[kupfer: 43/67] Merge branch 'launch-remake' into next

commit e0b5dd6a175775895f00c0a4bf5fa1e357de16f0
Merge: 953368b cb649cb
Author: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date:   Wed Mar 16 22:49:29 2011 +0100

    Merge branch 'launch-remake' into next
    * launch-remake: (29 commits)
      thunar: Implement CopyTo, MoveTo, Update for Thunar 1.2
      commandexec: Allow passing a simple exception object as error
      Implement kupfer.obj.exceptions
      launch: Implement make_startup_notification_id
      Change 1 string in Preferences, catalog tab
      Use OperationError to give real feedback for launch error
      applications, thunar: Use AppLeaf.launch
      launch: Improve application vs. window tracking, ignore terminals
      desktop_launch: Provide launch callback
      Implement AppLeaf.launch and adjust launch module to use app ids
      desktop_launch: Find .desktop files in subdirectories
      desktop_launch: Adjustments. Locale enc, fix __all__, error reporting
      help: Remove Open Terminal Here doc
      launch: Pass on timestamp to desktop_launch
      fileactions: Use spawn_async_notify_as
      Add Terminal configuration to Preferences
      Allow configuring which terminal to use
      ssh_hosts: Port to utils.spawn_in_terminal
      utils: Remove app_info_for_commandline
      desktop_launch: Fix bug in opening files one-by-one

 data/defaults.cfg                       |    3 +
 data/preferences.ui                     |   35 +++-
 help/C/moreusage.page                   |   10 -
 kupfer/commandexec.py                   |    2 +
 kupfer/core/settings.py                 |   11 +
 kupfer/desktop_launch.py                |  408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 kupfer/desktop_parse.py                 |  177 +++++++++++++
 kupfer/launch.py                        |  158 ++++++-------
 kupfer/obj/exceptions.py                |   31 +++
 kupfer/obj/fileactions.py               |   14 +-
 kupfer/obj/objects.py                   |   31 ++-
 kupfer/objects.py                       |    1 +
 kupfer/plugin/applications.py           |   11 +-
 kupfer/plugin/apt_tools.py              |    6 +-
 kupfer/plugin/clawsmail.py              |    4 +-
 kupfer/plugin/devhelp.py                |    2 +-
 kupfer/plugin/dictionary.py             |    4 +-
 kupfer/plugin/evolution.py              |    3 +-
 kupfer/plugin/fileactions.py            |    7 +-
 kupfer/plugin/image.py                  |   14 +-
 kupfer/plugin/operamail.py              |    4 +-
 kupfer/plugin/putty.py                  |    9 +-
 kupfer/plugin/screen.py                 |    5 +-
 kupfer/plugin/services.py               |    3 +-
 kupfer/plugin/session_gnome.py          |   11 +-
 kupfer/plugin/session_support.py        |   10 +-
 kupfer/plugin/session_xfce.py           |    7 +-
 kupfer/plugin/ssh_hosts.py              |   29 +--
 kupfer/plugin/thunar.py                 |  144 +++++++++++-
 kupfer/plugin/thunderbird.py            |   14 +-
 kupfer/plugin/tracker.py                |    4 +-
 kupfer/plugin/truecrypt.py              |    4 +-
 kupfer/plugin/tsclient.py               |    2 +-
 kupfer/plugin/vinagre.py                |    4 +-
 kupfer/plugin/virtualbox/ose_support.py |   10 +-
 kupfer/terminal.py                      |   70 ++++++
 kupfer/ui/preferences.py                |   27 ++
 kupfer/utils.py                         |   43 +++-
 38 files changed, 1118 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
diff --cc kupfer/ui/preferences.py
index f08865c,bd4b244..740da7d
--- a/kupfer/ui/preferences.py
+++ b/kupfer/ui/preferences.py
@@@ -116,7 -118,28 +117,27 @@@ class PreferencesWindowController (pret
 -		checkcloseonunfocus.set_active(setctl.get_close_on_unfocus())
+ 		# List store with columns (Name, ID) 
+ 		terminal_combobox = builder.get_object("terminal_combobox")
+ 		terminal_combobox_store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING,
+ 		                                        gobject.TYPE_STRING)
+ 		terminal_combobox.set_model(terminal_combobox_store)
+ 		terminal_combobox_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ 		terminal_combobox.pack_start(terminal_combobox_cell, True)
+ 		terminal_combobox.add_attribute(terminal_combobox_cell, 'text', 0)
+ 		term_id = setctl.get_preferred_tool('terminal')
+ 		# fill in the available terminals
+ 		terminals = utils.locale_sort(terminal.get_valid_terminals())
+ 		term_iter = None
+ 		for term in terminals:
+ 			_it = terminal_combobox_store.append((unicode(term), term.get_id()))
+ 			if term.get_id() == term_id:
+ 				term_iter = _it
+ 		term_iter = term_iter or terminal_combobox_store.get_iter_first()
+ 		terminal_combobox.set_active_iter(term_iter)
  		# Plugin List
  		columns = [
  			{"key": "plugin_id", "type": str },

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