[kupfer: 33/53] Move commandexec.py into kupfer.core

commit 316a45e7dc9239af41567195f1731ec40a21f8e5
Author: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date:   Thu Mar 24 17:22:38 2011 +0100

    Move commandexec.py into kupfer.core
    commandexec is deprecated in the Plugin API, but a placeholder module
    is left where it once was, so that we are still compatible (a short
    while) with old users of commandexec.

 kupfer/commandexec.py          |  399 +---------------------------------------
 kupfer/core/commandexec.py     |  398 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 kupfer/core/data.py            |   10 +-
 kupfer/plugin/core/internal.py |    2 +-
 kupfer/plugin/higherorder.py   |    2 +-
 kupfer/plugin/triggers.py      |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 401 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/commandexec.py b/kupfer/commandexec.py
index d492f65..1f59139 100644
--- a/kupfer/commandexec.py
+++ b/kupfer/commandexec.py
@@ -1,398 +1,11 @@
-The main logic for executing constructed commands.
+This file only exists for backwards compatibility!
-A command is normally a tuple of (object, action, indirect object).
-Where, of course, the indirect object is often not needed (in this module we
-then pass None in its stead).
-This code was once a shining machine; While adding the "comma trick" and
-support for "multiple dispatch" was easy in the rest of the program, it shed
-its casualties here: While the main process is simple, we deal here with all
-the exceptions that are, at the moment, tacked on.
-The ActionExecutionContext (ACE) keeps track of its nested invocation, so that
-we can catch the results of commands executed inside other commands. The
-delegation mechanism allows a user of the ACE to indicate that the result of
-the command should be passed on from the earlier (more nested) invocation.
-Multiple dispatch is straightforward if the action implements the multiple
-dispatch protocol. Is the protocol not implemented, the command is simply
-"multiplied out": executed once for each object, or once for each combination
-of object and indirect object.
-With multiple command execution (and delegation), we must then process and
-merge multiple return values.
+For new plugins, you probably should not use ``commandexec``
+at all, but instead implement ``Action.wants_context()``
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import collections
-import contextlib
-import itertools
-import sys
-import gobject
-from kupfer import pretty
-from kupfer import task
-from kupfer import uiutils
-from kupfer.objects import OperationError
-from kupfer.obj.objects import SourceLeaf
-from kupfer.obj.sources import MultiSource
-from kupfer.obj.compose import MultipleLeaf
-_action_exec_context = None
-def DefaultActionExecutionContext():
-	global _action_exec_context
-	if _action_exec_context is None:
-		_action_exec_context = ActionExecutionContext()
-	return _action_exec_context
-class ActionExecutionError (Exception):
-	pass
-def _get_leaf_members(leaf):
-	"""
-	Return an iterator to members of @leaf, if it is a multiple leaf
-	"""
-	# NOTE : This function duplicates one in core/actionlogic.py
-	try:
-		return leaf.get_multiple_leaf_representation()
-	except AttributeError:
-		return (leaf, )
-def _is_multiple(leaf):
-	return hasattr(leaf, "get_multiple_leaf_representation")
-def _wants_context(action):
-	return action.wants_context()
-def activate_action(context, obj, action, iobj):
-	""" Activate @action in simplest manner """
-	kwargs = {}
-	if _wants_context(action):
-		kwargs['ctx'] = context
-	if not _is_multiple(obj) and not _is_multiple(iobj):
-		return _activate_action_single(obj, action, iobj, kwargs)
-	else:
-		return _activate_action_multiple(obj, action, iobj, kwargs)
-def _activate_action_single(obj, action, iobj, kwargs):
-	if action.requires_object():
-		ret = action.activate(obj, iobj, **kwargs)
-	else:
-		ret = action.activate(obj, **kwargs)
-	return ret
-def _activate_action_multiple(obj, action, iobj, kwargs):
-	if not hasattr(action, "activate_multiple"):
-		iobjs = (None, ) if iobj is None else _get_leaf_members(iobj)
-		return _activate_action_multiple_multiplied(_get_leaf_members(obj),
-				action, iobjs, kwargs)
-	if action.requires_object():
-		ret = action.activate_multiple(_get_leaf_members(obj),
-				_get_leaf_members(iobj), **kwargs)
-	else:
-		ret = action.activate_multiple(_get_leaf_members(obj), **kwargs)
-	return ret
-def _activate_action_multiple_multiplied(objs, action, iobjs, kwargs):
-	"""
-	Multiple dispatch by "mulitplied" invocation of the simple activation
-	Return an iterable of the return values.
-	"""
-	rets = []
-	for L in objs:
-		for I in iobjs:
-			ret = _activate_action_single(L, action, I, kwargs)
-			rets.append(ret)
-	ctx = DefaultActionExecutionContext()
-	ret = ctx._combine_action_result_multiple(action, rets)
-	return ret
-def parse_action_result(action, ret):
-	"""Return result type for @action and return value @ret"""
-	def valid_result(ret):
-		return ret and (not hasattr(ret, "is_valid") or ret.is_valid())
-	# handle actions returning "new contexts"
-	if action.is_factory() and valid_result(ret):
-	if action.has_result() and valid_result(ret):
-	elif action.is_async() and valid_result(ret):
-	return res
-class ExecutionToken (object):
-	"""
-	A token object that an ``Action`` carries with it
-	from ``activate``.
-	Must be used for access to current execution context,
-	and to access the environment.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, aectx, async_token, ui_ctx):
-		self._aectx = aectx
-		self._token = async_token
-		self._ui_ctx = ui_ctx
-	def register_late_result(self, result_object, show=True):
-		self._aectx.register_late_result(self._token, result_object, show=show)
-	def register_late_error(self, exc_info=None):
-		self._aectx.register_late_error(self._token, exc_info)
-	def delegated_run(self, *objs):
-		return self._aectx.run(*objs, delegate=True, ui_ctx=self._ui_ctx)
-	@property
-	def environment(self):
-		"""This is a property for the current environment,
-		acess env variables like this::
-			ctx.environment.get_timestamp()
-		Raises RuntimeError when not available.
-		"""
-		if self._ui_ctx is not None:
-			return self._ui_ctx
-		else:
-			raise RuntimeError("Environment Context not available")
-class ActionExecutionContext (gobject.GObject, pretty.OutputMixin):
-	"""
-	command-result (result_type, result)
-		Emitted when a command is carried out, with its resulting value
-	"""
-	__gtype_name__ = "ActionExecutionContext"
-	def __init__(self):
-		gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
-		self.task_runner = task.TaskRunner(end_on_finish=False)
-		self._nest_level = 0
-		self._delegate = False
-		self._command_counter = itertools.count()
-		self.last_command_id = -1
-		self.last_command = None
-		self.last_executed_command = None
-		self.last_results = collections.deque([], _MAX_LAST_RESULTS)
-	def check_valid(self, obj, action, iobj):
-		pass
-	@contextlib.contextmanager
-	def _nesting(self):
-		try:
-			self._nest_level += 1
-			self._delegate = False
-			yield
-		finally:
-			self._nest_level -= 1
-	def _is_nested(self):
-		return self._nest_level
-	@contextlib.contextmanager
-	def _error_conversion(self, *cmdtuple):
-		try:
-			yield
-		except OperationError:
-			self._do_error_conversion(cmdtuple, sys.exc_info())
-	def _do_error_conversion(self, cmdtuple, exc_info):
-		if not self.operation_error(exc_info, cmdtuple):
-			raise
-		etype, value, tb = exc_info
-		raise ActionExecutionError, value, tb
-	def get_async_token(self):
-		"""Get an action execution for current execution
-		Return a token for the currently active command execution.
-		The token must be used for posting late results or late errors.
-		"""
-		return (self.last_command_id, self.last_executed_command)
-	def make_execution_token(self, ui_ctx):
-		"""
-		Return an ExecutionToken for @self and @ui_ctx
-		"""
-		return ExecutionToken(self, self.get_async_token(), ui_ctx)
-	def operation_error(self, exc_info, cmdtuple):
-		"Error when executing action. Return True when error was handled"
-		if self._is_nested():
-			return
-		etype, value, tb = exc_info
-		obj, action, iobj = cmdtuple
-		# TRANS: When an error occurs in an action to be carried out,
-		# TRANS: then this is the heading of the error notification
-		return uiutils.show_notification(
-				_("Could not to carry out '%s'") % action,
-				unicode(value), icon_name="kupfer")
-	def register_late_error(self, token, exc_info=None):
-		"Register an error in exc_info. The error must be an OperationError"
-		if exc_info is None:
-			exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-		if isinstance(exc_info, Exception):
-			exc_info = (type(exc_info), exc_info, None)
-		command_id, cmdtuple = token
-		self._do_error_conversion(cmdtuple, exc_info)
-	def register_late_result(self, token, result, show=True):
-		"""Register a late result
-		Result must be a Leaf (as in result object, not factory or async)
-		If @show, possibly display the result to the user.
-		"""
-		self.output_debug("Late result", repr(result), "for", token)
-		command_id, (_ign1, action, _ign2) = token
-		if result is None:
-			raise ActionExecutionError("Late result from %s was None" % action)
-		res_name = unicode(result)
-		res_desc = result.get_description()
-		if res_desc:
-			description = "%s (%s)" % (res_name, res_desc)
-		else:
-			description = res_name
-		uiutils.show_notification(_('"%s" produced a result') % action,
-				description)
-		# If only registration was requsted, remove the command id info
-		if not show:
-			command_id = -1
-		self.emit("late-command-result", command_id, RESULT_OBJECT, result)
-		self._append_result(RESULT_OBJECT, result)
-	def _append_result(self, res_type, result):
-		if res_type == RESULT_OBJECT:
-			self.last_results.append(result)
-	def run(self, obj, action, iobj, delegate=False, ui_ctx=None):
-		"""
-		Activate the command (obj, action, iobj), where @iobj may be None
-		Return a tuple (DESCRIPTION; RESULT)
-		If a command carries out another command as part of its execution,
-		and wishes to delegate to it, pass True for @delegate.
-		"""
-		self.last_command_id = self._command_counter.next()
-		self.last_executed_command = (obj, action, iobj)
-		if not action or not obj:
-			raise ActionExecutionError("Primary Object and Action required")
-		if iobj is None and action.requires_object():
-			raise ActionExecutionError("%s requires indirect object" % action)
-		# The execution token object for the current invocation
-		execution_token = self.make_execution_token(ui_ctx)
-		with self._error_conversion(obj, action, iobj):
-			with self._nesting():
-				ret = activate_action(execution_token, obj, action, iobj)
-		# remember last command, but not delegated commands.
-		if not delegate:
-			self.last_command = self.last_executed_command
-		# Delegated command execution was previously requested: we take
-		# the result of the nested execution context
-		if self._delegate:
-			res, ret = ret
-			return self._return_result(res, ret)
-		res = parse_action_result(action, ret)
-		if res == RESULT_ASYNC:
-			# Register the task then "clear" the result
-			self.output_debug("Registering async task", ret)
-			self.task_runner.add_task(ret)
-			res, ret = RESULT_NONE, None
-		# Delegated command execution was requested: we pass
-		# through the result of the action to the parent execution context
-		if delegate and self._is_nested():
-			self._delegate = True
-		return self._return_result(res, ret)
-	def _return_result(self, res, ret):
-		if not self._is_nested():
-			self._append_result(res, ret)
-			self.emit("command-result", res, ret)
-		return res, ret
-	def _combine_action_result_multiple(self, action, retvals):
-		self.output_debug("Combining", repr(action), retvals,
-				"delegate=%s" % self._delegate)
-		def _make_retvalue(res, values):
-			"Construct a return value for type res"
-			if res == RESULT_SOURCE:
-				return values[0] if len(values) == 1 else MultiSource(values)
-			if res == RESULT_OBJECT:
-				return values[0] if len(values) == 1 else MultipleLeaf(values)
-			if res == RESULT_ASYNC:
-				# Register all tasks now, and return None upwards
-				for task in values:
-					self.output_debug("Registering async task", task)
-					self.task_runner.add_task(task)
-			return None
-		if not self._delegate:
-			values = []
-			res = RESULT_NONE
-			for ret in retvals:
-				res_type = parse_action_result(action, ret)
-				if res_type != RESULT_NONE:
-					values.append(ret)
-					res = res_type
-			return _make_retvalue(res, values)
-		else:
-			# Re-parse result values
-			res = RESULT_NONE
-			resmap = {}
-			for ret in retvals:
-				if ret is None:
-					continue
-				res_type, ret_obj = ret
-				if res_type != RESULT_NONE:
-					res = res_type
-					resmap.setdefault(res_type, []).append(ret_obj)
-			# register tasks
-			tasks = resmap.pop(RESULT_ASYNC, [])
-			_make_retvalue(RESULT_ASYNC, tasks)
-			if len(resmap) == 1:
-				# Return the only of the Source or Object case
-				key, values = resmap.items()[0]
-				return key, _make_retvalue(key, values)
-			elif len(resmap) > 1:
-				# Put the source in a leaf and return a multiple leaf
-				source = _make_retvalue(RESULT_SOURCE, resmap[RESULT_SOURCE])
-				objects = resmap[RESULT_OBJECT]
-				objects.append(SourceLeaf(source))
-				return RESULT_OBJECT, _make_retvalue(RESULT_OBJECT, objects)
-			return RESULT_NONE, None
+from kupfer.core.commandexec import *
-# Action result type, action result
-gobject.signal_new("command-result", ActionExecutionContext,
-		gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-		gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT))
+import warnings
+warnings.warn(FutureWarning("%s is deprecated. See Documentation/PluginAPI.rst" % __name__))
-# Command ID, Action result type, action result
-gobject.signal_new("late-command-result", ActionExecutionContext,
-		gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-		gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.gobject.TYPE_INT,
-			gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT))
diff --git a/kupfer/core/commandexec.py b/kupfer/core/commandexec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d492f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/core/commandexec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+The main logic for executing constructed commands.
+A command is normally a tuple of (object, action, indirect object).
+Where, of course, the indirect object is often not needed (in this module we
+then pass None in its stead).
+This code was once a shining machine; While adding the "comma trick" and
+support for "multiple dispatch" was easy in the rest of the program, it shed
+its casualties here: While the main process is simple, we deal here with all
+the exceptions that are, at the moment, tacked on.
+The ActionExecutionContext (ACE) keeps track of its nested invocation, so that
+we can catch the results of commands executed inside other commands. The
+delegation mechanism allows a user of the ACE to indicate that the result of
+the command should be passed on from the earlier (more nested) invocation.
+Multiple dispatch is straightforward if the action implements the multiple
+dispatch protocol. Is the protocol not implemented, the command is simply
+"multiplied out": executed once for each object, or once for each combination
+of object and indirect object.
+With multiple command execution (and delegation), we must then process and
+merge multiple return values.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import itertools
+import sys
+import gobject
+from kupfer import pretty
+from kupfer import task
+from kupfer import uiutils
+from kupfer.objects import OperationError
+from kupfer.obj.objects import SourceLeaf
+from kupfer.obj.sources import MultiSource
+from kupfer.obj.compose import MultipleLeaf
+_action_exec_context = None
+def DefaultActionExecutionContext():
+	global _action_exec_context
+	if _action_exec_context is None:
+		_action_exec_context = ActionExecutionContext()
+	return _action_exec_context
+class ActionExecutionError (Exception):
+	pass
+def _get_leaf_members(leaf):
+	"""
+	Return an iterator to members of @leaf, if it is a multiple leaf
+	"""
+	# NOTE : This function duplicates one in core/actionlogic.py
+	try:
+		return leaf.get_multiple_leaf_representation()
+	except AttributeError:
+		return (leaf, )
+def _is_multiple(leaf):
+	return hasattr(leaf, "get_multiple_leaf_representation")
+def _wants_context(action):
+	return action.wants_context()
+def activate_action(context, obj, action, iobj):
+	""" Activate @action in simplest manner """
+	kwargs = {}
+	if _wants_context(action):
+		kwargs['ctx'] = context
+	if not _is_multiple(obj) and not _is_multiple(iobj):
+		return _activate_action_single(obj, action, iobj, kwargs)
+	else:
+		return _activate_action_multiple(obj, action, iobj, kwargs)
+def _activate_action_single(obj, action, iobj, kwargs):
+	if action.requires_object():
+		ret = action.activate(obj, iobj, **kwargs)
+	else:
+		ret = action.activate(obj, **kwargs)
+	return ret
+def _activate_action_multiple(obj, action, iobj, kwargs):
+	if not hasattr(action, "activate_multiple"):
+		iobjs = (None, ) if iobj is None else _get_leaf_members(iobj)
+		return _activate_action_multiple_multiplied(_get_leaf_members(obj),
+				action, iobjs, kwargs)
+	if action.requires_object():
+		ret = action.activate_multiple(_get_leaf_members(obj),
+				_get_leaf_members(iobj), **kwargs)
+	else:
+		ret = action.activate_multiple(_get_leaf_members(obj), **kwargs)
+	return ret
+def _activate_action_multiple_multiplied(objs, action, iobjs, kwargs):
+	"""
+	Multiple dispatch by "mulitplied" invocation of the simple activation
+	Return an iterable of the return values.
+	"""
+	rets = []
+	for L in objs:
+		for I in iobjs:
+			ret = _activate_action_single(L, action, I, kwargs)
+			rets.append(ret)
+	ctx = DefaultActionExecutionContext()
+	ret = ctx._combine_action_result_multiple(action, rets)
+	return ret
+def parse_action_result(action, ret):
+	"""Return result type for @action and return value @ret"""
+	def valid_result(ret):
+		return ret and (not hasattr(ret, "is_valid") or ret.is_valid())
+	# handle actions returning "new contexts"
+	if action.is_factory() and valid_result(ret):
+	if action.has_result() and valid_result(ret):
+	elif action.is_async() and valid_result(ret):
+	return res
+class ExecutionToken (object):
+	"""
+	A token object that an ``Action`` carries with it
+	from ``activate``.
+	Must be used for access to current execution context,
+	and to access the environment.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, aectx, async_token, ui_ctx):
+		self._aectx = aectx
+		self._token = async_token
+		self._ui_ctx = ui_ctx
+	def register_late_result(self, result_object, show=True):
+		self._aectx.register_late_result(self._token, result_object, show=show)
+	def register_late_error(self, exc_info=None):
+		self._aectx.register_late_error(self._token, exc_info)
+	def delegated_run(self, *objs):
+		return self._aectx.run(*objs, delegate=True, ui_ctx=self._ui_ctx)
+	@property
+	def environment(self):
+		"""This is a property for the current environment,
+		acess env variables like this::
+			ctx.environment.get_timestamp()
+		Raises RuntimeError when not available.
+		"""
+		if self._ui_ctx is not None:
+			return self._ui_ctx
+		else:
+			raise RuntimeError("Environment Context not available")
+class ActionExecutionContext (gobject.GObject, pretty.OutputMixin):
+	"""
+	command-result (result_type, result)
+		Emitted when a command is carried out, with its resulting value
+	"""
+	__gtype_name__ = "ActionExecutionContext"
+	def __init__(self):
+		gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+		self.task_runner = task.TaskRunner(end_on_finish=False)
+		self._nest_level = 0
+		self._delegate = False
+		self._command_counter = itertools.count()
+		self.last_command_id = -1
+		self.last_command = None
+		self.last_executed_command = None
+		self.last_results = collections.deque([], _MAX_LAST_RESULTS)
+	def check_valid(self, obj, action, iobj):
+		pass
+	@contextlib.contextmanager
+	def _nesting(self):
+		try:
+			self._nest_level += 1
+			self._delegate = False
+			yield
+		finally:
+			self._nest_level -= 1
+	def _is_nested(self):
+		return self._nest_level
+	@contextlib.contextmanager
+	def _error_conversion(self, *cmdtuple):
+		try:
+			yield
+		except OperationError:
+			self._do_error_conversion(cmdtuple, sys.exc_info())
+	def _do_error_conversion(self, cmdtuple, exc_info):
+		if not self.operation_error(exc_info, cmdtuple):
+			raise
+		etype, value, tb = exc_info
+		raise ActionExecutionError, value, tb
+	def get_async_token(self):
+		"""Get an action execution for current execution
+		Return a token for the currently active command execution.
+		The token must be used for posting late results or late errors.
+		"""
+		return (self.last_command_id, self.last_executed_command)
+	def make_execution_token(self, ui_ctx):
+		"""
+		Return an ExecutionToken for @self and @ui_ctx
+		"""
+		return ExecutionToken(self, self.get_async_token(), ui_ctx)
+	def operation_error(self, exc_info, cmdtuple):
+		"Error when executing action. Return True when error was handled"
+		if self._is_nested():
+			return
+		etype, value, tb = exc_info
+		obj, action, iobj = cmdtuple
+		# TRANS: When an error occurs in an action to be carried out,
+		# TRANS: then this is the heading of the error notification
+		return uiutils.show_notification(
+				_("Could not to carry out '%s'") % action,
+				unicode(value), icon_name="kupfer")
+	def register_late_error(self, token, exc_info=None):
+		"Register an error in exc_info. The error must be an OperationError"
+		if exc_info is None:
+			exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+		if isinstance(exc_info, Exception):
+			exc_info = (type(exc_info), exc_info, None)
+		command_id, cmdtuple = token
+		self._do_error_conversion(cmdtuple, exc_info)
+	def register_late_result(self, token, result, show=True):
+		"""Register a late result
+		Result must be a Leaf (as in result object, not factory or async)
+		If @show, possibly display the result to the user.
+		"""
+		self.output_debug("Late result", repr(result), "for", token)
+		command_id, (_ign1, action, _ign2) = token
+		if result is None:
+			raise ActionExecutionError("Late result from %s was None" % action)
+		res_name = unicode(result)
+		res_desc = result.get_description()
+		if res_desc:
+			description = "%s (%s)" % (res_name, res_desc)
+		else:
+			description = res_name
+		uiutils.show_notification(_('"%s" produced a result') % action,
+				description)
+		# If only registration was requsted, remove the command id info
+		if not show:
+			command_id = -1
+		self.emit("late-command-result", command_id, RESULT_OBJECT, result)
+		self._append_result(RESULT_OBJECT, result)
+	def _append_result(self, res_type, result):
+		if res_type == RESULT_OBJECT:
+			self.last_results.append(result)
+	def run(self, obj, action, iobj, delegate=False, ui_ctx=None):
+		"""
+		Activate the command (obj, action, iobj), where @iobj may be None
+		Return a tuple (DESCRIPTION; RESULT)
+		If a command carries out another command as part of its execution,
+		and wishes to delegate to it, pass True for @delegate.
+		"""
+		self.last_command_id = self._command_counter.next()
+		self.last_executed_command = (obj, action, iobj)
+		if not action or not obj:
+			raise ActionExecutionError("Primary Object and Action required")
+		if iobj is None and action.requires_object():
+			raise ActionExecutionError("%s requires indirect object" % action)
+		# The execution token object for the current invocation
+		execution_token = self.make_execution_token(ui_ctx)
+		with self._error_conversion(obj, action, iobj):
+			with self._nesting():
+				ret = activate_action(execution_token, obj, action, iobj)
+		# remember last command, but not delegated commands.
+		if not delegate:
+			self.last_command = self.last_executed_command
+		# Delegated command execution was previously requested: we take
+		# the result of the nested execution context
+		if self._delegate:
+			res, ret = ret
+			return self._return_result(res, ret)
+		res = parse_action_result(action, ret)
+		if res == RESULT_ASYNC:
+			# Register the task then "clear" the result
+			self.output_debug("Registering async task", ret)
+			self.task_runner.add_task(ret)
+			res, ret = RESULT_NONE, None
+		# Delegated command execution was requested: we pass
+		# through the result of the action to the parent execution context
+		if delegate and self._is_nested():
+			self._delegate = True
+		return self._return_result(res, ret)
+	def _return_result(self, res, ret):
+		if not self._is_nested():
+			self._append_result(res, ret)
+			self.emit("command-result", res, ret)
+		return res, ret
+	def _combine_action_result_multiple(self, action, retvals):
+		self.output_debug("Combining", repr(action), retvals,
+				"delegate=%s" % self._delegate)
+		def _make_retvalue(res, values):
+			"Construct a return value for type res"
+			if res == RESULT_SOURCE:
+				return values[0] if len(values) == 1 else MultiSource(values)
+			if res == RESULT_OBJECT:
+				return values[0] if len(values) == 1 else MultipleLeaf(values)
+			if res == RESULT_ASYNC:
+				# Register all tasks now, and return None upwards
+				for task in values:
+					self.output_debug("Registering async task", task)
+					self.task_runner.add_task(task)
+			return None
+		if not self._delegate:
+			values = []
+			res = RESULT_NONE
+			for ret in retvals:
+				res_type = parse_action_result(action, ret)
+				if res_type != RESULT_NONE:
+					values.append(ret)
+					res = res_type
+			return _make_retvalue(res, values)
+		else:
+			# Re-parse result values
+			res = RESULT_NONE
+			resmap = {}
+			for ret in retvals:
+				if ret is None:
+					continue
+				res_type, ret_obj = ret
+				if res_type != RESULT_NONE:
+					res = res_type
+					resmap.setdefault(res_type, []).append(ret_obj)
+			# register tasks
+			tasks = resmap.pop(RESULT_ASYNC, [])
+			_make_retvalue(RESULT_ASYNC, tasks)
+			if len(resmap) == 1:
+				# Return the only of the Source or Object case
+				key, values = resmap.items()[0]
+				return key, _make_retvalue(key, values)
+			elif len(resmap) > 1:
+				# Put the source in a leaf and return a multiple leaf
+				source = _make_retvalue(RESULT_SOURCE, resmap[RESULT_SOURCE])
+				objects = resmap[RESULT_OBJECT]
+				objects.append(SourceLeaf(source))
+				return RESULT_OBJECT, _make_retvalue(RESULT_OBJECT, objects)
+			return RESULT_NONE, None
+# Action result type, action result
+gobject.signal_new("command-result", ActionExecutionContext,
+		gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+		gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT))
+# Command ID, Action result type, action result
+gobject.signal_new("late-command-result", ActionExecutionContext,
+		gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+		gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.gobject.TYPE_INT,
+			gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT))
diff --git a/kupfer/core/data.py b/kupfer/core/data.py
index 488ee62..96c461e 100644
--- a/kupfer/core/data.py
+++ b/kupfer/core/data.py
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ gobject.threads_init()
 from kupfer.obj import base, sources, compose
 from kupfer import pretty, scheduler
-from kupfer import commandexec
-from kupfer.core import actioncompat
 from kupfer import datatools
+from kupfer.core import actioncompat
+from kupfer.core import commandexec
+from kupfer.core import execfile
+from kupfer.core import pluginload
+from kupfer.core import qfurl
 from kupfer.core import search, learn
 from kupfer.core import settings
-from kupfer.core import qfurl
-from kupfer.core import pluginload
-from kupfer.core import execfile
 from kupfer.core.sources import GetSourceController
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/core/internal.py b/kupfer/plugin/core/internal.py
index 48ed90e..dbc09bf 100644
--- a/kupfer/plugin/core/internal.py
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/core/internal.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from kupfer.objects import Source, Leaf
 from kupfer.objects import RunnableLeaf
-from kupfer import commandexec
+from kupfer.core import commandexec
 __kupfer_sources__ = ("KupferInterals", "CommandResults", )
 __author__ = "Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>"
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/higherorder.py b/kupfer/plugin/higherorder.py
index bc22c25..7274857 100644
--- a/kupfer/plugin/higherorder.py
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/higherorder.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ __author__ = "Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>"
 from kupfer.objects import Action, Leaf
 from kupfer.obj.compose import ComposedLeaf, MultipleLeaf
-from kupfer import commandexec
+from kupfer.core import commandexec
 from kupfer import pretty
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/triggers.py b/kupfer/plugin/triggers.py
index cfae091..b903adb 100644
--- a/kupfer/plugin/triggers.py
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/triggers.py
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ from kupfer import task
 from kupfer.ui import keybindings
 from kupfer.ui import uievents
-from kupfer import commandexec
 from kupfer.ui import getkey_dialog
+from kupfer.core import commandexec
 # we import the keybinder module for its side-effects --

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