[kupfer: 57/67] Add plugin for a character-based icon set ('Ascii' or 'Unicode')

commit bd46fb59e5330de0a3aa02cd466f33b11871fa22
Author: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date:   Sat Mar 19 01:53:40 2011 +0100

    Add plugin for a character-based icon set ('Ascii' or 'Unicode')
    A fun replacement for the default icon set is this icon set using only
    (rendered to pixbuf) glyphs.

 kupfer/plugin/character_icons.py |  161 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/character_icons.py b/kupfer/plugin/character_icons.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57dbb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/character_icons.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+__kupfer_name__ = _("Character Icons")
+__kupfer_sources__ = ()
+__description__ = _("hi")
+__version__ = ""
+__author__ = "Ulrik Sverdrup"
+import io
+import cairo
+import gtk
+from kupfer import plugin_support
+def initialize_plugin(name):
+	print "Initialize", name
+	plugin_support.register_alternative(__name__, 'icon_renderer', 'ascii',
+			name=_("Ascii"), renderer=AsciiIconRenderer())
+class AsciiIconRenderer (object):
+	glyph_pixbuf_cache = {}
+	@classmethod
+	def pixbuf_for_name(cls, icon_name, size):
+		"""Return pixbuf at @size or None"""
+		icon_glyph = ascii_icon_map.get(icon_name)
+		if not icon_glyph:
+			return None
+		pixbuf = cls.glyph_pixbuf_cache.get((icon_glyph, size))
+		if not pixbuf:
+			pixbuf = get_glyph_pixbuf(icon_glyph, size, False)
+			cls.glyph_pixbuf_cache[(icon_glyph, size)] = pixbuf
+		return pixbuf
+	@classmethod
+	def pixbuf_for_file(cls, file_path, icon_size):
+		return None
+ascii_icon_map = {
+	"kupfer": "k",
+	"kupfer-object-multiple": "O",
+	"kupfer-object": "O",
+	"gtk-execute": "x",
+	"folder-saved-search": u"/",
+	"folder": "/",
+	"exec": "$",
+	"application-x-generic": "$",
+	"applications-office": u"$",
+	"edit-select-all": u"\"",
+	"forward": u">",
+	"go-jump": u">",
+	"format-text-bold": u"A",
+	"help-contents": u"?",
+	"list-add": u"+",
+	"list-remove": u"--",
+	"preferences-desktop-locale": u"L",
+	"audio-x-generic": u"s",
+	"help-about": u"?",
+	"dialog-information": u"?",
+	"application-exit": u"X",
+	"window-close": u"X",
+	"system-shutdown": u"X",
+	"system-lock-screen": u"#",
+	"preferences-desktop": u"&",
+	"user-trash-full": u"X",
+	"user-home": u"~",
+	#"emblem-favorite": u"\N{BLACK STAR}",
+	"emblem-favorite": "*",
+	#"document-open-recent": u"\N{WATCH}",
+	"key_bindings": u"#",
+	"mail-message-new": u"@",
+	"edit-copy": u"C",
+	#"edit-undo": u"\N{UNDO SYMBOL}",
+	"view-refresh": u"r",
+	"text-x-generic": u"a",
+	"text-html": u"@",
+	#"folder": u"=",
+	"drive-removable-media": u"=",
+	# ok these are stretching it..
+	"media-skip-backward": u"<",
+	"media-skip-forward": u">",
+	"media-playback-pause": '"',
+	"media-playback-start": u">",
+	"package-x-generic": u"=",
+	## Applications
+	"user-info": u"p",
+	"stock_person": u"p",
+	"rhythmbox": u"R",
+	#"banshee": u"\N{BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES}",
+	#"audacious": u"\N{BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES}",
+	#"totem": u"\N{BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES}",
+	"vlc": u"V",
+	"stellarium": u"*",
+	"preferences-desktop-keyboard": "&",
+	"preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts": "&",
+	"utilities-system-monitor": "#",
+	#"gnome-power-manager": u"\N{HIGH VOLTAGE SIGN}",
+	#"freeciv-client": u"\N{CROSSED SWORDS}",
+	#"xboard": u"\N{BLACK CHESS ROOK}",
+	#"empathy": u"\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}",
+	#"pidgin": u"\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}",
+	#"skype": u"\N{BLACK TELEPHONE}",
+	#"Thunar": u"\N{MALE SIGN}",
+	"claws-mail": "@",
+	"icedove": "@",
+	"accessories-text-editor": "g",
+	"openofficeorg3-writer": "W",
+	"abiword_48": "W",
+	"geany": "g",
+	#"geany": u"\N{WRITING HAND}",
+	#"zim": u"\N{WRITING HAND}",
+	#"gimp": u"\N{PENCIL}",
+	"gimp": "G",
+	#"openofficeorg3-draw": u"\N{PENCIL}",
+	"accessories-dictionary": u"A",
+	"accessories-character-map": u"z",
+	"preferences-desktop-theme": u"&",
+	"help-browser": u"?",
+	"preferences-desktop-accessibility": u"&",
+	"openofficeorg3-calc": u"$",
+	"gnumeric": u"$",
+	"gwibber": u"@",
+	### marker
+	"default": u"O",
+def get_glyph_pixbuf(text, sz, center_vert=True):
+	"""Return pixbuf for @text
+	if @center_vert, then center completely vertically
+	"""
+	margin = sz * 0.1
+	ims = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, sz, sz)
+	cc = cairo.Context(ims)
+	cc.move_to(margin, sz-margin)
+	cc.set_font_size(sz)
+	cc.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,1)
+	cc.text_path(text)
+	x1, y1, x2, y2 =cc.path_extents()
+	skew_horiz = ((sz-x2) - (x1))/2.0
+	skew_vert = ((sz-y2) - (y1))/2.0
+	if not center_vert:
+		skew_vert = skew_vert*0.2 - margin*0.5
+	cc.new_path()
+	cc.move_to(margin+skew_horiz, sz-margin+skew_vert)
+	cc.text_path(text)
+	cc.fill()
+	ims.flush()
+	f = io.BytesIO()
+	ims.write_to_png(f)
+	loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader()
+	loader.write(f.getvalue())
+	loader.close()
+	return loader.get_pixbuf()

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