[pygobject/windows] (367 commits) ...Merge branch 'pygobject-2-28' into windows

Summary of changes:

  b483852... [gi] make parameter check less strict when dealing with GVa (*)
  8ec830c... Override Gtk.ComboBox.get_active_iter to not return success (*)
  684d716... Override Gtk.Container.get_focus_chain to not return succes (*)
  b85b445... Override get_item_at_pos, get_visible_range, get_dest_item_ (*)
  0ed2e87... Override Gtk.IMContext.get_surrounding to not return succes (*)
  da6d874... Override Gtk.RecentInfo.get_application_info to not return  (*)
  95c86fa... Override Gtk.TextBuffer.get_selection_bounds to not return  (*)
  17cd0fb... Override forward_search and backward_search of Gtk.TextIter (*)
  80b1b26... Override Gtk.TreeSortable.get_sort_column_id to not return  (*)
  6679d39... Override get_path_at_pos and get_dest_row_at_pos of Gtk.Tre (*)
  9d4443b... Override Gtk.TreeViewColumn.cell_get_position to not return (*)
  3c09710... Override Gtk.Widget.translate_coordinates to not return suc (*)
  8b28b1d... [gi] make overrides work for python 3.x protocols and alias (*)
  2ca8972... include Python.h so that PY_VERSION_HEX gets defined (*)
  783e2e3... _gi.Repository : Implement missing info bindings. (*)
  1731f89... Release GIL when calling into C functions (*)
  28ed01c... Don't check the inner type when comparing gpointers (*)
  f6386a6... [gi] dir() now works for modules (*)
  268d6ed... [gi] add tests for calling dir on a dynamic module (*)
  d20edbf... Add distutils generated build/dist directories and eclipse  (*)
  819a21c... dsextras.py: rearrange imports (*)
  4b1ff0c... dsextras.py: use True/False instead of 1/0 (*)
  a565558... dsextras.py: PEP8: Comparisons to singletons like None shou (*)
  b98277a... dsextras.py: add pkgc_get_version and pkgc_get_defs_dir fun (*)
  8c62968... dsextras.py: use the pkgc_ functions instead of repeating p (*)
  d03503d... dsextras.py: add ggc4 to MSVC compatible struct packing com (*)
  5a33105... dsextras.py: formatting cleanup, makes things readable (*)
  9aa54b6... README.win32: update build instructions (*)
  3f70f92... setup.py: rearrange imports (*)
  286364e... setup.py: simplify sys.platform != 'win32' detection and er (*)
  7d353d0... setup.py: check python version and pkgconig availability be (*)
  21ddfc6... setup.py: rearrange constants (*)
  ad40688... setup.py: install fixxref.py script (*)
  78533d8... setup.py: install pygobject-codegen script (*)
  7c3b0c2... setup.py: install documentation when available on build sys (*)
  a31b419... setup.py: build and install tests (*)
  f7b1261... setup.py: formatting cleanup, makes things readable (*)
  6316757... pygobject_postinstall.py: remove shortcut creation (*)
  8cb3f2e... pygobject_postinstall.py: remove pygobject-2.0.pc treatment (*)
  3d59557... tests: add runtests-windows.py script (*)
  cdacaa9... fix inheritence issues in overrides (*)
  e317838... setup.py: ease maintenance burden for tests installation (*)
  878b8f6... Merge remote branch 'dieterv/setup-fixes-for-merge' (*)
  89c104d... Add a overrides registry so we can refrence overrides insid (*)
  0bcb58b... fix dialogs overrides which were relying on broken inherita (*)
  540e9f1... add overrides for the insert* apis of list_store and tree_s (*)
  87dbc71... [gi] handle virtual invokers (*)
  ce8b948... [gi] add overrides to Gtk.Editable (*)
  68b8211... add a foreign type for cairo_rectangle_int_t and allow it t (*)
  9ce3edf... [gi] add the rectangle_int_t forign cairo type (*)
  1338a95... Implement richcompare for GIBaseInfo (*)
  d9bab3b... update news for release (*)
  8c2d32c... Correct a bug in the freeing of memory in pygi-invoke.c. (*)
  2c25886... [gi] when converting to UTF-8 accept Python Unicode objects (*)
  ef74273... [gi] fix actiongroup test since actions are hashed (*)
  18f5d22... pygi-convert.sh: Cover Message and Buttons types (*)
  bf03d4d... pygi-convert.sh: Remove sugar specifics, and allow command  (*)
  7ddb0f7... pygi-convert.sh: Add pynotify -> Notify (*)
  3fd51bb... [gi] when encountering guint8 arrays treat them as byte arr (*)
  4cede8f... [gi] overrides for treeview Drag and Drop (*)
  1c537bc... [gi] switch to using sequences/tuples when marshalling cair (*)
  a5e806a... Make TreeSelection.get_selected_rows compatible with PyGtk (*)
  e1db544... Override TreeModel.get() to return a tuple (*)
  d0049fa... Override UIManager.insert_action_group (*)
  226777c... [gi] require the name parameter when creatin a Gtk.ActionGr (*)
  0cd717e... [gi] fix ActionGroup constructor to allow other keyword pro (*)
  94c0e2f... Fix TextBuffer.get_selection_bounds() override (*)
  bf55dc8... Override TextBuffer.create_mark() (*)
  828b698... Override TextBuffer.set_text() to make length optional (*)
  57e42bf... Override TextIter (begins|ends|toggles)_tag() (*)
  63a9763... pygi-convert.sh: add some Pango special cases (*)
  13d0ff1... pygi-convert.sh: handle "from gtk import gdk" (*)
  fd2c028... pygi-convert.sh: gtk.accel_map -> Gtk.AccelMap._ (*)
  f129b3d... Support gunichar (*)
  5de88b4... [gi] add check for UNICHAR (*)
  c587e1a... add test for inout argument count (*)
  792e679... moved dynamic and base modules outside of gtk-2.0 directory (*)
  78358e1... add a profiling torture test for when we fix up invoke (*)
  9c5aee4... Recurse up through base classes when setting up vfuncs (*)
  94e8bef... refactor Jonathan Matthew recurse vfunc patch so it applys  (*)
  7a8af9e... Override Container to behave like a sequence (*)
  dacfe61... Override TreePath.__new__ (*)
  677490e... Override TreeSelection.select_path and TreeView.scroll_to_c (*)
  82689cb... [gi] handle subtypes when inserting into tree models (*)
  cda3171... Gtk: add an override for Gtk.main_quit (*)
  4d097ee... Update Gdk overrides to work with latest Gtk+ 3 (*)
  81452c2... pygi-convert.sh: convert MovementStep (*)
  da4e045... Override GtkTable constructor to behave like pygtk (*)
  dfeabe0... Override Label constructor to behave like pygtk (*)
  607c59b... pygi-convert.sh: handle TextWindowType (*)
  cede81a... Fix cut&paste error in the Label override (*)
  cdc9c26... [gi] make sure Gtk.Button override passes all keywords to p (*)
  b6a40ba... Remove semicolumns (*)
  d2ad05d... No need to import Gdk (*)
  f4f7fb3... Container should be iterable. (*)
  4d8d963... Override LinkButton constructor to make 'uri' mandatory (*)
  88c9a3a... pygi-convert.sh: Added more conversions (*)
  c0c684c... Fix typo when raising an exception (*)
  d2cfd6e... Fix Gtk.Label(label="Foo") (*)
  167a01c... Fix usage of TreeIter api that is now an override. (*)
  769da96... Stop checking that all vfuncs are implemented (*)
  2adcd95... Override Pango.FontDescription. (*)
  dbb1657... Fix demo for override changes. (*)
  de682b2... [gi] get rid of some debug prints and fix error messages (*)
  e76352d... add secondary_text apis to MessageDialog (*)
  7924b18... Override Adjustment constructor to behave like pygtk (*)
  d8abcc9... Override GtkAction and GtkRadioAction constructors. (*)
  df23330... Remove Pango.FontDescription() conversion. (*)
  bca603d... Override Pango.Layout constructor. (*)
  365bf32... pygi-convert.sh: convert Gdk.ScrollDirection. (*)
  f0a1d6b... pygi-convert.sh: start handling Gio and GLib (*)
  1c24bb0... pygi-convert.sh: Fix 'find' syntax (*)
  d33c987... Override Gtk.ScrolledWindow constructor (*)
  c903390... pygi-convert.sh: remove two cases handled by overrides (*)
  acc9f84... pygi-convert.sh: more GLib conversion (*)
  e55ce36... pygi-convert.sh: convert a few more Gio types (*)
  f4bfe73... pygi-convert.sh: convert Atk (*)
  db7ffa7... pygi-convert.sh: add more Gtk conversions and sort (*)
  73e933d... 	Doc Extractor: Print the gtk-doc blocks sorted by function (*)
  fbc12cd... pygi-convert.sh: Gtk.DialogFlags conversion (*)
  b03cc9e... pygi-convert.sh: improve GtkSourceView conversion (*)
  020d00b... setup.py: fix another case of use True/False instead of 1/0 (*)
  637c2c2... dsextras.py: use distutils.spawn.find_executable for have_p (*)
  35e590d... dsextras.py: add have_gcc() function (*)
  cebf5f0... dsextras.py: be consistent in how distutils imports are don (*)
  7aa783d... dsextras.py: check if gcc is there when platform is win32 a (*)
  046cc59... handle unicode objects in properties (*)
  78ea84c... Allow comparing Gtk.TreePath to None (*)
  0ee5811... Fix warnings. (*)
  d2462cc... Use suppresion file when running valgrind (*)
  efc186f... Comment out tests that require SRV lookups (*)
  01b2a19... Add /usr/share to XDG_DATA_DIRS when running the tests (*)
  f14976f... Fix stupid name clash (*)
  8d5a785... Respect different type lengths when assigning out-argument  (*)
  1be76d5... Release GIValueInfo when checking an enum argument (*)
  6cf298c... Release allocated array of arguments when handling closures (*)
  204b45c... Don't call getattr again in gi.overrides.Gdk.Event.__getatt (*)
  c3aa361... Add test for incorrect attributes in Gdk.Event (*)
  202a268... Bump the minimum gio dependency (*)
  52a298c... Change __dir__() to report all the attributes that __getatt (*)
  2ffaec5... Go back to using getattr() in DynamicModule.__getattr__ (*)
  4992dca... Add a __repr__() method to DynamicModule. (*)
  59dac72... setup.py: use the same spaces-less format for all setup() p (*)
  bd002c7... setup.py: fix the provides keyword argument (*)
  1679e6a... pygi-convert.sh: handle ReliefStyle (*)
  c36fbf4... Fix the __dir__() methods on DynamicModule and Introspectio (*)
  6aaa6a3... pygi-convert.sh: Don't change the name of "gtk" submodules (*)
  6409d65... pygi-convert.sh: Convert Pango.WrapMode (*)
  d0cbcc4... Override Table.attach() to behave like pygtk (*)
  a4950b4... Plug a small memory leak. (*)
  3887b03... Plug another memory leak (*)
  2e6d5bb... pygi-convert.sh: Don't change the name of "glib" submodules (*)
  aa390aa... pygi-convert.sh: Generalize Gtk.Settings migration (*)
  17caffe... pygi-convert.sh: Handle Gdk.DragAction (*)
  8ceef79... Move pyglib_{main_context, option_context, option_group}_ne (*)
  da50d56... Use g_vfunc_info_invoke for chaining up in vfuncs (*)
  66a5784... Fix wrapping of enums: Create new Python type for each non- (*)
  6fbb6be... pygi-convert.sh: Handle GdkPixbuf.InterpType (*)
  2c70bec... Amend previous enum wrapping commit to remove redundant set (*)
  09c21c7... In IntrospectionModule and DynamicModule classes, make all  (*)
  7a0548d... Fix handling of unicode for GtkTreeModels (*)
  7cc8ac3... Handle GObject subclasses in the property helper. (*)
  a8c727b... Override Gtk.Box.pack_start and pack_end to set default val (*)
  1dec128... Override Gtk.Paned pack1 and pack2 to add default values to (*)
  2328411... Override Gtk.CellLayout.pack_start and pack_end to add defa (*)
  ed7e7a8... Override Gtk.TreeViewColumn.pack_start, pack_end and set_ce (*)
  914d3a0... Override TreeSortable.set_sort_func and set_default_sort_fu (*)
  2d9534f... pygi-convert.sh: Handle gtk.combo_box_new_text() (*)
  c054f0a... Revert "Override Gtk.TreeViewColumn.pack_start, pack_end an (*)
  4fbae96... Revert "Override Gtk.CellLayout.pack_start and pack_end to  (*)
  e2dea06... Revert "Override Gtk.Box.pack_start and pack_end to set def (*)
  bceec75... Kill JD_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS (*)
  fc7d7f7... Deduce PYTHON_LIBS in addition to PYTHON_INCLUDES (*)
  31c73de... Add override for gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags (*)
  ecb9f82... Add GLib.Variant.unpack() (*)
  b1a9808... Add Pythonic iterators and indexing to GVariant (*)
  771ef76... The tags can be Empty not None. (*)
  017680c... Dont try to guess the transfer if its a boxed (*)
  69a7830... Remove cairo.RectangleInt from the foreign module (*)
  d62cdfa... GLib overrides: Add test case for array variant building (*)
  761e98d... pygi-convert.sh: Handle keysyms (*)
  30750cc... Raise required versions of GLib and GObject-Introspection (*)
  84d6142... Always register a new GType when a GObject class is subclas (*)
  7d997b6... GTK overrides: Do type conversion to column types of ListSt (*)
  f56d85a... Merge branch 'value' (*)
  efbbe71... tests: Respect existing $GI_TYPELIB_PATH (*)
  8878c57... Fix Pango FontDescription override (*)
  36bc1c1... Remove trailing whitespace from gi/overrides/Gtk.py (*)
  3aa9501... pygi-convert.sh: Fix Gtk.Label handling to be idempotent (*)
  99ff461... pygi-convert.sh: Fix match for adding missing imports (*)
  a000627... pygi-convert.sh: Do not comment out set_cell_data_func() ca (*)
  a4b210d... Disable calls to PyGILState_* when threads are disabled (*)
  22eee43... Convert Gdk.Pixbuf to GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf (*)
  09f7ca7... [gi] set length when marshalling guint8 erases (*)
  bca5834... Remove gio static bindings (*)
  9e7b95b... Python iterator interface support for GFileEnumerator. (*)
  5eca5ff... Revert "Fix Pango FontDescription override" (*)
  b218942... [gi] Enable handling of Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS and 3BU (*)
  614b6ca... [gi] Fixed typo in exception (*)
  d143afa... Fix attributes 2BUTTON_PRESS and 3BUTTON_PRESS of Gdk.Event (*)
  167261d... Link libregress.so to GIO_LIBS again (*)
  e6fcafc... pygi-convert.sh: Don't convert glib -> GLib for now (*)
  25b69ae... [gi] Convert GErrors to GObject.GError exceptions, and thro (*)
  b1049b9... Also deal with foreign boxed structs (*)
  4c1d4fa... pygi-convert.sh: Handle .window attributes (*)
  db7300e... pygi-convert.sh: Migrate Gdk.Cursor constructor, and some c (*)
  7c2f48b... Construct structs using default API constructor (*)
  2b8e1d0... [gi] Add pythonic iterator and indexing for string GVariant (*)
  d465e25... [gi] Fix small typo in previous commit (*)
  21c09a7... Modify override for Gtk.Adjustment to allow position or key (*)
  b238cb6... pygi-convert.sh: Move some glib bits which are better handl (*)
  84ee8de... Fix typo in previous commit to actually convert glib.GError (*)
  6447688... pygi-convert.sh: Convert glib.source_remove() (*)
  b59edf4... Fix a typo in a private symbol name. (*)
  2b0f1ed... [gi] Update TreeView.enable_model_drag_{source,dest} to cur (*)
  b6737b9... Add a test to check for regular object reference count (*)
  cae2cf3... Add tests for refcount of a GObject owned by a library (*)
  f0a0b6c... Fix reference leaks for GInitiallyUnowned objects (*)
  ac095f5... Uncomment test_gi.TestInterfaceClash (*)
  6d8ff4d... [gi] Support nested objects and empty sequences in GLib.Var (*)
  d1b0fa5... pygi-convert.sh: Gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB (*)
  bc29600... pygi-convert.sh: GdkPixbuf methods (*)
  71dd032... Merge branch 'windows-setup-fixes' (*)
  e97e280... [gi] Add Variant construction/unpack support for boxed Vari (*)
  a060287... [gi] Add test cases for GDBus client operations (*)
  ce52101... [gi] use the right argument type for callback (*)
  f5d0b7b... [gi] set the gtype GValue correctly (*)
  1f473b5... pygi-convert.sh: Convert gdk.GRAB_* (*)
  8f4e653... pygi-convert.sh: Convert gtk.UI_MANAGER_* (*)
  569d42a... Speed up class creation: rewrite _setup_vfuncs() to be much (*)
  b15e8e2... Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs() (*)
  27e3a62... [gi] Accept only a single object in GLib.Variant constructo (*)
  963cd52... [gi] update gdbus test cases for previous GVariant change (*)
  d3e30e2... [gi] Add docstring to GLib.Variant constructor (*)
  832d662... [gi] fix try/except blocks using depricated raise format (*)
  6ff3578... [gi] python 3 fixes (*)
  843553e... [gi] fix Gio.FileEnumerator to reflect the Python 3 iter pr (*)
  a3e0cfe... [gi] in python 3 an array of uint8 can be bytes but not str (*)
  7d70105... Factor out parameter marshalling from construction function (*)
  a59e2d5... Add some tests for the number of python refs held at creati (*)
  975341a... Fix leaked python reference in python-defined subclasses (*)
  dd7deb4... pygi-convert.sh: Don't convert self.window assignments (*)
  be1a295... pygi-convert.sh: Drop window -> get_window() conversion (*)
  331c42b... pygi-convert.sh: Convert Pango.TabAlign.* (*)
  8a98d26... Remove .gitignore files and use git.mk (*)
  dace1a5... [gi] Support tag names in GtkTextBuffer.insert_with_tags() (*)
  488478a... [gi] Provide GtkTextBuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name() (*)
  6920791... [gi] Add GSettings tests (*)
  858669f... Ship tests/org.gnome.test.gschema.xml in dist tarballs (*)
  afeaaa1... Gdk.Window: Map the standard constructor to the *new* const (*)
  7bc4122... Fix wrong refcount when calling introspected widget constru (*)
  c913c17... [gi] return PYGLIB_MODULE_ERROR_RETURN on error (*)
  36094e5... [gi] return PYGLIB_MODULE_ERROR_RETURN on error and use pyg (*)
  09acaff... [python 3] use the right syntaxis to raise exceptions (*)
  2660be1... [GI] Add tests for Gtk.Widget.drag_* methods. (*)
  8dad0ea... Fix vfunc search bug when using GInterfaces and a do_* meth (*)
  b7f32e4... [gi] Provide comfortable GSettings API (*)
  0858f55... Fix test_gdbus.py to be Python3 friendly (*)
  14c4cf8... Run test suite under dbus-launch (*)
  4c9715b... Revert "Fix reference leaks for GInitiallyUnowned objects" (*)
  d32c0ec... Revert "Fix wrong refcount when calling introspected widget (*)
  657d113... Ensure the sink functions are only ran once. (*)
  a535e4a... Decrease the refcount for GInitiallyUnowned constructors. (*)
  02ac041... Revert "Remove gio static bindings" (*)
  5ec107f... Run gio tests separately when enabled (*)
  e12097a... fix build to correctly use python-config (*)
  5dae638... bump version and edit NEWS for release (*)
  29efc5a... pre-release version bump (*)
  1944349... [gi-demos] fixed use of tree_iter_get (*)
  09c0534... [gi-demos] get appwindow demo working again (*)
  8617d0e... [gi-overrides] let user set the proper property names in Gt (*)
  ddde83e... [gi-overrides] for Gtk 3 alias Gdk.Rectangle to cairo.Recta (*)
  36ddad6... [gi-demos] fix drawingarea app to use the new draw api (*)
  a64b8fe... Use PyGI type conversion (to fix foreign types) for signal  (*)
  7147bd6... [gi-demos] fix most of the combobox app (*)
  b6c97de... [gi-demo] Fix color dialog demo to run with new draw, style (*)
  5434b7a... [gi-demos] fix clipboard demo to reflect new API (*)
  cb2d2aa... [gi-demos] fix clipboard demo so DnD works (*)
  317278a... [gi-demos] fix the about dialog in appwindow demo (*)
  9dc0979... [gi-overrides] add a Gtk.Menu override for the popup method (*)
  bcccff3... [gi-demos] keep popup menu from destroying itself by holdin (*)
  a23a48e... [gi-overrides] fix typo in GtkTable constructor (*)
  97e7818... [gi-demos] add dialogs demo (*)
  71b0dd9... [GI] Remove implicit loading of gi module preserve the code (*)
  888675f... [tests] Separate processes for GI and static binding tests. (*)
  ed8710c... [gi-overrides] use pop instead of del and add extra tests f (*)
  00505a9... [gi-demos] add expander demo (*)
  68d72e0... [gi-demos] add the links demo (*)
  1238777... [gi-overrides] add cursor overrides (*)
  b8345be... [gi-demos] add printing demo (*)
  f57153d... [gi-demos] remove fixmes from print demo, fixed in pango (*)
  60b9dd8... [gi-demos] add pixbuf demo (*)
  8495ab5... [gi-demos] add images demo (*)
  9367750... [gi-demos] added rotate text demo (*)
  2737e1c... Skip GError out parameters in Python closure. (*)
  c1b35fc... [gi] Add Pythonic gdbus method invocation (*)
  372f480... tests/runtests.py: Add missing "import sys" (*)
  d5e6725... [gi-demos] add info bars demo (*)
  eb0e179... [gi] Register GType for non-GType enums and flags at runtim (*)
  428fc90... [gi-demos] add icon view edit and drag-and-drop demo (*)
  bc4a570... [gi] pass raw GValues instead of trying to marshal them (*)
  6fe7783... use GValue support to marshal GtkTreeModel values correctly (*)
  adf7aec... Load typelibs at import time, add gi.require_version() (*)
  788fc96... [gi-demos] run through the demos and remove the FIXMEs that (*)
  8bf3f6e... [gi-demos] add liststore demo (*)
  992c0c1... Fix flags with multiple names for the same value. (*)
  e5ae620... Don't force loading of DynamicModule until set in sys.modul (*)
  ecbfaf6... [gi] Add value_name for enum and flags from introspection " (*)
  3534c1d... [gi-overrides] fix setting rows in treeview to accept None  (*)
  6d6d4fc... Test case with John's fix for crash with C arrays and a GEr (*)
  284e775... [gi] Remove DyanmicModule.load() to _load() to prevent over (*)
  7f01338... [gi] check to see if object is a member of a union when val (*)
  14c7875... [gi-overrides] Add event methods to all event union members (*)
  6366307... Skip interfaces when checking for conflicts in the MRO (*)
  baa9865... [gi-tests] tests for EventButton override. (*)
  4b49a4f... [gi-tests] use Gdk.test_simulate_button instead of emitting (*)
  093334e... prep for 2.27.91 release (*)
  9614680... post release bump (*)
  3aa0896... [gi-overrides] override Gtk.stock_lookup to not return succ (*)
  aaaa00b... Run tests with LC_MESSAGES="C" (*)
  2923f26... Fix uninitialized variable in gi.require_version() (*)
  e016486... setup.py: Set bdist_wininst user-access-control property (*)
  c2cfdfa... [gi] remove unref for closures since they are floating obje (*)
  d7d2f9c... add overridesdir variable in the .pc file for 3rd party ove (*)
  d71224a... [gi-demos] fix up the validation combobox (*)
  28fbd6a... [gi] wrap map in a list for Python 3 compat (*)
  9687fbc... [gi-demos] add search entry demo (*)
  c1c491c... [gi-demos] fix up search-entry to reflect annotations fixed (*)
  1b4ac8b... [gi-overrides] add an override for Gdk.RGBA (*)
  79d03b4... [gi-demos] add the combobox with string ids section to the  (*)
  e5aa726... [gi] wrap the keyword argument in a dict so we don't break  (*)
  b0d537c... [gi-demos] add iconview demo (*)
  094b355... check for the py3 _thread module in configure.ac if thread  (*)
  0d65223... [gi-overrides] special case python 2 keywords that crept in (*)
  aae4ce5... [gi-overrides] handle unichar gvalues when setting treemode (*)
  7e6d833... handle uchar as bytes, not strings in python 3 (*)
  030695c... [gi] fix try except blocks so they work in Python 2.5 (*)
  7bece91... Do not leak python references when using the gobject.proper (*)
  b113540... Try not to sink objects returned by C functions. (*)
  eaafff2... [gi-demos] catch the correct error class (*)
  d3bafc0... [gi-demos] some python 3 compat fixes (*)
  aa74535... prep 2.28.0 release (*)
  a784350... post release version bump (*)
  f06ad51... [gi-overrides] fix exception block so it works in Python 2. (*)
  1f69c52... [gi-demos] dont try and run demos that represent directorie (*)
  0877670... [gi-overrides] TreeViewColumn.set_cell_data_func func_data  (*)
  419bfdd... [gi-demos] add menu demo (*)
  0df9e15... [gi-demos] add pickers demo (*)
  115c475... [gi] Do not require signature for D-BUS methods without arg (*)
  adb6f03... [gi] Respect the MessageType for Gtk.MessageDialog (*)
  6f0d331... [gi-overrides] fix marshalling pygobjects in treemodels (*)
  aed7582... setup.py: fix user_access_control option (*)
  ac11dc7... Revert "Deduce PYTHON_LIBS in addition to PYTHON_INCLUDES" (*)
  f5ee292... [gi] marshal raw closures (*)
  205fee1... pygi-convert.sh add GObject.xxx and webkit (*)
  072d45c... pygi-convert.sh remove gobject tests, GObject works now (*)
  27dcb9b... prep for 2.28.1 release (*)
  178df3e... GIO tests: Fix for separate build tree (*)
  be81ea0... GIO tests: Fix remaining test case for separate build tree (*)
  cd38572... Fix GSchema tests for separate build tree (*)
  c1ee664... fix static ABI for setting string gvalues from python objec (*)
  a904f0d... prep 2.28.2 release (*)
  075ead0... fix a typo when converting objects to strings gvalues (*)
  b7449d6... dsextras.py: remove \r as wel as \n character (*)
  27496e0... dsextras.py: ensure eol characters are preserved when writi (*)
  fef1e60... Merge branch 'pygobject-2-28' into windows

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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