[tracker/sparql-update: 27/28] functional-tests: Add another GRAPH with REPLACE behaviour test

commit c7fde3aa2251b837d3f0a8cfbf326f3604f09a41
Author: Philip Van Hoof <philip codeminded be>
Date:   Thu Mar 24 15:23:16 2011 +0100

    functional-tests: Add another GRAPH with REPLACE behaviour test

 tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py |   36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py b/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py
index 4496c52..2cfd984 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/01-insertion.py
@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ class TrackerStoreInsertionTests (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
                 Insert or replace, single and multi valued properties with graphs
-                INSERT_SPARQL = """INSERT { GRAPH <test://graph-1> { <test://instance-6> a nie:InformationElement ; nie:title 'test' } }"""
+                INSERT_SPARQL = """INSERT { GRAPH <test://graph-1> { <test://instance-6> a nie:InformationElement ; nie:title 'title 1' } }"""
                 self.tracker.update (INSERT_SPARQL)
-                INSERT_SPARQL = """INSERT OR REPLACE { GRAPH <test://graph-2> { <test://instance-6> nie:title 'test' } }"""
+                INSERT_SPARQL = """INSERT { GRAPH <test://graph-2> { <test://instance-6> nie:title 'title 1' } }"""
                 self.tracker.update (INSERT_SPARQL)
                 result = self.tracker.query ("""
@@ -347,8 +347,36 @@ class TrackerStoreInsertionTests (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
                 self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
                 self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 2)
-                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://graph-2")
-                self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "test")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://graph-1") # Yes, indeed
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "title 1")
+                INSERT_SPARQL = """INSERT OR REPLACE { GRAPH <test://graph-2> { <test://instance-6> nie:title 'title 1' } }"""
+                self.tracker.update (INSERT_SPARQL)
+                result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                          SELECT ?g ?t WHERE { GRAPH ?g {
+                             <test://instance-6> nie:title ?t
+                           } }""")
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 2)
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://graph-2") # Yup, that's right
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "title 1")
+                INSERT_SPARQL = """INSERT OR REPLACE { GRAPH <test://graph-3> { <test://instance-6> nie:title 'title 2' } }"""
+                self.tracker.update (INSERT_SPARQL)
+                result = self.tracker.query ("""
+                          SELECT ?g ?t WHERE { GRAPH ?g {
+                             <test://instance-6> nie:title ?t
+                           } }""")
+                self.assertEquals (len (result), 1)
+                self.assertEquals (len (result[0]), 2)
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][0], "test://graph-3")
+                self.assertEquals (result[0][1], "title 2")
         def __insert_valid_date_test (self, datestring, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, timezone):

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