmoothtest-broken.xml       |   35 -
 .../reference/downsharptest-broken.png             |  Bin 27749 -> 0 bytes
 .../compositions/reference/downsizetest-broken.png |  Bin 27653 -> 0 bytes
 .../reference/downsmoothtest-broken.png            |  Bin 27307 -> 0 bytes
 27 files changed, 1616 insertions(+), 2082 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/Makefile.am b/gegl/buffer/Makefile.am
index 5419d99..e04b303 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/Makefile.am
+++ b/gegl/buffer/Makefile.am
@@ -27,12 +27,10 @@ libbuffer_la_SOURCES = \
     gegl-sampler-lanczos.c	\
     gegl-sampler-linear.c	\
     gegl-sampler-nearest.c	\
-    gegl-sampler-downsharp.c	\
-    gegl-sampler-downsize.c 	\
-    gegl-sampler-downsmooth.c	\
     gegl-sampler-upsharp.c	\
     gegl-sampler-upsize.c 	\
     gegl-sampler-upsmooth.c	\
+    gegl-sampler-lohalo.c       \
     gegl-region-generic.c	\
     gegl-tile.c			\
     gegl-tile-source.c		\
@@ -60,12 +58,10 @@ libbuffer_la_SOURCES = \
     gegl-sampler-lanczos.h	\
     gegl-sampler-linear.h	\
     gegl-sampler-nearest.h	\
-    gegl-sampler-downsharp.h	\
-    gegl-sampler-downsize.h 	\
-    gegl-sampler-downsmooth.h	\
     gegl-sampler-upsharp.h	\
     gegl-sampler-upsize.h 	\
     gegl-sampler-upsmooth.h	\
+    gegl-sampler-lohalo.h       \
     gegl-region.h		\
     gegl-region-generic.h	\
     gegl-tile.h			\
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer-access.c b/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer-access.c
index 9440ee4..f2b04fc 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer-access.c
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer-access.c
@@ -35,12 +35,10 @@
 #include "gegl-sampler-linear.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-cubic.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-lanczos.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsharp.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsize.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsmooth.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsharp.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsize.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsmooth.h"
+#include "gegl-sampler-lohalo.h"
 #include "gegl-buffer-index.h"
 #include "gegl-tile-backend.h"
 #include "gegl-buffer-iterator.h"
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.c b/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.c
index 3e54417..d274bf6 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.c
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.c
@@ -62,12 +62,10 @@
 #include "gegl-sampler-linear.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-cubic.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-lanczos.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsharp.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsize.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsmooth.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsharp.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsize.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsmooth.h"
+#include "gegl-sampler-lohalo.h"
 #include "gegl-types-internal.h"
 #include "gegl-utils.h"
 #include "gegl-id-pool.h"
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.h b/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.h
index d4a97c2..1494ec5 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.h
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-buffer.h
@@ -312,12 +312,10 @@ typedef enum {
 } GeglInterpolation;
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e8761b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1547 @@
+/* This file is part of GEGL
+ *
+ * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with GEGL; if not, see
+ * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * 2011 (c) Adam Turcotte, Nicolas Robidoux, �yvind Kolås and Geert
+ * Jordaens.
+ */
+ * ===============
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ nohalo gets a bit better without it, though not lbb
+#ifndef __NOHALO_CHEAP_H__
+#define __NOHALO_CHEAP_H__
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include "gegl.h"
+#include "gegl-types-internal.h"
+#include "gegl-buffer-private.h"
+#include "gegl-sampler-lohalo.h"
+ * LOHALO_MINMOD is an implementation of the minmod function which only
+ * needs two conditional moves. LOHALO_MINMOD(a,b,a_times_a,a_times_b)
+ * "returns" minmod(a,b). The parameter ("input") a_times_a is assumed
+ * to contain the square of a; a_times_b, the product of a and b.
+ *
+ * This version is most suitable for images with flat (constant)
+ * colour areas, since a, which is a pixel difference, will often be
+ * 0, in which case both forward branches are likely.
+ *
+ * For uncompressed natural images in high bit depth (images for which
+ * the slopes a and b are unlikely to be equal to zero or be equal to
+ * each other), we recommend using
+ *
+ * ( (a_times_b)>=0. ? 1. : 0. ) * ( (a_times_b)<(a_times_a) ? (b) : (a) )
+ *
+ * instead. With this second version, the forward branch of the second
+ * conditional move is taken when |b|>|a| and when a*b<0. However, the
+ * "else" branch is taken when a=0 (or when a=b), which is why the
+ * above version is not recommended for images with regions with
+ * constant pixel values (or regions with pixel values which vary
+ * bilinearly).
+ */
+#define LOHALO_MINMOD(a,b,a_times_a,a_times_b) \
+ ( (a_times_b)>=0.f ? 1.f : 0.f ) * ( (a_times_a)<=(a_times_b) ? (a) : (b) )
+#define LOHALO_ABS(x)  ( ((x)>=0.) ? (x) : -(x) )
+#define LOHALO_SIGN(x) ( ((x)>=0.) ? 1.  : -1.  )
+ * MIN and MAX macros set up so that I can put the likely winner in
+ * the first argument (forward branch likely blah blah blah):
+ */
+#define LOHALO_MIN(x,y) ( ((x)<=(y)) ? (x) : (y) )
+#define LOHALO_MAX(x,y) ( ((x)>=(y)) ? (x) : (y) )
+ * FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR is a floor replacement which has been found to be
+ * faster. It returns the floor of its argument unless the argument is
+ * a negative integer, in which case it returns one less than the
+ * floor. For example:
+ *
+ * FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR(0.5) = 0
+ *
+ *
+ * FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR(-.5) = -1
+ *
+ * as expected, but
+ *
+ * FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR(-1.) = -2
+ *
+ * The discontinuities of FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR are on the right of
+ * negative numbers instead of on the left as is the case for floor.
+ */
+#define FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR(x) ( (gint)(x) - ( (x) < 0. ) )
+ * Hack to get the restrict C99 keyword going at least some of the
+ * time:
+ */
+#ifndef restrict
+#ifdef __restrict
+#define restrict __restrict
+#ifdef __restrict__
+#define restrict __restrict__
+#define restrict
+  PROP_0,
+static void gegl_sampler_lohalo_get (      GeglSampler* restrict self,
+                                     const gdouble               absolute_x,
+                                     const gdouble               absolute_y,
+                                           void*        restrict output);
+static void set_property (      GObject*    gobject,
+                                guint       property_id,
+                          const GValue*     value,
+                                GParamSpec* pspec);
+static void get_property (GObject*    gobject,
+                          guint       property_id,
+                          GValue*     value,
+                          GParamSpec* pspec);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (GeglSamplerLohalo, gegl_sampler_lohalo, GEGL_TYPE_SAMPLER)
+static void
+gegl_sampler_lohalo_class_init (GeglSamplerLohaloClass *klass)
+  GeglSamplerClass *sampler_class = GEGL_SAMPLER_CLASS (klass);
+  GObjectClass *object_class  = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+  object_class->set_property = set_property;
+  object_class->get_property = get_property;
+  sampler_class->get = gegl_sampler_lohalo_get;
+static void
+gegl_sampler_lohalo_init (GeglSamplerLohalo *self)
+  GEGL_SAMPLER (self)->context_rect.x = -1;
+  GEGL_SAMPLER (self)->context_rect.y = -1;
+  GEGL_SAMPLER (self)->context_rect.width = 4;
+  GEGL_SAMPLER (self)->context_rect.height = 4;
+  GEGL_SAMPLER (self)->interpolate_format = babl_format ("RaGaBaA float");
+static void inline
+nohalo_subdivision (const gfloat           uno_two,
+                    const gfloat           uno_thr,
+                    const gfloat           uno_fou,
+                    const gfloat           dos_one,
+                    const gfloat           dos_two,
+                    const gfloat           dos_thr,
+                    const gfloat           dos_fou,
+                    const gfloat           dos_fiv,
+                    const gfloat           tre_one,
+                    const gfloat           tre_two,
+                    const gfloat           tre_thr,
+                    const gfloat           tre_fou,
+                    const gfloat           tre_fiv,
+                    const gfloat           qua_one,
+                    const gfloat           qua_two,
+                    const gfloat           qua_thr,
+                    const gfloat           qua_fou,
+                    const gfloat           qua_fiv,
+                    const gfloat           cin_two,
+                    const gfloat           cin_thr,
+                    const gfloat           cin_fou,
+                          gfloat* restrict uno_one_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict uno_two_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict uno_thr_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict uno_fou_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict dos_one_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict dos_two_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict dos_thr_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict dos_fou_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict tre_one_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict tre_two_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict tre_thr_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict tre_fou_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict qua_one_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict qua_two_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict qua_thr_1,
+                          gfloat* restrict qua_fou_1)
+  /*
+   * nohalo_subdivision calculates the missing twelve gfloat density
+   * pixel values, and also returns the "already known" four, so that
+   * the sixteen values which make up the stencil of LBB are
+   * available.
+   */
+  /*
+   *
+   * Pointer arithmetic is used to implicitly reflect the input
+   * stencil about tre_thr---assumed closer to the sampling location
+   * than other pixels (ties are OK)---in such a way that after
+   * reflection the sampling point is to the bottom right of tre_thr.
+   *
+   * The following code and picture assumes that the stencil reflexion
+   * has already been performed.
+   *
+   *               (ix-1,iy-2)  (ix,iy-2)    (ix+1,iy-2)
+   *               =uno_two     = uno_thr    = uno_fou
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *  (ix-2,iy-1)  (ix-1,iy-1)  (ix,iy-1)    (ix+1,iy-1)  (ix+2,iy-1)
+   *  = dos_one    = dos_two    = dos_thr    = dos_fou    = dos_fiv
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *  (ix-2,iy)    (ix-1,iy)    (ix,iy)      (ix+1,iy)    (ix+2,iy)
+   *  = tre_one    = tre_two    = tre_thr    = tre_fou    = tre_fiv
+   *                                    X
+   *
+   *
+   *  (ix-2,iy+1)  (ix-1,iy+1)  (ix,iy+1)    (ix+1,iy+1)  (ix+2,iy+1)
+   *  = qua_one    = qua_two    = qua_thr    = qua_fou    = qua_fiv
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *               (ix-1,iy+2)  (ix,iy+2)    (ix+1,iy+2)
+   *               = cin_two    = cin_thr    = cin_fou
+   *
+   *
+   * The above input pixel values are the ones needed in order to make
+   * available the following values, needed by LBB:
+   *
+   *  uno_one_1 =      uno_two_1 =  uno_thr_1 =      uno_fou_1 =
+   *  (ix-1/2,iy-1/2)  (ix,iy-1/2)  (ix+1/2,iy-1/2)  (ix+1,iy-1/2)
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *  dos_one_1 =      dos_two_1 =  dos_thr_1 =      dos_fou_1 =
+   *  (ix-1/2,iy)      (ix,iy)      (ix+1/2,iy)      (ix+1,iy)
+   *
+   *                             X
+   *
+   *
+   *  tre_one_1 =      tre_two_1 =  tre_thr_1 =      tre_fou_1 =
+   *  (ix-1/2,iy+1/2)  (ix,iy+1/2)  (ix+1/2,iy+1/2)  (ix+1,iy+1/2)
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *
+   *  qua_one_1 =      qua_two_1 =  qua_thr_1 =      qua_fou_1 =
+   *  (ix-1/2,iy+1)    (ix,iy+1)    (ix+1/2,iy+1)    (ix+1,iy+1)
+   *
+   */
+  /*
+   * Computation of the nonlinear slopes: If two consecutive pixel
+   * value differences have the same sign, the smallest one (in
+   * absolute value) is taken to be the corresponding slope; if the
+   * two consecutive pixel value differences don't have the same sign,
+   * the corresponding slope is set to 0.
+   *
+   * In other words: Apply minmod to consecutive differences.
+   */
+  /*
+   * Two vertical simple differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_unodos_two = dos_two - uno_two;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_two = tre_two - dos_two;
+  const gfloat d_trequa_two = qua_two - tre_two;
+  const gfloat d_quacin_two = cin_two - qua_two;
+  /*
+   * Thr(ee) vertical differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_unodos_thr = dos_thr - uno_thr;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_thr = tre_thr - dos_thr;
+  const gfloat d_trequa_thr = qua_thr - tre_thr;
+  const gfloat d_quacin_thr = cin_thr - qua_thr;
+  /*
+   * Fou(r) vertical differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_unodos_fou = dos_fou - uno_fou;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_fou = tre_fou - dos_fou;
+  const gfloat d_trequa_fou = qua_fou - tre_fou;
+  const gfloat d_quacin_fou = cin_fou - qua_fou;
+  /*
+   * Dos horizontal differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_dos_onetwo = dos_two - dos_one;
+  const gfloat d_dos_twothr = dos_thr - dos_two;
+  const gfloat d_dos_thrfou = dos_fou - dos_thr;
+  const gfloat d_dos_foufiv = dos_fiv - dos_fou;
+  /*
+   * Tre(s) horizontal differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_tre_onetwo = tre_two - tre_one;
+  const gfloat d_tre_twothr = tre_thr - tre_two;
+  const gfloat d_tre_thrfou = tre_fou - tre_thr;
+  const gfloat d_tre_foufiv = tre_fiv - tre_fou;
+  /*
+   * Qua(ttro) horizontal differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_qua_onetwo = qua_two - qua_one;
+  const gfloat d_qua_twothr = qua_thr - qua_two;
+  const gfloat d_qua_thrfou = qua_fou - qua_thr;
+  const gfloat d_qua_foufiv = qua_fiv - qua_fou;
+  /*
+   * Recyclable vertical products and squares:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_unodos_times_dostre_two = d_unodos_two * d_dostre_two;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_two_sq           = d_dostre_two * d_dostre_two;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_times_trequa_two = d_dostre_two * d_trequa_two;
+  const gfloat d_trequa_times_quacin_two = d_quacin_two * d_trequa_two;
+  const gfloat d_quacin_two_sq           = d_quacin_two * d_quacin_two;
+  const gfloat d_unodos_times_dostre_thr = d_unodos_thr * d_dostre_thr;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_thr_sq           = d_dostre_thr * d_dostre_thr;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_times_trequa_thr = d_trequa_thr * d_dostre_thr;
+  const gfloat d_trequa_times_quacin_thr = d_trequa_thr * d_quacin_thr;
+  const gfloat d_quacin_thr_sq           = d_quacin_thr * d_quacin_thr;
+  const gfloat d_unodos_times_dostre_fou = d_unodos_fou * d_dostre_fou;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_fou_sq           = d_dostre_fou * d_dostre_fou;
+  const gfloat d_dostre_times_trequa_fou = d_trequa_fou * d_dostre_fou;
+  const gfloat d_trequa_times_quacin_fou = d_trequa_fou * d_quacin_fou;
+  const gfloat d_quacin_fou_sq           = d_quacin_fou * d_quacin_fou;
+  /*
+   * Recyclable horizontal products and squares:
+   */
+  const gfloat d_dos_onetwo_times_twothr = d_dos_onetwo * d_dos_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_dos_twothr_sq           = d_dos_twothr * d_dos_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_dos_twothr_times_thrfou = d_dos_twothr * d_dos_thrfou;
+  const gfloat d_dos_thrfou_times_foufiv = d_dos_thrfou * d_dos_foufiv;
+  const gfloat d_dos_foufiv_sq           = d_dos_foufiv * d_dos_foufiv;
+  const gfloat d_tre_onetwo_times_twothr = d_tre_onetwo * d_tre_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_tre_twothr_sq           = d_tre_twothr * d_tre_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_tre_twothr_times_thrfou = d_tre_thrfou * d_tre_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_tre_thrfou_times_foufiv = d_tre_thrfou * d_tre_foufiv;
+  const gfloat d_tre_foufiv_sq           = d_tre_foufiv * d_tre_foufiv;
+  const gfloat d_qua_onetwo_times_twothr = d_qua_onetwo * d_qua_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_qua_twothr_sq           = d_qua_twothr * d_qua_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_qua_twothr_times_thrfou = d_qua_thrfou * d_qua_twothr;
+  const gfloat d_qua_thrfou_times_foufiv = d_qua_thrfou * d_qua_foufiv;
+  const gfloat d_qua_foufiv_sq           = d_qua_foufiv * d_qua_foufiv;
+  /*
+   * Minmod slopes and first level pixel values:
+   */
+  const gfloat dos_thr_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dostre_thr, d_unodos_thr,
+                                          d_dostre_thr_sq,
+                                          d_unodos_times_dostre_thr );
+  const gfloat tre_thr_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dostre_thr, d_trequa_thr,
+                                          d_dostre_thr_sq,
+                                          d_dostre_times_trequa_thr );
+  const gfloat newval_uno_two =
+    .5 * ( dos_thr + tre_thr )
+    +
+    .25 * ( dos_thr_y - tre_thr_y );
+  const gfloat qua_thr_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_quacin_thr, d_trequa_thr,
+                                          d_quacin_thr_sq,
+                                          d_trequa_times_quacin_thr );
+  const gfloat newval_tre_two =
+    .5 * ( tre_thr + qua_thr )
+    +
+    .25 * ( tre_thr_y - qua_thr_y );
+  const gfloat tre_fou_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dostre_fou, d_trequa_fou,
+                                          d_dostre_fou_sq,
+                                          d_dostre_times_trequa_fou );
+  const gfloat qua_fou_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_quacin_fou, d_trequa_fou,
+                                          d_quacin_fou_sq,
+                                          d_trequa_times_quacin_fou );
+  const gfloat newval_tre_fou =
+    .5 * ( tre_fou + qua_fou )
+    +
+    .25 * ( tre_fou_y - qua_fou_y );
+  const gfloat dos_fou_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dostre_fou, d_unodos_fou,
+                                          d_dostre_fou_sq,
+                                          d_unodos_times_dostre_fou );
+  const gfloat newval_uno_fou =
+     .5 * ( dos_fou + tre_fou )
+     +
+     .25 * (dos_fou_y - tre_fou_y );
+  const gfloat tre_two_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_tre_twothr, d_tre_onetwo,
+                                          d_tre_twothr_sq,
+                                          d_tre_onetwo_times_twothr );
+  const gfloat tre_thr_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_tre_twothr, d_tre_thrfou,
+                                          d_tre_twothr_sq,
+                                          d_tre_twothr_times_thrfou );
+  const gfloat newval_dos_one =
+    .5 * ( tre_two + tre_thr )
+    +
+    .25 * ( tre_two_x - tre_thr_x );
+  const gfloat tre_fou_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_tre_foufiv, d_tre_thrfou,
+                                          d_tre_foufiv_sq,
+                                          d_tre_thrfou_times_foufiv );
+  const gfloat tre_thr_x_minus_tre_fou_x =
+    tre_thr_x - tre_fou_x;
+  const gfloat newval_dos_thr =
+    .5 * ( tre_thr + tre_fou )
+    +
+    .25 * tre_thr_x_minus_tre_fou_x;
+  const gfloat qua_thr_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_qua_twothr, d_qua_thrfou,
+                                          d_qua_twothr_sq,
+                                          d_qua_twothr_times_thrfou );
+  const gfloat qua_fou_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_qua_foufiv, d_qua_thrfou,
+                                          d_qua_foufiv_sq,
+                                          d_qua_thrfou_times_foufiv );
+  const gfloat qua_thr_x_minus_qua_fou_x =
+    qua_thr_x - qua_fou_x;
+  const gfloat newval_qua_thr =
+    .5 * ( qua_thr + qua_fou )
+    +
+    .25 * qua_thr_x_minus_qua_fou_x;
+  const gfloat qua_two_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_qua_twothr, d_qua_onetwo,
+                                          d_qua_twothr_sq,
+                                          d_qua_onetwo_times_twothr );
+  const gfloat newval_qua_one =
+    .5 * ( qua_two + qua_thr )
+    +
+    .25 * ( qua_two_x - qua_thr_x );
+  const gfloat newval_tre_thr =
+    .125 * ( tre_thr_x_minus_tre_fou_x + qua_thr_x_minus_qua_fou_x )
+    +
+    .5 * ( newval_tre_two + newval_tre_fou );
+  const gfloat dos_thr_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dos_twothr, d_dos_thrfou,
+                                          d_dos_twothr_sq,
+                                          d_dos_twothr_times_thrfou );
+  const gfloat dos_fou_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dos_foufiv, d_dos_thrfou,
+                                          d_dos_foufiv_sq,
+                                          d_dos_thrfou_times_foufiv );
+  const gfloat newval_uno_thr =
+    .25 * ( dos_fou - tre_thr )
+    +
+    .125 * ( dos_fou_y - tre_fou_y + dos_thr_x - dos_fou_x )
+    +
+    .5 * ( newval_uno_two + newval_dos_thr );
+  const gfloat tre_two_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dostre_two, d_trequa_two,
+                                          d_dostre_two_sq,
+                                          d_dostre_times_trequa_two );
+  const gfloat qua_two_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_quacin_two, d_trequa_two,
+                                          d_quacin_two_sq,
+                                          d_trequa_times_quacin_two );
+  const gfloat newval_tre_one =
+    .25 * ( qua_two - tre_thr )
+    +
+    .125 * ( qua_two_x - qua_thr_x + tre_two_y - qua_two_y )
+    +
+    .5 * ( newval_dos_one + newval_tre_two );
+  const gfloat dos_two_x = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dos_twothr, d_dos_onetwo,
+                                          d_dos_twothr_sq,
+                                          d_dos_onetwo_times_twothr );
+  const gfloat dos_two_y = LOHALO_MINMOD( d_dostre_two, d_unodos_two,
+                                          d_dostre_two_sq,
+                                          d_unodos_times_dostre_two );
+  const gfloat newval_uno_one =
+    .25 * ( dos_two + dos_thr + tre_two + tre_thr )
+    +
+    .125 * ( dos_two_x - dos_thr_x + tre_two_x - tre_thr_x
+             +
+             dos_two_y + dos_thr_y - tre_two_y - tre_thr_y );
+  /*
+   * Return the sixteen LBB stencil values:
+   */
+  *uno_one_1 = newval_uno_one;
+  *uno_two_1 = newval_uno_two;
+  *uno_thr_1 = newval_uno_thr;
+  *uno_fou_1 = newval_uno_fou;
+  *dos_one_1 = newval_dos_one;
+  *dos_two_1 =        tre_thr;
+  *dos_thr_1 = newval_dos_thr;
+  *dos_fou_1 =        tre_fou;
+  *tre_one_1 = newval_tre_one;
+  *tre_two_1 = newval_tre_two;
+  *tre_thr_1 = newval_tre_thr;
+  *tre_fou_1 = newval_tre_fou;
+  *qua_one_1 = newval_qua_one;
+  *qua_two_1 =        qua_thr;
+  *qua_thr_1 = newval_qua_thr;
+  *qua_fou_1 =        qua_fou;
+ * LBB (Locally Bounded Bicubic) is a high quality nonlinear variant
+ * of Catmull-Rom. Images resampled with LBB have much smaller halos
+ * than images resampled with windowed sincs or other interpolatory
+ * cubic spline filters. Specifically, LBB halos are narrower and the
+ * over/undershoot amplitude is smaller. This is accomplished without
+ * a significant reduction in the smoothness of the result (compared
+ * to Catmull-Rom).
+ *
+ * Another important property is that the resampled values are
+ * contained within the range of nearby input values. Consequently, no
+ * final clamping is needed to stay "in range" (e.g., 0-255 for
+ * standard 8-bit images).
+ *
+ * LBB was developed by Nicolas Robidoux and Chantal Racette of the
+ * Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Laurentian
+ * University in the course of Chantal's Masters Thesis in
+ * Computational Sciences.
+ */
+ * LBB is a novel method with the following properties:
+ *
+ * --LBB is a Hermite bicubic method: The bicubic surface is defined,
+ *   one convex hull of four nearby input points at a time, using four
+ *   point values, four x-derivatives, four y-derivatives, and four
+ *   cross-derivatives.
+ *
+ * --The stencil for values in a square patch is the usual 4x4.
+ *
+ * --LBB is interpolatory.
+ *
+ * --It is C^1 with continuous cross derivatives.
+ *
+ * --When the limiters are inactive, LBB gives the same results as
+ *   Catmull-Rom.
+ *
+ * --When used on binary images, LBB gives results similar to bicubic
+ *   Hermite with all first derivatives---but not necessarily the
+ *   cross derivatives--at the input pixel locations set to zero.
+ *
+ * --The LBB reconstruction is locally bounded: Over each square
+ *   patch, the surface is contained between the minimum and the
+ *   maximum values among the 16 nearest input pixel values (those in
+ *   the stencil).
+ *
+ * --Consequently, the LBB reconstruction is globally bounded between
+ *   the very smallest input pixel value and the very largest input
+ *   pixel value. (It is not necessary to clamp results.)
+ *
+ * The LBB method is based on the method of Ken Brodlie, Petros
+ * Mashwama and Sohail Butt for constraining Hermite interpolants
+ * between globally defined planes:
+ *
+ *   Visualization of surface data to preserve positivity and other
+ *   simple constraints. Computer & Graphics, Vol. 19, Number 4, pages
+ *   585-594, 1995. DOI: 10.1016/0097-8493(95)00036-C.
+ *
+ * Instead of forcing the reconstructed surface to lie between two
+ * GLOBALLY defined planes, LBB constrains one patch at a time to lie
+ * between LOCALLY defined planes. This is accomplished by
+ * constraining the derivatives (x, y and cross) at each input pixel
+ * location so that if the constraint was applied everywhere the
+ * surface would fit between the min and max of the values at the 9
+ * closest pixel locations. Because this is done with each of the four
+ * pixel locations which define the bicubic patch, this forces the
+ * reconstructed surface to lie between the min and max of the values
+ * at the 16 closest values pixel locations. (Each corner defines its
+ * own 3x3 subgroup of the 4x4 stencil. Consequently, the surface is
+ * necessarily above the minimum of the four minima, which happens to
+ * be the minimum over the 4x4. Similarly with the maxima.)
+ *
+ * The above paragraph described the "soft" version of LBB. The
+ * "sharp" version is similar.
+ */
+static inline gfloat
+lbbicubic( const gfloat c00,
+           const gfloat c10,
+           const gfloat c01,
+           const gfloat c11,
+           const gfloat c00dx,
+           const gfloat c10dx,
+           const gfloat c01dx,
+           const gfloat c11dx,
+           const gfloat c00dy,
+           const gfloat c10dy,
+           const gfloat c01dy,
+           const gfloat c11dy,
+           const gfloat c00dxdy,
+           const gfloat c10dxdy,
+           const gfloat c01dxdy,
+           const gfloat c11dxdy,
+           const gfloat uno_one,
+           const gfloat uno_two,
+           const gfloat uno_thr,
+           const gfloat uno_fou,
+           const gfloat dos_one,
+           const gfloat dos_two,
+           const gfloat dos_thr,
+           const gfloat dos_fou,
+           const gfloat tre_one,
+           const gfloat tre_two,
+           const gfloat tre_thr,
+           const gfloat tre_fou,
+           const gfloat qua_one,
+           const gfloat qua_two,
+           const gfloat qua_thr,
+           const gfloat qua_fou )
+  /*
+   *
+   * The stencil of LBB is the same as for any standard Hermite
+   * bicubic (e.g., Catmull-Rom):
+   *
+   *  (ix-1,iy-1)  (ix,iy-1)    (ix+1,iy-1)  (ix+2,iy-1)
+   *  = uno_one    = uno_two    = uno_thr    = uno_fou
+   *
+   *  (ix-1,iy)    (ix,iy)      (ix+1,iy)    (ix+2,iy)
+   *  = dos_one    = dos_two    = dos_thr    = dos_fou
+   *                        X
+   *  (ix-1,iy+1)  (ix,iy+1)    (ix+1,iy+1)  (ix+2,iy+1)
+   *  = tre_one    = tre_two    = tre_thr    = tre_fou
+   *
+   *  (ix-1,iy+2)  (ix,iy+2)    (ix+1,iy+2)  (ix+2,iy+2)
+   *  = qua_one    = qua_two    = qua_thr    = qua_fou
+   *
+   * where ix is the (pseudo-)floor of the requested left-to-right
+   * location ("X"), and iy is the floor of the requested up-to-down
+   * location.
+   */
+#if defined (__NOHALO_CHEAP_H__)
+  /*
+   * Computation of the four min and four max over 3x3 input data
+   * sub-crosses of the 4x4 input stencil.
+   *
+   * We exploit the fact that the data comes from the (co-monotone)
+   * method Nohalo so that it is known ahead of time that
+   *
+   *  dos_thr is between dos_two and dos_fou
+   *
+   *  tre_two is between dos_two and qua_two
+   *
+   *  tre_fou is between dos_fou and qua_fou
+   *
+   *  qua_thr is between qua_two and qua_fou
+   *
+   *  tre_thr is in the convex hull of dos_two, dos_fou, qua_two and qua_fou
+   *
+   *  to minimize the number of flags and conditional moves.
+   *
+   * (The "between" are not strict: "a between b and c" means
+   *
+   * "min(b,c) <= a <= max(b,c)".)
+   *
+   * We have, however, succeeded in eliminating one flag computation
+   * (one comparison) and one use of an intermediate result. See the
+   * two commented out lines below.
+   *
+   * Overall, only 20 comparisons and 28 "? :" are needed (to compute
+   * 4 mins and 4 maxes). If you can figure how to do this more
+   * efficiently, let us know.
+   */
+  const gfloat m1    = (uno_two <= tre_two) ? uno_two : tre_two  ;
+  const gfloat M1    = (uno_two <= tre_two) ? tre_two : uno_two  ;
+  const gfloat m2    = (dos_thr <= qua_thr) ? dos_thr : qua_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M2    = (dos_thr <= qua_thr) ? qua_thr : dos_thr  ;
+  const gfloat m3    = (dos_two <= dos_fou) ? dos_two : dos_fou  ;
+  const gfloat M3    = (dos_two <= dos_fou) ? dos_fou : dos_two  ;
+  const gfloat m4    = (uno_thr <= tre_thr) ? uno_thr : tre_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M4    = (uno_thr <= tre_thr) ? tre_thr : uno_thr  ;
+  const gfloat m5    = (dos_two <= qua_two) ? dos_two : qua_two  ;
+  const gfloat M5    = (dos_two <= qua_two) ? qua_two : dos_two  ;
+  const gfloat m6    = (tre_one <= tre_thr) ? tre_one : tre_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M6    = (tre_one <= tre_thr) ? tre_thr : tre_one  ;
+  const gfloat m7    = (dos_one <= dos_thr) ? dos_one : dos_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M7    = (dos_one <= dos_thr) ? dos_thr : dos_one  ;
+  const gfloat m8    = (tre_two <= tre_fou) ? tre_two : tre_fou  ;
+  const gfloat M8    = (tre_two <= tre_fou) ? tre_fou : tre_two  ;
+  const gfloat m9    = LOHALO_MIN(            m1,       dos_two );
+  const gfloat M9    = LOHALO_MAX(            M1,       dos_two );
+  const gfloat m10   = LOHALO_MIN(            m2,       tre_thr );
+  const gfloat M10   = LOHALO_MAX(            M2,       tre_thr );
+  const gfloat min10 = LOHALO_MIN(            m3,       m4      );
+  const gfloat max10 = LOHALO_MAX(            M3,       M4      );
+  const gfloat min01 = LOHALO_MIN(            m5,       m6      );
+  const gfloat max01 = LOHALO_MAX(            M5,       M6      );
+  const gfloat min00 = LOHALO_MIN(            m9,       m7      );
+  const gfloat max00 = LOHALO_MAX(            M9,       M7      );
+  const gfloat min11 = LOHALO_MIN(           m10,       m8      );
+  const gfloat max11 = LOHALO_MAX(           M10,       M8      );
+  /*
+   * Computation of the four min and four max over 3x3 input data
+   * sub-blocks of the 4x4 input stencil.
+   *
+   * Surprisingly, we have not succeeded in reducing the number of "?
+   * :" needed by using the fact that the data comes from the
+   * (co-monotone) method Nohalo so that it is known ahead of time
+   * that
+   *
+   *  dos_thr is between dos_two and dos_fou
+   *
+   *  tre_two is between dos_two and qua_two
+   *
+   *  tre_fou is between dos_fou and qua_fou
+   *
+   *  qua_thr is between qua_two and qua_fou
+   *
+   *  tre_thr is in the convex hull of dos_two, dos_fou, qua_two and qua_fou
+   *
+   *  to minimize the number of flags and conditional moves.
+   *
+   * (The "between" are not strict: "a between b and c" means
+   *
+   * "min(b,c) <= a <= max(b,c)".)
+   *
+   * We have, however, succeeded in eliminating one flag computation
+   * (one comparison) and one use of an intermediate result. See the
+   * two commented out lines below.
+   *
+   * Overall, only 27 comparisons are needed (to compute 4 mins and 4
+   * maxes!). Without the simplification, 28 comparisons would be
+   * used. Either way, the number of "? :" used is 34. If you can
+   * figure how to do this more efficiently, let us know.
+   */
+  const gfloat m1    = (dos_two <= dos_thr) ? dos_two : dos_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M1    = (dos_two <= dos_thr) ? dos_thr : dos_two  ;
+  const gfloat m2    = (tre_two <= tre_thr) ? tre_two : tre_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M2    = (tre_two <= tre_thr) ? tre_thr : tre_two  ;
+  const gfloat m4    = (qua_two <= qua_thr) ? qua_two : qua_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M4    = (qua_two <= qua_thr) ? qua_thr : qua_two  ;
+  const gfloat m3    = (uno_two <= uno_thr) ? uno_two : uno_thr  ;
+  const gfloat M3    = (uno_two <= uno_thr) ? uno_thr : uno_two  ;
+  const gfloat m5    = LOHALO_MIN(            m1,       m2      );
+  const gfloat M5    = LOHALO_MAX(            M1,       M2      );
+  const gfloat m6    = (dos_one <= tre_one) ? dos_one : tre_one  ;
+  const gfloat M6    = (dos_one <= tre_one) ? tre_one : dos_one  ;
+  const gfloat m7    = (dos_fou <= tre_fou) ? dos_fou : tre_fou  ;
+  const gfloat M7    = (dos_fou <= tre_fou) ? tre_fou : dos_fou  ;
+  const gfloat m13   = (dos_fou <= qua_fou) ? dos_fou : qua_fou  ;
+  const gfloat M13   = (dos_fou <= qua_fou) ? qua_fou : dos_fou  ;
+  /*
+   * Because the data comes from Nohalo subdivision, the following two
+   * lines can be replaced by the above, simpler, two lines without
+   * changing the results.
+   *
+   * const gfloat m13   = LOHALO_MIN(            m7,       qua_fou );
+   * const gfloat M13   = LOHALO_MAX(            M7,       qua_fou );
+   *
+   * This also allows reodering the comparisons to put space between
+   * the computation of a result and its use.
+   */
+  const gfloat m9    = LOHALO_MIN(            m5,       m4      );
+  const gfloat M9    = LOHALO_MAX(            M5,       M4      );
+  const gfloat m11   = LOHALO_MIN(            m6,       qua_one );
+  const gfloat M11   = LOHALO_MAX(            M6,       qua_one );
+  const gfloat m10   = LOHALO_MIN(            m6,       uno_one );
+  const gfloat M10   = LOHALO_MAX(            M6,       uno_one );
+  const gfloat m8    = LOHALO_MIN(            m5,       m3      );
+  const gfloat M8    = LOHALO_MAX(            M5,       M3      );
+  const gfloat m12   = LOHALO_MIN(            m7,       uno_fou );
+  const gfloat M12   = LOHALO_MAX(            M7,       uno_fou );
+  const gfloat min11 = LOHALO_MIN(            m9,       m13     );
+  const gfloat max11 = LOHALO_MAX(            M9,       M13     );
+  const gfloat min01 = LOHALO_MIN(            m9,       m11     );
+  const gfloat max01 = LOHALO_MAX(            M9,       M11     );
+  const gfloat min00 = LOHALO_MIN(            m8,       m10     );
+  const gfloat max00 = LOHALO_MAX(            M8,       M10     );
+  const gfloat min10 = LOHALO_MIN(            m8,       m12     );
+  const gfloat max10 = LOHALO_MAX(            M8,       M12     );
+  /*
+   * The remainder of the "per channel" computation involves the
+   * computation of:
+   *
+   * --8 conditional moves,
+   *
+   * --8 signs (in which the sign of zero is unimportant),
+   *
+   * --12 minima of two values,
+   *
+   * --8 maxima of two values,
+   *
+   * --8 absolute values,
+   *
+   * for a grand total of 29 minima, 25 maxima, 8 conditional moves, 8
+   * signs, and 8 absolute values. If everything is done with
+   * conditional moves, "only" 28+8+8+12+8+8=72 flags are involved
+   * (because initial min and max can be computed with one flag).
+   *
+   * The "per channel" part of the computation also involves 107
+   * arithmetic operations (54 *, 21 +, 42 -).
+   */
+  /*
+   * Distances to the local min and max:
+   */
+  const gfloat u11 = tre_thr - min11;
+  const gfloat v11 = max11 - tre_thr;
+  const gfloat u01 = tre_two - min01;
+  const gfloat v01 = max01 - tre_two;
+  const gfloat u00 = dos_two - min00;
+  const gfloat v00 = max00 - dos_two;
+  const gfloat u10 = dos_thr - min10;
+  const gfloat v10 = max10 - dos_thr;
+  /*
+   * Initial values of the derivatives computed with centered
+   * differences. Factors of 1/2 are left out because they are folded
+   * in later:
+   */
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx00i = dos_thr - dos_one;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy11i = qua_thr - dos_thr;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx10i = dos_fou - dos_two;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy01i = qua_two - dos_two;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx01i = tre_thr - tre_one;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy10i = tre_thr - uno_thr;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx11i = tre_fou - tre_two;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy00i = tre_two - uno_two;
+  /*
+   * Signs of the derivatives. The upcoming clamping does not change
+   * them (except if the clamping sends a negative derivative to 0, in
+   * which case the sign does not matter anyway).
+   */
+  const gfloat sign_dzdx00 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdx00i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdx10 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdx10i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdx01 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdx01i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdx11 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdx11i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdy00 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdy00i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdy10 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdy10i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdy01 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdy01i );
+  const gfloat sign_dzdy11 = LOHALO_SIGN( dble_dzdy11i );
+  /*
+   * Initial values of the cross-derivatives. Factors of 1/4 are left
+   * out because folded in later:
+   */
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy00i = uno_one - uno_thr + dble_dzdx01i;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy10i = uno_two - uno_fou + dble_dzdx11i;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy01i = qua_thr - qua_one - dble_dzdx00i;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy11i = qua_fou - qua_two - dble_dzdx10i;
+  /*
+   * Slope limiters. The key multiplier is 3 but we fold a factor of
+   * 2, hence 6:
+   */
+  const gfloat dble_slopelimit_00 = 6.0 * LOHALO_MIN( u00, v00 );
+  const gfloat dble_slopelimit_10 = 6.0 * LOHALO_MIN( u10, v10 );
+  const gfloat dble_slopelimit_01 = 6.0 * LOHALO_MIN( u01, v01 );
+  const gfloat dble_slopelimit_11 = 6.0 * LOHALO_MIN( u11, v11 );
+  /*
+   * Clamped first derivatives:
+   */
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx00 =
+    ( sign_dzdx00 * dble_dzdx00i <= dble_slopelimit_00 )
+    ? dble_dzdx00i :  sign_dzdx00 * dble_slopelimit_00;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy00 =
+    ( sign_dzdy00 * dble_dzdy00i <= dble_slopelimit_00 )
+    ? dble_dzdy00i :  sign_dzdy00 * dble_slopelimit_00;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx10 =
+    ( sign_dzdx10 * dble_dzdx10i <= dble_slopelimit_10 )
+    ? dble_dzdx10i :  sign_dzdx10 * dble_slopelimit_10;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy10 =
+    ( sign_dzdy10 * dble_dzdy10i <= dble_slopelimit_10 )
+    ? dble_dzdy10i :  sign_dzdy10 * dble_slopelimit_10;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx01 =
+    ( sign_dzdx01 * dble_dzdx01i <= dble_slopelimit_01 )
+    ? dble_dzdx01i :  sign_dzdx01 * dble_slopelimit_01;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy01 =
+    ( sign_dzdy01 * dble_dzdy01i <= dble_slopelimit_01 )
+    ? dble_dzdy01i :  sign_dzdy01 * dble_slopelimit_01;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdx11 =
+    ( sign_dzdx11 * dble_dzdx11i <= dble_slopelimit_11 )
+    ? dble_dzdx11i :  sign_dzdx11 * dble_slopelimit_11;
+  const gfloat dble_dzdy11 =
+    ( sign_dzdy11 * dble_dzdy11i <= dble_slopelimit_11 )
+    ? dble_dzdy11i :  sign_dzdy11 * dble_slopelimit_11;
+  /*
+   * Sums and differences of first derivatives:
+   */
+  const gfloat twelve_sum00 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx00 + dble_dzdy00 );
+  const gfloat twelve_dif00 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx00 - dble_dzdy00 );
+  const gfloat twelve_sum10 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx10 + dble_dzdy10 );
+  const gfloat twelve_dif10 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx10 - dble_dzdy10 );
+  const gfloat twelve_sum01 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx01 + dble_dzdy01 );
+  const gfloat twelve_dif01 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx01 - dble_dzdy01 );
+  const gfloat twelve_sum11 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx11 + dble_dzdy11 );
+  const gfloat twelve_dif11 = 6.0 * ( dble_dzdx11 - dble_dzdy11 );
+  /*
+   * Absolute values of the sums:
+   */
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_sum00 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_sum00 );
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_sum10 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_sum10 );
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_sum01 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_sum01 );
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_sum11 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_sum11 );
+  /*
+   * Scaled distances to the min:
+   */
+  const gfloat u00_times_36 = 36.0 * u00;
+  const gfloat u10_times_36 = 36.0 * u10;
+  const gfloat u01_times_36 = 36.0 * u01;
+  const gfloat u11_times_36 = 36.0 * u11;
+  /*
+   * First cross-derivative limiter:
+   */
+  const gfloat first_limit00 = twelve_abs_sum00 - u00_times_36;
+  const gfloat first_limit10 = twelve_abs_sum10 - u10_times_36;
+  const gfloat first_limit01 = twelve_abs_sum01 - u01_times_36;
+  const gfloat first_limit11 = twelve_abs_sum11 - u11_times_36;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy00ii = LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy00i, first_limit00 );
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy10ii = LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy10i, first_limit10 );
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy01ii = LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy01i, first_limit01 );
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy11ii = LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy11i, first_limit11 );
+  /*
+   * Scaled distances to the max:
+   */
+  const gfloat v00_times_36 = 36.0 * v00;
+  const gfloat v10_times_36 = 36.0 * v10;
+  const gfloat v01_times_36 = 36.0 * v01;
+  const gfloat v11_times_36 = 36.0 * v11;
+  /*
+   * Second cross-derivative limiter:
+   */
+  const gfloat second_limit00 = v00_times_36 - twelve_abs_sum00;
+  const gfloat second_limit10 = v10_times_36 - twelve_abs_sum10;
+  const gfloat second_limit01 = v01_times_36 - twelve_abs_sum01;
+  const gfloat second_limit11 = v11_times_36 - twelve_abs_sum11;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy00iii =
+    LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy00ii, second_limit00 );
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy10iii =
+    LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy10ii, second_limit10 );
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy01iii =
+    LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy01ii, second_limit01 );
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy11iii =
+    LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy11ii, second_limit11 );
+  /*
+   * Absolute values of the differences:
+   */
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_dif00 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_dif00 );
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_dif10 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_dif10 );
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_dif01 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_dif01 );
+  const gfloat twelve_abs_dif11 = LOHALO_ABS( twelve_dif11 );
+  /*
+   * Third cross-derivative limiter:
+   */
+  const gfloat third_limit00 = twelve_abs_dif00 - v00_times_36;
+  const gfloat third_limit10 = twelve_abs_dif10 - v10_times_36;
+  const gfloat third_limit01 = twelve_abs_dif01 - v01_times_36;
+  const gfloat third_limit11 = twelve_abs_dif11 - v11_times_36;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy00iiii =
+    LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy00iii, third_limit00);
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy10iiii =
+    LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy10iii, third_limit10);
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy01iiii =
+    LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy01iii, third_limit01);
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy11iiii =
+    LOHALO_MAX( quad_d2zdxdy11iii, third_limit11);
+  /*
+   * Fourth cross-derivative limiter:
+   */
+  const gfloat fourth_limit00 = u00_times_36 - twelve_abs_dif00;
+  const gfloat fourth_limit10 = u10_times_36 - twelve_abs_dif10;
+  const gfloat fourth_limit01 = u01_times_36 - twelve_abs_dif01;
+  const gfloat fourth_limit11 = u11_times_36 - twelve_abs_dif11;
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy00 = LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy00iiii, fourth_limit00);
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy10 = LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy10iiii, fourth_limit10);
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy01 = LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy01iiii, fourth_limit01);
+  const gfloat quad_d2zdxdy11 = LOHALO_MIN( quad_d2zdxdy11iiii, fourth_limit11);
+  /*
+   * Part of the result which does not need derivatives:
+   */
+  const gfloat newval1 = c00 * dos_two
+                         +
+                         c10 * dos_thr
+                         +
+                         c01 * tre_two
+                         +
+                         c11 * tre_thr;
+  /*
+   * Twice the part of the result which only needs first derivatives.
+   */
+  const gfloat newval2 = c00dx * dble_dzdx00
+                         +
+                         c10dx * dble_dzdx10
+                         +
+                         c01dx * dble_dzdx01
+                         +
+                         c11dx * dble_dzdx11
+                         +
+                         c00dy * dble_dzdy00
+                         +
+                         c10dy * dble_dzdy10
+                         +
+                         c01dy * dble_dzdy01
+                         +
+                         c11dy * dble_dzdy11;
+  /*
+   * Four times the part of the result which only uses cross
+   * derivatives:
+   */
+  const gfloat newval3 = c00dxdy * quad_d2zdxdy00
+                         +
+                         c10dxdy * quad_d2zdxdy10
+                         +
+                         c01dxdy * quad_d2zdxdy01
+                         +
+                         c11dxdy * quad_d2zdxdy11;
+  const gfloat newval = newval1 + .5 * newval2 + .25 * newval3;
+  return newval;
+static void
+gegl_sampler_lohalo_get (      GeglSampler* restrict self,
+                         const gdouble               absolute_x,
+                         const gdouble               absolute_y,
+                               void*        restrict output)
+  /*
+   * Needed constants related to the input pixel value pointer
+   * provided by gegl_sampler_get_ptr (self, ix, iy). pixels_per_row
+   * corresponds to fetch_rectangle.width in gegl_sampler_get_ptr.
+   */
+  const gint channels  = 4;
+  const gint pixels_per_row = 64;
+  const gint row_skip = channels * pixels_per_row;
+  const gint ix_0 = FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR (absolute_x + .5);
+  const gint iy_0 = FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR (absolute_y + .5);
+  const gfloat* restrict input_bptr =
+    (gfloat*) gegl_sampler_get_ptr (self, ix_0, iy_0);
+  const gfloat x_0 = absolute_x - ix_0;
+  const gfloat y_0 = absolute_y - iy_0;
+  const gint sign_of_x_0 = 2 * ( x_0 >= 0. ) - 1;
+  const gint sign_of_y_0 = 2 * ( y_0 >= 0. ) - 1;
+  const gint shift_forw_1_pix = sign_of_x_0 * channels;
+  const gint shift_forw_1_row = sign_of_y_0 * row_skip;
+  const gint shift_back_1_pix = -shift_forw_1_pix;
+  const gint shift_back_1_row = -shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint shift_back_2_pix = 2 * shift_back_1_pix;
+  const gint shift_back_2_row = 2 * shift_back_1_row;
+  const gint shift_forw_2_pix = 2 * shift_forw_1_pix;
+  const gint shift_forw_2_row = 2 * shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint uno_two_shift = shift_back_1_pix + shift_back_2_row;
+  const gint uno_thr_shift =                    shift_back_2_row;
+  const gint uno_fou_shift = shift_forw_1_pix + shift_back_2_row;
+  const gint dos_one_shift = shift_back_2_pix + shift_back_1_row;
+  const gint dos_two_shift = shift_back_1_pix + shift_back_1_row;
+  const gint dos_thr_shift =                    shift_back_1_row;
+  const gint dos_fou_shift = shift_forw_1_pix + shift_back_1_row;
+  const gint dos_fiv_shift = shift_forw_2_pix + shift_back_1_row;
+  const gint tre_one_shift = shift_back_2_pix;
+  const gint tre_two_shift = shift_back_1_pix;
+  const gint tre_thr_shift = 0;
+  const gint tre_fou_shift = shift_forw_1_pix;
+  const gint tre_fiv_shift = shift_forw_2_pix;
+  const gint qua_one_shift = shift_back_2_pix + shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint qua_two_shift = shift_back_1_pix + shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint qua_thr_shift =                    shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint qua_fou_shift = shift_forw_1_pix + shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint qua_fiv_shift = shift_forw_2_pix + shift_forw_1_row;
+  const gint cin_two_shift = shift_back_1_pix + shift_forw_2_row;
+  const gint cin_thr_shift =                    shift_forw_2_row;
+  const gint cin_fou_shift = shift_forw_1_pix + shift_forw_2_row;
+  /*
+   * Channel by channel computation of the new pixel values:
+   */
+  gfloat uno_one_0, uno_two_0, uno_thr_0, uno_fou_0;
+  gfloat dos_one_0, dos_two_0, dos_thr_0, dos_fou_0;
+  gfloat tre_one_0, tre_two_0, tre_thr_0, tre_fou_0;
+  gfloat qua_one_0, qua_two_0, qua_thr_0, qua_fou_0;
+  gfloat uno_one_1, uno_two_1, uno_thr_1, uno_fou_1;
+  gfloat dos_one_1, dos_two_1, dos_thr_1, dos_fou_1;
+  gfloat tre_one_1, tre_two_1, tre_thr_1, tre_fou_1;
+  gfloat qua_one_1, qua_two_1, qua_thr_1, qua_fou_1;
+  gfloat uno_one_2, uno_two_2, uno_thr_2, uno_fou_2;
+  gfloat dos_one_2, dos_two_2, dos_thr_2, dos_fou_2;
+  gfloat tre_one_2, tre_two_2, tre_thr_2, tre_fou_2;
+  gfloat qua_one_2, qua_two_2, qua_thr_2, qua_fou_2;
+  gfloat uno_one_3, uno_two_3, uno_thr_3, uno_fou_3;
+  gfloat dos_one_3, dos_two_3, dos_thr_3, dos_fou_3;
+  gfloat tre_one_3, tre_two_3, tre_thr_3, tre_fou_3;
+  gfloat qua_one_3, qua_two_3, qua_thr_3, qua_fou_3;
+  /*
+   * The newval array will contain one computed resampled value per
+   * channel:
+   */
+  gfloat newval[channels];
+  /*
+   * First channel:
+   */
+  nohalo_subdivision (input_bptr[ uno_two_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ uno_thr_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ uno_fou_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ dos_one_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ dos_two_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ dos_thr_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ dos_fou_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ dos_fiv_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ tre_one_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ tre_two_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ tre_thr_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ tre_fou_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ tre_fiv_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ qua_one_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ qua_two_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ qua_thr_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ qua_fou_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ qua_fiv_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ cin_two_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ cin_thr_shift ],
+                      input_bptr[ cin_fou_shift ],
+                      &uno_one_0,
+                      &uno_two_0,
+                      &uno_thr_0,
+                      &uno_fou_0,
+                      &dos_one_0,
+                      &dos_two_0,
+                      &dos_thr_0,
+                      &dos_fou_0,
+                      &tre_one_0,
+                      &tre_two_0,
+                      &tre_thr_0,
+                      &tre_fou_0,
+                      &qua_one_0,
+                      &qua_two_0,
+                      &qua_thr_0,
+                      &qua_fou_0);
+  {
+    /*
+     * Computation of the needed weights (coefficients).
+     */
+    const gfloat xp1over2   = ( 2 * sign_of_x_0 ) * x_0;
+    const gfloat xm1over2   = xp1over2 - 1.0;
+    const gfloat onepx      = 0.5 + xp1over2;
+    const gfloat onemx      = 1.5 - xp1over2;
+    const gfloat xp1over2sq = xp1over2 * xp1over2;
+    const gfloat yp1over2   = ( 2 * sign_of_y_0 ) * y_0;
+    const gfloat ym1over2   = yp1over2 - 1.0;
+    const gfloat onepy      = 0.5 + yp1over2;
+    const gfloat onemy      = 1.5 - yp1over2;
+    const gfloat yp1over2sq = yp1over2 * yp1over2;
+    const gfloat xm1over2sq = xm1over2 * xm1over2;
+    const gfloat ym1over2sq = ym1over2 * ym1over2;
+    const gfloat twice1px = onepx + onepx;
+    const gfloat twice1py = onepy + onepy;
+    const gfloat twice1mx = onemx + onemx;
+    const gfloat twice1my = onemy + onemy;
+    const gfloat xm1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq = xm1over2sq * ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat xp1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq = xp1over2sq * ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat xp1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq = xp1over2sq * yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat xm1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq = xm1over2sq * yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat four_times_1px_times_1py = twice1px * twice1py;
+    const gfloat four_times_1mx_times_1py = twice1mx * twice1py;
+    const gfloat twice_xp1over2_times_1py = xp1over2 * twice1py;
+    const gfloat twice_xm1over2_times_1py = xm1over2 * twice1py;
+    const gfloat twice_xm1over2_times_1my = xm1over2 * twice1my;
+    const gfloat twice_xp1over2_times_1my = xp1over2 * twice1my;
+    const gfloat four_times_1mx_times_1my = twice1mx * twice1my;
+    const gfloat four_times_1px_times_1my = twice1px * twice1my;
+    const gfloat twice_1px_times_ym1over2 = twice1px * ym1over2;
+    const gfloat twice_1mx_times_ym1over2 = twice1mx * ym1over2;
+    const gfloat xp1over2_times_ym1over2  = xp1over2 * ym1over2;
+    const gfloat xm1over2_times_ym1over2  = xm1over2 * ym1over2;
+    const gfloat xm1over2_times_yp1over2  = xm1over2 * yp1over2;
+    const gfloat xp1over2_times_yp1over2  = xp1over2 * yp1over2;
+    const gfloat twice_1mx_times_yp1over2 = twice1mx * yp1over2;
+    const gfloat twice_1px_times_yp1over2 = twice1px * yp1over2;
+    const gfloat c00     = four_times_1px_times_1py * xm1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c00dx   = twice_xp1over2_times_1py * xm1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c00dy   = twice_1px_times_yp1over2 * xm1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c00dxdy =  xp1over2_times_yp1over2 * xm1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c10     = four_times_1mx_times_1py * xp1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c10dx   = twice_xm1over2_times_1py * xp1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c10dy   = twice_1mx_times_yp1over2 * xp1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c10dxdy =  xm1over2_times_yp1over2 * xp1over2sq_times_ym1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c01     = four_times_1px_times_1my * xm1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c01dx   = twice_xp1over2_times_1my * xm1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c01dy   = twice_1px_times_ym1over2 * xm1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c01dxdy =  xp1over2_times_ym1over2 * xm1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c11     = four_times_1mx_times_1my * xp1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c11dx   = twice_xm1over2_times_1my * xp1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c11dy   = twice_1mx_times_ym1over2 * xp1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    const gfloat c11dxdy =  xm1over2_times_ym1over2 * xp1over2sq_times_yp1over2sq;
+    newval[0] =
+      lbbicubic( c00,
+                 c10,
+                 c01,
+                 c11,
+                 c00dx,
+                 c10dx,
+                 c01dx,
+                 c11dx,
+                 c00dy,
+                 c10dy,
+                 c01dy,
+                 c11dy,
+                 c00dxdy,
+                 c10dxdy,
+                 c01dxdy,
+                 c11dxdy,
+                 uno_one_0,
+                 uno_two_0,
+                 uno_thr_0,
+                 uno_fou_0,
+                 dos_one_0,
+                 dos_two_0,
+                 dos_thr_0,
+                 dos_fou_0,
+                 tre_one_0,
+                 tre_two_0,
+                 tre_thr_0,
+                 tre_fou_0,
+                 qua_one_0,
+                 qua_two_0,
+                 qua_thr_0,
+                 qua_fou_0 );
+    /*
+     * Second channel:
+     *
+     * Shift input pointer by one channel:
+     */
+    input_bptr++;
+    nohalo_subdivision (input_bptr[ uno_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ uno_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ uno_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_fou_shift ],
+                        &uno_one_1,
+                        &uno_two_1,
+                        &uno_thr_1,
+                        &uno_fou_1,
+                        &dos_one_1,
+                        &dos_two_1,
+                        &dos_thr_1,
+                        &dos_fou_1,
+                        &tre_one_1,
+                        &tre_two_1,
+                        &tre_thr_1,
+                        &tre_fou_1,
+                        &qua_one_1,
+                        &qua_two_1,
+                        &qua_thr_1,
+                        &qua_fou_1);
+    newval[1] =
+      lbbicubic( c00,
+                 c10,
+                 c01,
+                 c11,
+                 c00dx,
+                 c10dx,
+                 c01dx,
+                 c11dx,
+                 c00dy,
+                 c10dy,
+                 c01dy,
+                 c11dy,
+                 c00dxdy,
+                 c10dxdy,
+                 c01dxdy,
+                 c11dxdy,
+                 uno_one_1,
+                 uno_two_1,
+                 uno_thr_1,
+                 uno_fou_1,
+                 dos_one_1,
+                 dos_two_1,
+                 dos_thr_1,
+                 dos_fou_1,
+                 tre_one_1,
+                 tre_two_1,
+                 tre_thr_1,
+                 tre_fou_1,
+                 qua_one_1,
+                 qua_two_1,
+                 qua_thr_1,
+                 qua_fou_1 );
+    input_bptr++;
+    nohalo_subdivision (input_bptr[ uno_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ uno_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ uno_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_fou_shift ],
+                        &uno_one_2,
+                        &uno_two_2,
+                        &uno_thr_2,
+                        &uno_fou_2,
+                        &dos_one_2,
+                        &dos_two_2,
+                        &dos_thr_2,
+                        &dos_fou_2,
+                        &tre_one_2,
+                        &tre_two_2,
+                        &tre_thr_2,
+                        &tre_fou_2,
+                        &qua_one_2,
+                        &qua_two_2,
+                        &qua_thr_2,
+                        &qua_fou_2);
+    newval[2] =
+      lbbicubic( c00,
+                 c10,
+                 c01,
+                 c11,
+                 c00dx,
+                 c10dx,
+                 c01dx,
+                 c11dx,
+                 c00dy,
+                 c10dy,
+                 c01dy,
+                 c11dy,
+                 c00dxdy,
+                 c10dxdy,
+                 c01dxdy,
+                 c11dxdy,
+                 uno_one_2,
+                 uno_two_2,
+                 uno_thr_2,
+                 uno_fou_2,
+                 dos_one_2,
+                 dos_two_2,
+                 dos_thr_2,
+                 dos_fou_2,
+                 tre_one_2,
+                 tre_two_2,
+                 tre_thr_2,
+                 tre_fou_2,
+                 qua_one_2,
+                 qua_two_2,
+                 qua_thr_2,
+                 qua_fou_2 );
+    input_bptr++;
+    nohalo_subdivision (input_bptr[ uno_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ uno_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ uno_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ dos_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ tre_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_one_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_fou_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ qua_fiv_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_two_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_thr_shift ],
+                        input_bptr[ cin_fou_shift ],
+                        &uno_one_3,
+                        &uno_two_3,
+                        &uno_thr_3,
+                        &uno_fou_3,
+                        &dos_one_3,
+                        &dos_two_3,
+                        &dos_thr_3,
+                        &dos_fou_3,
+                        &tre_one_3,
+                        &tre_two_3,
+                        &tre_thr_3,
+                        &tre_fou_3,
+                        &qua_one_3,
+                        &qua_two_3,
+                        &qua_thr_3,
+                        &qua_fou_3);
+    newval[3] =
+      lbbicubic( c00,
+                 c10,
+                 c01,
+                 c11,
+                 c00dx,
+                 c10dx,
+                 c01dx,
+                 c11dx,
+                 c00dy,
+                 c10dy,
+                 c01dy,
+                 c11dy,
+                 c00dxdy,
+                 c10dxdy,
+                 c01dxdy,
+                 c11dxdy,
+                 uno_one_3,
+                 uno_two_3,
+                 uno_thr_3,
+                 uno_fou_3,
+                 dos_one_3,
+                 dos_two_3,
+                 dos_thr_3,
+                 dos_fou_3,
+                 tre_one_3,
+                 tre_two_3,
+                 tre_thr_3,
+                 tre_fou_3,
+                 qua_one_3,
+                 qua_two_3,
+                 qua_thr_3,
+                 qua_fou_3 );
+    /*
+     * Ship out the array of new pixel values:
+     */
+    babl_process (self->fish, newval, output, 1);
+  }
+static void
+set_property (      GObject*    gobject,
+                    guint       property_id,
+              const GValue*     value,
+                    GParamSpec* pspec)
+  /* G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, property_id, pspec); */
+static void
+get_property (GObject*    gobject,
+              guint       property_id,
+              GValue*     value,
+              GParamSpec* pspec)
+  /* G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, property_id, pspec); */
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.h b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6241ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler-lohalo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* This file is part of GEGL
+ *
+ * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with GEGL; if not, see
+ * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "gegl-sampler.h"
+#define GEGL_TYPE_SAMPLER_LOHALO            (gegl_sampler_lohalo_get_type ())
+#define GEGL_SAMPLER_LOHALO(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GEGL_TYPE_SAMPLER_LOHALO, GeglSamplerLohalo))
+typedef struct _GeglSamplerLohalo      GeglSamplerLohalo;
+typedef struct _GeglSamplerLohaloClass GeglSamplerLohaloClass;
+struct _GeglSamplerLohalo
+  GeglSampler parent_instance;
+struct _GeglSamplerLohaloClass
+  GeglSamplerClass parent_class;
+GType gegl_sampler_lohalo_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c
index 719d090..72ac5bf 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.c
@@ -31,12 +31,10 @@
 #include "gegl-sampler-linear.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-cubic.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-lanczos.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsharp.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsize.h"
-#include "gegl-sampler-downsmooth.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsharp.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsize.h"
 #include "gegl-sampler-upsmooth.h"
+#include "gegl-sampler-lohalo.h"
@@ -465,15 +463,6 @@ gegl_buffer_interpolation_from_string (const gchar *string)
       g_str_equal (string, "bicubic"))
-  if (g_str_equal (string, "downsharp"))
-  if (g_str_equal (string, "downsize"))
-  if (g_str_equal (string, "downsmooth"))
   if (g_str_equal (string, "upsharp"))
@@ -483,6 +472,9 @@ gegl_buffer_interpolation_from_string (const gchar *string)
   if (g_str_equal (string, "upsmooth"))
+  if (g_str_equal (string, "lohalo"))
@@ -499,18 +491,14 @@ gegl_sampler_type_from_interpolation (GeglInterpolation interpolation)
         return GEGL_TYPE_SAMPLER_CUBIC;
diff --git a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.h b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.h
index 9600c7e..49cc133 100644
--- a/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.h
+++ b/gegl/buffer/gegl-sampler.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ struct _GeglSampler
   GeglRectangle  context_rect;
   void          *sampler_buffer;
   GeglRectangle  sampler_rectangle;
-  GeglMatrix2   *inverse_jacobian;
+  gdouble       *inverse_jacobian;
   gdouble        x; /* mirrors the currently requested */
   gdouble        y; /* coordinates in the instance     */
diff --git a/operations/affine/affine.c b/operations/affine/affine.c
index 8992aed..f22e0a0 100644
--- a/operations/affine/affine.c
+++ b/operations/affine/affine.c
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ op_affine_class_init (OpAffineClass *klass)
                                    g_param_spec_string (
-                                     _("Filter type (nearest, linear, lanczos, cubic, downsharp, downsize, downsmooth, upsharp, upsize, upsmooth)"),
+                                     _("Filter type (nearest, linear, lanczos, cubic, upsharp, upsize, upsmooth, lohalo)"),
                                      G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE));
   g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_HARD_EDGES,
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ affine_generic (GeglBuffer  *dest,
   gfloat * restrict     dest_buf,
   GeglMatrix3           inverse;
-  GeglMatrix2           inverse_jacobian;
+  gdouble               inverse_jacobian[4];
   gdouble               u_start,
@@ -709,13 +709,13 @@ affine_generic (GeglBuffer  *dest,
       gegl_matrix3_copy_into (&inverse, matrix);
       gegl_matrix3_invert (&inverse);
-      inverse_jacobian.coeff[0][0] = inverse.coeff[0][0];
-      inverse_jacobian.coeff[0][1] = inverse.coeff[0][1];
-      inverse_jacobian.coeff[1][0] = inverse.coeff[1][0];
-      inverse_jacobian.coeff[1][1] = inverse.coeff[1][1];
+      inverse_jacobian.coeff[0] = inverse.coeff[0][0];
+      inverse_jacobian.coeff[1] = inverse.coeff[0][1];
+      inverse_jacobian.coeff[2] = inverse.coeff[1][0];
+      inverse_jacobian.coeff[3] = inverse.coeff[1][1];
      /* set inverse_jacobian for samplers that support it */
-      sampler->inverse_jacobian = &inverse_jacobian;
+      sampler->inverse_jacobian = inverse_jacobian;
       u_start = inverse.coeff[0][0] * roi->x + inverse.coeff[0][1]
                     * roi->y + inverse.coeff[0][2];

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