[beast] DOCS: download Beast_FAQ, removed online files, linked to online docs

commit ba0f66b6c75c5f7995e85509abd21fb6acc54394
Author: Tim Janik <timj gtk org>
Date:   Thu May 5 03:54:23 2011 +0200

    DOCS: download Beast_FAQ, removed online files, linked to online docs

 beast-gtk/bstapp.c         |    2 +-
 docs/.gitignore            |    3 +-
 docs/Makefile.am           |  205 ++------------------
 docs/architecture.doxi     |  162 ---------------
 docs/beast-index.doxi      |   52 -----
 docs/beast-index.html      |   40 ++++
 docs/beastdefs.doxi        |  111 ----------
 docs/docframe.doxi         |   40 ----
 docs/docu-template.doxi    |   16 --
 docs/faq.doxi              |  200 -------------------
 docs/plugin-devel.doxi     |  439 ----------------------------------------
 docs/sfidl-manual.doxi     |  476 --------------------------------------------
 docs/site-navigation.xml   |   73 -------
 docs/style/beast-style.css |  185 -----------------
 docs/style/plain.css       |    6 -
 15 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 1955 deletions(-)
diff --git a/beast-gtk/bstapp.c b/beast-gtk/bstapp.c
index b6ce56d..43f37d5 100644
--- a/beast-gtk/bstapp.c
+++ b/beast-gtk/bstapp.c
@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ app_action_exec (gpointer data,
       docs_title = "BEAST Index";
       goto BROWSE_LOCAL_URL;
     case ACTION_HELP_FAQ:
-      docs_url = "html/faq.html";
+      docs_url = "html/Beast_FAQ.html";
       docs_title = "BEAST FAQ";
       goto BROWSE_LOCAL_URL;
diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore
index 024a86f..3b8945b 100644
--- a/docs/.gitignore
+++ b/docs/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Makefile.am b/docs/Makefile.am
index ba87bd7..d882718 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile.am
+++ b/docs/Makefile.am
@@ -30,14 +30,21 @@ html/%.html: mans/% | html/
 # === Html Docs to be fetched, built and installed
 htmldocsdir           = ${beastdocsdir}/html
-HTML_DOCS             = html/Beast-Quickstart.html
-HTML_CACHE_TARGETS    = $(patsubst html/%,cache/%,$(HTML_DOCS))
+HTML_SIMPLE_DOCS      = html/beast-index.html html/news-file.txt
+HTML_ONLINE_DOCS      = html/Beast-Quickstart.html html/Beast_FAQ.html
+HTML_CACHE_TARGETS    = $(patsubst html/%,cache/%,$(HTML_ONLINE_DOCS))
 # rules
 	mkdir -p $@
+html/news-file.txt: $(top_srcdir)/NEWS | html/
+	cp $< $@
+html/beast-index.html: beast-index.html | html/
+	cp $< $@
+EXTRA_DIST += beast-index.html
 $(HTML_CACHE_TARGETS): cache/stamp-refresh
 	curl -sfS http://beast.testbit.eu/$(basename $(@F))?action=render >$(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
 	mv $(@D)/xgen-$(@F) $@ ; rm -f $(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
@@ -64,199 +71,13 @@ stamp-refresh-message:	# conditional phony dependency
 	&& echo "$$TXT" | sed 's/./=/g' && echo "$$TXT" && echo "$$TXT" | sed 's/./=/g'
 cache/stamp-refresh: $(call AGINGRULE, cache/stamp-refresh, 1440, stamp-refresh-message) | cache/ # refresh daily
 	touch $@
 # $(call AGINGRULE, stamp-file-for-aging, AgingInMinutes, rule-name-for-remaking)
 AGINGRULE = $(shell test -e $(1) && find $(1) -type f -mmin -"$(strip $(2))" | grep -q '.' || echo " $(3)")
-# === Html built targets, old-doxer
-HTML_TARGETS = $(strip				\
-	html/architecture.html			\
-	html/beast-index.html			\
-	html/bse-interface.html			\
-	html/bse-objects.html			\
-	html/news-file.html			\
-	html/engine-mplan.html			\
-	html/faq.html				\
-	html/plugin-devel.html			\
-	html/sfidl-manual.html			\
-	\
-	html/coding-style.html			\
-STYLE_FILES = $(strip				\
-	style/beast-style.css			\
-	style/plain.css				\
-	style/doxer-style.css			\
-	style/beast-dot.png			\
-	style/beast-small.png			\
-	style/title-arrow-24x64.png		\
-	style/home-arrow-24x64.png		\
-	style/triangle-down-blue.png		\
-	style/triangle-right-blue.png		\
-EXTRA_DIST   += $(patsubst %, %, $(STYLE_FILES))
-STYLE_TARGETS = $(patsubst %, html/%, $(STYLE_FILES))
-PSOURCE_TARGETS = $(strip			\
-	psource/birnet.psrc			\
-	psource/sfi.psrc			\
-	psource/bse.psrc			\
-	psource/gxk.psrc			\
-	psource/bse-objects.psrc		\
-	psource/bse-interface.psrc		\
-DOXER = $(top_srcdir)/doxer/doxer.py
-# build and install HTML style/ targets
-styledocsdir = ${htmldocsdir}/style
-styledocs_DATA = ${STYLE_TARGETS}
-# link html/images/ to ordinary docs/images/
-	$(mkinstalldirs)   $(DESTDIR)$(htmldocsdir)
-	rm -f              $(DESTDIR)$(htmldocsdir)/images
-	ln -s ../../images $(DESTDIR)$(htmldocsdir)/images
-	rm -f		   $(DESTDIR)$(htmldocsdir)/images
-# some dependencies have to be written indirectly, to prevent automake from
-# changing it's rule generation (which it sometimes automagically adapts).
-##install_htmldocsDATA_VARIABLE = install-htmldocsDATA
-##${install_htmldocsDATA_VARIABLE}: make-install-dirs
-# CSS style sheet rules
-html/style/%: $(srcdir)/style/%
-	@mkdir -p html/style/
-	cp $< $@
-style/doxer-style.css: @DOXRULE@
-	$(DOXER) writecss -d style/
-# HTML generation rules
-html/%.html: @DOXRULE@ %.doxi
-	@mkdir -p html/
-	$(DOXER) doxi2html $< -d html/ $(DOXIDEFS)
-html/%.html: @DOXRULE@ gendoxi/%.doxi
-	@mkdir -p html/
-	$(DOXER) doxi2html $< -d html/ $(DOXIDEFS)
-# Generated .doxi files
-	mkdir -p $@
-# NEWS file
-gendoxi/news-file.doxi: $(top_srcdir)/NEWS # Makefile
-	@mkdir -p gendoxi/
-	cd . \
-	&& echo '@doxer_dnl'                                    > $@ \
-	&& echo '@doxer_set{webmenu} development'               >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@include @doxer_get{DOXI_INCLUDE_FILE}'        >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@doxer_set{title} BEAST/BSE - NEWS'            >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@subheading'                                   >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@example'                                      >>$@ \
-	&& sed  's/@/@@/g'              <$<                     >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@done'                                         >>$@
-# engine-mplan
-gendoxi/engine-mplan.doxi: $(top_srcdir)/bse/engine-mplan.txt # Makefile
-	@mkdir -p gendoxi/
-	cd . \
-	&& echo '@doxer_dnl'                                    > $@ \
-	&& echo '@doxer_set{webmenu} development'               >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@include @doxer_get{DOXI_INCLUDE_FILE}'        >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@doxer_set{title} BEAST - BSE Engine'          >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@subheading'                                   >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@example'                                      >>$@ \
-	&& sed  's/@/@@/g'              <$<                     >>$@ \
-	&& echo '@done'                                         >>$@
-# BSE object docu
-gendoxi/bse-objects.doxi: @DOXRULE@ psource/bse-objects.psrc docu-template.doxi
-	@mkdir -p gendoxi/
-	$(DOXER) pickle2doxi $(strip	$<	-D TOP_WEBDIR ".."		\
-	         -d gendoxi/ $(DOXIDEFS)	-T docu-template.doxi		\
-	         -D DOCU_TEMPLATE_TITLE "BEAST - BSE Object Reference"		\
-	         -D DOCU_TEMPLATE_HEADING "BSE Object Reference" )
-# BSE interface docu
-gendoxi/bse-interface.doxi: @DOXRULE@ psource/bse-interface.psrc docu-template.doxi
-	@mkdir -p gendoxi/
-	$(DOXER) pickle2doxi $(strip	$<	-D TOP_WEBDIR ".."		\
-	         -d gendoxi/ $(DOXIDEFS)	-T docu-template.doxi		\
-	         -D DOCU_TEMPLATE_TITLE "BEAST - BSE Interface Reference"	\
-	         -D DOCU_TEMPLATE_HEADING "BSE Interface Reference" )
-# Reference Documentation
-AUTODOC = $(top_builddir)/bse/bseautodoc
-AUTODOC_NORC = $(AUTODOC) --bse-rcfile "/dev/null"
-has_docu_filter = $(shell egrep '^/\*\*' -l $(wildcard $(1)))
-make_psource = $(strip $(DOXER) src2pickle -o $(1) $(DOXIDEFS) $(2))
-# BIRNET reference docu
-birnet_rdocu_globs = $(top_srcdir)/birnet/birnet*.[hc] $(top_srcdir)/birnet/birnet*.[hc][hc]
-birnet_rdocu_exclude = birnetconfig.h
-birnet_rdocu_files = $(filter-out $(foreach f, $(birnet_rdocu_exclude), $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/birnet/$(f))), $(wildcard $(birnet_rdocu_globs)))
-psource/birnet.psrc: $(birnet_rdocu_files)
-	@mkdir -p psource/
-	$(call make_psource, $@, $(filter %.h %.hh, $(birnet_rdocu_files)) -Y $(filter-out %.h %.hh, $(birnet_rdocu_files)) )
-# SFI reference docu
-sfi_rdocu_globs = $(top_srcdir)/sfi/sfi*.[hc]
-sfi_rdocu_exclude = sfidl*.*
-sfi_rdocu_files = $(filter-out $(foreach f, $(sfi_rdocu_exclude), $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/sfi/$(f))), $(wildcard $(sfi_rdocu_globs)))
-psource/sfi.psrc: $(sfi_rdocu_files)
-	@mkdir -p psource/
-	$(call make_psource, $@, $(filter %.h %.hh, $(sfi_rdocu_files)) -Y $(filter-out %.h %.hh, $(sfi_rdocu_files)) )
-# BSE reference docu
-bse_rdocu_globs = $(top_srcdir)/bse/bse*.[hc] $(top_srcdir)/bse/bse*.[hc][hc]
-bse_rdocu_exclude = *.gen-proc.c *.genidl.hh bsegentypes.h bseautodoc.c
-bse_rdocu_files = $(filter-out $(foreach f, $(bse_rdocu_exclude), $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/bse/$(f))), $(wildcard $(bse_rdocu_globs)))
-bse_rdocu_dscrs = $(call has_docu_filter, $(bse_rdocu_files))
-psource/bse.psrc: $(bse_rdocu_files)
-	@mkdir -p psource/
-	$(call make_psource, $@, $(filter %.h %.hh, $(bse_rdocu_files)) -Y $(filter-out %.h %.hh, $(bse_rdocu_dscrs)) )
-# GXK reference docu
-gxk_rdocu_globs = $(top_srcdir)/beast-gtk/gxk/gxk*.[hc] $(top_srcdir)/beast-gtk/bstutils.[hc]
-gxk_rdocu_exclude = gxkgentypes.h gxkmarshal.[hc]
-gxk_rdocu_files = $(filter-out $(foreach f, $(gxk_rdocu_exclude), $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/beast-gtk/gxk/$(f))), $(wildcard $(gxk_rdocu_globs)))
-psource/gxk.psrc: $(gxk_rdocu_files)
-	@mkdir -p psource/
-	$(call make_psource, $@, $(filter %.h %.hh, $(gxk_rdocu_files)) -Y $(filter-out %.h %.hh, $(gxk_rdocu_files)) )
-# BSE object docu
-psource/bse-objects.psrc: $(wildcard ../bse/*.[hc]) $(wildcard ../bse/*.[hc][hc])
-psource/bse-objects.psrc: $(wildcard ../plugins/*.[hc]) $(wildcard ../plugins/*.[hc][hc])
-psource/bse-objects.psrc: $(wildcard ../drivers/*/*.[hc]) $(wildcard ../drivers/*/*.[hc][hc])
-psource/bse-objects.psrc: @DOXRULE@ $(AUTODOC) $(top_builddir)/config.status $(bse_objects_deps)
-	@mkdir -p psource/
-	cd . \
-	&& $(AUTODOC_NORC) -p -s objects >psource/bse-objects.scad	\
-	&& $(DOXER) scad2pickle -o $@ psource/bse-objects.scad		\
-	&& rm -f psource/bse-objects.scad
-# BSE interface docu
-psource/bse-interface.psrc: @DOXRULE@ $(AUTODOC) $(top_builddir)/config.status
-	@mkdir -p psource/
-	cd . \
-	&& $(AUTODOC_NORC) -p -s procs	  >psource/bse-interface.scad	\
-	&& $(AUTODOC_NORC) -p -s structs >>psource/bse-interface.scad	\
-	&& $(DOXER) scad2pickle -o $@ psource/bse-interface.scad	\
-	&& rm -f psource/bse-interface.scad
-CLEANFILES += psource/bse-objects.scad psource/bse-interface.scad
-	rm -rf gendoxi/ html/ psource/
-intermediate_files = $(strip    \
-        news-file.tmpdoxi       \
-.INTERMEDIATE: $(intermediate_files)
-doxi_files = $(strip		\
-	architecture.doxi	\
-	faq.doxi		\
-	sfidl-manual.doxi	\
-	beast-index.doxi	\
-	plugin-devel.doxi	\
-	coding-style.doxi	\
 EXTRA_DIST += $(strip		\
-	$(doxi_files)		\
+	coding-style.doxi	\
 	bse-categories.txt	\
 	interpolation.txt	\
 	ChangeLog.svn		\
diff --git a/docs/beast-index.html b/docs/beast-index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7e134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/beast-index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd";>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<title>BEAST/BSE - Documentation Index</title>
+  <h1>BEAST/BSE - Documentation Index</h1>
+  <h2>Documents</h2>
+  <ul>
+    <li> <a href="./Beast_FAQ.html">FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="./Beast-Quickstart.html">Quickstart Guide</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="./news-file.txt">NEWS File</a></li>
+  </ul>
+  <h2>Manual Pages</h2>
+  <ul>
+    <li> <a href="./beast.1.html">BEAST - Better Audio System</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="./bsescm.1.html">BSESCM - BSE Scheme Shell</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="./sfidl.1.html">SFIDL - SFI IDL Compiler</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="./bse.5.html">BSE - Better Sound Engine File Format</a></li>
+  </ul>
+  <h2>Online Resources</h2>
+  <ul>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/";>BEAST Website</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/Beast_Sound_Gallery";>Sound Archive</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/Beast_Help_Desk";>Help Desk</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/Beast_Feature_Requests";>Feature Requests</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/Beast_Use_Cases";>Community Input</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/Synthesis_Links";>Synthesis Links</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://beast.testbit.eu/Beast_Development";>Development Documentation</a></li>
+    <li> <a href="http://dev.testbit.eu/beast/latest/classes.html";>Source Code Documentation Index</a></li>
+  </ul>

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