[damned-lies: 3/9] Display reduced stats in global release view

commit f11f91986da53b4cca482ae1309f86db31913d99
Author: Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 17:43:28 2011 +0100

    Display reduced stats in global release view

 docs/DataModel.odg                     |  Bin 26643 -> 27476 bytes
 media/css/main.css                     |    4 +++
 stats/migrations/0006_migrate_stats.py |    6 ++++
 stats/models.py                        |   44 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 templates/release_detail.html          |    8 ++++-
 5 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/DataModel.odg b/docs/DataModel.odg
index 161a25a..33e730f 100644
Binary files a/docs/DataModel.odg and b/docs/DataModel.odg differ
diff --git a/media/css/main.css b/media/css/main.css
index 80fdef5..2ea6850 100644
--- a/media/css/main.css
+++ b/media/css/main.css
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ table.stats {
   text-align: left;
+.stats td.stats_numb {
+  font-size: 85%;
 td.supported {
   color: #FFFFFF;
   background-color: green;
diff --git a/stats/migrations/0006_migrate_stats.py b/stats/migrations/0006_migrate_stats.py
index bc27eab..19cec45 100644
--- a/stats/migrations/0006_migrate_stats.py
+++ b/stats/migrations/0006_migrate_stats.py
@@ -9,9 +9,15 @@ class Migration(DataMigration):
     def forwards(self, orm):
         from stats.models import Statistics, PoFile
         for st in Statistics.objects.all():
+            must_save = False
             if not st.full_po:
                 st.full_po = PoFile.objects.create(path=st.po_path(), translated=st.old_translated, fuzzy=st.old_fuzzy,
                     untranslated=st.old_untranslated, updated=st.old_date, num_figures=st.old_num_figures)
+                must_save = True
+            if not st.part_po:
+                st.part_po = st.full_po
+                must_save = True
+            if must_save:
diff --git a/stats/models.py b/stats/models.py
index a814f3b..14f2a4d 100644
--- a/stats/models.py
+++ b/stats/models.py
@@ -877,7 +877,8 @@ class Release(models.Model):
         # Uses the special statistics record where language_id is NULL to compute the sum.
         query = """
             SELECT domain.dtype,
-                   SUM(pofile.untranslated)
+                   SUM(pofull.untranslated),
+                   SUM(popart.untranslated)
             FROM statistics AS stat
             LEFT JOIN domain
                    ON domain.id = stat.domain_id
@@ -887,8 +888,10 @@ class Release(models.Model):
                    ON cat.branch_id = br.id
             LEFT JOIN "release" AS rel
                    ON rel.id = cat.release_id
-            LEFT JOIN pofile
-                   ON pofile.id = stat.full_po_id
+            LEFT JOIN pofile AS pofull
+                   ON pofull.id = stat.full_po_id
+            LEFT JOIN pofile AS popart
+                   ON popart.id = stat.part_po_id
             WHERE rel.id = %s
               AND stat.language_id IS NULL
             GROUP BY domain.dtype"""
@@ -897,19 +900,20 @@ class Release(models.Model):
             cursor.execute("SET sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES'")
         cursor.execute(query, (self.id,))
-        total_doc, total_ui = 0, 0
+        total_doc, total_ui, total_ui_part = 0, 0, 0
         for row in cursor.fetchall():
             if row[0] == 'ui':
                 total_ui = row[1]
+                total_ui_part = row[2]
             elif row[0] == 'doc':
                 total_doc = row[1]
-        return (total_doc, total_ui)
+        return (total_doc, total_ui, total_ui_part)
     def total_for_lang(self, lang):
         """ Returns total translated/fuzzy/untranslated strings for a specific
             language """
-        total_doc, total_ui = self.total_strings()
+        total_doc, total_ui, total_ui_part = self.total_strings()
         query = """
             SELECT domain.dtype,
@@ -961,8 +965,10 @@ class Release(models.Model):
             SELECT MIN(lang.name),
-                   SUM(pofile.translated) AS trans,
-                   SUM(pofile.fuzzy)
+                   SUM(pofull.translated) AS trans,
+                   SUM(pofull.fuzzy),
+                   SUM(popart.translated) AS trans_p,
+                   SUM(popart.fuzzy) AS fuzzy_p
             FROM statistics AS stat
             LEFT JOIN domain
                    ON domain.id = stat.domain_id
@@ -972,15 +978,17 @@ class Release(models.Model):
                    ON br.id = stat.branch_id
             LEFT JOIN category
                    ON category.branch_id = br.id
-            LEFT JOIN pofile
-                   ON pofile.id = stat.full_po_id
+            LEFT JOIN pofile AS pofull
+                   ON pofull.id = stat.full_po_id
+            LEFT JOIN pofile AS popart
+                   ON popart.id = stat.part_po_id
             WHERE category.release_id = %s AND stat.language_id IS NOT NULL
             GROUP BY domain.dtype, stat.language_id
             ORDER BY domain.dtype, trans DESC"""
         cursor = connection.cursor()
         cursor.execute(query, (self.id,))
         stats = {}
-        total_docstrings, total_uistrings = self.total_strings()
+        total_docstrings, total_uistrings, total_uistrings_part = self.total_strings()
         for row in cursor.fetchall():
             if row[1] not in stats:
                 # Initialize stats dict
@@ -1002,10 +1010,17 @@ class Release(models.Model):
                 stats[row[1]]['ui_trans'] = row[3]
                 stats[row[1]]['ui_fuzzy'] = row[4]
                 stats[row[1]]['ui_untrans'] = total_uistrings - (row[3] + row[4])
+                stats[row[1]]['ui_trans_part'] = row[5]
+                stats[row[1]]['ui_fuzzy_part'] = row[6]
+                stats[row[1]]['ui_untrans_part'] = total_uistrings_part - (row[5] + row[6])
                 if total_uistrings > 0:
                     stats[row[1]]['ui_percent'] = int(100*row[3]/total_uistrings)
                     stats[row[1]]['ui_percentfuzzy'] = int(100*row[4]/total_uistrings)
                     stats[row[1]]['ui_percentuntrans'] = int(100*stats[row[1]]['ui_untrans']/total_uistrings)
+                if total_uistrings_part > 0:
+                    stats[row[1]]['ui_percent_part'] = int(100*row[5]/total_uistrings_part)
+                    stats[row[1]]['ui_percentfuzzy_part'] = int(100*row[6]/total_uistrings_part)
+                    stats[row[1]]['ui_percentuntrans_part'] = int(100*stats[row[1]]['ui_untrans_part']/total_uistrings_part)
         results = stats.values()
@@ -1309,10 +1324,9 @@ class Statistics(models.Model):
             part_stats = utils.po_file_stats(part_po_path, msgfmt_checks=False, count_images=False)
             if part_stats['translated'] + part_stats['fuzzy'] + part_stats['untranslated'] == translated + fuzzy + untranslated:
-                # No possible gain
-                if self.part_po:
-                    self.part_po = None
-                    self.save()
+                # No possible gain, set part_po = full_po so it is possible to compute complete stats at database level
+                self.part_po = self.full_po
+                self.save()
             if not self.part_po:
diff --git a/templates/release_detail.html b/templates/release_detail.html
index 41577c1..31eb487 100644
--- a/templates/release_detail.html
+++ b/templates/release_detail.html
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
       <th>{% trans "Language" %}</th>
       <th>{% trans "User Interface" %}</th>
       <th>{% trans "Graph" %}</th>
+      <th>{% trans "User Interface (red.)" %}</th>
       <th>{% trans "Documentation" %}</th>
       <th>{% trans "Graph" %}</th>
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
     <a href="{% url team_slug lstats.lang_locale %}">{% trans lstats.lang_name %}</a>
-  <td><a href="{% url language_release lstats.lang_locale release.name "ui" %}">
+  <td class="stats_numb"><a href="{% url language_release lstats.lang_locale release.name "ui" %}">
       {{ lstats.ui_percent }}% ({{ lstats.ui_trans }}/{{ lstats.ui_fuzzy }}/{{ lstats.ui_untrans }})</a>
   <td style="width: 108px; text-align: center;"><div class="graph">
@@ -41,9 +42,12 @@
       {% endwith %}
+  <td class="stats_numb"><a href="{% url language_release lstats.lang_locale release.name "ui" %}">
+      {{ lstats.ui_percent_part }}% ({{ lstats.ui_trans_part }}/{{ lstats.ui_fuzzy_part }}/{{ lstats.ui_untrans_part }})</a>
+  </td>
   {% if lstats.doc_trans|add:lstats.doc_fuzzy != "0" %}
-  <td><a href="{% url language_release lstats.lang_locale release.name "doc" %}">
+  <td class="stats_numb"><a href="{% url language_release lstats.lang_locale release.name "doc" %}">
       {{ lstats.doc_percent }}% ({{ lstats.doc_trans }}/{{ lstats.doc_fuzzy }}/{{ lstats.doc_untrans }})</a>
   {% else %}

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