[libdmapsharing] Update memory notes following work on dmapd's BDB module Signed-off-by: W. Michael Petullo <mike fly

commit 60075a603b7cd923dae4b825a711de7e6db38d7e
Author: W. Michael Petullo <mike flyn org>
Date:   Wed Mar 30 20:39:05 2011 -0500

    Update memory notes following work on dmapd's BDB module
    Signed-off-by: W. Michael Petullo <mike flyn org>

 README-Memory |   13 +++----------
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README-Memory b/README-Memory
index 6729e98..e482716 100644
--- a/README-Memory
+++ b/README-Memory
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ I have made the following changes in order to make dmapd more memory
 1. Replace the hash table-based DMAPDb implementation with a Berkeley
-Database implementation. This has not resulted in any improvement,
-so the hash table implementation is once again the default.
+Database implementation. Currently measuring the memory use compared to
+the in-memory database.
 2. Fixed several memory leaks after analyzing with valgrind.
@@ -85,11 +85,4 @@ chunks, avoiding the need to build the entire response in memory.
 	VIPS must decompress multiple scan JPEG's fully in memory due
 	to the way libjpeg works. Either 1) use embedded EXIF thumbnail
-	or 2) skip. Currently adding the following to VIPS im_jpeg2vips.c
-	to skip:
-	Right below jpeg_start_decompress:
-	if (jpeg_had_multiple_scans(cinfo)) {
-		printf ("MULTISCAN, SKIPPING\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
+	or 2) skip.

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