[gnac] (53 commits) ...Added missing file

Summary of changes:

  239941b... Fixed trac ticket #42: Extract and convert audio from video (*)
  48454e8... Updated short description (*)
  95d3851... Cleaned up the code (*)
  4b05107... Cleaned up the code (*)
  639ed10... Fixed a memory leak (*)
  706c3f1... Handled properly cases when source and destination files ar (*)
  96ade5f... Fixed a bug (*)
  2a52194... Rendered the dependency to 'libunique' optional (*)
  bcfd73e... Retrieve and display video codec (*)
  d0032e9... Retrieve and display framerate (*)
  c2e9ae2... Cleaned up the code (*)
  e5e0edb... Added video thumbnail in metadata (*)
  9679a3c... Removed useless code (*)
  a75a191... Added 3GPP and RealMedia filters (*)
  56d0481... Updated licence to GPLv3+ (Fixed bug #625585) (*)
  501c4d9... Fixed trac ticket #41 (notification on conversion completed (*)
  9d21206... Code cleanup (*)
  4beec26... Hide trayicon on cancellation of conversion (*)
  15867e9... Updated NEWS (*)
  6ca5531... Fixed a memory leak (*)
  fdd4884... Added safety checks in destroy functions (*)
  9fe687a... Code cleanup (*)
  a25fab3... Fixed a bug in notifications' handling (*)
  c6a485e... Code cleanup (*)
  17d2337... Moved initialisation of gconf-client into [gs]etters (*)
  45a8d91... Added '-a' command-line option (*)
  01e8c03... Added 'gnac_exit' function (*)
  dc5f30b... Added '-l' command-line option (*)
  875e3cc... Code cleanup (*)
  8402c02... Fixed a memory leak (*)
  8cd472b... Fixed memory leaks (*)
  c5d25da... Fixed memory leaks (*)
  be8bf82... Fixed memory leaks (*)
  c85c08a... Display conversion's status in trayicon's tooltip (*)
  e8f6d06... Fixed memory leaks (*)
  d7b127c... Better separation between gnac-main and gnac-ui (*)
  ddd2bb4... Better separation between gnac-main and gnac-ui (*)
  9722752... Added 'Shockwave Flash file' filter (*)
  0870753... Retrieve and display tag 'encoder' and 'container' (*)
  13db70c... Added textual representation of channels' numbers (*)
  d165580... Added menu item to hide toolbar (*)
  d2629e5... Code hardening (*)
  723eb50... Fixed a memory leak (*)
  7e7dcd3... Code cleanup (*)
  0488cec... Code cleanup (*)
  4a90d76... Ensured filters have been initialised before returning defa (*)
  8b5c886... Better separation between gnac-main and gnac-ui (*)
  286d900... Better filtering of input files (*)
  0efe545... Merged branch 'gnac-gsettings' (*)
  d80ca27... Updated copyright date (*)
  ee04f8c... Improved 'gnac -l' output (*)
  c1efa44... Merge branch 'devel'
  edc3d97... Added missing file

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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