[tracker] tracker-needle: Remove unused code

commit 7003478c26eb44157a2d6ede94fb24c6e9a33469
Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
Date:   Tue Mar 22 18:53:49 2011 +0100

    tracker-needle: Remove unused code

 src/tracker-needle/tracker-needle.vala       |  246 --------------------------
 src/tracker-needle/tracker-result-store.vala |    5 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/tracker-needle/tracker-needle.vala b/src/tracker-needle/tracker-needle.vala
index 9b479be..340aea0 100644
--- a/src/tracker-needle/tracker-needle.vala
+++ b/src/tracker-needle/tracker-needle.vala
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ public class Tracker.Needle {
 	private int size_small = 0;
 	private int size_medium = 0;
 	private int size_big = 0;
-	static bool current_view = true;
 	static bool current_find_in = true;
 	private ResultStore categories_model;
@@ -293,19 +292,6 @@ public class Tracker.Needle {
 		return false;
-	private ListStore? get_store_for_active_view () {
-       		// if (view_icons.active) {
-		// 	return sw_icons.store;
-		// } else if (view_filelist.active) {
-		// 	return sw_filelist.store;
-		// } else if (view_categories.active) {
-		// 	return sw_categories.store;
-		// }
-		debug ("No views active to get store?!?!");
-		return null;
-	}
 	private void search_changed (Editable editable) {
 		if (last_search_id != 0) {
 			Source.remove (last_search_id);
@@ -323,238 +309,6 @@ public class Tracker.Needle {
 		search_run ();
-	private async void search_simple (ListStore store) requires (store != null) {
-		/*
-		Tracker.Query query = new Tracker.Query ();
-		Tracker.Sparql.Cursor cursor = null;
-		query.limit = 1000;
-		query.criteria = search.get_text ();
-		debug ("Doing simple search using store:%p", store);
-		try {
-			if (find_in_contents.active) {
-				cursor = yield query.perform_async (query.Type.ALL, null);
-			} else {
-				cursor = yield query.perform_async (query.Type.ALL_ONLY_IN_TITLES, null);
-			}
-			if (cursor == null) {
-				search_finished (store);
-				return;
-			}
-			store.clear ();
-			var screen = window.get_screen ();
-			var theme = IconTheme.get_for_screen (screen);
-			while (true) {
-				bool b = yield cursor.next_async ();
-				if (!b) {
-					break;
-				}
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor.n_columns; i++) {
-					if (i == 0) {
-						debug ("--> %s", cursor.get_string (i));
-					} else {
-						debug ("  --> %s", cursor.get_string (i));
-					}
-				}
-				// Get icon
-				string urn = cursor.get_string (0);
-				string _file = cursor.get_string (1);
-				string title = cursor.get_string (2);
-				string _file_time = cursor.get_string (3);
-				string _file_size = cursor.get_string (4);
-				string tooltip = cursor.get_string (7);
-				Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_file (theme, _file, size_small, false);
-				Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf_big = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_file (theme, _file, size_big, false);
-				string file_size = GLib.format_size_for_display (_file_size.to_int());
-				string file_time = tracker_time_format_from_iso8601 (_file_time);
-				// Insert into model
-				TreeIter iter;
-				// FIXME: should optimise this a bit more, inserting 2 images into a list eek
-				store.append (out iter);
-				store.set (iter,
-					       0, pixbuf_small, // Small Image
-					       1, pixbuf_big,   // Large Image
-					       2, urn,          // URN
-					       3, _file,        // URL
-					       4, title,        // Title
-					       5, null,         // Subtitle
-					       6, file_time,    // Column2: Time
-					       7, file_size,    // Column3: Size
-					       8, tooltip,      // Tooltip
-					       -1);
-			}
-		} catch (GLib.Error e) {
-			warning ("Could not iterate query results: %s", e.message);
-			search_finished (store);
-			return;
-		}
-		search_finished (store);
-		*/
-	}
-	private async void search_detailed (ResultStore store) requires (store != null) {
-		/*
-		Tracker.Query.Type[] categories = { 
-			Tracker.Query.Type.APPLICATIONS,
-			Tracker.Query.Type.MUSIC,
-			Tracker.Query.Type.VIDEOS,
-			Tracker.Query.Type.DOCUMENTS,
-			Tracker.Query.Type.MAIL,
-			Tracker.Query.Type.IMAGES,
-			Tracker.Query.Type.FOLDERS
-		};
-		Tracker.Query query = new Tracker.Query ();
-		store.clear ();
-		debug ("Doing detailed search using store:%p", store);
-		var screen = window.get_screen ();
-		var theme = IconTheme.get_for_screen (screen);
-		bool odd = false;
-		foreach (Tracker.Query.Type type in categories) {
-			int count = 0;
-			Tracker.Sparql.Cursor cursor;
-			query.limit = 1000;
-			query.criteria = search.get_text ();
-			try {
-				cursor = yield query.perform_async (type, null);
-				if (cursor == null) {
-					search_finished (store);
-					return;
-				}
-				while (true) {
-					bool b = yield cursor.next_async ();
-					if (!b) {
-						break;
-					}
-					for (int i = 0; i < cursor.n_columns; i++) {
-						if (i == 0) {
-							debug ("--> %s", cursor.get_string (i));
-						} else {
-							debug ("  --> %s", cursor.get_string (i));
-						}
-					}
-					string urn = cursor.get_string (0);
-					string _file = cursor.get_string (1);
-					string title = cursor.get_string (2);
-					string subtitle = null;
-					string column2 = null;
-					string column3 = null;
-					string tooltip = cursor.get_string (5);
-					Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf_small = null; 
-					// Special cases
-					switch (type) {
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.APPLICATIONS:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "package-x-generic", size_medium);
-						}
-						break;
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.MUSIC:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "audio-x-generic", size_medium);
-						}
-						column2 = tracker_time_format_from_seconds (cursor.get_string (4));
-						break;
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.IMAGES:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "image-x-generic", size_medium);
-						}
-						column2 = GLib.format_size_for_display (cursor.get_string (4).to_int ());
-						break;
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.VIDEOS:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "video-x-generic", size_medium);
-						}
-						column2 = tracker_time_format_from_seconds (cursor.get_string (4));
-						break;
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.DOCUMENTS:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "x-office-presentation", size_medium);
-						}
-						break;
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.MAIL:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "emblem-mail", size_medium);
-						}
-						column2 = tracker_time_format_from_iso8601 (cursor.get_string (4));
-						break;
-					case Tracker.Query.Type.FOLDERS:
-						if (count == 0) {
-							pixbuf_small = tracker_pixbuf_new_from_name (theme, "folder", size_medium);
-						}
-						column2 = tracker_time_format_from_iso8601 (cursor.get_string (4));
-						break;
-					default:
-						break;
-					}
-					if (subtitle == null) {
-						subtitle = cursor.get_string (3);
-					}
-					if (column2 == null) {
-						column2 = cursor.get_string (4);
-					}
-					// Insert into model
-					TreeIter iter;
-					// FIXME: should optimise this a bit more, inserting 2 images into a list eek
-					store.append (out iter);
-					store.set (iter,
-							   0, pixbuf_small, // Small Image
-							   1, null,         // Large Image
-							   2, urn,          // URN
-							   3, _file,        // URL
-							   4, title,        // Title
-							   5, subtitle,     // Subtitle
-							   6, column2,      // Column2
-							   7, column3,      // Column3
-							   8, tooltip,      // Tooltip
-							   9, odd,          // Category hint
-							   -1);
-					count++;
-				}
-			} catch (GLib.Error e) {
-				warning ("Could not iterate query results: %s", e.message);
-				search_finished (store);
-				return;
-			}
-			if (count > 0) {
-				odd = !odd;
-			}
-		}
-		search_finished (store);
-		*/
-	}
 	private void search_finished (ResultStore? store) {
 		// Check if we have any results, if we don't change the view
 		if (store == null || !store.has_results ()) {
diff --git a/src/tracker-needle/tracker-result-store.vala b/src/tracker-needle/tracker-result-store.vala
index d13ab78..a454cff 100644
--- a/src/tracker-needle/tracker-result-store.vala
+++ b/src/tracker-needle/tracker-result-store.vala
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public class Tracker.ResultStore : Gtk.TreeModel, GLib.Object {
 	private void clear_results () {
-		int i, j;
+		int j;
 		while (categories.length > 0) {
 			CategoryNode cat = categories[0];
@@ -801,9 +801,6 @@ public class Tracker.ResultStore : Gtk.TreeModel, GLib.Object {
 		var l = va_list ();
 		string str = null;
 		string [] args = null;
-		CategoryNode cat;
-		TreeIter iter;
-		TreePath path;
 		QueryData query_data;
 		do {

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